LC입문 사용설명서02.indd

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1 TOEIC LISTENING PART 01 Unit 01 인물사진 Unit 02 사물사진 Unit 03 총정리

2 기초파트 1&2 - Vocabulary <Voca test 한세트씩암기하세요, 매강의시작부분에서해당 Test 의주요단어를학습합니다 > VOCA TEST 1 VOCA TEST 2 1 moving the refrigerator 냉장고를옮기다 2 A bus is crowded 버스가붐빈다 3 getting off the train 기차에서내리고있다 4 doing construction work 공사작업하고있다 5 looking at some artwork 예술품을보고있다 6 construction site 공사장 7 waiting in line 줄서서기다리고있다 8 examining a document 서류를보고있다 9 playing an instrument 악기를연주하고있다 10 reaching out for~ ~ 에손을뻗고있다 11 arranging some flags 깃발을정리하고있다 12 fixing a tram 전차를고치고있다 13 crossing the street 길을건너고있다 14 giving a speech 연설하고있다 15 putting on hats 모자들을쓰고있다 16 pushing a stroller 유모차를밀고있다 17 microscope / telescope 현미경 / 망원경 18 watering some plants 식물에물을주고있다 19 pulling a car over 차를길옆에세우고있다 20 fishing with rods 낚시대로낚시하고있다 1 driving the carriage 마차를타고있다 2 medical equipment 의료장비 3 facing each other 마주보고있다 4 mowing the lawn 잔디를깎고있다 5 performing indoors 실내에서연주하고있다 6 wiping the glasses 안경을닦고있다 7 doing some paperwork 서류작업하고있다 8 organizing the desk 책상을정리하고있다 9 paddling a boat 배에서노를젓고있다 10 raising the hands 손을들고있다 11 stacked on the table 테이블위에쌓여있다 12 a seat is occupied 좌석이사용되고있다 13 under construction 공사중 14 disassembling a shelving unit 선반을분해하고있다 15 paving a road 도로포장하고있다 16 waving in the wind 바람에흔들리고있다 17 trimming the tree 나무를다듬고있다 18 stuck in the traffic jam 교통체증에갇혀있다 19 washing some dishes 접시를닦고있다 20 crosswalk / sidewalk 횡단보도 / 인도 006

3 VOCA TEST 3 VOCA TEST 4 1 studying a menu 메뉴를보고있다 2 getting off the bus 버스에서내리고있다 3 both sides of the desk 책상의양쪽 4 leaves have fallen 나뭇잎이떨어져있다 5 being inspected 조사되어지고있다 6 in front of the fountain 분수대앞 7 piled up on the table 테이블위에쌓여있다 8 overlooking the river 강을내려다보고있다 9 standing on the ladder 사다리위에서있다 10 at the cross road 교차로에 11 sitting on the deck 갑판에앉아있다 12 mowing the grass 잔디깎다 13 docked at the river bank 강둑에정박해있다 14 taking down notes 메모하고있다 15 edge of the road 도로가장자리 16 weighing some fruits 과일무게를재고있다 17 searching for a tool 도구를찾고있다 18 turning off the lamp 전등을끄고있다 19 wearing short-sleeved shirt 반팔셔츠를입고있다 20 repairing the traffic light 신호등고치고있다 1 accounting department 회계부 2 human resources division 인사부 3 technology department 기술부 4 maintenance division 관리부 5 vice president 부사장 6 chief executive officer (CEO) 최고경영자 7 I haven t been told yet 들은적이없어요 8 Who took it? 누가가져갔어? 9 Who wrote it? 누가썼어요? 10 Who is taking care of~? 누가처리해요? 11 take the class 수업듣다 12 get a checkup 검진받다 13 confirm the reservation 예약확인하다 14 at the manufacturing plant 제조공장에서 15 at the bottom 맨아래쪽에 16 I can t remember 기억이안나 17 leave the brochure 소책자를 ( 남겨 ) 두다 18 computer device 컴퓨터장치 19 not until next week 다음주나되어서야 20 take a rest 휴식을취하다 007

4 Unit 01 인물사진 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 PART 1 토익 LC 100 문제중 1 번에서 10 번까지총 10 문항출제 Q 주어진사진을보고들려주는보기 4 개중에서사진을가장적절히묘사한보기고르기 ex) 인물사진사용설명서 1 보기의문장은짧다 주어 + 동사 + 목적어 / 보어 / 전치사구 2 인물사진주요시제 현재진행 현재완료 3 상태동사 VS 동작동사비교 상태동사 동작동사 들다 and 잡다 입다 타다 or 내리다 4 단골출제직업 or 신분어휘 customer / patron audience / spectators performer pedestrian / stroller passenger sales assistant / clerk diner crowd worker / crew 010

5 5 필수어휘 ( 상황별동사표현 ) Unit 01 보다말하다걷다 watching seeing speaking walking looking at browsing addressing taking a walk viewing facing giving a speech strolling examining inspecting making a presentation staring gazing chatting studying admiring talking to each other having a conversation EXERCISE 1 핵심어파악하기 Q 음성을듣고빈칸을채운후, 알맞은해석을찾으세요 A man is a document They re an airplane (A) 한남자가서류를보고있다 (A) 그들은비행기에서내리고있다 (B) 한남자가서류를접고있다 (B) 그들은비행기에탑승하고있다 02 People are (A) 사람들이줄지어기다리고있다 (B) 사람들이여러줄로서있다 07 She is (A) 여자가식물을심고있다 (B) 여자가식물에물을주고있다 03 She is (A) 한여자가책을꺼내고있다 (B) 한여자가책을잡으려고하고있다 a book 08 A man is (A) 남자는연설중이다 (B) 남자는선물을주고있다 04 They are a (A) 그들은편지를가져다주고있다 (B) 그들은사다리를옮기고있다 09 They re on the sand (A) 그들은해변에서유모차를밀고있다 (B) 그들은해변을거닐고있다 05 They re (A) 그들은악수하고있다 (B) 그들은손을흔들어인사하고있다 10 They are (A) 그들은벽에기대어있다 (B) 그들은몸을앞으로숙이고있다 the wall 011

6 Unit 01 인물사진 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 EXERCISE 2 주요어휘익히기 Q 사진과어울리는단어를괄호안에서모두고르세요 ( 읽고푸는문제 / 음성없음 ) A 01 A man is (wearing / putting on / taking off) his glasses 02 A man is (examining / paging through / pointing to) a document 03 The men are wearing (the hats / long sleeved jackets) 04 People are sitting (in a row / in rows) 05 People are staying (indoors / outdoors) B 01 People are (getting on / getting off / boarding) an aircraft 02 Some people are carrying some (baggage / cartons / luggage / bags) 03 (Passengers / Pedestrians / Diners) are waiting to board the plane C 01 A woman is (watering some plants / trimming some bushes) 02 There are some notices on a (bulletin board / black board) 03 She is (carrying a pot / holding a watering can) 012

7 EXERCISE 3 Q 음성을듣고맞는답을고르세요 실전연습 Unit

8 Unit 01 인물사진 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서

9 EXERCISE 4 Q Ex3 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요 실전연습스크립트완성하기 Unit (A) She s on a keyboard (B) She s (C) She s (D) She s a file her laptop computer a headset 02 (A) The man is his office (B) The man is (C) The woman is the equipment with her eyes closed (D) The woman is 03 (A) One of the women is her (B) One woman is (C) A man is (D) A woman is a cup a bag a fruit 04 (A) He s on a (B) He s the door (C) He s a (D) He s a 05 (A) A man is his briefcase (B) A man is (C) A man is (D) A man is a railing the handrail his client 06 (A) A man is sitting a building (B) A man is a window (C) A man is cleaning an (D) A man is holding a 07 (A) The men are instruments (B) A man is sitting on a chair (C) The men are (D) A man is the door 015

10 Unit 01 인물사진 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 08 (A) The customer is a cart (B) The customer is holding a baby (C) The customer is (D) The customer is an item in the cart an item 09 (A) They are the car around (B) A woman is (C) The man is (D) They re the rear door the road the car 10 (A) He is pushing a cart (B) He is the tree (C) He is sitting on the (D) He is the 016

11 Vocabulary 연습문제 Unit 01 A 문장에들어갈알맞은표현을골라시제에맞게쓰세요 01 The man is the instructions 남자가사용설명서를훑어보고있다 06 They are 그들은양동이를운반하고있다 a bucket The man is the street She is leaves 남자가길가를쓸고있다 여자가나뭇잎을모으고있다 03 A woman is walking the dog 여자가개와함께해변을걷고있다 08 A passenger is 승객이차에서내리고있다 a car 04 A man is on the 남자가사다리위에있다 09 A customer is 손님이물건들을훑어보고있다 merchandise 05 The maid is 가정부가바닥을닦고있다 the floor 10 are sitting at the tables 식사하는사람들이테이블에앉아있다 a diners b get out of c pull over d ladder e look through f get into g browse h rake i wipe j on the shore k sweep l carry B 우리말해석과동일하도록빈칸에들어갈단어를쓰세요 01 She is an 그녀는우산을들고있다 03 The man is a 남자가선반을조립하고있다 She is a book He is the counter 그녀는책을잡으려고손을뻗치고있다 그는계산대에기대어있다 017

12 Unit 01 인물사진 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 05 The man is 남자가가구를옮기고있다 the furniture 08 He is working on the 그는사다리위에서작업하고있다 06 He is 그는메뉴를보고있다 the menu 09 A woman is giving a 여자가강의하고있다 A man is the window The man is boxes 남자가창문으로내다보고있다 남자가상자를쌓고있다 C 다음문장을해석하세요 She is reading at the library She is answering the phone 02 The man is making a speech 07 He is crossing the street 03 He is going down the steps 08 The woman is examining a document 04 The woman is boarding the train 09 A man is fixing a roof 05 The woman is running along the path 10 She is working in the garden 018

13 Unit 02 사물사진 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 VOCA TEST 1 Q < 다음주요표현의뜻을쓰세요 > - p6 의 voca test 1 참고하세요 01 fishing with rods 02 giving a speech Unit A bus is crowded 04 arranging some flag 05 doing construction work 06 reaching out for~ 07 construction site 08 pushing a stroller 09 examining a document 10 moving the refrigerator 11 watering some plant 12 getting off the train 13 fixing a tram 14 crossing the street 15 looking at some artwork 16 pulling a car over 17 putting on hats 18 microscope / telescope 19 playing an instrument 20 waiting in line 019

14 Unit 02 사물사진 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 PART 1 토익 LC 100 문제중 1 번에서 10 번까지총 10 문항출제 Q 주어진사진을보고들려주는보기 4 개중에서사진을가장적절히묘사한보기고르기 ex) 사물사진사용설명서 1 보기의문장은짧다 주어 + 동사 + 목적어 / 보어 / 전치사구 2 인물사진주요시제 현재수동태 현재진행수동태 현재형 The car is parked on the road The car is being parked on the road There is a car in a parking lot 3 필수어휘 놓여있다쌓여있다자리가차지되어있다 4 주요전치사 in front of behind next to, by, beside, near across from, opposite to along between on both sides in a row, in a line in rows, in lines 020

15 EXERCISE 1 핵심어파악하기 Q 음성을듣고빈칸을채운후, 알맞은해석을찾으세요 01 A round table is flowers (A) 둥근탁자가꽃들에둘러싸여있다 (B) 둥근탁자위에꽃들이놓여있다 06 The platform is (A) 플랫폼은공사장밑에있다 (B) 플랫폼은공사중이다 Unit Some chairs are (A) 의자에몇사람이앉아있다 (B) 자리가비어있다 07 Some pictures are the wall (A) 그림이벽에걸려있다 (B) 사람들이벽에걸린그림들을떼어내고있다 03 Some boxes are (A) 카트옆에상자들이놓여있다 (B) 상자들이카트위에쌓여있다 the cart 08 Some tables are (A) 테이블이차려지고있다 (B) 테이블이차려져있다 04 The picture is (A) 그림이문에놓여있다 (B) 그림이문위쪽에걸려있다 the door 09 Some lamps are on the tables (A) 전등이탁자에놓여있다 (B) 전등이탁자위에설치되어있다 05 People are standing (A) 사람들이줄지어있다 (B) 사람들이여러줄로서있다 10 There is a (A) 선반위에꽃병이있다 (B) 선반에꽃이놓여있다 on the shelf EXERCISE 2 주요어휘익히기 Q 사진과어울리는단어를괄호안에서모두고르세요 ( 읽고푸는문제 / 음성없음 ) A 01 Some boats are docked at the (harbor / beach) 02 The buildings (overlook the water / are near the airport) 021

16 Unit 02 사물사진 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 B 01 The cars are parked (in lines / in a line / in rows / in a row) 02 The cars are parked (next to each other / in order) EXERCISE 3 실전연습 Q 음성을듣고맞는답을고르세요

17 05 08 Unit

18 Unit 02 사물사진 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 EXERCISE 4 실전연습스크립트완성하기 Q Ex3 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요 01 (A) The cars are being across the bridge (B) The cars are stopped at (C) The cars are waiting for the (D) The cars are in heavy traffic 02 (A) She is making a (B) The are being cleaned (C) She is looking in the shop window (D) are displayed on the shelves 03 (A) The waiter is (B) The customers have finished their (C) The seats are (D) The customers are their food 04 (A) The men are working (B) The are behind the house (C) The windows are being removed (D) The workers are sitting 05 (A) The building is (B) There is a in front of the building (C) The artwork is (D) All of the windows are 06 (A) A pavement is (B) A window is (C) There are buildings of (D) Some trees the road 07 (A) There are some plants (B) The flowers are being planted (C) The garden is small rocks (D) There is a customer in the flower shop 024

19 08 (A) Some boats are being painted (B) Boats are in the sea (C) Boats are in the (D) are on the boat 09 (A) Sofas are positioned on of the room Unit 02 (B) The picture is on the floor (C) have on the floor (D) The cushions are on the sofa 10 (A) Trees the pool (B) A surrounds the pool (C) Swimmers are leaving the pool (D) The pool is being cleaned 025

20 Unit 02 사물사진 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 Vocabulary 연습문제 A 각문장에들어갈알맞은표현을골라시제에맞게쓰세요 01 There is a table near the 선착장근처에테이블이하나있다 06 The ladders are being 사다리가조립되고있는중이다 The boats are being into the shore The woman is the laboratory 배들이해안가로끌려오고있는중이다 여자가실험실로향하고있다 People are 사람들이배에서내리고있다 the boats The woman is performing in the 여자가강당에서연주를하고있다 The house is 집이공사중이다 The man is 남자가음향기계를조작하고있다 the sound system The store is closed today The man is 문구점은오늘영업을하지않는다 남자가전화통화중이다 a towed b getting out of c under construction d assembled e dock f stationary g auditorium h heading for i adjusting j talking on the phone B 우리말해석과동일하도록빈칸에들어갈단어를쓰세요 01 The chairs are 탁자주위에의자들이있다 the table 03 A door has been 문이열린채로있다 02 The documents are 책상위에서류들이쌓여있다 the desk 04 All the seats are 모든자리가다찼다 026

21 05 08 Some lamps are the sofa The building is 소파뒤에램프들이있다 건물이공사중이다 The boat is at the dock There are houses on the Unit 02 보트가부두에정박해있다 집들이언덕위에있다 07 Some trucks are 트럭들이다리를건너고있다 10 Most of the houses are 대부분의집모양이비슷하다 C 다음문장을해석하세요 There are some cushions on the table The curtains are being drawn The boat is docked near the shore Some cars are parked in a row Fruit is being sliced The escalator is in use The basket is full of vegetables The pictures are hanging on the wall Some plants are placed on the table The desks are arranged in rows 027

22 Unit 03 총정리 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 VOCA TEST 2 Q < 다음주요표현의뜻을쓰세요 > - p6 의 voca test 2 참고하세요 01 driving the carriage 02 doing some paperwork 03 trimming the tree 04 paving a road 05 performing indoors 06 medical equipment 07 stacked on the table 08 organizing the desk 09 paddling a boat 10 washing some dishes 11 a seat is occupied 12 under construction 13 crosswalk / sidewalk 14 wiping the glasses 15 facing each other 16 waving in the wind 17 raising the hands 18 stuck in the traffic jam 19 mowing the lawn 20 disassembling a shelving unit 028

23 PART 1 Part 1 사용설명서 토익 LC 100 문제중 1 번에서 10 번까지총 10 문항출제 * 오답을지우면정답이보인다! ( 오답처리 - 소거법 ) 정답하나고르기? No! 오답세개를버리기? Yes! 1 사진에없는사람, 사물을언급한보기 2 추상적, 주관적인표현의보기주의 3 동작표현 vs 상태표현함정보기주의 4 수동태 vs 수동현재진행형함정보기주의 5 사진속에사람이여러명일때주의 Unit 03 EXERCISE 1 핵심어파악하기 Q 음성을듣고빈칸을채운후, 알맞은해석을찾으세요 01 A is surrounded by trees (A) 조각상이나무로둘러싸여있다 (B) 나무로만든동상이있다 06 Two chairs are (A) 두개의의자가사용되고있다 (B) 두개의의자가비어있다 02 A piece of is being (A) 예술작품이전시되고있다 (B) 미술작품을광내고있다 07 People are (A) 사람들이정원을가꾸고있다 (B) 사람들이정원에있다 03 A waiter is menus to (A) 웨이터가손님에게메뉴를건네고있다 (B) 손님이메뉴를웨이터에게주고있다 08 They are (A) 그들은교통정리를하고있다 (B) 그들은자동차를조종하고있다 traffic 04 There are in the garden (A) 정원에꽃으로만든침대들이있다, (B) 화단들이정원에있다 09 The trees are being (A) 나무를심고있다 (B) 나무를다듬고있다 05 There is a (A) 지붕위에굴뚝이하나있다 (B) 지붕에깃발이있다 on the roof 10 The table is (A) 탁자가조립되고있다 (B) 탁자가분해되고있다 029

24 Unit 03 총정리 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 EXERCISE 2 실전연습 1 Q 음성을듣고맞는답을고르세요

25 07 09 Unit EXERCISE 3 실전연습 1 스크립트완성하기 Q Ex2 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요 01 (A) He s parking his car (B) He s (C) He s the (D) He s washing the car 02 (A) are on the desks (B) Some people are (C) The room (D) The people are 031

26 Unit 03 총정리 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 03 (A) Boats are sailing on the water (B) Umbrellas (C) Napkins are (D) People are some of the tables onto the plates towards a café 04 (A) They re some food (B) Food is being (C) They are (D) They are food something in a pot 05 (A) Some people are moving the table (B) The woman is her name tag (C) Some people are (D) The woman is in front of the people 06 (A) Books are on the shelves (B) The lamps are (C) They are (D) There is a table sofas the sofas 07 (A) An airplane is on the runway (B) Some vehicles are parked around an (C) Work crews are luggage (D) are boarding the airplane 08 (A) She s her apron (B) She s standing at a (C) She s some (D) She s trays on a table 09 (A) The people are (B) The bicycles are (C) The people are sitting (D) The building 10 (A) One of the people is (B) The people are eating at a table (C) The people are (D) The people are sitting 032

27 EXERCISE 4 실전연습 2 Q 음성을듣고맞는답을고르세요 Unit

28 Unit 03 총정리 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 EXERCISE 5 실전연습 2 스크립트완성하기 Q Ex4 의음성을듣고다음빈칸을채우세요 01 (A) She is wearing her (B) She is (C) She is (D) She is a pen her glasses a document in a folder 02 (A) A man is the (B) A man is mowing the lawn (C) A man is stairs (D) A man is standing beside a tree 034

29 03 (A) The girls are their (B) They are to each other (C) They re (D) The girls are a plane 04 (A) Some are being put into a basket (B) Vegetables have been displayed on a (C) Containers are being (D) Shelves are being with produce 05 (A) The ground is with leaves Unit 03 (B) Some people are (C) Some are sitting at the table (D) All the chairs are 06 (A) She s a display (B) She s (C) She s (D) She s a page a book books 07 (A) Customers are choosing the bread in the store (B) A is being sliced (C) They are stocking in a store (D) Baked goods are on display in a store 08 (A) A woman is on the (B) A woman is a (C) The computer is (D) There are lamps on of the desk 09 (A) He s across a (B) He s looking into his backpack (C) He s a camera (D) He s a 10 (A) The vehicle is (B) The windshield of the car is (C) The snow on the car is (D) They re 035

30 Unit 03 총정리 토익단기학교토익생초보를위한 LC 사용설명서 Vocabulary 연습문제 A 각문장에들어갈알맞은표현을골라시제에맞게쓰세요 01 They are facing 그들은마주보고있다 06 They are having a 그들은대화를나누고있다 02 One of the men is writing on the 남자들중한명이게시판에쓰고있다 07 People are playing 사람들은악기를연주하고있다 People are wearing a 사람들은배낭을메고있다 They are 그들은꽃을심고있다 flowers They are 그들은테이블을준비하고있다 a table They are waiting 그들은줄서서기다리고있다 They are pushing a 그들은손수레를밀고있다 They are sitting in a 그들은둥근모양으로앉아있다 a circle b in a line c planting d instruments e conversation f wheelbarrow g setting h backpack i bulletin board j each other 036

31 B 다음문장을해석하세요 01 The men are exercising together 06 The musicians are performing indoors 02 They are walking outdoors 07 The customer is paying the cashier 03 Two men are shaking hands 08 One of the women is taking notes Unit They are entering the building 09 The couples are dancing 05 They are greeting each other 10 The people are eating their meals 037

32 TOEIC LISTENING Answers and explanations

33 Part 01 Unit 01 EXERCISE 1 핵심어파악하기 01 A man is examining a document (A) 한남자가서류를보고있다 (B) 한남자가서류를접고있다 02 People are waiting in line (A) 사람들이줄지어기다리고있다 (B) 사람들이여러줄로서있다 03 She is reaching (out) for a book (A) 한여자가책을꺼내고있다 (B) 한여자가책을잡으려고하고있다 04 They are carrying a ladder (A) 그들은편지를가져다준고있다 (B) 그들은사다리를옮기고있다 05 They re shaking hands (A) 그들은악수하고있다 (B) 그들은손을흔들어인사하고있다 06 They re boarding an airplane (A) 그들은비행기에서내리고있다 (B) 그들은비행기에탑승하고있다 EXERCISE 2 주요어휘익히기 A 01 A man is (wearing / putting on / taking off) his glasses 02 A man is (examining / paging through / pointing to) a document 03 The men are wearing (the hats / long sleeved jackets) 04 People are sitting (in a row / in rows) 05 People are staying (indoors / outdoors) B 01 People are (getting on / getting off / boarding) an aircraft 02 Some people are carrying some (baggage / cartons / luggage / bags) 03 (Passengers / Pedestrians / Diners) are waiting to board the plane C 01 A woman is (watering some plants / trimming some bushes) 02 There are some notices on a (bulletin board / black board) 03 She is (carrying a pot / holding a watering can) 07 She is watering plants (A) 여자가식물을심고있다 (B) 여자가식물에물을주고있다 08 A man is giving a presentation (A) 남자는연설중이다 (B) 남자는선물을주고있다 09 They re strolling on the sand (A) 그들은해변에서유모차를밀고있다 (B) 그들은해변을거닐고있다 10 They are leaning against the wall (A) 그들은벽에기대어있다 (B) 그들은몸을앞으로숙이고있다 EXERCISE 3 실전연습 01 (A) She s typing on a keyboard (B) She s reaching for a file (C) She s turning on her laptop computer (D) She s wearing a headset (A) 여자는키보드타입을치고있다 (B) 여자는파일을잡으려고손을뻗치고있다 (C) 여자는노트북의전원을켜고있다 (D) 여자는헤드셋을착용하고있다 02 (A) The man is cleaning his office (B) The man is adjusting the equipment (C) The woman is seated with her eyes closed (D) The woman is wearing glasses (A) 남자가사무실을청소하고있다 (B) 남자가장비를조정하고있다 156

34 (C) 여자는눈을감고앉아있다 (D) 여자는안경을쓰고있다 03 (A) One of the women is opening her folder (B) One woman is putting on a bag (C) A man is holding a cup (D) A woman is picking up a fruit (A) 여자중한명이폴더를열고있다 (B) 여자한명이가방을메고있는중이다 ( 동작 ) (C) 남자가컵을들고있다 (D) 여자가과일을집어들고있다 04 (A) He s standing on a ladder (B) He s opening the garage door (C) He s reading a letter (D) He s repairing a handle (A) 남자가사다리위에서있다 (B) 남자가차고문을열고있다 (C) 남자가편지를읽고있다 (D) 남자가손잡이를고치고있다 05 (A) A man is lifting up his briefcase (B) A man is installing a railing (C) A man is leaning on the handrail (D) A man is talking to his client (A) 남자가서류가방을들어올리고있다 (B) 남자가레일을설치하고있다 (C) 남자가손잡이레일에기대어있다 (D) 남자가고객과얘기중이다 06 (A) A man is sitting next to a building (B) A man is opening a window (C) A man is cleaning an entrance (D) A man is holding a bucket (A) 남자가건물옆에앉아있다 (B) 남자가창문을열고있다 (C) 남자가입구를청소하고있다 (D) 남자가양동이를들고있다 07 (A) The men are carrying instruments (B) A man is sitting on a chair (C) The men are performing outdoors (D) A man is opening the door (A) 남자들이악기들를옮기고있다 (B) 남자가의자에앉아있다 (C) 남자들이실외에서연주중이다 (D) 남자가문을열고있다 08 (A) The customer is pushing a cart (B) The customer is holding a baby (C)The customer is putting an item in the cart (D) The customer is reaching for an item (A) 손님이손수레를밀고있다 (B) 손님이아기를안고있다 (C) 손님이손수레에물건을넣고있다 (D) 손님이물건을잡으려고손을뻗치고있다 09 (A) They are turning the car around (B) A woman is looking into the car (C) The man is unlocking the rear door (D) They re driving down the road (A) 그들은자동차주위를돌고있다 (B) 여자는차안을들여다보고있다 (C) 남자는뒷문을열고있다 (D) 그들은길에서차를몰고있다 10 (A) He is pushing a cart (B) He is trimming the tree (C) He is sitting on the grass (D) He is mowing the lawn (A) 남자는손수레를밀고있다 (B) 남자는나무를다듬고있다 (C) 남자는잔디위에앉아있다 (D) 남자는잔디를깎고있다 EXERCISE 4 실전연습스크립트완성하기 01 (A) She s typing on a keyboard (B) She s reaching for a file (C) She s turning on her laptop computer (D) She s wearing a headset 02 (A) The man is cleaning his office (B) The man is adjusting the equipment 157

35 (C) The woman is seated with her eyes closed (D) The woman is wearing glasses 03 (A) One of the women is opening her folder (B) One woman is putting on a bag (C) A man is holding a cup (D) A woman is picking up a fruit 04 (A) He s standing on a ladder (B) He s opening the garage door (C) He s reading a letter (D) He s repairing a handle 05 (A) A man is lifting up his briefcase (B) A man is installing a railing (C) A man is leaning on the handrail (D) A man is talking to his client 06 (A) A man is sitting next to a building (B) A man is opening a window (C) A man is cleaning an entrance (D) A man is holding a bucket 07 (A) The men are carrying instruments (B) A man is sitting on a chair (C) The men are performing outdoors (D) A man is opening the door 08 (A) The customer is pushing a cart (B) The customer is holding a baby (C) The customer is putting an item in the cart (D) The customer is reaching for an item 09 (A) They are turning the car around (B) A woman is looking into the car (C) The man is unlocking the rear door (D) They re driving down the road 10 (A) He is pushing a cart (B) He is trimming the tree (C) He is sitting on the grass (D) He is mowing the lawn Vocabulary 연습문제 A 각문장에들어갈알맞은표현을골라시제에맞게쓰세요 01 The man is looking through the instructions 남자가사용설명서를훑어보고있다 02 The man is sweeping the street 남자가길가를쓸고있다 03 A woman is walking the dog on the shore 여자가개와함께해변을걷고있다 04 A man is on the ladder 남자가사다리위에있다 05 The maid is wiping the floor 가정부가바닥을닦고있다 06 They are carrying a bucket 그들은양동이를운반하고있다 07 She is raking leaves 여자가나뭇잎을모으고있다 08 A passenger is getting out of a car 승객이차에서내리고있다 09 A customer is browsing merchandise 손님이물건들을훑어보고있다 10 diners are sitting at the tables 식사하는사람들이테이블에앉아있다 B 우리말해석과동일하도록빈칸에들어갈단어를쓰세요 01 She is holding an umbrella 그녀는우산을들고있다 02 She is reaching for a book 그녀는책을잡으려고손을뻗치고있다 03 The man is assembling a shelf 남자가선반을조립하고있다 158

36 04 He is leaning on against the counter 그는계산대에기대어있다 08 The woman is examining a document 그녀는서류를검토하고있다 05 The man is carrying the furniture 남자가가구를옮기고있다 09 A man is fixing a roof 한남자가지붕을고치고있다 06 He is studying the menu 그는메뉴를보고있다 10 She is working in the garden 그녀는정원에서일하고있다 07 A man is looking through the window 남자가창문으로내다보고있다 08 He is working on the ladder 그는사다리위에서작업하고있다 09 A woman is giving a lecture 여자가강의하고있다 10 The man is stacking boxes 남자가상자를쌓고있다 C 다음문장을해석하세요 01 She is reading at the library 그녀는도서관에서무언가를읽고있다 02 The man is making a speech 남자가연설중이다 03 He is going down the steps 그는계단을내려가고있다 Part 01 Unit 02 EXERCISE 1 핵심어파악하기 01 A round table is surrounded by flowers (A) 둥근탁자가꽃들에둘러싸여있다 (B) 둥근탁자위에꽃들이놓여있다 02 Some chairs are occupied (A) 의자에몇사람이앉아있다 (B) 자리가비어있다 03 Some boxes are stacked on the cart (A) 카트옆에상자들이놓여있다 (B) 상자들이카트위에쌓여있다 04 The picture is hung above the door (A) 그림이문에놓여있다 (B) 그림이문위쪽에걸려있다 04 The woman is boarding the train 한여자가기차에탐승하고있다 05 The woman is running along the path 한여자가산책로를따라뛰고있다 06 She is answering the phone 그녀는전화를받고있다 07 He is crossing the street 그는길을건너고있다 05 People are standing in rows (A) 사람들이줄지어있다 (B) 사람들이여러줄로서있다 06 The platform is under construction (A) 플랫폼은공사장밑에있다 (B) 플랫폼은공사중이다 07 Some pictures are being taken off the wall (A) 그림이벽에걸려있다 (B) 사람들이벽에걸린그림들을떼어내고있다 159

37 08 Some tables are being set up (A) 테이블이차려지고있다 (B) 테이블이차려져있다 09 Some lamps are installed on the tables (A) 전등이탁자에놓여있다 (B) 전등이탁자위에설치되어있다 10 There is a flower vase on the shelf (A) 선반위에꽃병이있다 (B) 선반에꽃이놓여있다 EXERCISE 2 주요어휘익히기 A 01 Some boats are docked at the (harbor / beach) 02 The buildings (overlook the water / are near the airport) B 01 The cars are parked (in lines / in a line / in rows / in a row) 02 The cars are parked (next to each other / in order) EXERCISE 3 실전연습 01 (A) The cars are being driven across the bridge (B) The cars are stopped at the crosswalk (C) The cars are waiting for the traffic light (D) The cars are stuck in heavy traffic (A) 차들이다리를건너고있다 (B) 차들이건널목에멈춰서있다 (C) 차들이신호가바뀌기를기다리고있다 (D) 차들이차가막혀서꼼짝도못하고있다 02 (A) She is making a purchase (B) The shelves are being cleaned (C) She is looking in the shop window (D) Goods are displayed on the shelves (A) 여자가물건을사고있다 (B) 선반들이청소되고있다 (C) 여자가가게창문을들여다보고있다 (D) 물건들이선반에진열되어있다 03 (A) The waiter is taking an order (B) The customers have finished their meals (C) The seats are not occupied (D) The customers are enjoying their food (A) 웨이터가주문을받고있다 (B) 손님들이식사를마쳤다 (C) 좌석이차있지않다 (D) 손님들이음식을맛있게먹고있다 04 (A) The men are working on the roof (B) The bricks are stacked up behind the house (C) The windows are being removed (D) The workers are sitting in a row (A) 남자가지붕에서작업하고있다 (B) 집뒤편에벽돌들이쌓여있다 (C) 창문들이치워지고있다 (D) 근로자들이한줄로앉아있다 05 (A) The building is under construction (B) There is a sculpture in front of the building (C) The artwork is being carved (D) All of the windows are being opened (A) 건물이공사중이다 (B) 건물앞에조각품이있다 (C) 작품이조각되고있다 (D) 모든창문이열려있다 06 (A) A pavement is being swept (B) A window is being replaced (C) There are buildings of different styles (D) Some trees blocked the road (A) 인도가청소되고있다 (B) 창문이교체되고있다 (C) 다른스타일의빌딩들이있다 (D) 몇몇나무들이도로를막았다 07 (A) There are some plants near the entrance (B) The flowers are being planted (C) The garden is decorated with small rocks (D) There is a customer in the flower shop (A) 입구근처에식물들이있다 (B) 꽃들이심어지고있다 160

38 (C) 정원이작은돌들로장식되어있다 (D) 꽃집에손님이있다 08 (A) Some boats are being painted (B) Boats are racing in the sea (C) Boats are docked in the harbor (D) Sailors are on the boat (A) 몇몇배들이페인트칠되고있다 (B) 배들이바다에서경주를하고있다 (C) 배들이항구에정박해있다 (D) 배위에선원들이있다 09 (A) Sofas are positioned on opposite sides of the room (B) The picture is on the floor (C) Pillows have fallen on the floor (D) The cushions are placed on the sofa (A) 방의반대편에소파가위치하고있다 (B) 바닥에사진이있다 (C) 베개가바닥에떨어졌다 (D) 쿠션들이소파위에놓여있다 10 (A) Trees overlook the pool (B) A fence surrounds the pool (C) Swimmers are leaving the pool (D) The pool is being cleaned (A) 나무들이수영장주위에있다 (B) 울타리가수영장을둘러싸고있다 (C) 수영하는사람들이수영장을떠나고있다 (D) 수영장이청소되고있다 EXERCISE 4 실전연습스크립트완성하기 01 (A) The cars are being driven across the bridge (B) The cars are stopped at the crosswalk (C) The cars are waiting for the traffic light (D) The cars are stuck in heavy traffic 02 (A) She is making a purchase (B) The shelves are being cleaned (C) She is looking in the shop window (D) Goods are displayed on the shelves 03 (A) The waiter is taking an order (B) The customers have finished their meals (C) The seats are not occupied (D) The customers are enjoying their food 04 (A) The men are working on the roof (B) The bricks are stacked up behind the house (C) The windows are being removed (D) The workers are sitting in a row 05 (A) The building is under construction (B) There is a sculpture in front of the building (C) The artwork is being carved (D) All of the windows are being opened 06 (A) A pavement is being swept (B) A window is being replaced (C) There are buildings of different styles (D) Some trees blocked the road 07 (A) There are some plants near the entrance (B) The flowers are being planted (C) The garden is decorated with small rocks (D) There is a customer in the flower shop 08 (A) Some boats are being painted (B) Boats are racing in the sea (C) Boats are docked in the harbor (D) Sailors are on the boat 09 (A) Sofas are positioned on opposite sides of the room (B) The picture is on the floor (C) Pillows have fallen on the floor (D) The cushions are placed on the sofa 10 (A) Trees overlook the pool (B) A fence surrounds the pool (C) Swimmers are leaving the pool (D) The pool is being cleaned 161

39 Vocabulary 연습문제 A 각문장에들어갈알맞은표현을골라시제에맞게쓰세요 01 There is a table near the dock 선착장근처에테이블이하나있다 02 The boats are being towed into the shore 배들이해안가로끌려오고있는중이다 03 People are getting out of the boats 사람들이배에서내리고있다 04 The house is under construction 집이공사중이다 05 The stationary store is closed today 문구점은오늘영업을하지않는다 06 The ladders are being assembled 사다리가조립되고있는중이다 07 The woman is heading for the laboratory 여자가실험실로향하고있다 08 The woman is performing in the auditorium 여자가강당에서연주를하고있다 09 The man is adjusting the sound system 남자가음향기계를조작하고있다 10 The man is talking on the phone 남자가전화통화중이다 B 우리말해석과동일하도록빈칸에들어갈단어를쓰세요 01 The chairs are around the table 탁자주위에의자들이있다 02 The documents are stacked on the desk 책상위에서류들이쌓여있다 03 A door has been left open 문이열린채로있다 04 All the seats are occupied 모든자리가다찼다 05 Some lamps are behind the sofa 소파뒤에램프들이있다 06 The boat is tied up at the dock 보트가부두에정박해있다 07 Some trucks are crossing a bridge 트럭들이다리를건너고있다 08 The building is under construction 건물이공사중이다 09 There are houses on the hill 집들이언덕위에있다 10 Most of the houses are alike 대부분의집모양이비슷하다 C 다음문장을해석하세요 01 There are some cushions on the table 탁자위에쿠션이몇개있다 02 The boat is docked near the shore 보트가해변가에정박해있다 03 Fruit is being sliced 과일이잘려지고있다 04 The basket is full of vegetables 채소로가득찬바구니가있다 05 Some plants are placed on the table 몇개의화초가탁자위에놓여있다 06 The curtains are being drawn 커튼이내려지고있다 07 Some cars are parked in a row 몇대의차가일렬로주차되어있다 162

40 08 The escalator is in use 에스컬레이터가사용중이다 09 The pictures are hanging on the wall 그림들이벽에걸려있다 10 The desks are arranged in rows 의자들이여러줄로정렬되어있다 08 They are controlling traffic (A) 그들은교통정리를하고있다 (B) 그들은자동차를조종하고있다 09 The trees are being trimmed (A) 나무를심고있다 (B) 나무를다듬고있다 10 The table is being disassembled (A) 탁자가조립되고있다 (B) 탁자가분해되고있다 Part 01 Unit 03 EXERCISE 1 핵심어파악하기 01 A statue is surrounded by trees (A) 조각상이나무로둘러싸여있다 (B) 나무로만든동상이있다 02 A piece of artwork is being polished (A) 예술작품이전시되고있다 (B) 미술작품을광내고있다 03 A waiter is handing menus to patrons (A) 웨이터가손님에게메뉴를건네고있다 (B) 손님이메뉴를웨이터에게주고있다 04 There are flowerbeds in the garden (A) 정원에꽃으로만든침대들이있다, (B) 화단들이정원에있다 05 There is a chimney on the roof (A) 지붕위에굴뚝이하나있다 (B) 지붕에깃발이있다 06 Two chairs are taken (A) 두개의의자가사용되고있다 (B) 두개의의자가비어있다 07 People are gardening (A) 사람들이정원을가꾸고있다 (B) 사람들이정원에있다 EXERCISE 2 실전연습 1 01 (A) He s parking his car (B) He s arranging bricks (C) He s spraying the pavement (D) He s washing the car (A) 남자가차를주차하고있다 (B) 남자가벽돌들을정리하고있다 (C) 남자가보도에물을뿌리고있다 (D) 남자가세차를하고있다 02 (A) Monitors are on the desks (B) Some people are sitting on benches (C) The room has no windows (D) The people are standing in a row (A) 모니터들이책상위에놓여있다 (B) 사람들이벤치에앉아있다 (C) 방에창문이없다 (D) 사람들이한줄로서있다 03 (A) Boats are sailing on the water (B) Umbrellas shade some of the tables (C) Napkins are being folded onto the plates (D) People are rowing towards a café (A) 배들이물위에서항해하고있다 (B) 몇개의테이블이우산들로그늘져있다 (C) 냅킨들이접시위에접혀지고있다 (D) 사람들이카페쪽으로노를저어가고있다 163

41 04 (A) They are preparing some food (B) Food is being sliced (C) They re serving food (D) They are stirring something in a pot (A) 사람들이음식들을준비하고있다 (B) 음식이잘라지고있다 (C) 사람들이음식을내놓고있다 (D) 사람들이냄비에담긴것을섞고있다 05 (A) Some people are moving the table (B) The woman is putting on her name tag (C) Some people are standing as a group (D) The woman is making a speech in front of the people (A) 몇몇사람들이테이블을옮기고있다 (B) 여자가이름표를달고있다 (C) 몇몇사람들이단체로서있다 (D) 여자가사람들앞에서연설을하고있다 06 (A) Books are being placed on the shelves (B) The lamps are being lit (C) They are arranging sofas (D) There is a table between the sofas (A) 선반위에책들이놓여지고있다 (B) 램프들이켜지고있다 (C) 사람들이소파를정리하고있다 (D) 소파사이에테이블이있다 07 (A) An airplane is about to land on the runway (B) Some vehicles are parked around an aircraft (C) Work crews are unloading luggage (D) Passengers are boarding the airplane (A) 활주로에비행기가막착륙하려한다 (B) 차몇대가비행기근처에주차되어있다 (C) 직원들이짐을내리고있다 (D) 승객이비행기에탑승하고있다 08 (A) She s taking off her apron (B) She s standing at a counter (C) She s washing some dishes (D) She s stacking trays on a table (A) 여자가앞치마를벗고있다 (B) 여자가카운터에서있다 (C) 여자가접시들을닦고있다 (D) 여자가테이블위에접시들을쌓고있다 09 (A) The people are riding bikes (B) The bicycles are being repaired (C) The people are sitting side by side (D) The building overlooks the water (A) 몇사람들이자전거를타고있다 (B) 자전거가고쳐지고있다 (C) 몇사람들이나란히앉아있다 (D) 건물이물을내려다보고있다 ( 건물이물가옆에있다 ) 10 (A) One of the people is lying down (B) The people are eating at a table (C) The people are mowing the lawn (D) The people are sitting outdoors (A) 사람들중한명이누워있다 (B) 사람들이테이블에서식사를하고있다 (C) 사람들이잔디를깎고있다 (D) 사람들이야외에앉아있다 EXERCISE 3 실전연습 1 스크립트완성하기 01 (A) He s parking his car (B) He s arranging bricks (C) He s spraying the pavement (D) He s washing the car 02 (A) Monitors are on the desks (B) Some people are sitting on benches (C) The room has no windows (D) The people are standing in a row 03 (A) Boats are sailing on the water (B) Umbrellas shade some of the tables (C) Napkins are being folded onto the plates (D) People are rowing towards a café 04 (A) They are preparing some food (B) Food is being sliced 164

42 (C) They re serving food (D) They are stirring something in a pot (C) 여자가안경을고쳐쓰고있다 (D) 여자가폴더안에서류를넣고있다 05 (A) Some people are moving the table (B) The woman is putting on her name tag (C) Some people are standing as a group (D) The woman is making a speech in front of the people 06 (A) Books are being placed on the shelves (B) The lamps are being lit (C) They are arranging sofas (D) There is a table between the sofas 07 (A) An airplane is about to land on the runway (B) Some vehicles are parked around an aircraft (C) Work crews are unloading luggage (D) Passengers are boarding the airplane 08 (A) She s taking off her apron (B) She s standing at a counter (C) She s washing some dishes (D) She s stacking trays on a table 09 (A) The people are riding bikes (B) The bicycles are being repaired (C) The people are sitting side by side (D) The building overlooks the water 10 (A) One of the people is lying down (B) The people are eating at a table (C) The people are mowing the lawn (D) The people are sitting outdoors EXERCISE 4 실전연습 2 01 (A) She is wearing her necklace (B) She is picking up a pen (C) She is adjusting her glasses (D) She is putting a document in a folder (A) 여자가목걸이를걸고있다 (B) 여자가펜을집어들고있다 02 (A) A man is sweeping the driveway (B) A man is mowing the lawn (C) A man is climbing stairs (D) A man is standing beside a tree (A) 남자가도로를청소하고있다 (B) 남자가잔디를깎고있다 (C) 남자가계단을오르고있다 (D) 남자가나무옆에서있다 03 (A) The girls are packing their suitcases (B) They are waving to each other (C) They re shaking hands (D) The girls are about to board a plane (A) 여자아이들이여행가방을싸고있다 (B) 서로에게손을흔들고있다 (C) 그들이악수를하고있다 (D) 여자아이들이비행기에막탑승하려고하고있다 04 (A) Some groceries are being put into a basket (B) Vegetables have been displayed on a stand (C) Containers are being emptied (D) Shelves are being stacked with produce (A) 식료품몇가지가바구니에넣어지고있다 (B) 가판대위에야채들이진열되어있다 (C) 컨테이너들이비워지고있다 (D) 선반에제품들이쌓여지고있다 05 (A) The ground is covered with leaves (B) Some people are gardening (C) Some diners are sitting at the table (D) All the chairs are occupied (A) 땅이나뭇잎으로덮여있다 (B) 몇몇사람들이정원을가꾸고있다 (C) 몇몇손님들이테이블에앉아있다 (D) 모든의자가꽉차있다 06 (A) She s setting up a display (B) She s turning a page (C) She s reading a book 165

43 (D) She s shelving books (A) 여자가진열을하고있다 (B) 여자가책장을넘기고있다 (C) 여자가책을읽고있다 (D) 여자가책들을선반에얹고있다 07 (A) Customers are choosing the bread in the store (B) A loaf of bread is being sliced (C) They are stocking groceries in a store (D) Baked goods are on display in a store (A) 손님들이가게에서빵을고르고있다 (B) 빵한덩어리가잘려지고있다 (C) 그들이가게에서식료품을들여놓고있다 (D) 구워낸제품들이가게에진열되어있다 08 (A) A woman is talking on the telephone (B) A woman is opening a drawer (C) The computer is being turned on (D) There are lamps on both sides of the desk (A) 여자가전화로얘기하고있다 (B) 여자가서랍을열고있다 (C) 컴퓨터를켜고있다 (D) 책상양쪽에램프가있다 09 (A) He s jumping across a stream (B) He s looking into his backpack (C) He s installing a camera (D) He s taking a photograph (A) 남자가개울을뛰어넘고있다 (B) 남자가배낭을들여다보고있다 (C) 남자가카메라를설치하고있다 (D) 남자가사진을찍고있다 (D) 그들이차를주차하고있다 EXERCISE 5 실전연습 2 스크립트완성하기 01 (A) She is wearing her necklace (B) She is picking up a pen (C) She is adjusting her glasses (D) She is putting a document in a folder 02 (A) A man is sweeping the driveway (B) A man is mowing the lawn (C) A man is climbing stairs (D) A man is standing beside a tree 03 (A) The girls are packing their suitcases (B) They are waving to each other (C) They re shaking hands (D) The girls are about to board a plane 04 (A) Some groceries are being put into a basket (B) Vegetables have been displayed on a stand (C) Containers are being emptied (D) Shelves are being stacked with produce 05 (A) The ground is covered with leaves (B) Some people are gardening (C) Some diners are sitting at the table (D) All the chairs are occupied 06 (A) She s setting up a display (B) She s turning a page (C) She s reading a book (D) She s shelving books 10 (A) The vehicle is parked in the garage (B) The windshield of the car is covered with snow (C) The snow on the car is being removed (D) They re parking a car (A) 차량이차고에주차되어있다 (B) 자동차앞유리가눈으로덮여있다 (C) 자동차위의눈이치워지고있다 07 (A) Customers are choosing the bread in the store (B) A loaf of bread is being sliced (C) They are stocking groceries in a store (D) Baked goods are on display in a store 08 (A) A woman is talking on the telephone (B) A woman is opening a drawer 166

44 (C) The computer is being turned on (D) There are lamps on both sides of the desk 09 They are waiting in a line 그들은줄서서기다리고있다 09 (A) He s jumping across a stream (B) He s looking into his backpack (C) He s installing a camera (D) He s taking a photograph 10 (A) The vehicle is parked in the garage (B) The windshield of the car is covered with snow (C) The snow on the car is being removed (D) They re parking a car Vocabulary 연습문제 A 각문장에들어갈알맞은표현을골라시제에맞게쓰세요 01 They are facing each other 그들은마주보고있다 02 One of the men is writing on the bulletin board 남자들중한명이게시판에쓰고있다 03 People are wearing a backpack 사람들은배낭을메고있다 04 They are setting a table 그들은테이블을준비하고있다 05 They are pushing a wheelbarrow 그들은손수레를밀고있다 06 They are having a conversation 그들은대화를나누고있다 07 People are playing instruments 사람들은악기를연주하고있다 10 They are sitting in a circle 그들은둥근모양으로앉아있다 B 우리말해석과동일하도록빈칸에들어갈단어를쓰세요 01 The men are exercising together 남자들이함께운동하고있다 02 They are walking outdoors 그들은야외에서걷고있다 03 Two men are shaking hands 두남자가악수하고있다 04 They are entering the building 그들은건물에들어가고있다 05 They are greeting each other 그들은서로인사하고있다 06 The musicians are performing indoors 연주자들이실내에서공연하고있다 07 The customer is paying the cashier 손님이계산원에게돈을지불하고있다 08 One of the women is taking notes 여자들중한명이메모를하고있다 09 The couples are dancing 커플들이춤을추고있다 10 The people are eating their meals 사람들이식사를하고있다 08 They are planting flowers 그들은꽃을심고있다 167

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