RF Test Reports
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1 e RF Test Reports Report No.: KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Supersede Report No.: NONE Applicant Company Name Ruckus Wireless, Inc. Clinton Bradley Address 350 West Java Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA Tel Fax Product Type Access Point Model R710 Serial No Manufacturer Ruckus Wireless, Inc. Country China Test Period Product Class N/A Results Reject Accept This Test Report is Issued Under the Authority of: David Zhang 시험자 (Test Engineer) Nima Molaei 확인자 (Engineer Reviewer) It is certified that this test results is issued by article 13, Test Agency designation & management on Information & telecommunication device. Test result presented in this test report is applicable to the tested sample only. Certified Communication equipment must be provided with an indication of conformity assessment, and the disposition of fines for violations can be canceled. 03/03/2015 Issued By: SIEMIC Laboratories 775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA
2 Page 1 of 90 Laboratory Introduction SIEMIC, headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, with superior facilities in US and Asia, is one of the leading independent testing and certification facilities providing customers with one-stop shop services for Compliance Testing and Global Certifications. In addition to testing and certification, SIEMIC provides initial design reviews and compliance management throughout a project. Our extensive experience with China, Asia Pacific, North America, European, and International compliance requirements, assures the fastest, most cost effective way to attain regulatory compliance for the global markets. Accreditations for Conformity Assessment Country/Region Accreditation Body Scope USA FCC, A2LA EMC, RF/Wireless, Telecom Canada IC, A2LA, NIST EMC, RF/Wireless, Telecom Taiwan BSMI, NCC, NIST EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety Hong Kong OFTA, NIST RF/Wireless,Telecom Australia NATA, NIST EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety Korea KCC/RRA, NIST EMI, EMS, RF, Telecom, Safety Japan VCCI, JATE, TELEC, RFT EMI, RF/Wireless, Telecom Mexico NOM, COFETEL, Caniety Safety, EMC, RF/Wireless, Telecom Europe A2LA, NIST EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety Israel MOC, NIST EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety Accreditations for Product Certifications Country Accreditation Body Scope USA FCC TCB, NIST EMC, RF, Telecom Canada IC FCB, NIST EMC, RF, Telecom Singapore ida, NIST EMC, RF, Telecom EU NB EMC & R&TTE Directive Japan MIC (RCB 208) RF, Telecom HongKong OFTA (US002) RF, Telecom
4 Page 3 of 90 성평가시험결과 (Conformity Assessment Tests) 1 General information 기기의명칭 (Product Name) 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 모델명 (Model) 용도 (Product Type) 제조자 (Manufacturer) R710 Access Point Ruckus Wireless, Inc. 1. 시험기기 (Test Equipment) 주파수 (Frequency) 공중선전력 (Antenna Power) 송신 (TX) 수신 (RX) 사용전원 (Input Power) +12V =====DC 1.5A b/g : 2412 MHz ~ 2472 MHz (20MHz) a : 5180 MHz ~ 5240 MHz (20MHz),5260 MHz ~ 5320 MHz (20MHz) 5500 MHz ~ 5640 MHz (20MHz),5745 MHz ~ 5805 MHz (20MHz) n : 2412 MHz ~ 2472 MHz (20MHz), 2422 MHz ~ 2462 MHz (40MHz) 5180 MHz ~ 5240 MHz (20MHz),5260 MHz ~ 5320 MHz (20MHz) 5500 MHz ~ 5640 MHz (20MHz),5745 MHz ~ 5805 MHz (20MHz) 5190 MHz ~ 5230 MHz (40MHz),5270 MHz ~ 5310 MHz (40MHz) 5510 MHz ~ 5630 MHz (40MHz),5755 MHz ~ 5795 MHz (40MHz) ac: 5210 MHz (80MHz), 5290 MHz(80MHz) 5530 MHz (80MHz), 5610 MHz (80MHz), 5775 MHz (80MHz) b/g : 2412 MHz ~ 2472 MHz (20MHz) a : 5180 MHz ~ 5240 MHz (20MHz),5260 MHz ~ 5320 MHz (20MHz) 5500 MHz ~ 5640 MHz (20MHz),5745 MHz ~ 5805 MHz (20MHz) n : 2412 MHz ~ 2472 MHz (20MHz), 2422 MHz ~ 2462 MHz (40MHz) 5180 MHz ~ 5240 MHz (20MHz),5260 MHz ~ 5320 MHz (20MHz) 5500 MHz ~ 5640 MHz (20MHz),5745 MHz ~ 5805 MHz (20MHz) 5190 MHz ~ 5230 MHz (40MHz),5270 MHz ~ 5310 MHz (40MHz) 5510 MHz ~ 5630 MHz (40MHz),5755 MHz ~ 5795 MHz (40MHz) ac: 5210 MHz (80MHz), 5290 MHz(80MHz) 5530 MHz (80MHz), 5610 MHz (80MHz), 5775 MHz (80MHz) b/g : 2412 MHz ~ 2472 MHz (20MHz) : 10 mw/mhz 이하 a : 5180 MHz ~ 5240 MHz (20MHz) : 2.5 mw/mhz 이하 5260 MHz ~ 5320 MHz (20MHz) : 10 mw/mhz 이하 5500 MHz ~ 5640 MHz (20MHz) : 10 mw/mhz 이하 5745 MHz ~ 5805 MHz (20MHz) : 10 mw/mhz 이하 n : 2412 MHz ~ 2472 MHz (20MHz) : 10 mw/mhz 이하 2422 MHz ~ 2462 MHz (40MHz) : 5 mw/mhz 이하 5180 MHz ~ 5240 MHz (20MHz) : 2.5 mw/mhz 이하 5260 MHz ~ 5320 MHz (20MHz) : 10 mw/mhz 이하 5500 MHz ~ 5640 MHz (20MHz) : 10 mw/mhz 이하 5745 MHz ~ 5805 MHz (20MHz) : 10 mw/mhz 이하 5190 MHz ~ 5230 MHz (40MHz) : 1.25 mw/mhz 이하 5270 MHz ~ 5310 MHz (40MHz) : 5 mw/mhz 이하 5510 MHz ~ 5630 MHz (40MHz) : 5 mw/mhz 이하 5755 MHz ~ 5795 MHz (40MHz) : 5 mw/mhz 이하 ac : 5210 ~ 5290 MHz (80MHz) : mw/mhz 이하 5530 ~ 5610 MHz (80MHz): 2.5 mw/mhz 이하 5775 MHz (80MHz): 2.5 mw/mhz 이하
5 Page 4 of 형식기호 (Type symbols) 3. 특기사항 ( Remarks) 4. 시험기준 (Test Standards) LARN8- IO3R2412/2472TR0.01G1DD2D13+IO3R2422/2462TR0.005D2D9+5745/5805TR0.01D2D4+5755/5795TR0.005D2D TR0.0025D2D1+LARN5- IO5180/5240TR0.0025D2D4+5260/5320TR0.01D2D4+5500/5620TR0.01D2D8+IO5190/5230TR D2D2+5270/ 5310TR0.005D2D2+5510/5630TR0.005D2D4+IO5210TR D2D1+5290TR0.0025D2D1+5530/5610TR D2D2 SAR is not required for this product because the output power is lower than 20 mw and this product is not portable device., 무선설비규칙 Science, "Radio Equipment Rule" 5. 시험방법 (Test Methods) 6. 기타사항 (Others) 국립전파연구원공고제 호, , 무선설비의성평가처리방법 National Research Bulletin No propagation, , "Conformity assessment of radio equipment handling" None
6 Page 5 of 90 2 Test site information 2.1 General Information Test Agency : SIEMIC Laboratories C.E.O : Leslie Bai Address : 775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA USA Tel. : +1(408) Fax. : +1(408) Leslie.Bai@siemic.com 2.2 Test Lab Location Address : 775 Montague Expressway, Milipitas, CA USA Tel. : +1(408) Fax. : +1(408) Test Agency Designation Descriptions Address : 775 Montague Expressway, Milipitas, CA USA Tel. : +1(408) Fax. : +1(408)
7 Page 6 of 90 3 Report Revision History Report No. Report Version Description Issue Date KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 NONE Original 03/03/2015
8 Page 7 of 90 4 Technical Specification on test sample
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10 Page 9 of 90 5 EUT Information 5.1 EUT Configuration Product Name : Access Point Model No. : R710 Trade Name : Ruckus Serial No. : EUT Power AC/DC Adapter Input Power : Vac 50/60Hz 0.8Amp Max EUT Power AC/DC Adapter Output Power : +12V =====DC 1.5A EUT Power AC/DC Adapter Manu/Model : MPBS PoE Input Power : V-50/60Hz 0.75A Max PoE Injector Output Power : 48V ===== 0.5A PoE Injector Model Number : Software version : N/A Date of EUT received : January 16, 2015 Equipment Class / Category : Class B Operating/Clock Frequencies : 25MHz, 40MHz, 667MHz Port/Connectors : 10/100/1000Mbps, RJ EUT Test Modes/Configuration Description RF Test Mode The EUT is transmitting continuously. The command was sent from an external laptop to control EUT to change to different modulation and mode. Note Note: None.
11 Page 10 of System Test Setup Diagram AC Mains EUT Laptop
12 Page 11 of 90 6 Test Results 6.1 구조적 기능적조건 (Structure and functional condition) Standard Section 시험내용 (Areas of Evaluation) Applicable 미래창조과학부고시제 호, , 신고하지아니하고개설할수있는무선국용무선기기, Science Notice No ,, Radio equipment for radio stations that can be opened nor to report - 미래창조과학부고시제 호 (MSIP Notice No ) 전파법 제 45 조 ( 기술기준 ), 전파법시행령 제 25 조 ( 신고헥지니하고개설할수있는무선국 ) 에따라신고하지아니하고개설할수있는무선국용무선기기여래창조과학부고시제 2014"57 호, ) 일부를다음과같이개정하여고시함니다. ("Radio Waves", Article 45 (technical standards), "Radio Waves Act," Article 25 (a radio station that can be opened nor reported) Which can not be reported in accordance with established nor created radio stations of the Tathagata for Science Notification No "No. 57, 2014 to 8.29) will also notice some revised as follows 년 12 월 03 일미래창조과학부장관 (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning) 제 4 조 ( 특정소출력무선기기 ) Article 4 (a low power wireless devices) Apply N/A 미래창조과학부고시제 호, , 신고하지아니하고개설할수있는무선국용무선기기, Science Notice No ,, Radio equipment for radio stations that can be opened nor to report 제 4 조 Article 4 특정소출력무선기기는다음의각호와같다. (Specific low power wireless devices are shown in each of the following number) 5. 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) 5. Radio equipment including WiFi for wireless access systems 공중선전력또는주파수대 (Frequency) (Antenna Power density) 5250~5350, 5470~5650 Less than 10 mw/mhz 5150~5250 Less than 2.5 mw/mhz 8. 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 (Wireless devices for wireless data communi cation system) 주파수대 (Frequency) 2400~ MHz 5725~5825 MHz 공중선전력또는공중선전력밀도 (Antenna Power or power spectral density) 10 mw or less, or 10 mw / MHz less Apply N/A Apply N/A 92 호제 호 (Communication Commission Notice No ), 무선설비규칙 Science, "Radio Equipment Rule", 무선설비규칙 Science, "Radio Equipment Rule" - 제 3 장 Article 3 제 2 장 Article 2 전파법 제 37 조 ( 방송표준방식 ), 제 45 조 ( 기술기준 ), 제 47 조 ( 안전시설의설치 ) 제 58 조 ( 산업 ~ 과학 ~ 의료용전파응용설비등 ) 에따른무선설비규칙어래창조과학부고시제 호 " ) 일부를다음과같이개정하여고시함니다. ("Radio Waves" Article 37 (broadcast standard method), Article 45 (technical standards), (installation of safety equipment) Article 47 - Article 58 (Industry-Science-Medical No. No. 2014'59 radio equipment and Science examination in accordance with rules created arrays for Radio application equipment, etc.), "09/30/2014), some of the following notice as amended. 미래창조과학부장관 (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning) 제 3 장업무별무선설비의세부기술기준 (Article 3 details technical standards for radio equipment by services) 제 2 절신고하지아니하고개설할수있는무선국용무선설비의기술기준 (Article 2 does not report to nor open technical standards for radio equipment for radio station) Apply N/A Apply N/A Apply N/A
13 Page 12 of 90 Standard Section 시험내용 (Areas of Evaluation) English Translation 제 29 조 ( 특정소출력무선국용무선설비 ) 5 무선랜을포함한무선접속시스템용 (WAS) 특정소출력무선기기의기술기준은다음과같다. (low power wireless devices for wireless access systems, including wireless LAN (WAS) specific technical requirements are as follows Applicable Apply N/A Frequency ( MHz ) Antenn power or power density Antenna Gain Remarks Occupied bandwidth More than 0.5 MHz Less than 20 MHz Occupied bandwidth More than 20 MHz Less than 40 MHz Occupied bandwidth More than 40 MHz Less than 80 MHz Occupied bandwidth More than 0.5 MHz Less than 20 MHz Occupied bandwidth More than 20 MHz Less than 40 MHz Occupied bandwidth More than 40 MHz Less than 80 MHz Less than 2.5 mw / MHz Less than 1.25 mw / MHz Less than mw / MHz Less than 10 mw / MHz Less than 5 mw / MHz Less than 2.5 mw / MHz Less than 6 db i Less than 7 db i If the absolute antenna gain exceeds the reference value then the antenna power or average power density would be reduced as much as the in excess of the value Article 7 paragraph wireless data communication system and can be manufactured as one unit MHz Receiver frequency for the channel search function can be mounted. wireless unit 5150 ~ 5250 MHz, 5250 ~ 5350 MHz, 5470 ~ 5650 MHz and Article 7 paragraph in each band of 5725 ~ 5825 MHz with two tie up bandwidth up to 80 MHz or occupi ed bandwidth of up to 160 MHz can use one channel., 무선설비규칙 Science, "Radio Equipment Rule" 제 29 조 5 2. 제 1 호에의한 5 GHz주파수대역의전파를사용하는무선기기는다음의조건에할것 No.1 5 GHz frequency band by using the radio of wireless devices will be suitable for the followi ng conditions: 가. 주파수허용편차는 ± 이하일것 A. frequency tolerance shall be less than ± Apply N/A 나. 점유주파수대폭은다음의조건에할것 B. Occupied bandwidth would be suitable for the following conditions: (1) MHz, MHz, MHz및제 7 항의 MHz의각주파수대역에서점유주파수대폭은 80 MHz이하일것 (1) 5150 ~ 5250 MHz, 5250 ~ 5350 MHz, 5470 ~ 5650 MHz and 5725 ~ 5825 MHz in Article 7 p aragraph, the occupied bandwidth of each frequency band is less than the 80 MHz (2) MHz, MHz, MHz및제 7 항의 MHz의대역에서복수개의 80 MHz폭의주파수를연속또는비연속대역폭을합쳐 160 MHz폭을사용하는경우 MHz대역의전력밀도는 mw / MHz이하이어야하며, 그외의대역은 1.25 mw/ MHz이하일것 (2) 5150 ~ 5250 MHz, 5250 ~ 5350 MHz, 5470 ~ 5650 MHz and 5725 ~ 5825 MHz in Article 7 paragraph, if you use width 160 MHz with 80 MHz width of the frequency of multiple continuous or non-continuous combined bandwidth, the 5150 ~ 5250 MHz band power density should be below mw / MHz, and the other band should be below 1.25 mw / MHz 다. 불요발사는다음의조건에할것 C. Unwanted emissions would be suitable for the following conditions: (1) 불요발사는제 1 호에의한주파수대역밖의주파수에서공중선절대
14 Page 13 of 90 이득을포함한평균전력이 -27 db m/ MHz이하일것 (1) Unwanted Emission No. 1 by the other frequency bands, average power including the absolute antenna gain should be less than -27 db m / MHz (2) MHz, MHz주파수대역의전파를연속하여사용하는무선기기는 MHz주파수대역밖의주파수에서공중선절대이득을포함한평균전력이 -27 db m/ MHz이하일것 (2) 5150 ~ 5250 MHz, 5250 ~ 5350 MHz continuous propagation of the frequency band used by wireless devices outside the frequency band 5150 ~ 5350 MHz, average power including the absolute antenna gain should be less than -27 db m / MHz 라. 변조형식은디지털변조일것 D. Modulation format is one of the digital modulation 마 MHz및 MHz주파수대역의전파를사용하는무선기기는다음송신출력제어 (Transmitter Power Control) 및능동주파수선택 (Dyna mic Frequency Selection) 의기술적조건에할것 E. Wireless radio devices in frequency band of 5250 ~ 5350 MHz and 5470 ~ 5650 MHz sho uld have output control (Transmitter Power Control) and active frequency selection (D ynamic Frequency Selection) function following below technical conditions 제 29 조 5 (1) 송신출력제어기능은공중선절대이득을포함한평균전력이 25 mw / MHz를초과하는무선기기의경우에는최소 12.5 mw / MHz이하로저감시킬수있을것 (1) transmit power control functions, in the case of radio equipment that exceeds average power of 25 mw / MHz including absolute antenna gain of the will be reduced to less tha n the minimum of 12.5 mw / MHz Apply N/A (2) 능동주파수선택 (Dynamic Frequency Selection) (A) Standards per item Item Interference detection standard Channel usability confirmation time Channel move time Non-Occupancy time Standard If mean power including absolute antenna gain is less than 10 mw/mhz: -62 dbm If mean power including absolute antenna gain is between 10 mw/mhz and 50 mw/mhz: -64 dbm At least 60 seconds Within 10 seconds At least 30 minutes (B) Application to wireless devices Type A Type1) B Type2) C Type 3) A Type 1) B Type 2) C Type 3) Channel usability confirmation time Applied Channel move time Applied Applied Applied Non-Occupancy time Applied Applied Remark Before channel occupancy After channel occupancy Note 1) A type refers to wireless devices with dynamic channel selection Note 2) B type refers to wireless devices with manual channel selection but without the ability to detect radar signals Note 3) C type refers to wireless devices with manual channel selection with the ability to detect radar signals
15 Page 14 of 90 7 무선데이터통신시스템용특정소출력무선기기의기술기준은 (for wireless da ta communication system technical requirements of specific low power wireless devices) Apply N/A 다음각호와같다. (Shall be as follows :) 1. 주파수, 전파형식 (Frequency, type of emission) 주파수 ( MHz ) Freq (MHz) 2400~ ~5825 전파형식 (EmissionType) F(G, D)1(2, 7) C(D, E, F, W) A27,9)F(W)F9W 비고 (Reference) " 해당무선설비는운용중전파혼신가능성이있음 이라는문구를동설비의잘보이는곳에표시할것 ( The text "this radio equipment may cause radio interference while operating" shall be placed on a visible location on the equipment) 제작자및설치자는해당무선설비가전파혼신가능성이있으므로인명안전과관련된서비스는할수없음을사용자설명서등을통하여운용자및사용자에게충분히알릴것 ( As the radio equipment may cause radio interference, the manufacturer or installer shall sufficiently reveal to operators and users that services related to human safety cannot be provided through manuals, etc ~ 5850 MHz주파수대역의채널탐색을위한수신기능을탑재할수있다. ( Reception functions for channel searches within 5825~5850 MHz frequency bands may be installed.), 무선설비규칙 Science, "Radio Equipment Rule" 제 29 조 7 2. 직접시퀀스확산스펙트럼방식 (DSSS), 첩확산스펙트럼방식 (CSS) 을사용하는것 ( 주파수도약확산스펙트럼방식 (FHSS) 과복합적으로이용하는것포함 ) 또는직교주파수분할다중 (OFDM) 방식을사용하는것 To use Direct-sequence spread-spectrum system (DSSS), (Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) (includes those which uses together with FHSS) and types which uses orthogonal frequency division multiple(ofdm)) 가. 점유주파수대폭, 전력밀도, 공중선절대이득등 A. Occupied frequency bandwidth, Power density, antenna 점유주파수대폭전력밀도공중선절대이득비고 Apply N/A Apply N/A More than 0.5 MHz Less than 26 MHz More than 26 MHz Less than 40 MHz Exceed 40 MHz Less than 60 MHz 1) 6 db i 이하 Less than 10 mw / MHz ( 다만, 고정형점대점통신용무선설비는 20 db i 이하일것주 2)) Less than 5 mw / MHz (Less than 6 db i (However, fixed point-to-point communication radio equipment is less than 20 db i) Less than 0. 1 mw / 6 db i 이하 (Less than 6 db i) MHz 전력밀도는평균치이며, 공중선절대이득이기준치를초과한경우에초과한값만큼전력밀도가저감할것 ( Power density is mean value; if antenna absolute gain exceeds standard value then power density shall be reduced in equivalent to the excess value.) 주 1) 2400~ MHz를사용하는기기에한함 Comment 1) Limited to devices which use 2400 ~ MHz 주 2) 다음의문구를기기의사용자설명서에명시할것 법에의해전방향전파발사및동일한정보를동시에여러곳으로송신하는점 - 대 - 다지점서비스에의사용은금지되어있습니다. Comment 2) The following descriptions shall be described within the user manual of device Use for point-to-multipoint transmission through omni-directional emission and simultaneous transmission of the same information to various locations is prohibited by law.
16 나. 주파수허용편차는 ± 이하일것 B. frequency tolerance shall be less than ± Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 15 of 90 다. 불요발사는제 1 호에의한주파수대역밖의주파수에서 100 khz분해대역폭으로측정하였을때 -30 db m 이하것 C. Unwanted emissions shall be under -30 db m when measuring through 100 khz resolution bandwidth at afrequency outside the frequency band as designated in clause A. Apply N/A 라. 5725~5825 MHz대역을무선랜으로사용하는경우에는제5항제2호에할것 C. If you re using the band 5725 ~ 5825 MHz, the Section 5 No. 2 wireless LAN would be applied. 3. 주파수도약확산스펙트럼방식을사용하는것 Frequency hopping spread spectrum shall be used Apply N/A 가. 공중선절대이득, 주파수허용편차, 불요발사는제 2 호가목, 나목, 다목의조건에할것 A. Antenna absolute gain, frequency tolerance, unwanted emission shall satisfy the conditions in Article 2 clause A, clause B and clause C Apply N/A, 무선설비규칙 Science, "Radio Equipment Rule" 제 29 조 7-3. 나. 송신공중선계에급전선에공급되는전력을주파수호핑대역 ( 단위는MHz로한다 ) 으로나눈값이 3 mw이하일것 B. The value of power supplied to feeder divided by frequency hopping bandwidth (unit shall be MHz ) shall be under 3 mw 다. 호핑채널당점유주파수대폭은 5 MHz이하일것 C. Occupied frequency bandwidth per hopping channel shall be under 5 MHz 라. 호핑채널은중첩되지않는 15 개이상일것 D. There shall be over 15 hopping channels which do not overlap Apply N/A Apply N/A Apply N/A 마. 호핑순서는의사랜덤이고전체호핑채널에대하여균등하게호핑하는것일것. 다만, 반송파감지기능을부가한설비로서반송파감지에의해호핑하지않은채널에대하여는예외로한다. E. Hopping sequence shall be random and hopping shall occur evenly across all hopping channels. However, such shall not include channels where hopping does not occur due to carrier sense in equipment equipped with carrier sense function. Apply N/A 바. 하나의호핑채널에서의체류시간 (Dwell Time) 은 0.4 초이내일것 F. The dwell time within each hopping channel shall be within 0.4 seconds ~ MHz주파수대역에서스펙트럼확산방식을사용하지않는것 (Shall not use spread spectrum method in 2400 ~ MHz frequency band) Apply N/A, 무선설비규칙 Science, "Radio Equipment Rule" 제 29 조 7-4. 가. 실효복사전력은 10 mw이하일것 A. Antenna power or effective radiated power shall be under 10 mw 나. 공중선은무선기기함체와일체형일것 B. The antenna shall be integrated with radio equipment 다. 주파수허용편차는 ± 이하일것 C. Frequency tolerance shall be under ± 라. 점유주파수대폭은 26 MHz이하일것 D. Occupied frequency bandwidth shall be under 26 MHz Apply N/A 마. 불요발사는주파수대역밖의주파수에서 100 khz분해대역폭으로측정하였을때 -30 db m 이하일것
17 Page 16 of 90 E. Unwanted emissions shall be under - 30 db m when measuring through 100 khz resolution bandwidth at a frequency outside the frequency band 바. 식별코드를사용할것 F. Shall use identification codes ~5825 MHz주파수대역에서스펙트럼확산방식을사용하지않는것 (In the frequency band 5725 ~ 5825 MHz way to avoid using spread spectrum) 가. 중심주파수는 5775 MHz일것 A. The center frequency will be 5775 MHz, 무선설비규칙 Science, "Radio Equipment Rule" 제 29 조 7-5. 나. 공중선은무선기기함체와일체형일것 B. Antenna will be integrated with the radio equipment housing 다. 주파수허용편차는 ± 이하일것 C. Frequency tolerance is less than ± 라. 점유주파수대폭은 70 MHz이하일것 D. Occupied bandwidth should be less than the 70 MHz Apply N/A 마. 실효복사전력은 10 mw이하일것 E. Effective radiated power should be less than 10 mw 바. 스퓨리어스영역에서의불요발사는기본주파수의사. 평균전력보다 43 db이상낮은값일것. F. The tolerance of spurious emission intensity should be below 43 db than an averag e power of the fundamental frequency ~5815MHz주파수대역에서진폭변조를사용하는것. Amplitude modulated in frequency band of 5795 ~ 5815 MHz Apply N/A 가. 공통조건 (Common conditions) (1) 중심주파수는 5800 MHz또는 5810 MHz일것 The center frequency will be 5800 MHz or 5810 MHz (2) 공중선전력은 10 mw이하일것 Antenna power should be less than 10 mw (3) 통신방식은복신방식 반복신방식또는단신방식일것 Communication method should be duplex or simplex, 무선설비규칙 Science, "Radio Equipment Rule" 제 29 조 7-6. (4) 점유주파수대폭은 8 MHz이내일것 The occupied bandwidth shall be within 8 MHz (5) 불요발사는다음조건에할것 Unwanted emissions would be suitable for the following conditions: 1) 기본파로부터 10 MHz이격된주파수에서 8 MHz대역내에누설되는전력이기본파전력에비하여 40 db이상낮을것 Leakage power of the wave power in the band of spaced apart from the fundamental frequency band from 8 MHz to 10 MHz will be lower or higher than the 40 db of fundamental 2) 스퓨리어스영역에서의불요발사는 1 MHz ( 측정하는주파수가 1 GHz미만인경우에는 100 khz ) 분해대역폭으로측정하였을때 -26 db m 이하일것 Spurious unwanted emissions in RBW of 1 MHz (100 khz if to measure the frequency of below 1 GHz ) should be less than -26 db m (6) 식별코드를사용할것 (Identification code will be) 가. 노변장치 (RSE : Road Side Equipment) 의조건
18 Page 17 of 90 (1) 주파수허용편차는반송파주파수의 ± 이내일것 The frequency tolerance of the carrier frequency shall be within ± (2) 공중선절대이득은 22 db i 이하일것. 다만, 공중선절대이득이기준치를초과한경우에는초과한값만큼공중선전력을저감할것 Absolute gain antenna should be less than the 22 db i. However, if the absolute antenna gain exceeds the reference value, and antenna power will be reduced by the excess. Apply N/A 나. 이동체탑재장치 (OBE : On Board Equipment) 의조건 (1) 주파수허용편차는반송파주파수의 ± 이내일것 The frequency tolerance of the carrier frequency shall be within ± (2) 공중선절대이득은 8 db i 이하일것. 다만, 공중선절대이득이기준치를초과한경우에는초과한값만큼공중선전력을저감할것 Absolute gain antenna should be less than the 8 db i. However, if the absolute antenna gain exceeds the reference value, and antenna power will be reduced by the excess. (3) 노변장치로부터미리정하여진신호를수신한경우에한하여전파를발사하는것일것 The roadside unit will only transmit if it receive the signal from associated unit ~ MHz주파수대역에서아날로그변조를사용하는것 Use analog modulation in the frequency band 2400 ~ MHz 가. 중심주파수는 MHz, 2430 MHz, 2450 MHz또는 2470 MHz일것 The center frequency would be 2410 MHz, 2430 MHz, 2450 MHz or 2470 MHz 나. 공중선전력은 10 mw이하일것 Antenna power should be less than 10 mw, 무선설비규칙 Science, "Radio Equipment Rule" 제 29 조 7-7. 다. 점유주파수대폭은 16 MHz이하일것. Occupied bandwidth should be less than the 16 MHz. 라. 주파수허용편차는 ± 이하일것 Frequency tolerance is less than ± 마. 스퓨리어스영역에서의불요발사는기본주파수의평균전력보다 40 db이상낮은값일것 Spurious unwanted emissions shall be 40 db lower than average power of fundamental. Apply N/A 바. 캐비닛은쉽게개봉할수없을것 The cabinet will not be able to easily open 사. 공중선절대이득은 6 db i 이하일것. 다만, 지향성공중선을사용하는경우에는 20 db i 이하일것. 공중선절대이득이기준치를초과한경우에는초과한값만큼공중선전력을저감할것 Absolute gain antenna should be less than the 6 db i. However, if you are using a directional antenna should be less than 20 db i. However, if the absolute antenna gain exceeds the reference value, and antenna power will be reduced by the excess. 국립전파연구원공고제 호, , 무선설비의성평가처리방법 - 국립전파연구원공고제 호 방송통신기자재등의성평가에관한고시 제 4 조제 3 항의규정에의하여 무선설비의성평가처리방법 ( 국립전파연구원공고제 호, ) 을다음과같이개정공고합니다. " Conformity Assessment handling of radio equipment " in accordance with Article 4 (3) of Regulation " Information Communication equipment such notice on Conformity Assessment " ( Bulletin No National Institute of propagation, ) the following The announcement, as Apply N/A
19 Page 18 of 90 National Research Bulletin No propagation, , "Conformity assessment of radio equipment handling" amended 년 12 월 23 일국립전파연구원장 (Broadcasting and Communications Committee) 무선설비의성처리방법제 6 조 ( 공중선특성확인방법 ) Processing methods for radio equipment compliance Article 6 (How to check the antenna characteristics) 1 성평가를신청한기자재에대하여는다음각호의공중선특성을확인한다. 다만, 수신설비는예외로한다. For conformity assessment applied to the following items of equipment to make sure the antenna characteristics. However, as an exception to receiving equipment. 국립전파연구원공고제 호, , 무선설비의성평가처리방법 National Research Bulletin No propagation, , "Conformity assessment of radio equipment handling" 제 6 조 Article 6 1. 공중선과송신장치사이에는증폭기등능동회로가부가되지아니한것일것 Between the antenna and the transmitter amplifier, which is not active circuitry would be added 2. 공중선의종류및형태 ( 형식, 길이, 외관사진등 ) Antenna type and form (type, length, appearance photos, etc.) 3. 공중선의이득및지향특성 ( 전계강도로규정된기기는예외 ) Antenna gain and directivity (defined as the field strength unit exception) 4. 공중선의편파특성 ( 해당사항이있는경우 ) Polarization properties of the antenna (if applicable) 5. 송신장치와의접속형태 ( 내장형, 고정형또는커넥터규격등 Transmitting device and the connection type (internal, fixed or connectors as standard Apply N/A 6. 공중선의제작자및모델명 ( 상품명이있는경우 ) Aerial view of the manufacturer, and model (if brand name) 2 제 1 항의규정에의한공중선특성의확인은신청인이선언하는바에따른다. 이경우공중선의제작자또는신청인이시험하여작성한성적서, 이득패턴도또는공중선카탈로그등을이용할수있다. Antenna characteristics under paragraph (1) confirmation of the applicant to be in accordance with this declaration. In this case, the antenna created by the makers of the test report or the applicant, or the antenna gain patterns catalog, are available.
20 Page 19 of 건환경적조건 (Environmental conditions) Standard Test 시험내용 (Areas of Evaluation) English Translation Applicable a 진폭 3 mm, 진동수매분 0 에서 500 회까지의진동및 전진폭 1 mm, 진동수매분 500 회에서 1,800 회까지의 진동을상하좌우및전후로각각 30 분간 (10 분간의주기로 진동 (Vibration) 진동수를저고저의순서로변동시킨다 ) When operating after inflicting rated voltage after inflicting peak to peak 3 mm, vibrations between range of vibrations per minute from 0 to 500 times and peak to peak 1 mm, Apply N/A inflicting vibrations between range of vibrations per minute from 500 to 1,800 times with top/down/left/right and front/back for 30 minutes each (the sequence of vibrations is changed every 10 (ten) minutes from low/high/low. a5 Cm 의높이에서두께 1 Cm 이상의견고한나무판위에 낙하면이평행하게 3 회이상자유낙하시킨다. 충격 (Impact) 측정대상기기의각면에대해서반복시험후파손, 발화, 발연등의이상없이동작할것. (At a height of 5cm, a wood panel over 1cm in thickness is dropped over 3 (three) times. Apply N/A 국립전파연구원공고제 호, , 무선설비의성평가처리방법 National Research Bulletin No propagation, , "Conformity assessment of radio equipment handling" 연속동작 (Continuous Operation) 온도 (Temperature) The test is repeated on each side of the tested device and shall operate normally with rated voltage without any damage, ignitions, smoke, etc.) a 통상의사용상태로 8 시간동안동작시켰을때. (When operating for 8 hours under normal use) b-10 와 (+)50 의온도에서각각 1 시간이상방치한후 그온도에서규정된전원전압을가하여동작시켰을때 (After leaving at temperatures of (-)10 and (+)50 for 1 (one) hour each and operating at the power voltage as regulated for such temperatures.) a(+)35 에대한상대 95 % 의에 4 시간방치후 Apply N/A Apply N/A 상습에복귀시켜규정된전원전압을가하여동작시켰을때 (After leaving for 4 hours at a 95% humidity of the relative humidity for (+) 35, restore to Apply N/A normal temperature and normal humidity at operate under regulated power voltage.) o 시동후 1 분경과후정상동작함을확인 (Confirm normal operation after 1 (one) minute of turning on) 전기적 o 주파수허용편차, 점유주파수대폭의허용치, 불요발사의허용치 ( 기술기준제 29 조 ) (frequency tolerance, allowance of occupied frequency bandwidth, allowance of unwanted emission(technical standard article 29) ) 시험항목 (Electrical test o 공중선전력의허용편차 ( 기술기준제 6 조제 3 항 )( Allowable deviation of antenna power (Technical standard article 6-3)) Apply N/A areas) o 수신설비로부터부차적으로발사되는전파의세기 ( 기술기준제 9 조제 1 항 ) (Intensity of radiation emitted secondarily from reception system (equipment) (Technical standard article 9-1)) o 전계강도및전력밀도허용치 ( 기술기준제 29 조 ) ( Allowance of Electric field intensity & Power density (Technical standard article 29))
21 Page 20 of 전기적조건 (Electrical conditions) (2412 MHz ~ 2472 MHz 대역 ) (802.11b (20MHz)) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 2412MHz : 2442MHz : 2472MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance 제 29 조 7 항 Notice No , paragraph7 (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
22 Page 21 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 10 mw (Below 12 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None 제 29 조 7 항 paragraph7 (Below 20MHz )
23 Page 22 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission 제 29 조 7 항 paragraph7 (Less than or equal to -30dBm) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
24 Page 23 of (2412 MHz ~ 2472 MHz 대역 ) (802.11g (20MHz)) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 2412MHz : 2442MHz : 2472MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance 제 29 조 7 항 paragraph7 (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
25 Page 24 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 10 mw (Below 12 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None 제 29 조 7 항 paragraph7 (Below 20MHz )
26 Page 25 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission 제 29 조 7 항 paragraph7 (Less than or equal to -30dBm) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
27 6.3.3 (2412 MHz ~ 2472 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT20 (20MHz)) Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 26 of 90 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 2412MHz : 2442MHz : 2472MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance 제 29 조 7 항 paragraph7 (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
28 Page 27 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 10 mw (Below 12 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None 제 29 조 7 항 paragraph7 (Below 20MHz )
29 Page 28 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission 제 29 조 7 항 paragraph7 (Less than or equal to -30dBm) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
30 6.3.4 (2422 MHz ~ 2462 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT40 (40MHz)) Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 29 of 90 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 2422MHz : 2442MHz : 2462MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance 제 29 조 7 항 paragraph7 (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
31 Page 30 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 5 mw (Below 6 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None 제 29 조 7 항 paragraph7 (Below 40MHz )
32 Page 31 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission 제 29 조 7 항 paragraph7 (Less than or equal to -30dBm) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
33 Page 32 of (5180MHz ~ 5240 MHz 대역 ) (802.11a (20MHz)) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5180MHz : 5200MHz : 5240MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
34 Page 33 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 2.5 mw (Below 3 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 20MHz )
35 Page 34 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
36 6.3.6 (5180MHz ~ 5240 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT20 (20MHz)) Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 35 of 90 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5180MHz : 5200MHz : 5240MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
37 Page 36 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 2.5 mw (Below 3 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 20MHz )
38 Page 37 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
39 6.3.7 (5190MHz ~ 5230 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT40 (40MHz)) Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 38 of 90 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5190MHz : 5230MHz : - 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz
40 Page 39 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 1.25 mw (Below 1.5 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 40MHz )
41 Page 40 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
42 Page 41 of (5210 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT80 (80MHz)) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5210MHz : - : - 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± 104.2KHz
43 Page 42 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 0.625mW (Below 0.75 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 80MHz )
44 Page 43 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
45 Page 44 of (5260MHz ~ 5320 MHz 대역 ) (802.11a (20MHz)) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5260MHz : 5280MHz : 5320MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
46 Page 45 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 10 mw (Below 12 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 20MHz )
47 Page 46 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
48 (5260MHz ~ 5320 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT20 (20MHz)) Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 47 of 90 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5260MHz : 5280MHz : 5320MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
49 Page 48 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 10 mw (Below 12 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 20MHz )
50 Page 49 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
51 (5270MHz ~ 5310 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT40 (40MHz)) Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 50 of 90 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5270MHz : 5310MHz : - 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz
52 Page 51 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 5 mw (Below 6 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 40MHz )
53 Page 52 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
54 Page 53 of (5290 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT80 (80MHz)) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5290MHz : - : - 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± 104.2KHz
55 Page 54 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 2.5mW (Below 3.0 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 80MHz )
56 Page 55 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
57 Page 56 of (5500MHz ~ 5700 MHz 대역 ) (802.11a (20MHz)) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5500MHz : 5580MHz : 5700MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
58 Page 57 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 10 mw (Below 12 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 20MHz )
59 Page 58 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
60 (5500MHz ~ 5700 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT20 (20MHz)) Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 59 of 90 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5500MHz : 5580MHz : 5700MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
61 Page 60 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 10 mw (Below 12 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 20MHz )
62 Page 61 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
63 (5510MHz ~ 5630 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT40 (40MHz)) Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 62 of 90 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5510MHz : 5550MHz : 5630MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
64 Page 63 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 5 mw (Below 6 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 40MHz )
65 Page 64 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
66 Page 65 of ( MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT80 (80MHz)) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5530MHz : 5610MHz : - 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz
67 Page 66 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 2.5mW (Below 3.0 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 80MHz )
68 Page 67 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
69 Page 68 of (5745MHz ~ 5825 MHz 대역 ) (802.11a (20MHz)) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5745MHz : 5785MHz : 5825MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
70 Page 69 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 10 mw (Below 12 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 20MHz )
71 Page 70 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
72 (5745MHz ~ 5825 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT20 (20MHz)) Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 71 of 90 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5745MHz : 5785MHz : 5825MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz :± KHz
73 Page 72 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 10 mw (Below 12 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 20MHz )
74 Page 73 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
75 (5755MHz ~ 5795 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT40 (40MHz)) Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 74 of 90 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5755MHz : 5795MHz : - 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± KHz :± KHz
76 Page 75 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 5 mw (Below 6 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 40MHz )
77 Page 76 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
78 Page 77 of (5775 MHz 대역 ) (802.11n-HT80 (80MHz)) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5775MHz : - : - 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 주파수허용편차 (KHz) Frequency tolerance (± 이내 ) :± 115.5KHz
79 Page 78 of 90 공중선전력 (mw/mhz) Antenna Power 점유주파수대폭 (MHz) Occupied Bandwidth 미래창조과학부 장관제 제 6 조 3 항 Article 6 paragraph 3 정격출력 (Rated Output) : 2.5mW (Below 3.0 mw) Upper: 20 % Lower: None (Below 80MHz )
80 Page 79 of 90 불요발사강도 (dbm) Unwanted Emission 부차적전파발사 (dbm) Secondary unwanted emission Average power including antenna gain (Less than or equal to -27 dbm/mhz) 제 9 조 1 항 Article 9 paragraph1 (Below -54 dbmw)
81 6.4 능동주파수선택 (Dynamic Frequency Selection) Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 80 of (5260 MHz ~ 5320 MHz 대역 ) a 기기의명칭 (Device Name) R710 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5260MHz : 5280MHz : 5320MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 50 ohm The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device +15~ , 95 % 신호 1 (Signal 1) 신호 2 (Signal 2) 신호 3 (Signal 3) 합격기준 (Acceptance criteria) 적부 ( Suitability) 채널사용가능확인시간 (s) Initial Channel Availability Check Time (s) 채널이동시간 (s) Channel Move Time (s) 비점유시간 (s) Non- occupancy time (s) >60s >60s >60s >60s >60s >60s Notice No , paragraph7 >60s >60s >60s 60 초이상 More than 60 seconds Notice No , paragraph 초이내 Less than 10 s >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins Notice No , paragraph7 >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins 30 분이상 More than 30 minutes
82 Page 81 of (5270 MHz ~ 5310 MHz 대역 ) n (40MHz) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) APIN0115 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5270MHz : 5310MHz : - 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 신호 1 (Signal 1) 신호 2 (Signal 2) 신호 3 (Signal 3) 합격기준 (Acceptance criteria) 적부 ( Suitability) 채널사용가능확인시간 (s) Initial Channel Availability Check Time (s) 채널이동시간 (s) Channel Move Time (s) 비점유시간 (s) Non- occupancy time (s) >60s >60s >60s Notice No , paragraph7 >60s >60s >60s 60 초이상 More than 60 seconds Notice No , paragraph7 10 초이내 Less than 10 s >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins Notice No , paragraph7 30 분이상 More than 30 minutes
83 Page 82 of (5290 대역 ) n (80MHz) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) APIN0115 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5290MHz : - : - 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 신호 1 (Signal 1) 신호 2 (Signal 2) 신호 3 (Signal 3) 합격기준 (Acceptance criteria) 적부 ( Suitability) 채널사용가능확인시간 (s) Initial Channel Availability Check Time (s) 채널이동시간 (s) Channel Move Time (s) 비점유시간 (s) Non- occupancy time (s) >60s >60s >60s Notice No , paragraph7 60 초이상 More than 60 seconds Notice No , paragraph7 10 초이내 Less than 10 s >30 mins - >30 mins - >30 mins - Notice No , paragraph7 30 분이상 More than 30 minutes
84 Page 83 of (5500 MHz ~ 5700 MHz 대역 ) a 기기의명칭 (Device Name) APIN0115 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5500MHz : 5580MHz : 5700MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 신호 1 (Signal 1) 신호 2 (Signal 2) 신호 3 (Signal 3) 합격기준 (Acceptance criteria) 적부 ( Suitability) 채널사용가능확인시간 (s) Initial Channel Availability Check Time (s) 채널이동시간 (s) Channel Move Time (s) 비점유시간 (s) Non- occupancy time (s) >60s >60s >60s >60s >60s >60s Notice No , paragraph7 >60s >60s >60s 60 초이상 More than 60 seconds Notice No , paragraph 초이내 Less than 10 s >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins Notice No , paragraph7 >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins 30 분이상 More than 30 minutes
85 6.4.5 (5510 MHz ~ 5630 MHz 대역 ) n (40MHz) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) APIN0115 Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 84 of 90 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5510MHz : 5550MHz : 5630MHz 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 신호 1 (Signal 1) 신호 2 (Signal 2) 신호 3 (Signal 3) 합격기준 (Acceptance criteria) 적부 ( Suitability) 채널사용가능확인시간 (s) Initial Channel Availability Check Time (s) 채널이동시간 (s) Channel Move Time (s) 비점유시간 (s) Non- occupancy time (s) >60s >60s >60s >60s >60s >60s Notice No , paragraph7 >60s >60s >60s 60 초이상 More than 60 seconds Notice No , paragraph 초이내 Less than 10 s >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins Notice No , paragraph7 >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins 30 분이상 More than 30 minutes
86 6.4.6 (5530 MHz ~ 5610 MHz 대역 ) n (80MHz) 기기의명칭 (Device Name) APIN0115 Test report No. KCC_RF_SL RUC-030 Page 85 of 90 특정소출력무선기기 ( 무선데이터통신시스템용무선기기 ) Radio equipment for specified low power wireless data communication system 시험주파수 (Test frequency) : 5530MHz : 5610MHz : - 의사공중선 (Artificial antenna) 시험환경 50 ohm +15~ , 95 % 시동후 1 분경과이후에다음의전기적조건을충족시킬것 The following electrical conditions shall be satisfied after 1 (one) minute of turning on device 신호 1 (Signal 1) 신호 2 (Signal 2) 신호 3 (Signal 3) 합격기준 (Acceptance criteria) 적부 ( Suitability) 채널사용가능확인시간 (s) Initial Channel Availability Check Time (s) 채널이동시간 (s) Channel Move Time (s) 비점유시간 (s) Non- occupancy time (s) >60s >60s >60s >60s >60s >60s Notice No , paragraph7 60 초이상 More than 60 seconds Notice No , paragraph7 10 초이내 Less than 10 s >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins >30 mins Notice No , paragraph7 30 분이상 More than 30 minutes
87 Page 86 of Antenna Gain Antenna type Frequency Gain Limit Criteria Suitability 제 29 조 7항 MHz 2.5 dbi MHz Suitable paragraph7 (Less than 6 dbi) Internal PCB Antenna MHz MHz 5210 MHz MHz MHz 5290 MHz MHz MHz 5530, 5610 MHz MHz MHz 5775 MHz 3.5 dbi 3.5 dbi 3.5 dbi (Less than 6 dbi) (Less than 7 dbi) 제 29 조 7 항 paragraph7 (Less than 6 dbi) Suitable Suitable Suitable
88 Page 87 of Humidity and Temperature chart Test Data (Total 6840 points) Index Date Time Temp (oc) Humidity(%) 1 2/27/2015 9: /27/2015 9: /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ : /27/ :
Page 1 of 15 Laboratory Introduction SIEMIC, headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, with superior facilities in US and Asia, is one of the lead
RF Test Reports Report No.: 14021209-RF-KCC Supersede Report No.: None Applicant Company Hangzhou Chic Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Name Mr. Chang Hua Duan Address 3/F, No.6 Building, Liangzhu University
형식등록시험결과 Ⅰ. 종합의견 기기의명칭 무선데이터통신시스템용특정소출력무선기기 모델명 RW420 용 도 라벨프린터 1. 시험기기 제작자송신주파수수신 ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION WLAN: MHz WLAN:
방송통신기기시험성적서 1. 발급번호 : 2. 시험기간 : SL10082307-ZBR-064-2R 2010.11.16. - 2010.11.23. 3. 신청인상호 ( 명칭 ): 대표자 : 주소 : ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION Anders Gustafsson 333 Corporate Woods Parkway, Vernon Hills, IL
PCN News
Product Certificate Network PCN News September, 11th, 2017 1. 중국 - 식품접촉재질규격강제화 2. 브라질 - ANATEL Resolution 680/2017 and Act 11542/2017 Pcn.global@productcertificate.net 1566-1156 중국 - 식품접촉재질규격강제화 중국의식품접촉재질규격인
제 3 편
제 3 편 미약무선기기 (3 미터 ) 무선조정기 (500 미터 ) 소출력무선기기 코드리스전화기 데이터전송용 무선호출용 특정소출력무선기기 무선데이터통신및무선 LAN 용 무선마이크용 무선조정및안전시스템용 시각장애인용 단거리전용통신용 1000 100 10 60GHz ANSIBLE 5GHz PAN/LAN Convergence HIPERLAN/2 802.11a
무선기기명 (Certification Ordinance) 제품상세 MCA Radio equipment for land mobile or command 1) (Item 1-4of Article 2 station used for MCA land mobile communications (antenna power: 50W or less) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
MCM Series 주요특징 MaxiFlo TM (맥시플로) 코리올리스 (Coriolis) 질량유량계 MCM 시리즈는 최고의 정밀도를 자랑하며 슬러리를 포함한 액체, 혼합 액체등의 질량 유량, 밀도, 온도, 보정된 부피 유량을 측정할 수 있는 질량 유량계 이다. 단일 액체 또는 2가지 혼합액체를 측정할 수 있으며, 강한 노이즈 에도 견디는 면역성, 높은 정밀도,
사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서 제품을 사용하지 마십시오. 3.이 제품은
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 사용자설명서 TourBus 0 & TourBus 5 사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서
- 2 -
- 1 - - 2 - 전기자동차충전기기술기준 ( 안 ) - 3 - 1 3 1-1 3 1-2 (AC) 26 1-3 (DC) 31 2 37 3 40-4 - 1 14, 10,, 2 3. 1-1 1. (scope) 600 V (IEC 60038) 500 V. (EV : Electric Vehicle) (PHEV : Plug-in Hybrid EV).. 2. (normative
(Rev. 1.6) 1 1. MagicLAN.......8 1.1............8 1.2........8 1.3 MagicLAN.......10 2.........12 2.1.... 12 2.2 12 2.3....12 3. Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP......13 3.1.....13 3.2 Windows 98SE.... 13 3.3 Windows
120 V AC, 50/60 Hz : 52 W (with no optional accessories installed), indicates safety information. 70 W (with all optional accessories installed) : : (WxHxD) : : 41 F to 104 F (+ 5 C to + 40 C) Less than
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Wireless LAN 최양희서울대학교컴퓨터공학부 Radio-Based Wireless LANs Most widely used method Adv: penetrating walls and other obstacles with little attenuation. Disadv: security, interference, etc. 3 approaches: ISM
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Standard and Technology of Full-Dimension MINO Systems in LTE-Advances Pro Massive MIMO has been studied in academia foreseeing the capacity crunch in the coming years. Presently, industry has also started
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ISO/IEC 17025 1999-12-15 1 2 3 4 41 42 43 44, 45 / 46 47 48 49 / 410 411 412 413 414 5 51 52 53 54 / 55 56 57 58 / 59 / 510 A( ) ISO/IEC 17025 ISO 9001:1994 ISO 9002:1994 B( ) 1 11 /, / 12 / 1, 2, 3/ (
TEL:02)861-1175, FAX:02)861-1176 , REAL-TIME,, ( ) CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER REAL TIME CUSTOMER D/B RF HANDY TEMINAL RF, RF (AP-3020) : LAN-S (N-1000) : LAN (TCP/IP) RF (PPT-2740) : RF (,RF ) : (CL-201)
양성자가속기연구센터 양성자가속기 개발 및 운영현황 DOI: 10.3938/PhiT.25.001 권혁중 김한성 Development and Operational Status of the Proton Linear Accelerator at the KOMAC Hyeok-Jung KWON and Han-Sung KIM A 100-MeV proton linear accelerator
논문접수일 : 2014.12.20 심사일 : 2015.01.06 게재확정일 : 2015.01.27 청각 장애자들을 위한 보급형 휴대폰 액세서리 디자인 프로토타입 개발 Development Prototype of Low-end Mobile Phone Accessory Design for Hearing-impaired Person 주저자 : 윤수인 서경대학교 예술대학
Slide 1
Clock Jitter Effect for Testing Data Converters Jin-Soo Ko Teradyne 2007. 6. 29. 1 Contents Noise Sources of Testing Converter Calculation of SNR with Clock Jitter Minimum Clock Jitter for Testing N bit
Ⅱ-1. 구조적 기능적조건 Ⅱ. 시험결과 시험항목시험내용관련근거적부 전파법시행령제 25 조 ( 신고하지아니하고개설할수있는무선국 ) 법제 19 조의 2 제 2 항에서 " 대통령령으로정하는 구조적 무선국 " 이란다음각호의어느하나에해당하는무선기기를사용하는무선국을말한다. 기능적 조건 4. 성평가를받은무선기기로서다른무선국의통신을방해하지아니하는출력의범위에서특정구역또는건물내등가까운거리에서사용할목적으로미래창조과학부장관이
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- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - 1) 통계청고시제 2010-150 호 (2010.7.6 개정, 2011.1.1 시행 ) - 4 - 요양급여의적용기준및방법에관한세부사항에따른골밀도검사기준 (2007 년 11 월 1 일시행 ) - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 -
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2016 May; 27(5), 454462. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2016.27.5.454 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Research
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Preliminary spec(K93,K62_Chip_081118).xls
2.4GHz Antenna K93- Series KMA93A2450X-M01 Antenna mulilayer Preliminary Spec. Features LTCC Based designs Monolithic SMD with small, low-profile and light-weight type Wide bandwidth Size : 9 x 3 x 1.0mm
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Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea Vol. 28, No. 2 pp.1-8, May 2009 1 하이브리드 환경하의 인간기계시스템 제어실 평가에 관한 연구 차 우 창 김 남 철 금오공과대학교 산업시스템공학과 A Study of the Evaluation for the Control Room in Human Machine
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SSi Super Systems Inc 1 2 2 2 3-3 4 / 4 5 5 DP2000 11 RETURNING THE UNIT TO SSI 11 SPARE PARTS 12 APPENDIX A 13 APPENDIX B 14 Super System Inc DP2000
SSi Super Systems Inc Model DP 2000 : ( ) / / : -50 to +80 F (-47 to +27 C) : 0 to 120 F (-18 to +49 C) : 115/240 VAC 60Hz : LED Digital : +/- 1 F (+/- 01 C) : 4 20 ma ( ) : 12 V : 8 ( ): 11 x 10 x 7 :
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Bandwidth Efficiency Analysis for Cooperative Transmission Methods of Downlink Signals using Distributed Antennas In this paper, the performance of cooperative transmission methods for downlink transmission
제 출 문 농림수산식품부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 트위스트 휠 방식 폐비닐 수거기 개발 과제의 최종보고서로 제출 합니다. 2008년 4월 24일 주관연구기관명: 경 북 대 학 교 총괄연구책임자: 김 태 욱 연 구 원: 조 창 래 연 구 원: 배 석 경 연 구 원: 김 승 현 연 구 원: 신 동 호 연 구 원: 유 기 형 위탁연구기관명: 삼 생 공 업 위탁연구책임자:
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표준 기술동향 60GHz 주파수 대역 기반 밀리미터파 무선전송기술 표준화 동향 홍승은 ETRI 무선통신연구부 초고속무선통신연구팀 선임연구원 이우용 ETRI 무선통신연구부 초고속무선통신연구팀 팀장 정현규 ETRI 무선통신연구부 부장 1. 머리말 제공할 수 있다. 또한 저전력 구현을 통해 스마트폰과 같은 휴대용 장치에도 탑재되어 장치 간 대용량 무선 통신에 사용되는
A B C D E F 1 4 2 3 6 5 11 10 7 8 9 2 4 6 5 3 7 8 9 1 8 7 6 2 3 9 1 4 5 1 6 3 4 5 2 RRC350 RRC350 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 11 5 7 9 3 1 10 4 6 8 13 2 Roteo 35
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THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2013 Aug.; 24(8), 772 780. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2013.24.8.772 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) HEMP
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Performance Optimization of SCTP in Wireless Internet Environments The existing works on Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) was focused on the fixed network environment. However, the number of
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Microsoft PowerPoint - ch03ysk2012.ppt [호환 모드]
전자회로 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 김영석 충북대학교전자정보대학 2012.3.1 Email: kimys@cbu.ac.kr k Ch3-1 Ch3 iode Models and Circuits 3.1 Ideal iode 3.2 PN Junction as a iode 3.4 Large Signal and Small-Signal Operation
182 183 184 / 1) IT 2) 3) IT Video Cassette Recorder VCR Personal Video Recorder PVR VCR 4) 185 5) 6) 7) Cloud Computing 8) 186 VCR P P Torrent 9) avi wmv 10) VCR 187 VCR 11) 12) VCR 13) 14) 188 VTR %
2002. 6. 1 (Footnotes) 1.. 1 3.. 4 5. (1) 4 ( ), (2) 5 4.. 4. (1) 1 : (2) 2 :. 2. (1) 1. (2) 1. (3) 2..,. (K ). 4 5. 3 . (R).. (OR).. 30 156 174.., ( )....... (1) 30,005 khz khz, 30,005 10,000, 10. (2)
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 4, August, 30, 2016:319~332 Received: 2016/07/28, Accepted: 2016/08/28 Revised: 2016/08/27, Published: 2016/08/30 [ABSTRACT] This paper examined what determina
감사칼럼 2010. 11 (제131호) 다. 미국과 일본의 경제성장률(전기 대비)은 2010년 1/4분기 각각 0.9%와1.2%에서 2/4분기에는 모두 0.4%로 크게 둔화 되었다. 신흥국들도 마찬가지이다. 중국, 브라질 등 신흥국은 선진국에 비해 높은 경제성장률을 기
2010 11 (제131호) 글로벌 환율갈등과 기업의 대응 contents 감사칼럼 1 글로벌 환율갈등과 기업의 대응 - 정영식(삼성경제연구소 수석연구원) 조찬강연 지상중계 5 뉴 미디어 시대의 커뮤니케이션 전략 - 김상헌(NHN(주) 대표이사 사장) 감사실무 경영권 분쟁 상황에서 회사를 상대로 하는 가처분 - 문호준(법무법인 광장 변호사) 감사자료 컴플라이언스
Ch. 4. Spectral Density & Correlation 4.1 Energy Spectral Density 4.2 Power Spectral Density 4.3 Time-Averaged Noise Representation 4.4 Correlation Functions 4.5 Properties of Correlation Functions 4.6
Cho, Mun Jin (E-mail: mjcho@ex.co.kr) ABSTRACT PURPOSES : The performance of tack coat, commonly used for layer interface bonding, is affected by application rate and curing time. In this study, bonding
http://www.kbc.go.kr/ A B yk u δ = 2u k 1 = yk u = 0. 659 2nu k = 1 k k 1 n yk k Abstract Web Repertoire and Concentration Rate : Analysing Web Traffic Data Yong - Suk Hwang (Research
... 수시연구 2009-18.. 고속도로 휴게타운 도입구상 연구 A Study on the Concept of Service Town at the Expressway Service Area... 권영인 임재경 이창운... 서 문 우리나라는 경제성장과 함께 도시화가 지속적으로 진행되어 지방 지역의 인구감소와 경기의 침체가 계속되고 있습니다. 정부의 다각 적인
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2019 Sep.; 30(9), 712 717. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2019.30.9.712 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) MOS
종량제봉투의 불법유통 방지를 위한 폐기물관리법과 조례의 개선방안* 1) 송 동 수** 차 례 Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 종량제봉투의 개요 Ⅲ. 종량제봉투의 불법유통사례 및 방지대책 Ⅳ. 폐기물관리법의 개선방안 Ⅴ. 지방자치단체 조례의 개선방안 Ⅵ. 결론 국문초록 1995년부터 쓰레기 종량제가 시행되면서 각 지방자치단체별로 쓰레기 종량제 봉투가 제작, 판매되기 시작하였는데,
. 서론,, [1]., PLL.,., SiGe, CMOS SiGe CMOS [2],[3].,,. CMOS,.. 동적주파수분할기동작조건분석 3, Miller injection-locked, static. injection-locked static [4]., 1/n 그림
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2016 Feb.; 27(2), 170175. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2016.27.2.170 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Analysis
www.keit.re.kr 2011. 11 Technology Level Evaluation ABSTRACT The Technology Level Evaluation assesses the current level of industrial technological development in Korea and identifies areas that are underdeveloped
2001. 9. 6 1. 1. (1) (1) 1 (2) (2) 2 3 INVESTER PROFESIONAL ORGANIZATION GOVERNMENT CODE COMMITTEE SPECIFICATION CODE LAW LICENSE PERMIT PLANT 4 5 6 7 2. (1) 2. (1) 8 9 (2) (2) 10 (3) ( ). () 20kg/ (P70,
www.brooksinstrument.com 기본적인 설명 진행전 반드시 읽어 주십시오. Brooks 는 많은 국내 및 국제 기준을 충족하기 위해 제품을 설계, 생산 및 테스트를 합니다. 이 제품이 제대로 설치, 운영되고 그 들이 정상 사양 내에서 작동하도록 지속적인 유지보수가 필요합니다. Brooks Instrument 제품을 설치, 사용 및 유지보수 시
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2017 Mar.; 28(3), 163 169. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2017.28.3.163 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) PCB
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2015 Nov.; 26(11), 978 984. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2015.26.11.978 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Transceiver
레이아웃 1
Annual 2013 vol.15 th HOW ENGINEERING ANNIVERSARY Annual 하우인 2013 vol.15 하우엔지니어링과 자매사 우인엔지니어링은 경남, 부산지역 종합엔지니어링 업계의 선두주자로서 건설기술의 미래지평을 열어가고 있습니다. 행복한 삶의 공간 창출, 안전하고 튼튼한 도시기반시설의 건설을 위해 우수한 인력과 기술력을 바탕으로
지상파 방송의 원격송신과 공중송신권 침해여부에 관한 사례연구 Case Study on Copyright Infringement of Remote Transmission of Television Program 최정열(Choe, Jeong-Yeol) * 목 차 Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 사실 관계 및 재판의 경과 1. 원격시청기기 및 그 사용방법 등 2. 피고의 서비스 3.
2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Security Surveillance Ubiquitous Infra Internet Infra Telematics Security Surveillance Telematics Internet Infra Solutions Camera Site (NETWORK) Monitoring & Control
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.23, No.2, 2007, pp.45~52 Measurement of Backscattering Coefficients of Rice Canopy Using a Ground Polarimetric Scatterometer System Suk-Young Hong*, Jin-Young Hong**,
2004년 12월 31일 주관연구기관 : 한국전파진흥협회 연구 책임자 : 정 신 교 참여 연구원 : 정 성 진 안 준 오 우 현 주 김 선 영 이 영 란 서 지 영 High Data Rate WPAN 기술 UWB / W1394 PDA 지능형에이젼트기술 방범 전력검침 RF ZigBee 수도검침 802.15.3 Web PAD UWB/무선1394
韓 國 電 磁 波 學 會 論 文 誌 第 19 卷 第 8 號 2008 年 8 月 論 文 2008-19-8-19 K 대역 브릭형 능동 송수신 모듈의 설계 및 제작 A Design and Fabrication of the Brick Transmit/Receive Module for K Band 이 기 원 문 주 영 윤 상 원 Ki-Won Lee Ju-Young Moon
슬라이드 제목 없음
OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) 서울대학교이동통신연구실 1 Contents Introduction Generation of subcarriers using the IFFT Guard time and cyclic extension Windowing Choice of OFDM parameters OFDM
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27(2), 2007, 96-121 S ij k i POP j a i SEXR j i AGER j i BEDDAT j ij i j S ij S ij POP j SEXR j AGER j BEDDAT j k i a i i i L ij = S ij - S ij ---------- S ij S ij = k i POP j a i SEXR j i AGER j i BEDDAT
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00-09 2000. 12 ,,,,.,.,.,,,,,,.,,..... . 1 1 7 2 9 1. 9 2. 13 3. 14 3 16 1. 16 2. 21 3. 39 4 43 1. 43 2. 52 3. 56 4. 66 5. 74 5 78 1. 78 2. 80 3. 86 6 88 90 Ex e cu t iv e Su m m a r y 92 < 3-1> 22 < 3-2>
example code are examined in this stage The low pressure pressurizer reactor trip module of the Plant Protection System was programmed as subject for
2003 Development of the Software Generation Method using Model Driven Software Engineering Tool,,,,, Hoon-Seon Chang, Jae-Cheon Jung, Jae-Hack Kim Hee-Hwan Han, Do-Yeon Kim, Young-Woo Chang Wang Sik, Moon
,.,..,....,, Abstract The importance of integrated design which tries to i
- - The Brand Touchpoint Analysis through Corporate Identity Typeface of Mobile Telecommunication Companies - Focusing on and - : Lee, Ka Young Dept. Lifestyle Design, Dankook University : Kim, Ji In Dept.
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THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2015 Jan.; 26(1), 113118. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2015.26.1.113 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print)ISSN 2288-226X (Online) A Retro-Directive
Lee, Kyungbae (E-mail : kblee6078@ex.co.kr) Lee, Jaehoon (E-mail : ranian74@ex.co.kr) Sohn, Duecksu (E-mail : mgsds@ex.co.kr) Kwon, Soonmin (E-mail : soonmini2@ex.co.kr) ABSTRACT PURPOSES : The purpose
8-VSB (Vestigial Sideband Modulation)., (Carrier Phase Offset, CPO) (Timing Frequency Offset),. VSB, 8-PAM(pulse amplitude modulation,, ) DC 1.25V, [2
VSB a), a) An Alternative Carrier Phase Independent Symbol Timing Offset Estimation Methods for VSB Receivers Sung Soo Shin a) and Joon Tae Kim a) VSB. VSB.,,., VSB,. Abstract In this paper, we propose
21 WDM * OADM MUX/DEMUX EDFA Er + Doped Fiber Isolator Isolator GFF WDM Coupler 1.48 um LD 1.48 um LD Transmitter Receiver MUX EDFA OADM DEMUX Switch Fiber Optics Micro Optics Waveguide Optics Isolator,
ECO 2002-10 2002. 8 5, .. Tel : 3771-0496, Fax : 3771-0110, E-mail : css@fki.or.kr < > 1 5 17. 19. 5 (2002. 5. 23) 22. (2002. 7. 22) 25 5 27. 29. 31. 36. 42 5 45. 47. 51. 52. 53 5 55. 57. 63. 65 . 71.
Analyses the Contents of Points per a Game and the Difference among Weight Categories after the Revision of Greco-Roman Style Wrestling Rules Han-bong
Analyses the Contents of Points per a Game and the Difference among Weight Categories after the Revision of Greco-Roman Style Wrestling Rules Han-bong An 1 & Kyoo-jeong Choi 2 * 1 Korea National Wrestling
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이동전화시장 경쟁활성화를 위한 MVNO 추진을 바라보며 김원식 1) 1. 들어가며 최근 이동전화의 무선재판매 시장 활성화 등을 위해 정보통신부가 준비한 전기통신사업 법 개정안 공청회에서 무선재판매의무제 관련규정을 둘러싸고 전문가들의 우려와 지적이 상당하였다. 우선 무선재판매 제도 도입의 배경을 살펴보자. 직접적 배경으로는 국내 이동전화 요금에 대한 이용자들의
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u-it In recent years, there have been tremendous increases in the field of radio-communication services and equipments. It means that the well-organized technical regulations for the radio-communication
USB Windows 7/ Vista 2 Windows XP English 1 2 3 4 Installation A. Headset B. Transmitter C. USB charging cable D. 3.5mm to USB audio cable - Before using the headset needs to be fully charged. -Connect