Getting Your Skin Ready for Surgery You are scheduled to have surgery. To decrease your risk of infection, you will need to get your skin as free of germs as possible. You can reduce the number of germs on your skin by carefully washing with a special soap called chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) before surgery. Follow These Instructions You may be given or you will need to buy CHG soap. You will need a 4-ounce (118-milliliter) bottle or larger. The soap is sold under the brand name Hibiclens, or there may be a store brand that costs less. Ask the pharmacist where to find it in the drug store. It is often with first aid supplies. Do not shave the site where your doctor will be making the cut for your surgery for 48 to 72 hours before surgery. You need to shower with CHG soap two times before your surgery: The day before your surgery Again, the morning of your surgery Cleaning Your Skin with CHG Soap 1. Start by washing your hair with your normal shampoo and wash your body with regular soap. Rinse your hair and body well to remove any shampoo or soap that might be on your skin. 2. Wet a clean washcloth and turn off the shower. 3. Put the CHG soap on the wet, clean washcloth. 1
수술전피부소독 환자분은현재수술이예정되어있습니다. 감염위험을줄이려면피부에서세균을가능한최대로제거해야합니다. 수술전에피부를클로르헥시딘글루코네이트 (CHG) 라고부르는특수비누로조심스럽게닦아내어세균을줄일수있습니다. 아래지시사항을잘따르십시오 CHG 비누를병원에서주거나아니면환자가직접구입해야한다. 4 온스 (118 밀리리터 ) 짜리또는더큰병이필요하다. 이비누는 Hibiclens 라는상표로흔히팔린다. 가격이조금싼상점자체브랜드도판다. 상점어디에있는지약사에게물어본다. 주로구급약들과함께있다. 수술전 48 시긴에서 72 시간동안은수술하기위해의사가절개할부위의털을깍지않는다. 수술전에 CHG 비누로두번샤워를해야한다 : 수술전날 수술하는날아침에한번더 CHG 비누로피부소독하기 1. 일반삼푸로머리부터감기시작해서일반비누로몸을씻는다. 머리와피부에남아있는샴퓨와비누를잘헹궈서제거한다. 2. 깨끗한세수수건을물로적시고샤워기를끈다. 3. CHG 비누를적신깨끗한수건에묻힌다. Getting Your Skin Ready for Surgery. Korean. 1
4. Apply the CHG soap to your whole body from the neck down only. Do not use CHG soap on your face and be careful not to get it in your eyes, nose, mouth or ears. CHG soap does not lather well. Put more CHG soap on the washcloth as you cover more of your body. You should use about 2 ounces or ¼ cup (60 milliliters) of CHG soap with each shower. 5. Wash your body gently for 5 minutes, paying special attention to the part of your body where the surgery will be done. Be sure to wash the back of your neck and under your arms. Wash your belly button, groin and legs down to your toes. Do not scrub too hard. 6. Turn the shower back on and rinse well to get the CHG soap off of your body. Do not wash with regular soap after you have used CHG soap. 7. Pat yourself dry with a clean, dry towel. 8. Do not use any powders, deodorants, lotions, make-up, hairspray or other products. 9. Put on clean clothes. Be sure to take a second shower with CHG soap the morning of your surgery. Special Notes If you are to have a cut made into your scalp, you need to wash your hair with CHG soap each time you shower. Wash your hair with regular shampoo and rinse it well with water. Put a large amount of the CHG soap into your palm and then work it through your hair and scalp. It will not lather like your shampoo. Be careful not to get CHG soap into your eyes, nose, mouth or ears. Rinse with clean water. If you do not have a shower, or you are not able to get into the shower, take a sponge bath. Do not wash your hair unless you are to have a cut into your scalp. First, bathe with a washcloth and regular soap. Rinse with clean water. Then get a clean washcloth, and use CHG soap to wash your body. Rinse with another clean washcloth and plain water. Dry with a clean towel. 2
4. CHG 비누를목아래몸전체에칠한다. CHG 비누를얼굴에칠하지말고, 눈이나, 코, 입, 또는귀로들어가지않도록조심한다. CHG 비누는거품이잘나지않는다. 몸에칠하면서 CHG 비누를수건에더많이칠한다. 샤워할때마다 CHG 비누를약 2 온스또는 4 분의 1 컵 (60 밀리리터 ) 정도사용한다. 5. 특히수술할부위에관심을두면서몸을 5 분간잘씻는다. 목뒤와겨드랑이도잘씻는다. 배꼽, 사타구니, 발가락까지다리를잘씻는다. 너무세게문지르지않는다. 6. 샤워기를다시틀고 CHG 비누가몸에서다씻겨내릴때까지잘헹군다. CHG 비누를사용한다음에는일반비누로몸을씻지마시오. 7. 샤워후에깨끗한마른수건으로물기를닦아낸다. 8. 몸에파우더, 방취제, 로션, 화장품, 헤어스프레이등을뿌리지않는다. 9. 깨끗한옷으로갈아입는다. 수술받는날아침에 CHG 비누로샤워를한번더하는것잊지마십시오. 주의사항 수술중에두피를절개해야하면, 샤워할때마다 CHG 비누로머리를감아야한다. 일반샴푸로머리를감은다음물로잘헹군다. CHG 비누를충분히손바닥위에놓은다음머리와두피를골고루문지른다. 샴푸같이거품이많이나지않는다. CHG 비누가눈, 코, 입또는귀로들어가지않도록조심한다. 깨끗한물로헹군다. 샤워시설이없거나, 샤워를할수없으면, 스폰지로몸을씻는다. 두피를절개하는수술이아니면머리를감지않는다. 우선세수수건과일반비누로목욕을한다. 깨끗한물로헹군다. 다음, 깨끗한세수수건과 CHG 비누를사용하여몸을씻는다. 다른목욕수건과일반물로몸을헹군다. 깨끗한수건으로물기를닦아낸다. Getting Your Skin Ready for Surgery. Korean. 2
If you have any questions about cleaning your skin, call your doctor s office. 9/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 3
피부소독과관련하여질문이있으면의사에게연락하십시오. 9/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Getting Your Skin Ready for Surgery. Korean. 3