목차 I. 서언 II. 북한무인기능력과발전추세 III. 대남도발양상과예상피해수준전망 IV. 군사선진국들의무인기운용 V. 우리군의대응방향 VI. 결언 1) 공군사관학교졸업. 영국 Hull University 국제정치학박사. 국방대학교안보대학원군사전략학부장. 2) 자유북한방송, 2014. 5. 9. 3) Reudiger Frank, 'A Guide to Kim Jong Un's 2014 New Years Speech,' in http://38north.org/2014/01/rfrank010214/ (2014. 1. 2) 4) RIA Novosti, 2015. 2. 23. 5) http://38north.org/2014/07/jbermudez070114/ (2016. 7. 22) - 1 - - 2 -
6) 송승종길병옥, ' 군용무인기개발의역사와그전략적함의에대한연구,' 군사 제 97 호, 2015. 12. 7) 최근공개된자료에따르면주한미군은기간중 268 회의무인기비행을수행한것으로알려졌다. http://38north.org/2014/07/jbermudez070114/ (2016. 7. 22). 8) 뉴스 1, 2016. 4. 17. 9) Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., North korean Drones On, in http://38north.org/2014/07/ jbermudez070114/ (2016. 8. 5) 10) 이윤상, 군사용무인항공기의오늘과내일 ( 공군발전연구원발표자료 ), 2015. 1. 25. 11) http://38north.org/2014/07/jbermudez070114/ (2016. 7. 25) 12) 국방부는한미합동으로무인기의메모리칩을조사한결과북한의소행임을최종확인됐다고발표했다. KBS TV 9 시뉴스, 2014. 4. 2. - 3 - - 4 -
- 5 - - 6 -
13) 연합뉴스, 2016. 7. 18. - 7 - - 8 -
14) 오마이뉴스, 2013. 3. 21. - 9 - - 10 -
15) 조선일보, 1996. 9. 19 & 22. - 11 - - 12 -
16) The Telegraph, 12 November 2015. 17) The Telegraph, 12 November 2015: ISIS Confirms death of Jihadi John, CNN, January 20, 2016. 18) The Telegraph, 12 & 13 November 2015. 19) Drone strikes undertaken on Obama's orders have killed more than 3,400 militants, according to a January analysis by the Council on Foreign Relations, US News & World Report, June 13, 2016. - 13 - - 14 -
20) US covert actions in Somalia, https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/category/ projects/drones/drones-somalia/ (2016. 8. 11) 21) The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, US covert actions in Somalia: Unprecedented death toll from US air strike in Somalia, https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/ 2016/03/07/unprecedented-death-toll-us-air-strike-somalia/ (2016. 8. 11) 22) Drone Warfare, https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/category/projects/drones/ drones-war-drones/ (2016. 7. 22) - 15 - - 16 -
23) KBS TV 뉴스, 2014. 4. 9. 24) 북한무인기잡으려수억짜리레이다수백대설치?. 한겨레신문, 2014. 4. 11. 25) 북한무인기잡으려수억짜리레이다수백대설치?. 한겨레신문, 2014. 4. 11. - 17 - - 18 -
26) 국방부, 국방백서 2014, 2015. p. 239. - 19 - - 20 -
국방부, 국방백서 2014, 2015. 송승종길병옥, ' 군용무인기개발의역사와그전략적함의에대한연구,' 군사 제 97 호, 2015. 12. Drone strikes undertaken on Obama's orders have killed more than 3,400 militants, according to a January analysis by the Council on Foreign Relations, US News & World Report, June 13, 2016. Reudiger Frank, 'A Guide to Kim Jong Un's 2014 New Years Speech,' in http://38north.org/2014/01/rfrank010214/ (2014. 1. 2) RIA Novosti, 2015. 2. 23. The Telegraph, 12 & 13 November 2015. Drone Warfare, https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/category/projects/drones/droneswar-drones/ (2016. 8. 2) The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, US covert actions in Somalia: Unprecedented death toll from US air strike in Somalia, https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/2016/03/07/unprecedented-death-toll-us-air-strike-so malia/ (2016. 7. 15) US covert actions in Somalia, https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/ category/projects/drones/drones-somalia/ (2016. 8. 5) http://38north.org/2014/07/jbermudez070114/ (2016. 7. 25) http://38north.org/2014/07/jbermudez070114/ (2016. 7. 22) - 21 -