ICR Hot issue ICR 의 KAB( 한국인정지원센터 ) 등록완료 ICR Polska(ICR 폴란드법인 ) 의 Polish Forum ISO 9001 회원가입 헝가리 ÉMI Non-profit Llc. 상호협력을위한계약체결 ISO/FDIS 9001:2015, ISO/FDIS 14001:2015 발행및 PDCA 모델해설 미소비자제품안전위원회 (CPSC) 의 8 월리콜정보 2015 년 8 월 EMC 규격재 개정현황 뉴스레터 [9 월호 ] ICR 전기안전시험실전경
ICR 의 KAB( 한국인정지원센터 ) 등록완료 저희 ICR 은 2015 년 8 월 20 일한국인정지원센터 (KAB) 에품질경영체제 [KAB-QC-49] 32 개범위및환경경영체제 [KAB-EC-43] 의 32 개범위에대하여인정을획득하였습니다. 한국인정지원센터 (Korea Accreditation Board; http://www.kab.or.kr) Home page: www.icrqa.com 2
ICR Polska Polish Forum ISO 9000 회원가입 ICR Polska Sp. z o.o.(icr 폴란드법인 ) 이 Polish Forum ISO 9000 의회원이되었음. Polish Forum ISO 9000 Club 은 1991 년에설립된비영리조직이며, 아래의사항들에대해관심이있는조직과사람들로구성되어있음. - 품질경영 - 경영시스템의실행, 개선및발전 - 시스템의적합성평가 Polish Forum ISO 9000 Club 은독립된조직이고자발적으로활동하면서적합성평가 ( 인정, 인증 ) 를지원하고촉진하고있음. 현재 250 개의회원사와수천명의회원이 Polish Forum ISO 9000 Club 에가입되어있음. 심사원그룹, 품질관리자그룹, 의료기기분야그룹, 공공행정그룹, 건설분야그룹들이기술위원회에서활동하고있음. Home page: www.icrqa.com 3
헝가리 ÉMI Non-profit Llc. 와협약체결 ICR은헝가리 ÉMI Non-profit Llc.( 이하 ÉMI) 와 2015년 8월 24일상호협력계약을체결하였습니다. ÉMI( 헝가리부다페스트 ) 는 CE 인증등건축자재의시험, 승인및인증업무를수행하는기관입니다. ÉMI는헝가리정부가 100 % 출연한헝가리정부산하기관으로, 동유럽최대시험설비및역량을가지고있습니다. ICR은 2012년이후 ÉMI와업무를진행하고있으며, 향후건축자재의 CE 인증 (CPR) 및건설및건설자재에대한시험업무및표준제정등학술적인협력활동을전개할예정입니다. ÉMI Építésügyi Minőségellenőrző Innovációs Nonprofit Kft. Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Projekt-koordinációs Igazgatóság H-2000 Szentendre, Dózsa György út 26. Telefon: +36 26 502 353 Internet: www.emi.hu Home page: www.icrqa.com 4
ISO/FDIS 9001:2015, ISO/FDIS 14001:2015 발행 ISO/FDIS 9001: 2015, ISO/FDIS 14001: 2015 가 2015 년 7 월 28 일 ISO 기술위원회에의하여발행되었습니다. 저희 ICR 에서당규격에대한한글번역이완료 ( 감수및교정작업중 ) 되었으며, 두규격에대한교육프로그램을준비하고있습니다. Home page: www.icrqa.com 5
ISO/FDIS 9001:2015, ISO/FDIS 14001:2015 의 PDCA 모델 ISO/FDIS 9001:2015 의프로세스접근과 PDCA 모델 ISO/FDIS 14001:2015 환경경영시스템의 PDCA 모델 Home page: www.icrqa.com 6
미소비자제품안전위원회 (CPSC) 리콜정보 추가정보 http://www.cpsc.gov/en/recalls/?page=1 Home page: www.icrqa.com 7
2015 년 8 월 EMC 규격재 개정목록 (1/2) IEC 62153-4-10:2015 PRV Publication date: 2015-08-14 IEC 62153-4-10:2015 has been pre-released. The standard is titled, Metallic Communication Cable Test Methods Part 4-10: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Transfer Impedance and Screening Attenuation of...» IEC 60384-20:2015 Publication Date: 2015-07-22 IEC 60384-20:2015 has been released. The standard is titled, "Fixed Capacitors for Use in Electronic Equipment - Part 20: Sectional Specification - Fixed Metallized Polyphenylene Sulfide Film Dielectric Surface Moun...» IEC 61000-4-24:2015 PRV Publication Date: 2015-07-31 IEC 61000-4-24:2015 has been pre-released. The standard is titled, "Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Part 4-24: Testing and Measurement Techniques Test Methods for Protective Devices for HEMP Conducted Di...» IEC 60384-24:2015 Released Publication date: 2015-07-22 IEC 60384-24:2015 has been released. The standard is titled, Fixed Capacitors for use in Electronic Equipment - Part 24: Sectional Specification - Fixed Tantalum Electrolytic Surface Mount Capacitors with Conduct...» CISPR 16-1-1:2015 PRV Publication date: 2015-07-10 CISPR 16-1-1:2015 has been pre-released. The standard is titled, "Specification for Radio Disturbance and Immunity Measuring Apparatus and Methods - Part 1-1: Radio Disturbance and Immunity Measuring Apparatus....» IEC 60143-1:2015 Publication Date: 2015-06-25 IEC 60143-1:2015 has been released. The standard is titled, "Series Capacitors for Power Systems - Part 1: General." "IEC 60143-1:2015 applies both to capacitor units and capacitor banks intended to be used con...» IEEE 1547.1a-2015 Publication date: 2015-05-01 IEEE 1547.1a-2015 has been released. The standard is titled, "IEEE Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems - Amendment 1." "Interconnec...» IEC 61338-1-5:2015 2015-06-25 IEC 61338-1-5:2015 has been released. The standard it titled, "Waveguide Type Dielectric Resonators - Part 1-5: General information and test conditions - Measurement method of conductivity at interface between conductor layer and d...» IEC 60143-3:2015 Publication date: 2015-06-09 IEC 60143-3:2015 has been released. The standard is titled, "Series Capacitors for Power Systems - Part 3: Internal Fuses." "IEC 60143-3:2015 applies to internal fuses designed to isolate faulty capacitor element...» CISPR 11:2015 Publication Date: 2015-06-09 CISPR 11:2015 has been released. The standard is titled, "Industrial, Scientific and Medical equipment - Radio-Frequency Disturbance Characteristics - Limits and Methods of Measurement." "CISPR 11:2015 is avail...» Home page: www.icrqa.com 8
2015 년 8 월 EMC 규격재 개정목록 (2/2) IEC 61000-6-5:2015 PRV Publication Date: 2015-05-29 IEC 61000-6-5:2015 has been pre-released. The standard is titled Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Part 6-5: Generic Standards Immunity for Equipment used in Power Station and Substation Environment....» IEC 60533:2015 PRV Publication date: 2015-05-22 IEC 60533:2015 has been pre-released. The standard is titled "Electrical and Electronic Installations in Ships Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Ships with a Metallic Hull." "This Final Draft Internatio...» IEC 60384-23:2015 Publication Date: 2015-04-29 IEC 60384-23:2015 has been released. The standard is titled, "Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 23: Sectional specification - Fixed metallized polyethylene naphthalate film dielectric surface m...» IEC 60939-3:2015 PRV Publication Date: 2015-05-08 IEC 60939-3:2015 PRV (Pre release version) has been released. The standard is titled "Passive Filter Units for Electromagnetic Interference Suppression Part 3: Passive Filter Units for Which Safety Tests are A...» CISPR 24:2010+AMD1:2015 CSV Publication Date: 2015-04-17"CISPR 24:2010+AMD1:2015 CSV - Consolidated version" has been released. The standard is titled, "Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement." CISPR 24:2010+A1:2015...» IEC 62153-4-4:2015 IEC 62153-4-4:2015 has been released. The standard is titled "Metallic Communication Cable Test Methods - Part 4-4: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Test method for Measuring of the Screening Attenuation as up to and above 3 GHz, Triaxial M...» CISPR 24 ed2.1 Consol. with am1 Publication Date: 2015-04-17 CISPR 24 ed2.1 Consol. with am1 has been released. The standard is titled, Information Technology Equipment - Immunity Characteristics - Limits and Methods of Measurement. CISPR 24:2010+A1:2015 applies to inf...» WhiteSpace Alliance Technology Approved to Become ISO Standard The WhiteSpace Alliance (WSA) announced its core technology, Wi-FAR, has been approved to become an ISO standard. Wi-FAR provides the industry with cost effective internet access through the TV band spectrum, also known as whitespace, in freque...» CISPR 15 ed8.1 Consol. with am1 Publication Date: 2015-03-27 CISPR 15 ed8.1 Consol. with am1 has been released. The standard is titled "Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Electrical Lighting and Similar Equipment." CISPR 15:2013+A1:2015...» CISPR 32 ed2.0 Publication date: 2015-03-31 CISPR 32 ed2.0 has been released. The standard is titled "Electromagnetic Compatibility of Multimedia Equipment - Emission Requirements." CISPR 32:2015 is available as Standards+ CISPR 32:2015 which contains the In...» Home page: www.icrqa.com 9