中文 01 한국어 19 小孩体重유아체중 child s weight - 10 kg - 10킬로미만 - 10 Kg ENGLISH 37 质量组 0 ECE 그룹 0 ECE group 0 德国工业标准 ECE R44 04 표준형 ECE R44 04 standard ECE R44 04 执行标准 GB 27887-2011 机动车儿童乘员用约束系统
01 03 14 04 15 02 12 CONCORD NEO CONCORD AVENUE CONCORD WANDERER 05 10 11 06 05 13 16 08 09
_ 中文 零件清单 02 基本信息 04 警告 04 注意 06 了解 CONCORD SLEEPER 便携床 07 安装方便 // 舒适安全 // 使用便捷 预先调节 08 把手位置调节 // 靠背角度调节 // 通风 选择安装便携床的位置 10 车内安装 11 在便携床内放置小孩 14 在儿童推车车架上安装 CONCORD SLEEPER 16 维护 17 保修 18 1
_ 零件清单 01 便携把手 02 把手定位杆 03 PRO-FIX 释放按钮 04 Y 字形带 05 安全带锁定夹 06 PRO-FIX 接头 08 通风窗 09 通风窗开关 10 约束带调节释放按钮 11 约束带调节拉带 12 说明书袋 13 防误装装置 14 靠背 15 高密度棉睡垫 16 靠背的角度调节装置 - CONCORD SLEEPER 便携床, 为刚出生至体重不超过 10kg 的小孩在车内的安全而设计 - 本 CONCORD SLEEPER 已经通过安全测试并符合欧洲 ECE 44/04 安全标准 - CONCORD SLEEPER 也可安装于 CONCORD 所有含 PRO-FIX 固定系统的儿童推车 - 首次使用 CONCORD SLEEPER 前, 必须仔细阅读这些说明 确保使用者都熟悉本产品的安装和使用方法 调查发现有很大一部分人使用安全座椅时都不会正确安装, 理解说明并按照说明正确安装便携床对安全很重要 2 3
_ 基本信息 为充分保护小孩并确保小孩在车内的舒适和安全性, 必须严格遵循以下说明 : - CONCORD SLEEPER 需安装于汽车的后座上 建议将便携床的头部位置放置于中间座位, 不要放于车门一侧 - 检查所有安全带是否在正确位置并正确固定好 CONCORD SLEEPER 确保安全带没有扭曲 任何情况下小孩都不可以拿安全带或扣件玩耍 4 警告 - 只在适用车型配备了通过 GB14166 或 ECE R16 要求的 3 点式安全带情况下才适用 - 必须按说明书正确放置和安装儿童约束系统的刚性部分和塑料部件, 才能使他们在正常的车辆使用中, 确保儿童约束系统不被车里的活动座椅或车门卡住 - 便携床应放置在与车辆纵轴垂直的方向上 - 儿童约束系统的每条与车辆连接的织带应系紧, 约束儿童的织带应根据儿童的身体进行调整, 织带不得扭曲 - 当遭受剧烈的事故后, 约束系统应更换 - 没有认证许可的产品和经过改装的产品是危险的, 并且附近没有制造商提供的安装说明也是很危险的 请将说明书存放在儿童脚部的说明书袋内 - 如果儿童约束系统的表面覆盖物不是纺织物, 应远离日光照射, 否则座椅表面会烫伤儿童皮肤 - 不要将儿童在无人照看的情况下放置在儿童约束系统内 - 在碰撞事故中易造成伤害的行李和物品应被妥善安放 - 没有面套的儿童约束系统不能使用 ; 系统面套不能使用除制造商推荐的材料以外的其他材料, 面套材料影响儿童约束系统总体的性能 - 不可以使用除标示出的以外的任何其他受力点 - 使用时, 儿童必须佩戴约束带 - 为利于小孩身体发育正常, 建议将小孩放置于平躺的位置 ( 适用于体重小于 10kg 的小孩 ) - 不可以使用两点式安全带 - CONCORD 只能对初始购买者保证产品的安全性能, 因此消费者切勿使用二手的产品 - 当儿童汽车安全座椅与儿童推车车架配合使用时, 此组合不能代替床 当小孩需要睡觉时, 请将小孩放到适合的推车座椅或床上 - 不要增加厚度超过 20 mm 的睡垫 5
_ 注意 _ 了解 CONCORD SLEEPER 便携床 - 在使用前请仔细阅读本说明书, 并且请妥善保存供以后参照 如果不按照本说明书可能会影响儿童的安全 同时必须遵守汽车说明书中有关儿童乘坐的注意事项 - 这是 通用类 儿童约束系统, 符合 GB 27887-2011. 作为通用儿童约束系统, 适合大多数, 而不是全部的汽车座椅 - 如果汽车制造商在使用手册中注明可以让适用此年龄段的 通用类 儿童约束系统配合的话, 那么更容易达到正确的匹配 - 无论 CONCORD SLEEPER 是否置于使用状态都需要使用安全带固定, 以避免发生意外时飞出而伤害到车内的其他人员 - 使用 CONCORD SLEEPER 时, 需将其置于前方没有安全气囊的位置, 或前方的安全气囊已被关闭, 此项需同汽车制造商或零售商咨询 - 如有疑问, 请咨询儿童约束系统制造商或零售商 CONCORD SLEEPER 的设计已考虑了最新的安全条款, 并经受了严格的测试 它含有以下特点 : 安装方便 : - 壳体上有集成的锁紧装置, 便于安装和拆卸 - 有蜂巢平板结构, 从而增加了产品的安全性能, 通过严格的安全测试 - 安全装置可以阻止错误安装 当靠背倾斜时,CONCORD SLEEPER 不可以安装到汽车上 - 提高了安全带锁定夹的高度, 防止发生意外时便携床翻转 舒适安全 : - 高密度的海棉 - 集成的 Y 字形带, 更大的约束面积, 发生意外时能提供更安全的保护 - 通风窗能增加透气性 且包含纱窗, 可以防止小孩冬天感到寒冷, 并保证夏天呼吸顺畅 - 小孩可接触的表面区域都使用减震材料 - 可倾斜靠背 使用便捷 : - Pro-Fix 固定装置可通用于所有 Concord 儿童推车 - 便携把手 - 可拆卸面套 6 7
_ 预先调节 把手位置调节 便携把手 (01) 有两个档位, 每个档位都有其专用功能 位置 1 - 阳篷折叠状态 位置 2 - 携带状态, 此位置便于携带或在 CONCORD 儿童推车车架上装拆此便携床时使用 此位置也用于在汽车内的安装 调节位置时, 需按压把手定位杆 (02), 且将把手旋转于需要的位置 靠背角度调节 Concord SLEEPER 的靠背 (14) 角度可使用调节装置 (16) 调节 有两个不同的位置 : 位置 1 - 适用于汽车 : 靠背处于最低位置, 小孩在旅行中处于平躺位置 位置 2 - 适于漫步 : 当便携床放置于推车上或置于汽车外部时, 靠背可倾斜 20 度 通风 对于炎热的季节, 可按下头部区域下方左右两边的开关 (09), 打开另外两个通风口 8 9
_ 选择安装便携床的位置 选择正确的位置安装便携床, 可以在发生意外时, 减少对小孩的伤害 本便携床需安装于后座并打横放置 本 CONCORD SLEEPER 需占用两个位置的空间, 您能选择车内旁边两个坐位中的一个和中间坐位来安装, 因此可允许一个大人陪伴, 或者直接放置于正中间 如果你安装于侧边加中间的位置, 需将其头部的一侧远离车门 _ 车内安装 安装时, 必须将靠背调整到躺卧位置, 并打横放置于后排座位上 按 选择安装便携床的位置 说明选择其位置 如果您没有将靠背置于水平的位置时, 防误装装置 (13) 将不允许您将安全带固定在安全带锁定夹内 10 11
要打开安全带锁定夹 (05), 首先得转动红色头的操作杆, 再松开锁扣, 打开安全带锁定夹 将汽车安全带放入安全带锁定夹的压板下面, 然后向上扳动红色头的操作杆, 扣上安全带锁定夹的锁扣 (05), 以锁紧安全带锁定夹 拉紧汽车安全带时要按住便携床 要从车内拿出 CONCORD SLEEPER 便携床, 按相反顺序来就行了 转动红色头的操作杆, 松开安全带锁定夹的锁扣, 打开安全带锁, 然后移除汽车安全带 12 13
_ 在便携床内放置小孩 将其插入中央扣具内直至听到 咔嗒 一声 拉动约束带调节拉带 (11) 以拉紧肩部约束带 打开中央扣具 按压住约束带调节释放按钮 (10), 拉动肩部约束带以松开织带 将小孩放置于便携床内, 确保小孩背部完全平躺在便携床的睡垫上 将锁舌扣合 14 15
_ 在儿童推车车架上安装 CONCORD SLEEPER _ 维护 本便携床适用于所有 CONCORD 带 PRO-FIX 固定系统的车架之上 面套不可长期阳光曝晒, 不使用便携床时, 请盖住它或保存在行李箱中 用低于 30 C 的温水手洗 将便携床安装于车架之上时, 只需将 PRO-FIX 接头 (06) 对准车架上的 PRO-FIX 接口, 按压至听到 咔嗒 一声 当从车架取出便携床时, 只需按压把手上的 PRO-FIX 释放按钮 (03) 并向上提, 便可取出便携床 16 请用温水和肥皂清洗塑料部位, 并完全晾干 面套可拆除清洗, 请按以下说明 : - 拉开头部和脚部位置的, 安全带锁定夹下面扣住的松紧带 - 将便携床侧面的塑胶扣件打开 - 松开面套与便携床边缘的所有连接 - 打开儿童约束带扣具, 解开肩护套, 并从睡垫的开口抽出肩部约束带 胯部约束带及扣具, 取出睡垫 - 肩部约束带穿过面套上的开口, 面套可与靠背分开 - 胯部约束带及胯带扣穿过面套上的开口, 可完全取出面套 安装面套则按照相同的步骤反向进行 17
_ 保修 保修自购买当日生效 保修期时限遵照本产品各最终消费国的法定期限 保修内容包括修理 更换零件及折价退货, 具体由制造商视情形而定 全新产品用户方可享受保修 产品如发生损坏, 应于第一时间通知经销商, 经销商认定后方可享受保修 若该问题无法由经销商解决, 则由经销商将产品连同详细故障说明及标明购买日期的正规购买凭证寄回制造商处 制造商对于第三方提供的产品出现的损坏恕不承担责任 发生以下情形时, 保修将失效 : - 产品经过改装 - 产品出现问题后未在 14 天内将产品连同购买凭证送至经销商处 - 由于用户操作或保养不当, 或其它方面的失误, 特别是因未遵守使用说明书的规定而造成的产品损坏 - 产品由第三方进行维修 - 由于事故产生的损坏 - 序列号已被损毁 由于正常使用导致的产品正常的状态改变或折旧 ( 磨损 ) 均不在保修之列 制造商若在保修期内进行维修, 保修期并不因此而延长 18
_ 한국어 파트리스트 20 기본설명서 22 경고 22 권고사항 24 콩코드슬리퍼아기침대의부연설명 24 자동차장착 // 아기를위한편안함과안전성 // 부모의편의성 사전수정 26 핸들위치변경 // 등받이각도조절 // 통풍구 안전좌석설치선택사항 28 아기침대자동차장착 29 안전좌석아기탑승 32 콩코드슬리퍼아기침대와유모차호환 34 유지관리 35 품질보증 36 19
_ 부품리스트 01 운전핸들 02 핸들위치조절레버 03 핸들고정버튼 04 기본삼점식안전벨트 05 통합적안전고리 06 고정식연결장치 08 하단통풍구 09 하단통풍버튼 10 끈조임해제버튼 11 끈조임 12 사용설명칸 13 안전장치부정확설치 14 등받이 15 고밀도매트리스 16 등받이각도조절장치 - 콩코드슬리퍼는안전한아기침대로써당신의아이를자동차안에서지켜줄것이며, 사용연령은신생아부터최대 10KG 까지입니다. - 콩코드슬리퍼는유럽의안전성테스트 European Regulation ECE 44/04 (group 0/ 0+) 을모두충족시켰습니다. - 콩코드슬리퍼는거의대부분의자동차와호환이가능한제품입니다. 만약, 자동차매뉴얼에유니버설타입의자라고되어있다면호환이가능합니다. - 또한, 콩코드슬리퍼는어떤콩코드차대 (Pro-fix) 와함께사용가능합니다. - 콩코드슬리퍼를처음사용하시는분께서는저희사용설명서를주의깊게읽어주시길바랍니다. 사용전정확한설치와사용법에대해서숙지후사용해주시기바랍니다. 최근, 정확하게안전장치를사용하지않아문제가되는경우가많이있으므로, 최대한신중히사용설명서를읽고숙지하시고사용해주시길바랍니다. 20 21
_ 기본사용설명서 당신의아이를충분히안전하게지키기위해서자동차안의의자를편안하고안정되게만들어주시고아래의설명서를정확하게따라주십시오. - 콩코드슬리퍼안전침대는자동차의뒷자석에장착해주십시오. 아이의머리가오는부분을뒷자석의중앙에위치하게해주시고, 절대문옆으로오게하지마십시오 - 콩코드슬리퍼를사용중강한충격이가해질정도의자동차사고가있었다면저희회사는새제품으로교환하는것을권고합니다. - 콩코드슬리퍼의안전끈이모두정상적으로위치해있고적절하게조절되어있는지사용전확인하십시오. 모든안전끈이꼬여있지않은지확인하십시오. 아이가어떤상황에서도끈을꼬거나안전벨트를갖고놀지않도록 22 해주시고, 주의깊게살펴보십시오. 경고 - 절대아이혼자두지않도록해주십시오 - 항상안전벨트가정확히잠긴상태에서아이를옮기는지확인해주십시오. - 아이의정상적인발육을위해아이가누운상태로사용되는것을추천합니다 (10kg 미만 ) - 콩코드사에서허가한제품의추가나변형이아닌시안전의심각한문제를일으킬수있습니다. - 사용설명서에명시된것과다르게사용하거나따르지않을시아이에게심각한위험이생기거나안전하지않을수있습니다. - 제품의안전특성상, 안전장치는덮개없이사용이불가하며다른제품의덮개와도호환되지않습니다. - 좌석이제대로위치해있는지확인하십시오 - 안전벨트가접이식의자나문에끼여있는지확인하십시오 - 삼점식자동안전벨트가장착된자동차에적합한제품이며 ECE-16 규정이나동일한규정에준수된제품으로허가된안전벨트에적합합니다. - 이점식안전벨트와사용하지마십시오 - 모든안전시스템이같지않으므로콩코드슬리퍼의장착가능유무를확인후사용하기를바랍니다 - 중고제품에대해안전보증관련의제한이있을수있으므로새제품을구매하셔이용해주시길바랍니다. - 절대아이혼자두시지마십시오 - 차대와의결합에있어아이침대를대체하지않습니다. 아이가자야할경우적합한유모차본체나아이침대를이용합니다. 경고 : - 20mm 이상두께의매트리스를사용하지마십시오. 23
_ 권고사항 _ 제품에대해알아보기 - 제품설명서를잘놓아두시고적합한곳에잘보관하십시오 - 자동차안의수하물또는어떤물건도사고시위험할수있으므로잘고정시켜둡니다. - 콩코드슬리퍼안전벨트와자동차안전벨트는사용중이아니더라도정확히고정되어있어야사고시안전피해를최소화할수있습니다. - 콩코드슬리퍼는앞좌석에어백에맞지않으므로사용할수없습니다. 앞좌석의에어백이작동하지않더라도사용하지않는것을원칙으로하며제조사에문의및수리받도록하십시오. 콩코드슬리퍼안전의자는최신식기술을탑재하여디자인하였으며, 가장엄격한안전성테스트를모두거쳤습니다. 제품의특징은아래와같습니다 : 차량안설치 : - 프레임에위치한안전장치시스템카라비너에비교, 훨씬쉽게장착이가능합니다 - 벌집모양의판으로강화된구조위와같은구조로저항성이증가되어엄격한안전성테스트를모두통과했습니다. - 부정확한설치방지안전장치콩코드슬리퍼아기침대의등받이가비스듬히되어있을때장착되는것을방지해줍니다. - 높은잠금장치사고시아기침대가회전하는것을방지해줍니다. 아이의편안함과안전성 : - 고밀도매트리스 - 삼점식안전벨트와넓은잠금장치면적으로사고시압력을분산시겨줍니다. - 프레임의통풍구로통기성을향상시켰습니다. 바람막이는아이를추위로부터보호하며여름에는통기성을제공합니다. - 아이가닿는모든면에충격흡수물질을사용하였습니다. - 자동등받이조절 부모의편리함 - 모든콩코드차대와호환가능한고정안정장치 - 운반손잡이 - 탈착가능한덮개 24 25
_ 预先调节 핸들위치조작운반손잡이 (01) 은 2 가지포지션이가능하다각각명확한기능이있다 : 포지션 1: 후드접이 포지션 2: 운반위치. 콩코드차대에서아기침대를맞추거나옮기기위한위치이며자동차안에서사용하는포지션이다. 포지션변경시, 핸들위의이중안전캐치를누른후레버 (02) 을누르고핸들 (01) 을돌려필요한포지션에위치한다. 각도조절식등받이 콩코드슬리퍼아기침대의등받이 (14) 는조정장치 (16) 를이용해자동으로조절이가능하다. 두개의다른포지션이있다 : 포지션 1 차안 : 등받이는항상가장낮은포지션에위치함으로써아이가이동중에항상누워있는상태가되어있는다. 포지션 2 산책 : 콩코드유모차또는자동차밖에서는등받이가 20 도각도로비스듬히 위치한다 통풍구머리쪽하단부위의버튼 (09) 을누르면두개의추가통풍구가생겨더운날씨를이길수있게한다. 26 27
_ 안전의자설치위치선택 안전의자설치의정확한위치선택은사고에서아이의부상을줄일수있다안전아기침대는뒷자석에옆으로위치해야한다. 콩코드슬리퍼는두좌석을이용하게되며, 한쪽면과가운데좌석을이용하여성인한명이옆에서케어를하게끔하거나가운데위치하여최대한양문쪽에서떨어져있게끔할수있다. _ 차량내부의아기침대설치 비스듬히위치한상태의콩코드슬리퍼는뒷자석에십자형으로고정되어야한다. 안전의자설치위치선택 을읽은후선택할수있도록한다. 등받이를누울수있는포지션으로위치하지않았다면, 안전장치 (13) 의부정확성으로인해안전벨트착용이되지않을것이다. 28 29
카라비너 ( 고리 ) (05) 를풀기위해서는일단빨간색레버를둘려캐치를풀어준다 홀드다운접시와아기침대사이에안전벨트를넣고카라비너 ( 고리 ) (05) 을잠근다. 안전벨트를잠그는동안아기침대를눌러준다 콩코드슬리퍼아기침대를차량에서꺼낼시에는같은위와같은스텝을반대로한다. 빨간색레버를돌려캐치를풀어주고, 알루미늄잠금장치를풀고안정벨트를제거한다. 30 31
_ 안전아기침대에아이놓기 버클을푼다 조임버튼 (10) 을누르는동안어깨끈을잡아당겨느슨하게만든다. 아이를안전아기침대에등이평평하게펴진채로눕힐수있도록한다. 상단두개의걸쇠를함께클립으로고정시킨다. 클릭 소리가날때까지가운데잠금장치에끼워넣는다. 어깨끈을팽팽히조이고조임끈 (11) 을잡아당겨준다. 32 33
_ 콩코드슬리퍼아기침대유모차에서사용하기 콩코드슬리퍼는 Pro-fix 시스템이적용된콩코드차대와함께사용이가능하다. 콩코드차대와함께사용하기위해서는결속장치 (06) 을차대의구멍에꽂은후 클릭 소리가날때까지눌러준다. 차대에서콩코드슬리퍼를분리할시에는핸들 (01) 위버튼 (03) 을누른후의자를위쪽을향하게끌어당깁니다. 34 _ 유지보수 덮개를장시간햇빛에노출하지않습니다. 의자미사용시, 덮개로덮거나, 트렁크에보관합니다. 플라스틱부분은미지근한물과비누로씻어내고조심스럽게건조시킵니다. 덮개는세척시분리할수있습니다. 아래의설명을참고하십시오 : - 자동차안전벨트밑으로들어가는고무밴드 (05) 는제거하시고다른부분에서걸쇠를풉니다. - 또한, 아기침대양옆의플라스틱덮개도분리합니다. - 콩코드슬리퍼아기침대모서리의덮개를제거합니다. - 안전벨트걸쇠를풀고매트리스덮개의구멍을빠져나가게합니다. - 등받이에서덮개를벗긴후어깨끈을구멍으로빼냅니다. - 매트리스를잡아당기고중앙부분을열어덮개를빼냅니다. 손빨래를하며온도는 30 도를절대넘지않도록합니다. 다시덮개를입힐시위스텝을반대로합니다. 35
_ 품질보증 품질보증은구매한날로부터유효합니다. 품질보증은구매고객의국가의법에명시된보증기간과일치합니다. 제조사의판단에따라품질보증은수리, 교환, 또는가격조정등이될수있습니다. 품질보증은최초의구매자에한합니다. 제품결함에대한클레임은구매직후첫발생시공식판매원에통보되어야하며그렇지않을시보증대상에서제외됩니다. 만약, 공식판매원내에서처리가불가한경우판매원은제조사에부연설명및구매확인서 / 구매일과함께보내어처리하도록합니다. 제조사는정식제조되지않은결함제품들에대해법적책임이없음을명시합니다. 품질보증이적용되지않는경우 : - 개조되어있는제품 - 공식판매원에게구매확인서와함께결함발생 14 일이내에인도되지않은제품 - 소비자의부주의나잘못된유지보수또는사용설명서미숙지로인한고장으로발생한결함에대한제품 - 제 3 자나타사에의해수리된제품 - 차량사고로인해결함이생긴경우 - 시리얼넘버가보이지않거나분실한경우 정상적인사용에의한마모 / 소모나제품의품질저하에대해선수리및개선이품질보증형식으로제공되지않습니다. 보증기간은제조사가소비자클레임에대한처리및수리를진행하더라도연장되지않습니다. 36
_ PART LIST 01 CARRYING HANDLE 02 HANDLE POSITIONING LEVER 03 HANDLE PRO FIX BUTTON 04 INTEGRAL 3-POINT SAFETY BELT 05 INTEGRATED KARABINER 06 PRO FIX CONNECTOR 08 LOWER VENTILATION CHANNELS 09 LOWER VENTILATION BUTTON 10 STRAP TIGHTENER RELEASE BUTTON 11 STRAP TIGHTENER 12 INSTRUCTIONS COMPARTMENT 13 INCORRECT INSTALLATION SAFETY DEVICE. 14 BACKREST 15 HIGH DENSITY FOAM MATTRESS 16 BACKREST RECLINING DEVICE Your new CONCORD SLEEPER from CONCORD is a safety carrycot designed to protect your baby in the car from newborn up to a maximum of 10 kg. CONCORD SLEEPER has passed the demanding safety tests of European Regulation ECE 44/04 for groups 0 and 0+. CONCORD SLEEPER is compatible with most car seats. However, when the car manufacturer states that the seats are suitable for the installation of Universal type seats, this means that there is total compatibility. You can also use your CONCORD SLEEPER with any of the CONCORD chassis that has the PRO-FIX system. It is very important to read these instructions carefully before using the CONCORD SLEEPER seat for the first time. Make sure that everyone who is ever going to use the seat is also familiar with its correct installation and use. It has been discovered that a significant number of people who use safety seats do not install the seat correctly, understanding the instruction manuals and applying the instructions correctly is just as important for safety as the actual seat. 38 39
40 _ GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS In order to protect your baby adequately and to ensure their comfort and stability in the car, the following instructions must be strictly followed: Your CONCORD SLEEPER safety carrycot can be installed on the back seat of your car. It is advisable to always install the head part on the middle seat, never next to the door. CONCORD recommends that you replace your CONCORD SLEEPER safety seat with a new one if it has been subjected to violent stresses in an accident. Check that all the straps are in the correct position and duly adjusted to your CONCORD SLEEPER. Make sure that none of the straps are twisted. The child must understand that he must not play with the straps or fasteners under any circumstances. WARNING Never leave the baby on their own. Always remember to carry your baby with the safety harnesses correctly buckled. For the correct development of your baby, we recommend you let him rest in the lying down position (for babies up to 10kg.) Any alteration or addition to the device without proper authorisation from CONCORD may seriously alter the safety of the retaining system. Failure to follow the instructions carefully for the correct use of the retaining system may be dangerous for the safety of the baby. This safety device cannot be used without its cover, or be replaced by another cover that is not the original, as this is an integral part of the safety features of the system. Check that the seat has been positioned correctly. Ensure that the belt has not been caught between the folding seats or doors. It is only suitable for cars fitted with three anchoring point automatic belts, approved according to Regulation ECE-16 or other equivalent rules. DO NOT use with a two anchoring point belt. Not all safety systems are exactly the same, so we advise that you check your CONCORD SLEEPER in the car in which it is going to be fitted. It is very important not to use second-hand products, as CONCORD can only guarantee complete safety with items used by their first buyer. Never leave the child alone. For car seats used in conjunction with a chassis, this vehicle does not replace a cot or a bed. Should your child need to sleep, then it should be placed in a suitable pram body, cot or bed. WARNING: Do not add a mattress thicker than 20 mm 41
_ RECOMMENDATIONS Keep this instruction book for future reference. Always store it in the compartment on the base. Ensure that inside the car, both luggage and any other object liable to cause injury in the event of an accident are properly fastened or stored. The CONCORD SLEEPER safety seat should be properly fixed with the safety belts, even when not in use, as in the event of an accident it may be thrown about, causing injury to the occupants of the vehicle. Remember not to use the CONCORD SLEEPER safety seat in cars fitted with a front airbag, unless it is disconnected or disabled, for which you should consult the car manufacturer or retailer. 42 _ GETTING TO KNOW THE CONCORD SLEEPER SAFETY SEAT Your CONCORD SLEEPER safety seat has been designed taking into account the latest advances in terms of safety and it has been tested under the toughest conditions. It has the following features: Installation in the vehicle: System of integrated fasteners on the frame. This makes it easier to install when compared to separate karabiners. Structure reinforced with a honeycomb panel. This increases the resistance of the whole product to pass the strictest safety tests. Safety device preventing incorrect installation. This prevents the CONCORD SLEEPER carrycot from being installed in the vehicle when the backrest is reclined. Raised fasteners. This prevents the carrycot from rotating in the event of an accident. Comfort and safety for the baby: High-density foam mattress. Integrated 3-point seat belts, greater fastening surface area that spreads the strain out better in the event of an accident. Ventilation in the frame to improve breathability. Includes a windbreak membrane to prevent the baby from feeling cold in winter and allows breathability in summer. Shock absorbing material on the whole surface area in contact with the baby. Automatic reclining backrest. Convenience for parents: Pro-Fix fasteners compatible with all the CONCORD chasses. Carrying handle. Removable upholstery. 43
_ PRIOR ADJUSTMENTS Changing the position of the handle The carrying handle (01) has 2 positions, each one of them has a specific function: Position 1: Hood folded. Position 2: Carrying position. Position for fitting and removing the carrycot from a CONCORD chassis and for carrying, as well as for use in the vehicle. To change the position, press the double safety catch and then the lever (02) on the handle and turn the handle (01) to the required position. Reclining the backrest The backrest (14) of the new CONCORD SLEEPER carrycot can be automatically adjusted using the adjustment device (16). There are two clear different positions: Position 1 - AUTO: The backrest will always be in the lowest position, with the baby always lying down during the journey. Position 2 - STROLLING: The backrest can be reclined by up to 20º when it is installed on your CONCORD pushchair or out of the car. Ventilation channels Pressing the button (09) on the lower part of the head area gives you two extra ventilation channels for the hottest seasons. 44 45
_ CHOOSING WHERE TO INSTALL THE SAFETY SEAT Choosing the correct place for the safety seat in the car can reduce the risk of injury to your baby in the event of an accident. The safety carrycot should be installed on the back seat and in a sideways position. CONCORD SLEEPER takes up two seats, you can choose between one side and the central seat, thereby allowing an adult to travel alongside, or completely centred. If you decide on the side central seat, position the CONCORD SLEEPER so that the head part is as far away as possible from the door. _ INSTALLING YOUR CARRYCOT IN THE CAR In the reclining position, CONCORD SLEEPER must be fitted cross-wise on the back seats. Decide on which seats after reading the section on Choosing where to install the safety seat. If you have not lowered the backrest to the lying down position, the incorrect installation safety device (13) will not allow you to insert the belt into the fastener. 46 47
Unfasten the karabiner (05), to do this, first release the catch by turning the red lever. Insert the seat belt between the hold-down plate and the carrycot and fasten the karabiner (05). Press the carrycot while tightening the seat belt. To take the CONCORD SLEEPER carrycot out of the vehicle, follow the same steps in reverse order. Release the catch by turning the red lever, unfasten the aluminium lock and remove the seat belt. 48 49
_ PLACING THE BABY IN THE SAFETY CARRYCOT Unfasten the buckle. Loosen the harness by pulling the shoulder straps while pressing the tightening button (10). Place the baby in the safety carrycot making sure that he is lying down on the base with his back completely flat. Clip the two upper ends of the clasp together. Insert them in the central lock and press until you hear a click. Tighten the shoulder straps and pull on the tightening strap (11). 50 51
_ USING YOUR CONCORD SLEEPER CARRYCOT ON THE PUSHCHAIR CONCORD SLEEPER can be anchored on any CONCORD chassis that has the PRO-FIX system. To fit the safety seat on a chassis, insert the connections (06) in the cavity of the chassis and press until you hear a click. To release your CONCORD SLEEPER from the chassis, press the button (03) on the handle (01) and pull the seat upwards. 52 _ MAINTENANCE Do not expose the cover to sunlight for long periods. When the seat is not in use, cover it or store it in the boot. Wash the plastic parts with warm water and soap, carefully drying all the components afterwards. The upholstery can be removed for washing. Follow the instructions below: Remove the rubber bands that go underneath the car seat belt fasteners (05) and undo the clasps from the other. Also the plastic flaps that are on the sides of the carrycot. Remove the upholstery from the edges of your CONCORD SLEEPER carrycot. Undo the safety harness clasp and pass it through the slot in the mattress upholstery. Take the upholstery off the backrest and pass the shoulder straps through the slots. Pull the mattress and take the upholstery off by opening the central part. Wash by hand at a temperature never higher than 30 C. To refit the cover, follow the same steps in reverse order. 53
_ GUARANTEE The guarantee begins on the day of purchase. The guarantee period corresponds to the statutory warranty period in the end-user s country concerned. At the manufacturer s discretion, the guarantee shall cover rectification, replacement or a price reduction. The guarantee is valid for the original purchaser only. In the event of any defect, claims can not be considered unless the specialist dealer is notified of the fault as soon as it occurs for the first time. If the specialist dealer is unable to remedy the problem himself, he must return the product to the manufacturers together with details of the complaint, official proof of purchase and the purchase date. The manufacturers assume no liability for faulty goods that they did not supply. The guarantee does not apply where: the product has been modified; the product is not brought back to the specialist dealer complete with proof of purchase within 14 days of the defect occurring; the defect was caused by improper usage or maintenance or due to anything else deemed to be the fault of the user, in particular failure to comply with the instructions for use; repairs have been carried out on the product by third parties; the defect was caused as the result of an accident. the serial number has been damaged or removed The guarantee makes no provision for any alteration or deterioration to the product that is incurred through normal usage (wear and tear). The period of guarantee shall not be extended by any remedial measures carried out by the manufacturers in the event of a claim. 54
中文 // 为保障您的儿童安全座椅的稳定功能和安全性, 更换儿童安全座椅配件时, 请在下单时告之您的经销商下页的相关细节 : 한국어 // 부속품과액세서리교체후카시트의성능과안전성보장을위해판매원에게아래와같은세부사항을제공해주십시오. EN // To ensure the functionality and safety of your child s car seat after replacing spare and accessory parts, please provide your dealer with the following details when placing your order: ECE 号 ECE No. ECE No. 序列号시리얼 No. Serial No. CONCORD Industriestraße 25 95346 Stadtsteinach XX KG E X 0... 0000000000 配件예비부품 Spare part 销售商판매원 / 판매처 Dealer 我的地址주소 My address
_ 中文 _ 한국어 _ ENGLISH 安装和操作说明사용설명서 Instructions for attachment and use 制造商 Concord GmbH Industriestraße 25 95346 Stadtsteinach / Germany 地址 : 德国, 施塔特施泰纳赫, 工业路 25 号 电话 / Phone: +49 (0)9225.9550-0 传真 / Fax: +49 (0)9225.9550-55 邮箱 / E-mail: info@concord.de 网址 / URL: www.concord.de SL 05/0415 - IM 1738,01