简体中文 用户手册 欢迎选购 Phantom Reactor Phantom Reactor 是独一无二的 系统基于全新的前沿架构, 采用了 Devialet 发明的尖端技术, 并获得了 100 多项专利保护, 共同赋予 Phantom Reactor 生命 Phantom Reactor 搭载了最新一代的 ADH 放大技术和 SAM 信号处理技术 这是我们最先进的创新技术 您即将体验并分享非凡的情感瞬间, 而这仅仅是个开始 完成 Phantom Reactor 安装后, Devialet app 将为您提供长期更新, 以便我们继续为您带来最好的 Devialet 本指南旨在通过几个简单步骤完成设置 如果您还需要获得其它帮助, 请访问 help.devialet.com 联系我们的支持团队 本指南可在 devialet.com 上下载其他语言版本 2
我想进行完整安装, 享受 PHANTOM REACTOR 最佳音效体验 使用随附电线将 PHANTOM REACTOR 连接至电源插座 Phantom Reactor 会自动启动, 并在备用状态下发出声音 下载帝瓦雷 (DEVIALET) 应用软件, 按照说明进行操作 嘣! 现在就释放 PHANTOM REACTOR 震慑人心的音效 3
我希望快速安装并通过蓝牙播放音乐 简体中文 1. 使用随附电线将 Phantom Reactor 连接至电源插座 Phantom Reactor 会自动启动, 并在备用状态下发出声音 开机用时可达 40 秒 2. 长按 (2 秒 ) Phantom Reactor 蓝牙按钮 指示灯呈蓝灯闪烁 此时 Phantom Reactor 已准备好与蓝牙设备匹对连接 3. 进入您的设备蓝牙设置, 并将其连接至 Phantom Reactor 在与您的蓝牙设备完成连接后,Phantom Reactor 将会发出确认音 4. Boom! Now unleash the incredible sound of Phantom Reactor. 安装产品时如遇到任何问题, 请 : 访问 devialet.com/docs/manuals 网站查看详细的安装手册 长按后置按钮 7 秒进行 Phantom Reactor 重置 请务必在长按 7 秒, 听到第二次确认音后再释放按钮 访问 help.devialet.com 页面查询邮件或电话联系方式, 并与帝瓦雷客服部取得联系 4
关于 PHANTOM REACTOR 指示灯 蓝牙 / 模拟 / 光纤音频输入按下并松开 : 在蓝牙和模拟 / 光纤输入孔之间切换按住 : 启用蓝牙配对模式 音量按住降低音量 / 按住增加音量 播放 / 暂停按下并松开 : 播放 / 暂停 ( 如果可用 ) 连接 Devialet app 提示时按下即可 5
简体中文 以太网使用以太网电缆连接到路由器, 以获得更稳定的网络连接 A/C 输入连接到电源 模拟 / 光纤音频输入孔连接到电视 蓝光播放器 MP3 播放器等 后按钮按住 2 秒钟 : 待机模式按下并松开 ( 系统进入待机模式 ): 电源打开按下并松开 ( 系统开启 ): 指示状态快速按下并松开三次 : 启用设置模式按住 7 秒钟 : 重置 Phantom Reactor 6
安全说明 请阅读下列说明 请保留下列说明 注意所有警告 遵循所有指示 扬声器很脆弱, 请勿触碰 请遵守输入额定功率 :100 240 V ~ 50/60 Hz 2.5A 插座应位于设备附近, 并且应易于接近 无论是否使用, 请将设备远离任何液体 潮湿源和主要热源 设备不应暴露在滴水或溅水的环境中, 充满液体的物体 ( 如花瓶 ) 不得放置在设备附近 与任何电子产品一样, 请小心操作, 不要将液体溅到系统的任何部分 液体会导致电气故障和 / 或火灾危险 遇到风暴或长时间不使用时, 请拔下电源插头 请勿阻塞散热器 小心处理设备 错误操作可能会影响设备性能 拔掉设备后, 请用干布清洁 确保低音扬声器两侧至少有 5 厘米 (2 英寸 ) 的空间 请将产品放在儿童接触不到之处 设备的某些部分可以拆卸 禁止自行维护设备或附件 只有合格的专业人员方可对设备进行维护 任何未经授权的更改可能会危及用户安全和设备性能 如果有任何问题, 请咨询专业人员 音量过高可能会损害听力 为了安全, 请与设备保持合理距离, 并将设备音量调节到合理水平 7
简体中文 法律声明 Spotify 软件受以下第三方许可的约束 :www.spotify.com/connect/third-party-licenses. 使用 Apple 标志意味着配件的设计专门用于标志所标识的技术, 并且已获得开发人员的认证, 符合 Apple 性能标准 型号 :PHANTOM (PA403) / PHANTOM (HW164) 8
환영합니다. 한국의 Phantom Reactor 는독특합니다. 새롭고급진적인아키텍처에기반해서, 귀하의시스템은 Devialet 에의해발명되고, 100 개가넘는특허에의해서보호되는최첨단기술을갖추게됩니다. 이것들이합쳐져서 Phantom Reactor 에생명을불어넣습니다. Phantom Reactor 안에서, 귀하는최신세대의 ADH 증폭기술과 SAM 신호처리를확인하게됩니다. 이것은현재까지당사의가장진보된혁신입니다. 귀하는이제특별한감성의순간을경험하고공유하려고합니다. 그리고, 이것은단지시작일뿐입니다. 일단 Phantom Reactor 설치를마치는경우, Devialet 앱이귀하에게영구적인업데이트를제공할것입니다. 따라서, 당사는귀하에게 Devialet 의최상의경험을지속적으로제공할수있습니다. 이가이드는귀하가몇개의쉬운단계로설정을완료할수있게마련되어있습니다. 그밖에도움이필요한사항이있는경우, 당사의팀이도와드릴준비를하고있으니, help.devialet.com 으로연락하시기바랍니다. 이가이드는 devialet.com 에서다른언어로다운로드할수있습니다. 10
완벽한설치와최고의팬텀리액터 (PHANTOM REACTOR) 경험을즐기고싶을경우 제공된케이블을사용하여팬텀리액터 (PHANTOM REACTOR) 를전원콘센트에연결하십시오. 팬텀리액터가자동으로시작되고사용할준비가되면신호음이납니다. 드비알레 (DEVIALET) 앱을다운로드하고지침을따르십시오. 와우! 이제팬텀리액터의상상을뛰어넘는소리를방출하십시오. 11
빠른설치와블루투스를통해음악을즐기고싶을경우 1. 제공된케이블을사용하여팬텀리액터를전원콘센트에연결하십시오. 팬텀리액터가자동으로시작되고사용할준비가되면신호음이납니다. 시작하는데 40 초까지걸릴수있습니다. 2. 팬텀리액터의블루투스버튼을길게 (2 초동안 ) 누르십시오. 표시등이파란색으로깜박입니다. 팬텀리액터가블루투스장치와페어링될준비가되었습니다. 한국의 3. 사용하시는장치의블루투스설정으로가서팬텀리액터와연결하십시오. 블루투스장치와연결이되면팬텀리액터에서확인음이울립니다. 4. 와우! 이제팬텀리액터의상상을뛰어넘는소리를방출하십시오. 제품을설치하는과정에서문제가발생한경우 devialet.com/docs/manuals 에서자세한사용가이드를참조하십시오. 팬텀리액터를완전히초기화하려면뒷면의버튼을 7 초동안길게누르십시오. 7 초후두번째확인음이들리면버튼을놓으십시오. help.devialet.com 을방문하여메일또는전화로드비알레고객서비스센터에문의하십시오. 12
PHANTOM REACTOR 소개 표시등 블루투스 / 아날로그 / 광학오디오입력눌렀다놓기 : 블루투스와아날로그 / 광학입력잭사이에서전환길게누르기 : 블루투스페어링모드 jack 볼륨누르면볼륨이낮아짐 / 누르면볼륨이높아짐 재생 / 정지눌렀다놓기 : 재생 / 일시정지 ( 이용가능한경우 ) 링크 Devialet 앱에서누르라는지시가있는경우에누르세요. 13
한국의 이더넷더큰네트워크안정성을위해서이더넷케이블을이용해서라우터에연결. A/C 입력메인장치에연결. 아날로그 / 광학오디오입력잭 TV, Blu-ray 플레이어, MP3 플레이어등에연결. 후방버튼 2 초동안길게누르기 : 스탠바이모드눌렀다놓기 ( 스탠바이모드중인시스템 ): 전원켜짐눌렀다놓기 ( 시스템이켜진경우 ): 상태표시빠르게 3 번눌렀다놓기 : 설정모드 7 초동안길게누르기 : Phantom Reactor 리셋 14
안전지침 이지침을읽으세요. 이지침을보관하세요. 모든경고에주의를기울이세요. 모든지침에따르세요. 확성기는손상되기쉬우니, 만지지마세요. 입력전기부하 (electrical rating) 를준수해야합니다 : 100 240 V ~ 50/60 Hz 2.5A. 콘센트가기기근처에설치되어있어야하고, 쉽게접근가능해야합니다. 기기를사용할때와사용하지않을때모두물, 습기및열기로부터멀리두어야합니다. 기기에물이떨어지거나튀어서는안되며, 화병등과같이물이담긴물체를기기근처에두어서는안됩니다. 다른전자제품과마찬가지로, 시스템부분에물을엎지르지않도록주의해야합니다. 물은전기적위험및 / 또는화재위험을야기할수있습니다. 폭풍우가있는경우, 또는장기간사용하지않는경우에는기기의전원플러그를빼어두세요. 히트싱크 (heatsink) 를막지마세요. 기기를주의해서취급하세요. 잘못취급하면기기의성능에영향을미칠수있습니다. 기기의전원플러그를뺀후에오로지마른천으로만기기를닦으세요. 우퍼의양쪽에최소한 5cm(2 인치 ) 의공간을확실히확보해야합니다. 기기를아이들이접근할수있는장소에두지마세요. 기기의일정부분은분리될수있습니다. 절대로기기또는그액세서리에대해스스로정비해서는안됩니다. 오로지자격을갖춘전문가만이기기를정비할수있습니다. 자격없는자에의한변경은귀하의안전과기기의성능에해를초래할수도있습니다. 문제가있는경우에는전문가와상담하시기바랍니다. 높은볼륨으로청취하는경우청력이손상될수도있습니다. 안전을위해서, 기기로부터적당한거리를유지하고, 기기의볼륨을합리적인수준으로설정하세요. 15
한국의 법적고지문 Spotify 소프트웨어에대해서는다음문서에규정된제 3 자라이선스조건이적용됩니다 : www.spotify.com/connect/third-party-licenses. Works with Apple 배지의사용은해당액세서리가명시적으로배지에표시된기술로작동하도록설계되었고, Apple 성능표준을충족하는것으로개발자에의해서인증되었음을의미합니다. 모델 : PHANTOM (PA403) / PHANTOM (HW164) 16
WELCOME Phantom Reactor is unique. Based on a new and radical architecture, your system features leading-edge technologies invented by Devialet and protected by over 100 patents. Together, they fuel life into Phantom Reactor. Inside Phantom Reactor you ll find the latest-generation ADH amplification technology and SAM signal processing. Our most advanced innovations yet. ENGLISH You are about to experience and share moments of extraordinary emotion. And this is just the beginning. Once you ve finished installing Phantom Reactor, the Devialet app will provide you with permanent updates. So we can carry on bringing you the best of Devialet. This guide is designed to take you through setup in a few easy steps. If there s anything else we can assist you with, our teams are ready and waiting at help.devialet.com. This guide is available to download in other languages at devialet.com. 18
I WANT TO PERFORM A QUICK INSTALLATION AND PLAY MUSIC VIA BLUETOOTH 1. Connect Phantom Reactor to the mains with the supplied cable. Phantom Reactor will power up automatically and emit a sound once it s ready to be used. Powering up can take up to 40 seconds. 2. Press and hold Phantom Reactor s Bluetooth button for 2 seconds. When the indicator light blinks blue, Phantom Reactor is ready to be paired to a Bluetooth device. 3. Go to the Bluetooth settings on your device and connect to Phantom Reactor. Once the connection with your Bluetooth device has been established, Phantom Reactor will emit a confirmation sound. 4. Boom! Now unleash the incredible sound of Phantom Reactor. ENGLISH If you encounter any difficulties during the installation of your product, you can: Consult the detailed user s guide at devialet.com/docs/manuals Perform a complete reboot of Phantom Reactor by pressing and holding the back button for seven seconds. Be sure to wait until you hear the second confirmation sound (seven seconds later) before releasing the button. Contact Devialet s customer service by email or phone at help.devialet.com 20
ABOUT PHANTOM REACTOR Indicator light Bluetooth / Analog/Optical Audio Input Press and release: switch between Bluetooth and analog/optical input jack Press and hold: enable Bluetooth pairing mode Volume Press to lower/increase volume Play / Pause Press and release once quickly: Play / Pause Link Press when prompted to do so by the Devialet app 21
Ethernet Connect to your router using an Ethernet cable for greater network stability. A/C Input Connect to a power socket Analog/optical audio jack Connect to your TV, Blu-ray player, MP3 player... ENGLISH Rear button Press and release and hold for 2 seconds: Standby mode Press and release once quickly (system in standby mode): Power on Press and release once quickly (system switched on): Indicates status Press and release three times quickly: Enable setup mode Press and hold for 7 seconds: Reset Phantom Reactor. 22
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read these instructions. Keep these instructions. Heed all warnings. Follow all instructions. DO NOT TOUCH LOUDSPEAKERS Input electrical rating shall be respected: 100 240 V ~ 50/60 Hz 2.5A. Socket-outlet shall be installed near the appliance and shall be easily accessible Keep the appliance away from any sort of liquid, source of humidity and major heat source both when in use and not in use. The appliance shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing, and objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall not be placed near the apparatus. As with any electronic products, use care not to spill liquids on any part of the system. Liquids can cause an electrical and/or a fire hazard. Unplug the appliance in the event of storms or when not used for a long period of time. Do not obstruct the heatsink. Handle the appliance with care. Mishandling can affect the performance of the appliance. Only clean the appliance with a dry cloth after having unplugged the appliance. Make sure that there is at least a 5cm (2in) space either side of the woofers. Do not leave the appliance within the reach of children. Some parts of the applianc ecan be removable. You must never carry out maintenance on the appliance or its accessories yourself. Only qualified professionals can carry out maintenance on the appliance. Any unauthorized alterations may compromise your safety and the appliance s performance. If you have any problems, please consult an expert. Listening at high volumes may damage your hearing. For your safety, keep reasonable distance from the appliance and set the appliance sound volume to a reasonable level. 23
LEGAL NOTICES ENGLISH FCC Compliance Statement (Class B): This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. The Spotify software is subject to third party licenses found here: www.spotify.com/connect/third-party-licenses. Use of the Works with Apple badge means that an accessory has been designed to work specifically with the technology identified in the badge and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Models: PHANTOM (PA403) / PHANTOM (HW164) 24