3. 이메일제목은언어 _ 항목 _ 성명 (LANGUAGE_CATEGORY_YOUR NAME) 형식으로보내주세요. 4. 세항목중어느항목에출품하는지, 그리고그것이어떤항목이든여러작품을출품할것인가에 대해서도명확하게기술합니다. 5. 이메일본문에시의제목과시의내용을기재합니다. 6.

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Waste Management 한국동시출품요청 배경 : Waste Management( 이하 WM) 는지역사회에서재활용및환경의가치를강조하는데초점을맞춘한국어광고캠페인을개발하고있습니다. 우리의목표는주민들이가정에서올바르게재활용하는방법을알수있도록도움이되는지침과병행하여재활용이얼마나중요한지강조하는것입니다. 이캠페인은주로종이, 플라스틱, 알루미늄의세가지재활용품유형에대한교육에초점이맞춰집니다. 또한단체행동을장려하기위해종종사용되는 " 표어 "( 슬로건 ) 의컨셉도포함될것입니다. 예를들어, " 나혼자잘하면은메달! 다함께잘하면금메달!" 이라는표어는우리가재활용을할때우리는지역사회와미래세대를위해지구를보존할수있다는것을상기시켜줍니다. WM 은이캠페인을위해서지역사회작가들의작품을소개하고자하며, 이에 WM 웹사이트, 인쇄물및 디지털광고, 기타다른마케팅자료에도소개될시를출품해줄것을요청드립니다. 모든자료는한국어로 만들어집니다. 규칙 : 1. 출품물은아래의지침을따릅니다. 세가지항목에대한별도의지침이있습니다. 2. 출품물은이전에출판된적이없는새로운원본작업이어야합니다. 3. 각항목별수상자는 WM 으로부터 $1,000.00 의상금을받게됩니다. 4. 개개인은여러항목에작품을출품할수있습니다. 5. 개개인은각항목당하나이상의작품을출품할수도있습니다. 6. 각항목마다한명의수상자가선택됩니다. 7. 한사람이하나이상의항목의수상자로선택될수도있습니다. 8. 기술적정확성이필요한경우, WM 에서작품의편집을요청할수있습니다. 만약그렇게되면, 수상자는 반드시서면으로시의편집및최종본에승인해야합니다. 9. 최종시가선정되고확정되면, WM 이마케팅자료에시를사용할수있는완전한저작권을가지고 있으며가능한경우엔저작자의이름을함께표기할것이라고명시한양해각서에수상자는서명하여야 합니다. 출품방법 : 1. 출품마감일은 8 월 31 일금요일입니다. 2. 출품물을 recyclingpoetry@gmail.com 로보내주세요. 1

3. 이메일제목은언어 _ 항목 _ 성명 (LANGUAGE_CATEGORY_YOUR NAME) 형식으로보내주세요. 4. 세항목중어느항목에출품하는지, 그리고그것이어떤항목이든여러작품을출품할것인가에 대해서도명확하게기술합니다. 5. 이메일본문에시의제목과시의내용을기재합니다. 6. 이메일본문에성명 (full name), 전화번호, 이메일주소를기재합니다. 일반지침 시는반드시한국어로쓰여져야합니다. 각시의행은 12 줄까지이며단어는구두점을포함하여 30 ~ 60 자사이여야합니다. 이시는동시의형태여야합니다. 여기예문이있습니다. 2

이시는다음의용어들을포함해야합니다. 재활용또는분리수거함. 우리는또한보는사람들에게분리수거함에재활용품을올바르게넣는방법을알려주기를원합니다. 재활용품은더럽거나젖어서는안되므로가능하다면 깨끗한 ", " 비어있는 / 빈 " 및 " 건조한 / 마른 " 과같은단어를포함해주세요. 시는올바르게재활용하는방법에대해서창의적인방법으로지역사회를교육할수있어야합니다. 항목별지침 항목 1: 종이류 시는신문, 교과서, 종이박스, 스케치북, 카드, 색종이, 포장지, 종이봉투등, 쓰레기통에넣지말아야할재활용가능한종이제품중하나또는여러가지유형에대해보는사람들에게상기시켜야합니다. 마케팅자료에포함되는시각자료는다음과같은것일수있습니다. 시각자료 설명신문지색종이스케치북 시는반드시다음내용을지역사회에장려해야합니다. 모든종류의종이를재활용하는것을기억할것. 분리수거함에깨끗한종이제품만넣을것. 항목 2: 플라스틱 시는물병, 커피컵, 고추장용기, 화장품용기, 세제통, 테이크아웃용기등, 쓰레기통에넣지말아야할재활용가능한플라스틱제품중하나또는여러가지유형이나모양에대해보는사람들에게상기시켜야합니다. 마케팅자료에포함되는시각자료는다음과같은것일수있습니다. 3

시각자료 설명화장품용기테이크아웃아이스커피컵고추장용기 시는반드시다음내용을지역사회에장려해야합니다. 모든종류와모양의플라스틱제품을재활용하는것을기억할것. 재활용상자에깨끗한플라스틱제품만넣을것. 항목 3 : 알루미늄 글은참치캔, 음료캔, 분유캔등, 쓰레기통에넣지말아야할재활용가능한알루미늄제품중하나또는여러가지유형이나모양에대해보는사람들에게상기시켜야합니다. 마케팅자료에포함되는시각자료는다음과같은것일수있습니다. 시각자료 설명참치캔음료캔 시는반드시다음내용을지역사회에장려해야합니다. 모든종류와모양의알루미늄제품을재활용하는것을기억할것. 재활용상자에깨끗한알루미늄제품만넣을것. 알루미늄이아닌재료로만들어진뚜껑은제거할것. 4

English Version Waste Management Calls for Korean Children s Poetry Submissions Background: Waste Management is developing a Korean-language advertising campaign focusing on highlighting the value of recycling and the environment to the community. The goal is to highlight how important recycling is and tie in helpful guidance to ensure residents know how to properly recycle at home. The campaign will primarily focus on education around three types of recyclables: paper, plastic, and aluminum. It will also involve the concept of pyo-eo (slogan) which is often used to encourage collective actions. For example, a pyo-eo 나혼자 잘하면은메달! 다함께잘하면금메달! which means If I do well by myself, a silver medal! If we do well all together, a gold medal! reminds us that when we recycle we preserve our planet for the good of the community and future generations. WM seeks to feature the work of local community writers for this campaign and is asking for poem submissions that will be showcased on the WM website, print and digital advertisements, as well as other marketing collateral. All materials will be developed in Korean. Rules: 1. Submissions follow the prompt guidance below. There is separate guidance for three categories. 2. Submissions must be new original work that has not previously been published. 3. The winner of each category will receive $1,000.00 in compensation from Waste Management. 4. Individuals are allowed to submit entries for multiple categories. 5. Individuals are allowed to submit more than one entry for each category. 6. One winner will be selected for each category. 7. An individual may be selected as the winner for more than one category. 8. WM may request edits of the writing submission if they are needed for technical accuracy. If so, the winner must approve of the edits and final version of the poem in writing. 9. Once the final poems are selected and finalized, WM will have each winner sign a Memorandum of Understanding which states that Waste Management will have full copyrights to use the poem in marketing materials, with a full name credit to the writer in instances where it is possible. Submission Instructions: 1. The deadline to submit entries is Friday, August, 31. 2. Email your entry to recyclingpoetry@gmail.com 5

3. Name the email subject following the format: LANGUAGE_CATEGORY_YOUR NAME 4. Clearly specify which of the three categories you are submitting entries for and if you are submitting multiple entries for any of the categories. 5. Include the name of the poem and the poem content in the body of the email. 6. Include your full name, phone number and email address in the body of the email. General prompts The poem must be written in Korean. The line limit for each poem is 12 lines, and the word limit is between 30 to 60 characters, including punctuation. This poem should be in the style of poems for children. Here s one example: This poem should include the following terms: o o Recycle or recycling bins. Because we also want to inform viewers how to properly put materials in the recycling bin, do your best to include descriptors like clean, empty and dry as the recyclables cannot be dirty or wet. The poem should educate the community about how to properly recycle in a creative way. 6

Categorical prompts Category 1: PAPER The writing should remind viewers about one or multiple types of paper products that are recyclable and should not be placed in the garbage, including newspapers, textbooks, paper packaging boxes, sketchbooks, greeting cards, colored paper, wrapping paper, paper bags, etc. Visuals included in marketing collaterals may be some of the following: Visuals Description Newspapers Colored paper Sketched books The poem must encourage the community to: o o Category 2: PLASTIC Remember to recycle all types of paper. Only put clean paper products in the recycling bin. The writing should remind viewers about one or multiple types or shapes of plastic products that are recyclable and should not be placed in the garbage, including water bottles, coffee cups, chili paste container, cosmetic containers, detergent jugs or bottles, take out containers, etc. Visuals included in marketing collaterals may be some of the following: Visuals Description Cosmetic container Take out iced coffee cups Red chili paste (Gochujang) container The poem must encourage the community to: o Remember to recycle all types and shapes of plastic products. o Only put clean plastic products in the recycling bin. 7

Category 3: Aluminum The writing should remind viewers about one or multiple types and shapes of aluminum products that are recyclable and should not be placed in the garbage, including tuna cans, beverage cans, powdered milk cans, etc. Visuals included in marketing collaterals may be some of the following: Visuals Description Tuna cans Beverage cans The poem must encourage the community to: o Remember to recycle all types and shapes of aluminum products. o Only put clean aluminum products in the recycling bin. o Remove lids if they are made from a material other than aluminum. 8