RefuSol GmbH RefuSol GmbH RefuSol GmbH 는전력전자분야의전문기업으로서독일에서 45 년이상고품질의컨버터를생산해왔습니다. 일찍이 1997 년에이러한많은경험을바탕으로최초의라인정류방식의광전지인버터를성공적으로개발했습니다. RefuSol GmbH 는효

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최고의수익을추구하는첨단기술 Advanced Technology for Highest Yields

RefuSol GmbH RefuSol GmbH RefuSol GmbH 는전력전자분야의전문기업으로서독일에서 45 년이상고품질의컨버터를생산해왔습니다. 일찍이 1997 년에이러한많은경험을바탕으로최초의라인정류방식의광전지인버터를성공적으로개발했습니다. RefuSol GmbH 는효율적인광전지인버터의개발, 제조및유통에주력하고있습니다. 이인버터의 98.2% 라는최고의효율성은시장에서경쟁제품을찾을수없습니다. As a specialist in power electronics, RefuSol GmbH has produced high-quality converters in Germany for more than 45 years. As early as in 1997, these many years of experience were the starting point for a successful development of the first line-commutated photovoltaic inverter. RefuSol GmbH focuses its attention on the development, manufacture and distribution of efficient photovoltaic inverters. The top efficiency of 98.2% of these inverters is unchallenged on the market. 4 kw 에서 1.3 MW 까지의전력출력범위를가지는스트링인버터및센트럴인버터로구성된혁신적인제품군을보유하고있습니다. 이러한인버터는 1 가구주택부터대규모태양광발전단지까지전세계에서사용됩니다. 회사자체의인터넷포털인 REFULOG 를통해제품군을갖추어놓고있습니다. 인터넷포털에서는태양광플랜트의모든핵심작동매개변수를볼수있으며포괄적인평가옵션을제공하고있습니다. RefuSol 은고객의이익을창출합니다! 독일및유럽, 미국및한국의자회사에근무하는인력뿐아니라판매및서비스파트너와함께 RefuSol 은전세계모든 PV 시장에진출해있습니다. The innovative product range comprises string and central inverters with a power output ranging from 4 kw to 1.3 MW. These inverters are used worldwide, from single-family houses to mega solar parks. The product range is completed by the company s own internet portal REFULOG. The internet portal allows visualizing all important operating parameters of the solar plant and provides comprehensive evaluation options. RefuSol creates profits for your company! With its staff in Germany and Europe, its subsidiaries in the U.S. and Korea, as well as its Sales and Service partners RefuSol has representation in all PV markets around the world. - 2 -

RefuSol 인버터시리즈 RefuSol inverter series REFUSOL 004K/005K/006K 지붕형시스템과대규모태양광발전단지의경우 4 kw 부터최대메가와트까지. 기술정보는 6 및 12 페이지를참조하십시오. For rooftop systems and large solar parks, from 4 kw up to multimegawatt. See page 6 & 12 for technical data. REFUSOL 010K/013K/017K/020K 지붕형시스템과대규모태양광발전단지의경우 10 kw 부터최대메가와트까지. 기술정보는 6 및 13 페이지를참조하십시오. For rooftop systems and large solar parks, from 10 kw up to multimegawatt. See page 6 & 13 for technical data. REFUSOL 100K/160K, REFUSOL 500K/630K 지붕형시스템과대규모태양광발전단지의경우 100 kw 부터최대메가와트까지. 기술정보는 7, 14 및 15 페이지를참조하십시오. For rooftop systems and large solar parks, from 100 kw up to multimegawatt. See page 7, 14 & 15 for technical data. REFUSPB 1,0M/1,3M 지붕형시스템과대규모태양광발전단지의경우 1 MW 이상부터. 기술정보는 7 및 16 페이지를참조하십시오. For rooftop systems and large solar parks, from 1 MW. See page 7 & 16 for technical data. - 3 -

REFUSOL 이이익을드립니다. REFUSOL pays profits 최고의효율 최대수익 REFUSOL 시리즈의태양광인버터를제작하면서에너지의낭비를제거하기위한저희의노력은이상적으로실현되었습니다. 새롭고혁신적인기술을통해보다넓은입력전압범위에서괄목할만한효율의증대를이루어냈습니다. 혁신적인 MPP 추적기술을바탕으로 380V 에서 850V 에이르는 MPPT 범위에서각각최대효율 98% 이상, 유로효율 97% 이상을달성하였습니다. 적은부하에서도뛰어난전력생산성과소비전력의효율적인이용, 컴팩트하면서신뢰도높은설계는어떠한태양광설치현장에서든높은이익을가져올것입니다. Top efficiency maximum revenue Eliminating energy loss and maximizing performance were RefuSol s primary goals when designing the REFUSOL inverter series. With our highly innovative circuit topology, the REFUSOL series delivers impressive efficiency over a wide input voltage range. With a top efficiency over 98% and a European efficiency over 97% (at 380-850 VDC), innovative MPP-tracking, outstanding part-load efficiency and resource utilization, combined with a compact, reliable construction, it is possible to acheive remarkably high returns for each PV installation. 빠르고정밀한 MPP 추적기술 최고의에너지생산량을달성하려면 MPP 의추적성능이가장중요한역할을합니다. REFUSOL 시리즈에는저명한연구소와합동으로개발한매우신속하면서정밀하게작동하는새로운 MPP 알고리즘이적용되었습니다. 이를바탕으로 MPP 추적효율이 99.9% 까지도달합니다. Fast and precise MPP-tracking In order to achieve the highest possible power yields, an excellent MPP tracking is of crucial importance. For the REFUSOL series a new, particularly fast, however very precise working MPP algorithm was developed in cooperation with a well-known research institute. On the basis of this algorithm, the MPP tracking efficiency reaches a top value of 99.9%. - 4 -

높은수준의효율성과고도의가용성 High grade of efficiency, high availability 최고효율의인버터 저희는넓은입력전압범위에서매우높은효율을제공하는새롭고효율적인회로토폴로지를개발하였습니다. 가장높은효율을낼수있는범위가정확히태양광발전기의주요동작점에있으므로최대의발전효율을보장합니다. 또한, 낮은일사량에서도 REFUSOL 은높은효율을달성할수있습니다. 심지어정상출력의 2.5% 에서도태양광전류의 90% 이상이계통에유입됩니다. 이것은여러독립된연구기관에의해테스트되고확인되었습니다. 이들중태양광전문잡지 Photon 은 REFUSOL 을 A+ 로평가하였습니다. Highest efficiency inverters We have developed a highly efficient circuit topology which provides very high efficiency over a wide input voltage range. The highest efficiency zone is exactly at the main operating point of the solar generator, so that peak yields are always guaranteed. At low irradiation REFUSOL inverters achieve a very high partial load efficiency grade. Even at 2.5% of the nominal performance, more than 90% of the solar current is fed into the grid! These features have been tested and confirmed by several independent institutes including Photon magazine, which gave the REFUSOL 013K and the REFUSOL 017K an A +. DC 입력에따른 REFUSOL 020K 의효율그래프 / REFUSOL 020K efficiency grade calculation - 5 -

스트링인버터 String Inverters REFUSOL 004K to 020K In the area of string inverters we offer you our REFUSOL-inverters with 4 to 20 kw nominal power. Due to the extreme low power losses around the complete input voltage area of the REFUSOL 010K to 020K inverters, it was possible to build an inverter with pure convection cooling only. REFUSOL 004K - 020K 스트링인버터의범주에서저희는정격출력 4-20 kw 의 REFUSOL 인버터제품군을가지고있습니다. 전반적인입력전압범위를넘어서도매우낮은전력손실로인해 REFUSOL 인버터는순수대류냉각방식을사용할수있었습니다. 이렇게적은전력손실은인버터내부의주요부품의온도를크게낮춥니다. 또한, 주변온도가인버터의동작가능한온도의허용치를넘을경우, 인버터의자체보호시스템에따라자동적으로출력을낮추게됩니다. This low power loss reduces heat dissipation, which prevents overheating in indoor installations. Furthermore, should indoor or outdoor temperatures exceed ambient temperature ranges, the REFUSOL will automatically reduce output to avoid overheating. 인버터의설치 : 박막형에서실외설치까지 접지에대하여전압불안정이극히미미하므로 REFUSOL 의모든무변압기형인버터들은문제없이다수의박막형모듈과사용할수있습니다. 저희 20 kw 미만의 REFUSOL 인버터는 IP67 플러그커넥터를포함하여, 보호등급 IP65 입니다. 이것은여러곳에분산된태양광발전설비에서와같은실외설치에완벽하게적합합니다. Application areas: Thin film to outdoor use Due to the negligible voltage fluctuations to ground, REFUSOL s family of transformerless inverters can easily be connected to numerous thin film module strings. All of our solar inverters in lower power classes from 004K to 020K are at least equipped with IP65 protection, including IP67 plug connectors routed to all connections. This offers ideal applications for outdoor use, such as non-central solar power installations. - 6 -

센트럴인버터 Central Inverters REFUSOL 100K - 630K 더높은출력등급에서저희는태양광센트럴인버터 REFUSOL 100K-630K 를제공합니다. 센트럴인버터의개발은컨트롤캐비닛과수반된장비구동기술에서와같은 RefuSol GmbH 의다른분야에서의다년간의경험을통해서이룰수있었습니다. 또한이출력등급에서 MPPT 전압범위 460-850 V 에서 98% 에까지이르는최고의효율등급및 97% 의유로효율 (REFUSOL 500K, 무변압기형 ) 에도달하였습니다. 차별화된냉각방식차별화된냉각방식 (REFUSOL 500K 와 630K 에서의외부물 / 공기 - 열교환기를통한냉각방식뿐만아니라 REFUSOL 100K 와 160K 의팬냉각방식 ) 외에도각컨트롤캐비닛은독립운동방지기능을가지고있습니다. 더나아가서인버터에는빠르고아주정밀하며독립연구기관들로부터검증되어진 REFUSOL 010K-020K 의모델에서사용된 MPP 추적기술등, 매우혁신적인기술이적용되었습니다. REFUSOL 100K to 630K In higher power classes we offer you our solar central inverters REFUSOL 100K to 630K. These inverters incorporate several years of design and engineering experience from other REFUSOL product lines such as switch control cabinets and traction drives. In these power classes a top efficiency of up to 98% and a European efficiency of 97% (without transformer) can be reached with an MPPT range from 460 to 850 V. Differentiated Cooling In addition to the differentiated cooling (regulated air cooling for the REFUSOL 100K and 160K as well as cooling through external water/air heat exchangers with the REFUSOL 500K and 630K) each control cabinet is protected against the formation of isolated systems. In addition, the highly innovative technology of the REFUSOL 010K to 020K and its quick, exact MPP tracker is used, which has been tested by independent institutes. REFUSPB REFUSOL 센트럴인버터를바탕으로저희는전력범위 500 kw-1.3 MW 의 REFUSOL PowerBox REFUSPB 를제공합니다. 옵션냉각방식 REFUSOL 센트럴인버터와, REFUSPB 의출력량은두개의대안적인냉각방식인표준냉각방식과밀폐형냉각방식을통해완성됩니다. 인버터의높은출력과넓은동작범위의온도및옵션냉각방식을통해서 REFUSOL 태양광센트럴인버터와 REFUSPB 는더욱다양한적용범위를가지게되었습니다. 예를들어사막근처나해안가혹은다른까다로운환경조건을가진곳의태양광발전소에서사용할수있습니다. REFUSPB On the basis of our REFUSOL solar central inverters we offer you our REFUSOLPowerBox REFUSPB with power ranges from 500 kw to 1.3 MW. Optional Cooling The performance profile of the REFUSOL central inverters and the REFUSPB is completed with two alternative cooling systems: a standard cooling system or a hermetically sealed system. Thanks to the high degree of protection that our cooling option provide in extreme temperatures, the REFUSOL utility scale inverters and the REFUSPB are especially suitable for use in large PV systems in any environment with demanding climate conditions. - 7 -

제한없는커뮤니케이션 Unlimited Communication 제한없는커뮤니케이션 태양광발전소의발전량은각각의운영자에게주요관심사항입니다. 개인적또는상업적으로운영되는시스템의가장최근치데이터는그효율성을점검하는데필수적인사항입니다. 모든 REFUSOL 의통합형데이터로거는분석을위한데이터베이스를제공합니다. 이러한데이터로거는모든운영파라미터를기록합니다. Unlimited communication The yield of a photovoltaic system is at the focus of each operator. In doing so, the most updated data of a privately or commercially operated system is necessary for the check of the effectiveness. The integrated data logger in every REFUSOL 010-630K inverter records and tracks all of the necessary operating parameters to ensure proper data analysis. - 8 - REFULOG 이러한데이터의시각화를위해저희는광범위한평가가능성을가지는 RefuSol 자체의모니터링및분석시스템인인터넷포털 REFULOG 를제공합니다. 따라서일례로통계상의발전량, 또는필드에있는일사량센서및온도센서와의비교가가능합니다. 장시간에걸쳐모든인버터들에관한데이터가기록됩니다. 자동출력조절과더불어실시간모니터링옵션과오류메시지의옵션또한포함되어있습니다. 각각의인버터는로컬네트워크에직접연결하는것과인터넷에연결하는것이모두가능합니다. 이것은 PLUG & PLAY 방식으로간단히설치되며추가적으로모든인버터들의데이터를모니터링할수있도록해줍니다. 두개의모니터링및분석시스템 SolarLog 와 Meteocontrol 이추가적으로지원됩니다. 따라서인버터들은문제없이모니터링과발전량분석을위해기존시스템에통합될수있습니다. REFULOG To visualize this data we offer you our RefuSol s own monitoring and analysis internet-portal REFULOG with extensive evaluation possibilities. Thus e.g. comparisons with statistic yield values or with the radiation or temperature sensors placed in the field are possible. Data recording can occur here over a longer period of time for all REFUSOL 010-630K inverters. In addition to an automatic capacity control status monitoring and error report options are also integrated. Each REFUSOL 010-630K inverter allows for a connection to your local network and the internet. The installation is plug & play and let you evaluate data from an unlimited number of inverters. Our monitoring and analysis system is also compatible with SolarLog and Meteocontrol and can be easily integrated into your existing system for monitoring and yield analysis.

최적의모니터링과최고의유연성 Optimal Monitoring and Maximum Flexibility 온도및일사량측정 SI-13TC-T-K Temperature and incidence measurement the SI-13TC-T-K 낭비를줄이기위한 REFUSOL 인버터시리즈의개발목적은저희의최우선과제입니다. 추가적인구성요소를꾸준히개발함으로써그목적을구현하고자합니다. 온도및일사량측정을위해, SI-13 TC-T- K 를제공합니다. 측정치는각 REFUSOL 인버터의데이터로거를통해확인가능합니다. 결과적으로 REFULOG 를통해실제입력값을확인하는데도움을줍니다. 따라서이는태양광발전소를점검하기위한매우중요하고정밀한센서입니다. The idea of eliminating waste was at the foreground of the development of our solar REFUSOL inverter series. We continue this thought with our offering of additional components. For the temperature and incidence measurement, we offer you the SI-13TC-T-K radiation sensor for all REFUSOL 010-630K inverters. An analysis of the provided measured values is possible with the data logger in those REFUSOL devices. Consequently it servers to check the real input, e. g. through REFULOG. Therefore it is a very important and precise tool for checking your solar energy plant. SI-13TC-T-K 측정의정확성은액티브한온도보정작업을통해증가됩니다. 1300 W/m² 까지확장된측정범위, 표준측정시그널에대한개별검정, 모듈온도측정의기능을가진 SI-13 TC-T-K 는사용자의시스템을위한고기능의센서입니다. The measurement exactness is increased through active temperature compensation. With an expanded measurement range of up to 1300 W/ m², the individual calibration to the standard measurement signal and the possibility of module temperature measurement, SI-13TC-T-K is a high capacity supplement to your system. 옵션 REFUSOL 파워캡 REFUSOL 인버터 010K-020K 는그무엇보다자연대류를이용한냉각방식이라는특징이있습니다. 경우에따라서는수동냉각방식이충분치않기때문에 REFUSOL 파워캡을개발했습니다. 이것은추가적인환기모듈로서태양광시스템의적용범위는확장시켜주는반면에 10-20 kw 의정격전력을가진 REFUSOL 인버터들의설치에필요한공간은축소시킵니다. REFUSOL 파워캡의사용으로인버터를 3 대까지세로로설치하는것이가능합니다. 파워캡의사용을통해섭씨 5 도이상의인버터작동가능온도의확장은극단적인기후조건에서도인버터작동의가능성을열어줍니다. Option REFUSOLPowerCap The REFUSOL 010-020K are characterized, among other things, through their cooling using natural convection. It could be the case, that this passive cooling is not sufficient for your needs. For this reason we have developed REFUSOL- PowerCap. As an additional active ventilation module, it expands the area of application of your solar system and reduces the needed space to build in the REFUSOL inverters with 10 to 20 kw nominal power. Through the supplement with the REFUSOLPowerCap, the assembly of up to three inverters on top of each other is possible. The thus realized expansion of the admissible environmental temperature of the inverter from 5 C upwards offers you the possibility of also using the inverter even under extreme climatic conditions. 2.20 m DC 케이블연결통로 / DC cable channel AC 케이블연결통로 / AC cable channel 파워캡을장착한 REFUSOL 인버터의설치예 / Example of Application - 9 -

에너지공급시스템관리 Energy Supply Management 법적배경 현재독일의 EEG-Novelle ( 에너지공급을규정한독일법 ) 에따르면 100kWp 이상의태양광발전설비는 2009 년부터발효된에너지공급및계통시스템안전관리규정을준수해야만합니다. 새로운 BDEW 방침 Erzeugungsanlagen am Mittelspannungsnetz ( 고압전력전압을계통에송전하는전력생산설비 ) 은이를고압전력전압에송전하는모든생산설비에요구합니다. 이것은우선계통운영자에게 6 EGG 2009 에의거하여, 원격조정을통해해당설비의출력을제한할가능성이포함되어있습니다. REFUPMU REFUPowerManagementUnit- 이하 REFUPMU 는이방침에따라사용자혹은사용자의계통운영자에게다음의기능을제공합니다. 한계전력과무효전력외에도한계값을포함한모든연결된 REFUSOL 의현재입력값들이함께기록될수있으며, 사용자는저희의모니터링시스템 REFULOG 를통해이것을연결하여전체의출력과에너지를그래프로표현할수있습니다. Legal background According to the current German EEG-Novelle (German law to regulate the energy supply) PV installations with more than 100 kwp must take part in energy supply and grid system security management from 2009 onwards. The new BDEW-directive Erzeugungsanlagen am Mittelspannungsnetz (power generation installation feeding in medium power voltage grid) requires this for all installations feeding in medium power voltage. This includes the possibility for network operators to regulate the performance of the installation according to 6 EEG via remote control. REFUPMU The REFUPowerManagementUnit REFUPMU offers you and your network operator this function according to the directive. In addition to the power regulation and the reactive power, the real power feeding of all connected REFUSOL 010-630K inverters including the limits can be logged. Together with our monitoring system REFULOG you have the opportunity to e.g. visualize graphically the total power and energy. The performance profile of our REFUPMU is completed by various options, e.g. the connection of additional sensors. 1. 적용실례 / Example of Application 계통운영자 / Grid Operator HS- 계통 / HV-System 방송시그널수신기 / Ripple control receiver 디지털인터페이스를통한출력한계치와아날로그인터페이스를통한무효전력의알림 / Recording of power limitations over digital interface and wattless power over analog interface REFUPMU RS485 를통한연결 / Connection via RS485 EEG 2009 에따른발전량확인을위한현재발전량의알림 / Reporting of actual feed-in capacity including the limits according to 6 EEG 2009 for payment purposes 인터넷 / Internet 모뎀 / Modem - 10 -

적용및설치사례 Applications and References REFUSOL 시리즈의출시이후태양광인버터사용에관한다양한사례들을수집할수있었습니다. 4-20kW 범위뿐아니라더큰출력등급에서도다양하게사용하고다양하게적용할수있습니다. REFUSOL 시리즈는주택혹은물류창고등의루프탑시스템에서대형태양광발전소까지설치가가능합니다. Since introducing the REFUSOL series, we have completed more than 1 GW of installations globally in diverse climates and geographic environments, which underscores RefuSol s proven technology, superior design and high customer satisfaction. From smaller (4 to 20 kw) to larger power classes, our inverters work in a broad range of application in many diverse settings. 4,7 MW 설치 ( 벨기에 ) 4.7 MW Installation (Belgium) 17 kw 설치 ( 독일 ) 17 kw Installation (Germany) 1,5 MW 설치 ( 스페인 ) 1.5 MW Installation (Spain) 2,2 MW 설치 ( 벨기에 ) 2.2 MW Installation (Belgium) REFUSOL 시리즈는전세계에서사용되고있으며다양한기후조건과지리적조건에서도사용할수있습니다. 본사의태양광인버터중어떤제품이사용자들께적합한지설명할기회를주신다면매우감사하겠습니다. 1 MW 설치 ( 독일 ) 1 MW Installation (Germany) The spectrum of installations ranges from rooftop systems on single-family houses or warehouses to large solar parks. Our products are being used worldwide and can be deployed under the most diverse climatic and geographic conditions. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss with REFUSOL solution best suits your solar application. - 11 -

테크니컬데이터 Technical data REFUSOL 004K REFUSOL 005K REFUSOL 006K 입력데이터 / DC data 최대 DC 전력 / Max. PV-Power 4.9 kw 5.4 kw 6 kw MPPT 전압범위 / MPPT-Range 351... 710 V 348... 710 V 349... 710 V 최대 DC 전압 / Max. DC Voltage 880 V 880 V 880 V 최대 DC 전류 / Max. DC current 13 A 14.5 A 16 A MPP 추적기술 / MPP tracking One fast, precise MPP tracker DC 입력단자수 / Number of DC-connections 2 과전압보호장치 / Internal overvoltage protection 출력데이터 / AC data EN 61000-4-5 Type 3 정격 AC 출력 / Rated AC-Power 3.75 kw 4.2 kw 4.6 kw 최대 AC 출력 / Max. AC-Power 4.12 kw 4.6 kw 5.06 kw 계통과의연결 / AC grid connection 230V (+/-20%) singlephase, 47.5-52.5 Hz 역율 / Cos phi 1 최대 AC 전류 / Max. AC current 17.9 A 20 A 22 A 왜율 THD / Distortion factor THD 1.05% 0.74% 1.05% 최대효율 / Max. efficiency 97.3% 97.4% 97.4% 유로효율 / Europ. Efficiency 96.8% 96.9% 96.9% 동작시자체소비전력 / Infeed starting at 야간대기시자체소비전력 / Internal consumption in night operation 과전압보호장치 / Internal overvoltage protection 냉각방식및주변조건, EMC / Cooling, ambient conditions, EMC 냉각방식 / Cooling 동작온도 / Ambient temperature 고도 / Site altitude 소음 / Noise 7 W < 2 W EN 61000-4-5 Type 3 Natural convection (at peak load support from a fan) -20 to +60 C Up to 2000 m above sea level 무선간섭억제 / Emitted interference EN 61000-6-3: 2007-09 인증서 / Certificates t.b.d. CE, BG-document of compliance, Italy DK5940, Portugal EN 50438: 2007, Israel AS4777.2 AS4777.3 장애내성 / Interference immunity EN 61000-6-2: 2006-03 환경등급 / Environmental classif. 네트워크모니터링 / SZS Acc. to VDE 0126-1-1 메카닉스 / Mechanical 외함보호등급 / Type of protection IP66 as per EN 60529 t.b.d. 크기 / Dimensions 폭 / 높이 / 깊이 / Width / Height / Depth 320 mm / 720 mm / 250 mm 무게 / Weight 27 kg 28 kg 28 kg - 12 -

테크니컬데이터 Technical data REFUSOL 010K REFUSOL 013K REFUSOL 017K REFUSOL 020K 입력데이터 / DC data 최대 DC 전력 / Max. PV-Power 11.0 kw 13.6 kw 18.1 kw 21.2 kw MPPT 전압범위 (*) / MPPT-Range (*) 380... 850 V 420... 850 V 445... 850 V 480... 850 V 최대 DC 전압 / Max. DC Voltage 최대 DC 전류 / Max. DC current 29 A 30 A 38.5 A 41 A MPP 추적기술 / MPP tracking 1000 V One fast, precise MPP tracker DC 입력단자수 / Number of DC-connections 4 6 과전압보호장치 / Internal overvoltage protection 출력데이터 / AC data 정격 AC 전력 / Rated AC-Power 10 kw 12.4 kw 16.5 kw 19.2 kw 최대 AC 전력 / Max. AC-Power 10 kw 12.4 kw 16.5 kw 19.2 kw 계통과의연결 / AC grid connection Type 3 3 AC 400 V+N, 50-60 Hz 역률 / Cos phi 1 (Setting range -30 < φ < +30 ) 최대 AC 전류 / Max. AC current 18 A 18 A 29 A 29 A 왜율 THD / Distortion factor THD < 1.8% 최대효율 / Max. efficiency 98.0% 98.0% 98.0% 98.2% 유로효율 / Euro. Efficiency 97.4% 97.5% 97.8% 97.8% 동작시자체소비전력 / Infeed starting at 야간대기시자체소비전력 / Internal consumption in night operation 과전압보호장치 / Internal overvoltage protection 냉각방식및주변조건, EMC / Cooling, ambient conditions, EMC 냉각방식 / Cooling 동작온도 / Ambient temperature 고도 / Site altitude 소음 / Noise 20 W < 0.5 W Type 3 Natural convection -25 to +55 C Up to 2000 m above sea level < 45 dba 무선간섭억제 / Emitted interference EN 61000-6-4: 2007 인증서 / Certificates CE (UL and CSA in preparation) 장애내성 / Interference immunity EN 61000-6-2: 2005 환경등급. / Environmental classif. 4K4H acc. to DIN IEC 721-3-3 네트워크모니터링 / SZS Acc. to VDE 0126-1-1 메카닉스 / Mechanical 외함보호등급 / Type of protection IP65 as per EN 60529 크기 / Dimensions 폭 / 높이 / 깊이 / Width / Height / Depth 535 mm / 601 mm / 277 mm 무게 / Weight 35.5 kg 41.5 kg * ) Minimum DC-Voltage = 250 V - 13 -

테크니컬데이터 Technical data 입력데이터 / DC data REFUSOL 100K REFUSOL 160K 최대 DC 전력 / Max. PV-Power 115 kw 184 kw MPPT 전압범위 / MPPT-Range 최대 DC 전압 / Max. DC Voltage 460... 800 V 최대 DC 전류 / Max. DC current 240 A 375 A MPP 추적기술 / MPP tracking 850 V One fast, precise MPP tracker DC 입력단자수 / Number of DC-connections 1 2 과전압보호장치 / Overvoltage protection Type 2 출력데이터 / AC data 정격 AC 전력 / Rated AC-Power 100 kw 160 kw 최대 AC 전력 / Max. AC-Power 100 kw 160 kw 계통과의연결 / AC grid connection 역률 / Cos phi 3 AC 400 V + N, 50-60 Hz incl. transformer 1 (± 0.9 on demand) 최대 AC 전류 / Max. AC current 158 A 232 A 왜율 THD / Distortion factor THD < 3% 최대효율 / Max. efficiency 유로효율 / Euro. Efficiency 동작시자체소비전력 / Infeed starting at 야간대기시자체소비전력 / Internal consumption in night operation 96% with transformer 95% with transformer ca. 500 W ca. 50 W 과전압보호장치 / Overvoltage protection Type 1 + 2 냉각방식및주변조건, EMC / Cooling, ambient conditions, EMC 냉각방식 / Cooling Controlled fan 동작온도 / Ambient temperature -10... +45 C -10... +40 C 고도 / Site altitude 소음 / Noise Up to 1000 m above sea level, with power-derating up to 2000 m < 85 dba 무선간섭억제 / Emitted interference EN61000-6-4: 2007 인증서 / Certificates CE (UL and CSA in preparation) 장애내성 / Interference immunity EN 61000-6-2: 2005 환경등급 / Environmental classif. 3K3 acc. to DIN IEC 721-3-3 단독운전방지 / Anti-islanding protection 메카닉스 / Mechanical Prevents back-feeding inverter generated power to the grid in the event of breakdown 외함보호등급 / Type of protection IP21 or IP54 (option) as per EN 60529 IP21 as per EN 60529 크기 / Dimensions 폭 / 높이 / 깊이 / Width / Height / Depth 1200 mm / 2000 mm / 600 mm 무게 / Weight 860 kg 920 kg DC 전력차단기 / Disconnection system DC DC- contactor AC 전력차단기 / Disconnection system AC Main switch and main contactor - 14 -

테크니컬데이터 Technical data 입력데이터 / DC data REFUSOL 500K REFUSOL 630K 최대 DC 전력 / Max. PV-Power 575 kw 725 kw MPPT 전압범위 / MPPT-Range 최대 DC 전압 / Max. DC Voltage 460... 850 V 최대 DC 전류 / Max. DC current 1000 A 1300 A MPP 추적기술 / MPP tracking 950 V One fast, precise MPP tracker DC 입력단자수 / Number of DC-connections 12 16 과전압보호장치 / Overvoltage protection Type 2 (option) Type 2 출력데이터 / AC data 정격 AC 전력 / Rated AC-Power 500 kw 630 kw 최대 AC 전력 / Max. AC-Power 500 kw 630 kw 계통과의연결 / AC grid connection 역률 / Cos phi 3 AC 315 V, 50-60 Hz use external transformer 1 (± 0.9 on demand) 최대 AC 전류 / Max. AC current 920 A 1220 A 왜율 THD / Distortion factor THD 3% 최대효율 / Max. efficiency 유로효율 / Euro. Efficiency 동작시자체소비전력 / Infeed starting at 야간대기시자체소비전력 / Internal consumption in night operation 98.14% without transformer 97.60% without transformer 5000 W 50... 600 W 과전압보호장치 / Overvoltage protection Type 1 + 2 냉각방식및주변조건, EMC / Cooling, ambient conditions, EMC 냉각방식 / Cooling Standard cooling or hermetic closed system with liquid cooling Hermetic closed system with liquid cooling 동작온도 / Ambient temperature -10... +50 C 1) -10... +45 C 1) 고도 / Site altitude 소음 / Noise Up to 1000 m above sea level, with power derating up to 2000 m 무선간섭억제 / Emitted interference EN 61000-6-4: 2007 인증서 / Certificates t.b.d. CE (UL and CSA in preparation) 장애내성 / Interference immunity EN 61000-6-2: 2005 환경등급 / Environmental classif. 3K3 acc. to DIN IEC 721-3-3 단독운전방지 / Anti-islanding protection 전압모니터링 / Voltage monitoring 메카닉스 / Mechanical Prevents back-feeding inverter generated power to the grid in the event of breakdown VDEW requirements in accordance with directive 외함보호등급 / Type of protection IP43 or IP54 (option) as per EN 60529 IP54 as per EN 60529 크기 / Dimensions 폭 / 높이 / 깊이 / Width / Height / Depth 무게 / Weight DC 전력차단기 / Disconnection system DC AC 전력차단기 / Disconnection system AC 1) With option hermetic closed system without P-derating 2) Base for waterconnections disappearing or removable 3) Control of cooling 2800 mm / 2000 mm / 600 mm Additional cooling unit: 600 mm / 2000 mm + 200 2) mm / 800 mm + 160 mm 3) 1800 kg Additional cooling unit: ca. 400 kg DC-contactor Main switch and main contactor 2800 mm / 2190 mm / 600 mm Additional cooling unit: 600 mm / 2000 mm + 200 2) mm / 800 mm + 160 mm 3) - 15 -

테크니컬데이터 Technical data REFUSPB 500K REFUSPB 630K REFUSPB 1,0M REFUSPB 1,3M 입력데이터 / DC data 최대 DC 전력 / Max. PV-Power 575 kw 725 kw 2 x 575 kw 2 x 725 kw MPPT 전압범위 / MPPT-Range 460... 850 V 최대 DC 전압 / Max. DC Voltage 950 V 최대 DC 전류 / Max. DC current 1000 A 1300 A 2 x 1000 A 2 x 1300 A DC 전력차단기 / Disconnection system DC DC-contactor 출력데이터 / AC data 정격 AC 전력 / Rated AC-Power 500 kw 630 kw 2 x 500 kw 2 x 630 kw 최대 AC 전력 / Max. AC-Power 500 kw 630 kw 2 x 500 kw 2 x 630 kw 계통과의연결 / AC grid connection 3 AC 315 V+N, 50-60 Hz use external transformer 최대 AC 전류 / Max. AC current 920 A 1220 A 2 x 920 A 2 x 1220 A 메카닉스 / Box 크기 / Dimensions 폭 / 높이 / 깊이 / Width / Height / Depth 3020 mm / 3560 mm / 5400 mm 옵션 : 냉각방식 테크니컬데이터 / Options: Cooling Technical Data REFUSOL 500K, REFUSPB 500K, REFUSPB 1,0M 모델 / Model Standard aircooling Option hermetic closed system 냉각방법 / Type of cooling Power stage: Liquid cooled with internal water/air heat exchanger Power stage and electronic: Liquid cooled with internal water/ air respectively air/water heat exchanger 동작온도 / Ambient temperature -10 to +50 C, P-derating from 45 C -10 to +50 C, up to 50 C full range of rated power 고도 / Elevation 크기 / Dimensions 폭 / 높이 / 깊이 / Width / Height / Depth Up to 1000 m above sea level, with power derating up to 2000 m 600 mm x 2200 mm x 940 mm 무게 / Weight 400 kg 450 kg REFUSOL 630K, REFUSPB 630K 동작온도 / Ambient temperature 크기 / Dimensions 폭 / 높이 / 깊이 / Width / Height / Depth 무게 / Weight -10... +45 C 600 mm x 2200 mm x 960 mm 450 kg REFUSPB 1,3M 동작온도 / Ambient temperature 크기 / Dimensions 폭 / 높이 / 깊이 / Width / Height / Depth 무게 / Weight -10... +45 C 700 mm x 2200 mm x 960 mm 570 kg - 16 -

테크니컬데이터 Technical data PowerCap (Only for REFUSOL 010K to 020K) 전기적인데이터 / Electrical data 공급전압 / Supply voltage 전압공급단자 / Connection supply voltage 자체소비전력 / Internal consumption 24 VDC Sensors connector 2.4 W 외부조건 / Ambient conditions 파워캡앞의필요한빈공간 / Free space in front of the unit 1000 mm 메카닉스 / Mechanical 외함보호등급 / Type of protection IP54 as per EN 60529 크기 / Dimensions 폭 / 높이 / 깊이 / Width / Height / Depth 무게 / Weight Connection of PowerCap or Temperature and radiation sensor 488 mm / 90 mm / 250 mm 1.4 kg Temperature and radiation sensor SI-13TC-T-K (Only for REFUSOL 10kW) 일반사항 / General 션트저항 / Shunt resistor 동작온도 / Ambient temperature 공급전압 / Supply voltage 전류 / Current draw 연결케이블 / Connecting cable 셀의크기 / Cell Dimension 크기 / Dimensions 폭 / 높이 / 깊이 / Length / Width / Height 무게 / Weight 일사량 / Radiation 측정범위 / Measuring range 출력시그널 / Output signal 측정정밀도 / Measuring accuracy 0,10 Ohm (TK = 22 ppm/k) -20... +70 C 12... 24 VDC 0.3 ma 4 x 0.14 mm², 3 m (UV resistant) 50 x 34 mm 145 mm / 81 mm / 40 mm 340 g 0... 1300 W/m² 0... 10 V ± 5% of fullscale 모듈온도 / Modul temperature 측정범위 / Measuring range -20 C... +90 C 출력시그널 / Output signal 2.268 V + T [ C] * 86.9 mv/ C 측정정밀도 / Measuring accuracy ± 1.5% at 25 C 비선형 / Nonlinearity 0.5 C 최대오차 / Max. deviation 2 C 터미널의분류 / Terminal assignment 오렌지색 / Orange Output signal radiation (0... 10 V) 적색 / Red Supply voltage (12... 24 VDC) 검정색 / Black GND 갈색 / Brown Output signal temperature (0... 10 V) Connection of PowerCap or Temperature and radiation sensor - 17 -

테크니컬데이터 Technical data REFULOG BASIC 모니터링주요기능 / Performance Spectrum 플랜트의구성 / Configuration of plants and sub-plants 각플랜트와인버터별최근치파라미터표시 / Display of current parameter values per plant and per inverter 플랜트와인버터의표시 / Display of plants and inverters 오류메시지관리 / Error management 저장된데이터에대한그래픽분석 / Graphical analysis of historical data 관리 / Administration 플랜트위치의확인 / Overview of the plant locations 지원하는언어 / Foreign Languages 인버터고유의활성코드를통해발전소의위치정보, 발전소의특징, 발전소의사진등의등록 / Easy to integrate inverters using a unique activation code, location information, plant specific data, pictures 각발전소및인버터별총발전량, 일일발전량, 입. 출력전력, 입 / 출력전압, 계통주파수, 인버터온도, 일사량및모듈온도의최근치값의표시 / Total yields, daily yield (absolute and normalized), AC/DC power rating (absolute and normalized), AC/DC voltage, AC frequency, device temperature, radiation values, module temperature 단순비교가편리한항목별발전소및인버터의표시 / In clearly laid out lists for easier comparisons 모든인버터의오류메시지확인 / Overview of all error messages of all inverters 하나의다이어그램에서형성되는통계수치를이용한일별, 월별, 년도별의종합적인데이터의확인및모든발전소및인버터의저장된데이터에대한그래프분석 / Day, month, year- and total view, display of every plant- and inverter-parameter, combination of various channels in a diagram through a free configurable statistic view 계정관리기능 / User administration supported 지도를이용한발전소위치의확인 / Via interactive map 수치나날짜등해당국가에상응하는다중언어채용 / Multilingual application with accordingly localized displayal of number formats, date and other data. 테크니컬데이터 / Technical Data 최대인버터연결가능대수 / Max. number of inverters 프로토콜 / Protocol 웹모니터링 / Display of inverter data in the online portal REFUSOL 010K - 020K 펌웨어패키지 / REFUSOL 010K - 020K firmware package 제한없음 / No limitation TCP / IP 표시가능 / Yes 25-10 그외의기능들 / Further Advantages 연결경로 / Access 데이터로거 / Datalogger 설치 / Installation 평가가능성 / Evaluation possibilities 인버터내별도의추가하드웨어가필요없는로컬네트워크및인터넷으로의직접연결 / Direct connection to the local network/ internet. Usually no additional hardware necessary. 데이터저장을위한추가장비가필요없음 / No additional data logger necessary 표준이더넷네트워크를이용한 Plug & Play 방식의간단한설치 / Plug & Play installation through the use of standard ethernet network 모니터링개발자를위한솔루션제공 / Complex evaluation possibilities for intelligent equipment monitoring REFUSOL 인버터의 REFULOG 로의연결예 / Examples for the Connection of REFUSOL inverters with the Monitoring System REFULOG REFULOG 를이용하여 3 대의인버터를연결 / Connection of 3 inverters with REFULOG REFULOG 를이용하여다수의인버터를연결 / Connection of a large number of inverters with REFULOG - 18 -

테크니컬데이터 Technical data REFUPMU 기능 / Functions EEG 2009 에대한지원 / Support of EEG 2009 출력감소및무효전력에관한규정 / Power reduction and reactive power specification 1) 전기적데이터 / Electrical Data 최대공급전력 / Maximum supply power 18 W 공급전압 / Supply voltage 외장 AC 어답터사용 / AC 115... 230 V / 50... 60 Hz 테크니컬데이터 / Technical Data 동작신호 / Operating notification 출력감소에관한규정 / Specification of power reduction 무효전력에관한규정 / Specification of reactive power 통합인터페이스 / Integrated interfaces 최대조정가능한인버터대수 / Max. controllable inverters 데이터로거 / Datalogger REFULOG 포털과의커뮤니케이션 / Communication with REFULOG 설치 / Installation LED 로표시.( 시동, 운전, 오류, 출력감소를위한스위치전환시 ) / Via LED (On, Operating, Error, Switching Status for power reduction) 4 개의디지털입력 ( 단계 0%, 30%, 60%, 100%, 옵션으로재프로그램가능혹은이중기능, 결과적으로 16 개의가능한그리고프로그램가능한스위치전환위치 ) / 4 digital combined inputs (stepping: 0%, 30%, 60%, 100%, optional reprogrammable or binary function, restulting in 16 possible, programmable Switching Status) 아날로그인터페이스의특성곡선을능가하는외부의특성곡선혹은프로그램가능한정도의특성곡선을뛰어넘는대안의특성곡선에대한것 From extern via analog interfaces or alternative via programmable characteristic curve 1) 모뎀과의연결을위한이더넷단자 / Ethernetconnection for connection with modem 2 x RS485 ( 갈바닉절연 ) / 2 x RS485 (galvanic isolated) USB ( 서비스인터페이스 ) / USB (service interface) 디지털및아날로그에대한입력및출력 / Digital and analog input and output RS485 연결에의한 31 대, 최대 62 대 / RS485: 2 x 31 inverters, maximum 62 inverters 인버터간최대길이 1,000 m / Total lenghth per branch: max. 1000 m 발전소현황확인을위한출력감소및무효전력의모든신호의저장 / For confirmation of lost earnings of the operator of the installation all signals of power reduction and reactive power are logged 이더넷접속을통한 REFULOG 와의통신 / Communication via Ethernet interface with REFULOG 출력감소및무효전력의표시를위한옵션 / Option for visualizing the power reduction and reactive power specification 2) 추가적인접속없이 REFULOG 로보내어진데이터를토대로 REFUPMU 를통해연결된인버터의모든데이터의확인 / Evaluation possibilities of all internal Datalogger of the connected inverters via REFUPMU, with direct sending to REFULOG, due to this no additional interface, e.g. Ethernet, is necessary 모자레일형설치혹은벽면설치 / Top hat rail intallation, wall mounting 1) Available as from REFUPMU 3.0 2) Available as from REFULOG 3.5-19 -

K O R E A 한국레푸솔라전자 서울시강남구대치동 1008-1 타워크리스탈빌딩 5 층 1 호 #501,Tower-Crystal B/D, Daechi-dong 1008-1, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea, 135-851 TEL : +82-23288-3336 Fax : +82-23288-3337 Headquarter: RefuSol GmbH Uracher Straße 91 72555 Metzingen, Germany Phone +49 7123 969-0 Fax +49 7123 969-165 No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information. Subject to modification.