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석사과정입학절차안내문 Alphacrucis 신학대학교는기독교세계관에입각한교육을원하는다양한배경을가진지원자들을환영합니다. 정치, 인종또는성별에관한어떠한사항들이학생의입학을결정하는데영향을미치지않습니다. 입학원서및관련정보는본교웹사이트 를참고하시기바랍니다. 연락처 CONTACT DETAILS 연락번호 리셉션 61-2-8893-9000 팩스 : 61-2 -8893-9099 입학담당 61-2-8893-9080 ( 한국에서 ) 070-4655-6259 이메일접수 또는 우편주소 Attn: Administrator for Korean Campus Master of Arts PO Box 337 Parramatta NSW 2124 Australia CRICOS Code 084483C / CRICOS Provider Name: Alphacrucis College LTD STEP 1: Course of Study 코스선정하기 석사과정 (Master of Arts) 1.5 년과정 Master of Arts (CRICOS Course Code: 084483C) 2017 Fee schedule Master of Arts Award ( 석사한국어과정 ) 호주시민 / 영주권자학비 Master of Arts Per Subject ( 한과목기준 ) 한학기 ( 한학기 4 과목기준 ) 1.5 년과정학비 ( 총 12 과목이수 ) Domestic Student $ 1,995.00 $ 7,980.00 $ 23,940.00 International Student $ 2,200.00 $ 8,800.00 $ 26,400.00 * Fee-Help 와 AUSTUDY ( 정부로부터학비융자 ) 를신청하실분들은 Tax File Number 를반드시제출해주시기바랍니다 * 호주시민권자 / 영주권자는 3 과목부터또한유학생은 4 과목부터 Full Time 입니다. * 2017 년 1 학기를기준으로한금액입니다. 본교는 1 년에 2 학기제입니다. All fees are in Australian Dollars excluding GST. This schedule is the current fee schedule as of January 2017. 2

STEP 2: Preparing an Application 입학원서준비서류확인하기 입학하고자하는코스의입학조건을꼼꼼히확인하신후선택하십시오. ( 예, 대학교졸업자, 세례교인 ) 입학원서준비서류체크리스트 APPLICATION CHECKLIST 서류미비로인한입학절차가지연되지않도록아래의서류들이첨부되었는지면밀히점검하십시오. Please ensure that you attach the following documents to your application. Incomplete applications CANNOT be processed. 여권사이즈사진 1 장 - Digital passport photos 호주여권또는시민권지참 ( 본교방문 ) 학장님인터뷰 ( 본교방문 ) TAX FILE NUMBER CHESSN NUMBER ( 현재타대학재학생인경우 ) GP 의사소견서 (60 세이상일경우 ) 신앙고백서 - Personal testimony ( 소정양식 : A4 용지 2-3 page 한국어 / 영어 ) 추천서 3 (references) 부소정양식따라 : 목회자, 장로권사혹은집사, 친구한국어 / 영어작성대학교영문졸업증명서최종학력영문졸업증명서 ( 신학전공은성적증명서함께제출 ) / 영어점수 (IELTS) 참고 : 신앙고백서와추천서는서류심사에있어중요한자료이기때문에상세히기록바람. STEP 3: Lodging an Application 입학원서접수입학원서접수방법작성하신입학원서및모든첨부서류를꼼꼼히확인한후아래에안내된방법으로접수합니다. 본교방문직접접수 ( 추천 ) 이메일접수 Email: 또는 이메일로원서접수시모든서류를깨끗이스캔하신후첨부파일로보내주시고모든원본은우편으로보내주시기바랍니다. 우편 Attn: Administrator for Korean Campus (Master of Arts: Christian Studies) Alphacrucis College PO Box 337 Parramatta NSW 2124 Australia 팩스 02 8893 9099 STEP 4: Documentation 입학서류심사후추가서류요청 모든서류가접수되기전까지는서류심사가진행되지않습니다. 팩스혹은이메일을통해접수된모든 서류는원본이도착하기전까지는서류심사가진행되지않습니다. STEP 5: Application Procedure 입학서류심사후이메일을통한합격통보서류접수에관한사항은이메일을통해연락을드립니다. (Acknowledgement letter) 서류심사와인터뷰를거친다음합격여부 (Application approved & offer letter) 를이메일로알려드립니다. ( 모든연락은입학원서에기재된연락처를통해이루어지므로정확히기입해주십시오.) 모든신입생의오리엔테이션참석은필수입니다. 자세한 OT 일정은이메일로알려드립니다. 3

입학원서 APPLICATION FORM 입학예정학기 WHEN DO YOU WISH TO BEGIN STUDY? PHOTO HERE 입학예정년도 : YEAR 1 학기 Semester 1 2 학기 Semester 2 학업방법 STUDY LOAD : Full-time (3 과목이상 ) Part-time 선택한학업과정 Course 석사과정 (Higher Education Level)- 1.5 년과정 Master of Arts - CRICOS Course Code: 084483C 코스등록이유 STUDY REASON 개인적인흥미 Personal Interest 전문적훈련 Professional Development Other 학교추천인 REFERRAL SOURCE Previously studied with AC/ SCC 본교재학생및졸업생 친구 Friend / 목사님 Pastor / 교회리더 Leader International Agent 유학원 OTHER 마케팅설문조사 MARKETING INFORMATION 알파크루시스신학대학을선택한이유는? 어떤방법을통해본교에대해알게되셨습니까? Web 웹사이트 Alphacrucis Student 재학생 Alphacrucis Staff 학교직원 Church 교회 Word of Mouth 소문 Advertising 광고 Conference 학교행사 / 외부집회 Direct Mail 우편 현재출석교회정보 AGENT/ CHURCH Church Name 교회명 : Church Senior Pastor s Name 담임목사님이름 : Church Address 주소 : City/ Suburb: State: Postcode: Country: Church Phone No 전화번호 : ( ) Church Denomination 교단 : 4

개인인적사항 PERSONAL DETAILS Title Ms Miss Mrs Mr Dr Pastor * 모든빈칸은영어로기재하시기바랍니다. First Name 이름 : Family Name 성 : Korean Name ( 한글이름 ) : Date of Birth 생년월일 : 일 월 년 Country of Birth 출생국 : Rep of Korea 한국 Home Phone 집전화 : Mobile 휴대전화 : Email ( 정확하게 ): @ Address: City/Suburb: State: Postcode: Australia 호주최초입국년도 배우자혹은친척 NEXT OF KIN ( 비상시연락가능한분 ) Title Ms Miss Mrs Mr Dr Pastor * 모든빈칸은영어로기재하시기바랍니다. First Name 이름 : Family Name 성 : Date of Birth 생년월일 : 일 월 년 Country of Birth 출생국 : Rep of Korea 한국 Home Phone 집전화 : Mobile 휴대전화 : Email ( 정확하게 ): @ Address: City/Suburb: State: Postcode: Australia 학력사항 EDUCATION HISTORY 고등학교졸업 ( 필수사항 ) High School Year 12 - 영문졸업장에기재된사항과일치해야함 고등학교이름 : High School 졸업여부 Year 12 completed: Yes 네 No 아니오졸업년도 Year of completion: 대학교 ( 한국에서이수 ) Republic of KOREA 대학이름 Institution : 전공 COURSE NAME: 학번 : 졸업여부 : Complete 졸업 Incomplete 중퇴 / 휴학학업기간 : START DATE 일 월 년부터 END DATE 일 월 년까지 TERTIARY LEVEL (TAFE, COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY) Australia 대학이름 Institution : 전공 COURSE NAME: 학번 : 졸업여부 : Complete 졸업 Incomplete 중퇴 / 휴학학업기간 : START DATE 일 월 년부터 END DATE 일 월 년까지 5

현학업정보 CURRENT STUDIES 현재다른교육기관에서학업중이십니까? Are you currently studying elsewhere: Yes 예 No 아니오 If Yes, complete the following: 대학이름 Institution : 전공 COURSE NAME: 학번 : 졸업여부 : Complete 졸업 Incomplete 중퇴 / 휴학 학업기간 : START DATE 일 월 년부터 END DATE 일 월 년까지 직업 / 경력정보 EMPLOYMENT/ EXPERIENCE 회사이름 Organisation: 직책 Role / Position: 근무기간 : START DATE 일 월 년부터 END DATE 일 월 년까지 장애 DISABILITY Do you have a disability, impairment or long term medical condition which may affect your studies? 장애혹은약물복용으로학업에영향을미칠장기치료중이십니까? Yes 네 No 아니오 만약, 예 라고대답하신경우, 불편사항을표시하십시오. Hearing 청각 Vision 시력 Mobility 움직임이불편 Learning 학습능력 Medical 약물치료 Other 그외 본교에서특별히갖추어야할시설이있습니까? Yes 네 No 아니오 영어실력 ENGLISH PROFICIENCY Is English your first language? 영어가모국어입니까? Yes 네 No* 아니오 Do you speak a language other than English at home? 가정에서영어외다른언어를사용합니까? Yes No If you have completed an English Proficiency Test: 아이엘츠나다른영어점수시험을보신적있나요? Name of English Language Test completed 영어시험이름 : IELTS / Test Date 시험일 (dd/mm/yyyy): / / Test Score 점수 : 영어성적결과첨부하시오 6

2017 Fee schedule 학비 Master of Arts 석사한국어과정 Master of Arts Per Subject ( 한과목기준 ) 한학기 ( 한학기 4 과목기준 ) 1.5 년과정학비 ( 총 12 과목이수 ) Domestic Student $ 1,995.00 $ 7,980.00 $ 23,940.00 International Student $ 2,200.00 $ 8,800.00 $ 26,400.00 * Fee-Help 와 AUSTUDY( 정부로부터학비융자 ) 를신청하실분들은 Tax File No. 를반드시제출해주시기바랍니다 * 호주시민권자 / 영주권자는 3 과목부터 Full Time 입니다 * 2017 년 1 학기를기준으로한금액입니다. 본교는 1 년에 2 학기제입니다. All fees are in Australian Dollars excluding GST. This schedule is the current fee schedule as of January 2017. 학비납부방법 학비지불내역 FEE PAYMENT DETAIL 학비 Fee: $ Master of Arts: Christian Studies 총합계 : Total Amount: $ 납부방법 PAYMENT OF TUITION FEE FEE-HELP 학교리셉션에직접납부 (Cash, Credit Card 카드, Bank Cheque 은행체크 ) Direct Deposit 온라인입금 ( 반드시본인의영문이름을기재하시기바람 ) 예금주 : Alphacrucis College 은행 : Commonwealth Bank Australia/Chester Hill Branch 은행코드 (BSB): 062 141 계좌번호 (A/C): 2800 3829 Swift Code: CTBAAU2S 참고 : Bank Account 로온라인입금납부하실때는본인의영문서명을반드시기입하시고, 스캔하여사본을이메일로첨부하여주시면입학허가서발급이신속히처리됩니다. ( 영수증을잘간직하시기바람 ) 신용카드결제시입학원서에결제방법을신용카드로표기한후카드번호를기입하여주십시오 Card Number: Credit Card Master Card Visa Expiry Date: 만기 월 / 년 Name 이름 : Signature: 7

부모님학력 EDUCATIONAL LEVEL OF YOUR PARENTS OR GUARDIANS 귀하의부모님의최종학력을체크해주십시오. 부모 1 Parent / Guardian Male 남 Female 여 No parent/guardian ( 부모님이없는경우 / 보호자 ) 대학원이상 / 박사과정졸업 Postgraduate qualification (e.g. GradDip, Masters, Doctorate) 대학과정졸업 Bachelor Degree 전문대학및실습훈련과정이수 Other post-school qualification (VET / TAFE Certificate) 고등학교졸업 Completed Year 12 schooling (or equivalent) 고등학교중퇴 Completed Year 10 schooling, continued but not Year 12 중학교졸업 Completed Year 10 schooling (or equivalent) 초등학교졸 / 중학교중퇴 Didn t complete Year 10 schooling 잘모름 Don t know 부모 2 Parent / Guardian Male 남 Female 여 No parent/guardian ( 부모님이없는경우 / 보호자 ) 대학원이상 / 박사과정졸업 Postgraduate qualification (e.g. GradDip, Masters, Doctorate) 대학과정졸업 Bachelor Degree 전문대학및실습훈련과정이수 Other post-school qualification (VET / TAFE Certificate) 고등학교졸업 Completed Year 12 schooling (or equivalent) 고등학교중퇴 Completed Year 10 schooling, continued but not Year 12 중학교졸업 Completed Year 10 schooling (or equivalent) 초등학교졸 / 중학교중퇴 Didn t complete Year 10 schooling 잘모름 Don t know 이정보는이민성통계목적을위해조사하는것입니다. 귀하의입학절차에반영되지않습니다. The Department of Employment, Education and Workplace Relations requires this information to be collected for statistical purposes. It will not be used by Alphacrucis College in the assessment of your Application for Admission. 8

휴학및환불 WITHDRAWAL & REFUND Students may withdraw from courses without academic penalty only if notice of withdrawal is submitted in writing to the Registrar by 4.00pm on the Census Date applicable for the subject in question. If withdrawal occurs up to 4.00pm on the Census Date, the tuition fee will be refunded but a withdrawal penalty will be charged to the student and is payable immediately. Beyond this time, tuition fees will not be refunded. See the Alphacrucis College Refund Policy* for further details. If Alphacrucis College defaults in delivery of subjects of courses, the arrangements set out in the Alphacrucis College Refund Policy* apply. I understand and accept the Withdrawal and Refund arrangements of Alphacrucis College: Signature: Date: (dd/mm/yyyy) / / *Available from 개인정보보호법안 PRIVACY LEGISLATION Alphacrucis College requires the information requested of you in this form in order to provide you with education services and cater for particular student s needs. If you do not provide all the relevant information, we may not be able to provide such services and to assess your academic progress. Please also note that Alphacrucis College may provide your personal information and sensitive information to third parties (e.g., educational institutions such as universities, colleges and accreditation boards and Australian government bodies such as DEST, Centrelink and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Tuition Assurance Scheme, ESOS Assurance Fund Manager) in order to provide you with education services and assess your academic progress or suitability. You can request access to your health and personal information by contacting the Privacy Officer. I understand and accept the Privacy Legislation: Signature: Date: (dd/mm/yyyy) / / 확인서명 DECLARATION I wish to be considered for entry into the program that I have nominated. I declare that the information that I have provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge: Signature: Date: (dd/mm/yyyy) / / RTO No: 90525 CRISCOS Provider No.: 00958A CRISCOS Provider Name: Alphacrucis College Ltd. Alphacrucis College Ltd. 2012 Disclaimer: The information contained in this document was correct at the time of publication. The College reserves the right to make subsequent changes at any time. For up-to-date information please refer to 9

신앙고백서 TESTIMONY 이름 : 1. 구원의확신 2. 하나님의부르심을받은경험 3. 자신의은사와사역에대한경험 ( 은사활용 ) 4. 기타자신소개 5. 졸업후희망사역 위에 5 가지의질문에기준하여 A4 용지 2~3 장이내로써주십시오. 10