Microsoft Word - Omega 690.doc

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Omega 690 THE WATER RESISTANT MULTIPURPOSE GEAR LUBRICANT THAT CONTROLS ACID WEAR & FRICTIONAL WEAR. OMEGA 690 ALLOWS TRANSMISSIONS, DIFFERENTIALS & GEAR BOXES TO RUN AT MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY FOR MAXIMUM SERVICE LIFE. ( 산에의한마모나마찰에의한마모를억제하는방수성의다목적기어윤활유입니다. 오메가 690은트랜스밋션, 디프렌셜그리고기어박스에최대한효율을주며수명을최대한연장시켜줍니다.) High water resistance. ( 내수성이매우뛰어남 ). Controls heat build up. ( 유온의상승을억제함 ). Forms a tough tenacious film that even the wiping action of a hypoid gear cannot remove. ( 하이포이드기어의와이핑운동에도끊어지지않는강인한유막을형성함 ). Retards catalytic oxidation due to metal particles. ( 금속입자로인한산화의촉진을억제함.). Remarkable foam resistance-this reduces pressure against seals. ( 놀라운불포성- 내압의상승을억제함.). Checks wear causes by high pressure rubbing of metal parts together. ( 금속면끼리의고압접촉으로인한마모를억제함 ). Extremely cohesive & adhesive. ( 강한응집력과점착성이있음 ) OMEGA 690 can provide superior protection. ( 오메가 690 은기계장비를아주훌륭하게보호해줄수있습니다.) 대부분의종래기어오일은가혹한운행조건하에서적절한윤활성을제공하지못하기때문에기어를보호하지못합니다. 오메가 690 은강한응집력이있기때문에기포를방지하고비산을막아주며기어치차를감싸주므로완벽한윤활성을제공합니다. 오메가 690 은종래의기어오일이물과쉽게유화하는데 반해놀랍게도방수성입니다. 더욱이물속에서도유막을 형성해서윤활을해줍니다.

WATERPROOF: ( 방수성 ) Omega 690 is extremely water resistant. Many users simply drain accumulated condensation periodically leaving pure gear lubricant in the gear box. Ordinary gear lubricants can mix with water and prevent the gear oil from protecting gears and bearings. ( 오메가 690 은방수성이매우강하므로기어박스내에수분이발생되면단지물만빼내면오일은다시사용이가능합니다. 그러나종래의기어오일은물과혼합해버리므로기어나베어링을보호할수없습니다.) UNIVERSAL USE: ( 다목적사용 ) In the past it has been necessary to keep several different types of gear oils on hand to properly lubricate the different type gears encountered. Now with Omega 690 you are certain of proper lubrication whether you have worm gears, hypoid gears, gear heads, spur or bevel gears where ever an E.P. gear oil specified. ( 과거에는여러가지형태의기어마다별도의기어오일이필요하였으나이제는오메가 690 으로웜기어, 하이포이드기어, 기어헤드스퍼기어또는베벨기어등의극압의기어오일이필요한곳에는모두사용이가능합니다.) ANTI-OXIDATION QUALITIES: ( 산화방지특성 ) Omega 690 contains oxidation inhibiting additives that prevent sludging and thickening when oil is exposed to high temperatures. ( 오메가 690 은산화방지첨가제를함유하고있으므로슬러지의형성을막아주며고온에서농화하는것을막아줍니다.) A COMPARISON OF OMEGA 690 TO ROCKWELL STANDARD O-64. TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS. 오메가 690 과록웰표준오일의비교표 ROCKWELL STANDARD OMEGA 690-90 HEATING TEST-EVAPORATION LOSS O-64 GEAR LUBRICANT VISCOSITY DECREASE 10% MAXIMUM 10% 이상 LESS THAN 3% 3% 미만열테스트 / 증발손실 / 점도저하 10% MAXIMUM 10% 이상 LESS THAN 3% 3% 미만 FLASH POINT ( 인화점 ) 177 (350 ) MIN ( 이하 ) 214 (417 ) CHANNEL POINT ( 동결점 ) - 17.8 (0 ) MAX ( 이상 ) -29 (-20 ) MOISTURE ( 습도 ) - 2% MAXIMUM ( 이상 ) NIL ( 무 ) VISCOSITY AT 99 (210 ) ( 점도 ) - 74~120 S.U.S 90 S.U.S VISCOSITY INDEX ( 점도지수 ) 80 MINIMUM ( 이하 ) 108

ADHESIVE - COHESIVE QUALITIES: ( 점착성 ) The inclusion of special additives improves the adhesion of Omega 690 to metal surfaces and the special extreme pressure additive prevent wear. The wiping and sliding action of gear teeth wipes lower quality gear lubricants from the contracting tooth surfaces. This results in "dry gears" which allows metal to metal contact. This condition precipitates precipitates premature wear. ( 오메가 690 에는점착성을향상시키기위한특수한첨가제가들어있기때문에금속표면에서의점착력이뛰어나며특수한극압첨가제가마모를억제해줍니다. 저급품질의기어오일은기어치차의와이핑운동이나슬라이딩운동에쉽게그유막이끊어져결과적으로기어를드라이상태로만들어금속끼리직접접촉하게되어초기마모를촉진시킵니다.) NON-FOAMING QUALITIES: ( 불포특성 ) Omega 690 is foam inhibited. This eliminates pressure against the seals and keeps consumption to a minimum. There is no evaporation loss as occurs with lower quality gear oils. ( 오메가 690 은기포가발생하지않습니다. 이특성으로인해씰에대한내압의상승을억제하고오일의소모량도최소한으로줄입니다. 저급품질의기어오일에서볼수있는기화손실도거의없습니다. ) FINEST INGREDIENTS: ( 최고급구성성분 ) Omega 690 is made from high quality base oils that have a (1) high natural viscosity index, (2) high flash point, (3) high heat resistance, (4) natural lubricity, (5) low acid number (neutralization number). Since Omega utilizes only the finest raw materials, complete protection is offered against the four major enemies of gear lubrication..( 오메가 690 은최고급품질의기유즉고도수소화분해유를사용해서제조되었기때문에 (1) 높은점도지수 (2) 높은인화점 (3) 높은내열성 (4) 뛰어난윤활특성 (5) 낮은산가 ( 중화가 ) 등의특징을갖고있습니다. 오메가는아주우수한원료만을사용하기때문에기어윤활에서일어나는 4 가지중요한문제 ( 산화, 압력, 기포, 온도 ) 를해결할수있습니다.) ACID - PRESSURE - FOAM - TEMPERATURE ( 산화 ) - ( 압력 ) - ( 기포 ) - ( 온도 ) HEAT RESISTING PROPERTIES: ( 내열성 ) Omega 690 has an extremely high flash point. A gear oil with a natural high flash point can withstand more heat than on with a lower flash point. The foam inhibitors cause a reduction in tendency to build up a pressure and rupture seals than in possible with lower quality products. This product, due to a stable high viscosity index does not thicken appreciably in cold weather nor thin excessively in hot weather as those oils with a lower viscosity index. ( 오메가 690 은매우높은인화점을가지고있습니다. 인화점이높으면높을수록내열성이뛰어납니다. 기어치차사이에형성되는강인한유막은유온상승의주요원인인마찰열을억제합니다. 또기포방지제가첨가되어있어저급제품에서일어나기쉬운내압의상승을억제할수가있습니다. 이제품은안정된높은점도지수를갖고있으므로낮은점도지수의오일과비교하여저온에굳어지거나고온에묽어지는현상이일어나지않습니다.) ANTI CORROSION PROPERTIES: ( 내부식성 ) When corrosion occurs from using less stable oils, bearings and gear teeth start to etch and pit: this invariably leads to vibration. This vibration is transmitted throughout the entire gear assemble and premature gear failure and breakdown of equipment can occur. ( 안정성이나쁜오일을사용하여부식이일어나면베어링이나기어치차에에칭이나피칭을일으키고이것이원인이되어진동이일어납니다. 이진동은기어어셈블전체에영향을주어기어치차의급속한손상이나파손에이르게하는결과를초래합니다.) When machinery stands idle for any length of time ordinary gear oils tend drain off leaving the dry metal surfaces exposed. Rust sets in. The special wetting and adhesive ability of Omega 690 liberally coats all surfaces with a protective film which prevents base metal exposure to air, water and acid corrosion. This film provides instant lubrication when the gears return to service. Thus gear system life can be extended indefinitely.( 또한

기계가운전을잠시멈추면일반오일은흘러나와금속표면이건조해지고녹이발생합니다. 그러나오메가 690 은습윤성과점착성을갖고있어서모든표면을도포하여보호막을형성하여공기나물, 산부식과직접접촉하는것을막습니다. 이보호막으로인해기계가다시운전을개시할때도즉시윤활성을발휘하며기어시스템의수명을무한히연장시켜줍니다.) DIRECTIONS FOR USE: ( 사용방법 ) Omega 690 is available in the following viscosity grades: 75W90, 80W90, 75W140, 85W140. ( 오메가 690 은다음과같은점도등급이있습니다 : 75W90, 80W90, 75W140, 85W140) Do not use Omega 690 in any engine crankcase: additionally it is not to be used where the manufacturer of the equipment specifies a pure mineral gear lubricant. Not recommended for automatic transmissions. ( 오메가 690 은엔진의크랭크케이스에는절대넣지마십시오. 또기어박스의메이커가순정광물기어오일을지정하고있는경우에도사용하지마십시오. 자동트랜스밋션에는사용하지마십시오 ) This product is recommended for MP (multi Purpose), HP (Hypoid) and EP (extreme pressure) applications as well as WG (worm gear) and limited slip differential applications. ( 이제품은 MP ( 다목적 ), HP ( 하이포이드 ), EP ( 극압 ), WG ( 웜기어 ) 및특수한슬립디프렌셜에사용하십시오.) RECOMMENDED CHANGE PERIOD: Indefinite unless otherwise instructed by equipment manufacturer. (For most cases, exceeds service life of equipment). "SPECIAL" SAE75W90 GRADE: ( 오메가 690 SAE 75W90) The SAE 75W90 grade is a "special" in that this is based on a 76% polyalphaolefin (PAO) synthetic, 25% non-shearing, special methacrylate-type VI polymer and low pour point mineral oil.( 오메가 690 SAE 75W90 은 76% PAO, 25% 의비전단성의특별한메타크릴레이트형태의 V1 중합체와저유동점의고도수소화분해유를기유로사용했다는점에서매우특별한제품입니다.) LOW TEMPERATURE APPLICATION ( 저온사용 ): Due to the special "dewaxed" oil base, the SAE 75W/90 grade features a super low -40 (-40 ) pour point and is eminently suitable for sub-arctic operating conditions.( 왁스가제거된오일을기유로사용했기때문에 SAE 75W90 은저온유동점 (-40 ) 이매우낮으며초저온의가동조건에서도훌륭한성능을발휘합니다.) LOW VISCOSITY E.P. GEAR OIL ( 저점도극압기어오일 ) : This grade is favoured for manual synchromesh automotive transmissions (both front-wheel and rear-wheel drive) and high-speed industrial gearboxes where SAE 75 or 80 transmission oils are recommended. ( 이등급은 SAE 75 혹은 SAE 80 트랜스밋션오일이추천되어지는수동맞물림식자동차트랜스밋션 ( 전륜구동및후륜구동포함 ) 과고속기어박스에사용하는것이좋습니다. ) FUEL ECONOMY ( 연비향상 ) : Can be used to replace SAE 80W90 oils, providing decreased fluid drag and easier starting. Provides improved fuel economy of at least 1%.( 오메가 690 75W90 은 SAE 80W90 을대체하여사용할수있습니다. 이것은유체저항을감소시키고시동이더쉽게걸리게합니다. 적어도 1% 정도연비를향상시킵니다.) SUPER PERFORMANCE ( 뛰어난성능 ) : This SAE 75W/90 provides GL 6 performance far exceeding the requirments of GL 4 and GL 5 specifications. ( 이 SAE 75W90 은 GL 4 와 GL 5 규격요건을초과해서 GL 6 성능을발휘합니다.)

SPECIFICATION: ( 규격 ) Omega 690 is available in 4 different grades: Omega 690 80W90 Omega 690 85W140 Omega 690 SAE 75W90 Omega 690 SAE 75W140 Military Specifications Omega 690 meets or exceeds the following U.S. Military specifications: MIL-L-2105D MIL-PRF-2105E Automotive Specifications API GL 5 API GL 6 EATON PS-037 MT-1 PG2 FORD ESW-M2C-104A, ESW-M2C-119A, ESW-M2C-105A. GENERAL MOTORS 9985169, 9985035, HN1561 CHRYSLER 3626, 3654, 4893 AMERICAN MOTORS HM4043 BORG WARNER 5M.35. MACK GO-H MACK GO-I ICSR (International Climatic Stability Rating) - 'AA'