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Solaris Express Developer Edition : 2008 1 Solaris TM Express Developer Edition Solaris OS. Sun / Solaris, Java, Web 2.0,,.

Developer Solaris Express Developer Edition System Requirements. 768MB. SPARC Solaris Express Developer Edition x86. SPARC Solaris Express Community Edition Sun Studio NetBeans IDE 6.0. FAQ 3. x86: Developer x86 Solaris OS. 2 x86 Solaris OS 7 x86 Solaris OS 15 x86 Solaris OS x86 Solaris OS Developer Solaris Express Developer Edition System Requirements. Developer. DNS DHCP Solaris. Solaris Express Developer Edition NWAM. Solaris Express Installation Guide: Planning for Installation and Upgrade NFSv4 Domain Name Configurable During Installation. IPv6. DNS IP DHCP. NFSv4. Kerberos. 1 2 3 DVD.. DVD BIOS,... Ctrl+Alt+S Ctrl+Alt+Esc Ctrl+Alt+Ins BIOS F2.. BIOS BIOS. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 2

BIOS... GRUB. 4 5 6 GRUB, Solaris Express Developer Edition. GNU GRUB version 0.95 (631K lower / 2095488K upper memory) +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Solaris Express Developer Edition Solaris Express Solaris Express Serial Console ttya Solaris Express Serial Console ttyb (for lx50, v60x and v65x) +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, e to edit the commands before booting, or c for a command-line. GRUB 4. Solaris Express Developer Edition x86.,.. Solaris Express SPARC x86.. GUI. Solaris Express Serial Console ttya ttyb 768MB SPARC x86. Serial Console.. Solaris Express Installation Guide: Planning for Installation and Upgrade.. Developer 1 Enter. +--------------------------------------------------------------+ Select the type of installation you want to perform: 1 Solaris Interactive (default) 2 Apply driver updates 3 Single user shell Enter the number of your choice. +--------------------------------------------------------------+.. Enter. Configure Keyboard Layout +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Please specify the keyboard layout from the list below. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 3

To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and press Return to mark it [X]. Keyboard Layout ----------------------- [ ] Serbia-And Montenegro [ ] Slovenian [ ] Slovakian [ ] Spanish [ ] Swedish [ ] Swiss-French [ ] Swiss-German [ ] Taiwanese [ ] TurkishQ [ ] TurkishF [ ] UK-English [ X] US-English F2_Continue F6_Help +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 7 Enter. Starting Solaris Interactive (graphical user interface) Installation +------------------------------------------------------------+ You must respond to the first question within 30 seconds or the installer proceeds in a non-window environment (console mode). If the screen becomes blank or unreadable the installer proceeds in console mode. If the screen does not properly revert to console mode, restart the installation and make the following selection: Solaris Interactive Text (Console session) Press Enter to continue. -------------------------------------------------------------+. Developer (Graphical User Interface, GUI)... a.. b. GRUB, Solaris Express Developer Edition Solaris Express Serial Console.... 8 Enter. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 4

9 OK( ). Alt-Tab. 10. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 5

Solaris OS. Solaris Solaris OS. Solaris OS. :. x86... Solaris Solaris.. Solaris OS Solaris OS. Solaris OS....... % reboot % install-solaris Solaris Express Developer Edition : 6

11. 7 x86 Solaris OS. 15 x86 Solaris OS. 1 x86 Solaris OS 2 x86 Solaris OS 1 10. Solaris OS. a. Solaris OS.,, SSD(Solid-state Drive). (GB )... SSD(Solid-state Drive). Solaris OS.. 20GB. 20GB Live Upgrade. /export/home. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 7

. Live Upgrade. 8GB. b... :... x86. Solaris.,,. Solaris.. :... Solaris. Solaris. : Solaris.. 0 "=". Solaris. Solaris fdisk. Solaris... 8GB. 8GB 10GB. =0.5GB, /export/home=0.5gb, root(/)=7gb., 10GB 1GB, /export/home 1GB, root(/) 8GB. 10GB 20GB. =1GB, root(/)= 8GB 15GB 75%, /export/home=., 15GB 1GB, /export/home 2.8GB, root(/) 11.2GB. 20GB 30GB. =2GB, root(/)= 30%, second_root(/) = 30%( 8GB), /export/home=. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 8

, 25GB 2GB, /export/home 6GB, root(/) second_root(/) 8.5GB. 30GB. =2GB, root(/)= 30%, second_root(/) = 30%( 8GB 15GB), /export/home=., Solaris OS.. :. Solaris OS. 2,. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 9

a.... b... 3. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 10

..,. ( ).,....,..., ( ), ( ) ( ). C/POSIX. C/POSIX.. 4. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 11

......... 5. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 12

a.. b. ( ). c..... d.. :... Solaris OS. Solaris.. 6. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 13

......, DVD. % /usr/sbin/umount /cdrom. /a/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log /a/var/sadm/system/logs/upgrade_log /a/var/sadm/system/logs/sysidtool.log..,.. % reboot. % install-solaris. /a/var/sadm/system/logs/ Solaris Express Developer Edition : 14

Solaris Express Developer Edition. GRUB OS. GRUB. Solaris OS Windows OS GRUB. GRUB menu.lst GRUB. Solaris OS Linux OS GRUB menu.lst. GRUB menu.lst System Administration Guide: Basic Administration GRUB menu.lst File and Boot Time Interactions. Solaris Express Developer Edition..... System Administration Guide: Basic Administration Setting Up User Accounts (Task Map).. 1 x86 Solaris OS 2 x86 Solaris OS 1 10. Solaris OS.,, SSD(Solid-state Drive). SSD(Solid-state Drive). Solaris Express Developer Edition : 15

Solaris. Solaris OS. 2.. :... 3. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 16

......, DVD. % /usr/sbin/umount /cdrom. Solaris Express Developer Edition : 17

Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.. Sun Microsystems, Inc... U.S.. Sun Microsystems, Inc. FAR.. Berkeley BSD University of California. UNIX X/Open Company, Ltd.. Sun, Sun Microsystems, Sun, Solaris, Java Coffee Cup,, Java, Solaris Sun Microsystems, Inc.. SPARC SPARC International, Inc.. SPARC Sun Microsystems, Inc.. OPEN LOOK Sun TM Graphical User Interface Sun Microsystems, Inc.. Sun Xerox. Sun Xerox Graphical User Interface Xerox OPEN LOOK GUI Sun Sun..,..,,.. 820-2584-03 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A.