(JBE Vol. 18, No. 6, November 2013) (Regular Paper) 18 6, 2013 11 (JBE Vol. 18, No. 6, November 2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2013.18.6.850 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) 3D a),c), b), c) A Method of Frame Synchronization for Stereoscopic 3D Video Youngsoo Park a),c), Dohoon Kim b), and Namho Hur c) 3D., (rectification),., (mean of absolute difference(mad)) 3D., MAD 3D, H.264/AVC. Abstract In this paper, we propose a method of frame synchronization for stereoscopic 3D video to solve the viewing problem caused by synchronization errors between a left video and a right video using the temporal frame difference image depending on the movement of objects. Firstly, we compute two temporal frame difference images from the left video and the right video which are corrected the vertical parallax between two videos using rectification, and calculate two horizontal projection profiles of two temporal frame difference images. Then, we find a pair of synchronized frames of the two videos by measuring the mean of absolute difference (MAD) of two horizontal projection profiles. Experimental results show that the proposed method can be used for stereoscopic 3D video, and is robust against Gaussian noise and video compression by H.264/AVC. Keyword : stereoscopic, 3D, synchronization, projection a) (UST) b) (HAFS) c) (ETRI) Corresponding Author : (Namho Hur) E-mail: namho@etri.re.kr Tel: +82-42-860-6270 3D UHDTV (KCA-2011-11921- 02001). Manuscript received March 28, 2013 Revised September 13, 2013 Accepted October 21, 2013. [1]. (inter ocular distance; IOD),,, 65mm [2,3].
2 : 3D (Youngsoo Park et al. : A Method of Frame Synchronization for Stereoscopic 3D Video) (binocular field),, (monocular sector) [4]. [4]., (cyclopean image; Odyssey Cyclops, ) [1,4]. (binocular disparity) [5,6]. 2D, (,,,, ) [7,8]. 2D 3D [1]. 3D 3D 3D 3DTV [8,9]. 3D, 3D [5,8].,, (ghost effect) 3D [8]. 1/120, [10]., 3D,. (synchronization signal generator) (generation locking; gen-lock), (time code), [9],, 3D. 3D [11, 12],. 3D 3D.. 2, (horizontal projection profile) [12], 3.. 1. 3D,
(JBE Vol. 18, No. 6, November 2013),., [7]. (cepstrum) [14], (funda- mental matrix) (rectification) [15,16] [17]. [17].,. 2. 3D [18].,. 3D,,.,,,.., ( ). 3. mean absolute difference (MAD). MAD. ( ).. arg (6).
박영수 외 인 스테레오스코픽 동영상을 위한 동기화 방법 2 : 3D (Youngsoo Park et al. : A Method of Frame Synchronization for Stereoscopic 3D Video) (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (d) (c) (d) (e) (f) (e) (f) 그림 1. 스테레오스코픽 3D 실험 동영상 : (a) Basket; (b) Boxers; (c) Hall; (d) Lab; (e) News report; (f) Phone call Fig. 1. Test stereoscopic 3D video contents : (a) Basket; (b) Boxers; (c) Hall; (d) Lab; (e) News report; (f) Phone call 853 그림 2. 비월주사방식의 스테레오스코픽 3D 실험 동영상 : (a) 100m; (b) Athletic; (c) ra-ra-ra; (d) f(x); (e) After school; (f) 5dolls Fig. 2. Test interlaced stereoscopic 3D video contents : ((a) 100m; (b) Athletic; (c) ra-ra-ra; (d) f(x); (e) After school; (f) 5dolls (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 그림 3. 제안 방법에 따른 MAD 결과 그래프 : (a) Basket; (b) Boxers; (c) Hall; (d) Lab; (e) News report; (f) Phone call Fig. 3. MAD graphs of proposed method : (a) Basket; (b) Boxers; (c) Hall; (d) Lab; (e) News report; (f) Phone call
(JBE Vol. 18, No. 6, November 2013) III. 1. 3D 1 6 3D - Basket, Boxers, Hall, Lab, News report, Phone call [19]. 6 3D 100m, athletic, ra-ra-ra, f(x), After school, 5dolls. Intel i5 CPU, 4GB RAM MATLAB. 4 -, (interlaced),,, H.264/AVC JM 18.4. 2.,,.. 3D [9], (1/16) HDTV [20] 4. 3 6 3D. 6, (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 4. MAD : (a) 100m; (b) Athletic; (c) ra-ra-ra; (d) f(x); (e) After school; (f) 5dolls Fig. 4. MAD graphs of proposed method in interlaced scan mode: (a) 100m; (b) Athletic; (c) ra-ra-ra; (d) f(x); (e) After school; (f) 5dolls
2 : 3D (Youngsoo Park et al. : A Method of Frame Synchronization for Stereoscopic 3D Video) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 5. MAD ( -, - ) : (a) Basket; (b) Boxers; (c) Hall; (d) Lab; (e) News report; (f) Phone call Fig. 5. MAD graphs of robustness of proposed method against Gaussian noise (blue line - Gaussian noise added video, red dotted line - original video) : (a) Basket; (b) Boxers; (c) Hall; (d) Lab; (e) News report; (f) Phone call (d) (e) (f) (d) (e) (f) 6. (H.264/AVC, QP=32) MAD ( -, - ) : (a) Basket; (b) Boxers; (c) Hall; (d) Lab; (e) News report; (f) Phone call Fig. 6. MAD graphs of robustness of proposed method against video compression (H.264/AVC, QP=32) (green line - compressed video, red dotted line - original video) : (a) Basket; (b) Boxers; (c) Hall; (d) Lab; (e) News report; (f) Phone call
(JBE Vol. 18, No. 6, November 2013) MAD. 1.. 1. Table 1. The processing time of proposed method () () () Basket 2.00 0.52 2.52 Boxers 2.33 0.51 2.84 Hall 5.04 0.50 5.54 Lab 3.23 0.53 3.76 News report 2.04 0.52 2.56 Phone call 1.68 0.52 2.20 2.72 0.52 3.24 3. (progressive) () (interlaced) [21].,, [20].. 8. 4,. MAD. 4.. (additive white Gaussian noise; AWGN) [22], ( PSNR = 24.29 db). (high definition television; HDTV) PSNR = 35 db [23] H.264/AVC, ( PSNR = 35.12 db). 5, 6, 6 MAD 3D. 5. 3D,,.,.. IV. 3D
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