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Q4 2013 results

Q4 13 Results change 단위 : 억원 Q4 2013 Q3 2013 Q4 2012 Y-o-Y Q-o-Q 매출액 6,731 5,323 6,018 11.8% 26.5% 매출원가 5,560 4,272 5,048 10.1% 30% 매출총이익 1,171 1,051 970 20.7% 11.4% 판관비 698 628 725-3.7% 11.1% 영업이익 473 423 263 79.8% 11.8% 세전이익 457 588 198 130.8% -22.3% 순이익 320 464 97 229.9% -31.0% 사업부별매출비중 전력기기 T&D 자동화 교통SOC LS Metal 기타 9% 8% 17% 18% 5% 3% 13% 14% 29% 28% 28% 28% 5,738 4,268 4,482 6,018 3,865 5,292 4,526 6,173 3,919 5,323 5,348 6,731 390 412 260 13년 12년 527 499 389 324 326 263 424 489 473 12 3Q 12 4Q 13 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 매출 [ 별도 ] 매출 [ 연결 ] 1 / 6 12 3Q 12 4Q 13 1Q 13 2Q 13 3Q 13 4Q 영업이익 [ 별도 ] 영업이익 [ 연결 ]

재무상태표 단위 : 억원 2013년말 2012년말 2011년말 전년말대비 자산 21,013 20,203 17,694 810 4.0% 유동자산 12,374 11,570 9,209 804 7.0% 현금및현금성자산 1,914 1,761 1,250 153 8.7% 비유동자산 8,639 8,634 8,485 5 0.1% 141% Liabilities/Equity Net Debt/Equity 127% 부채 11,743 11,828 9,929 (85) -0.7% 유동부채 5,216 6,042 5,140 (826) -13.7% 55% 55% 비유동부채 6,527 5,786 4,788 741 12.8% 자본 9,270 8,375 7,765 895 10.7% ROE 부채비율 126.7% 141.2% 127.9% -14.5% -10.3% 순차입금 5,094 4,628 4,182 466 10.1% 11.6% 12.3% End of 12 End of 13 2 / 6

전력기기 Q4 Results & Market Outlook 매출 ( 억원 ) 1,781 41 % 59 % 해외국내 1,583 1,476 36 % 37 % 35 % 64 % 63 % 65 % 13 Q4 13 Q3 12 Q4 국내시장의높은시장점유율을바탕으로안정적매출세지속됨 스마트그리드매출인식 ( 이라크 DCC, K-EMS 등 ) 효과로전년동기대비 20% 매출신장 [ 국내 ] - 경기침체영향으로매출성장세는둔화되었으니, High-End 및신규 Item 시장창출로 이를상쇄함 [ 해외 ] - 이라크 DCC 매출인식 (220 억 ) 으로전년동기대비 35% 매출신장 - 하반기원화강세및전략수출국가유통망확대지연으로매출성장세는둔화되었으나, 선별적판가인상으로수익성개선 1 분기사업전망 - 국내경기침체지속및美양적완화축소본격화에따라보수적사업운영예상 -T&D 부문의이라크사업을바탕으로중동지역시장진출확대모색 ( 이라크, 사우디 ) - 스마트미터해외 PJT 의가시적성과기대 ( 이라크, 우즈벡폴란드등 ) 지역별수출현황 (13 년누계 ) 제품별매출현황 ( 억원, 13 년누계 ) 기타, 16.5% 중남미, 6.3% 동남아, 30.7% 3,976 유럽 10.9% 1,024 746 CIS, 11.4% 중동, 24.1% 204 227 345 저압고압개폐계량계전기타 3 / 6

T&D( 전력시스템 ) Q4 Results & Market Outlook 매출 ( 억원 ) 해외 국내 2,187 1,882 57 % 1,305 58 % 50 % 43 % 50 % 42 % 13 Q4 13 Q3 12 Q4 태양광사업포함 태양광사업매출추이 ( 억원 ) 계절적성수기진입및 3 분기이월물량매출인식으로전기대비매출 67% 매출신장 국내중전기기업황부진지속중이나해외 PJT 강화를통해불황극복중 [ 국내 ] - 건설경기불황으로업황부진은지속중이나대형 PJT 매출인식으로전년동기대비 16% 매출신장 [ 해외 ] - 이라크 PJT 점진적수익성개선영향으로전기대비수익성개선 - 일본태양광시장매출호조세는지속되었으나, 엔화약세에따른수익성악화 1 분기사업전망 - 전력수요증대따른발전및송배전시설확충전망 - 일본태양광신규거래선확보및유럽시장공략을통한매출확대추진 - 국내이라크외해외변전소시장참여확대 (GCC, 아시아, 아프리카등 ) 제품별매출현황 ( 억원, 13 년누계 ) 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 Module PV-Inv Other 414 179 98 10 485 717 69 239 1,246 2,501 889 605 130 930-2011' 2012' 2013' 배전반초고압 GIS 변압기스카다초고압 TR 4 4 / 6 / 6

자동화 Q4 Results & Market Outlook 매출 ( 억원 ) 762 30 % 763 30 26 % 해외 국내 704 23 % 경기침체로인한투자부진으로관련시장저성장기조지속중 국내고효율인버터등 Energy Saving 시장확대로매출부진상쇄 [ 국내 ] 수처리 PJT 수주감소로 system 부분매출감소하였으나, 고효율인버터등기기시장확대영향으로매출부진상쇄함 [ 해외 ] 이란, 이집트등전략수출국가정정불안으로전년대비매출감소 70 % 70 74 % 77 % 1 분기사업전망 - 국내경기회복지연으로시장침체지속예상되나, 만성적전력난으로인한고효율인버터시장확대예상되는만큼, 당사제품경쟁력확보에집중 - 해외사업성과창출을위해유통망, 서비스망구축강화 13 Q4 13 Q3 12 Q4 25% 20% 국내인버터설치비율 (%) Source: Industry Data 제품별매출현황 ( 억원, 13 년누계 ) 15% 902 1,366 10% 486 5% 191 0% Korea Japan Europe US INV PLC Auto System 기타 5 / 6

교통 SOC Q4 Results & Market Outlook 매출 ( 억원 ) 해외 국내 575 호남선 KTX, 방글라데시 PJT 매출지속으로전년동기대비 169% 신장 15 % 85 % 232 22 % 78 % 359 1 % 99 % 3 분기매출이월효과로인하여당기큰폭의매출신장 13 년도호남철매출 570 억, 방글라매출 229 억 1 분기사업전망 - 중점해외시장공략 ( 대만, 싱가폴, 태국등 ) - 국내및해외철도시장개척및사업참여확대추진 국내 : 수서 - 평택고속철도, 인천국제공항등해외 : 싱가폴 / 태국 / 대만 / 인도네시아에서전철화, 신호제어사업수주추진 13 Q4 13 Q3 12 Q4 전사수주잔현황 ( 억원 ) 사업부문 2011 end 2012 end 2013 end T & D 교통SOC Other Total 국내 1,624 1,990 2,494 해외 2,584 3,003 2,760 국내 1,713 3,024 2,760 해외 210 396 117-1,939 2,460 2,329-8,070 10,873 10,460 6 / 6

Business Introduction 3 / 5

Business portfolio Leading Electric Power, Automation & Green Business Total Solution Provider T&D (Transmission & Distribution) Power Plant Primary Transmission Primary Substation Ultra-high voltage power transmission & distribution system equipment like gas insulated switchgear (GIS) and gas circuit breakers (GCB) <Main Product> - Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) - Transformer - Remote Monitoring & Diagnosis Equipment - Power Distribution Panels & Switchgears - Railway System Sub-Transmission Factory/Building/Household Factory Home Substation Top low and medium voltage Electric equipment for electricity users <Main Products> - Vacuum Circuit Breaker - Air Circuit Breaker - Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) - Contactors # 1 / 6

Business portfolio Automation & Drive Factory / Building IT Industry Manufacturing Industry Indutrial Infrastructure Automation systems, which integrate core hardware and software technologies as well as technological services, provide optimum total solutions in a wide range of industrial workplaces <Main Product> - Inverter (Motor Drive) - PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) - HMI (Human Machine Interface) - Automation System (Distributed Control System) - Power Semiconductor Smart Grid Photovoltaic System Industrial IT HVDC System Green Car Solution # 2 / 6

Products portfolio Electric Equipment Electric Equipment Low voltage - Air Circuit Breakers(ACB) - Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB) - Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB) - Magnetic Contactors (MC) - Electronic Motor Protection Relay(EMPR) High Voltage - Ring Main Unit(RMU), Load Break Switch(LBS) - Vacuum Circuit Breakers (VCB) - Vacuum Interrupter(VI) - Power Fuses Measurement / Relay - Smart Meter, Electronic Watt-Hour Meter - Digital Protection Relay & Meter RMU, LBS VCB ACB MCCB MCB MC & TOR MMS 12/17.5/24kV 630A 21kA (3s) IEC62271-1~200 AC 7.2~40.5kV Up to 4,000A Up to 50kA IEC 62271-100 AC 690V Up to 6,300A Up to 150kA IEC 60947-2 AC 690V Up to 1600A Up to 150kA IEC 60947-2 AC 400V Up to 125A Up to 10kA IEC 60898 AC 690V Up to 800A UL 508 IEC 60947-4 AC 690V Up to 100A Up to 100kA UL 508 IEC 60947-2/4 # 3 / 6

Products portfolio T & D Transmission & Distribution Ultra High Voltage Equipment - Gas Insulated Switchgear - Gas Circuit Breaker Transformer - Mold Transformer - Cast Resin Transformer - Oil Immersed Transformer Power Distribution Panel - Gas Insulated Switchgear - Air Insulated Switchgear - Motor Control Center Diagnostic Equipment - Diagnosis & Overhaul, - Power Monitoring System, Rationalization - Power Quality Monitoring Solution Busway - Susol Busway, GH-P Type Gas Insulated Switchgear Transformer Switchgear/Busway 362kV Up to 8,000A Up to 63kA 245kV Up to 4,000A Up to 50kA 72.5~170kV Up to 4,000A Up to 50kA 72~550kV Up to 800MVA IEC 60076 / ANSI(IEEE) C57 3.3~36kV Up to 20MVA 7.2~36kV 630~3150A up to 170kV IEC 62271-200 KERI & KEMA Certified 600V 630 ~5000A 80 ka / 1s ASTA Certified Up to 1000 V 630~6000A (Al) 630~7500A (Cu) 220 ka / 1 s (Cu 4000A) # 4 / 6

Products portfolio Automation Automation & Drive PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) HMI (Human Machine Interface) Servo Motor/Drive AC Drive MV Drive Power Semiconductor Drive Solution Automation Solution Power Semiconductor AC Drive MV Drive PLC HMI Servo PSC module 200/400V 0.1~800kW V/F, Sensorless, Vector Control Energy Saving 2/4/6/10kV 200~11,000kvA V/F, Sensorless, Vector Control Energy Saving Redundancy & Performance Distributed I/O Ladder & IEC Language 5~15 Touch Screen 65,536 Colors Offline Program Simulation Standard EtherCAT Network Accurate Control Full-Closed Ethernet / Serial Communication IGBT Module MOSFET Module Diode Module # 5 / 6

Products portfolio Trans. SOC T&D(Railway System) Electronic Interlocking System(EIS) AF Track Circuit - Analog Audio Frequency Track Circuit - Digital Audio Frequency Track Circuit CTC - Centralised Traffic Control(CTC) Traction Power System - Scott Transformer, DC Switchgear & DC Rectifier, GIS Signalling System - Communication Based Train Control(CBTC) - Electronic Interlocking System(EIS) - Automatic Train Protection(ATP) ATC - Automatic Train Control System(ATC) - Automatic Train Operation(ATO) AF Track Circuit CTC Traction Power System Signalling System ATC Analog Audio Frequency Track Circuit Digital Audio Frequency Track Circuit Centralised Traffic Control Scott Transformer (154kV/55kV) DC Switchgear DC Rectifier(1,500V / 750V) High Voltage Transformer (154kV/22.9kV) GIS (170kV, 72.5kV) Low Voltage Switchgear # 6 / 6 CBTC System EIS ATP High Speed Train ATC Facility Korail maintenance train ATC High speed mainline signaling system ATC Ground Control System ATC Ground Control S/W ATC/ATO Train Control S/W