,,. 100,,,.,.,,,, Life Is On,. Building Industry Infrastructure Data Center ,
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1 2019
2 ,,. 100,,,.,.,,,, Life Is On,. Building Industry Infrastructure Data Center ,
3 2019 p. 2 p. 4 ~ 5 p. 6 General Industry Automation Citect SCADA InTouch HMI Unity Pro_M580,M340 PAC Machine Expert Machine Expert HVAC HMI Pro-face GP VSD / 2019 new p. 7 p. 8 p. 9 p. 10 p. 11 p. 12 p. 13 p. 14 p. 15 p. 16 p. 17 p. 18 p. 19 p. 20 Energy Management EOCR CTTS 2019 new / IEC Standard / IEC Standard Sepam MiCOM, Easergy P3 PME Pelco 3 UPS p. 21 p. 22 p. 23 p. 24 p. 25 p. 26 p. 27 p. 28 p. 29 p. 30 p. 31 p. 32 p. 33 p. 34 p. 35 p. 36 p. 37 p. 38
4 2019 Schneider Electric Academy Training Calendar (VAT) No Course Name Days Max Sess. Hour Type Fee(+VAT) , , ,000 4 Citect SCADA Exercise 330,000 5 InTouch HMI Exercise 330,000 6 Unity Pro_M580,M340 PAC Exercise 330, Exercise 330,000 8 Machine Expert Exercise 330,000 9 Machine Expert HVAC Exercise 220, , HMI Exercise 220, Pro-face GP Exercise 220, Pro-face GP Expert Exercise 110, VSD Exercise 220, / , , EOCR , , , , , CTTS , , / IEC Standard , / IEC Standard , Sepam Exercise 110, MiCOM , Easergy P , PME Exercise 220, Exercise 110, Pelco , UPS ,000 : > > : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
5 Seoul Busan Code Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Code Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec SB DataCenter DataCenter EM 24 EM 17 SCADA 15~17 SCADA 4~6 InTouch 26~28 InTouch 27~29 UNITY 13~15 10~12 12~14 UNITY 28~30 16~18 4~6 MOTION 19~21 MOTION 10~12 13~15 Machine Expert 17~19 Machine Expert 25~27 HVAC HVAC MAC 20 MAC 18 HMI 10~11 HMI 14~15 GPB ~25 21~22 19~20 GPB 21~22 22~23 20~21 GPE GPE VSD 17~18 VSD 28~29 LMVVSD 22 LMVVSD 25 MOTPROT 14 MOTPROT 12 EOCR EOCR ES ES BE 18~19 9~10 BE 4~5 17~18 LVD 6~8 12~14 LVD 24~26 20~22 MVD 14~15 8~9 MVD 22~23 6~7 CTTS 10 CTTS 8 HMC 8 14 HMC 22 SWGR 14 SWGR CB 15 CB 12 SEPAM 4 SEPAM 3 MiCom 5 MiCom Easergy Easergy 4 PME 22~23 PME 15~16 BMS 19 BMS PELCO 17~18 PELCO UPS 22 UPS 23,. :,, : krtraining@schneider-electric.com : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 5
6 Schneider Electric Academy Customer Training Program., Building, Industry, Infrastructure, Data Center. Scheduled, Instructor-led.. > > Design & Quote % Excercise 20% Solutions Fundamentals Test Certification Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
7 EcoStruxure for Building Smart Building 1 (6) 10:00 ~ 17: ,,,, /,, 110,000 4, 20 general 100% Solutions Fundamentals Smart Building - EcoStruxure for Building - Smart Building / - General : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 7
8 EcoStruxure for Data Center DATA CENTER APC MGE UPS,, UPS Management Software For Data center general 2 (12) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ ~ / IT Solutions 100% Fundamentals, 220,000 4, 20 Data Center Demo General 1 UPS, Cooling - UPS DCIM Software, EcoStruxure Power & Bldg - Data Center Expert - Data Center Operation - EcoStruxure IT Expert - EcoStruxure IT Advisor - EcoStruxure IT Asset Advisor - - InRow Cooling (RD, RC, SC, OA) - - Uniflair - EcoStruxure Power - EcoStruxure Building : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
9 Energy Management EM 1 (6) 10:00 ~ 17: /, /,,, /, 110,000 4, 20 general 100% Solutions Fundamentals (Energy Management) General Energy University - - : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 9
10 Citect SCADA Citect SCADA Software SCADA SCADA Citect SCADA 3 (18) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ ~ , /,,, OS SCADA 330,000 (Window 7 professional OS ) Citect SCADA 2016(V8.0) Program 4, 8 Industry Solutions 50% Excercise 50% Fundamentals Industry Automation 1 2 Citect SCADA Software 3 - Citect SCADA - Citect SCADA / - / Citect SCADA - Cicode : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
11 InTouch HMI InTouch Software InTouch HMI Software InTouch Software 3 (18) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ ~ , /,, / Industry 50% Excercise Solutions 50% Fundamentals HMI 330,000 (OS Win10 Professional, 32/64bit) 4, 10 1 / &Hand-on 2 / &Hand-on InTouch HMI Software 3 / &Hand-on Industry Automation Tag Tag - AnimationLink Alarm&Trend - Alarm&Event - Alarm Utility - Historical Trend&Real-Time Trend & - InTouch DDE Test - OIServer - - InTouch Software : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 11
12 Unity Pro_M580, M340 PAC Programmable Automation Controller UNITY M580, M340 Unity Pro 3 (18) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Industry 40% Excercise Solutions 60% Fundamentals, /,,, PAC PAC Window 98/2000/XP OS M580, M340 PAC Industry Automation 330,000 (OS Win7 Professional 32/64 bits(64bit Win7 Service Pack 1 ), OS Win10 Professional 32/64bits) 4, M580, M Unity Pro - - PAC IEC : FBD - - IEC : LD M580 PAC Democase 3 - IEC : ST - DFB & DFB Hot Standby : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
13 Motion Controller MOTION Motion System Lexium Driver installation Commissioning Motion Motion Controller Motion 3 (18) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ ~ ~ Machine expert Coding 330,000 Machinery 50% Excercise Solutions 50% Fundamentals Lexium Driver - Tool - Driver Parameter 2 - Motion Controller - SoMachine Tool - Programming Motion Democase 3 - CANopen(DSP402) System - CANmotion System - Bus - Motion Controller Industry Automation : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 13
14 Machine Expert EcoStruxure Machine Expert Machine Expert MachineExpert Simple Machine Simple machine = HMI + Machine Expert PLC+VSD/MOT Machine Expert Machinery 3 (18) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ ~ ,, /, PLC programming with IEC OOP programming 330,000 Solutions 50% 50% Excercise Fundamentals Industry Automation Machine Expert Program(V1.3) - M221 Controller Overview 2 - Machine Expert Program(V4.1) - M241, M251 Controller Overview - POU & Task Creation MachineExpert Democase 3 - IEC Standard Data Type & Operators - Library Manager - Useful Function of Machine Expert : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
15 Machine Expert HVAC EcoStruxure Machine Expert HVAC HVAC M171/M172 Machine Expert HVAC Application 2 (12) 10:00~17: ~ ~ ,, /,, Machinery 50% Excercise Solutions 50% Fundamentals PLC, VSD PLC programming with IEC ,000 (Window 7 Professional ) 4, M171,172 Controller Overview - Machine Expert HVAC Program Application, Connection, Device 2 - Machine Expert HVAC Program Simulation, User Interface - VSD control with PLC Machine Expert HVAC Demo Tool Industry Automation : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 15
16 Discover sensor and safety products MAC (4) 13:00 ~ 17: ,, Machinery 20% 80% Excercise Solutions Fundamentals 88,000 4, 8 Industry Automation -,,,, - 22, 30,,, - - -, : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
17 HMI Human Machine Interface HMI - HMI Panel Vijeo Designer - Script Application Machinery 2 (12) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ ~ ,, /,, / 40% 60% Excercise Solutions Fundamentals Machine Expert 220, (hardware) - - PLC - Vijeo Designer - Panel - - -,, Vijeo Designer HMI Democase Industry Automation : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 17
18 Pro-face GP Pro Ex Pro-face HMI GP Pro-face HMI GP3000, 4000, SP5000 GP-ProEX, Hardware set up Maintenance Machinery 2 (12) 10:00 ~ 17: (18) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,,, PLC, 70% 30% Excercise Solutions Fundamentals Industry Automation 220, ,000 3, GP /SW - GP - GP (LS Area) - Project - Parts Base / GP - Parts 2 - Tags - Tags - Alarm Message/Alam Summery - Alarm History/Sub Display - GP Setup/ GP maintenance Pro-face PFXGP4601TAA, Schneider Electric M221 PLC 1 - Alarm History - Filing Data(Recipe) - Data Logging(Sampling) - Trend Graph - D-script/Logic Function - : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
19 VSD Variable Speed Drive VSD AC 2 (12) 10:00~17: ~ ~ ,, /, / Machinery Energy 40% 60% Excercise Solutions Fundamentals 220,000 4, ATV - ATV function - VSD Democase Industry Automation : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 19
20 / LV & MV Drive Systems 2019 new LMVVSD AC 1 (6) 10:00~17: ,, Machinery Energy 100% Solutions Fundamentals 110, Industry Automation : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
21 Motor Controller MOTPROT (4) 13:00 ~ 17: ,, /, Machinery 100% Solutions Fundamentals 88,000 4, 20 - / (Type 1, Type 2, Total Coordination) - IT (,, ) Trip Class - (AC1, AC3, AC4) - -, (AC, DC, LDC) Category (TeSys U), - (TeSys U) Energy Management : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 21
22 EOCR Electronic Over Current Relay EOCR (EOCR) 1 (6) 10:00 ~ 17: ,, /, 110,000 4, 20 Machinery 20% Practical 80% Solutions Fundamentals Energy Management -, (THR) EOCR( ) - - EOCR - / : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
23 Electric Safety ES / Power (3) 14:00 ~ 17: Solutions 100% Fundamentals AS, /, 66,000 4, 20 Qualified Person Unqualified Person Qualified Person - Lock Out / Tag Out - (PPE) (Arc) : Arc flash Arc blast (Approach Boundary) Arc flash PPE Energy Management : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 23
24 Electric & SE Overview BE 2 (12) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ ~ ~ ~ ,, /, Power Solutions 100% Fundamentals 220,000 4, 20 Energy Management 1 -, -, (UPS) - : ACB, MCCB, MCB (VSD) , - : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
25 Low Voltage Distribution LVD Power 3 (18) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ ~ ~ ~ Solutions 100% Fundamentals, /,,,, / 330,000 4, : TT, TN (TN-C, TN-S), IT - Ks Ku - -,, - Capacitor Bank - Capacitor Bank 2 -,, - Form (IEC 61439) - / - IEC IEC , - Cascading - Cascading - (Discrimination) : IP, IK TT, RCD - TN, - IT, PIM ( ) Energy Management : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 25
26 Medium Voltage Distribution MVD Network 2 (12) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ ~ ~ ~ , /,,,, / Power Solutions 100% Fundamentals 220,000 4, 20 Energy Management 1 - -, : Oil, SF6, Vacuum Network - Network - Distribution Substation - / metering - RM6 & SM6 -, : CT, LPCT, VT : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
27 CTTS Closed Transition Transfer Switch 2019 new CTTS CTTS, (3) 14:00 ~ 17: ,,, / Power 20% 80% Practical Solutions Fundamentals ATS 66,000 4, 8 ATS & CTTS CTTS / / MV-CTTS CTTS CTTS Demo (380V, 400A) Energy Management : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 27
28 Power Factor Correction and Harmonic HMC solution solution Power (3) 14:00~17: , /,,,, / Solutions 100% Fundamentals 66,000 4, 20 Energy Management : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
29 / IEC Standard LV& MV SWGR SWGR IEC / 1 (6) 10:00 ~ 17: End User,,, Power Solutions 100% Fundamentals, 110,000 4, 20 MV SWGR LV SWGR Energy Management - / IEC - IEC vs IEC IEC IEC & ANSI/NEMA Comparison (Ratings, Short circuit Current, Panel View & Others) - MV SWGR by the base of IEC , IEC Designing MV SWGR - Main components of the cubicle : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 29
30 / IEC Standard LV & MV Circuit Breaker CB IEC / IEC ACB & MCCB IEC MCB IEC VCB & GCB 1 (6) 10:00 ~ 17: , /,, 110,000 4, 20 Power 100% Solutions Fundamentals Energy Management - IEC (ACB, MCCB, MCB) - Breaking technology - ( ) ( ) Cascading() - - IEC Breaking technology - VCB GCB - VCB GCB : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
31 Sepam Sepam 40/80 Software SFT2841, SFT2826 SEPAM Sepam SFT 2841 Energy 1 (6) 10:00 ~ 17: , /,, /, End User 50% Solutions 50% Exercise Fundamentals, 110,000 4, 12 Sepam - Sepam 20/40/80 - Sepam Order Form - Sepam - ANSI Function(27, 59, 50/51, 46, 49RMS) Sepam - Sepam Display - Sepam Setting Value Sepam 40/80 Democase Software SFT2841, SFT2826 (Demo kit) SFT2841/ SFT2841/ ANSI - Sepam Logic Sepam Simulation - Input/Output LED - Alarm Message -,, - (SFT2826) Energy Management : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 31
32 MiCOM, Easergy P3 MiCOM, Easergy P3 MiCOM Easergy MiCOM Esergy P3 1 (6) 10:00~ 17:00 MiCOM Esergy P , /,, /, End User, 110,000 4, 12 Energy 60% Solutions 40% Exercise Fundamentals Energy Management MiCOM MiCOM line up Hardware control & maintenance Relay software tool : S1 Studio Relay setting & exercise Esergy P3 line up Hardware control & maintenance Relay software tool Relay setting & exercise : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
33 PME EcoStruxure Power Monitoring Expert PME PME Digital Meter Power 2 (12) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ ~ % 60% Practical, /,, / End User Solutions Fundamentals PME 220,000 5 PME Digital meter 1 PME Digital Meter, Software - Digital Meter - PME Software - Digital Meter (ION/PM/EM Series) - PT/CT, PQ - (Modbus ID/IP Address) - PME Software - ION Service - SQL DataBase - 3'rd Party PME - Web Application - ION 7650 IP - PME Software 2 PME Application (Management Console, Vista, Designer, Reporter, Web Application) - Management Console : Device - Management Console : Logical Device - Management Console : WAGES Meter - Management Console : MDI(Modbus Device Importer) - Vista : - Web Application : Dashboard, Diagram, Table, Alarm, Report - Designer : Logic Design Energy Management : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 33
34 EcoStruxure Building Operation BMS BMS Script program, Function block 1 (6) 10:00 ~ 17: ,, /, 7 110,000 4, 8 Building Solutions 100% Fundamentals Building Operation Energy Management System Overview and Hardware Software Installation Automation Server configuration and upgrade Bindings Calendars and Schedules Trends, Report, Users, Alarms Event Log and Event viewer TGML Graphics Modbus MS/TP interface Web Report overview : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
35 Pelco Video Surveillance System PELCO CCTV CCTV, EnduraXpress DS NVs Building 2 (12) 10:00 ~ 17: ~ System Integrators, Security Integrator Solutions 20% Practical 80% Fundamentals, XP Pro 220,000 4, 12 Pelco Sarix/Spectra IP 1 (Video Security Fundamentals) - (Video ) - (Lenses) - (Switchers) - (Video Transmission System) - (Recording System) 2 Network CCTV - Network CCTV - - Tool - Network Bandwidth - Digital Sentry Endura Express - Energy Management : 2019 Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 35
36 3 UPS 3Phase Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS UPS 1 (6) 10:00 ~ 17:00 Galaxy Galaxy VX , /,, HMI, Inverter, IGBT, SCR, 110,000 4, 20 Power 30% Practical 70% Solutions Fundamentals Energy Management UPS_Galaxy 7000 UPS UPS UPS UPS - PFC - Inverter - Static Switch - Charger UPS UPS UPS EBM UPS_Galaxy VX UPS UPS UPS UPS UPS UPS High efficiency Modes UPS_Galaxy 7000 : Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program
37 Training Information p. 4~5 p.7~36 > >.( 80% ) 6.. krtraining@schneider-electric.com, 1., , Schneider Electric Korea V.A.T..... : : krtraining@schneider-electric.com : 189, DMC 14F / Tel : 9, 2F / Tel Schneider Electric Academy_Customer Training Program 37
38 : : krtraining@ schneider-electric.com : V ( : ) ( : ) *.
39 SchneiderElectricKR/
40 (03929) Tel Fax This is only a summary of the product features and is for reference purpose only. The information herein is provided to you AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON - INFRINGE - MENT. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies; we assume no liability for errors or omissions in the content of the information nor do we accept any liability as a result of reliance upon the information contained herein. In no event shall we be liable to any person for any special, indirect or consequential damages relating to this material, unless caused by gross negligence or intentional misconduct.
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,,,,,, (41) ( e f f e c t ), ( c u r r e n t ) ( p o t e n t i a l difference),, ( r e s i s t a n c e ) 2,,,,,,,, (41), (42) (42) ( 41) (Ohm s law),
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Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including any oper
Windows Netra Blade X3-2B( Sun Netra X6270 M3 Blade) : E37790 01 2012 9 Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs,
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Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea Vol. 28, No. 2 pp.1-8, May 2009 1 하이브리드 환경하의 인간기계시스템 제어실 평가에 관한 연구 차 우 창 김 남 철 금오공과대학교 산업시스템공학과 A Study of the Evaluation for the Control Room in Human Machine
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