EES 기술및표준화워크숍 Certification & International standardization of Battery 2014. 1. 21 Y.T.KIM
Content Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Certification of Battery Ⅲ. International Standardization Ⅳ. Summary
Ⅰ. Introduction
1. ESS (Electrical Energy Storage) Cover Page (Ragone Plot) 4 From. IEC White Paper 11.12
1. ESS (Electrical Energy Storage) Power demand varies from time to time 5 From. IEC White Paper 11.12
1. ESS (Electrical Energy Storage) Current Issue 6 From. IEC White Paper 11.12
1. ESS (Electrical Energy Storage) Storage Method Different Uses 7 From. IEC White Paper 11.12
1. ESS (Electrical Energy Storage) 8 From. IEC White Paper 11.12
1. ESS (Electrical Energy Storage) Power & Energy (Ragone Plot) 9 From. IEC White Paper 11.12
1. ESS (Electrical Energy Storage) Summarizes the maturity of the storage technologies 10 From. IEC White Paper 11.12
2. ESS Technical Trend Energy storage technology Peak problems TEXT TEXT ESS demonstration 11
3. Comparison of ESS Performance vs Type NaS ZEBRA LIB PbC Flow Dry Round Trip Efficiency 85% + 85% + 95% + 90% + 60~65% 90% Energy Density (kwh/m 3 ) 150~250 (Medium) 150~250 (Medium) 300~400 (Highest) 20~70 (low) 20~30 (Low) 80~90 (Low) Discharge Length Hours Hours Minutes Hours Hours Minutes Calendar Life (Years) 15~20 15~20 10 10 7~10 70~10 Primary Applications Utility, Factory, Telecom Commercial Vehicles, Utility Utility, Electric Vehicles Utility Utility, Telecom Utility Secondary Applications Heavy Machinery Utility Industrial Light & Commercial Vehicles 12 From. HIS Energy
3. Comparison of ESS Cost with life Technology Power Cost ($/kw) Energy Cost ($/kwh) Round-trip Efficiency (%) Cycles Advanced Lead-acid Batteries (2000 cycle life) 400 330 80 2,000 Sodium/sulfur Batteries 350 350 75 3,000 Lead-acid Batteries with Carbon-enhanced Electrodes 400 330 75 20,000 Zinc/bromine Batteries 400 400 70 3,000 Vanadium Redox Batteries 400 600 65 5,000 Lithium-ion Batteries (large) 400 600 85 4,000 CAES 700 5 70 25,000 Pumped hydro 1,200 75 85 25,000 Flywheels (high speed composite) 600 1,600 95 25,000 Supercapacitors 500 10,000 95 25,000 13 From. Sandia report(snda2011-2730)
Ⅱ. Certification of battery
1. ESS Applications 전력저장장치 ( 고효율기기인증 ) 적용대상 주택 소용상점 (CVS 병원 ) 공용시설 ( 학교 ) 중형점포상가빌딩공장지구발전소 종래기술 리튬이차전지 축전용량 1~15kW 25~50kW 100~500kW 1~10MW 사용자 개인사업자전력사업자 보조금 보급사업 75% 15
2. 전력저장장치 (ESS) 전력저장장치정의, 구성 이기준에서정한전력저장장치의정격및적용범위는저압배전망에사용되며, 정격출력 (kw) 으로연속하여부하에공급할수있는시간은 2시간이상이어야한다. 저압배선망 : 입출력전격전압은 3 상 380V 및단상 220V 기준 < 전력저장장치개념도 > PCS 및 Battery System 을포함한것으로계통으로부터입력및수용가측출력으로구분함
2. 전력저장장치 (ESS) 전력저장장치인용규격, 용어정의 KBIA-10104-01 배터리에너지저장장치용리튬이차전지안전성시험방법 KBIA-10104-02 배터리에너지저장장치용리튬이차전지성능시험방법 SGSF-04-2012-07 에너지저장시스템용전력변환장치의성능요구사항 효율기준및시험방법 에너지저장장치용량 (PCS 기준 ) 효율 (%) 10 kw 미만 84 10 kw ~ 30 kw 미만 87 30 kw ~ 100 kw 미만 90 비고 : 저압배전망 (3 상 380V, ) 의계약용량은 100 kw 까지임 필요에따라 100 kw 초과 PCS 로구성한경우효율은 90% 이상을적용함 17
3. 단체인증 (KBIA) 리튬이차전지인증이란? 이규정은산업표준화법제 27 조에따라단체표준을제정 보급하여리튬이차전지의품 질, 생산효율및생산기술을향상시키는한편, 거래를단순 공정화함으로써이차전지제 품의경쟁력을제고시키기위한인증 관련근거 산업통상자원부고시제 2013-3 호 (2013.04.01) 고효율에너지기자재보급촉진에관한규정 ㅌ 산업표준화법 제 27 조제 1 항 [ 단체표준의제정등 ] 동법시행규칙제 19 조 [ 단체표준제정 ] 한국전지산업협회 단체표준인증운영규정 ( 이하 협회규정 ) 인증신청자격요건 리튬이차전지를제조하거나수입하여판매하고자하는자 18
3. 단체인증 (KBIA) 구분 배터리에너지저장장치용 (BESS) 리튬이차전지 인증품목 : 1) 단전지 2) 모듈 3) 전지시스템 ( 랙 ) ( 랙 ) : 전지시스템구성이유닛랙으로직렬혹은병렬로연결되었을경우, 해당시험항목은유닛랙으로대체시험가능 19
3. 단체인증 (KBIA) 안전성시험항목, 수량 [KBIA-10104-01] 시험항목 시험내용 단전지 시험수량 외부단락시험외부단락에대한단전지의반응평가 5 - - 충돌시험수송중충격을받았을때, 모듈이견디는능력을평가 2 - 압착시험변형을일으킬수있는외부의힘에대한단전지의반응 5 - 침수시험모듈이폭우및홍수에침수되었을경우안전성을모의시험 1 - 고온시험단전지가사용되는동안고온환경에노출되었을경우안전성모의시험 5 - - 모듈 전지시스템 과충전시험충전전압제어에관하여보호장치가되어있지않은전지시스템의경우적용 5-1 a 강제방전시험 외부단락제어 복수의단전지를사용하는용도에서잘못하여역접속하여조립한경우나, 직렬단전지간에잔존용량차가크게형성된상황에서벙전할때의안전성모의시험 전지시스템의 +, - 단자가연결되었을때, 양단자사이에전류가흐르지않도록제어 5 - - - - 1 a 과방전제어 BMS는방전전압을단전지의하한방전전압이상으로제어해야함, - - 1 a 과충전전압제어 BMS는충전전압을단전지의상한충전전압이하로제어함, - - 1 a 과대충전전류제어 BMS는입력전류를단전지의최대충전전류이하로제어함 - - 1 a 과열제어 BMS는단전지의동작확정온도외에충전되지않도록제어 - - 1 a
3. 단체인증 (KBIA) 성능시험항목, 수량 [KBIA-10104-02] 시험항목시험내용단전지모듈전지시스템 (* 랙 ) 1. 용량측정시험 2. 에너지밀도 3. 저장시험 4. 사이클수명시험 5. 효율시험 표준사이클에따라 2회진행후 2번째사이클의방전용량을측정대상의용량평가기준 : 제조자제시정격용량단전지 / 모듈의중량에너지밀도 (Wh/kg) 및부피에너지밀도 (Wh/L) 은 0.5 I t A로방전하여결정 ( 제조자제시정격용량 ) 평가기준 : 제조자제시에너지밀도상온 (25±2) 에서 30일간방치고온 (45±2) 에서 30일간방치회복율 90% 이상 충전, 방전으로인한열화를측정하기위해사이클수명시험 1 I t A, 500 회반복 500 cycle@ 정격용량의 85% 이상 충전된에너지저장시스템이실온에서일정한전력으로사용된이후재충전되었을경우가정하여전지시스템의에너지효율측정평가기준 : 95% 이상 a 전지시스템구성이유닛랙으로직렬혹은병렬로연결되었을경우, 해당시험항목은유닛랙으로대체시험가능하다. 3,4,5 번시험시적용 ( 제조자제시정격용량 ) 5 - - 3 1-1 a 21
4. 협력체계 (KBIA) 시험평가, 평가인증 22
Ⅲ. International Standardization
1. International Organization UN, IEC, ISO ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev. 4 Section 38.3 IEC 62133 IEC 61960 IEC 61959 IEC 62660-1 IEC 62660-2 ISO 12405-1 ISO 12405-2DIS ISO 12405-3WD ISO-IEC/PDPAS 16898 24
2. Standard List with applications IT, xev, Industrial 응용분야국제표준조직제정된국제규격작업중국제규격 휴대기기용 IEC TC21/ SC21A WG 3, 4 IEC 61960 (2003) IEC 61959 (2004) IEC 62133 (2002) IEC 62133 ed3.0 HEV Cell IEC TC21/ JWG69 IEC 62660-1 IEC 62660-2 ISO-IEC/PDPAS 16898.5_DIS /EV Battery System ISO TC22/ SC21 WG3 ISO 12405-1 ISO 12405-2 ISO 12405-3_DIS 대용량 ( 전력저장 ) IEC TC21/ SC21A WG 5 - IEC 62619_CD IEC 62620_CD NP(VDE) 25
3. Working Standard of LIB IEC TC21/SC21A/W.G 3,5 NWIP WD CD ~ CDV DIS IS IEC 62133 (NiCd, NiMH, Li 안전성강화 ) IEC 62619 ( 대용량 Li 안전성 ) IEC 62620 ( 대용량 Li 성능 ) 26
4. ESS Standard Brief history 2011.3.11 Huge Earthquake, Tsunami and Accidents of nuclear power plants occurred in Japan. There is a risk of severe shortage of Electric power in the northern part of Japan including Tokyo. Solar power and Rechargeable batteries etc. are expected to be one of the solutions for the power shortage. 2011.3.14 1st Project leader team meeting for IEC62619 was held at Tokyo. 2011. 7 Standard of Battery Association of Japan (SBA S 1101) (Japanese domestic Safety Standard of Li ion batteries for use in Industrial applications ) was made harmonizing with draft of IEC62619. 2012. 7 JIS C 8715-2 (Secondary lithium cells and batteries for use in industrial applications -- part 2: tests and requirements of safety) was published harmonizing with draft of IEC62619. 2013. 10 The 1st CD (Committee Draft) of IEC62619 is expected to be circulated to National Committees of IEC SC21A. 27 From. WRBRF 2013
4. ESS Standard Brief history IEC62620 (Performance Standard) Draft IEC 62620 Ed 1: Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes Secondary lithium cells and batteries for use in industrial applications Under development: CD (Committee Draft) stage Publication date: probably in 2015 IEC62619 (Safety Standard) Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes Safety requirements for Secondary Lithium Cells and Batteries, for use in Industrial applications Under development Publication date: probably in 2016 Stationary applications: Telecom, uninterruptible power supply (UPS), utility switching, emergency power and similar applications. Motive applications: Folk-lift truck, golf cart, AGV, railway, and marine. excluding road vehicles. 28 From. WRBRF 2013
Ⅳ. Summary