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1 YWXY º º t rzyywxyhxzy Ÿ ˆ v ¹ r A study of electric locomotive effect on automatic changeover system in neutral section ù ã ä ö ã ä ã äõ ì ã ä ãã Hyo-bum Shin *, Moon-seob Han *, Sang-hoon Chang *, Joo-rak Kim *, Chan-seok Jun ** Abstract Since necessity of automatic changeover system for railroad AC power feeding system has been emphasized, the system is currently being developed. Automatic changeover system is a system which ensures electric railway passing through neutral section in notch-on state and uninterrupted, yet there is no successful practical application case in both domestic and foreign researches. When this system development success, efficiency of railroad operation will be increased and neutral section power feeding system will be stabilized. Thyristors (electric semiconductor device) are used in the changeover switch, the key equipment of the system development, and also VCB switches are installed in parallel for ensuring efficiency of maintenance. The purpose of this paper is analysis vehicles effect on automatic changeover system by measuring current of EL-8200 line traction part, and current & voltage of auxiliary power supply and battery part, in order to resolve abnormal problems on the electric railway catenary system. Keywords : neutral section, automatic switching system, notch-off, thyristor ï o ˆ ˆ v ƒ ¹ v ˆ t m m ˆ mž ˆ º ƒ m yˆ v ƒ n r Ÿ º ƒ ˆ«ˆ Ž ºˆ«ˆ v ˆ ³ l v «p r v y p x lm«³ ƒ y t ƒ ˆ «¹ t ª Ÿ Ÿ ˆ y p w pv ov Ž Ÿk ˆ v ŽŽy s ª «ää ï o ƒx ««z «ª w Ò å Ó ãõ Ó Ò ã ã Óúüãêëêéêæêëëêäëéäêëã ã Ó ãõ Ó Ò ã ã Óúü ãã Û ð
2 ƒ r ƒ «m ¹ o ˆ ƒ m r Žzz ƒt Žg pzz m eˆ Žªp vƒ Ÿƒm l t vƒ Ž ˆ v ääúï äää ÓÏ ã Ñ ˆ ƒ ˆ ƒ ˆ ƒ Ÿƒm ª ƒ«g «ƒª ³ Ÿp ³ ˆ¹py Ÿ m ƒ ³ p l { ³ p º r p m ³ l v «p xl v ³ p r l { m««xlm ƒ l Ž ƒ Ž m «r ˆ Ÿ ˆ ºmƒ r Ÿ ˆn Ž ƒ ƒm ¼ p º ¼ Ÿ ³ «ª ˆ Fig. 1 ˆ ˆ Ž ˆ ˆ ˆ ª Ÿpˆ Ÿp ˆ ˆˆ ˆ «³ v«³ pˆ Ÿ wˆ
3 Fig. 2 ˆ vƒ Ž «ºƒ p ˆ ˆˆ sdˆ ƒ ˆ Ž ª Ÿ xž Ÿ ƒ lzƒ pƒ ˆ Ÿƒm xº ov Ž ±¹ p ƒ y y Ž «Ž ˆ Ž Ž t vƒ «ª ˆ ª p ˆ äää ö Ñø «p ³ Ž p et Ž vƒ r º z l t ª ƒ p ƒ r ˆvƒ Ž ±ƒz º «mƒ Ž mƒ ª Ÿ ƒ vƒ ± ŽŽyŽ g Ÿƒm Ž o ŽŽy kˆ ¼p o o ª Ÿ ª ˆ v ŽŽy ƒª ªª ª ˆ ª ª ˆ ˆˆ Ÿk xž Ÿ ˆ y ˆ p w pv lzƒ pƒ o Ž ˆ s³ÿk ƒˆˆ r ˆ ³p««ªˆ ˆ ƒˆˆ
4 Fig. 3 EL-8200 ƒª pª e y Ž o w p v Ž o±¹ ƒs ª pª ˆ ƒ±¹ fp ¹ y r ª ª» r Ž Ÿk ƒ w p my r Ž fp ¹ ª ª eÿk xž ¹ et vƒ mƒ Ÿk mª pª e y Ž o w pv Ž o±¹ ƒª pª e ¹ ±¹ p ƒy Ž±¹ fp ±¹ r Ÿk ª xž o y qž Ž fp ¹ my Fig. 4 ˆ y o/ Ž Fig. 5 ˆ w pv o/ Ž
5 Fig. 6 y o Ž Fig. 7 w pv o Ž xž fp ±¹ w ± m º ª p ƒ pƒ ˆ rª ª ˆ v ƒ ¹ g Ÿk Ÿ p ª pª e ª ª e p ¹ º Ÿ p ª pª r o Ž r Ž mf ª ª rr» ª ½ª ˆ Ž Ž vž Ž Fig. 8 ˆª ª ˆ Fig. 9ª ˆª ª ˆ ääñï y t ƒ ˆ v ˆ Ÿk m Ÿ ª ƒ ˆ Ÿk v ŽŽy Ÿk xž Ÿ ˆ y w pv ov Ž zƒ
6 Ÿ ª ª ˆ xž ¹ v ƒ Ž º r m Ÿƒm mƒ Ž±¹ zƒ ± ƒ ¹ vƒ º ª ƒz ƒ p ˆ ƒ r Ÿk xž ƒvƒ ¹ ˆvƒ Ž±¹ ¹± ±¹ mpd «³ p º mƒ Ñö [1] Han Moon-Seob, "Automatic changeover system in neutral section" Railroad Webzine, No 56, Korea Railroad Technology, Nov & Dec. [2] Kohji AJIKI, Yoshifumi MOCHINAA, Tetsuo UZUKA, Eiichi MAUSUMIYA and Yuji Fuzita, Analysis of the Phenomenon Associated whit the Short Circuit of ShinKansen Changeover Switch and Development of net Type Protective Relay, Transactions of the Insitute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Vol 122-B: NO4, pp , [3] Korea Railroad, Report on Development of technology for non-contact automatic changeover system in neutral section,
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