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1 YWXY º º t rzyywxyhzx[ ƒ p ƒ A Study on Influential Factors of Rail Passengers on Service Satisfaction ø ã äó ø ã ä ã ä ã ä ã ä Jaehyun Park *, Soonbak Kwon *, Yongsoo Song *, Seongho Hwang *, Jaehyun Lee * Abstract Public Transportation is generally perceived as a mass-transport and affordable public service for lower income class. Recently, due to higher living standard, diversity of travel demands, and spending more time in transportation system as commuting distance becomes farther, citizens expectation on the quality of public transportation is greater than ever. Traditionally, travel time and travel cost is the major and the only factors in assessing of or comparing between transportation modes, yet general public values not only those quantifiable factors, but comfort and convenience while travelling are also the factors that influence mode preference. This study investigates those veiled and somehow subjective factors through a survey of 271 rail passengers onboard. The result of this preliminary study expects to be a basis of further researches and a reference to meet passengers satisfaction level on public transportation. Keywords : Public Transportation Service, Satisfaction, Comfort, Convenience, Rail Passenger ï p m ƒv m k l ƒ k ˆ p º ³ ek ˆ ek ƒ Ž ƒ p ˆ d k ³ ƒ ƒ dy ƒ ƒ¹ ˆ z y ƒt pv«mp p v pzƒ y ƒ ƒ py m³ º Ž ƒ p p º m ƒ p ƒ ³ ƒ ää ï ¹ º º ƒ º º k ƒ m ºº º ƒ ƒ t ep dy³ ƒº m ƒ vd v Ž m Ž g ˆ Ò å Ó ãõ Ó ãëéêêëëæêëëêäëéäêëã ã Ó ãõ Ó

2 ek³ p º g ƒ Ÿ ˆ ˆ ºˆ m ³»xº¹Ž ˆ d º xº z ƒ «ƒ m zt ƒ «º º ˆƒ xº ˆ ³ m ºƒºp q ƒ l n ƒ ˆ ƒ ƒ» k ƒ Ÿkƒ ƒ x m º k p mz º Ÿ º ª n Ž ƒ ƒ º m ˆ º º º w ƒ v Ÿ m º Ž z ½ º ˆ ³p d Ÿy et k ƒ q ³ pÿ «ˆ º p ˆ q p º ˆ ˆ ˆ z³ º ˆ«¹ Ÿƒ z Ÿ Ž yž ˆ n Ÿk ˆƒ k wˆ «m z d d º v r ˆ y ± ƒ¹ Ž ƒ n p k d ƒ kº l º p³ kxº ƒ xº p p mv s v y ˆ k ƒ ³ t p k º py wx m±ž ³ wž ˆ äääá Ò þ Ï äääääò á Ïøùï ääúï ƒ ƒ ³ s ek»v d d ƒ ƒ d z o ³ p ˆ ºv ƒ x p Ÿk zm ƒ µ ƒ ³ s ³ p ˆ Ÿkzt ƒ ƒ z q w ³ ˆƒ ¹ƒ y v t ƒ d ³ s m³» «d

3 pv«mˆ Ÿk vÿk ƒ v ªªs¹ «ªs¹ s x Ÿkx p wxm ˆ x m º ƒ ³Ž y Ÿk º ˆd³ ˆƒ d ƒ ˆnƒ y ƒ Ž ƒ yžƒd pƒ w ƒ v ª ˆ Žkƒ ³ ƒ pº³ º ˆ ƒ ƒ d ƒ p º m ˆ ³ ƒ µ ƒ pº³ º ƒzƒ º v m º p ƒ xƒ¹ p º pƒ ˆ º ˆ x m «ª m s¹ z o ˆ m v rº ºdv p zz ƒ mƒ vr k º º³ º l m z p ƒzƒ º y ³ ³k ƒº ³pƒ Ÿk ¹ p ƒ m º³ mº ˆ ˆ º d z³ Ž mƒº ˆ pÿ ˆ wmƒ g ºº º pÿ ˆ z mƒ ¹ epz³ ¹ epzº p m ƒ ƒ ³ p sv ƒ wž ƒwÿ ˆƒ Ÿl Ž ˆƒ q ƒ y ˆƒ Ÿ ƒ ƒ ˆnƒ Ž ƒ p k s mz o ƒ ³ p v» ¹d ¹ Ÿ l p zpv p v x m wx ˆ ¹ d ƒ vvº wž ƒ«ª«ª«ª x m z ƒt pˆˆ Ÿ mƒ µ wž ˆ ¹ƒ ¹ p v m ¹ƒ ƒ Žk y ƒ Ž ƒ ˆnƒ ºˆƒ ƒ ¹ mzo ƒ µ ˆ ƒ k º mº ƒ³ º mƒ Ÿk ¹ º ƒ m º³ ºp ƒ³ º

4 äää ã þ ò ã äääää ö ƒt ƒ ª««p ¹ t º¹ Ÿ «m n ƒtt ŸŸk ³ ƒd p px m Ÿ ˆƒ d Ÿ v ˆƒ l ƒt z m Ÿ z ƒt m o ƒtx mp t p d m ƒ ˆƒtt Ž º zpv ˆ m mƒ ƒt s Table 1 Questionnaire for Rail Service Satisfaction Section Travelers Info Satisfactory Factors Questionnaire Sex, Age, Trip purpose, Point of departure and arrival, Rail trip frequency, The other modes frequently used, Preferred mode Vibration, Climate, Noise, Odor, Seat, Brightness, Total satisfaction level, r zƒ tx p l y x m pºd ƒt d ƒ ƒt p ³yr ƒ pÿ xm m q m s zz t zz r m x s x Ÿ xm ½ ª««ƒ l xm p m Ÿ w m «r w q º pÿ p y zp l m «p l ³ q p l vr zp l q zp m «v m ƒ z ˆ m äääääü ÑÑ ƒ ƒ ª ¹ mzo ƒz m ³ mzo pye zp ƒ mª««w ƒ zp v m y m ³ ˆƒ zp mƒ ƒ { º ˆ m d zp qž m Ž zp Ž Ÿ xm t º Ÿ ˆ v º ˆ Ž q Ÿ ƒ zp rtl r Ž ˆn zp m

5 Table 2 Summary of Satisfaction Survey Type Assessing Factors Frequency Total Satisfactory Level Comfort Train noise Vibration In-car brightness Air quality and odor Temperature Convenience Seat (including spacing) Convenience facilities Tangibleness Cleanness Safety/Security Security Attendant service Sense of safety Total ³ ³ p p ³ wz m º ƒyd ƒ ³ ˆƒ zp q d ƒ p y m «v mž ˆn zp y p p m zƒ d d p ª v m ƒ Ÿ xm zƒ ye ª««ƒ ƒ ˆƒ zp Ž p ³ vr Ž Ž ˆn p m p ¹ «Ÿ p v m m «rzp Ž p t º¹ Ž zp y qž r Ž Ž ˆn p p mzƒ l xm zƒ ye Ž zp y q rƒ p z ª mzƒ Ž Ž ˆn mp mzƒ r mp mzƒ x º pye p d p Ÿp Ž y m zƒ vr Ÿp m r Ÿp Ž d zp vž mzƒ ääñï ƒ ƒ ³ p p p±ž mƒ ƒwž m p ƒ ³ d zo ¹ p ƒ zƒ y p d ƒ zp d Ž ±Ž d zp p d ƒ p v

6 Ž ƒ t º¹ q kd Ž t p g t p d ƒ p m m vr ª««ƒ z³ d q d ƒ p ³ «zž d p ½ m «l l x xm zƒ ½³ p m d p ³ Ÿp m d p m Ž r d zp Ÿ Ÿ Ž z d p p mzƒ y m º w³ m ƒ ƒ zƒ ˆ r ˆ ƒd ƒ º py º y wx» ƒ p v p vº zƒ wž pl ry º p m Ñö [1] (2003) ƒ ³ p s v ƒ wž, º º t, pp [2] ¹, (2006) ƒ v v º wž,. [3] ¹,» (2005) ƒ ³ wž (2 ), ,. [4] ¹ƒ (2006) ƒ µ, º t, 9 1¹, pp81-88 [5] (2008) ƒ v, º, 26, 6 ¹, pp [6] (2008) ˆ k ƒ µ, º º t, pp [7] Eboli, L., Mazzulla,. (2009) A new customer satisfaction index for evaluating transit service quality, Journal of Public Transportation, 12 (3), [8] Litman, T. (2008) Valuing Transit Service Quality Improvements, Journal of Public Transportation, 11 (2), [9] Ben-Akiva, M., Morikawa, T. (2002) Comparing ridership attraction of rail and bus, Transport Policy, 9, [10] leave, S.D. (2000) Rail Passenger Quality of Service Valuations, Shadow Strategic Rail Authority. [11] Transportation Research Board (2003) Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual 2nd Edition TCRP Report 100, Washington D.C., [12] Wardman, M. (2001) A review of British evidence on time and service quality, Transportation Research Part E 37,

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삼성955_965_09 판매원-삼성전자주식회사 본 사 : 경기도 수원시 영통구 매탄 3동 416번지 제조원 : (주)아이젠 삼성 디지털 비데 순간온수 세정기 사용설명서 본 제품은 국내(대한민국)용 입니다. 전원, 전압이 다른 해외에서는 품질을 보증하지 않습니다. (FOR KOREA UNIT STANDARD ONLY) 이 사용설명서에는 제품보증서가 포함되어 있습니다. 분실되지 않도록

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