2013 Energy Info. Korea

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2 Energy Info. Korea is Published by KEEI (Korea Energy Economics Institute, Republic of Korea) Publisher : Yanghoon Sonn Korea Energy Economics Institute 132 Naesonsunhwanro, Uiwangsi, Gyeonggido, Korea, Tel : Fax : Homepage : All rights reserved by KEEI. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.

3 2013 E I K nergy nfo. orea C ontents 2013 Energy Balance Flow _ 4 1. Major Energy Indicators _ 6 2. Transformation _ Primary Energy Supply by Source _ Primary Energy Supply _ Final Energy Consumption _ Final Energy Consumption by Sector _ Final Energy Consumption by Source _ Energy Balance _ Imports _ Prices _ Reserves & Distribution Map _ Energy Consumption in the Korean Peninsula _ World Energy Statistics _ 90 Appendices _ 94

4 2012 Energy Balance Flow 4 Energy Info. Korea

5 Korea Energy Economics Institute Energy Info. Korea 5

6 1. Major Energy Indicators Trends in Primary Energy Supply and GDP Primary Energy Supply per Capita and GDP 6 Energy Info. Korea

7 Korea Energy Economics Institute Energy Overseas Dependence and Petroleum Dependence on Middle East 1 Major Energy Indicators Electricity and Oil Consumption per Capita Energy Info. Korea 7

8 1. Major Energy Indicators 1. Major Energy Indicators Population 1) GDP (2005 prices) Primary Energy Supply(= PES) 2) Final Energy Consumption(= FEC) 2) CO 2 Emissions (1,000) (bil. won) Growth Rates(%) (mil. toe) Growth Rates(%) (mil. toe) Growth Rates(%) (mil. tco 2) Growth Rates(%) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,410 1,043, ,779 50,004 1,082,096 1,104, Note 1) midyear estimates 2) 2007~2011, from 2012 figures are based on each revised calorific value. 8 Energy Info. Korea

9 Korea Energy Economics Institute (toe/mil. won) P E S / G D P (toe/1,000$) CO 2 Emissions /GDP (tco 2/mil. won) PES /Population (toe/capita) CO 2 Emissions /Population (tco 2/capita) Oil Consumption /Population ( k /capita) Elec. Consumption /Population (kwh/capita) , Major Energy Indicators , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Source 1) IEA, CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion(2013) 2) IEA, Energy Balances of OECD Countries(2013) ,142 9, Energy Info. Korea 9

10 2. Transformation Cpacity of Oil Refining Facilities ,438 thou. BPSD ,039 thou. BPSD 10 Energy Info. Korea

11 Energy Info. Korea Capacity of Oil Refining Facilities (1,000 Bbl) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,926 1,002,257 1,034, ,035 1,675 1,675 1,700 1,818 2,438 2,438 2,438 2,438 2,438 2,438 2,438 2,438 2,735 2,735 2,772 2,812 2,860 2,875 2,890 3,010 3, ,115 1,115 1,115 1,115 1, Refining Capacity (1,000BPSD) Total SK Energy GSCaltex SKInchon Hyundai Oilbank SOil Crude Oil Runs Product Production Operation Rate(%) Korea Energy Economics Institute 2 Transformation

12 2. Transformation Generating Facilities ,806 MW ,287 MW 12 Energy Info. Korea

13 Energy Info. Korea 13 Note : Exclude nonutility Korea Energy Economics Institute 2 Transformation 22. Generating Facilities (MW) ,835 10,304 13,115 14,190 16,137 18,060 19,021 19,944 20,997 21,021 21,111 24,120 27,654 28,750 32,184 35,715 41,042 43,406 46,978 48,451 50,859 53,801 56,053 59,961 62,258 65,514 68,268 72,491 73,470 76,078 79,342 81,806 1,202 1,202 1,202 1,202 2,223 2,225 2,232 2,236 2,339 2,340 2,445 2,498 2,504 2,493 3,093 3,095 3,115 3,131 3,148 3,149 3,876 3,876 3,877 3,879 3,883 5,485 5,492 5,505 5,515 5,525 6,418 6,446 6,088 6,722 8,882 9,942 9,912 9,912 9,912 9,912 9,912 9,912 9,912 9,912 11,972 13,032 14,032 14,022 16,078 17,209 18,909 20,059 21,559 21,749 21,749 23,311 23,811 24,391 26,491 29,731 29,571 29,571 29,571 29, ,706 5,173 5,334 6,184 8,719 11,269 10,785 10,935 11,257 11,436 12,186 13,086 14,313 15,015 16,004 16,511 17,044 17,575 19,100 19,799 19, ,266 1,916 1,916 2,866 4,766 5,716 6,666 7,616 7,616 7,616 7,616 7,616 7,616 8,616 9,616 10,316 12,016 13,716 13,716 13,716 15,716 15,716 16,716 17,716 17,716 17,716 17,716 17,716 17,716 18,716 20,716 1,380 1,489 1,537 1,622 1,755 2,188 2,747 3,816 4,482 5,106 6,144 6,661 7,602 8,811 9,349 9,915 11,039 13,658 15,058 17,252 19,124 20,438 22,112 26,696 29,878 32,282 35,851 32,996 37,293 41,007 43,125 45,773 47,385 51,264 54,631 58,994 62,285 62,794 66,797 71,308 73,137 75,987 Peak load Total Hydro Steam Combined Cycle Internal Combustion Nuclear Others

14 2. Transformation Electric Power Generation by Facilities ,033 GWh ,480 GWh 14 Energy Info. Korea

15 Energy Info. Korea 15 Korea Energy Economics Institute 2 Transformation Note 1) Exclude nonutility 2) Includes Group & Alternative Energy 23. Electric Power Generation by Facilities (GWh) ,207 43,122 48,850 53,808 58,007 64,695 73,992 85,462 94, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,574 2,709 2,005 2,723 2,399 3,659 4,019 5,344 3,566 4,558 6,361 5,051 4,863 6,006 4,098 5,478 5,201 5,404 6,099 6,066 5,610 4,151 5,311 6,887 5,861 5,189 5,219 5,042 5,563 5,641 6,472 7,831 7,652 34,305 36,961 36,897 39,461 37,411 32,107 28,927 41,144 41,754 47,098 55,389 62,115 68,916 83,807 89,252 96, ,798 89,042 96, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,464 9,188 16,047 20,521 26,943 34,424 26,505 28,675 26,863 29,033 38,337 40,375 55,452 57,457 67,138 76,405 74,519 64,486 94, , , ,897 3,777 8,965 11,792 16,745 28,311 39,314 40,101 47,365 52,887 56,311 56,530 58,138 58,651 67,029 73,924 77,086 89, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,327 Total Hydro Steam Combined Cycle Internal Combustion Nuclear

16 2. Transformation Electric Power Generation by Energy Source ,474 GWh ,993 GWh 16 Energy Info. Korea

17 Energy Info. Korea 17 Korea Energy Economics Institute 2 Transformation 24. Electric Power Generation by Energy Source (GWh) ,207 43,122 48,850 53,808 58,007 64,695 73,992 85,462 94, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,574 2,709 2,005 2,723 2,399 3,659 4,019 5,344 3,566 4,558 6,361 5,051 4,863 6,006 4,098 5,478 5,201 5,404 6,099 6,066 5,610 4,151 5,311 6,887 5,861 5,189 5,219 5,042 5,561 5,641 6,472 7,831 7,695 2,897 3,777 8,965 11,792 16,745 28,311 39,314 40,101 47,365 52,887 56,311 56,530 58,138 58,651 67,029 73,924 77,086 89, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,327 2,530 2,612 4,289 13,383 17,639 18,220 15,856 19,840 18,777 19,961 20,140 22,072 30,917 41,835 48,813 56,881 67,190 75,498 81,544 97, , , , , , , , , , , , ,831 31,772 34,358 32,497 25,748 19,646 13,604 4,822 11,222 14,241 17,928 26,158 33,001 33,718 38,781 38,739 35,699 36,620 16,430 17,365 25,485 27,770 23,940 23,656 18,037 17,321 15,999 17,689 9,701 13,670 12,405 12,040 14, ,024 2,310 1,170 1,582 3,306 6,737 6,323 1,282 1, ,155 2, ,391 10,432 9,132 9,604 9,935 12,187 14,488 20,046 21,296 27,050 31,823 26,302 30,124 28,146 30,451 38,943 39,090 55,999 58,118 68,302 78,427 75,809 65,274 96, , ,984 Thermal Coal Heavy Oil Diesel LNG Total Hydro Nuclear Note : Includes Group & Alternative Energy

18 3. Primary Energy Supply by Source Energy Production Mtoe Mtoe 18 Energy Info. Korea

19 Korea Energy Economics Institute 31. Energy Production (1,000 toe) Primary Energy Production Energy Supply Total Coal L N G Hydro Renewable Energy ,718 11,418 9, , ,625 11,726 9, , ,420 12,533 9, , ,535 13,277 9, , ,296 13,393 10, , ,462 13,375 11,156 1,005 1, ,878 75,351 81,660 13,553 12,669 11,827 10,923 10,933 9,353 1, ,140 1,319 1,164 1, ,192 11,298 7,748 1, Primary Energy ,619 9,052 6,776 1, Supply by ,010 7,469 5,387 1, Source ,879 6,631 4,249 1, ,234 4,998 3,347 1, ,437 4,835 2,574 1,369 1, ,212 4,444 2,228 1,301 1, ,638 4,342 2,031 1,351 1, ,932 4,766 1,962 1,525 1, ,363 5,034 1,889 1,517 1, ,887 5,404 1,868 1,403 2, ,409 5,305 1,718 1,038 2, ,636 5,966 1,493 1,327 2, ,066 6,728 1,484 1,722 3, ,238 7,184 1,436 1,465 3, ,622 7,732 1, ,297 3, ,372 8,192 1, ,305 4, ,454 8,141 1, ,084 4, ,752 8,553 1, ,196 5, ,311 8,639 1, ,213 5, ,805 9, ,391 6, ,636 9, ,715 6, ,698 11, ,615 8,036 Note : 2007~2011, from 2012 figures are based on each revised calorific value. Energy Info. Korea 19

20 3. Primary Energy Supply by Source Energy Imports Mtoe Mtoe 20 Energy Info. Korea

21 Korea Energy Economics Institute 32. Energy Imports (1,000 toe) Primary Energy Imports Energy Supply Total Coal Oil Nuclear LNG ,718 34,300 7,358 26, ,625 33,898 7,341 26, ,420 36,887 7,202 27,629 2, ,535 40,258 8,593 27,629 2, ,296 42,903 13,005 27,142 4, ,462 48,087 13,593 28,499 7, ,878 75,351 81,660 54,325 62,682 69,833 13,865 16,087 16,426 29,653 35,390 40,524 9,829 10,025 11,841 2,104 2,718 2, ,192 81,894 15,752 50,175 13,222 2,974 Primary Energy ,619 94,570 19,321 59,627 14,078 3,586 Supply by , ,541 19,816 71,740 14,133 4,453 Source , ,248 23,696 78,495 14,535 5, , ,237 25,966 86,343 14,663 7, , ,601 28,956 93,955 16,757 9, , ,768 30,327 99,898 18,481 12, , ,296 32, ,080 19,272 15, , ,166 33,847 90,582 22,422 13, , ,329 34,410 97,270 25,766 16, , ,484 40, ,279 27,241 18, , ,104 42, ,385 28,033 21, , ,670 44, ,414 29,776 22, , ,338 45, ,380 32,415 25, , ,054 50, ,638 32,679 28, , ,890 48, ,526 36,695 29, , ,180 49, ,831 37,187 32, , ,313 54, ,494 30,731 33, , ,200 61, ,170 32,456 35, , ,672 63, ,336 31,771 33, , ,644 72, ,301 31,948 42, , ,842 79, ,146 32,285 47, , ,582 77, ,165 31,719 47,184 Note : 2007~2011, from 2012 figures are based on each revised calorific value. Energy Info. Korea 21

22 4. Primary Energy Supply Primary Energy Supply Mtoe 22 Energy Info. Korea

23 Korea Energy Economics Institute 4 Primary Energy Supply Mtoe Energy Info. Korea 23

24 4. Primary Energy Supply 4. Primary Energy Supply Coal Petroleum Total Growth Rate(%) SubTotal Anthracite Bituminous SubTotal Fuel Oil ,718 45,625 49,420 53,535 56,296 61,462 67,878 75,351 81,660 93, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,244 15,451 16,491 19,867 22,022 23,330 23,639 25,162 24,493 24,385 24,535 23,618 25,882 26,680 28,091 32,200 34,799 36,039 38,155 42,911 45,711 49,096 51,116 53,127 54,788 56,687 59,654 66,060 68,604 77,092 83,640 80,978 10,338 9,839 10,133 11,455 12,322 13,239 12,935 12,441 10,984 9,947 8,144 6,315 5,058 3,507 2,953 2,561 1,989 2,207 2,425 3,094 3,678 4,041 4,560 4,302 4,768 5,208 5,585 5,906 5,812 6,141 6,898 5,850 4,906 5,612 6,358 8,412 9,700 10,091 10,704 12,721 13,509 14,438 16,391 17,303 20,824 23,173 25,139 29,639 32,810 33,832 35,731 39,817 42,033 45,054 46,556 48,826 50,020 51,479 54,068 60,155 62,792 70,951 76,741 75,128 Note : 2007~2011, from 2012 figures are based on each revised calorific value. 26,580 26,312 27,628 27,628 27,142 28,499 29,652 35,390 40,523 50,175 59,627 71,740 78,495 86,343 93,955 99, ,080 90,582 97, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,165 23,110 22,649 23,250 22,663 21,836 22,408 22,958 27,869 32,506 39,653 45,773 52,311 57,139 62,680 68,949 73,264 74,144 53,952 59,007 59,743 59,049 58,601 57,605 54,100 53,416 51,800 50,738 45,705 45,607 46,420 44,296 44, Energy Info. Korea

25 Energy Info. Korea 25 (1,000 toe) Korea Energy Economics Institute 4 Primary Energy Supply Renewable Energy Nuclear Hydro LNG Overseas Dependence (%) ,031 1,262 1,467 1,799 2,161 2,629 3,066 3,601 4,339 5,441 5,990 6,398 6,675 6,874 7,201 6,877 7,808 8,644 8,676 9,398 9,140 9,153 9,484 9,689 10,127 10,647 11,079 10,924 10,303 9,912 2,959 2,913 3,347 3,703 3,839 4,292 4,533 4,892 4,951 6,921 9,515 13,988 15,366 17,264 18,331 19,760 27,735 29,753 30,455 31,893 32,660 34,415 35,634 37,385 38,626 40,342 44,629 43,819 45,651 46,956 50,547 51, ,104 2,718 2,630 3,023 3,503 4,581 5,723 7,618 9,213 12,172 14,792 13,838 16,849 18,924 20,787 23,099 24,194 28,351 30,355 32,004 34,663 35,671 33,908 43,008 46,284 50, ,005 1, ,140 1,590 1,263 1,216 1,502 1,025 1,369 1,301 1,351 1,525 1,517 1,402 1,038 1,327 1,722 1,465 1,297 1,305 1,084 1,196 1,213 1,391 1,684 1, ,241 2,948 4,186 7,078 9,829 10,025 11,841 13,222 14,078 14,133 14,535 14,663 16,757 18,481 19,272 22,422 25,766 27,241 28,033 29,776 32,415 32,679 36,695 37,187 30,731 32,456 31,771 31,948 33,265 31,719 2,492 2,417 2,378 2,492 2,031 1,480 1,319 1,164 1, ,051 1,161 1,344 1,526 1,806 2,130 2,456 2,925 3,241 3,977 3,961 4,358 4,828 5,198 5,480 6,064 6,618 8, LPG NonFuel Oil

26 5. Final Energy Consumption Final Energy Consumption Mtoe 26 Energy Info. Korea

27 Korea Energy Economics Institute Mtoe Final Energy Consumption Energy Info. Korea 27

28 5. Final Energy Consumption 5. Final Energy Consumption Coal Total Growth Rate(%) SubTotal Anthracite Bituminous Coal SubTotal ,952 38,711 41,337 44,998 46,998 50,524 55,197 61,033 65,875 75,107 83,803 94, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,477 14,549 15,335 16,806 17,940 18,888 19,778 20,566 20,116 19,855 19,915 18,688 19,058 17,670 17,758 18,718 18,918 18,151 18,498 19,847 20,532 21,629 22,610 22,194 22,311 22,660 24,249 26,219 23,895 29,164 33,544 31,964 9,571 8,937 9,338 10,600 11,632 12,336 12,006 11,527 10,057 9,194 7,336 5,558 4,179 2,665 2,011 1,585 1,099 1,269 1,444 2,011 2,656 3,069 3,530 3,407 3,874 4,313 4,583 4,994 5,180 5,751 6,646 5,584 Note 1) Include Renewable energy & Heat 2) 2007~2011, from 2012 figures are based on each revised calorific value. 4,906 5,612 5,997 6,206 6,308 6,552 7,772 9,039 10,059 10,661 12,579 13,131 14,879 15,005 15,748 17,133 17,819 16,882 17,055 17,836 17,876 18,560 19,079 18,788 18,438 18,347 19,666 21,225 18,715 23,413 26,898 26,380 18,913 18,460 19,921 21,602 22,579 25,182 28,372 32,510 36,967 45,252 52,675 62,939 69,876 76,511 82,876 88,714 97,901 86,526 92,821 93,596 93,356 96,159 96,155 95,513 96,718 97, ,622 97,217 98, , , , Energy Info. Korea

29 Energy Info. Korea 29 Korea Energy Economics Institute 5 Final Energy Consumption (1,000 toe) Town Gas Electricity LNG Others 1) 15,471 14,835 15,589 16,690 17,360 19,211 21,767 25,083 29,106 34,991 39,266 44,139 49,369 53,833 59,100 63,221 63,724 50,300 54,995 53,369 52,203 52,509 51,471 49,067 48,744 47,088 45,946 42,971 41,893 43,002 41,799 40, ,010 1,242 1,424 1,736 2,110 2,561 2,947 3,368 3,894 4,812 5,141 5,414 5,445 5,733 6,442 6,472 7,371 8,333 8,493 9,235 9,050 9,061 9,348 9,608 10,052 10,432 10,840 10,448 9,670 9,194 2,942 2,890 3,322 3,670 3,795 4,235 4,495 4,866 4,914 6,893 9,515 13,988 15,366 17,264 18,331 19,760 27,735 29,753 30,455 31,893 32,660 34,415 35,634 37,385 38,626 40,342 44,623 43,814 45,636 46,931 50,507 51, ,011 1,540 2,219 3,027 4,057 5,594 6,937 8,093 8,425 10,513 12,561 13,290 14,567 15,470 16,191 17,811 18,379 18,955 19,765 19,459 21,081 22,871 24,728 3,046 3,258 3,665 4,046 4,363 4,843 5,519 6,391 7,069 8,117 8,976 9,911 10,985 8,324 14,041 15,692 17,267 16,638 18,422 20,600 22,165 23,947 25,250 26,840 28,588 29,990 31,700 33,116 33,925 37,338 39,136 40,127 2,492 2,417 2,378 2,492 2,031 1,480 1,329 1,226 1, ,102 1,366 1,692 1,972 2,253 2,387 2,806 3,249 3,606 4,148 4,510 5,271 5,426 5,517 5,929 6,259 6,418 7,064 7,536 8, Energy Use LPG NonEnergy Use Petroleum

30 6. Final Energy Consumption by Sector Final Energy Consumption by Sector Mtoe 30 Energy Info. Korea

31 Korea Energy Economics Institute Mtoe 6 Final Energy Consumption by Sector Energy Info. Korea 31

32 6. Final Energy Consumption by Sector 6. Final Energy Consumption by Sector Final Energy Consumption (1,000 toe) Residential / Total Industrial Commercial ,952 38,711 41,337 44,998 46,998 50,524 55,197 61,033 65,875 75,107 83,803 94, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,120 17,506 17,354 18,346 19,508 20,015 21,865 24,648 28,200 30,871 36,150 42,915 50,825 55,591 59,937 62,946 67,868 77,908 76,039 79,858 83,912 85,158 89,197 90,805 92,992 94,366 97, , , , , , ,324 15,836 15,197 15,438 17,342 18,180 18,605 18,893 19,700 20,080 21,971 21,919 23,008 25,041 25,941 29,451 31,713 33,071 27,418 31,929 32,370 32,893 34,299 34,965 34,807 36,861 35,986 35,916 36,225 35,722 37,255 37,542 37,884 Note : 2007~2011, from 2012 figures are based on each revised calorific value. Transport 3,721 4,216 5,434 6,007 6,707 7,699 9,275 10,747 12,269 14,173 16,156 18,531 21,119 23,860 27,148 29,792 30,738 26,184 28,625 30,945 31,909 33,763 34,632 34,615 35,559 28,588 37,068 35,793 35,930 36,938 36,875 37,143 Public 1,888 1,945 2,118 2,141 2,096 2,355 2,381 2,385 2,655 2,812 2,813 2,259 2,296 2,647 2,416 2,659 2,715 2,487 2,648 2,625 2,989 3,191 3,593 3,595 4,068 3,836 4,143 4,100 4,295 4,483 4,560 4, Energy Info. Korea

33 Energy Info. Korea 33 Korea Energy Economics Institute 6 Final Energy Consumption by Sector Final Energy Consumption (%) Total Industrial Residential / Commercial Transport Public

34 7. Final Energy Consumption by Source Coal Mtoe Mtoe 34 Energy Info. Korea

35 Energy Info. Korea Coal (1,000 toe) ,952 38,711 41,337 44,998 46,998 50,524 55,197 61,033 65,875 75,107 83,803 94, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,478 14,549 15,335 16,806 17,939 18,887 19,778 20,565 20,116 19,854 19,915 18,688 19,058 17,670 17,758 18,718 18,918 18,151 18,498 19,847 20,532 21,629 22,610 22,195 22,312 22,536 24,250 26,219 23,895 29,165 33,544 31,964 5,276 5,844 6,240 6,412 6,490 6,800 8,015 9,315 10,263 10,806 12,745 13,388 15,327 15,403 16,244 17,668 18,139 17,448 17,845 19,129 19,805 20,932 21,888 21,420 21,238 21,434 23,236 25,131 22,955 28,264 32,673 31,132 9,105 8,629 9,040 10,323 11,399 12,033 11,721 11,205 9,811 9,027 7,170 5,288 3,731 2,267 1,514 1, ,074 1,102 1,014 1, Final Energy Consumption % Total Industry Residential & Commercial Transport Public Note : 2007~2011, from 2012 figures are based on each revised calorific value. Korea Energy Economics Institute 7 Final Energy Consumption by Sector

36 7. Final Energy Consumption by Source Petroleum Mtoe Mtoe 36 Energy Info. Korea

37 Energy Info. Korea 37 Korea Energy Economics Institute 7 Final Energy Consumption by Sector 72. Petroleum (1,000 toe) ,952 38,711 41,337 44,998 46,998 50,524 55,197 61,033 65,875 75,107 83,803 94, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,913 18,459 19,921 21,602 22,579 25,182 28,372 32,511 36,968 45,252 52,675 62,939 69,875 76,511 82,876 88,714 97,900 86,526 92,821 93,595 93,357 96,159 96,154 95,512 96,718 97, ,623 97,216 98, , , ,710 10,141 9,322 9,671 10,444 10,697 11,857 12,915 14,600 15,936 20,014 24,251 30,514 32,654 35,881 36,810 38,913 47,141 46,133 47,521 48,193 47,848 49,499 49,304 50,236 50,905 52,474 56,150 54,745 56,391 57,351 59,635 59,748 3,525 3,344 3,073 3,438 3,525 3,747 4,284 5,331 6,694 8,876 10,161 12,405 14,669 15,375 17,632 18,623 18,719 13,130 15,554 13,492 12,474 11,955 11,156 9,773 9,437 7,513 7,050 6,654 6,187 6,450 5,929 5,363 3,680 4,173 5,390 5,955 6,645 7,624 9,201 10,667 12,187 14,086 16,062 18,430 21,011 23,736 27,010 29,648 30,587 26,048 28,476 30,770 31,708 33,488 34,286 34,160 34,983 35,780 36,149 34,642 34,529 35,282 35,172 35,341 1,567 1,620 1,787 1,765 1,712 1,954 1,972 1,913 2,151 2,276 2,201 1,590 1,541 1,519 1,424 1,530 1,453 1,215 1,270 1,140 1,327 1,217 1,408 1,343 1,393 1,270 1,274 1,175 1,263 1,299 1,240 1,258 Final Energy Consumption % Total Industry Residential & Commercial Transport Public Note : 2007~2011, from 2012 figures are based on each revised calorific value.

38 7. Final Energy Consumption by Source LNG & Town Gas Mtoe Mtoe 38 Energy Info. Korea

39 Korea Energy Economics Institute 73. LNG & Town Gas (1,000 toe) Final Energy Consumption Residential Total Industry & Transport Public % Commercial , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,937 1,196 5, , ,093 1,496 6, , ,426 1,812 6, , ,513 2,530 7, , ,561 3,308 9, , ,290 3,612 9, , ,567 3,984 10, , ,471 4,177 10, , ,191 4,382 11, , ,811 4,656 12, , ,379 4,847 12, , , , , ,956 19,765 19,460 21,641 5,225 5,933 5,891 7,888 12,831 12,763 12,332 12, , , ,671 9,184 13,201 1, Final Energy , ,444 10,218 13,797 Note : 2007~2011, from 2012 figures are based on each revised calorific value. 1, Consumption by Sector Energy Info. Korea 39

40 7. Final Energy Consumption by Source Electricity Mtoe Mtoe 40 Energy Info. Korea

41 Korea Energy Economics Institute 74. Electricity (1964 년부터자료있음, 전력수요예측통계집 ) (1,000 toe) Final Energy Consumption Residential Total Industry & Transport Public % Commercial , ,046 2, , ,258 2, , ,665 2, , ,046 2,651 1, , ,362 2,812 1, , ,844 3,168 1, , ,519 3,643 1, , ,391 4,175 1, , ,069 4,514 2, , ,117 5,095 2, , ,976 5,606 2, , ,910 6,063 3, , ,985 6,581 3, , ,602 7,398 4, , ,040 8,293 4, , ,692 9,179 5, , ,267 10,009 6, , , ,639 9,359 6, , , ,422 10,394 6, , , ,600 11,374 7, , , ,165 11,678 9, , , ,947 12,423 9, , , ,249 12,933 10, , , ,840 13,617 11, , , ,588 14,346 12, , , ,990 15,021 12, , , , , , ,700 33,116 33,925 37,338 16,018 16,738 17,006 19,193 13,513 14,143 14,594 15, ,960 2,039 2,138 2, , ,136 20,830 15, ,355 Final Energy , ,128 21,426 16,049 Note : 2007~2011, from 2012 figures are based on each revised calorific value ,459 Consumption by Sector Energy Info. Korea 41

42 7. Final Energy Consumption by Source 75. Heat Energy (1,000 toe) Sales Production Residential Commercial Public , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,223.4 thou. toe ,751.2 thou. toe 42 Energy Info. Korea

43 Korea Energy Economics Institute 76. Renewable Energy (1,000 toe) Total Solar Photovoltaic Biomass Waste Hydro Others 1) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,998.5 Note 1) Include wind, fuel cells, geothermal and tidal 2) 2007~2011, from 2012 figures are based on each revised calorific value , , ,917.3 thou. toe ,852.4 thou. toe Final Energy Consumption by Sector Energy Info. Korea 43

44 8. Energy Balance 2002 Coal Petroleum L N G Town Gas (1,000 ton) (1,000 bbl) (1,000 ton) (10 6 m 3 ) Domestic Production Imports Exports Intll Bunkers Stock Changes(+/) Staistical Difference Primary Supply Transformation Electric Generation District Heating Gas Manufacturing Own Use & Loss Final Consumption Industry Agri. Fishery Mining Manufacturing Food. Tabacco Textile & Apparel Wood & Wood Prod. Pulp & Publications Petro. Chemical NonMetallic Iron & Steel NonFerrous Fabricated Metal Other Manufact. Other Energy Construction Transportation Rail Land Water Air Residential Commercial Public 3,318 68, ,640 75,952 42,701 42,701 33,251 32,075 32, ,698 21,189 4,707 1,175 1,073, ,127 46,466 6,100 30, ,868 40,564 36,403 2,474 1, , ,906 26, ,089 5,072 9, , ,315 7,433 4,496 1,158 9,186 7,010 3,942 14, ,045 2, ,517 28,506 16,694 70,723 23,976 8,653 17, ,768 17,768 5, , Note : Domestic anthracite consumption for the commercial sector is included in the residential sector. 13, , ,873 3, , ,723 2, Energy Info. Korea

45 Energy Info. Korea 45 Korea Energy Economics Institute 8 Energy Balance Hydro (GWh) Nuclear (GWh) Electricity (GWh) Heat (1,000 toe) Renewable Energy (1,000 toe) Total (1,000 toe) 5,309 5,309 5,309 5, , , , , , ,473 28, , ,454 6,156 1, ,143 6,768 15,543 1,388 9,329 29,267 9,923 24,982 37,967 1,975 2,271 2,271 42,278 72,361 17,088 1, ,223 1, ,925 2,925 2,925 2,359 2,359 2, , ,833 33,770 7,115 1,553 2, ,636 48,185 44, , ,451 89,197 4, ,528 1,616 3, ,014 38,302 5,979 17, ,409 7, ,186 33, ,484 4,434 2,309 22,508 11,791 3,191

46 8. Energy Balance 2002 Coal Petroleum L N G Town Gas Domestic Production Imports Exports Intll Bunkers Stock Changes(+/) Staistical Difference Primary Supply Transformation Electric Generation District Heating Gas Manufacturing Own Use & Loss Final Consumption Industry Agri. Fishery Mining Manufacturing Food. Tabacco Textile & Apparel Wood & Wood Prod. Pulp & Publications Petro. Chemical NonMetallic Iron & Steel NonFerrous Fabricated Metal Other Manufact. Other Energy Construction Transportation Rail Land Water Air Residential Commercial Public 1,493 44, ,392 49,096 27,466 27,466 21,629 20,932 20, ,759 13,919 2, ,133 33,770 7, , ,414 6,255 5, ,159 49,499 3, , , ,145 35,215 1, , ,186 33, ,405 4,434 2,309 8,623 3,332 1,217 22, ,099 23,099 7, , Note : Domestic anthracite consumption for the commercial sector is included in the residential sector. 14, , ,567 3, , , ,109 2, Energy Info. Korea

47 Energy Info. Korea 47 Korea Energy Economics Institute 8 Energy Balance Hydro Nuclear Electricity Heat Renewable Energy Total 1,327 1,327 1,327 1,327 29,776 29,776 29,776 29,776 23,947 26,357 2,410 23,947 12, , , , ,148 3, ,636 6,223 1,470 1, ,223 1, ,925 2,925 2,925 2,359 2,359 2, , ,833 33,770 7,115 1,553 2, ,636 48,185 44, , ,451 89,197 4, ,528 1,616 3, ,014 38,302 5,979 17, ,409 7, ,186 33, ,484 4,434 2,309 22,508 11,791 3,191 (1,000 toe)

48 8. Energy Balance 2012 Coal Petroleum L N G Town Gas (1,000 ton) (1,000 bbl) (1,000 ton) (10 6 m 3 ) Domestic Production Imports Exports Intll Bunkers Stock Changes(+/) Staistical Difference Primary Supply Transformation Electric Generation District Heating Gas Manufacturing Own Use & Loss Final Consumption Industry Agri. Fishery Mining Manufacturing Food. Tabacco Textile & Apparel Wood & Wood Prod. Pulp & Publications Petro. Chemical NonMetallic Iron & Steel NonFerrous Fabricated Metal Other Manufact. Other Energy Construction Transportation Rail Land Water Air Residential Commercial Public 2, , , ,146 79,727 79,727 48,419 46,586 38, ,625 31,487 1,986 1,833 1,344, ,897 49,091 7,299 19, ,679 31,185 22,398 1,300 7, , ,950 15, ,759 1, ,626 4,133 1, ,201 9,019 5,443 15, ,983 1, ,607 20,254 26,891 25,677 17,865 9, ,184 1, ,485 37,935 16,132 2,046 19, Note 1) Domestic anthracite consumption for the commercial sector is included in the residential sector. 2) Based on the 6th calorific value. 23, , ,776 9, , , , ,595 1, ,200 1,200 9,720 3, Energy Info. Korea

49 Energy Info. Korea 49 Korea Energy Economics Institute Hydro (GWh) Nuclear (GWh) Electricity (GWh) Heat (1,000 toe) Renewable Energy (1,000 toe) Total (1,000 toe) 7,652 7,652 7,652 7, , , , , , ,481 40, , ,136 12,074 1, ,445 9,793 12,723 1,772 10,051 50,540 10,928 45,676 91,515 2,448 2,250 2,250 63, ,083 28,588 1,751 1, ,751 1, ,036 8, ,124 5, , ,116 61,454 7,536 1, ,698 70,577 63,438 2, , , ,324 3, ,977 1,739 1, ,394 58,447 4,994 27, ,131 4, ,395 37, ,886 3,154 3,733 21,318 16,567 4,769 8 Energy Balance

50 8. Energy Balance 2012 (The 5th calorific value) Coal Petroleum L N G Town Gas (1,000 ton) (1,000 bbl) (1,000 ton) (10 6 m 3 ) Domestic Production Imports Exports Intll Bunkers Stock Changes(+/) Staistical Difference Primary Supply Transformation Electric Generation District Heating Gas Manufacturing Own Use & Loss Final Consumption Industry Agri. Fishery Mining Manufacturing Food. Tabacco Textile & Apparel Wood & Wood Prod. Pulp & Publications Petro. Chemical NonMetallic Iron & Steel NonFerrous Fabricated Metal Other Manufact. Other Energy Construction Transportation Rail Land Water Air Residential Commercial Public , ,464 81,901 49,339 49,339 32,562 31,684 26, ,868 22,041 1, ,210 61,920 7, , ,554 4,439 3, ,115 61,834 2, , , , ,395 35, ,587 3,142 3,742 3,276 2,094 1, ,039 1, ,031 49,316 20,972 2,659 25, Note 1) Domestic anthracite consumption for the commercial sector is included in the residential sector. 2) Based on the 5th calorific value. 25, , ,084 9, , , , ,683 1, ,266 1,266 10,255 3, Energy Info. Korea

51 Energy Info. Korea 51 Korea Energy Economics Institute 8 Energy Balance Hydro (GWh) Nuclear (GWh) Electricity (GWh) Heat (1,000 toe) Renewable Energy (1,000 toe) Total (1,000 toe) 1,645 1,645 1,645 1,645 32,321 32,321 32,321 32,321 40,127 43,643 3,516 40,127 21,426 1, , , , ,928 7, ,464 10,585 2,459 1,751 1, ,751 1, ,036 8, ,124 5, , ,674 61,920 7, ,488 71,010 64,321 2, , , ,097 3, ,213 1,749 1, ,400 60,565 5,022 27, ,155 4, ,396 37, ,213 3,142 3,742 21,514 16,623 4,777

52 8. Energy Balance 2012 (The 6th calorific value) Coal Petroleum L N G Town Gas Domestic Production Imports Exports Intll Bunkers Stock Changes(+/) Staistical Difference Primary Supply Transformation Electric Generation District Heating Gas Manufacturing Own Use & Loss Final Consumption Industry Agri. Fishery Mining Manufacturing Food. Tabacco Textile & Apparel Wood & Wood Prod. Pulp & Publications Petro. Chemical NonMetallic Iron & Steel NonFerrous Fabricated Metal Other Manufact. Other Energy Construction Transportation Rail Land Water Air Residential Commercial Public , ,451 80,978 49,014 49,014 31,964 31,132 26, ,849 22,041 1, ,387 61,454 7, , ,165 4,456 3, ,710 59,748 2, , , , ,394 35, ,278 3,154 3,733 3,272 2,091 1, ,184 1, ,185 49,468 21,037 2,668 25, Note 1) Domestic anthracite consumption for the commercial sector is included in the residential sector. 2) Based on the 6th calorific value. 24, , ,728 9, , , , ,659 1, ,248 1,248 10,109 3, Energy Info. Korea

53 Energy Info. Korea 53 Korea Energy Economics Institute 8 Energy Balance Hydro Nuclear Electricity Heat Renewable Energy Total 1,615 1,615 1,615 1,615 31,719 31,719 31,719 31,719 40,127 43,643 3,516 40,127 21,426 1, , , , ,928 7, ,464 10,585 2,459 1,751 1, ,751 1, ,036 8, ,124 5, , ,116 61,454 7,536 1, ,698 70,577 63,438 2, , , ,324 3, ,977 1,739 1, ,394 58,447 4,994 27, ,131 4, ,395 37, ,886 3,154 3,733 21,318 16,567 4,769 (1,000 toe)

54 9. Imports Energy Imports bil. $ 54 Energy Info. Korea

55 Korea Energy Economics Institute 9 Imports bil. $ Energy Info. Korea 55

56 9. Imports 91. Energy Imports Total Energy Imports/ Total Imports Total Imports(%) (CIF) Growth Rate(%) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Source : IEA, Oil, Gas, Coal and Electricity(2012, 2Q) 56 Energy Info. Korea

57 Energy Info. Korea 57 Korea Energy Economics Institute 9 Imports ,016 1,774 1, ,021 1,212 1,217 1,514 1,535 1,643 1,695 1,992 2,251 2,301 2,147 1,866 2,033 2,157 2,254 2,266 3,891 4,803 4,700 5,675 11,156 8,997 11,425 16,052 14,221 6,371 6,097 5,572 5,771 5,572 3,346 3,702 3,688 4,933 6,386 8,134 9,548 9,151 8,878 10,809 14,432 17,772 11,241 14,783 25,216 21,368 19,200 23,082 29,917 42,606 55,865 60,324 85,855 50,757 68, , , ,774 2,451 2,829 3,288 3,664 4,673 5,395 4,606 3,043 3,802 6,379 5,956 6,214 7,325 8,357 9,716 12,119 15,066 22,275 15,811 22,241 28,541 32, ,275 1,878 2,296 1,549 1,973 3,882 3,990 4,120 5,082 6,552 8,646 11,925 12,653 19,806 13,875 17,006 23,859 27, Coal Petroleum Anthracite Bituminous Crude Oil Petroleum Products LNG Uranium (mil. $)

58 9. Imports Imports of Coking Coal by Country 58 Energy Info. Korea

59 Korea Energy Economics Institute 9 Imports Imports of Steaming Coal by Country Energy Info. Korea 59

60 9. Imports 92. Imports of Coking and Steaming Coal by Country Coking Coal Total Australia Canada China U.S.A Russian Federation Others 1) ,811 3,038 1, ,439 3,414 1,616 1, ,394 3,102 1,582 1, ,321 2,930 1,727 1, ,125 3,016 2,348 2, ,575 2,704 1,707 1, ,248 3,426 2,920 2, ,236 4,216 3,384 2,479 1, ,651 4,034 3,765 3, ,287 4,543 3,130 2,603 1, ,572 6,391 5,126 2,841 1, ,381 8,758 3,718 2,558 1, ,320 9,121 4,348 2,294 1, ,901 8,735 3,961 2,281 1, ,151 8,451 4,272 2,335 2, ,226 9,520 4,147 2,652 1, ,395 9,709 3,907 2,256 1, ,976 9,829 3,663 1,313 2, ,227 9,437 3,057 2,134 1, ,575 10,641 4,097 2,781 1, ,899 11,396 3,337 2, ,714 11,676 3,298 2, ,676 11,714 3,026 1, ,954 11,059 4,206 2, ,975 9,929 3,842 1, ,466 9,963 3,505 1, ,532 14,362 5,034 2, ,083 14,856 5,072 2,341 1, ,660 12,577 4,371 1,313 1, ,160 16,445 4,944 1,936 3,238 1, e 32,234 31,256 16,281 15,787 6,560 6,361 1,922 1,864 5,213 5,055 2,258 2,189 Note 1) Include Indonesia etc. Source : IEA, Oil, Gas, Coal and Electricity(2013, 1Q) 60 Energy Info. Korea

61 Energy Info. Korea 61 Korea Energy Economics Institute 9 Imports Total Australia Canada China U.S.A Russian Federation Others 1) Steaming Coal e 1,421 2,600 3,757 5,873 9,006 9,862 8,587 10,677 11,849 11,560 12,333 13,274 17,837 21,798 25,655 27,698 31,919 32,589 33,874 40,026 43,958 46,926 47,642 53,150 52,355 54,422 65,753 75,502 82,324 90,431 96,916 94, ,523 3,067 4,800 5,281 3,916 4,135 3,820 3,870 4,779 5,683 6,502 8,123 9,159 9,935 12,769 15,724 12,233 11,597 12,765 14,398 13,619 18,072 19,850 17,637 14,799 23,347 30,353 26,512 28,470 27, ,157 1,664 1,453 1,071 1,387 1,608 1,348 1,616 1,171 1,443 1,527 2,157 1,859 1,992 2,696 2,364 1,647 2,114 1, ,059 1,450 3,306 4,980 7,944 7,878 6,023 10,639 18,660 22,426 22,931 24,611 19,065 16,253 14,307 17,748 15,536 8,353 5,356 3,254 3, ,658 1, ,171 1,699 2,566 2,058 4,087 3,030 4,058 5,643 6,864 3,994 7,004 10,474 10, ,513 1,754 1,594 1,908 2,501 3,105 4,437 5,804 5,601 5,235 5,749 9,041 11,325 12,681 14,386 16,302 7,605 8,107 5,950 4,884 5,785 6,527 11,497 12,946 17,415 26,433 28,261 36,118 46,513 45,920 44,447 Note 1) Include Indonesia and South Africa etc. (Thousand metric tons)

62 9. Imports Crude Oil Price 62 Energy Info. Korea

63 Korea Energy Economics Institute 9 Imports Crude Oil Imports by Region Energy Info. Korea 63

64 9. Imports 93. Crude Oil Imports by Region and Prices Region(1,000 bbl) Total Middle East Asia Africa , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,971 Source : IEA, Energy Prices and Taxes(2nd Quarter 2013) 5,141 21,942 27,367 39,329 47,996 52,128 51,265 50,980 63,585 62,530 82,695 95,033 99,147 91,083 82,050 98, , ,494 93, , , , , , , , , , , , ,402 88,190 1,467 6,415 12,053 11,705 11,912 9,912 15,141 17,775 17,180 9,689 5,551 12,822 12,876 23,225 37,911 37,024 81,119 61, ,560 67,749 39,155 35,877 34,156 42,874 34,424 42,814 35,557 9,932 11,608 4,592 2,772 9, Energy Info. Korea

65 Korea Energy Economics Institute ImportsDependence on Middle East(%) Imports Price(C&F, $/bbl) Dubai(FOB, $/bbl) Central America & Others 10,348 14,486 11,734 16, , , , Imports 23, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Energy Info. Korea 65

66 코리아인포 내지 :6 PM 페이지66 9. Imports LNG Imports by Region Energy Info. Korea mac 쩖

67 코리아인포 내지 :7 PM 페이지67 쩖 mac Korea Energy Economics Institute (1,000 ton) 9 Imports LNG Imports & Prices Energy Info. Korea 67

68 코리아인포 내지 :38 PM 페이지68 mac 쩖 9. Imports 94. LNG Imports by Region and Prices Imports Price ($/ton) Total ,682 1,898 2,015 2,237 2,494 2,994 4,459 5,996 6,756 9,258 11,471 10,189 12,284 15,239 15,318 17,993 19,308 21,781 22,317 25,256 25,569 27,259 25,822 32,603 36,685 36,184 Indonesia 117 1,682 1,898 2,015 2,237 2,436 2,935 4,112 5,433 4,892 5,975 6,730 6,736 7,943 6,633 4,055 5,256 5,200 5,290 5,502 5,060 3,755 3,053 3,084 5,451 7,894 7,445 Note : Include Russia, Yemen, Equatorial Guinea, Trinidad, Nigeria, Algeria and UAE etc. 68 Energy Info. Korea Malaysia ,040 2,573 3,928 2,851 3,046 2,529 2,175 2,400 2,798 4,638 4,688 5,546 6,161 6,247 5,874 4,745 4,144 4,082

69 코리아인포 내지 :38 PM 페이지69 쩖 mac Korea Energy Economics Institute Region (1,000 ton) Brunei Qutar 480 3,251 4,655 5,123 5,694 5,818 6,211 6,458 8,031 8,744 6,973 7,449 8,153 10,278 Oman 1,619 3,784 3,970 4,714 4,411 4,244 5,221 4,792 4,544 4,551 4,557 4,195 4,127 Australia Others ,314 1, ) ,420 1,818 3,535 3,496 8,584 10,756 8,647 Energy Info. Korea 69 9 Imports

70 10. Prices Major Petroleum Products 1 Major Petroleum Products 2 70 Energy Info. Korea

71 Energy Info. Korea Prices of Major Petroleum Products , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,572.5 Gasoline Kerosene Diesel BC Propane Butane 1) won/$ won/$ Note 1) Residential Commercial Korea Energy Economics Institute 10 Prices

72 10. Prices Electricity 72 Energy Info. Korea

73 Energy Info. Korea 73 Korea Energy Economics Institute 10 Prices 102. Average Revenues per kwh Sold (won / kwh) Average Residential Industrial Commercial Agricultural

74 10. Prices Town Gas 74 Energy Info. Korea

75 Korea Energy Economics Institute 103. Town Gas per m 3 (won / m 3 ) Average Residential Industrial Commercial ) Note 1) On June 30, ) Retail prices in Seoul. Source : Korea City Gas Association, Yearbook(2013) Energy Info. Korea Prices

76 11. Reserves & Distribution Map 111. Major Coal Fields Source : 76 Energy Info. Korea

77 Korea Energy Economics Institute 112. Metallic Mineral 11 Reserves & Distributi on Map Source : Energy Info. Korea 77

78 11. Reserves & Distribution Map 113. Electric Power Transmission Source : 78 Energy Info. Korea

79 Korea Energy Economics Institute 114. LNG Pipeline Network 11 Reserves & Distributi on Map Source : Energy Info. Korea 79

80 12. Energy Consumption in the Korean Peninsula Primary Energy Supply Mtoe 80 Energy Info. Korea

81 Korea Energy Economics Institute 12 Energy Mtoe Consumption in the Korean Peninsula Energy Info. Korea 81

82 12. Energy Consumption in the Korean Peninsula 121. Primary Energy Supply R. O. K Total Coal Oil Hydro Nuclear Others 1) Total ,911 13,199 26, ,517 21, ,296 22,022 27, ,186 2,031 24, ,192 24,385 50,175 1,590 13,222 3,820 23, ,619 24,535 59,627 1,263 14,078 4,116 21, ,010 23,618 71,740 1,216 14,133 5,303 20, ,879 25,882 78,495 1,502 14,535 6,465 19, ,234 26,680 86,342 1,025 14,663 8,524 17, ,437 28,092 93,955 1,369 16,757 10,264 17, ,212 32,200 99,898 1,301 18,481 13,332 15, ,638 34, ,080 1,351 19,272 16,136 14, ,932 36,039 90,582 1,525 22,422 15,364 14, ,363 38,156 97,270 1,517 25,766 18,654 14, ,887 42, ,280 1,402 27,241 21,053 15, ,409 45, ,385 1,038 28,033 23,242 16, ,636 49, ,414 1,327 29,776 26,023 15, ,067 51, ,379 1,722 32,415 27,435 16, ,238 53, ,638 1,465 32,679 32,328 16, ,622 54, ,526 1,297 36,695 34,316 17, ,372 56, ,831 1,305 37,187 36,363 17, ,454 59, ,494 1,084 30,731 39,291 15, ,752 66, ,170 1,196 32,456 40,869 16, ,311 68, ,336 1,213 31,771 39,388 15, ,609 75, ,301 1,392 31,948 49,072 15, ,346 79, ,022 1,715 32,285 52,931 15,662 Note 1) Include LNG and renewable energy Source : Statistics Korea(KOSIS) 82 Energy Info. Korea

83 Korea Energy Economics Institute (1,000 toe) D. P. R. K toe per capita Coal Oil Hydro Nuclear Others 1) R. O. K D. P. R. K 15,135 2,100 2,658 1, ,750 1,960 3,110 1, ,575 2,520 3,748 1, ,500 1,890 3, ,600 1,520 3, ,550 1,360 3, , , ,850 1,100 3, ,500 1,436 3, ,300 1,006 2, ,300 1,400 2, , , ,250 11,550 10,950 1,117 1,250 1,253 2,540 2,650 2, Energy 11,150 1,219 2, Consumption in the Korean 11,400 1,230 3, Peninsula 12,030 1,034 3, , ,155 1, , ,320 1, , ,517 1, , ,116 1, , ,352 1, , ,352 1, Energy Info. Korea 83

84 12. Energy Consumption in the Korean Peninsula Generating Facilities ,611 MW ,262 MW 84 Energy Info. Korea

85 Korea Energy Economics Institute 122. Generating Facilities (MW) R. O. K D. P. R. K. Total Hydro Thermal 1) Nuclear Total Hydro Thermal 1) Nuclear ,391 1,157 7, ,010 2,910 2, ,137 2,223 11,048 2,866 5,915 3,310 2, ,021 2,340 10,065 7,616 7,142 4,292 2, ,111 2,445 11,050 7,616 7,142 4,292 2, ,120 2,498 14,007 7,616 7,142 4,292 2, ,654 2,504 17,534 7,616 7,142 4,292 2, ,750 2,493 18,641 7,616 7,237 4,337 2, ,184 3,093 20,475 8,616 7,237 4,337 2, ,715 3,094 23,005 9,616 7,387 4,437 2, ,042 3,115 27,612 10,316 7,387 4,437 2, ,406 3,131 28,259 12,016 7,387 4,437 2, ,978 3,148 30,114 13,716 7,387 4,437 2, ,451 50,859 53,801 3,149 3,876 3,876 31,586 33,267 34,209 13,716 13,716 15,716 7,552 7,752 7,772 4,592 4,792 4,812 2,960 2,960 2, Energy ,053 3,877 36,460 15,716 7,772 4,812 2,960 Consumption in the Korean ,961 3,879 39,366 16,716 7,772 4,812 2,960 Peninsula ,258 3,883 40,660 17,716 7,822 4,812 3, ,514 5,485 42,314 17,716 7,822 4,812 3, ,268 5,492 45,060 17,716 7,952 4,942 3, ,491 5,505 49,270 17,716 7,497 4,487 3, ,470 5,515 50,239 17,716 6,928 3,918 3, ,078 5,525 52,838 17,716 6,968 3,958 3, ,342 6,418 54,208 18,716 6,920 3,960 2,960 Note 1) Include Alternative and Group energy Source : Statistics Korea(KOSIS) Energy Info. Korea 85

86 12. Energy Consumption in the Korean Peninsula Electric Power Generation by Facilities ,424 GWh ,972 GWh 86 Energy Info. Korea

87 Korea Energy Economics Institute 123. Electric Power Generation by Facility (GWh) R. O. K D. P. R. K. Total Hydro Thermal 1) Nuclear Total Hydro Thermal 1) Nuclear ,239 1,984 31,778 3,477 21,200 10,600 10, ,007 3,659 37,603 16,745 25,100 12,300 12, ,670 6,361 48,422 52,887 27,700 15,600 12, ,619 5,051 57,257 56,311 26,300 15,030 11, ,963 4,863 69,569 56,530 24,700 14,200 10, ,437 6,006 80,293 58,138 22,100 13,300 8, ,993 4, ,244 58,651 23,100 13,800 9, ,661 5, ,154 67,029 23,000 14,200 8, ,494 5, ,368 73,924 21,300 12,500 8, ,445 5, ,005 77,086 19,300 10,700 8, ,300 6, ,512 89,689 17,000 10,200 6, ,325 6, , ,064 18,600 10,300 8, , , ,474 5,610 4,151 5, , , , , , ,103 19,400 20,200 19,000 10,200 10,600 10,600 9,200 9,600 8, Energy ,452 6, , ,672 19,600 11,700 7,900 Consumption in the Korean ,148 5, , ,715 20,600 12,500 8,100 Peninsula ,639 5, , ,779 21,500 13,100 8, ,181 5, , ,749 22,500 12,600 9, ,125 5, , ,937 23,600 13,300 10, ,355 5, , ,958 25,640 14,070 11, ,604 5, , ,771 23,500 12,500 11, ,660 6, , ,596 23,700 13,400 10, ,893 7, , ,723 21,100 13,200 7,900 Note 1) Include Alternative and Group energy Source : Statistics Korea(KOSIS) Energy Info. Korea 87

88 12. Energy Consumption in the Korean Peninsula Refinery Capacity 88 Energy Info. Korea

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