에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 17, Number 2, September 2018 : pp. 147~181 정책 국내도시가구전력소비효율의결정요인분석
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1 에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 17, Number 2, September 2018 : pp. 147~181 정책 국내도시가구전력소비효율의결정요인분석
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25 < 표 15> 소득별가구의전력효율추정결과정리
26 [ 그림 1] 국내도시가구의전력소비효율회귀분석추정치연도별변화
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34 < 부표 1> 국내도시가구의전력소비효율회귀분석추정치에대한 p 값 : 전체표본 < 부표 2> 국내도시가구의전력소비효율회귀분석추정치에대한 p 값 : 소득 1 분위 < 부표 3> 국내도시가구의전력소비효율회귀분석추정치에대한 p 값 : 소득 2 분위 < 부표 4> 국내도시가구의전력소비효율회귀분석추정치에대한 p 값 : 소득 3 분위 < 부표 5> 국내도시가구의전력소비효율회귀분석추정치에대한 p 값 : 소득 4 분위
35 ABSTRACT This study analyzed the determinants of residential electricity efficiency in Korea where the importance of electricity demand management in households is increasing. According to empirical analysis result, the increase in income or the decline in the electricity price leads to the inefficiency of residential electricity consumption. Also, as the number of elderly households increases or the number of households residing in apartments increases, the household electricity efficiency improves. On the other hand, the increase in one-person households was found to have a negative effect on the electricity efficiency improvement. It is confirmed that the increase of cooling demand has a little effect on residential electricity efficiency, but the increase in heating demand results in deterioration of residential electricity efficiency. Therefore, improving the efficiency of both heating equipment and residential buildings heating means helping to improve the electricity efficiency of total households. Also, it implies that the policy to improve electricity efficiency should be further strengthened for non-apartment housing. Key Words : electricity efficiency, Heating demand, Aging, One-person household
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