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의료기관인력현황에따른 혈액투석환자의입원에미치는영향 연세대학교보건대학원 보건정책관리전공 최훈희
의료기관인력현황에따른 혈액투석환자의입원에미치는영향 지도박은철교수 이논문을보건학석사학위논문으로제출함 년 월일 연세대학교보건대학원 보건정책관리전공 최훈희
최훈희의보건학석사학위논문을인준함 연세대학교보건대학원 년 월 일
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[ABSTRACT] The association between hospital staffing and risk of hospitalization in chronic kidney disease who received hemodialysis treatment Hoon-Hee Choi Department of Health Policy & Management The Graduate School of Health Science and Management Yonsei University (Supervised by Professor Eun-Cheol Park, MD, PhD) Background The number of patient with hemodialysis gradually increased in South Korea. There were the concerns about reducing quality of care in hemodialysis. Therefore, we aim to investigate the risk of hospitalization in patients of hemodialysis by the patient and hospital characteristics. Methods We used data from National Health Insurance (NHI) claims during Oct. 2013-Sep.2014, and included 6,028,712 outpatient cases of 47,891 chronic kidney disease (CKD) outpatients who received hemodialysis. We performed the Poisson regression analysis using generalized estimated equation (GEE) that included both outpatient and hospital variables to examine the factors associated with hospitalization of CKD patients. Results Among 6,028,712 outpatient cases, 35,517 cases (0.59%) were hospitalized during the study period. The higher percentages of hemodialysis specialist or - 83 -
higher number of nurse in hemodialysis had inverse association with risk of hospitalization (per increases 10% blood transfusion specialists: RR=0.989, 95% CI=0.980-0.998; per increase 10 nurses in blood fusion: RR=0.886, 95% CI=0.817-0.983). In addition, sub-quality hospital for healthcare quality assessment had positive association with risk of hospitalization. Conclusions Our findings suggest that hospitals with better quality of human resources related to hemodialysis or hospitals which observe standard for hemodialysis could prevent the deterioration of CKD outpatient. Based on our findings, health policy makers and professionals should make an effort to implement strategy for the optimal management of CKD patients. key words : hemodialysis, chronic kidney disease, hospitalization - 84 -