창의와모방의갈림길 디지털컨버전스바로알기 2010. 11. 27
1.1 단어의의미 디지털 (Digital) Digital systems record or transmit information in the form of thousands of very small signals. 컨버전스 (Convergence) 한점으로집합함 ; 집중성 The convergence of different ideas, groups, or societies is the process by which they stop being different and become more similar
1.2 왜컨버전스인가? Bible 해아래새것이없나니.. Andrew Hargadon * Innovation as Invention vs. Innovation as Recombination 비용대비효과? * Andrew Hargadon: How Breakthroughs Happen, 2003
1.3 컨버전스성공사례
1.3 컨버전스성공사례
1.3 컨버전스성공사례 태양의서커스가치곡선 높음 제거스타곡예사동물묘기쇼구내매점복합쇼무대 감소 재미와유머 스릴과위험 새로운가치요소발굴 증가 창조 가격 독특한공연장 테마 세련된관람환경 다양한공연작품 예술적음악과무용 낮음 가격 기존가치요소재구성 스타 동물 구내 곡예사 묘기쇼 매점 복합쇼무대 재미와유머 스릴과위험 독특한공연장 테마 세련된관람환경 다양한공연작품 예술적음악과무용
1.4 사전적정의 위키피디아 ( 한글판 ) 디지털컨버젼스 (Digital Convergence) 는하나의기기나서비스에모든정보통신기술이융합되는현상을말한다. 기본적인통화기능뿐아니라디지털카메라, MP3, 방송, 금융기능까지갖춘휴대전화, 와이브로 (Wibro) 와같은유무선의결합등이대표적인예이다. 또통신과방송을연결한 DMB 서비스가상용화되면서휴대전화나차량용리시버에서방송을시청할수있게됐다. 이처럼영상, 음성, 데이터등종류가다른미디어가단말기나네트워크에관계없이융합되어새로운서비스를만들어낸다. ' 컨버젼스 ' 의본래단어의뜻은 융합 으로, 디지털컨버젼스에서는여러기능을복합적으로쓸수있게만든제품을뜻한다. 반대되는개념은디버젼스로, 전문적으로사용되는기능만을강조하는제품을말한다.
1.4 사전적정의 위키피디아 ( 영어판 ) Digital convergence refers to the convergence of four industries into one conglomerate, ITTCE (Information Technologies, Telecommunication, Consumer Electronics, and Entertainment. Examples of this shifting trend are: Microsoft's Xbox (From IT to Entertainment), Apple's iphone (From IT to Telecomm), and Sony's Vaio (From Consumer Electronics to IT). This provides new, innovative solutions to consumers and business users. Based on digital technologies and digitized content it encompasses converged devices (such as smartphones, laptops, internet enabled entertainment devices and set top boxes), converged applications (e.g. music download on PC and handheld) and converged networks (IP networks). According to Harry Strasser, former CTO of Siemens "[digital convergence will substantially impact people's lifestyle and work style]". The next hot trend in digital convergence is converged content, mixing personal (user generated) content with professional (copyright protected) content. An example are personal music videos that combine user generated photos with chart music. The German startup Trivid GmbH has developed an award winning solution, Clipgenerator, that enables users to create personal music videos with popular chart music and to share them in social communities such as facebook, myspace and beo. Digital convergence also refers to the digitizing of traditional media. For example, during the advent of personal computers, text-only documents were the first to be digitized. Increasingly, graphics would be digitized, at first simple illustrations, then eventually photographs. Digital sound evolved from series of single-tone "beeps" to very detailed audio encodings. The term doesn't necessarily refer only to the existence of technology, but also the mainstream integration of such technology. For example, as of the beginning of the 21st century, animated holograms exist, but are far from being commonplace, whereas one might imagine that such technology will be available for home use in the same way as laptops are available to the general public today. Other terms may be used for this phenomena. Siliwood, for example, is a portmanteau of Silicon Valley and Hollywood, referring to all aspects of cinema digitizing, from digital cameras replacing film stock, to computer-generated effects replacing physical special effects.
1.5 디지털컨버전스구분 디지털 디지털 서비스 인간 산업
1.5 디지털컨버전스구분 디지털 디지털
1.5 디지털컨버전스구분 디지털 서비스
1.5 디지털컨버전스구분 디지털 인간
1.5 디지털컨버전스구분 디지털 산업???
1.6 Convergence vs. Divergence vs.
1.7 디지털컨버전스진화단계 단품 결합상품 ( 단순번들링 ) 컨버전스 ( 솔루션 ) 정의 다양한공급자가서로독립적인제품을여러플랫폼을통해서공급 단일공급자가여러제품을묶어서다양한플랫폼을통해공급 단일공급자가통합 ( 기술적으로컨버전스 ) 된제품을단일플랫폼을통하여공급 IP 서비스 IP 서비스 사례 데이터접속무선통신 데이터접속무선통신 통합솔루션 ( 서비스간경계제거 ) 유선통신 유선통신 출처 : www.arg.co.kr
2. 디지털컨버전스사례 2.1 유선과무선컨버전스 KT 셀룰러폰 듀얼모드폰 FMC * 유선전화요금 무선전화요금 Wi-Fi 폰 SKT 할인존내부 할인존외부 T- 존 FMS ** 유선수준요금 일반무선전화요금 * : Fixed Mobile Convergence ** : Fixed Mobile Substitution
2. 디지털컨버전스사례 2.2 통신과방송컨버전스 IPTV mylgtv QOOK SK 브로드밴드 사용자참여, 양방향성 곰 TV Web TV 판도라 TV 다음팟플레이어
2. 디지털컨버전스사례 2.3 모바일과인터넷컨버전스 vs.
2. 디지털컨버전스사례 2.4 산업과산업간컨버전스 Information Technology
2. 디지털컨버전스사례 2.5 u-city 도시문제해결 + 도시경쟁력향상 = Paradigm Shift 인구집중과공간격리로도시문제심화, 재정자립취약, 도시간경쟁심화, 삶의질저하 접근성, 경제성, 쾌적성, 편리성효율성, 문화성, 자족성, 안전성 도시문제해결도시경쟁력확보 도시기능 Public Business Living 교통, 방재, 보건, 환경민원, 도시관리, 치안 의료, 금융, 상거래, 생산통신, 방송, 경영 취사, 위생, 쇼핑, 교육, 문화, 오락 도시공간및기능의재구성 업무단지 도시물리공간 SOC 주택단지 녹지, 공원 간선도로 상업단지 교량 폐기물처리시설 / 유수지도시간고속도로 새로운도시개발과운영방식 Total Solution 송유관 지하철 / 지하도공동구 ( 전기 / 가스 / 상하수도 / 통신 )
3. 디지털컨버전스의미래 3.1 All-in-one vs. Convergence+Divergence A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + I + J + K + L + M + N + O + P + Q + R + S + T + U + V + W + X + Y + Z vs. A + B + C A + E + Z A + B + D A + O + V