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Methamphetamine ( ).. methamphetamine "speed," "meth," and "chalk.". Methamphetamine hydrochloride crystal "ice," "crystal," and "glass." smoking.

Butorphanol Morphine Butorphanol 1. Clinically used opioid analgesic agent 2. Mixed agonist/antagonist acts on opioid receptor (agonist on kappa receptor, antagonist on mu receptor) 3. Low abuse potential 4. Chronic use: development of tolerance and dependence

Glutamate (% of baseline)) Increases of extracellular glutamate within the locus coeruleus during butrophanol withdrawal 200 150 NLX Injection * Chronic Sal (NLX 48 nmol/5µl) Chronic Butor (NLX 48 nmol/5 µl) 100 50 0-15 0 15 30 45 60 Time after LC naloxone injection (min)

Acute i.c.v. injection of butorphanol does not affect extracellular glutamate within the locus coeruleus Glutamate (% of baseline) 200 150 100 50 Injection Saline Butorphanol (26 nmol/5µl) 0-15 0 15 30 45 60 Time after acute i.c.v. injection of butorphanol (min)

1. Glutamate: Major excitatory neurotransmitter in CNS 2. Glutamate receptor: NMDA, AMPA, Kainate 3. NMDA receptor : Involved in the phenomena of opioid dependence and withdrawal Glu Glu Glu Glu GluCa 2+ NMDA R Ca 2+ Ca bnos 2+ Arginine NO - + Altered gene expression Nucleus

Experimental Protocol SD rats 220-240 g 1 week 3 days Surgery for i.c.v. Implant Osmotic pump Butorphanol (26 nmol/ µl/hr) Brain section (20 um) for Autoradiography In situ hybridization

Chronic microinfusion into icv by using osmotic minipump Butorphanol was infused (26 nmol/1 l/hr) for 3 days

Autoradiography of [ 3 H]MK-801 50 mm Tris-HCl 10 nm [ 3 H]MK-801 Incubate : 120 min at 25 Film expose : 4 weeks

Conventional film and densitometry film slide latent image development & fixation autoradiograph computer with image acquisition software A/D converter stable light source (laser scanning)

Cortex CPu Thalamus Hippocampus DG Cerebellum

Changes of [ 3 H]MK-801 binding by butorphanol Control Tolerance Withdrawal

** ** ** **


Prescription of NA1700 Greenlife World Inc. ( ) NA1700 (COEX) 1.Orange Peel...163mg 2.Penny Root 160mg 3.Angelica Herb... 120mg 4.Sandalwood.. 120mg 5.Poria...80mg 6.Common Motherwort.80mg 7.Licorice...80mg 8.Valeria Root... 62mg 9.Geranium.....60mg 10.Piperis Nigris Fructus...35mg 11.Peppermint....20mg 12.Cinnamon.. 20mg 13.Cystein..qs 14.Glutathione..qs ---------------------------------------- Total 1000mg/capsule

NA1700 suppress the nalbuphine-induced withdrawal signs

NA1700 inhibits the nalbuphine-induced perk expression perk (optical density) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Cortex * * 44KDa 42KDa perk (optical density) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Hippocam 44KDa 42KDa 0 0 Saline Nalbu NA1700 Nalbu+NA Saline Nalbu NA1700 Nalbu+NA perk (optical density) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Striatum * 44KDa 42KDa 44pERK 42pERK 0 Saline Nalbu NA1700 Nalbu+NA

NA1700 inhibits the methamphetamine-induced CPP 200 ** Time in Sec 100 0 + + -100 Sal Sal NA 250 NA 500 Meth 2mg/kg

NA1700 decreases the apomorphine-induced locomotion in methamphetamine treated rats Locomotor Activity (Counts/min) 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Total * + + Sal Meth NA250 NA500 Methamph Locomotor Activity (Counts/min) 2000 1000 0 Time 0 5 10 15 20 Minutes sal Meth NA 250 + Meth NA 500 + Meth

Clinical approach with NA1700 Tx) Treat the 110 abusers with NA1700 for 3-7 days 1) Martin Luther King Jr. Medical Center (U.S.A.) (5 ) 2) A.P.Y Lab (Israel) (10 ) Cocaine, heroine addiction 3) Army Hospital (Miyanma) (16 ) 4) Rumah Sakit Graha Medika (Indonesia) (46 ) Opium, methamphetamine, heroine addiction 5) Ansan City Hospital (China) (30 ) 6) Specialist Internal Medicine (Iran) (3 ) Opium, heroine, methadone, Marijuana addiction Ameliorate the withdrawal syndrome Abolish the rewarding Greenlife World Inc. ( )

Clinical approach with NA1700 Rumah Sakit Graha Medika, Indonesia Greenlife World Inc. ( )

Clinical approach with NA1700 Greenlife World Inc. ( )

NA1700 Greenlife World Inc. ( )

NA1700 NA1700 (COEX) NA1700 NA1700, 6 4 3-6 10:00AM 2:00PM 6:00PM 10:00PM 2:00AM 6:00AM 10:00AM Greenlife World Inc. ( )

NA1700 Greenlife World Inc. ( )

NA1700 NA-1700 4 1 3 6... Greenlife World Inc. ( )


These results indicate that Natural product (NA1700) could be developed as good anti-narcotic medicine without a severe side effect.

NA-1700... NA-1700. NA-1700. pool.