A Study on Information Universe 2011-09-26 Eunjeong Lucy Park 525600min@gmail.com
Prologue Analytics Web Analytics Google Analytics A tool to quantitatively measure what happens on your website A business process used to continuously improve an online business Measuring and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data Continuously improving a website and changing business strategy 2
Analytics? 3
Analytics! Ex: GA Map Overlay report 아주기본적인 segmentation 분석 Advanced Segmentation, Custom Reporting, 국가외에도 campaign 종류, 브라우저버전등의 dimension 을이용할수있음 dimensions 4
Analytics. 우리가원하는것은단순한 hit collector 이아니다. Then the objective. 우리가궁극적으로원하는것은? 다양한플랫폼에서트래픽정보를모아서다각적으로분석할수있는통합시스템 Go beyond tracking basic traffic to our websites and begin understanding if our websites are adding to the bottom line of our business (or lives) 5
Contents 1. Introduction to Google Analytics 2. Main Features 3. What Lies Beneath 4. Conclusion 6
A Brief History (1/2) 2005 2006 2011 Buys Adaptive Path s Measure Map, an interactive system (February 2006) Still sells standalone Urchin v7 1) (June 11) Acquires Urchin Software Corp. for Urchin on Demand, an analytics system (April 2005) Opened Google-branded version (November 2005) 1) http://www.roirevolution.com/urchin/ 7
A Brief History (2/2) 2007 2005 2004 GA.js urchin.js 8
How Much Popular? 개시한지 5 년이지난오늘, GA 는크고작은수백만개의웹사이트에서사용중 9
Contents 1. Introduction to Google Analytics 2. Main Features 3. What Lies Beneath 4. Conclusion 10
Website Traffic Overall summary Who are they? 누가언제방문했는지재방문률이얼마나되며얼마나오랫동안사이트에머물렀는지 Where are they from? 어디서주로방문했는지 How did they visit? 방문자들이어떤경로로어떤키워드를통해유입되었는지 Why did they visit? 어떤페이지를가장많이봤으며 Bounce rate 는얼마나되는지 11
Advertising ROI (1/2) Goals/conversions 캠페인이나특정목적에부합하는행동이취해지는지확인가능 1) Ex: 상품의구입, 회원등록등 Campaign tracking E-mail, 배너등을통한유입도 tracking 가능 1) http://conversionroom.blogspot.com/2008_12_01_archive.html 12
Advertising ROI (2/2) AdWords, AdSense와결합 검색어분석등을통해어떤키워드가 AdWords에적합할지판단가능 Average time on site 가높은키워드는, 방문자에게유익했음을알수있음 사이트내의어떤페이지가 AdSense 수익을가장많이발생시키는지알수있음 13
E-commerce 인터넷쇼핑몰의경우, GA 상에서매출분석가능 14
Industry Benchmarking 경쟁기업과의비교 GA는다른경쟁사이트의 traffic과직접적으로비교할수없음 하지만해당 industry와는비교가능 단, aggregation 에동의한기업들만 15
Contents 1. Introduction to Google Analytics 2. Main Features 3. What Lies Beneath 4. Conclusion 16
The Tracking Code Page tags Google이데이터를모으는방식 Tracking하고싶은모든웹페이지에심어야하는짧은 JavaScript 소스 a.k.a. GATC (Google Analytics Tracking Code) Mobile tracking code 1) 브라우저또는기기보다는 server level에서데이터수집 iphone과 Android 앱들에한하여 App tracking도가능 앱은 user experience 가일반웹사이트와다르기때문에 tracking 도근본적으로다름 1) http://code.google.com/intl/ko-kr/mobile/analytics/docs/web/ 17
Data Collection and Processing Process Data collection 1 방문자가 web server로부터페이지를요청하여방문자의브라우저로페이지를전송함 2 브라우저가 GATC 를읽기시작하면방문자에대한정보를수집함 ( 전에방문한적이있는지, OS가뭔지등 ) 3 수집된정보를 first-party cookie에담음 4 ga.js를로딩하고나서수집된 pageview 데이터를 utm.gif를통해 GA server로전송 ( 어떤페이지들을봤는지등 ) 5 Log file과같은형태로이데이터를임시저장 Data processing (done approx. every 3 hrs, but normally not complete until 24 hrs after collection) 7 Log file 의각 attribute ( 방문시간, IP 주소등 ) 을 field 라는 element 로변환 ( 이는차후또다시 dimension 으로변환 ) 6, 8, 9 각종 configuration setting 들이데이터에적용됨 10 데이터를최종적으로 DB 에저장 ( 이이후로는데이터에절대로변화가있을수없음 ) 18
Reports GA에접속하면, report들은 real-time으로생성됨 Metric: a numerical piece of information Visits, pageviews, bounce rate, conversion rate, revenue, 등등 Metric 하나하나는웹사이트자체에대한통계량 (Ex: conversion rate가 2.7%) Reporting 이란, dimension 과 metric 을연결짓는작업 Ex: CITY dimension 에대한 conversion rate 19
Apps GA 를보다잘활용할수있게 3 rd party 분석솔루션제공 1) 4Q Suite 2) BAM Analytics Pro, Nextanalytics for Excel, GA Data Grabber, and lots more! 1) http://www.google.com/analytics/apps/ 2) http://www.4qsurvey.com/ 20
GATC Technological Limitations 그러나 GATC에는몇가지내재적인한계점이있음 광고필터 extension 또는프로그램이 GATC를막을수있음 Ex: Firefox's Adblock Missing data를발생시킴 보안네트워크는방문자의위치정보를부정확하게함 자바스크립트를사용하지않거나막아놓은경우에도사용불가 하지만이경우는많지않음 2007년기준, EU: 1.4%, US: 3.05% 1) 쿠키를삭제하거나막는경우는 GA의성능에지대한영향을미침 2) 서버의과중한 load를막고, 빠른 reporting을위해분석을 500,000개의샘플링된방문으로한정시키며, 이는통계적오차를발생시킴 3) 특히, 아주작은데이터 segment 의경우, 오차는매우클수있음 1) http://visualrevenue.com/blog/2007/08/eu-and-us-javascript-disabled-index.html 2) http://www.advanced-web-metrics.com/blog/2008/02/16/accuracy-whitepaper/ 3) http://cutroni.com/blog/2009/04/21/segmentation-options-in-google-analytics/ 21
Contents 1. Introduction to Google Analytics 2. Main Features 3. What Lies Beneath 4. Conclusion 22
Advantages GA가좋은이유 설치가간편함 특별한소프트웨어설치없이 JavaScript 코드삽입만으로설치 1) 전자상거래관련데이터분석지원 목표설정기능 매출, 거래건수, 제품별매출실적등다양한데이터조회가능 Customization 가능 Element 들을 drag-and-drop으로쉽게이동시킬수있음 API와 developer platform 제공 80 종류이상의 visual, custom 리포트제공 수치로표시할뿐아니라, 원형그래프막대그래프등으로출력가능 Text, XML 등으로변환다운로드및 scheduled e-mailing 지원 Cross-channel, multimedia tracking이가능 Mobile, Flash, video, 소셜네트워크, 사이트내부검색등 방문자의개인정보보호및안정적인 tracking을위한first party cookie 사용 Free! 1) 단, 전자상거래분석을위해서는쇼핑몰사이트의 DB 값을활용해야하므로프로그램필요 23
Disadvantages GA가아쉬운이유 웹사이트의성능을저하시킬수있음? 1,2) 2009 년 12 월에 asynchronous JavaScript code 를발표하여개선 3) 데이터가간혹비거나, 부정확할수있음 JavaScript enabled 브라우저, and cookies 방문자가 bounce 하는경우, 웹사이트에얼마나있었는지알수없음 Privacy 안전하다는데 과연? Real-time analytics 가아님 데이터가분석되는데까지시간이소요됨 Real-time 또는 intra-day reporting 을할수없음 4) 1) http://www.analyticsmarket.com/blog/tracking-code-slows-my-site 2) http://www.woopra.com/blog/2009/02/04/is-google-analytics-slow-or-not/ 3) http://googlecode.blogspot.com/2009/12/google-analytics-launches-asynchronous.html 4) Real time용분석도구는여기에 : http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/real-time-web-analytics-services-best-of/ 24
GA and IU? 정보우주에는수많은웹사이트가존재하는가운데, GA는 블로그의유입경로분석부터 상업적웹사이트의매출분석에이르기까지다양한영역에서커다란역할을수행하고있으며, 할것으로기대 특히, what is working, what is not working 을알수있게해줄것임 Yet, the UNIVERSE of web analytics is much bigger than GA! 25
Non-noted References Cutroni, J. (2010). Google Analytics, O Reilly. Official GA Blog http://analytics.blogspot.com/ Unofficial GA Blog http://roirevolution.com/blog 6 Powerful Google Analytics Features http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/google-analytics-why-you-probably-dont-need-therest/ Real Time Web Analytics Services Best Of http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/real-time-web-analytics-services-best-of/ Any Questions? 26