대한미용외과학회 우 ) 137-070 서울시서초구반포동 706-6 진령빌딩 501호전화 ) 02-566-8201 팩스 ) 02-566-7642 이-메일 : ksas-2001@hanmail.net (www.cosmeticdr.or.kr) 문서번호 : KSAS 17-0615 2017 년 6 월 15 일 수 발 제 신 : 의료기업체부스전시담당자 신 : 대한미용외과학회사무국 목 : 제 35 회대한미용외과학회추계학술대회개최에따른부스전시협조요청 행사개요 행사명 : 제35회대한미용외과학회추계학술대회제5회국제줄기세포심포지엄제17회국제안검성형심포지엄 주 관 : 대한미용외과학회 [KSAS] 일시 : 2017년 9월 3일 ( 일 ) 장소 : 르메르디앙호텔다빈치볼룸 ( 역삼동, 신논현역 ) * 구리츠칼튼호텔 ( 현재새롭게내부공사중입니다 ) 문의 : 사무국 02-566-8201 안녕하십니까? 귀사의무궁한발전을기원합니다. 이번제35회대한미용외과학회추계학술대회에부스참가요청드립니다. 이번대회에서는다양하고세분화된요구를반영하기위해서미용수술과시술의학술영역을대폭확장하고개편하였습니다. 국내의저명한교수및연자가미용수술및 Petti, Dermatology, 줄기세포등학술이론에서임상술기까지최신지견을한국어강의를통해발표하고, 저명한해외연자도다수초대되어개원가선생님들께실질적인도움을드리고자합니다. 대한미용외과학회는더많은국내의사의참여와학술적완성도를높이기위해많은정책적변화및홍보시스템을강화하고있으며, 이런정책을더발전시켜학술적완성도와더불어, 참여업체의제품홍보와판매에더욱더실질적인도움을드릴수있도록강의를새롭게기획하였습니다. 쁘띠성형과레이저시술관련강의를대폭확대하여개별제품관련강의가충분히들어가도록개편하였고, 학술대회초대권증정등여러가지의지원을적극적으로하겠습니다. 많은성원과참여를부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.
부스전시및관련사항안내 1. 전시기간 : 2017년 9월 3일 ( 일 ) 오전 8시 00분 ~ 오후 6시 -부스설치시간추후공지 2. 전시장소 : 리츠칼튼호텔그랜드볼룸로비 3. 부스가격 : 1부스 - 250만원 ( 부스규격 : 300 200) -부가세없음 -메인존 ( 접수데스크주변 ) 은사무국에별도문의바랍니다. 4. 1부스당제공사항 : 1kw 간선, 테이블 (180cm x 80cm x 높이 75cm) 1개, 의자 2개, 식권 2매, 종일주차권, 초록집, 대회장출입명찰 5. 부스참가신청및입금마감 : 2017년 8월 23일 -입금계좌번호: 국민은행 394437-04-003555 ( 예금주 : 대한미용외과학회 ) 6. 부스참가업체특전 ( 학술대회초대권지원및제품관련강의신청 ) 1) 학술대회초대권증정 - 참가업체에 1부스당학술대회무료등록초대권 20매증정 ** 학술대회등록초대권은반드시대한미용외과학회홈페이지에서사전등록해야합니다. 2) 제품관련강의신청 [ 신청마감 7월 31일 ] ( 일반강의시간 : 15분 Live Video 가능, 강의의형태및주제에따라강의시간조절협의가능 ) 귀사의제품과관련된강의를별도의비용없이실어드립니다. -선착순으로시간대를협의하에배정합니다. -부스참가신청서작성시기재사항 1) 강의제목, 강사의이름, 병원, 연락처를명기하여학술대회초록신청서를작성 2) 강사의초록과사진을대한미용외과학회로보내주시기바랍니다. 8. 부스자리배정 -메인존및 2부스이상신청업체에우선권이있으며, 부스비입금순서대로협의하에우선배정되며나머지는추첨으로결정됩니다. -추첨일: 2017년 8월 24일 ( 목 ) 오후 2시 ( 장소추후공지 ) 9. 초록집광고비안내 ( 초록집광고마감 : 2017년 8월 20일 ) 구분초록집광고비용규격 (mm) 표4 100만원 210 280 표2 80만원 210 280 표3 60만원 210 280 내지 50만원 210 280 10. 제품 ( 경품 ) 협찬모집안내부스전시관람및회사의제품홍보효과를위해서의사참가자를상대로한사은품추첨이벤트를진행할예정이며본이벤트를위한귀사의제품을경품으로지급하는것을모집중입니다. 이는귀사의제품및회사의홍보효과를얻을수있도록품목을학술대회의온-라인홍보물과초록집의 협찬지원업체 목록에올려드립니다. 관심이있으신업체는부스참가신청서에기재하시거나사무국으로문의해주시면고맙겠습니다.
제 35 회대한미용외과학회추계학술대회학술프로그램 (1 차 ) * 본프로그램은 1 차프로그램이며세부적인수정이있을수있습니다. 최종프로그램은 8 월 3 일에공지예정이며 7 월 31 일까지연제를추가적으로모집합니다. ( 연제신청관련문의전화 : 02-566-8201) Room A Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Procedures 최소침습시술 08:20 개회사 (Opening Welcome Message) Session Ⅰ Thread Lifting 1(The New Trend) 모르면뒤처지는새로운실의트렌드 08:30~09:10 실리프팅 - 언제까지당기기만할것인가? 다양한실의올바른활용알아보가 - 허와실 -캐번 / 리텐스 / 실루엣소프트를이용한 3D 입체얼굴만들기 1. 캐번 - 어디에어떻게쓰고어떻게좋아지나? 2. 리텐스 - 어디에어떻게쓰고어떻게좋아지나? 3. 실루엣소프트 - 어디에어떻게쓰고어떻게좋아지나? Functional Thread lifting by Cavern, Retense, Silhoutte Soft Kang Hwa-sin (Chung Chun Clinic) 09:10~09:30 실리프팅의핵심은유지기간이다 -몰딩실과 Fixation 방법을통한지속효과늘리기 Introduction of fixation method using molded thread for long lasting effect Lee Jong-hoon (MeBorn Clinic) 09:30~09:50 유지기간늘리기위한 PCL(polycaplactone) 성분실 (MonoPCL thread) 을이용한목주름개선과목주름, 피부개선을위한 HA와Toxin의효과 Neck lift using long-lasting MonoPCL(polycaplactone) thread and the effectiveness of HA or toxin for neck rejuvenation Jeon Cheol-Woo (Evita Chest Surgery) 09:50~10:10 몰딩실의종류와임상적적용및수술방법들 10:10~10:20 Discussion The surgical methods and clinical applications of molded thread 10:20~10:40 Coffee Break & Exhibition View 초청연자 Session Ⅱ Thread Lifting 2 (Combination Techniques) 실을사용하는컴비네이션기법 10:40~11:10 작은노하우로만드는명품컴비네이션기법 -실, 필러, 보톡스의병행을통한안면성형 Refined combination techniques using thread, filler,toxin for facial contouring Jang Hyo-seung (4-Ever Clinic) 11:30~11:50 수술없이필러와실을이용한아찔한코만들기 Rhinoplasty using thread & filler without operation Kim Tae Youn (Amiskin Clinic)
11:50~12:10 HIFU 와필러와실을이용한복합안면리프팅 Facelift using combination of HIFU and Filler & Toxin 12:10~12:20 미니지방흡입과 thread로이중턱없는턱라인완성하기 Making of slim jaw-line by mini-liposculpture and thread lifting 12:20~12:30 Discussion Lee Doo-young (Azelin Clinic) Choe Ga-yeong (Amiskin Clinic) 12:30~13:30 Lunch & Exhibition View Session Ⅲ Filler, Toxin 1 (Facial contouring & Usage tip of toxin) 필러만으로완성하는예쁜얼굴및톡신의활용법 13:30~14:00 주사깊이및용량희석정도에의한보톡스활용법과리프팅없이 V라인만들기및높은겔강도의 HA 필러 (SkinPlus Hyal ) 를이용하여환자가원하는코, 턱끝자유자재로만들기 Facial reshaping techniques and Toxin tips through injection depth & diluted concentration And contouring on nose or chin using semipermanent HA filler(skinplus Hyal ) with strong gel hardness Lee Hae-young (IAN Clinic) 14:00~14:20 세월의흔적을지우는하마주사 & 지우개주사 Combination therapy of Rouicei HA MA and stem cell for facial rejuvenation Lee Youn Ju (The All Clinic) 14:20~14:40 애교, 앞볼, 팔자로이어지는아름다운중안면부만들기 Making beautiful midface by pretarsal roll-cheek projection-nasolabial fold line Lee Eun-taek (The Vom Clinic) 14:40~15:00 이것이진짜입꼬리필러다! - 환자가원하는진짜입꼬리필러는무엇인가? Raising up the oral angle using filler 초청연자 15:00~15:20 필러의선택이핵심이다 - 매끈하게예쁜이마만들기 Filler Selecton for good result of forehead augmentation 초청연자 15:20~15:30 Discussion 15:30~15:50 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session Ⅳ Filler, Botox 2 (Various applications & Basics Knowledge) 필러의다양한적용과시술전기초지식 15:50~16:20 1) 양악필러 - 교정없이돌출입집어넣기, 양악없이주걱턱집어넣기 Simple and long lasting adjustments of protruded lip and lantern jaw using Dextran Prosthesis Filler (Licol) 2) 음경및귀두확대의덱스트란필러의장기적 (10년이상 ) 효과 Two jaw filler & Long term (over 10 years) effect of Dextran Prosthesis Filler (Lipen) for Penile Body, Glans Enhancement Cho Kang-seon (Well Being Clinic) 16:20~16:40 바디필러 - 바르게알고바르게하자! 전신마취없이가슴, 엉덩이필러하기 The tips of body filler such as breast,hip Park Hyun Chul (Blooming Clinic) 16:40~17:00 히아필리아를활용한콜라겐및줄기세포복합필러큐블리를활용한쁘띠시술 Non-Invasive procedure using collagen & stem cell combination filler Choi Chul (Good Filler Clinic)
17:00~17:20 안아파야다시하지 - 통증없는시술이환자를다시오게한다. Tips for painless procedure Kim Jeong-il (Zinskin Clinic) 17:20~17:50 [Special] 쁘띠시술전알아두면좋은포인트쁘띠명인은환자선택에서부터시작된다 - 결과가좋을환자케이스선별법 The check points before Petti`s procedures and the knack of selecting patient Son Won-sang (GNG Clinic) 17:50~18:00 Discussion & Closing Room B Free Paper & Special Lecture For Cosmetic Surgery Ⅰ (Eye, Nose, Facelift) 미용수술자유연제 & 특별강연 Ⅰ( 눈, 코, 안면거상 ) SessionⅠ Asian Orbito-Facial Symposium 1 Pearls and Pitfalls in Oculo-facial Rejuvenation 08:30~08:50 Important structure in incisional blepharoplasty of upper eyelid 상안검성형술에서의중요구조물에대한이해 Lee Il-hyeong (Cherish Clinic) 08:50~09:10 New paradigms in orbito-facial evaluation of the aesthetic patient 미용수술환자에서안와안면평가의새로운패러다임 Jo Ann Hernandez (Philippines) 09:10~09:30 Pointers in cosmetic orbital decompression 미용적안와감압술의조언들 David Liu Hong Lei (China) 09:30~09:50 Finesse in upper blepharoplasty 상안검수술에서의정교한완성을위한팁들 Seah Lay Leng (Singapore) 09:50~10:00 Discussion 10:00~10:20 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session Ⅱ Asian Orbito-Facial Symposium 2 10:20~10:40 Pearls in Epicanthoplasty 내안각수술의중요한점들 10:40~11:00 Minimally invasive lateral canthoplasty without canthotomy 안각절개술없이하는최소침습외안각성형술 11:00~11:20 Customisations in lower blepharoplasty 다양한요구에대한맞춤형하안검수술 11:20~11:40 Complications of Lower lid Blepharoplasty 아래눈꺼풀성형술의합병증 11:40~12:00 Small incision Ptosis Surgery 최소절개안검하수증수술 12:00~12:20 Common mistakes in evaluation of blepharoptosis 안검하수의진단과평가의흔한오류 12:20~12:30 Discussion 12:30~13:30 Lunch & Exhibition View Ye Juan (China) Yip Chee Chew (Singapore) Marcus Wong (Singapore) Yang Suk Woo (Catholic University) Li Dong Mei (China) Juwan Park (Catholic University)
Session Ⅲ Face Lift 13:30~14:00 Surgical anatomy on head & neck through 2017 KSAS cadaveric study 2017 KSAS 사체연구에의한두경부해부학 Roh Dong-hwan (National Medical Center) 14:00~14:40 [Special Lecture] 1) Asian Facelift 아시아인의안면거상술 2) Important Points for Endoscopic Forehead lift 내시경이마거상술시중요한점들 Kwon Taek-kuen (Aone Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery) 14:40~15:00 The mini Surgical Facelift in Asian and Caucasian Patients 아시아인과서양인의최소절개의안면거상술 Michael Pasquale (Infinity Life Center, USA / China) 15:00~15:15 Endoscopic assisted minimal invasive dualplane forehead lift 내시경을이용한최소절개 dualplane 이마거상 15:15~15:30 Endoscopic subperiosteal forehead& midface lift 내시경을이용한골막하전두부, 중안면부거상술 Lee Yong-haeng (Abgujung BC Clinic) Kang Il-gyu (Gacheon University) 15:30~15:40 Discussion 15:40~16:00 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session Ⅳ Rhinoplasty 1 16:00~16:30 [Special Lecture] 1) Avoiding & managing pollybeak in rhinoplasty 코성형시앵무새코치료방법및예방방법 2) Managing of nasalfrontal angel 비전두각의처리 Sameer Bafaqeeh (KING SAUD UNIVERSITY, Saudi Arabia) 16:30~16:45 Rhinoplasty in traumatic nose 외상코에서의코성형술 Kang Il-gyu (Gacheon University) 16:45~17:00 Tips and pitfalls of autologuos dorsal augmentation in Asian Rhinoplasty 보형물을넣지않고자가조직만으로시행하는융비술 17:00~17:15 Alar and columellar plasty Kim Jun-mo (S-top Clinic) 코방울과코기둥성형술 17:15~17:30 Using 3D template in costal cartilage rhinoplasty 늑연골코성형수술시 3D 형판의이용 Kim In-sang (Doctor Be Clinic) Kang Jae-goo (National Medical Center) Session Ⅴ Rhinoplasty 2 17:30~17:45 Short nose rhinoplasty 짧은코의성형 Song Hyoung-Min (S-Top Clinic) 17:45~18:00 Costal cartilage for rhinoplasty 코성형을위한늑연골채취 Kim Ho-chan (National Medical Center) 18:00~18:15 Silicone carving tips for beautiful nose (Easy rhinoplasty tip for unexperienced surgeons) 실리콘만잘깍아도예쁜코를만들수있다 (Silicone Carving) 초보자도쉽게하는코성형의팁 Kim Jun (Barroco Clinic) 18:15~18:25 Discussion & Closing
Room C Dermatology, Laser, Obesity, Aesthetic & Antiaging Medicine 피부, 레이저, 비만, 항노화 & 미용의학 Session Ⅰ Minimal Invasive Body contouring - Breast & Lipoplasty, Obesity 08:40~09:00 누구나쉽게따라하는바디셰이핑 -Thermal HIFU, 바디톡신, 지방분해주사, 중주파레이저장비를통한비만체형관리하기 Easy body shaping using Thermal HIFU, body toxin, fat-lysis solution, medium frequency-laser machines 09:00~09:20 예쁜엉덩이만들기 - 스마일힙 미니지방흡입, thread, HIFU 를이용한 hip contouring Hip contouring using mini-liposuction, thread, HIFU 09:20~09:40 핑크엔드볼프로그램의체중감량과바디컨투오링의효과 Choi Kyeong-chun (PPEUM Clinic) Choe Ga-yeong (Amiskin Clinic) Effect of pink-endball program on weight loss and body contouring Lee Hong-chan (Clinic B) 09:40~10:00 최소비용으로미용클리닉세팅하기 10:00~10:20 Discussion - 최소한의장비로최대한의효과내기 부작용걱정없이레이저치료하기 - 레이저후일주일처치가 6 개월예후를좌우한다 How to set up a cosmetic clinic on a minimum budget -Maximizing the treatment effect while minimizing the equipment line 10:20~10:30 Coffee Break & Exhibition View 10:30~10:50 수술없이레이저로하는가슴리프팅, 엉덩이리프팅 ( 벨로디레이저 ) Breast & Hip Lift through Laser( 벨로디레이저 ) Session Ⅱ Dermatology & Laser Kim Tae Youn (Amiskin Clinic) Park Hyun Chul (Blooming Clinic) 10:50~11:10 755nm 과 1064nm 두개의파장이사용되는 Alexandrite & ND: Yag laser 를이용한간편한젊고투 명한피부만들기 Convenience of making beautiful clear skin using Alexandrite & ND: Yag laser with dual fractional feature (Clarity Pro) 11:10~11:30 색소치료의진단및치료 - 어떤색소에어떤레이저를쓸것인가? 진정한 Pico Laser 의효용가치 - 기존레이저와의차이점 Je Hyun-gon (Gangnam J Star Clinic) Diagnosis and treatments of skin pigmentation How to choose the appropriate laser The effectiveness of Pico Laser 11:30~11:50 Long microneedle typed laser(finger roll ) 을이용한더효과적인피부거상술 Effective dermolift using Long microneedle typed laser(finger roll ) 11:50~12:20 아무리들어도헷갈리는 RF 의원리와임상적적용 - 12:20~12:30 Discussion 모공, 리프팅부터혈관, 색소까지다양하게쓰이는 RF 고수되기 The mechanism and clinical applications of RF Lee Joon-Ho(Kostar Clinic) Choi Chul (Good Filler Clinic) pore tightening, lifting, vessel cover up, pigment treatment, etc Na Jong Ju (Viol) 12:30~13:30 Lunch & Exhibition View
Session Ⅲ Dermatology & Laser, Hair restoration 13:30~13:50 탱탱한피부가 20 년을젊게한다! - 마녀주사를통한목주름개선 Neck wrinkle treatment using Witch s Majic Shot 초청연자 13:50~14:10 Collagen stimulator 의안면회춘적임상적용 Clinical application of collagen stimulator for facial rejuvenation Lim Han-seok (Medi Noble Clinic) 14:10~14:30 롱헤어비절개모발이식을이용한헤어라인교정 Hairline correction using long hair FUE(Folicular Unit Extraction) 14:30~14:50 여드름이제효과적으로치료하자 - 아큐어레이저 The more effective and practical acne treatment using Aqua laser Kang Hyo (Miracle Clinic) Kim Jeong-il (Zinskin Clinic) 14:50~15:10 여드름필링 / 아가스필 or FCR or 알라딘필 Acne scar peeling AGAS Peel or FCR or Aladin Peel Lee Youn Ju (The All Clinic) 15:10~15:30 탈모환자는심지어의사보다더많이알고있다. 탈모환자끌고가는법 Hairloss patients Tips on how to lead useful counseling Kim Jae-cheol (JK Clinic) 15:30~15:50 Vitabrid와 patch type 필러를이용한풍성한헤어라인의동안만들기 Making of beautiful young face with full hair line using Vitabrid & Patch-type Filler Je Hyun-gon (Gangnam J Star Clinic) 15:50~16:00 Discussion 16:00~16:20 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session Ⅳ 필러부작용, 재시술 (The management and prevention of fillers) 16:20~16:40 너무두려운필러부작용 -이것만알면피할수있는해부학적포인트 Anatomical points on how to avoid filler injection complications Yeom Tag-gi (Dr. Beauty Clinic) 16:40~17:00 넘쳐나는필러시술 -알수없는기존필러시술부위문제없이재시술하기 Safe filler re-application methods in existing problematic filler injected regions Son Won-sang (GNG Clinic) 17:00~17:20 누구에게나올수있는필러후부작용에대한응급대처법 -기초부터심화까지 : 예후알아보기 Emergency treatment methods of filler injection complications and studying of the prognosis Han Woo-hee (S-Top Clinic) 17:20~17:30 Discussion & Closing Room D Free Paper & Special Lecture For Cosmetic Surgery Ⅱ (Breast, Lipoplasty, Bone surgery, Sexology) 미용수술자유연제 & 특별강연 Ⅱ ( 유방, 지방성형, 악안면, 성의학 ) Session Ⅰ Body contouring Breast, Lipoplasty 08:30~08:50 Surgical Anatomy through 2017 KSAS cadaveric study & Physiology of Breast 2017 KSAS 사체해부를통한유방의외과적해부학및생리 Hong Jung-bum (New Korea Hospital)
08:50~09:10 Simple mastopexy & Periareolar simple breast augmentation 유륜주위간단유방확대술과유방고정술 09:10~09:50 Cosmetic beast Augmentation(Update - Shaping era) Implat selection with preoperative assessment, Various surgical techniques through videopresentation, The correction of complications 미용적유방확대술 ( 업데이트 - 모양의시대 ); 수술전평가에의한보형물의선택 동영상발표를통한다양한외과적술기들 합병증의예방과해결 09:50~10:05 Treatment of axilary bromhidrosis with superficial liposculpture 천층지방조각술에의한땀액취증의치료 10:05~10:20 Surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis 10:20~10:30 Discussion 액취증의수술적치료 10:30~10:50 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session Ⅱ Bone Surgery & Sexology 10:50~11:05 Genioplasty for Receding and Short Chin 짧고후퇴된턱끝의성형술 11:05~11:20 Three dimensional analysis & treatment of facial asymmetry 안면비대칭의 3 차원적분석과치료 11:20~11:35 Refined malar reduction technique under monitored sedation anesthesia 수면마취하정제된관골축소술기 11:35~11:50 Scrotal flap operation for removal of penile paraffinoma (or Vaseline) 음경파라핀제거를위한음경피판수술 11:50~12:05 Vaginoplasty using implant 임플란트질성형 12:05~12:25 1) Penile augmentation by HA filler 12:20~12:35 Discusson HA 필러를이용한음경확대 2) Penile augmentation by XL (dermal powder) XL( 진피분말 ) 을이용한음경확대 12:35~13:30 Lunch & Exhibition View 제 5 차국제줄기세포심포지엄 ( 과학적이론과실행 ) The 5th International StemCell Symposium (Scientific back ground to practical Application) Session Ⅲ Stem Cell 1 - Overview Stem Cell 줄기세포총정리 13:30~13:45 What is adipose derived stem cell? 줄기세포란무엇인가? 13:45~14:00 What is umbillical cord blood stem cell? 제대혈줄기세포를이용한치료의실제 Park Kyoung-won (Best Clinic) Lee Hae-young (IAN Clinic) Terry Yen (Infinity Life Center, USA / China) Jeon Cheol-Woo (Evita Chest Surgery) Lee Deok-won (Kyunghee University) Hwang Jong-min (Allso Clinic) Lee Hae-young (IAN Clinic) Park Seong-choon (Cheongdam Queen Clinic) Hong Seung-ho (Lydia Women s Clinic) Yoon Jong-seon (King Men s Clinic) Yang Young (Sookmyung University) Park Kyoung-won (Best Clinic)
14:00~14:25 [Special Lecture] 1) The history of stem cell treatment and the current flow 줄기세포치료의역사와현재치료에대하여 2) The developing of stem cell treatment of present & future 현재와미래에개발되어지고있는줄기세포와이를이용한치료방향 Kim Jae-ho (Pusan University) 14:25~14:50 [Special Lecture] The Pros & Cons of stem cell treatment 줄기세포치료의허와실 1) The current state & restrictions of stem cell treatment in Korea 한국의줄기세포치료의규제와현황 2) The situation of stem cell treatment in foreign countries 다른나라의줄기세포치료에대한입장 Cho Ssang-goo (Konkuk University) 14:50~15:00 Discussion 15:00~15:20 Coffee Break & Exhibition View Session Ⅳ Stem Cell 2 - 줄기세포의임상적치료와연관되어이용되는다양한치료 Cosmetic Approach ( 미용성형적인접근 ) 15:20~15:35 Clinical experience of autologous fibroblast therapy for facial rejuvenation 자가섬유모세포를이용한안면재생요법의임상적경험 Kim Jong-wan (S Biomedics) 15:35~15:50 How to do a Stem Cell facelift 줄기세포안면거상의기법 Michael Pasquale (Infinity Life Center, USA / China) 15:50~16:05 Facial regeneration using autologous fat deprived stem cell 자가지방에서추출한줄기세포를이용한안면재생 Jang Ji-yeon (The All Clinic) 16:05~16:20 Antiaging therapy & effective facial fat graft using single-use Smart fat deprived stem cell kit 1 회용 Smart 지방줄기세포키트를이용한효과적안면지방이식및항노화치료 Na Kwang Mun (Tovmi Clinic) 16:20~16:35 Orgasm shot using stem cell 줄기세포를활용한오르가즘샷박혜성 ( 해성산부인과 ) 16:35~16:45 Discussion Disease Treatment Approach ( 질환치료적인접근 ) 16:45~17:00 The development of extracellular visicles based medicine 세포외소포 (extracellular visicles) 기반치료제개발 Cho Ssang-goo (Konkuk University) 17:00~17:15 The therapeutic mechanism of stem cell against SLE 줄기세포를이용한 SLE 치료기전 Yang Young (Sookmyung University) 17:15~17:30 The proper injection of stem cells for the knee and hip 무릎과엉덩이관절의줄기세포의이상적주사요법 Farazad Pourian (Infinity Life Center, USA / China) 17:30~17:45 Non-Direct Injection of Stem Cells for Stroke and Other neurologic abnormailities 뇌졸증과다른신경학적비정상의경우에서줄기세포의간접적주사 Farazad Pourian (Infinity Life Center, USA / China) 17:45~17:55 Discussion & Closing
Room E Special Intensive Academy 스페셜집중아카데미 Session Ⅰ Fat Graft 지방이식의기초이론부터실전까지! 08:30~10:00 BASICS: Facial Anatomy for fat graft,patient consultation(preoperative Evaluation of Patients undergoing Fat graft), Preoperative Preparation 지방이식의기초지식 : 이식에필요한안면해부학, 환자상담및술전평가, 술전준비 ( 다양한기구의활용방법및선택 ) Kim Jae-cheol (JK Clinic) 10:00~10:20 Coffee Break & Exhibition View 10:20~12:30 Surgical Tips of fat graft on face Breast Augmentation using autologous fat graft Facial regeneration by fat tissue micro injection;theory & Technique Clinical application of adipose stem cell Live Videopresentation & Q/A with discussion 안면지방이식의외과적팁, 자가지방이식을이용항유방확대술미세지방이식에의한안면재생 ; 이론과기술, 지방줄기세포의임상적적용범위 다양한지방이식의라이브동영상, Q & A 및토론 Jang Ji-yeon (The All Clinic) 12:30~13:30 Lunch& Exhibition View SessionⅡ Eye Surgery 눈수술의기초이론부터실전까지! 13:30~14:30 Eyelid Anatomy, Check List & Preoperative Evaluation for Lid Surgery 안검해부학, Checklist 및안검수술전검사와환자의평가방법 Yang Suk Woo (Catholic University) 14:30~15:30 Simple Blepharoplasty; Suture method, medial & lateral canthoplasty Lower Blepharoplasty, Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty Live Video 간단한안검수술 ( 메몰법, 앞, 뒤트임수술 ), 하안검수술및결막을통한지방제거수술동영상 Kim Jong-seon (MeBorn Clinic) 15:30~15:50 Coffee Break & Exhibition View 15:50~17:30 Upper Blepharoplasty,Various Ptosis surgery & Direct browlift or Internal browpexy. Tarsal strip Procedures 상안검수술, 다양한하수증교정술및눈썹거상혹은고정술, 검판피판술 Park Ju-wan (Catholic University) 17:30~18:10 Unfavorable Results of Lid surgery and It`s Management 안검수술후불만족스런결과및치료 Lee Tae-soo (Korea University) 18:10 Closing Room F Education Program for Coordinator 병원운영의흥망과직결되는코디네이터용교육프로그램
09:50~10:30 피부미용클리닉의이해 Understanding the functions of Dermatology / Cosmetic Clinic - Various treatment applications and the roles of a coordinator 최가영원장 (Amiskin Clinic) 1) 미용클리닉에서시행되어지고있는다양한시술에대한이해 -쁘띠성형 ( 보톡스필러 ) 실리프팅피부레이저비만주사윤곽주사등등 2) 코디네이터의역할 -시술을유도하기위한코디네이터의노하우 -비용에대한이해, 복합시술에대한이해 10:30~11:10 피부노화에대한이해와노화된피부를어떻게리모델링할것인가? Understanding the nature of skin aging - How to rejuvenate the aging skin 이준호원장 (Kostar Clinic) 1) 자연노화광노화기타피부노화의촉진요인과노화현사에의이해 2) 노화를개선하는다양한피부과시술과재생프로그램 - 세월에지지마라 11:10~11:40 Coffee Break & Exhibition View 11:40~12:30 환자를아름답게하자 To make patients look beautiful! 초청연자 1) 환자의개성의사의객관성이어우러지는아름다움이란? 2) 시대의변화에따른미용적인욕구변화와이에대응하는치료전략 3) 환자를대하는코디네이터의역할과자세 12:30~13:30 Lunch & Exhibition View 13:30~14:10 비만클리닉의이해 Understanding the functions of Obesity / Cosmetic Clinic Various treatment applications and the roles of a coordinator 양동훈원장 (Cheongdam Varon Clinic) 1) 비만클리닉에서시행되어지고있는다양한시술에대한이해 -비만주사 HCG주사요법각종체형치료기기약물요법등 2) 코디네이터의역할 -시술을유도하기위한코디네이터의노하우 -비용에대한이해, 복합시술에대한이해 14:10~15:00 성형클리닉에서시행되어지고있는다양한시술에대한이해와코디네이터의역할 Understanding the various surgeries and treatments performed in Plastic Surgery / Cosmetic Clinic and the roles of a coordinator 김철환원장 (Winner s Clinic) 1) 눈성형에대한코디네이터의기본설명방법과노하우 2) 코성형에대한코디네이터의기본설명방법과노하우 3) 가슴성형대한코디네이터의기본설명방법과노하우 15:00~15:30 Coffee Break ( 커피제공 ) & Exhibition View 15:30~16:30 환자상담 / 고객관리 Counselling & Patient management skills 1) 신뢰감을줄수있는표정, 음성 ( 화법 ), 자세, 시선, 용모, 복장메이크업 2) 효과적인환자상담법 4단계 3) 화가난환자의유형과유형별응대법 Know how 4) 예약율을극대화시키는전화응대 16:30 Closing 초청연자