GLASS WOOL PANEL 글라스울흡음율 글라스울패널의내부식성 완벽한불연기능 glass wool 은순수한무기질의 1 급불연재로불에타지않으며인체에해로운유독가스가발생하지않습니다. 유리섬유만이지닌불연기능으로어떤자재도따라올수없는완벽한불연성능을지녔습니다. 우수한흡음효과 흡음

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GLASS WOOL PANEL 글라스울흡음율 글라스울패널의내부식성 완벽한불연기능 glass wool 은순수한무기질의 1 급불연재로불에타지않으며인체에해로운유독가스가발생하지않습니다. 유리섬유만이지닌불연기능으로어떤자재도따라올수없는완벽한불연성능을지녔습니다. 우수한흡음효과 흡음효과가뛰어난유리섬유를단열재로하여건물내, 외부의시끄러운소음차단효과가뛰어나체육시설등소음이많은건축물에좋습니다. 탁월한단열성능 균일한굵기의유리섬유로열전도율이낮고특수발수처리하여단열및보온효과가뛰어나건축물의냉난방비절감효과가뛰어납니다. 고강도의내구성 glass wool 은복원력과인장력이강해충격, 압력, 진동에도원형을그대로유지하며, 섬유를수직성형하여내구성이뛰어나며압축강도와구조력이우수합니다. Perfect incombustible quality Glass wool, both a first-grade nonflammable materials and pure inorganic thermal insulating materials, doesn't emit toxic gas. By virtue of incombustible quality unique to glass wool it possesses fireproof properly. Excellent sound-absorbent effect Insulating material was made from glass wool excellent for its sound absorbent quality therefore it is excellent in interdicting noise from inside or outside. SHINWOO glass wool panel is perfectly suitable for the noisy buildings like a Gymnasium Outstanding insulation function Its heat transmission rate is very low and is excellent in insulation and heat preservation thus excellent in saving cost for heating and cooling of buildings High level tensile strength and durability As glass wool has strong dynamic stability and drawbar pull, it is kept as it is, even if there is any impact, pressure or vibration. SHINWOO glass wool panel has the higher level of compression strength, compressive strength, and structure strength.

1 MINERAL WOOL PAENL 샌드위치판넬 글라스울판넬 미네랄울판넬 MINERAL (ROCKWOOL) 의화학조성 건축재료의내화온도비교 성분 함유량 SiO2 35-45 AI203 35-45 CaO 10-20 MgO 4-8 MnO 1-4 Fe203 0-10 MINERAL (ROCKWOOL) 의품질특성 항목섬유굵기입자함유율열전도율 (70±5 C) 열간수축온도 규격치 7μ이하 4% 이하 0.030kcal/mh C이하 (0.044w/mk이하) 650 C 이상 화재안정성이완벽합니다 신우미네랄판넬은규산칼슘계의광석을고온으로용융시켜만든암면을내심재로사용하여뛰어난단열성, 흡음성과함께완벽한불연성능까지지녀단한번의시공으로건축물의모든문제를해결하실수있습니다. 흡음효과가우수합니다 균일하고미세한섬유로이루어진암면섬유질로단위체적당섬유의양이많아이상적인단열공기층을형성하므로매우낮은열전도율을유지건축물의에너지절약에좋습니다. 단열효과가우수합니다 건축자재관련국내 외규격에서그효능은물론안전성에서도인정받은미네랄판넬은섬유사이의공기층이단열은물론탁월한흡음효과를발휘하므로소음이많은모든건축물시공에자신있게권해드립니다. 내부식성효과가우수 인체에무해하여어떠한건축물에도안심하고사용할수있으며산 알칼리등화학약품에강하며, 풍화작용에의한열화현상이없어부패또는변질되지않아반영구적이고위생적입니다. Perfect fire resistance Calcium silicate mineral is the main ingredient of SHINWOO mineral panel this has the predominant adiabatic efficiency, the excellent noise- absorption efficiency and the perfect incombustibility. Excellent noise-absorbing function Mineral wool, consisting uniform and fine rock wool, contains lots of fibers per unit volume, forming ideal insulation air layers and providing very low heat conductivity. Excellent Insulation efficiency The authorities related to building equipment have approved that SHINWOO mineral panel has predominant adiabatic efficiency and excellent noise-absorption efficiency owing to the layer of the air in the fibroid material. Durability & weatherization Mineral Wool is highly resistant to chemicals including acid or alkali. Since it does not cause degradation phenomenon by weathering, as well as decay and deterioration, it can be used semi permanently and hygienically. 26 27

글라스울판넬 & 미네랄울판넬 Glass wool & Mineral wool panel 신우글라스울판넬과미네랄울판넬은 1 급불연자재인유리섬유와미네랄울을단열재로하여완벽한불연및방화성능을지니었고화재발생시유독가스가발생하지않아피해를최소한으로줄일수있습니다. 또한가늘고균일한섬유의흡음효과로소음이많은공간에적합하며복원력과인장력이우수하여고강도의내구성을지녔습니다. Shinwoo Glass Wool Panel & Mineral Wool Panel is made from insulating material of 1st class non-combustible material glass wool & mineral wool thus assuring perfect fire-proof and fire prevention property. At the time of fire breakout toxic gas is not generated therefore it is possible to reduce damage to the minimum. Additionally by virtue of sound-absorbent effect of fine and even wool it is optimal at space where considerable noise is generated and it is excellent for restoring force and tensile strength and has quality of high tensile durability.

1 최고의품질 Best Quality 신우산업은고객을만족시키는최고의품질과기술력만이기업을이끌어가는최상의길이라는신념하에다양한제품생산은물론완벽한시공까지 TOTAL SERVICE SYSTEM 을구축한건축산업전문기업으로서국내건축산업발전에이바지하여왔습니다. 샌드위치판넬 글라스울판넬 미네랄울판넬 Realizing that the best quality and technology are the only way to lead our company, we a specialized architectural enterprise, have built up total service systems ranging from production of various goods to perfect construction, and have made a great contribution to our country's construction industry. 신우의약속 Promise 끊임없는 R&D 투자와기술축적으로발전을거듭해온신우산업은다양한고품질건축자재와신공법개발로국내건축자재업계의선두기업으로자리매김하였습니다. 앞으로도많은연구와노력으로신우산업만의건축문화를창조하겠습니다. SHINWOO has made rapid progress for constant R&D investment and accumulation of technology and becomes a leading company in our country s building materials industry for a variety of building materials of superior quality and development of new methods of construction. From now on, we will have conducted researches in developing our own to create new architectural culture. 28 29

WALL PANEL Panel Shape 난연 2 급 HiRezis SGW (SMW) 0.6T 이상 Coil 사용권장 SGF (SMF) SGRP (SMRP) SGDH (SMDH) SGW-750 (SMW-750) SGW-500 (SMW-500)

1 WALL PANEL (Boltless) Panel Shape 난연 2 급 HiRezis SGW-1000 (SMW-1000) 샌드위치판넬 글라스울판넬 미네랄울판넬 SGD (SMD) SGDW (SMDW) SGVF (SMVF) 0.8T Coil 사용권장 SGVW (SMVW) 1. Mineral wool Panel Shape는 Glass wool Panel과동일 2. 사용 Coil은 0.45 T~0.8 T 가능 3. 내피의파형은우레탄패널과동일하게제작가능 4. 괄호안은 Mineral wool Panel Code 30 31

WALL PANEL (Metal & Sound Absorption) Panel Shape 난연 2 급 HiRezis SGW (SMW) - METAL SGF (SMF) - METAL 0.8T Coil 사용권장 SGV (SMV) - ABS 벽면전제품적용가능 SGW (SMW) - ABS Gold Glass Wool Panel / Mineral Wool Materials & Measures (Wall Panel) ( 무게는 Glass wool 64kg/m3, 0.5T 기준 ) 재료 Materials 외피재 Outside Coil 내피재 Inside Coil 도장용융아연도금강판 Color Coated Galvanized Steel Coated : 0.45mm~0.8mm 도장용융아연도금강판 Color Coated Galvanized Steel Coated : 0.45mm~0.8mm 내부단열재 Insulation 유리섬유 Glass wool, 48, 64, 74kg/m 3 미네랄섬유 Mineral wool, 90, 100, 120kg/m 3 폭 Wide (mm) 판넬폭 Panel wide : 1,022, 조립폭 Frame wide : 1,000 길이 Length (m) 2.5 ~ 18.5 제원 Chart 두께 Thickness (mm) 50 75 100 125 150 160 180 225 무게 Weight (kg/m 2 ) 11.90 13.51 15.12 16.73 18.34 18.98 20.26 21.87 적용온도 Apply Temp Glass wool Panel : -80 ~ +300, Mineral wool Panel : -80 ~ +600 기타 Others 색상 Color 아이보리 (EC6), 화이트 (WD2), 회색 (N52, N65), 오렌지 (O11), 청색 (B02)

1 ROOF & DECK PANEL (Sound Absorption) Panel Shape 난연 2 급 HiRezis SGR(SMR) 샌드위치판넬 글라스울판넬 미네랄울판넬 GG (MG) - DECK AL. Kraft Paper 생산가능 SGV (SMV) - ABS SGW (SMW) - ABS Gold Glass Wool Panel / Mineral Wool Materials & Measures (Roof Panel) ( 무게는 Glass wool 64kg/m3, 0.5T 기준 ) 재료 Materials 외피재 Outside Coil 내피재 Inside Coil 도장용융아연도금강판 Color Coated Galvanized Steel Coated : 0.45mm~0.8mm 도장용융아연도금강판 Color Coated Galvanized Steel Coated : 0.45mm~0.8mm 내부단열재 Insulation 유리섬유 Glass wool, 48, 64, 74kg/m 3 미네랄섬유 Mineral wool, 90, 100, 120kg/m 3 폭 Wide (mm) 판넬폭 Panel wide : 1,022, 조립폭 Frame wide : 1,000 길이 Length (m) 2.0 ~ 18.5 제원 Chart 두께 Thickness (mm) 50 75 100 125 150 160 180 225 무게 Weight (kg/m 3 ) 13.02 14.64 16.25 17.86 19.47 21.08 22.69 25.91 적용온도 Apply Temp Glass wool Panel : -80 ~ +300, Mineral wool Panel : -80 ~ +600 기타 Others 색상 Color 아이보리 (EC6), 화이트 (WD2), 회색 (N52, N65), 오렌지 (O11), 청색 (B02) 32 33

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1 샌드위치 판넬 글라스울 판넬 미네랄울 판넬 크라운제과 대전공장 CrownFactory in Daejeon 진합 대전공장 Jinhap Factory in Daejeon 대전 빛과전자 Lightron in Daejeon 34 35