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도시계획학석사학위논문 탈성장 선택요인에관한탐색 한국의사례 년 월 서울대학교환경대학원 환경계획학과환경관리전공 이동광
탈성장 선택요인에대한탐색 한국의사례 지도교수윤순진 이논문을도시계획학석사학위논문으로제출함 년 월 서울대학교환경대학원 환경계획학과환경관리전공 이동광 이동광의석사학위논문을인준함 년 월
출처 :
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chi2 p>chi2 정치이념 0.33 0.955 정부대응능력 14.23 0.003 월평균가구총소득 6.6 0.086 주관적소득평가 5.98 0.112 한국경제전망 4.85 0.183 타인에대한신뢰 7.29 0.063 국가자긍심 6.06 0.109 정치뉴스노출 0.9 0.826 종교유무 2.46 0.483 성별 ( 남성 ) 1.01 0.799 연령 3.32 0.345 교육수준 4.47 0.215 도시화 4.13 0.248
정치적이념 Odd Ratio 순서형로짓모델 Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] Odd Ratio 일반화된순서형로짓모형 Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval].9913396.0615072.8778292 1.119528 정부대응역량 월평균가구총소득 주관적소득평가.9813686 ***.0066712.9683801.9945313 1.008195.011254.9863774 1.030496.9571799.058297.8494761 1.078539 한국경제전망 1.103166 *.0622816.9876079 1.232246 타인에대한신뢰 1.022404.0705445.8930813 1.170454 국가자긍심 1.3319 ***.0985204 1.152149 1.539696 정치뉴스노출 1.066959 ***.0252448 1.01861 1.117603 종교유무 1.208261 *.1259591.9849738 1.482167 성별 ( 남성 ).9525061.0986499.7775168 1.166879 나이 1.01062 ***.0037094 1.003375 1.017916 교육수준 1.228483 ***.0573778 1.121018 1.346249 도시화 1.039757.0559704.935646 1.155453 /cut1.1527887.4277502 /cut2 1.852415 /cut3 2.736079.4303249 /cut4 5.281419 Number of obs = 1,333 LR chi2(13) = 82.67 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Pseudo R2 = 0.0214 Log likelihood = -1886.7299 Number of obs = 1,333 LR chi2(16) = 96.14 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Pseudo R2 = 0.0249 Log likelihood = -1879.9926
순서형로짓모델 정부대응역량한국경제전망국가자긍심정치뉴스노출종교유무나이교육수준 Odd Ratio Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval].9813686 **.0066712.9683801.9945313 1.103166 *.0622816.9876079 1.232246 1.3319 ***.0985204 1.152149 1.539696 1.066959 **.0252448 1.01861 1.117603 1.208261 *.1259591.9849738 1.482167 1.01062 ** 1.228483 ***.0037094 1.003375 1.017916.0573778 1.121018 1.346249
훨씬나빠질 다소나빠질 마찬가지일 다소좋아질 훨씬좋아질 계 것이다 것이다 것이다 것이다 것이다
Odd Ratio Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
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On the global level, the impact of human historical actions is no longer new. Gaining a material successes from, we face into an environmental crisis such as unexpected poverty, social discrimination and gap, especially in climate change issues. Various proposals have been presented in response to western-centered growth-ism. Degrowth is also one of those alternatives. But despite the social, economic, cultural, and ecological difficulties facing humanity, few people still pursue alternative lives or lifestyles that deviate from growthism. This study tried to explore what factors were influencing to the few who pursued the value of degrowth, and how they are led to the alternatives, and non-mainstream through interviews with. The results of the analysis showed that the more the government is well handling the problems, the more feeling to vote for willing to lower the standard of living, and the more positive it predicts for Korea's future economic conditions. In addition, it shows the national pride has significant on the dependent variable. and the data also let
know political news and the older are more likely to choose 'degrowth' lifestyle. Plus, the higher the level of education statistically confirms that the positive correlation exists. On the other hand, the researchers interviewed participants who were actually active found that frame to call degrowth as alterantive is important to interpret the meaning in terms of degrowth. Second, even if there was open to anyone who wish to involve in, it needs to recognize between the motives why the participants were stepping into degrowth life as alternative, which means there might be different between 'exile' and 'participation'. In addition, it was confirmed that determining the speed of the transition to the degrowth is strongly influenced not only by the participants themselves but also by the surrounding environment, especially by their parents or friends. Finally, the various elements of degrowth are not appearing in complete form at once, but rather are beginning in stages or coincidentally and changing into more nongrowth way. The study will firstly be meaningful, because there is no specific and experimental study of degrowth in the domestic. It would also be meaningful in that by applying qualitative methods with interview for degrowth itself. Despite this significance, however, there are several fatal limitations to this research. First, the data for statistical analysis are not designed solely for degrowth(2014). And secondly the KGSS has relatively few questions to match the factors of degrowth. The difficulties of such research can be found in the basic data lack or non-visibility of the concept itself. Lastly, I hope the attempt to lift a degrowth is keeping going and make it visible in real world.