(JBE Vol. 22, No. 5, September 2017) (Special Paper) 22 5, 2017 9 (JBE Vol. 22, No. 5, September 2017) https://doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2017.22.5.560 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) UHD MMT PI a), a) Design and Implementation of MMT PI-based Scene Composition Information for Hierarchically Encoded UHD Contents Sunyoung Hong a) and Jongho Paik a) MMT SHVC. MMT UHD MMT.. MMT PI(Presentation Information). UHD MXD MMT PI. Abstract Recently as the studies on the combined delivery over multiple transmission media are progressed, studies using MMT which is next-generation multimedia transport standard are underway. They are about transmitting video data layered by SHVC through broadcasting network and communication network based on MMT. However, it is difficult to serve synchronized UHD contents in heterogeneous network environment based on MMT, because MMT standard doesn't fully specify the information to indicate the relationship between media. Also, the service that we want to propose in this paper is a broadcasting-based service such as terrestrial broadcasting. Therefore the user must be able to watch various contents continuously. However, the MMT PI(Presentation Information) that controls the spatio-temporal layout of a content has been described as providing only one content. In this paper, we propose the structure of MXD document and MMT PI to provide continuous UHD contents service based on heterogeneous network. Keyword : Broadcasting System, UHD, MMT, HTML5, XML a) (Department of Multimedia, Seoul Women's University) Corresponding Author : (Jongho Paik) E-mail: paikjh@swu.ac.kr Tel: +82-970-5606 ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1867-5316 2017 ( ) (No. R0101-16-0189, ). Manuscript received July 10, 2017; Revised August 28, 2017; Accepted August 28, 2017. Copyright 2017 Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers. All rights reserved. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and not altered.
1 : UHD MMT PI (Sunyoung Hong et al.: Design and Implementation of MMT PI-based Scene Composition Information for Hierarchically Encoded UHD Contents). UHD(Ultra High-Definition). 2017 5 2021 UHD. UHD HD(High-Definition) 4 16. UHD 25Mbps 48Mbps datarate. 6MHz 19.39Mbps. UHD,.,.. UHD. UHD UHD. [1,2].,., UHD. MMT(MPEG Media Transport) SHVC(Scalable High-efficiency Video Coding), [3]. MMT IP [4,5]. UHD MMT., MMT MMT PI (Presentation Information). MMT PI HTML5(Hyper Text Markup Language5) MMT CI(Composition Informa- tion). MMT PI,.,. MMT PI. UHD, MMT PI.. UHD MMT MMT MPEG, IP [6]. MMT Package, Asset. 1. MMT Package Package, Package. MMTPackage 1. Package MMT PI, Asset
(JBE Vol. 22, No. 5, September 2017). Asset,,. Asset Asset Asset ID. Asset MPU(MMT Processing Unit), MPU. 1. MMT Package Fig. 1. Structure of MMT Package 2. MMT Presentation Information (PI) MMT PI Asset, MMT. MMT PI HTML5 MMT CI. HTML5. XML(eXtensible Markup Language) MMT CI. MMT CI HTML5. HTML5,,. Asset. MMT CI View, Area,. MMT CI root element CI element, view element MediaSync element. view element Area, Area. MediaSync element. MMT CI area element HTML5 div element. Area. MMT PI Package Asset, MMT CI XML XLink (XML Linking Language) subset. 3. MMT PI MMT PI 2. Fig. 2. Structure of hierarchically encoded video content
1 : UHD MMT PI (Sunyoung Hong et al.: Design and Implementation of MMT PI-based Scene Composition Information for Hierarchically Encoded UHD Contents). MMT PI 2 [7]. FHD (Full-HD). View Area. Area Asset. base layer enhanced layer#1, enhanced layer#2, 3. 2 Asset. Asset1 base layer Asset2 enhanced layer#1, Asset3 enhanced layer#2. FHD HD Asset2 Asset3 Asset. MMT PI isdependent depid attribute. MMT PI.. UHD 1. 3. UHD. UHD. base layer, E#1 layer(enhanced#1 Layer), E#2 layer(enhanced#2 Layer) Asset. base layer E#1 layer, E#2 layer., base layer, E#1 layer. FHD,., UHD, FHD E#2 layer UHD 3. Fig. 3. Service Scenario based on heterogeneous network
(JBE Vol. 22, No. 5, September 2017).. 2....,. UHD, Asset., Asset.,. 3. MMT PI base layer E#1 layer Asset., base layer, E#1 layer E#2 layer 1. Media extension Document Table 1. Structure of Media extension Document <?xml version="1.0"?> <!--MXD file Generated with ABC version 1.0.0 on 2015-03-30T01:36:44Z--> <MPD xmlns="urn:mpeg:nibc:schema:mxd:2015"> <ProgramInformation> <Title>bbb_30fps_14790 generated by NIBC</Title> </ProgramInformation> <Period entiremediatime="pt0h8m13.00s"> <AdaptationSet bitstreamswitching="true" maxwidth="3840" maxheight= 2160 par="16:9" maxframerate="30" representationset="4" totalcount="493" based="mmtp://bbb_30fps_14790/video/layer0"> <Representation id="layer1" mimetype="video/265" width="3840" height="2160" framerate="30" bandwidth="144000000" dependencyid="mmtp://bbb_30fps_14790/video/layer0" es_type="url" es_addr=""> <SegmentList timescale="1000" duration="1000"> <SegmentURL media="%d.abc"/> </SegmentList> </Representation> </AdaptationSet> </Period> </MPD>
1 : UHD MMT PI (Sunyoung Hong et al.: Design and Implementation of MMT PI-based Scene Composition Information for Hierarchically Encoded UHD Contents) 4. MMT PI Fig. 4. Suggested structure of MMT PI. E#2 layer HTTP server, E#2 layer,. MMT PI isdependent depid attribute. isdependent attribute, depid attribute isdependent attribute,. E#2 layer E#2 layer. UHD MXD(Media extenstion Document). MXD DASH(Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) MPD(Media Presentation Document). 1 MXD. UHD, HTTP server HTTP server MXD. MXD 2 E#2 layer. 2. MXD Table 2 Description of MXD attribute attribute entiremediatime maxwidth, maxheight representationset based, dependencyid bandwidth es_addr description Total play time of media content Maximum resolution of media content The number of Assets provided by media content Location of the base layer data on which the E#2 layer data depends The amount of bandwidth that the E#2 layer video segment can transmit Address of the HTTP server where the E#2 layer video segment stored
(JBE Vol. 22, No. 5, September 2017),,., UHD,,. MMT PI. MMT PI. MMT CI view element HTML5 div element. div element view. MediaSync element view. view element MediaSync element, view element MediaSync element.,.. MMT PI UHD. 1. MMT PI 5. MXD. HTML5., E#2 layer HTTP server HTML5. HTML5 MMT CI. MMT CI View. 5. Fig. 5. Scene Composition Information related document generation process
1 : UHD MMT PI (Sunyoung Hong et al.: Design and Implementation of MMT PI-based Scene Composition Information for Hierarchically Encoded UHD Contents) MMT CI View. Area Asset MediaSync. MMT CI refdiv attribute Area Asset HTML5. MXD HTTP server HTML5 MMT CI, MMT PI MPI.. 6.. MPI PI_content_type_byte MMT PI., HTML5 PI_content_byte HTML5 parser, MMT CI PI_content_byte MMT CI parser. HTML5 MMT CI. MMT CI subset MMT CI MPI table_id version, PI_mode. presentation engine., MMT PI HTTP server MXD MXD MXDparser. MXD E#2 layer HTTP server E#2 layer. E#2 layer segment buffer merge buffer base layer E#1 layer UHD presentation engine UHD. 2. MMT PI. JSVM(Joint Scalable Video Model) SHVC base layer(1280x720), E#1 layer(1920x1080), E#2 layer(3840x2160) 3. AAC(Advanced Audio Cod- ing)., 6. Fig. 6. Scene Composition Information related document parsing process
(JBE Vol. 22, No. 5, September 2017) 7. Fig. 7. Experiment environment E#2 layer. 3 Asset. Asset base layer, E#1 layer, E#2 layer 4 Asset. HTML HTML5, MMT CI MXD XML 3.0. MXD, MMT PI 7. 494 'Big Buck Bunny'. 3. MMT PI 3.4 4.2 UHD. MMT PI UHD.,. 3. Table 3. Experiment result Existing MMT PI structure Proposed MMT PI structure Play time with FHD resolution of next content Play time with UHD resolution of next content 497.4 sec 501.6 sec - 494.1 sec. MXD. MMT PI.. MXD MMT PI.
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