Living up to Life Biological Microscope System 생물현미경시스템 교육실습용정립현미경 Upright Microscope for Educational Application 조직병리검사용정립현미경 Upright Microscope for Clinical Application 전자동정립형광현미경 Upright Microscope for Biological Research 세포관찰용도립현미경 Inverted Microscope for Living Cell Application 전자동도립형광현미경 Automated Inverted Microscope for Life Science 실체현미경 Stereo Microscope
교육실습용정립현미경 Upright Microscope for Educational Application DM750 Oil 없이높은분해능 (N.A., 0.8) 을제공하는 100x Dry 타입대물렌즈 인체공학적라운드형모서리 Stentor, 4X Objective Convallaria, 20x Objective Hecartha (Rotifer), 40x Objective 한손으로조작가능한재물대 반영구적 LED 광원 이동손잡이 깔끔한전원코드정리 ICC50HD 일체형카메라로실시간이미지저장및분석기능 자동꺼짐기능 (2 시간 ) 2 ( 주 ) 비엠에스 02-3471-6500 / 042-824-7000 /
조직병리검사용정립현미경 Upright Microscope for Clinical Application DM2500 피로도감소를위한 15 o 경사접안튜브 2 단계 (Coarse, Fine) 또는 3 단계 (Coarse, Medium, Fine) 로세밀한초점조절 Pathology Cytology Hematology 3 단계초점조절 인체공학적디자인 Unique 1.25X Overview 대물렌즈 손쉬운램프교체 좌, 우이동가능한 (DM1000, 2000, 3000) 재물대위치조절장치 높이조절가능한초점조정장치 3
전자동정립형광현미경 Upright Microscope for Biological Research DM6000B 배율및관찰법에따른광량등자동설정저장 대물렌즈, DIC 모듈, 형광필터, 재물대등모든현미경기능의자동화 IFW (Integrated Fast Filter Wheel) : 0.05 초이하의빠른필터교체 (optional) GFP Expression in C. elegans Aspergillus Metaphase Chromosomes, FISH CCIC 기능할로겐광량변화에도광색을일정하게보정 FIM 기능 5 단계여기광세기조절 ( 전자동 ) 눈높이에따른높이조절기능 컬러 LCD 터치스크린컨트롤러 4 ( 주 ) 비엠에스 02-3471-6500 / 042-824-7000 /
세포관찰용도립현미경 Inverted Microscope for Living Cell Application DM IL LED 일반배양세포관찰및계수에적합 IMC (Integrated Modulation Contrast) 에의한생체시료의입체적관찰미세조작기 (Micromanipulator) 장착가능다양한형광필터선택으로형광시료관찰가능 (optional) Section Taste Buds Rabbit, Phase Contrast D. melanogaster, Fluorescence Rat Testes, Integrated Modulation Contrast (IMC) Unique Unique Discussion Bridge 를통한 2 인용현미경구축 샘플시야를가리지않는카메라마운트위치 반영구적인 LED 램프사용 5
전자동도립형광현미경 Automated Inverted Microscope for Life Science DMI6000B AFC 배율및관찰법에따른광량등자동설정저장 CCIC 기능 : 할로겐광량이변해도광색을일정하게자동보정 전동식형광필터교체, 형광셔터 0.5 초 FIM (Fluorescence Intensity Manager) 기능 : 형광광량전동조절 Oral Epithelial Cell, DIC Breast Cancer Cell Line, Fluorescence V. riftia, Spermatazoa, Fluorescence Live Cell 관찰에최적화 AFC (Adaptive Focus Control) 모듈장시간관찰에도샘플초점유지기능 원터치버튼클릭으로원하는관찰법변환및자동세팅 ( 사용자지정버튼설정 ) 6 ( 주 ) 비엠에스 02-3471-6500 / 042-824-7000 /
실체현미경 Stereo Microscope 용도 모델 Zoom Ratio Zoom Range Working Distance Illumination Camera Port 교육용 일반용 Greenough 방식 반영구적 LED 및다양한조명방식 Full HD 급빠른라이브이미징 EZ4 EZ4 HD S6 E S6 D 4.4 : 1 8x ~ 35x 100 mm 6.3 : 1 6.3x ~ 40x 110 mm Integrated LED Integrated LED, External LED or Halogen Lamp X Integrated X O S8 APO 8 : 1 10x ~ 80x 75 mm O CMO 방식넓은작업공간및시야다양한 Base 및조명방식다양한 Swing Arm Stand M50 5 : 1 Stage Changer 6.3x, 10x, 16x, 25x, 40x 89.6 mm M60 6 : 1 6.3x ~ 40x 89.6 mm M80 8 : 1 7.5x ~ 60x 83.4 mm 연구용 CMO 방식 Apochromatic Lens 장착완벽한소프트웨어연동최상의멀티포커스이미지구현 M125 12.5 : 1 8x ~ 100x M165C 16.5 : 1 7.3x ~ 120x M205C 20.5 : 1 7.8x ~ 160x 61.5 mm Integrated LED, External LED or Halogen Lamp O M205A 형광실체현미경 Triple Beam 방식의형광이미징 M165FC 16.5 : 1 7.3x ~ 120x M205FA 20.5 : 1 7.8x ~ 160x 61.5 mm 다목적 Apochromatic 렌즈사용 세계최고배율의 Macroscope Whole Body 형광 (GFP) 이미징 Z6 APO 6.3 : 1 7.1x ~ 45x Z16 APO 16 : 1 7.1x ~ 115x 97 mm Integrated LED, External LED or Halogen Lamp O 7
독창적인프리즘방식의 Spectral Detector를장착한 Confocal 현미경 True Confocal System SP8 Scanhead 1. Visible line lasers or white light laser 2. Acousto-optical tunable filter (AOTF) 3. Infrared (IR) lasers * 4. Electro-optical modulation (EOM) 5. Ultraviolet (UV) lasers * 6. AOTF or direct modulation (DMOD) 7. STED laser * 8. Monitoring diode for Setlight 9. Acousto-optical beam splitter (AOBS), other options available 10. FRAP Booster * 11. IR laser incoupling 12. UV laser incoupling with CS2 UV optics 13. STED laser incoupling 14. FOV Scanner with Tandem Scanner option 15. Scan optics with alternative UVIS, HIVIS or VISIR coating 16. Scan field rotation (Abbe-Konig rotator) * 17. Reflected light detection (RLD) in non-descanned position * 18. Objective lens (different options available) 19. Transmitted light detection (TLD) in non-descanned position * 20. Square confocal pinhole 21 Fluorifier disc * 22. Outcoupling with X1 port * 23. External detection * 24. Prism-based dispersion 25. SP Detector with spectrophotometer arrangement 26. Up to five photo-multipliers (PMT) or up to four hybrid photo-detectors (HyD) * * optional 주문및상담 T. 02-3471-6500 / 042-824-7000