(JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019) (Regular Paper) 241, 2019 1 (JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019) https://doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2019.24.1.118 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) UHD a), a), a) Design and Implementation of Transmission Scheduler for Terrestrial UHD Contents Jong-Ho Paik a), Minjae Seo a), and Kyung-A Yu a) 8K UHD(Ultra High Definition). UHD, 8K UHD. 8K UHD. FHD(Full High Definition) 4K UHD, 8K UHD. 8K, 4K UHD 8K UHD. UHD 4K UHD. UHD,.. 8K UHD.. UHD. UHD UHD QoS(Quality of Service). Abstract In order to provide 8K UHD contents of terrestrial broadcasting with a large capacity, the terrestrial broadcasting system has various problems such as limited bandwidth and so on. To solve these problems, UHD contents transmission technology has been actively studied, and an 8K UHD broadcasting system using terrestrial broadcasting network and communication network has been proposed. The proposed technique is to solve the limited bandwidth problem of terrestrial broadcasting network by segmenting 8K UHD contents and transmitting them to heterogeneous networks through hierarchical separation. Through the terrestrial broadcasting network, the base layer corresponding to FHD and the additional enhancement layer data for 4K UHD are transmitted, and the additional enhancement layer data corresponding to 8K UHD is transmitted through the communication network. When 8K UHD contents are provided in such a way, user can receive up to 4K UHD broadcasting by terrestrial channels, and also can receive up to 8K UHD additional communication networks. However, in order to transmit the 4K UHD contents within the allocated bit rate of the domestic terrestrial UHD broadcasting, the compression rate is increased, so a certain level of image deterioration occurs inevitably. Due to the nature of UHD contents, video quality should be considered as a top priority over other factors, so that video quality should be guaranteed even within a limited bit rate. This requires packet
2 : UHD (Jong-Ho Paik et al.: Design and Implementation of Transmission Scheduler for Terrestrial UHD Contents) scheduling of content generators in the broadcasting system. Since the multiplexer sends out the packets received from the content generator in order, it is very important to make the transmission time and the transmission rate of the process from the content generator to the multiplexer constant and accurate. Therefore, we propose a variable transmission scheduler between the content generator and the multiplexer to guarantee the image quality of a certain level of UHD contents in this paper. Keyword : MMT, SHVC, UHD, UHD Broadcasting, Transport Scheduler. UHD., NHK(Nihon Hoso Kyokai) MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group) UHD SHVC (Scalable High-efficiency Video Codec), MMT(MPEG Media Transport) [1][2]. NHK 2018 12 8K UHD 2020 8K UHD [2]. 8K UHD, 80~90Mbps [3]. 8K UHD. UHD a) (Dept. of Software Convergence, Seoul Women s University) Corresponding Author : (Jong-Ho Paik) E-mail: paikjh@swu.ac.kr Tel: +82-970-5606 ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1867-5316 ( ) 2018. Manuscript received September 19, 2018; Revised January 2, 2019; Accepted January 24, 2019., 8K UHD [4]. 8K UHD, 8K UHD 4 UHD 4K UHD 4. 8K UHD 4 4K UHD SHVC 2. FHD 4K UHD, 8K UHD [4]. 8K UHD, 4K UHD 8K UHD. UHD ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) 3.0 25Mbps, 4K UHD HD 4K UHD 15~18Mbps [5][6]. 4K UHD. UHD,. 8K UHD Copyright 2016 Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers. All rights reserved. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and not altered.
(JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019).,.. 18Mbps.,, 8K. UHD QoS(Quality of Service). UHD. UHD,.,.. UHD UHD QoS.. 1. SHVC (Scalable High-efficiency Video Coding) ITU-T ISO/IEC JCT-VC(Joint Collaborate Team on Video Coding) HEVC SHVC [7].,., / /, 1. SHVC Fig. 1. SHVC with Scalable Function
2 : UHD (Jong-Ho Paik et al.: Design and Implementation of Transmission Scheduler for Terrestrial UHD Contents)., [8]. 1 SHVC. SHVC UHD, 2. HD(High Definition), FHD(Full High Definition), UHD. HD Layer0, Layer1, Layer2. Layer1 Layer0, Layer2 Layer0 Layer1.. 2. MMT (MPEG Media Transport),. MPEG UHD MMT [9]. MMT IP [9][10]. 2 MMT. MPU(Media Processing Unit),. MPU MFU(Media Fragment Unit). MPU (Asset),, MMT. MMT,. MMT MMT. MMT 3, GFD(Generic File Delivery), MPU,. UHD MPU. MPU 1., [10]. 3. MMT 8K UHD UHD, UHD. 2. MMT Fig. 2. MMT structure and functional area
(JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019) MMT 8K UHD. 8K UHD, FHD, 4K UHD, 8K UHD.,. 3 MMT 8K UHD. 8K. 8K UHD 4,. 4 4K UHD SHVC 3. 8K UHD 12,. MMT MMTP 1 AAC(Advanced Audio Coding) MPU. 2 MMTP. 1,, 1. ATSC 3.0, DVB-T2(Digital Video Broadcasting Second Generation Terrestrial) MMTP RF. HTTP 2 2 HTTP. HTTP 2. 8K, [4]. 4. UHD, [11].,., 3. MMT 8K UHD Fig. 3. Service Architecture for 8K UHD Broadcasting Based on MMT over Heterogeneous Networks
2 : UHD (Jong-Ho Paik et al.: Design and Implementation of Transmission Scheduler for Terrestrial UHD Contents). IP [11]. burst.,. (ABR, Average Bit Rate), burst. (p).,. 4 (a), (b)., burst spread.. UHD 1. 8K UHD. 5.,, UHD,.., 8K UHD (FHD) 1(4K UHD ) 2(8K UHD ). FHD, 4K UHD, 8K UHD 3., FHD 4K UHD, 8K UHD. UHD UHD.. 1. 4. Fig. 4. Token Bucket and leaky bucket scheduling techniques
(JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019) 1. Table 1. Requirements for the service (1) (2) (3) (4) (5). (Broadcast services should be provided regardless of the terminal type.). (All kinds of videos must satisfy a certain level of video quality.). (Even if there is a slight delay, seamless service should be provided.) FHD 4K UHD. (FHD and 4K UHD services must be provided simultaneously within a single frequency.) FHD, 4K UHD, 8K UHD. (FHD, 4K UHD, and 8K UHD should be provided to receive according to the user's environment.) 2. UHD. 6 MMT. MMT,. MMT UHD, MMT. UHD (Package). MMT, (PI, Presentation Information). MMTP.,. 6 MMT MPU (MPU Generator) MMTP (MMTP Generator). MPU duration MPU. MPU, 5. MMT Fig. 5. MMT based broadcasting service scenario
2 : UHD (Jong-Ho Paik et al.: Design and Implementation of Transmission Scheduler for Terrestrial UHD Contents) 6. MMT Fig. 6. Structure of MMT Broadcasting Generator. MMTP 3 MPU,, GFD. MPU. MPU PI MMTP. Packet_ID, [12]. MMTP (Transmission Scehdul- er). 3.,.,. 0.5.,... 1, 2 HTTP. DASH(Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP)., [4][15]... MMT. 3. 7 FHD, 4K UHD, 8K UHD, V0, V1, V2. 8K UHD C SHVC L0, 1 L1, 2 L2 3. 4K UHD L0 L1, 8K UHD L2 HTTP. SHVC,. 8K UHD L2 L0, L1.
(JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019) 7. Fig. 7. Hierarchical Structure of Video 8K UHD 4, 4, [13]. GoP(Group of Pictures),, MPU. (sec.). MPU d. d. n n MMTP(MMT Protocol). MMTP L0, L1 MP0, MP1, HTTP L2 HP. MP0, A (repeat) S. d Td. BW(bandwidth), BR. d BWd. 단 sec t d BRt. 4. 8. d (Td) (BWd). Td BWd, burst spread 1(Method1). Td BWd, 2(Method2) Td BWd 1. 2 d., Td BRd.
2 : UHD (Jong-Ho Paik et al.: Design and Implementation of Transmission Scheduler for Terrestrial UHD Contents)., 2 d. 5. 8. Fig. 8. Proposed Transmission Scheduler Flowchart burst burst.. Td BWd, 1 2. d 1, d Windows10 64bit Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. MFC C. 8K UHD MMT, MPU MMTP. MPU 8K UHD MPU. MMTP. 9 (a)mpu (b)mmtp. 9. 8K UHD MPU MMTP Fig. 9. MPU generator and MMTP generator implemented for 8K UHD Broadcasting
(JBE Vol. 24, No. 1, January 2019). 1. 10 MMT. MMT 10,. MMT, MMT,. L2 8K HTTP. 2K, 4K UHD, 8K UHD, 8K UHD 4 8K UHD. HTTP DASH. 4 8K, MMT [4]. 8K.,,. 8K UHD, 8K UHD. picture. 2. Multiple-PLP(Physical Layer Pipes) 6MHz 4K UHD 18Mbps [6]. 18 Mbps. 9 UHD. 17. (sec.). 1, 2, 9, 10, 17 18Mbps. 9 17 3 10. MMT Fig. 10. MMT Broadcasting and Receiving System
2 : UHD (Jong-Ho Paik et al.: Design and Implementation of Transmission Scheduler for Terrestrial UHD Contents) 11. Fig. 11. Simulation results before and after applying the proposed scheduling technique.,.,. 18Mbps.. UHD.,.. 18Mbps., 8K UHD MMT. MMT 8K UHD
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2 : UHD (Jong-Ho Paik et al.: Design and Implementation of Transmission Scheduler for Terrestrial UHD Contents) - 2013 : - 2016 : - 2016 ~ : - ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5081-6572 - :, - 2015 : - 2017 : - 2017 ~ : - :,