Holy Chick Category: Restaurant Location: Shota Rustaveli st., 16-A, Kyiv, Ukraine Area: 300m 2 Photographer: Roman Kupriyan 우크라이나키예프에위치한 YOD 스튜디오는다수의프로젝트를이어온유능한디자인팀으로건축과디자인에재능이넘치는디자이너들이한데모여있다. 모던한스타일부터각나라의문화적특색이담긴스타일까지다채로운컨셉을모두완벽히소화하는이들은호텔, 레스토랑, 카페, 바등의상업공간에특화된디자인을선보인다. 미니멀리즘과색다른자재의활용, 강렬하게기억에남는인상적인인테리어디자인으로 유명하며, 가구디자인부터장식품디자인, 그래픽디자인까지다양한분야를아우르고있다. 성은주기자 Design Studio: YOD Design Lab Email: yodlab.pr@gmail.com Contact: +380975386205 108 International HOLY CHICK International HOLY CHICK 109
Holy Chick은이름처럼치킨을주메뉴로하는레스토랑으로개방적이고직접적인화려함과고전적인우아함을재치있게조합한인테리어를특징으로한다. 통유리창으로내부가훤히보여자유분방한느낌을주는외관은주변을지나는사람들에게실내의독특한분위기를그대로드러냄으로써사람들의발걸음을내부로이끈다. 목제테이블과그레이톤의자, 철사를꼬아서만든특이한디자인의샹들리에등으로모던함과빈티지함이모두느껴지는내부는오픈된장소에서사람들과소통할수있는 1층메인공간과조용한분위기에서프라이빗하게모임을가질수있는복층으로구성되어있다. 110 International HOLY CHICK International HOLY CHICK 111
1층메인바공간에는유니크한조형물의기능을하는펜던트형와인잔거치대와오래된느낌의가구로빈티지와앤틱함이조화를이루고있다. 주류를전시해놓은오픈선반에는간접조명을설치해은은하면서도로맨틱한분위기를풍긴다. 일반레스토랑이라고보기엔독특하고생소한요소로가득한 Holy Chick은전체적으로어두운조도에간접조명을설치한것만으로깊이있는무드를끌어낸다. 112 International HOLY CHICK International HOLY CHICK 113
바닥은균열이있는아스팔트형태의골드자재를사용해거칠지만은은한반짝거림으로고급스러움이느껴지며, 1층기둥과천장등공간의기본베이스는콘크리트월패널을사용해차가우면서도생경한느낌을준다. 식당카운터는홀처럼구성되어있어소위닭장 (Chicken Coop) 이라칭하는데, 튀어나와있는구조의 2층공간하부에위치해아늑하고정적인분위기를풍긴다. 유니크한요소들뿐만아니라레스토랑내부에는다양한 Easter Eggs가눈에띄지않게숨겨져있어숨은그림을찾듯색다른재미를느낄수도있다. 화장실내부는청결을위해흰정사각형타일로구성되어있으며, 문은스테인리스강으로제작해독특한분위기의메인공간과일관성있는전개를이어간다. 114 International HOLY CHICK International HOLY CHICK 115
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SPACE STORY Holy Chick it's a restaurant that tactfully combines frank rudeness with the elegance of classical elements. The very name of the restaurant already indicates the guest that its format and kitchen are devoted to chicken - its main product. From the entrance reveals the ironic character of the concept of the establishment: the ground near the entrance is the embodiment of such a "glamorous" chicken house, and the door handle on the front door is executed in the form of the famous gesture of Winston Churchill's "victory hand". In the interior are hidden various "Easter Eggs" imperceptible at a glance: the chicken paw inscribed in décor of the ceiling socket, the floor is made in the form of asphalt with gold cracks, the holder for bocals over the bar are made in the form of the conveyor belt in a poultry factory. It's no coincidence are woven classical chandeliers from wire, because this material is the main on the poultry factory. The bathrooms are laid out by the white square tile, doors are made from stainless steel, which generally resembles the industrial rooms in the poultry farm. In addition the hall on the ground floor is decorated by wall panel in the form of classical eggs cells from concrete. The counter of the restaurant is a superstructure above the ground floor where is a small hall, so-called the chicken coop. His motives are created at the expense of light, which breaks through the old boards from the village chicken coop, by which is sheathed this hall. 118 International HOLY CHICK International HOLY CHICK 119