저작자표시 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 이차적저작물을작성할수있습니다. 이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 귀하는, 이저작물의재이용이나배포의경우, 이저작물에적용된이용허락조건을명확하게나타내어야합니다. 저작권자로부터별도의허가를받으면이러한조건들은적용되지않습니다. 저작권법에따른이용자의권리는위의내용에의하여영향을받지않습니다. 이것은이용허락규약 (Legal Code) 을이해하기쉽게요약한것입니다. Disclaimer
교육학석사학위논문 해외코딩교육이러닝분석 년 월 서울대학교대학원 교육학과교육공학전공 임용택
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총인원 총교육직무기간 공교육평균근무기간 석사이상 박사 18 326 년 8 년 88% 4 명 - 48 -
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문장 Orientation Score Polarity I like dogs 60.8% 긍정 I really like dogs 76.1% 긍정 I care about dogs 79.2% 긍정 I am happy 83.0% 긍정 I really care about dogs 90.3% 긍정 I don't like dogs -60.8% 부정 I really don't like dogs -76.1% 부정 I hate dogs -90.3% 부정 I really hate dogs -96.4% 부정 - 51 -
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코딩교육이러닝 긍정 부정 Code Avengers 51.8% -14.4% Code.org 60.3% -9.7% Codecademy 61.3% -7.7% CodeCombat 57.2% -11.0% CodeHS 55.7% -12.5% Hopscotch 60.5% -6.5% Kodable 60.4% -9.2% Kodu Game Lab 55.6% -9.9% Lightbot 54.6% -14.5% Made With Code 67.6% -5.1% MIT App Inventor 56.4% -14.5% Mozilla Thimble 68.4% -2.7% Scratch 64.7% -5.1% stencyl 61.8% -6.2% - 62 -
Tynker 46.8% -17.2% - 63 -
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{ "sentiment_analysis": [ { "positive": [ { "sentiment": "helps kids", "topic": "Code-free game development tool", "score": 0.5734506634410159, "original_text": "Code-free game development tool helps kids program", "original_length": 50, "normalized_text": "Code-free game development tool helps kids program", "normalized_length": 50, "offset": 0 }, { "sentiment": "Intuitive", "topic": "drag-and", "score": 0.6280145725181376, "original_text": "Intuitive drag-and", "original_length": 18, "normalized_text": "Intuitive drag-and", "normalized_length": 18, "offset": 63 }, { "sentiment": "makes building games accessible", "topic": "drop design", "score": 0.5734506634410159, "original_text": "drop design makes building games accessible", "original_length": 43, "normalized_text": "drop design makes building games accessible", "normalized_length": 43, "offset": 82 }, { "sentiment": "thrive on", "topic": null, "score": 0.9257589430051858, "original_text": "they thrive on endless critical-thinking 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"original_length": 40, "normalized_text": "Probably the best way to utilize Stencyl", "normalized_length": 40, "offset": 887 }, { "sentiment": "giving students the freedom", "topic": null, "score": 0.7923352042939829, "original_text": "giving students the freedom", "original_length": 27, "normalized_text": "giving students the freedom", "normalized_length": 27, "offset": 990 }, { "sentiment": "An ideal", "topic": "classroom setup", "score": 0.7470003863664774, "original_text": "An ideal classroom setup", "original_length": 24, "normalized_text": "An ideal classroom setup", "normalized_length": 24, "offset": 1052 }, { "sentiment": "inspired by", "topic": "a game", "score": 0.8303585105859703, "original_text": "a game inspired by the Milky Way", "original_length": 32, "normalized_text": "a game inspired by the Milky Way", "normalized_length": 32, "offset": 1528 }, { "sentiment": "equally novel and fun", "topic": null, "score": 0.7854478171766733, "original_text": "that are equally novel 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"original_length": 19, "normalized_text": "that helps students", "normalized_length": 19, "offset": 2979 }, { "sentiment": "works well in", "topic": null, "score": 0.7741813573680408, "original_text": "it works well in a classroom", "original_length": 28, "normalized_text": "it works well in a classroom", "normalized_length": 28, "offset": 3335 }, { "sentiment": "would be even better with", "topic": "Stencyl", "score": 0.33017137715835104, "original_text": "Stencyl would be even better with a simple learning management system", "original_length": 69, "normalized_text": "Stencyl would be even better with a simple learning management system", "normalized_length": 69, "offset": 3365 }, { "sentiment": "progress", "topic": "track student", "score": 0.46377052838785104, "original_text": "track student progress", "original_length": 22, "normalized_text": "track student progress", "normalized_length": 22, "offset": 3446 }, { "sentiment": "free and low cost", "topic": null, "score": 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"original_length": 14, "normalized_text": "it can be good", "normalized_length": 14, "offset": 4295 }, { "sentiment": "prepared", "topic": null, "score": 0.31394031216419105, "original_text": "they can be prepared", "original_length": 20, "normalized_text": "they can be prepared", "normalized_length": 20, "offset": 4468 }, { "sentiment": "best", "topic": null, "score": 0.9025871577819432, "original_text": "It's best", "original_length": 9, "normalized_text": "It's best", "normalized_length": 9, "offset": 4561 }, { "sentiment": "best", "topic": null, "score": 0.8448465972936622, "original_text": "is best", "original_length": 7, "normalized_text": "is best", "normalized_length": 7, "offset": 4702 }, { "sentiment": "a great way", "topic": "Stencyl like Scratch", "score": 0.6085845466635199, "original_text": "Stencyl like Scratch is a great way", "original_length": 35, "normalized_text": "Stencyl like Scratch is a great way", "normalized_length": 35, "offset": 4711 }, { "sentiment": "A 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"Would be great", "normalized_length": 14, "offset": 5101 }, { "sentiment": "wonderful", "topic": "group dynamics", "score": 0.8073621469780758, "original_text": "wonderful group dynamics", "original_length": 24, "normalized_text": "wonderful group dynamics", "normalized_length": 24, "offset": 5311 }, { "sentiment": "savvy", "topic": "students", "score": 0.6280145725181376, "original_text": "savvy students", "original_length": 14, "normalized_text": "savvy students", "normalized_length": 14, "offset": 5606 }, { "sentiment": "fairly easy", "topic": "Creating a basic game", "score": 0.709336851506547, "original_text": "Creating a basic game is fairly easy", "original_length": 36, "normalized_text": "Creating a basic game is fairly easy", "normalized_length": 36, "offset": 5644 }, { "sentiment": "extremely useful video tutorials", "topic": null, "score": 0.9472888547185723, "original_text": "There are extremely useful video tutorials", "original_length": 42, "normalized_text": "There are extremely useful video tutorials", "normalized_length": 42, "offset": 5803 }, { "sentiment": "an ambitious project with a lot of promise", "topic": "Stencyl", "score": 0.9203650635837769, "original_text": "Stencyl is an ambitious project with a lot of promise", "original_length": 53, "normalized_text": "Stencyl is an ambitious project with a lot of promise", "normalized_length": 53, "offset": 5963 }, { "sentiment": "the popular", "topic": "web tool", "score": 0.6748984055823062, "original_text": "the popular web tool", "original_length": 20, "normalized_text": "the popular web tool", "normalized_length": 20, "offset": 6061 }, { "sentiment": "a highly engaging", "topic": "environment", "score": 0.7456152186238567, "original_text": "a highly engaging environment", "original_length": 29, "normalized_text": "a highly engaging environment", "normalized_length": 29, "offset": 6201 }, { "sentiment": "helpful", "topic": "More support", "score": 0.827943965297082, "original_text": "More support would definitely be helpful", "original_length": 40, "normalized_text": "More support would definitely be helpful", "normalized_length": 40, "offset": 6707 } ], "negative": [ { "sentiment": "get sucked into", "topic": "the idea of planning", "score": -0.7923352042939829, "original_text": "Students get sucked into the idea of planning", "original_length": 45, "normalized_text": "Students get sucked into the idea of planning", "normalized_length": 45, "offset": 342 }, { "sentiment": "be daunted", "topic": null, "score": -0.5734506634410159, "original_text": "initially be daunted", "original_length": 20, "normalized_text": "initially be daunted", "normalized_length": 20, "offset": 2104 }, { "sentiment": "Problems", "topic": "the younger students", "score": -0.7176687736973063, "original_text": "Problems with the younger students", "original_length": 34, "normalized_text": "Problems with the younger students", "normalized_length": 34, "offset": 4524 }, { "sentiment": "able", "topic": null, "score": -0.2646417670917725, "original_text": "don't think you'd be able", "original_length": 25, "normalized_text": "don't think you'd be able", "normalized_length": 25, "offset": 5492 }, { "sentiment": "would have few problems", "topic": "Techy high schoolers", "score": -0.26177720878860367, "original_text": "Techy high schoolers would have few problems", "original_length": 44, "normalized_text": "Techy high schoolers would have few problems", "normalized_length": 44, "offset": 5721 } ], "aggregate": { "sentiment": "positive", "score": 0.5563167777384905 } } ] } - 107 -
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