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2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe Contribute CS3 - Contribute,. Adobe Systems Incorporated (,, ),..,, Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated..... Adobe, Adobe, Acrobat Connect, Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere, After Effects, ColdFusion, Dreamweaver, Encore, Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator, InDesign Photoshop / Adobe Systems Incorporated. Microsoft Windows / Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh QuickTime Apple Inc... Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, California 95110, USA. 48 C.F.R. 2.101, (48 C.F.R. 12.212 48 C.F.R. 227.7202 ). 48 C.F.R. 12.212 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 227.7202-4, (a) (b).. Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704, USA. Adobe 11246, Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act(1974) 402 (38 USC 4212), Rehabilitation Act(1973) 503, 41 CFR 60-1 60-60, 60-250 60-741.. 90078747 (09/06)

iii 1 : Adobe Contribute CS3.........................................................................................1 Adobe................................................................................2.......................................................................................4..................................................................................7................................................................8 2 : Contribute..........................................................................9................................................................. 10 Contribute.......................................................... 11 Contribute Adobe Creative Suite 3...................................... 12 Adobe Bridge CS3 Adobe Contribute CS3............................................ 13 3 : Contribute Contribute....................................................................... 17......................................................................... 20................................................................ 21................................................. 21................................................ 23 Contribute................................................................... 24 Contribute..................................................... 26........................................................................ 26 Contribute.......................................................... 27 4 :................................................................ 31............................................................ 35.................................................................................. 38................................................. 39 Dreamweaver.......................................... 44 Contribute................................................................. 47.................................................. 48 Google........................................................... 49.................................................... 49,....................................................... 50.............................................................. 50 (Windows )....................................... 52.............................................................. 52

iv 5 :, PDF (Windows ).................................................... 54........................................................ 54................................................................. 59.......................................................................... 59................................................................. 61.......................................................... 62................................................................. 62........................................................... 63 MS Office Contribute PDF (Windows )......................... 67 Microsoft Word Excel........................................... 68 Microsoft Office Contribute (Windows ).................. 70 Contribute PDF............................................................... 76 Contribute HTML.................................................... 78 6 : Contribute HTML CSS................................................ 79..................................................................... 80................................................................. 81...................................................................... 85................................................................................ 86................................................................................ 90....................................................................... 90 7 :......................................................................... 91........................................................................ 92................................................................... 94............................................................................ 95................................................................... 96 Contribute................................................................. 97.......................................................... 100 Flash............................................................... 101.................................................................... 102.................................................................. 103....................................................................... 104........................................................................ 106 PayPal............................................................... 107 8 :............................................................................... 109........................................................................... 109............................................................................... 111,....................................................................... 112................................................................................... 112,........................................................... 113

v,................................................................ 115............................................................................... 117........................................................................ 120 9 :................................................................ 123........................................................................ 131................................................................................. 136.........................................................................................137 10 :.................................................................................... 139......................................................................... 140........................................................... 141.................................................................... 142 11 :........................................................................ 144.......................................................... 144.................................................................... 144.............................................................. 148.................................................................... 149................................................................ 151 Microsoft Office (Windows )............................... 152......................................................................... 154 RSS........................................................ 156.................................................................. 159 12 :............................................................. 163............................................................. 165...................................................................... 166.................................................................... 168 CPS..................................................... 171 Contribute..................................................... 174 Contribute.................................................................. 176............................................................. 183 CPS.......................................................... 184 CPS.................................................... 185 CPS.................................................... 186................................................................ 186........................................................... 187 13 :................................................................................. 193 Contribute.................................................................... 194.................................................................. 208

vi 14 : Contribute...................................................................... 209 Contribute...................................................................... 209........................................................................... 211........................................................................... 212........................................................................... 214................................................... 215........................................................................... 215................................................................ 215 Contribute...................................................................... 216 Contribute.............................................................. 220 RSS Contribute....................................................... 221 15 : Windows................................................................................. 223................................................................................. 223................................................................................. 224................................................................................. 224................................................................................. 224................................................................................... 225........................................................................... 225............................................................................... 225............................................................................... 226................................................................................... 226............................................................................... 226........................................................................... 227 16 : Macintosh................................................................................. 229................................................................................. 229................................................................................. 230................................................................................. 230................................................................................. 230................................................................................... 231............................................................................... 231............................................................................... 231............................................................................... 231................................................................................... 232............................................................................... 232...................................................................................... 233

1 1 : Adobe Contribute CS3 Adobe Contribute CS3. Contribute,,. Contribute Adobe Create Suite 3, Create Suite 3 Contribute. Contribute Creative Suite 3 Contribute Creative Suite 3,.. 1 2 Adobe 4 7 8 Adobe DVD.html. 1 Adobe. 2 DVD. : DVD.html.. 30. DVD Adobe ( 1 [ ] [ ] > [ ]. 2. :. [ ] > [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 2,. [ ]. [ ] > [ ]..html DVD.. Adobe Adobe Adobe. LiveDocs. [ ]. LiveDocs. LiveDocs. Adobe ( LiveDocs. LiveDocs..,. PDF PDF. PDF. PDF Adobe ( PDF DVD Documents. Adobe ( Adobe Adobe. Adobe Creative Suite 3, Adobe.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 3 [ ]. Adobe Help Viewer [ ] Adobe. Adobe.. Adobe.. Photoshop Contribute,. :. Adobe.... Title., [ ] [ ].... HTML.. (Windows). Alt+ Alt+ Ctrl+P Ctrl+I Alt+ Alt+( ) (Windows) Ctrl+S( ) (Windows). Ctrl+Tab( ) Shift+Ctrl+Tab( ). Tab( ) Shift+Tab( ). Enter. Ctrl+ (=). Ctrl+ (-).

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 4,.,,,,,,, RSS..,,. Contribute. Contribute Contribute. Contribute [ ] Contribute. Contribute. Contribute. Contribute [ ] Contribute. 4. Adobe Adobe Creative Suite 3 Adobe., 200 Adobe Creative Suite 3. Creative Suite 3, Adobe... Adobe. Adobe Joe Lowery, Katrin Eismann, Chris Georgenes,,, Lynn Grillo, Greg Rewis, Russell Brown Adobe. 30..., 3-5.. Adobe Creative Suite 3 DVD Adobe, Adobe,.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 5 Contribute CS3 Adobe Adobe Contribute CS3. Dreamweaver Contribute Adobe Creative Suite 3 Adobe ( Adobe. DVD. Adobe Exchange ( Windows: [ ]/Program files/adobe/adobe Contribute Mac OS: [ ]/Applications/Adobe Contribute Adobe.. [ ] [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ] [ ].,,,.,,,,,,,,,,..,. Adobe Bridge [ ].,,, DVD...,.. Creative Suite OpenType.. Windows: [ ]/Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Fonts Mac OS X: [ ]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts DVD.html. DVD DVD DVD. Goodies Fonts Stock Photography,,,,,. Documentation PDF,,,.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 6 Adobe Exchange, Adobe. Bridge Home Adobe Bridge CS3 Bridge Home Adobe Creative Suite 3. Adobe Bridge [ ] [Bridge Home] Creative Suite,,. : Bridge Home. Adobe Adobe, Adobe,,., HTML. (Think Tank), (Dialog Box) (Gallery). (Think Tank),,. (Dialog Box). (Gallery). Adobe ( Adobe Adobe,, Adobe,,,. Adobe. RSS,, SDK,. Adobe ( Adobe ( Adobe Press,, Adobe., Adobe (,,.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 7 Adobe Labs Adobe Labs Adobe. Adobe Labs., Adobe Labs. Adobe. Adobe Labs(,,.,,. Adobe Bridge CS3 Adobe Contribute CS3 Adobe Creative Suite 3 Adobe Contribute CS3 Adobe Bridge. Adobe Contribute Adobe Bridge. Adobe Contribute Adobe Bridge Contribute. Adobe Contribute Adobe Contribute CS3 Creative Suite 3. 13 Adobe Bridge CS3 Adobe Contribute CS3. Adobe Contribute MS Office PDF Adobe Contribute MS Word MS Excel PDF (Windows ). PDF. Acrobat Elements Acrobat Reader 8. 67 MS Office Contribute PDF (Windows ). Adobe Contribute PDF Adobe Contribute PDF. 76 Contribute PDF. Adobe Help Viewer 1.1 Adobe Contribute CS3 Adobe Help Viewer 1.1 Adobe Contribute CS3 Adobe. Adobe Help Viewer Creative Suite. Adobe Contribute CS3. gmail. Adobe Contribute CS3 [ ] [ ]. [ ] [ ]. 51.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 8 MS Office Contribute Adobe Contribute CS3 MS Word MS Excel MS Office HTML (Windows ). [ ] [Contribute ].. 74 Contribute MS Office (Windows ). Adobe Contribute HTML Contribute Contribute Adobe Contribute CS3 HTML.,. 78 Contribute HTML. Adobe Contribute CS3, Flash. Contribute CS3 IP( ) 6 Adobe Contribute CS3 IPv6. IPv6 URL Windows Internet Explorer 7. Contribute IPv4 IPv6 Contribute CS3. URL Contribute CS3 URL,. 166. Contribute CS3 Roller Adobe Contribute CS3 Roller. Roller,. Adobe Contribute CS3.. Contribute.... Adobe Dreamweaver.,,,.. Dreamweaver Dreamweaver. Contribute. Contribute,,,,,, Contribute. HTML. Contribute.,,,, Microsoft Word Excel. Contribute. Contribute Contribute Contribute. Contribute.. Contribute Contribute. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 9 2 : Adobe Contribute CS3 1.. 1. Adobe Contribute CS3. Contribute. Contribute Contribute.. 9 Contribute 10 11 Contribute 12 Contribute Adobe Creative Suite 3 13 Adobe Bridge CS3 Adobe Contribute CS3 Contribute Contribute - -. :,. 10. Contribute. 1.. Contribute. Microsoft Internet Explorer. [ ]. Contribute Internet Explorer.. 2.. [ ] [ ] Contribute. Contribute,. Contribute.,, Microsoft Word Excel.,. 3... [ ] Contribute. Contribute. : Contribute. [ ]..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 10 Contribute. Contribute. [ ] (10 ). Contribute. :. (166 ). Macintosh.Mac Contribute.Mac. Contribute Publishing Server Contribute.. MetaWeblog API Blogger, WordPress, Roller, TypePad. Macintosh.Mac Contribute.Mac. :. 168. Contribute. Contribute. Contribute. URL. : Contribute. : 1.. 2. 3. [ ],, [ ]. [Publishing Server ] [ ]. : Contribute. 4 FTP [ ]. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 11 Contribute [ ] [ ] [Contribute ] Contribute.. Contribute.. Contribute. [Contribute ] Contribute. : Contribute. Contribute : 1 [ ] Contribute. Contribute. Contribute.. 2 [ ]. : [ ] Contribute.. Contribute. Contribute Contribute. Contribute. Contribute [ ]. [ ]. 47 Contribute. Contribute [ ]. Contribute. 11. 209. Contribute. Contribute. Contribute. Contribute.. :. Contribute. 190.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 12 : 1 Contribute. [ ]. 2 [ ] Contribute. 3 Contribute Contribute. [ ]. [ ]. 4 [ ]. : 1, [ ]. 2 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. 3. [ ]. [ ]... 4 [ ]. Contribute Adobe Creative Suite 3 Adobe Creative Suite 3 Adobe Contribute. Adobe Contribute, Creative Suite 3. Creative Suite 3, Adobe Contribute. Creative Suite 3 Adobe Contribute Cross DOM Adobe Creative Suite 3 API.,,. Cross DOM API Adobe Creative Suite 3. Cross-DOM API Open Creative Suite 3 Adobe Contribute. Cross-DOM API Creative Suite 3 Adobe Contribute. Cross-DOM API Open Adobe Bridge, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Fireworks Creative Suite 3 Adobe Contribute. Cross-DOM API Open Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Audition, Adobe Encore Creative Suite 3..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 13 Adobe Bridge, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Audition, Adobe Encore Creative Suite 3, Reveal Adobe Contribute. PDF Cross-DOM API Print Adobe Bridge, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Fireworks Creative Suite 3 Adobe Contribute. Cross-DOM API Print Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Audition, Adobe Encore Creative Suite 3. BridgeTalk. Cross-DOM API Close Creative Suite 3 Adobe Contribute. Cross DOM API Quit Adobe Bridge, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Audition Adobe Encore Creative Suite 3 Adobe Contribute. : BridgeTalk Adobe Bridge Adobe Contribute Adobe Creative Suite 3. BridgeTalk. Adobe Bridge CS3 Adobe Contribute CS3 Adobe Bridge CS3 Adobe Creative Suite 3. Adobe Bridge CS3 Creative Suite 3,. Adobe Creative Suite 3 Adobe Contribute CS3 Adobe Bridge.. BridgeTalk Access Adobe Adobe Bridge Adobe Contribute Adobe Bridge Adobe Contribute. Contribute.. Adobe Bridge Adobe Contribute : 1 Adobe Contribute. 2. : Contribute Adobe Contribute. 3 [ ] > [ ] Bridge. : Contribute. Adobe Bridge.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 14 4 Adobe Bridge. 5 [ ] > [ ] > [Contribute]. Contribute.. : Windows Macintosh Finder Contribute Contribute. Adobe Contribute Adobe Bridge (Windows ) Adobe Bridge Adobe Contribute. Adobe Contribute Adobe Bridge : 1 Adobe Bridge. 2 Contribute. : Microsoft Word.doc.docx, Microsoft Excel xls,.xlsm.xlsx. 3 [ ] > [Contribute] > [Contribute ]. : [ ] > [Contribute] > [Contribute ] Windows. Contribute Word Excel. Adobe Bridge Adobe Contribute (Windows ) Adobe Bridge.doc,.xls,.docx,.xlsm.xlsx Adobe Contribute. MS Office. Adobe Bridge Adobe Contribute : 1 Adobe Bridge. 2 Adobe Contribute. 3 [ ] > [Contribute] > [ ]. : [ ] > [Contribute] > [ ] Windows. [ ]. 4. a. : [ ] [ ] [ ]. 166. b. : Contribute Adobe Bridge. c.,. d. e ( ) [ ]. Contribute [ ] [Microsoft ]. [ ] > [ ] > [Microsoft ]. 24 Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 15 5 [ ]. Contribute. : Adobe Bridge Contribute Contribute Adobe Contribute [ ]. 6 [ ].


17 3 : Contribute Adobe Contribute CS3. Contribute. Contribute. Contribute.. 17 Contribute 20 21 21 23 24 Contribute 26 Contribute 26 27 Contribute Contribute Contribute Contribute,,. A. B. C.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 18 Contribute Contribute. Contribute. (18 Contribute ). Contribute. Contribute.. Contribute (10 ).,,. Contribute. 20. Contribute Contribute... Contribute... [ ], [ ], [ ] [ ].. A. B. C. D. E. Adobe Bridge CS3,...... A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. / I. J. : Contribute. CSS(Cascading Style Sheet).

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 19. A. B. C. D. E. / F. G. H. I. Contribute Contribute. Contribute.. [ ]. [ ]. : [ ]. [ ] Contribute.. [ ]. Contribute ([ ] > [Adobe Contribute ]). : Contribute 4. A. B. C..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 20. [ ] > [ ]. Windows Contribute. Macintosh Contribute. : Contribute. :. : [ ]. Contribute. Contribute.. Contribute.. Contribute. [ ] ( []) (18 Contribute ).. [ ] [ ]. : [ ] [ ]. [ ].. [ ] [ ]. [ ]. [ ] > [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 21 Contribute. 21. : (Windows ) Microsoft Internet Explorer Contribute Internet Explorer.,, Internet Explorer Contribute. Contribute ( 10 ). [ ]. Contribute.. [ ] (URL) [ ]. Enter Return. [ ] > [ ] (URL) [ ]. Contribute.. 22 22 22 23 23

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 22 A. B. C. D. [ ]. [ ].. [ ]. [ ] > [ ].. [ ]. [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. : [ ] > [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 23 [ ]. : 1. 2 [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. : [ ] < >. Contribute. [ ]. : 1 Contribute [ ] > [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 2.. [ ].. 3 [ ]. Contribute. : Contribute [ ]. Contribute... Windows Contribute 2000 Internet Explorer Contribute [ ].. Contribute [ ]. (Windows ) Internet Explorer [ ] > [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 24. 1000. : 1. 2 [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ].. 4 [ ]. 5 [ ]. Contribute [ ].. : 1 [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 2. 3 [ ]. Contribute [ ]. 4 [ ]. 5 [ ]. Contribute [ ] Contribute.,,,,, Microsoft Office, PDF, ping,.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 25 : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. 2.,, [], [ ]. Contribute [ ]. []. FTP [FTP ]. [ ]. (Windows ) Contribute Office [Microsoft Office ]. Contribute PDF [PDF ]. Contribute Contribute Ping URL [Ping ]. Ping. Contribute [ ]., Contribute, [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 26 Contribute Contribute. Contribute Contribute. Contribute [ ] [Contribute ] Contribute. Contribute Contribute Contribute.. Contribute : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. 2 [ ]. 3. 4 [ ]. Contribute : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2 [ ] [ ]. :. 3 2. 4 [ ]. 5 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 6 [ ] [ ]. 7 [Contribute ]. 8 [ ]. Contribute Contribute. : 1 Contribute (Windows) Control (Macintosh). 2 [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 27 Contribute,. Contribute. Contribute.... Contribute. Freedom Scientific JAWS for Windows( GW Micro Window Eyes ( Contribute Windows. Windows. Contribute.., Contribute. Contribute [ ] > [ ]. Contribute Contribute,.. 223 Windows. Contribute., Contribute. Contribute 223 Windows. [ ]. [ ] Contribute ([ ] > [Adobe Contribute ]). Contribute. Ctrl+Shift+E(Windows) Command+Shift+E(Macintosh). : [ ]. (Windows ) Alt+F Alt+F. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 28 Contribute : Ctrl+Shift+B(Windows) Command+Shift+B(Macintosh). : [ ] [ ].. : Tab. Macintosh Tab. Enter Return. Esc Alt+F4(Windows). (Windows ).,. (Windows ) Ctrl+Tab. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows ) Ctrl+Tab.. : 1 Contribute. Shift+. Shift+. 2. 3 Tab. Tab. 4 Ctrl+A(Windows) Command+A(Macintosh). 5 [ ] (Ctrl+A) Command+A(Macintosh),.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 29.. World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative( (Federal Rehabilitation Act) 508 ( Contribute.. Contribute Contribute. Contribute 200.. 109. :.


31 4 : Adobe Contribute CS3... HTML. : 54.. Contribute.., (31 ). Microsoft Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Contribute. Contribute,,.. 31 35 38 39 44 Dreamweaver 47 Contribute 48 49 Google 49 50, 51 52 (Windows ) 52 Contribute ( )..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 32 (10 ).,.. A. B. Contribute [ ]. 35. 38. : Microsoft 48.. Contribute. : Contribute 193.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 33 Contribute Contribute... Contribute...,.. Contribute [ ]..,,.. Contribute. Contribute. (URL). :. (33 ). Contribute...

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 34.. Contribute. Dreamweaver..,.,,,...,.. A. B. C.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 35. 32. Contribute Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox. Contribute 36... : 1 (21 ). 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. Contribute [ ]. Contribute. Contribute. [Contribute ] Contribute. 36. : Contribute [ ] [ ]. []. Contribute : 1. 2 [ ] [ ] > [ ] >. [ ] > [ ] [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ] [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. Contribute.. :. 126.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 36 Contribute. HTML. TextEdit Contribute., HTML. Contribute,. :. Contribute,. : 1 Contribute [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. : TXT. 2 [ ]. Contribute. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]. :. Contribute. Contribute Microsoft Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox. Contribute.. Windows 2000(SP 4) Windows XP(SP 2) Internet Explorer 5.5 6.0 Windows 2000(SP 4) Windows XP(SP 2) Mozilla Firefox 1.5 2.0 Mac OS X (10.3.9) Mac OS X(10.4.x) Mozilla Firefox 1.5 2.0 Windows Contribute CS3 Internet Explorer. Windows Contribute CS3 Firefox Extension. [ ]. <contribute >/SupportFiles/FirefoxExtension/FirefoxExtensionSetup

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 37 Contribute CS3 [Contribute ] [ ]. : Contribute [ ] > [ ] > [Contribute ]. Macintosh Macintosh Contribute CS3 Firefox Extension. <contribute >/ Contribute CS3 [Contribute ] [ ]. Windows Macintosh Contribute Windows Macintosh Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Contribute. Macintosh Contribute Macintosh Contribute. Firefox Extension Manager Macintosh Mozilla Firefox Contribute. Macintosh Contribute.. Contribute Contribute : 1,. :. 166 168. 2 [Contribute ]. 3 [ ]. Contribute.. : Contribute []. Contribute.. : Contribute. 151.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 38 : [ ] > [ ]. : [ ] > [ ]. (38 ), (38 ). Contribute,,, Contribute.. Contribute [ ] (35 ). : [ ] > [ ]. :. 145.. 1 [ ]. :,. 2 [ ] > [ ]. Contribute. Contribute (143 ), (50, ), (39 ) [ ]. : 1. [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. Contribute. 2 Contribute. 3 [ ]. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 39.. :. Contribute Contribute.. :..,,,. 33. :.. 197. Contribute Contribute.. 33. :. : 1 [ ] [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ Contribute ].. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 40 3 [ ]. 4 [ ] [ ]. [ ]. :. 5 [ ]. []. Contribute. 1 [ ] [ ].. Contribute [ ]. 2 [ ]. Contribute. 3 [ ]... [ ] [ ].. Contribute. 148. : 1 [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ]. : HTML JSP. Contribute. [ ]. 3 [ ] [ ]... [ ]. 4 [ ]. [ ]. 5 [ ] [ ]. :. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 41. :. : 1 [ ] [ ]. : [ ]. [ ].. Contribute 30. Ctrl+Shift [ ] > [ ]. 2. Contribute. [ ]. 3. [ ] [ ]. [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute [ ]. [ ].,,,.. :.. [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. : 1 [ ]. Contribute. : Contribute. 2. [ ]. : Contribute. [ ]. :. [ ] [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 42 [ ]. Contribute. [ ], [ ] [ ]. : Contribute. [ ]. : Contribute. : 1 Contribute. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 3. 4 [ ]. (Contribute ). :. 33.. (33 ). :. : 1 [ ] [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 43 2 [ ] [ ]. 3 [ ] [ ]. [ ] [ ]. : (URL). 4 [ ]. []. Contribute. Macintosh Contribute Mail, Eudora Entourage. : Contribute [.]. (URL). 5. Contribute Contribute. [ ]. : Contribute. Adobe Contribute CS3. Contribute [ ].. [ ]. [ ] [ ]. Contribute. : 1 [ ] [ ]. :... : Contribute 30. Ctrl+Shift [ ] > [ ]. 2. Contribute. [ ]. 3. [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. Contribute [ ].. Contribute. Contribute Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 44 Dreamweaver Dreamweaver. Contribute.,,. : Contribute. Contribute. 191. Dreamweaver,. :....,... : 1. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. Contribute.. Contribute.. Contribute Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver. [ ].. : 1 [ ]. 2 [ ] > [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 45 [ ]. 3 [ ]. Contribute. 4. 5 [ ], [ ]. Dreamweaver Contribute Dreamweaver (DWT). DWT.. :. XML Dreamweaver.. 59. : Dreamweaver. XML Movable Type.... 63. : 1 DefaultTemplate.dwt.. Windows DefaultTemplate.dwt C:\Documents and Settings\ \Local Settings\ Application Data\Adobe\Contribute CS3\Sites\Sitex\Templates. : Local Settings Windows [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ] [ ]. Macintosh DefaultTemplate.dwt /Macintosh HD/Application Support/Adobe/Contribute CS3/ Sites/Sitex/Templates.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 46 2 XML.,. <<begintranslate>> <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="mt_text_more" --> <<endtranslate>><!-- TemplateEndEditable --> <<begintranslate>> <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="mt_excerpt" --> <<endtranslate>><!-- TemplateEndEditable --> <<begintranslate>> <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="mt_keywords" --> <<endtranslate>><!-- TemplateEndEditable -->. <div class="entry-content"> <<begintranslate>> <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="adobe_main_content" --> <<endtranslate>><!-- TemplateEndEditable --></div> 3.. 59. Contribute. Adobe Contribute CS3. Contribute. : 1 Contribute [] [ ] > []. [ ] [ ]. 2 [ ]. 3 [ ]. Contribute [ ].. /... 4 [ ]. Contribute. [ ]. [ ]. : [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 47 Contribute Contribute. Contribute,. Contribute. Contribute. Contribute : Contribute [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). Contribute Contribute. [ ] [ ] [ ]. Contribute [ ]. [ ]. Contribute Contribute. : Contribute. Contribute. : [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh).. : 1. 2. [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh).. [ ]. Contribute Contribute.,,. [ ]. Contribute.,. [ ].. : [ ]. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 48 : [ ] > []. [ ] [ ].. Contribute [ ]. : 1. :.. 2 [ ] [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. Contribute [ ] [Contribute ]., Microsoft Word, Adobe Fireworks. Contribute. : Contribute.. Contribute. Contribute. : 1. [ ]. [ ] [ ]. : Contribute [ ]. 2. (Windows) Ctrl (Macintosh) [ ]. Contribute [ ]. 3 Fireworks [ ] [ ]. 4. : Fireworks [ ]. 5 Contribute. [ ] [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 49 Google Google. Google : 1. 2 [ ] > [Google ]. [Google ]. 3 [ ]. [ ]. 4 [ ]. [Google ]. Google : 1 [Google ]. 2 [ ] > [Google ]. [Google ]. 3. [ ]. 4 [ ].. Contribute. : Contribute. Contribute. : Contribute. Contribute. : 1 Contribute. 2 [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. Contribute [ ]. 3. :.. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 50 4 Contribute. [ ] [Contribute ] Contribute.. : Contribute [ ]. [ ] [ ]. Contribute. [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. Contribute.,... 51. : [ ]. Contribute. : [ ]. Contribute.. 50,.. 51 51

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 51.. : Contribute 198.. 50,. : 1.. [ ] [ ]. : Contribute [ ].. 2 [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. :.. 3 [ ]. Contribute.. 50,. : 1 Contribute. 2 [ ] [ ] > [ ]. 3 [ ] [ ]> [ ] > [ ]. : [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute. : [ ].. : [ ] [ ] [ ] > [ ]. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 52 (Windows ) Contribute Contribute HTML.. ( ). ( ).. : 1. 2. [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 4. 5. 6 [ ]... : 1. [ ] > [ ] (Windows). [ ] > [ ] [ ] (Macintosh).. 2 [ ] [ ]. 3 [ ] [ ]. 144. : 1 [ ] > [ ]. : (Windows ) Contribute [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ] [ ]..

53 5 :, Adobe Contribute CS3.,,. Word Excel Microsoft Office Adobe Flash. Contribute. Adobe Flash Player 9. Contribute.,, Microsoft Office ( : Word Excel ).. MP3.... - - URL - Contribute ping URL - ping ping - Contribute. Word, Excel Outlook Microsoft Contribute Contribute,,.. 54 PDF (Windows ) 54 59 59 61 62 62 63 67 MS Office Contribute PDF (Windows ) 68 Microsoft Word Excel 70 Microsoft Office Contribute (Windows ) 76 Contribute PDF 78 Contribute HTML

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 54 PDF (Windows ) Contribute Word, PowerPoint Excel MS Office PDF Adobe Contribute. MS Office PDF PDF. PDF.. : Contribute. Contribute 203.. Contribute. Contribute.... : 1 [] [ ] > []. :.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 55 [ ]. 2 [ ] [ ]. :. Contribute. Contribute 203. [ ]. 3 [ ].. 4 [ ]. Contribute. (123 ). : Contribute..... :. 124.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 56 : 1 Contribute [] [ ] > []. [ ] [ ]. 2 [ ] ( ) [ ]. : Contribute. Contribute 203. 3 [ ].. 4 [ ]. Contribute. (123 ). : 2 Contribute.. Contribute.... :. 124. : 1 Contribute [] [ ] > []. [ ] [ ]. 2 [ ]. a. b. : [ ] Contribute. Contribute 203. [ ]. 3 [ ].. 4 [ ]. Contribute. 57. (123 ). : 2 Contribute..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 57 Contribute...... :..,.. :. Contribute.. ( : Microsoft Word) [ ] > [ ]. : [ ]. Contribute 200. 79. : Delete... :.. 91. :. :.. Contribute. [ ] [ ]. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]... 124. [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. 123.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 58. Contribute. Dreamweaver (Dreamweaver [ ] > [Dreamweaver ] ). Dreamweaver. Contribute. Contribute.. Dreamweaver (44 Dreamweaver ) Contribute. Dreamweaver. 59... :. 124 126. : 1 Contribute [] [ ] > []. [ ] [ ]. 2 [ ]. a. b. : [ ] Contribute. Contribute 203. [ ]. 3 [ ].. 4 [ ]. Contribute. (123 ). : 2 Contribute..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 59 Contribute.. Contribute : 1 Contribute [] [ ] > []. [ ]. 2 [ ] [ ](Windows) [Mac](Macintosh) [ ]. : [ ](Windows) [Mac](Macintosh). 3. 4 [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 5 [ ]. Contribute... (, ). Dreamweaver., TypePad.. : 1 Contribute [] [ ] > []. [ ] [ ]. 2 [ ]. 3 [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 60 5 ( ) [ ]. 6 [ ] [ ]. 7 ( ) [ ]. 8 [ ]. 9 [ ]. : [ ] [ ]. 10. :. 126. Contribute.. Microsoft Internet Explorer (154 ) Word, Excel Outlook Microsoft Office (155 Microsoft Office (Windows ) ).. Contribute : 1 Contribute. 2. 3. []. [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 4. 5 [ ]. : Contribute. 6 [ ]. 7 [ ]. Adobe Contribute CS3. [ ].. [ ].. Contribute. 35 Contribute. [Contribute ] Contribute. 36. :.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 61.. API.. :. /,,,. :.. CSS Contribute. : Contribute. Contribute 200. : 1 [ ] [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 2. Contribute CSS. Contribute CSS HTML [ / ] [ ]. Contribute 202. : [ ] [ ] Contribute. [ ]. Contribute 202. [ ]. 3 [ ]. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 62.. :. : 1 [ ]. Contribute. 2 [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ]. ( : ). 4 [ ]. 5 [ ].. [ ]., [ ],, URL (24 Contribute ). :.. URL 65 URL. 64. Contribute ping URL. Ping Ping.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 63.. URL, Contribute., URL [ ] [ / ] [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ].. Contribute. : 1. : 59. 60. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. :.. 3 ( ) [ ].... : 124. 154...

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 64 : [ ] [ ] [ ]. :. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ] [ ]...,,,.. Contribute.. [ ]. :,. 24 Contribute. : 1 [ ]. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ] [ ]. 3 [ ]... [ ] [ ] Contribute. 4. : [ ]...,....,..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 65 : 1 [ ]. 2. [ ].. [ ] > [ ] > [ ].. :. : 1 [ ]. 2. [ ].. [ ] > [ ] > [ ].. : 1 [ ]. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ].,. Contribute. :. Contribute. : 1 [ ]. 2 [ ]. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ].,. URL URL. URL. URL... [ ] URL. :... URL 24 Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 66 URL : 1 [ ]. : Contribute [ ] [ URL] URL. URL URL URL. URL. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. 3 [ URL] URL [ ]. Contribute URL [ ] Contribute. URL,. [ ]. :.. URL. : Contribute [ ] [ URL] URL. [ ] [ ] Contribute... :. 24 Contribute... : 1. 2 [ ] [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. 3. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 4. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 67 MS Office Contribute PDF (Windows ) Contribute Word, PowerPoint Excel MS Office PDF Adobe Contribute. MS Office PDF PDF. : Microsoft Word Microsoft Powerpoint Word Powerpoint Contribute. Office Contribute PDF : 1 PDF. 2 [ ] > [ PDF ]. [PDF ] [ ]. 3 MS Office [ ]. [PDF ]. 4. [PDF ] - PDF. [PDF ] - PDF PDF. : PDF [PDF ]. 5 [.]. 6 [ ]. Contribute PDF. PDF : 1 PDF. 2 Delete.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 68 PDF : 1 PDF. Contribute. 2 Windows. 3. [Microsoft Office ]. 4 [PDF PDF ] [PDF PDF ] [ ]. Contribute PDF. Microsoft Word Excel Contribute Word Excel., Word. Contribute. Word Excel. Word Excel (Windows ). Word Excel. PDF. PDF. Windows Word Excel Contribute.. Word Excel Microsoft Office Contribute. 70 Microsoft Office Contribute (Windows ). Microsoft Word Excel (Windows ) Word Excel. Contribute HTML. Contribute.. HTML 300K Contribute PDF. 67 MS Office Contribute PDF (Windows ) 69 Microsoft Word Excel. : Microsoft Office 97 Word Excel PDF.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 69 Word Excel : 1. 2. Contribute. a [ ] > [Microsoft Office ]. [ ]. b Microsoft Office [ ]. (Windows ) Windows Contribute. 3 [Microsoft Office ] [.] [ ]. 4 ( ) [.]. Contribute [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [Microsoft ]. 24 Contribute. 5 [ ]. Word Excel. Microsoft Word Excel Microsoft Word Excel. Contribute. : 49.. Word Excel : 1. 2. [ ] [ ]. [ ] [ ]. (Windows ) Contribute. [Microsoft Office ] [ ] [ ]. :. 136..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 70 PDF (Windows ) Microsoft Word Excel PDF PDF PDF. PDF MS Office : 1 PDF. 2 [ ] > [MS Office ]. [ ]. [Microsoft Office ]. 3 Contribute PDF. : Microsoft Word Excel. [PDF PDF ] - PDF PDF [PDF PDF ] - PDF PDF 4 ( ) [.]. 5 [ ]. PDF. Microsoft Office Contribute (Windows ) Microsoft Word, Excel Outlook Contribute Contribute, Word. Contribute Office Contribute Contribute. Contribute CS3 Microsoft Office. : Contribute Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office XP Microsoft Office 2007. MS Office. Contribute. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 71 Microsoft Word, Excel Outlook Contribute Microsoft Office Contribute Contribute Contribute PDF. : Contribute Outlook. Microsoft Office. Word, Excel Outlook Word Excel Word Excel PDF Microsoft Office Microsoft Word, Excel Outlook (Windows ) (Word, Excel Outlook ).. Contribute Contribute. Contribute. Microsoft Office Word, Excel Outlook : 1 Microsoft Word Excel. 2 Contribute Contribute. : Contribute. [Contribute] > [Contribute ]. [Contribute ]. : Contribute. 166. Contribute [ ]. 3. 4 [ ] Contribute MS Office. 74 Contribute MS Office (Windows ). [ ] [ ] Microsoft Office. Contribute [ ].. [ ] -. [ ] -. : [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 72 5 ( ), [ ]. :. [ ]. 6 [ ]. Contribute [Microsoft Office ]. : Outlook [Microsoft Office ]. [ ] Contribute. 7 [.]. 8 ( ) [.]. [ ]. 9 [ ]... 123. :.rtf [Contribute ]. Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Excel (Windows ) Microsoft Word Excel. Contribute. Microsoft Office Word Excel : 1 Microsoft Word Excel. 2 ( ) Contribute. 3 Contribute Contribute. : Contribute. [Contribute] > [Contribute ]. [Contribute ]. : Contribute. 166.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 73 Contribute [ ]. 4. 5 [ ] Contribute MS Office. 74 Contribute MS Office (Windows ). [ ] [ ] Microsoft Office. Contribute [ ].. [ ] -. [ ] -. : [ ]. 6 ( ), [ ]. :. [ ]. 7 [ ]. [Microsoft Office ]. 8 [ ]. 9 ( ) [.]. [ ]. 10 [ ]... 123. Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Excel PDF (Windows ) Contribute Microsoft Word Excel Microsoft Word Excel PDF. PDF MS Office Contribute PDF 54 PDF (Windows ).

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 74 Microsoft Office PDF : 1 Microsoft Word Excel. 2 ( ) Contribute. 3 Contribute Contribute. : Contribute. [Contribute] > [Contribute ]. [Contribute ]. : Contribute. 166. [ ]. 4. 5 [ ] Contribute MS Office. 74 Contribute MS Office (Windows ). [ ] [ ] Microsoft Office. Contribute [ ].. [ ] -. [ ] -. : [ ]. 6 ( ), [ ]. [ ]. 7 [ ]. [Microsoft Office ]. 8 [PDF PDF ] [PDF PDF ]. 9 ( ) [.]. [ ]. 10 [ ]. Contribute PDF. Contribute. Contribute MS Office (Windows ) Adobe Contribute CS3 Contribute MS Office (MS Word MS Excel).

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 75 Contribute MS Office : 1 Microsoft Office. 2. 3 [Contribute ]. [ ]. :.rtf [Contribute ]. 4. URL. 5 [ ]. [ ]. [ ] [ ] Microsoft Office. Contribute [ ].. [ ] -. [ ] -. : [ ]. [ ]. 6. [ ]. : Contribute. [ ]. [ ]. 7. : [ ]. _blank. :. [ ] [ ]. 8 [ ]. [ ] - [ ] - 9 [ ].. 10 [ ]. MS Office HTML. 11 ( ), [ ]. 12 [ ]. [Microsoft Office ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 76 13. [.] - [Office.] - [PDF PDF ] - PDF PDF [PDF PDF ] - PDF PDF 14 ( ) [.]. 15 [ ].. Contribute. PDF Contribute PDF PDF. : [ ] [ ] [ ] Contribute MS Office. [ ] [Contribute ]. Contribute PDF Adobe Contribute CS3 PDF PDF Contribute. 3 PDF. PDF. PDF Contribute EOLAS. : Contribute CS3 PDF Adobe Acrobat 8. PDF : 1 PDF. 2 [ ] > [PDF ] >[ ]. [ ]. 3 PDF [ ]. [PDF ]. 4. PDF PDF. : [PDF ] [PDF.]. 5 ( ) [.]. 6 [ ]. : PDF, PDF PDF. [ ] [ ]. PDF PDF. PDF PDF.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 77 PDF : 1 PDF. 2 [ ] > [PDF ] >[ ]. : [ ] > [PDF ] > [ ]. [ ]. 3 PDF. PDF [ ]. 4 PDF. [PDF ]. PDF PDF. 5 ( ) [.]. : [PDF ] [PDF ]. 6 [ ]. : PDF, PDF PDF. [ ] [ ]. PDF PDF. PDF PDF. : Windows PDF. PDF PDF. [PDF ]. PDF : 1 PDF. 2. PDF Shift. PDF : 1 PDF. 2 PDF [PDF ] PDF [ ] > [PDF ]. [PDF ]. 3 [ ] [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute PDF. : PDF.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 78 Contribute HTML Adobe Contribute Adobe Contribute CS3 Contribute HTML.,.. HTML. Contribute. : Contribute HTML.. Contribute HTML : 1. 2 [ ]. 3 [ ] [ ]. 4 HTML. 5 [ ] > [HTML ]. [HTML ]. : [HTML ] [ ] [HTML ].. 6 HTML. 7 [ ]. HTML.

79 6 : Adobe Contribute CS3. Contribute HTML ( : Microsoft Word).. 79 Contribute HTML CSS 80 81 85 86 90 90 109. 96.. Contribute HTML CSS Contribute [ ] HTML CSS(Cascading Style Sheet).. : [ ] Contribute. CSS. Contribute.. : Contribute HTML CSS HTML CSS. Contribute CSS Contribute 202. Contribute CSS(Cascading Style Sheet). Dreamweaver.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 80,, Contribute. Windows Contribute Microsoft Word Excel. 68 Microsoft Word Excel. Contribute Contribute Enter Return. Contribute 200... [ ] > [ ]. Contribute [ ] > [ ]. Contribute Microsoft Excel Excel. Contribute. : Contribute... : 1. 2 [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 3,. [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 81 ( ) (#). : (Latin 1). 61. : 1. 2. [ ] > [ ]. [ ] > [ ] [ ]. [ ] [ ].. Contribute.. 18 Contribute. : 85... Contribute... 82.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 82 : 1. 2. [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. :. [ ] > [ ]. : 1. 2. [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. :. [ ] > [ ]. Contribute. [ ]. Contribute... : 1 [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ]. [ ] [ ]. 3., /,,. [ ]. 4 [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 83. Contribute [ ] HTML CSS. : Contribute [ ]. [ ] HTML CSS 79 Contribute HTML CSS. : 1. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ].. :. Enter Return Contribute. Enter Return. : 1. 2 [ ] [ ]. : [ ] > [ ] > [ ].. Contribute. : Contribute Contribute. Contribute 202. CSS. HTML. HTML CSS 79 Contribute HTML CSS. : 1. 2,. Contribute Style1, Style2, Style3, Stylen. [ ]. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 84 : 1 [ ]> [ ] > [ ] [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ]. 3 [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute [ ]. : 1 [ ] > [ ] > [ ] [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 2. 3 [ ]. Contribute [ ].,,,,. : [ ] Contribute., : 1. 2. [ ] [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ], [ ] [ ]. :. [ ] > [ ], [ ] > [ ] [ ] > [ ]..., : 1. 2. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. :. [ ] > [ ]. : [ ] [ ] [ ] HTML. Contribute Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 85. : 1. 2. [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. :. [ ] > [ ].. 3.. : 1. 2 [ ] [ ] > [ ].. 3..,,. : 81. Contribute., Enter (Windows) Return (Macintosh)... : 1. 2 Enter (Windows) Return (Macintosh). : 1. 2. [ ] > [ ]. Shift+Enter(Windows) Shift+Return(Macintosh).

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 86 [ ], [ ], [ ] [ ] 4. : 1. : Contribute. 2.. [ ] > [ ].. Contribute... : 1. 2. [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ] [ ] >[ ].. Contribute,.... : 1. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. 3. 4 Enter (Windows) Return (Macintosh). 5. Enter Return. Enter Return [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 87 : 1. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. Contribute... : 1. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. 3. 4 Enter (Windows) Return (Macintosh). 5. Enter Return. Enter Return [ ]. : 1. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. Contribute.. : 1. 2 [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. 3 Enter (Windows) Return (Macintosh). 4 Enter Return. 5. Enter Return. Enter Return [ ] > [ ] > [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 88 : 1. 2 [ ] > [ ] > [ ]..,..,.. : 1. 2 Enter (Windows) Return (Macintosh). 3. [ ]. Tab. :. [ ] > [ ]. Contribute. 4 [ ] [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 89 5 Enter Return. 6. Enter Return. Enter Return [ ]. : [ ] [ ].. : 1. 2. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ] > [ ]. :. [ ]. 3. [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute. : 1. :. 2. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ] > [ ]. :. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 90 3 [ ]. [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute. [ ]. : 1 [ ] > [ ]. Contribute [ ]. 2 Contribute. [ ]. 3 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]... 1 [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ]. 1 [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 2. 3 [ ]. 4,,. [ ]. 5 [ ].

91 7 : Adobe Contribute CS3,, Adobe Flash Player 9 (FLV ).., Contribute PayPal, Flash Contribute. Contribute..gif,.jfif,.jpe,.jpeg,.jpg.png Flash.swf.avi,.flv,.mp4,.mpeg,.mpg,.mov,.qt.wmv 123.. 91 92 94 95 96 97 Contribute 100 101 Flash 102 103 104 106 107 PayPal PayPal.,,,, Microsoft Internet Explorer ( : Microsoft Word Excel). :.gif,.jfif,.jpe,.jpeg,.jpg.png(16). Adobe Fireworks.. Contribute. : Contribute 200.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 92 PayPal PayPal Contribute.. PayPal. PayPal PayPal.. : PayPal Contribute PayPal. Contribute 200. 5 PayPal.,,.. [ ]..,..,,,..,. (URL). PayPal PayPal.,. PayPal [ ]. PayPal.. HTML HTML PayPal. JavaScript PayPal JavaScript.. [ ] [ ]. Contribute. Contribute. : Contribute. [ ] [ ]. (93 ) (94 ).

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 93 : 1. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. 3. : Contribute. [ ], [ ], [ ] [ ]. Contribute [ ]. 4 [ ]. :. Contribute. 5 [ ] [ ].. Contribute Contribute.. :. 97 Contribute.. 95. Contribute. : Contribute. [ ] [ ] (92 ) (94 ). : 1 Contribute. 2. 3 Contribute.. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 94 4 [ ] [ ].. Contribute Contribute.. :. 97 Contribute.. 95. Contribute. : Contribute. [ ] [ ] (92 ) (93 ). : 1. 2 [ ] > [ ]. 3 Contribute. 4 [ ] > [ ]. 5 [ ] [ ].. Contribute Contribute.. :. 97 Contribute.. 95. Contribute, Flash Dreamweaver. Contribute.., Contribute. 206.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 95 : 1. 2. Dreamweaver [ ] > [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ] [ ] [ ]. Flash [ ] > [Flash] > [ ]. : Flash Contribute. [ ]. 3.. 4 [ ]. 5 [ ] [ ].. (92 ).,,,,.. 97 Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 96 : 1.. [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ]. 2. [ ]. 3 [ ]. Contribute.,,......

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 97 : 1. 2 [ ]. Contribute. : 1. 2. [ ] [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. Contribute. Contribute Contribute,,.. 100. : Contribute Contribute. Contribute.. 97 98 98 99 99.,,.. :. : 1. 2. [ / ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]> [ ]. : Contribute. Contribute 200. [ / ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 98 3 [ ] [ ]. -100 100. 4 [ ].. :. 1. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ] > [ ]. : Contribute. Contribute 200. [ ]. 3 0 10.. 4 [ ]. : [ ] > [ ]. [ ].. :. : 1. 2. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ] > [ ]. : Contribute. Contribute 200..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 99 3. 4.. Enter Return. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ] > [ ].. : [ ] > [ ]. Contribute [ ].. :. : 1. 2 [ ]. 3. A. Contribute. Shift. :. 95. : 1. 2 [ ] [ ]. Contribute. :. 95. : [ ] > [ ] > [ ]..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 100 : 1. 2... [ ] > [ ] > [ ] [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ] > [ ] [ ] > [ ]. Contribute. Contribute (97 Contribute ). : Contribute Contribute. Contribute. : 1. Contribute [ ] [ ]. [ ]. Contribute [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. :.. Contribute. 2 Fireworks [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 3. :. 4 Fireworks [ ]. Contribute [ ]. 5 Contribute [ ]. : Contribute. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 101 Flash Flash.,, [ ] Flash. Flash Contribute (.swf). : Flash 102. Flash : 1 Flash. 2. [ ] > [Flash] > [ ] [ ] > [Flash] > [ ] [ ] > [Flash] > [ ] [ ] > [Flash] > [ ] [ ], [ ], [Flash ] [ ]. 3 Flash SWF [ ] [ ]. : Contribute. Flash. Flash (SWF ) : [ ] > [Flash] > [ ]. Flash Flash (SWF ). Flash : 1 Flash. 2 [ ] > [Flash ]. [Flash ]. 3. [ ]. 4 [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 102 Contribute. : SWF. 101 Flash.,., ( : Movie Maker imovie). QuickTime(MOV QT), Flash (FLV), (MP4, MPG MPEG), AVI, Windows Media(WMV).. : 1. 2. [ ] > [ ] > [ ] [ ] > [ ] > [ ] [ ] > [ ] > [ ] [ ], [ ] [ ]. :. Contribute. Contribute. 3 [ ]. : Contribute MOV Windows QuickTime. WMV Macintosh Windows Media.. : Contribute. Contribute 205.. Contribute FLV 320 x 240. FLV Contribute FLV FLV. Contribute FLV 320 x 240.. : SWF 101 Flash. 1. 2 [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 103 [ ]. Flash (FLV) [ ]. FLV. 3. [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute........ : 1. 2. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 104.,.. :.. Contribute.... : 1. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ]. [ ].. Contribute. : 1. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 2. [ ]. 3 [ ]. [ ]... Windows Media Player(Windows ) QuickTime (Windows Macintosh).

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 105 (Windows Windows Media Player) Windows Media Player Windows Media Player. : Windows Media Player. (Windows Windows Media Player): 1. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 2. 3 [ ].. 4 [ ] [ ]. Windows Media Player. 5 Windows Media Player. :. 6 Contribute [ ] [ ]. [ ].. (QuickTime) Windows Macintosh QuickTime. Macintosh QuickTime. Windows QuickTime QuickTime. (QuickTime) 1. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 2. 3. [ ] QuickTime. 4 [ ]. [ ]...

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 106 : [ ] [ ]. :...,. : 1. 2 [ ] > [ ]. Contribute.. : 1. 2 [ ].,. Contribute 3. 106. : 1. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 107 [ ]. 2. [ ]. 3 [ ]. Contribute. PayPal PayPal.. : PayPal Contribute PayPal. Contribute 200.. 107 PayPal 108 PayPal 108 PayPal PayPal PayPal. PayPal : 1. : PayPal. 2 [ ] > [PayPal]. : Contribute PayPal. Contribute 200. [PayPal]. 3. [ ]. 4 [ ] [ ]. PayPal.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 108 PayPal PayPal., [ ] [ ]. PayPal.. : PayPal Contribute PayPal. Contribute 200. : 1 Enter (Windows) Return (Macintosh). 2 PayPal. : 1 [ ] > [ ]. 2 PayPal. PayPal PayPal.,,,. PayPal : 1 PayPal. 2 [ ] > [PayPal ].. 3 [ ]. 4 [ ].

109 8 :.,. Adobe Contribute CS3 (79 91 )... 109 109 111 112, 112 114 115, 117 120,... 1 2 3,. : Contribute td.. 3 3. [ ] (144 ).

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 110 : 1. 2 [ ]. [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 3. [ ]. 4 [ ].. [ ]. 118. : 1. 2 [ ]. [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 3. 4 [ ]..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 111,.,, (114 ) (117 )... [ ]>[ ].. : 1. 2., (114 ) (117 )...... [ ] > [ ]... Shift..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 112 : Ctrl (Windows) Command (Macintosh),. :, Ctrl Command..,.. : 1 (111 ). 2...... [ ]. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]. [ ]. :. Contribute.... [ ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ]... (109 ). : 1 (111 ). 2 [ ]. [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 113 [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ]........ 4 [ ] [ ]..,,,...,..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 114. (114 )., : 1, (111 ). 2. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. Contribute., : 1, (111 ). 2. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. Contribute. : 1. :. [ ] > [ ] Delete Contribute. 2 [ ] > [ ] Delete. Contribute. (114 ).., 2 x 2 2 x 2. : 1 (114 ). 2.., 3 2 3 2.... :.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 115 3. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. Contribute.,... : 1. 2. [ ].. [ ] > [ ] > [ ] [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ] [ ]. : 1. 2. [ ].. [ ] > [ ] > [ ] [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ] [ ]. : 1. 2. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 116 [ ]. 3. [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute... Delete. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ] [ ] > [ ] > [ ]..... : 1. :. 2. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. Contribute. : 1. : Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 117 2. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ]. 3,. 4 [ ]. Contribute.. (117 ), (118 119 ) (119 ) : Contribute, (109 ).,,. : 1 (111 ). 2 [ ]. [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ] > [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 118 [ ]. 3. [ ]. 4 [ ] [ ]..,,. : Contribute, 109. : 1 (111, ). 2 [ ]. [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 119 3. [ ]. 4 [ ] [ ].,. : Contribute, 109. : 1 (111, ). 2 [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. : [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 3. [ ]. 4 [ ] [ ].. :.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 120 : 1. 2 [ ] > [ ]. [ ] [ ]. 3. [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute..,.. :. : 1. 2 [ ] > [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 121 [ ]. 3. [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute.


123 9 :...... (143 ). [ ].. 123 131 136 137 Adobe Contribute CS3.. Contribute.. Contribute Contribute Microsoft Word PDF : Adobe Acrobat Connect 5.5 6 130 Adobe Acrobat Connect,.. Contribute 10. 127. : 1....

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 124 2 [ ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ](Windows) [ ](Macintosh). 4. [ ]. 5 [ ]..., Contribute. :.,... 54...

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 125 : 1.... 2 [ ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ] (Windows) [ ] (Macintosh).. 4. [ ]. 5 [ ]. Contribute Contribute. [ ]. : Contribute. Contribute..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 126., Contribute. : ( ). : 1.... :,,,.. 2 [ ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ] (Windows) [ ] (Macintosh).. 4. [ ]. 5 [ ]. : Contribute. ( ) Contribute. 159.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 127.. : 123. : 1.... 2 [ ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ] (Windows) [ ] (Macintosh). 4. [ ]. 5 [ ]. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 128..,!.. : 1.... 2 [ ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ] (Windows) [ ] (Macintosh). 4. [ ]. 5 [ ]. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 129., Word HTML.. Contribute. 149. [ ] (72 Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Excel (Windows ) ). : 127. : 1.... 2 [ ]. [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 130 3 [ ] (Windows) [ ] (Macintosh). 4. [ ]. 5 [ ]. Contribute.. : 48.. Adobe Acrobat Connect, Acrobat Connect Acrobat Connect,,. Acrobat Connect Acrobat Connect Live, Acrobat Connect Presentation, Acrobat Connect Training Acrobat Connect Manager. Acrobat Connect Manager,,. Contribute Acrobat Connect Manager. :, Acrobat Connect. Acrobat Connect, : 1. Contribute.,.. : Contribute. Contribute. 2 [ ] > [Acrobat Connect ]. Contribute Acrobat Connect [Adobe Acrobat Connect ]. 3 [Adobe Acrobat Connect ] Acrobat Connect URL [ ]. Acrobat Connect [Acrobat Connect ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 131 4 [Acrobat Connect ] Acrobat Connect [ ]. [Acrobat Connect ]. Acrobat Connect Acrobat Connect. 5 ( ) Acrobat Connect [ ] [Adobe Acrobat Connect ] [ ]. 6 [ ]. Contribute. Acrobat Connect :. [ ] URL,, URL,,. URL HTML Contribute URL. [ (URL)] [ ] [ ] [HREF] URL. [HREF] Contribute HTML URL. : URL (new). (new). [ (URL)] URL [HREF] HTML URL. HREF URL.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 132 URL : 1. : 123. 2 [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ] (Windows) (Macintosh). 4 [HREF] (URL). : [ ]. HTML URL [HREF]. 5 [ ]..,.. 142. :.. (132 ) (133 ).. : 1 (123 ). 2 [ ] [ ] (Windows) (Macintosh). 3...

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 133... 4 [ ]. Contribute.. : 1. 2 [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ] (Windows) (Macintosh). 4...... :.. 5 [ ]. Contribute...,..... 133.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 134 : 1. 2 [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 3... 4 [ ]. Contribute. : Contribute. [ ] > [ ] [ ].. 133. : 1 (123 ). 2 [ ] [ ] (Windows) (Macintosh). 3 [ ]. :. 4 [ ]. Contribute. : 1. 2 [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ] (Windows) (Macintosh). 4 [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 135. 5 [ ]. Contribute.. :. : 1.. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 2... 3 [ ]. : [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 136.. : 1. 2. : 1. 2 [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ]. 3.,. 4. 5 [ ].. : 1. 2. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]... : 1. 2 [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. (Windows) Control (Macintosh) [ ]. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 137 3.., 131 URL. 133. 132. 4 [ ]. Contribute. : [ ]. : 1 [ ] > [ ].. 2. 3.


139 10 :. Adobe Dreamweaver HTML, Adobe Contribute CS3. : Dreamweaver Dreamweaver ([ ] > [Dreamweaver ]).. 139 140 141 142..,,,. A. B. C.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 140., (URL)..,.,.. (,, ), ( ).......,. : Contribute [ ]... (136 ). Contribute. 139. : 1 [ ]. (URL) [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 141 2. Contribute. A. B. :.. 3 [ ]. Contribute. 4. 5 141..... (140 ). [ ] (50, ). Contribute. [ ]. [ ] > [ ] (144 ).. [ ] (39 ). Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 142 : [ ] (144 ). : Contribute. Contribute. : ( ) Contribute... 140. : 1 [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ]. Contribute. 3. 4. [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. 5.. [ ]. 6 [ ] [ ]. 7 []. [].... 8 [ ].. :. 9 [ ]..

143 11 :.. (39 ).. Adobe Contribute CS3.. Contribute. Contribute., Contribute. Contribute Microsoft Office. Word, Excel Outlook Contribute Word, Excel. (Word.doc/.docx, Excel.xls/.xlsx/.xlsm ),.htm PDF. Microsoft Outlook.htm. Contribute Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Microsoft Office. RSS.. Contribute... 144 144 144 148 149 151 152 Microsoft Office (Windows ) 154 156 RSS 159

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 144.. Contribute. Contribute.., Contribute Contribute Contribute. Contribute Contribute. Contribute, Microsoft Word. Contribute., C A B Contribute A.. Contribute... : Contribute [ ].. [ ] > [ ]. F12.. Contribute Contribute. : Contribute..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 145 Contribute. ( )... : (50 ). Contribute. : 1 [ ]. : Contribute. [ ]. 2 [ ] [ ]. [ ]. Contribute Contribute. Contribute. Contribute... (123 ).. 124.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 146 : 1 [ ]. : Contribute. [ ]. 2 [ ]. [ ]. : Contribute. 3 [ ] [ ]. : Contribute. (123 ). [ ]. 4 [ ] [ ]. [ ]. Contribute Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 147 Contribute. [ ].,, [ ]. [ ]. [ ] Contribute.. : 1 [ ]. 2. 3 [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. : Contribute. Contribute. (123 ). [ ]. 4 [ ]. : Contribute. [ ]. 5 [ ] [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 148 [ ]. 6 [ ] [ ]. [ ]. Contribute Contribute. HTML. HTML. 129. : Contribute. 149. : 1 [ ] > [ ]. [ ] > [ ]. 40. [ ]. 2 [ ]. : HTML,. Contribute. [ ]. 3 [ ]..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 149 [ ]. 4 [ ].. 5 [ ]. []. 6 [] [ ].. (URL). Contribute...,....

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 150 : 1 [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ]. : HTML,. Contribute. [ ]. 3 [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 4,. 5 [ ]. []. 6 [ ] [ ]. Contribute. Contribute.. : 1 [ ]. 2 [ ] [ ]. [ ]. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 151 3 [ ]. : HTML,. Contribute.. Contribute. 4 [ ] [ ]. 5 [ ]. []. 6 [] [ ]. Contribute. Contribute.. Contribute. 144. : Contribute. Contribute 178. : 1. 2 [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 3. : Contribute. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 152 4 [ ]. [ ]. Contribute.. : [ ]. Microsoft Office (Windows ) Microsoft Word, Excel Outlook Contribute.., Adobe Dreamweaver Contribute MS Office Contribute MS Office. MS Office. Contribute.. Adobe Contribute CS3 [ ]. Microsoft Office : 1 Microsoft Office. 2 ( ). : Microsoft Outlook. 3. :. [Contribute] > [ ]. [ ]. :.rtf [ ]. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 153 4. a. : [ ] [ ] [ ]. 166. b. c. :,. d. e [ ]. [ ]. [ ] [ ] Microsoft Office. Contribute [ ].. [ ]. [ ]. : [ ]. f. [ ]. g MS Office [ ].. h.. i [ ]. j [ ].. k [ ]. l ( ) [ ]. 5 [ ]. Contribute. 6 [ ]. MS Office HTML. : [ ] [ ] [ ] Contribute MS Office. [ ] [Contribute ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 154 Contribute. [ ] Word, Excel, Outlook Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office [ ] Contribute.. 154 155 Microsoft Office (Windows ) RSS. 156 RSS. Contribute Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox. [ ] Contribute. :.. 36. : 1.. 168. 2. 3 [ ]. Contribute. 4. :,,,.. 5 Contribute [ ]. Contribute [ ] [ ]. [ ] > [ ] > [ ] ( ), []. 24 Contribute. 6 [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 155 Microsoft Office (Windows ) Word, Excel, Outlook Microsoft Office. Word, Excel Outlook [ ] Contribute. : HTML Microsoft Outlook. (Word.doc/.docx, Excel.xls/.xlsx/.xlsm ),.htm PDF. Microsoft Outlook.htm. Microsoft Office : 1 Microsoft Word Excel.. 168. 2 Contribute. 3.. [Contribute] > [ ]. [ ]. [Microsoft Office ]. 4. : Microsoft Word Excel. Office PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF PDF 5 ( ) [.]. Contribute [ ] [Microsoft ]. [ ] > [ ] > [Microsoft ]. 24 Contribute. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 156 6 [ ]. Contribute. PDF Contribute PDF PDF. 7 [ ]. [ ]. :. A. B. C. 8. :,,,.. 9 [ ]. RSS Contribute RSS. FeedDemon(Windows) NetNewsWire(Macintosh) RSS Contribute..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 157 RSS Contribute FeedDemon(Windows) NetNewsWire(Macintosh) RSS Contribute. RSS Contribute. FeedDemon(Windows) Contribute FeedDemon Windows RSS. FeedDemon Contribute. Contribute. FeedDemon FeedDemon Contribute FeedDemon. FeedDemon 2.0. FeedDemon Contribute : 1 FeedDemon. 2. 3. [Send Item] > [Blog this News Item] > [Configure Blog Publishing Tools]. Shift+Ctrl+B. [Blog Publishing Tool]. 4 [Add]. [Program]. 5. [Name] Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 158 [Command-line or URL]. contribute.exe. [Command Line] -mmposttoblog. 6 ( ) [Set as default] Contribute. 7 [OK]. Contribute [Blog Publishing Tool]. 8 [OK]. FeedDemon. FeedDemon.. [Send Item] > [Blog this News Item] Contribute. FeedDemon FeedDemon Contribute. FeedDemon : 1 FeedDemon. 2 [Send Item] > [Blog this News Item] > [Contribute]. Contribute. 3. 4 [Publish]. Contribute Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 159 NetNewsWire(Macintosh) Contribute NetNewsWire Macintosh RSS. NetNewsWire Contribute. Contribute. NetNewsWire NetNewsWire Contribute : 1 NetNewsWire. 2 [Preferences]. 3 [Weblog Editor]. 4 [Weblog Editor] NetNewsWire NetNewsWire Contribute. NetNewsWire : 1 NetNewsWire [News Items]. 2 [Post to Weblog]. Contribute. 3. 4 [Publish]. Contribute Contribute.. [File] > [Preview in Browser]. F12... Contribute.. Contribute.. 126.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 160 : 1 [ ]. :,,,... [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ] [ ]. a. b. c [ ]. [ ]. Contribute Contribute.. [ ] > [ ]. F12.. [ ].,. : 1 [ ]. 2. 3 [ ] > [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 4 [ ]. a. b [ ]. [ ]. Contribute Contribute.. [ ] > [ ]. F12.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 161.. Contribute.. 126. : 1 [ ]. :,,,... [ ]. [ ]. 2... [ ]. [ ]. Contribute Contribute.. [ ] > [ ]. F12.


163 12 : Adobe Contribute CS3. Contribute (Windows) (Macintosh)..,. (193 ).. 163 165 166 168 171 CPS 174 Contribute 176 Contribute 183 184 CPS 185 CPS 186 CPS 187 Contribute. [ ] [ ].. Contribute Publishing Server(CPS) URL. :.. 164 164 165

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 164 ( ).. index.htm, index.html, default.htm default.html... :.,. 1 index.htm 2 index2.htm 3 404error.htm index.htm, index2.htm. 404error.htm.. Contribute.htm,.html,.cfm,.asp,.jsp,.php. index.cfm [ URL ] [ ]..,.cfm Adobe ColdFusion main.cfm main.cfm [ URL ] Contribute. 179 Contribute.. IP, IP. URL. DNS DNS( ) ( IP ). DNS Contribute., ( : Contribute. DNS... DNS DNS IP.. IP IP.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 165.,.... DNS., [ ].., 8080,... (Windows) (Macintosh). Contribute. Contribute. FTP(File Transfer Protocol) Contribute. FTP FTP(SFTP) LAN.. 183. 184 CPS. :... Contribute. (Contribute Dreamweaver.) Contribute Chris() Chris(Mac)..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 166 URL(Uniform Resource Locator). URL. URL(Uniform Resource Locator). URL., \\mycomputer\wwwroot\(windows) afp://server:volume:(macintosh). : Mac OS X LAN. Finder [ ] > [ ]. FTP SFTP FTP. (, ) FTP. FTP SFTP FTP FTP., FTP : CPS FTP SFTP. Contribute Blogger, TypePad, Roller WordPress Contribute. MetaWeblog API. MetaWeblog API Contribute. MetaWeblog API URL. : Contribute. (Windows) (Macintosh).. 168. : Macintosh.Mac.Mac. [] [.Mac]..Mac 170.Mac.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 167 : 1 Contribute. 2 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. Contribute. [ ]. 168. 3 [ ]. [](Windows) [](Macintosh).. [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 4 [ ]. 5 [ ] [ ]. 6 [ (URL)]. [ ]. 7 [ ]. 8 [ ]. a [FTP] FTP,. b [ FTP(SFTP)] SFTP,. c [ / ]. d [WebDAV] WebDAV URL,. 9 ( ) [ ] 7.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 168 10 [ ]. 11 [ ] [ ](Windows) [ ](Macintosh). Contribute. Contribute Contribute. (Windows) (Macintosh).. URL, 166.. Blogger, TypePad, Roller WordPress.. Movable Type MetaWeblog API : MetaWeblog API Contribute. : 1 Contribute. 2 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 169 166. 3 [ ]. [](Windows) [](Macintosh).. 4 [ ]. 5 [ ] [ ]. 6 [ ]. 7 [ ]. 8 Blogger, TypePad WordPress. 9 [ ](Windows) [ ](Macintosh).. : Roller [ ] [ ]. Contribute. [ ]. Contribute. :. 170. URL : 1 Contribute. 2 [] [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 170 4 MetaWeblog [ ] [ ]. [ URL] [ ]. 5 ( ) [ URL] URL. 6 [ ]. [] [ ]. [Blogger] URL Contribute [ ] [ ]. [ ] Contribute [ ] [ ]. 7 [ ]. 8 [ ]. 9 [ ]. : URL.. F1. : [ ] [ ]. 10 [ ]. Contribute. Contribute. Contribute. : Contribute. Contribute. Contribute. a Contribute. b. 188. c. 190 191..Mac.Mac Contribute. Contribute.Mac Mac OS X 10.2. : 10.1.X idisk Contribute.Mac. idisk Finder [ ] > [idisk]. Contribute.Mac Contribute..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 171.Mac : 1 [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. 2 [ ].. 3 [ ] [.Mac ]. Contribute.Mac IDisk. 171.Mac. : Contribute.Mac.Mac. 4 [ ], [ ] [ ]..Mac [.Mac.] Contribute.Mac..Mac Contribute. 1 [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. 2 [ ].. 3 [ ] [.Mac ]. 4 [ ].Mac. 5 [ ] [.Mac.]..Mac. 6 [ ]. [ ] [ ] []. CPS CPS CPS. CPS. : CPS. CPS.. 172 CPS 173 CPS 174

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 172 CPS CPS CPS. CPS. Contribute (166 ). CPS. CPS. CPS LDAP, Active Directory. CPS : 1 Contribute. 2 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. 3 [Publishing Server]. 4 [Publishing Server ]. [Publishing Server ]. 5 Publishing Server [ ]. [ ]. Contribute CPS CPS. :. LDAP, Active Directory. CPS 185 CPS.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 173 6 ( ) [ ] [Publishing Server Console] CPS. CPS CPS CPS.. CPS CPS. Contribute CPS. CPS : 1.. :. 2 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. 3 [Publishing Server]. 4 [Publishing Server ].. 5 [ ]. Contribute CPS. Contribute.. : CPS. 6 [ ] [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 174 CPS. : CPS. CPS.. : 1.. :. 2 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. 3 [Publishing Server]. 4 [ ]. Contribute. :. 5 [ ] [ ]. Contribute Contribute.... :. 217 Contribute. Contribute : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh) [ ]. ( ).

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 175 [ ] [ ].. 2 [ ]. 3. [ ]. Contribute [ ].. 4 ( ) [ ] [ ]. 5 [ ]. [ ]. 6 [ ]. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 176 Contribute [ ] Contribute.,,. : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2 [ ] [ ].. 174 Contribute. [ ]. 3.. 177 177 178 178 179 180 180 181 182 Contribute 182 PDF

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 177 Contribute.. :. 177. : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2. [ ] [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ]. 4 [ ]. 5 [ ] [ ].. : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2 [ ] [ ].. 174 Contribute. [ ]. 3 [ ]. 4 [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 5.. 6 [ ]. 7 [ ] [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 178 Contribute. []..., Contribute,,,.. Contribute 99... 3. : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2 [ ] [ ].. 174 Contribute. [ ]. 3 [ ]. 4 [],. 5 [ ]. Contribute 99. 6 [ ] [ ]. [ ].. [ ]. [], [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ]. UTF-8. : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2 [ ] [ ].. 174 Contribute. [ ]. 3 [ ]. [ ]. 4 []. 5 [ ] [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 179 : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2. [ ] [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ]. [ ]. 4..htm., Adobe ColdFusion.cfm. 5 [ ] [ ].. : 164. : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2 [ ] [ ].. 174 Contribute. [ ]. 3 [ ] [ ]. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 180 4 [ ]. [ ]. 5 [ ].. 6.,, index.htm, index2.htm 404error.htm index.htm. index.htm index2.htm 404error.htm. 7 [ ] [ ]. Contribute. Contribute. : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2 [ ] [ ].. 174 Contribute. [ ]. 3 [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 4 [ ]. :. [ ]. 5 [ ]. 6 [ ] [ ]. Contribute,, Contribute. : 164. Contribute Contribute. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 181 : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2 [ ] [ ].. 174 Contribute. [ ]. 3 [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 4 [ ]. [ ]. 5 URL [ ]. URL [ ]. 6 [ ] [ ]. Contribute. Contribute. : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2 [ ] [ ].. 174 Contribute. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 182 3 [ ] []. []. 4 [ ].. Contribute. 5 [ ] [ ]. Contribute Contribute,. Contribute Contribute 4.0. Contribute. Contribute 4.0.. Contribute Contribute 4.0.. Contribute 4.0. : 1 Contribute 4.0 [ ] > [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ]. [ ] [ ]. 3 [ ] [ ]. [ ] Contribute 4.0. PDF Contribute PDF. PDF PDF. PDF PDF. PDF : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2 [ ] [ ]. [ ]. 3 [PDF ]. 4 [PDF ] [PDF ]. 5 [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 183 (Windows) (Macintosh). 165. : Contribute. Contribute 166. CPS 184 CPS. : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). 2. [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. 3 [ ]. [ ]. 4. [ ]. [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 184 [ ](Windows) [ ](Macintosh). 5 [ ](Windows) [ ](Macintosh). 6.. 7 [ ] [ ]. CPS CPS. 165. : CPS. 185 CPS. CPS 183. CPS : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ]. [ ]. 3. 4 [ ] [ ].

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 185 CPS CPS LDAP Active Directory. : CPS CPS. 171 CPS. CPS,,.. CPS : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ]. [ ] [ ]. 3 [ ]. [ ]. 4 [ ].. 5 [ ]. 6 ( ) [ ]. Contribute connect:server domain name. server domain name CPS. [ ]. 7 [ ]. Contribute.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 186 CPS CPS LDAP Active Directory (185 CPS ). : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. [ ]. [ ]. 2 [ ]. [ ] [ ]. 3 [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute,. : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh) [ ]. 2 [ ]. [ ]. : [ ]. 3. (GIF, JPG, PNG ) (MP3, WMA, WAV ) (MPG, MPEG, WMV ) 4 [ ]..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 187 [ ]. CPS, CPS. [ ],. CPS CPS. CPS.... [ ]. : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. 2. 3. 188 ( URL ). :. 189 Contribute. [ ]. 189 Contribute. [ ]..

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 188 190 Contribute. 191. 191 Contribute Contribute. 4 [ ]. Contribute. ( URL ). :.,.. : 1 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. 2. 3 [ ].. 4 [ ] [ ]. 166 168. 5. CPS : 1. Contribute. 2 [ ] > [ ](Windows) [Contribute] > [ ](Macintosh). [ ]. 3. 4 [ ].. 5 [ ]. 6 [ ] [ ].

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ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 192 3 [ (Contribute )]. 4 [ ]. Contribute Contribute.,.. [ ] [ ]. CPS. [ ].

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ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 204 2 [ ]. 3. Contribute.. Dreamweaver ( ). [ ]. 4 [ ]. [ ] [ ],,. 1 [< > ]. 195.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 205 2 [ ]. 3 Contribute. [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute., ( : Microsoft Office Acrobat PDF ), Adobe Flash. Contribute. 1 [< > ]. 195.

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 206 2 [ ]. 3 Contribute. [ ]. 4 [ ]. Contribute, Adobe Flash Adobe Dreamweaver...

ADOBE CONTRIBUTE CS3 207 94. [ ]., Flash Dreamweaver. [ ] Contribute. Contribute....,, Dreamweaver. [ ]..., : 1 [< > ]. 195. :. 2 [ ]. [ ].. [ ].

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