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/ KEIT PD / KEIT PD / SUMMARY 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D,,,,, / 3, 3D, 3D 3D

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT JUNE 2015 VOL 15-6 1. 3D 6 3D,,.,. ASTM 7, ISO 1 7. ASTM. 7 6. (ME, Material Extrusion) ( ) FDM(Fused Deposition Modeling). FDM Staratasys FFF(Fused Filament Fabrication). Material Extrusion. ABS PLA 1~2mm XY glue gun. 1 ( ) Roller heater. 200, ( Tmr Tg ). XY, XY Z 3. 3D 200um,,. ABS PLA,, 14 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 1 3D 프린터 최근 개발동향. ABS/PLA 220, 380, /.. ME (chamber).,, /,. (PP, Photo Polymerization) (Photo-Polymer) ( ),. 3D, cross-link.,, cross-link. (curing). 2 (SLA, DLP and Others) SLA(Stereolitho graphy), DLP(Digital Liquid Polymerization Light Processing). Induced (vat) Polymerization SLA by light vat-(photo)polymerization. Vat UV light, (scanning).,..., (DLP) DLP 3D Monomer. Oligomer Photoinitiator.,, 2 CLIP. DLP LCD,. 2 Epson Prismlab. Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 15

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT JUNE 2015 VOL 15-6 3 SLA DLP ( ) PP DLP. PP., SLA, DLP, LCD, CLIP, Material Jetting(MJ),. (strength) (durability), (discolor) (degrade). PP, MJ 3D. PP. 2 (MJ, Material Jetting) ( -Inkjet) PP ( ).. MJ. UV. 3D. 16 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 1 3D 프린터 최근 개발동향 Support material Build material Inkjet print head Part Support structure Built part Build platform 4 (Supporter) Build material 3D, Support material free-hang, ( )., OS ( G-code ).,. PP vat, BJ/PBF. DED. 5 Supporter Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 17

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT JUNE 2015 VOL 15-6 ( ) MJ. 2 3. 2 ~ 3,,., ABS,,,,,,, (* : www.stratasys.co.kr/materials/polyjet). (BJ, Binder Jetting) ( ) BJ.,... PBF, MJ.. Inkjet: Binder Jetting Powder Supply Leveling Roller Inkjet Printhead Binder Feeders Powder Bed Powder Feed Piston Build Piston 6 ( BJ ) BJ.,. 3D,,..,..BJ., 18

ISSUE 1 3D 프린터 최근 개발동향 ( infiltration). 3D. 7 3D (PBF, Powder Bed Fusion) ( ) SLS(Selective Laser Sintering, ). BJ.... PBF ( ) (chamber),. Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 19

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT JUNE 2015 VOL 15-6 8 ( ) um, 5um. layer resolution 20um 40um. precipitation,., ( ).,.,. 9 * : EOS/HDC ( ) 20 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 1 3D 프린터 최근 개발동향 (DED, Direct Energy Deposition) (DED ) SLS DED,,. 3,.. -. DED 3D. 10 3D ( ) PBF DED. DED.. PBF ( ),.. DED,. PBF. DED,. 11 3D * : ( ) Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 21

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT JUNE 2015 VOL 15-6 1 ASTM F2792-12a/ISO TC261 3D (ME, Material Extrusion) (PP, Photo Polymerization) (MJ, Material Jetting) (BJ, Binder Jetting) (PBF, Power Bed Fusion) (DED, Direct Energy Deposition) Sheet Lamination ( ) ( ), FDM, FFF SLA, DLP, CLIP Polyjet Sand SLS DMT 2. 3D 3D. Mark-1, Voxel-8, Carbon3D 3D, Lasertec 65 3D, S-Max, M-Flex, Lumex Avance-25.. ExOne, S-Max M-Flex ( ) ExOne binder-jet(, BJ) 3D.. ( ) ExOne S M. ExOne BJ. 22 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 1 3D 프린터 최근 개발동향 2 ExOne Silica Sand (/Furan Binder (No bake) 420 SUS60% (/Bronze 40% infiltrant) 316sus60% (/bronze 40% infitrant) 17-4 SUS Cerabeads( ) + binder InAlloy 625 (Ni-Cr superalloy) In Alloy 718 Iron60% (/Bronze 40% infiltrant) - - Chromite (Cr + ) Co-Cr (medical) (,, ) (, ) Bonded WC (Cutting tool) * : www.exone.com - (S ).,,,..,. (Bimodal),.,. (cerabeads). (zircon),,.. (kiln, ). - (M ) BJ. (layer) 30~60..,, - -,. Infiltration (Bronze). ( 3D ). S-Max.. SLS(Selective Laser Sintering).,. Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 23

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT JUNE 2015 VOL 15-6 adaptive slicing,.. (furnace). (job box). 3 Twin Source Sand Mixer filled with vacuum or screw conveyor Control Cabinet Job Box for building and unloading process on motorized roller conveyor twin Job Box optional Fluid Connectors for safe handting of liquid media Operating Panet. DMG-MORI, Lasertec 65 3D 12 S-Max * : www.exone.com ( 3D ) -. Lasertec 65 3D., 3D.. 3D.,,. 1 Lasertec 65 3D DED(Direct Energy Deposition). 2 Lasertec 65 shape shape PBF(Powder Bed Fusion). 2 10. 24 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 1 3D 프린터 최근 개발동향 13 Lasertec 65 3D DED * : kr.dmgmori.com LASERTEC Shape ( :0.3~10 (S ) ( ) (S ) 14 Lasertec 65 3D * : kr.dmgmori.com 5 fiber 5,, 3D, 3D.. Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 25

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT JUNE 2015 VOL 15-6 Markforged, Mark-One ( 3D ) CES(Consumer Electronic Show) 2015. Mark.. Dual quick FDM(Fused Deposition Modeling). ABS, PLA. FDM 3D. CFF(Composite Filament Fabrication) FDM. carbon fiber, fiberglass, kevlar. FDM,.... 2 Heads Build Size Material Layer Resolution Extruders Filament sizes Fused Filament Fabrication Composite Filament Fabrication 320 x 132 x 160 mm Carbon Fiber, Fiberglass, Kevlar, NylonKevlar, Nylon FFF Printing : 100 micron / CFF Printing : 200 micron X-Y plane : 6.25um Dual Quick Change FFF: 1.75mm ( ) CFF: MF4 ( ) 15 * : markforged.com plate.. 6061 plate FDM 5 20.,. 26 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 1 3D 프린터 최근 개발동향 16 3D / / * : markforged.com 100 DLP 3D CLIP (100 ) (PP, Photo Polymerization) 3D. XY-table, DLP(Digital Light Processing) LCD. DLP,. 100, DLP Carbon3D CLIP. ( ) CLIP(Continuous Liquid Interface Production), 7 3D. Build Platform UV Curable Resin Oxygen Permeable Window Projector Dead Zone UV Curable Resin Dead Zone Oxygen Permeable Layer 17 CLIP(Continuous Liquid Interface Production) * : www.carbon3d.com Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 27

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT JUNE 2015 VOL 15-6. ( UV).,. (vat) (, dead zone),..., layer by layer.. 3D, CLIP (additive). ( ) CLIP. 3D 2., CLIP 3D (10cm ) CLIP 3D PRINTING 18 CLIP * : Caron3D FDM 2 CLIP 6 Minutes.. FDM, Material Extrusion CLIP. SLS 10cm 3 Hours Polyjet 3 Hours... SLA(Stereolithography) 12 7. SLA 11 Hours 28 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 1 3D 프린터 최근 개발동향 Gizmo 3D 100 Top-down (CLIP ) Carbon3D CLIP 3D. 3D. carbon3d,... (vat),. bottom-up, top-down.... 3 Gizmo3D Item GiziMax GiziMax HD GiziMax HD+ Maximum XY resolution 50 micron 35 micron 35 micron Maximum Z resolution 1 micron 1 micron 1 micron Maximum build height 850mm 850mm 850mm Maximum build platform 400mm x 250mm 400mm x 250mm 400mm x 250mm Projector lumens 3000 3000 3500 * : Gizmo3D.com ( 3D ) Carbon3D Gizmo3D 3D, 3D. Gizmo3D XYplane 35um, Z layer resolution 1um. 10cm 10,., Voxel8 (100 ) (FDM silver paste dispensing ) PLA FDM CES(Consumer Electronics Show). 3D.. Voxel8 3D Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 29

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT JUNE 2015 VOL 15-6. 150X100X100mm3, FDM 1.75mm. Z layer resolution FDM 200 um.. 250 um. Optomec.,. Voxel8 CES CIA.,, multi-material.,.. 3D.. FDM PLA. FDM, FDM, multimaterial..., 3D. PLA FFF Silver Ink Voxel8 19 Voxel8, multi-material electronics printer * : voxel8.com PLA FDM CES(Consumer Electronics Show). 3D.. Voxel8 3D. 150X100X100mm3, FDM 30 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 1 3D 프린터 최근 개발동향 1.75mm. Z layer resolution FDM 200 um.. 250 um. Optomec. Voxel8 CES CIA.,, multi-material.,.. 3D.. FDM PLA. FDM, FDM, multi-material..., 3D 3D. Color, Objet500 Connex3 ( ) 3D FDM MJ(Material Jetting). FDM Polyjet material jetting UV. 20 Stratasys Objet500 Connex3 * : stratasys.co.kr Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 31

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT JUNE 2015 VOL 15-6 3 82., 500 ( ).,. (, Connex3 triple ) Connex3 triple,.. (Vero ), (Durus Endur), (Veroclear, RGD720), (RGD525), (MED610), (Tango ),. 600dpi, layer resolution 16um. LCD PP (PP ) UV PP(Photo Polymerization). SLA(Stereo Lithography) (vat) UV. UV XY XY. XY. XY. XY. SLA DLP. DLP 1 plane 1 shot. UV, DMD(Digital Mirror Device).,. DLP. DLP LCD. (LCD Prismlab) PP LCD. 5 10. Epson Pixel Resolution Enhancement. Epson 4K 3 LCD 0.5 1920X1080 3840X2160. 2 3 Optomec (Aerosol Jet 5X) Aerosol Jet 5 Aerosol Jet 5X. Aerosol Jet., 5,, sheath 32 한국산업기술평가관리원

ISSUE 1 3D 프린터 최근 개발동향 gas. 10, (1 ~ 1000 cp). Aerosol Jet 5 3 Aerosol Jet 5X. 21 Aerosol Jet Process 5 * : Optomec.com Aerosol Jet 5,. (Lens 850-R) Lens 850-R 3D 900 1500 900 mm 3., Direct Metal Laser Sinter (DMLS) additive manufacturing Lens 850-R SLS. 22 Lens 850-R * : Optomec.com Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology 33

KEIT PD Issue Report PD ISSUE REPORT JUNE 2015 VOL 15-6 nscrypt 3D ( ) nscrypt Smart PumpTM. Smart Pump suck-back 20 pl ( ), 1-1,000,000 cp. 23 * : nscrypt (3Dn ) XYZ 3Dn 4., via hole. 24 via hole * : nscrypt 34 한국산업기술평가관리원

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