2000 Im m obiliz ation of Hy drog en Is otope s,,,,,,,,, 150... H/ M 2.0,. H/ M 2.5.. A bs tract Storage of hydrogen isotope gas in a cylinder is a w ell established technology. How ever, Immobilization in the solid form is preferr ed for long - term st or age of r adioactive isotope gas because of the concern for leakage of the gas. T he experimental thermodynamic P - C- T data show that T i, Zr and U soak up hydrogen isotope gas at a temperature of a few hundred and modest pressures. Eventually compounds are form ed in the metal m atrices upon cooling having the appr oximate stoichiometry MH2 or MH2.5. 1. - 3 He.
. 1 ). 2 H + 1 n 3 H 1 0 1 89T Bq [MW (e) ] - 1. 2 ) 5565MW (e) 0.5EBq/ a. 1%...,., 2 )3 )4 ),. 1 )5 )6 )..,,...,..,. 7 ),,., 500., 8 )..
Zeolite Silica gel., 200 300..,.,,. 300...,...,..,,.,., 3 He..,,,. 2. 2-1. 1. stainless steel
. Manifold closed system reference. 50cc cylinder manifold. 4 4 manifold solenoid valve. 10 ) 1.,. three w ay valve solenoid valve. rotary vacuum pump 10-2 torr metering valve. valve solenoid control. vacuum gauge Granville- Phillips 275 convectron gauge 1000 torr, 4 mtorr. Manifold Omega pressure transducer 1000psi multimeter mv. ADAM - 3014-5V - +5V
PCL- 818HG. PCL- 818HG solenoid valves 0,1,2,3 on/ off. PCL- 818HG control GENIE software T ASK control. 2-2. T i Zr GENIE softw are. 4.. 1 three w ay valve solenoid valve 1. T i Zr 1 valve 0.. 3... 600, 800, 1000. 1 valve 0.... 3 H/ M. 1 3/ 8inch, 150mm S.S. tube. (1). manifold 40atm. manifold. 400 400 water bath 18..
P i V m T m = = P e P e V m T m + V m T m + L 0 L 0 P e d V + T P e A dx + T (x ) P e V r T r + n ads R P e V r + n T ads R... (1) r = P e V m T m + P e V c T L M + P e V r T r + n ads R P = (atm ) V = (ml) T = (K) n a d s = (mole) R = gas con stant (22400/ 273) subscript i = e = m = manifold c = solenoid valve r = T L M x =0 T 0 x =L T L logarithmic mean. 2-3. 2., 1x 10-6 T orr molecular turbo pump.. o material : stainless steel, welded o : 1x 10-6 T orr o Baratron gauge (0 1,000 T orr ) o Calibrated gas volume : 510 o Cir culation pump : diaphr agm type o 1 UHV and 1 Convectorr gauge tubes for molecular turbo pump o all metal, w elded bellow s- sealed valve o socket w elded or Cajon VCR with a retainer coupling s
2. 2-4. 3. 1/ 2 SUS tube, 2 VCR male nut 2 m filter gasket retainer. 3.
2-5. 2 3. 99.7 wt%, U 2 3 5 99.8wt% U 23 8.. 510cc standard bulb manifold 119.4cc. 1.52g 2-7. o evacuation at 10-6 T orr and 460 for 5hr o hydriding at 25 and 2atm for 3hr o evacuation at 10-6 T orr and 460 for 5hr, 20 T orr manifold cell hydriding. PCT. manifold cell evacuation volume calibration. 200, 225 250. 3. 3-1. T i Zr 1) chemisorption blocking.. Zr sponge 600, 800 1000 1,. GENIE program 20atm valve. 30 1 degasing. 4 (A ) 1.5g Zr sponge 1000 activation 25. 25, 40 Zr sponge H/ M 2.0. 4 (B) 1.5g Zr sponge 800 activation 25. 1000 activation
1.97 H/ M. 4 (C) 1.5g Zr sponge 600 activation 25. 800 1000 activation 1.95 H/ M. Zr sponge 60 0. (A ) (B) (C) 4. Hydrogen absorption by Zr sponge at 25 ( activation temp.: (A )1000, (B)800, (C)600 ) ) 2) 5 800 T i sponge 25, 200 500. T i sponge 800 activation, 25, 40 H/ M 2.0,.
, 25 157. 800 T i sponge activation. sponge T i. (A ) (B) (C) 5. Hydrogen absorption by T i sponge at (A )25, (B)300, (C)500 (activation temp.: 800 ) 3-2. 6 H/ M H/ M 2.0. H/ M plateau
. -, 200, 225 250 1.2, 6.1, 9.2T orr. 200-250, 100T orr H/ M 2.5.. 6. - PCT. 3-3. 7.
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