Introduction- 소개 Previous- 이전, Next Chapter- 다음장 JavaScript is the most popular scripting language in the world. It is the standard language used in w

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JavaScript is THE scripting language of the Web. 자바스크립트는웹스크립팅언어이다 JavaScript is used in billions of Web pages to add functionality, validate forms, communicate with the server, and much more. 자바스크립트는수십억에사용된다. 웹페이지의기능성추가및, 양식의확인, 서버와통신하는등많은곳에사용된다. billions-수십억, ality-~ 성ex) 기능성, 제품성 validate맟는지확인, forms-양식 with-~ 함께 much more-더욱 JavaScript is easy to learn. You will enjoy it. 자바스크립트는배우기쉽다. 너는자바스크립트를즐기게될것이다. will- 미래에 Try it Yourself Examples in Each Chapter 너가해봐라자바스크립트를이용해서예제를자바스크립트로각각의예제를 Yourself- 너스스로, it- 그것 Try- 도전, Each- 각각, Examples- 예제 Our JavaScript tutorial contains hundreds of Try it yourself examples. 우리의자바스크립트튜토리얼은직접해볼수있는수백개의예제가포함되어있다 Our- 우리의, contains- 포함하다. With our editor, you can edit JavaScript code online and click on a button to view the result. 우리함께편집기를사용하면자바스크립트코드를온라인으로편집할수있으며, 버튼을클릭하면그결과를볼수있다. result-결과 Click on the Try it yourself button to see how it works 직접해봐라 버튼을클릭해라동작하는것이보일것이다. works- 동작하다. Use the try it yourself examples on every page. Change and experiment as much as possible with the code, and try to learn as much as you can about how things work. 모든페이지에서 직접해봐라 예제를사용한다. 바뀌는예제와가능한많은코드를함께, 그리고배우면서많은방법을생각해보라. experiment-실험하다, much as possible-가능한많이 JavaScript Introduction 자바스크립트를소개합니다.

Introduction- 소개 Previous- 이전, Next Chapter- 다음장 JavaScript is the most popular scripting language in the world. It is the standard language used in web pages, but it is also widely used by desktop apps, mobile phone apps, and internet servers. 자바스크립트는세계에서가장인기있는 ( 많은대중이쓰는 ) 스크립팅언어이다. 자바스크립트는이웹페이지에서사용되는표준언어이지만널리데스크탑애플리케이션, 휴대폰응용프로그램및인터넷서버에의해사용됩니다. most-가장, popular대중, scripting language-컴파일되지않은언어, also-또한 widely-넓게 What You Should Already Know 당신은전에알아야할사항이있다. Should- 마땅히, 해야만한다, Already- 이미 Know- 알다 Before you continue you should have a basic understanding of the following 계속하기전에다음의기본적인이해가있어야한다. Before-전에, have-가지다, basic-기본적인, understanding-이해를, following-따라오는것, a-하나의 HTML and CSS HTML 과 CSS을 HTML-Hyper Text Mark Up Language CSS-Cascading Style Sheet If you want to study these subjects first, find the tutorials on ourhome page. 먼저이과목을공부하려면, 우리홈페이지에서튜토리얼를을찾으십시오. subjects- 주제 What is JavaScript? 왜자바스크립트를쓰는가? JavaScript is a scripting language JavaScript was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages 자바스크립트는스크립트언어이다 자바스크립트는 HTML 페이지에상호작용을추가하도록설계되었다 interactivity-상호작용하는 What is a Scripting Language 스크립팅언어는무엇인가?

A scripting language is a lightweight programming language that supports the writing of scripts. 스크립트언어는스크립트의작성을지원하는가벼운프로그래밍언어이다. Scripts are code lines that can be interpreted and executed on-the-fly, without explicit compile and link steps. 스크립트는명시적컴파일및링크단계없이즉시해석하여실행될수코드이다. interpreted-번역될수있는, executed-수행하는, on-the-fly-즉시수행하는, without-~ 없이 explicit-명확한 What can JavaScript do? 자바스크립트로무엇을할수있을까? JavaScript gives HTML designers a programming tool 자바스크립트는 HTML 디자이너에게프로그래밍도구를제공한다. HTML editors are normally not programmers, but JavaScript is a language with a very simple syntax. Almost anyone can put small snippets of JavaScript code into HTML pages. HTML 편집자는일반적으로프로그래머는아니지만, JavaScript는매우간단한문법과언어입니다. 거의모든사용자가 HTML 페이지에자바스크립트코드의작은 스니펫 (snippet) 를넣을수있다 normally-보통, Almost-대개, anyone-누구나, snippet-작은당나귀 JavaScript can manipulate HTML 자바스크립트는 HTML 을조작할수있다. manipulate- 조작하다 JavaScript can both read and change the content of HTML elements. 자바스크립트를읽고모든 HTML 요소의내용을변경할수있다. content- 내용 both- 같이 JavaScript can manipulate CSS 자바스크립트가 CSS 를조작할수있습니다 JavaScript can both read and change the style of HTML elements. 자바스크립트를읽고모든 HTML 요소의스타일을변경할수있다. JavaScript can validate data 자바스크립트는데이터의유효성을검사할수있다 validate- 확인하다.

JavaScript can be used to validate data, like validating forms input. 자바스크립트는양식입력데이터의유효성을확인할수있다. JavaScript can store data 자바스크립트는데이터를저장할수있다. store- 저장하다. JavaScript can be used to store and retrieve information on the visitor s computer. 자바스크립트는방문자의컴퓨터에정보를저장하고검색하는데사용할수있습니다. retrieve- 가져오다, visitor s- 방문자 JavaScript can react to events 자바스크립트는이벤트에반응한다. react- 반응, events- 사건 JavaScript can be set to execute when something happens, like when a user clicks on an HTML element 자바스크립트은일이일어날때사용자가 HTML 요소를클릭할때처럼실행하도록설정할수있다. set-설정, when-언제, happens-사건, ~ 일어나다. JavaScript vs. Java 자바스크립트를대자바 versus-~ 대 ~ JavaScript and Java are two completely different languages, in both concept and design. 자바스크립트와자바는개념과디자인모두에서완전히다른언어입니다. completely-완전히, different-다른 Java (developed by Sun Microsystems) is a complex programming language in the same category as C and C++. 자바 ( 썬마이크로시스템즈에의해개발 ) 는 C 및 C + + 와같은카테고리의복잡한프로그래밍언어입니다. JavaScript = ECMAScript 자바스크립트 = ECMAScript 이다. ECMAScript-( 공용 javascript) ECMA-262 is the official JavaScript standard.

ECMA-262 는공식자바스크립트표준이다. official- 공식적인 JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich at Netscape, and first appeared in Netscape Navigator (a no longer existing web browser) in1995. First it was called Mocha, then LiveScript, and finally JavaScript. 자바스크립트는넷스케이프에서브렌든 Eich에의해개발되었다. 처음으로넷스케이프네비게이터에서1995에모카라불렀고,LiveScript, 마지막으로자바스크립트로불렸다. called-불렸다. appeared-승인되다 The JavaScript standard was adopted by the industry standard association ECMA in 1997. 자바스크립트표준은 1997 년에업계표준협회 ECMA에의해채택되었다. adopted-채용되다. industry-산업, association-협회 The standard (called ECMAScript-262) was approved as an international ISO standard in 1998. 표준 (ECMAScript-262 라고도함 ) 1998 년에국제 ISO 표준으로승인되었다. The development of ECMAScript is still in process. ECMAScript 의개발은진행중에있다. still in process- 진행중