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Color LaserJet Pro CP1020 Series Getting Started Guide 2 English... 1 Bahasa Indonesia... 4 한국어... 7 ไทย...10 IMPORTANT: Follow Steps 1-3 on the printer hardware setup poster, then continue with Step 4 to the right. USB connection directly between the printer and the computer Windows Use an A-to-B type USB cable. 1. For Windows 7 or lower, do not connect the USB cable before installing the software. The installation process prompts to connect the cable at the appropriate time. If the cable is already connected, restart the printer when installation prompts to connect the cable. 2. Continue with 5. Locate or download the software installation files. Mac www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series www.register.hp.com 4. Select a connection method and prepare for software installation NOTE: During software installation, select the option to Configure to print using USB. 1. Connect the USB cable between the computer and the printer before installing the software. 2. Continue with 5. Locate or download the software installation files. 繁体中文...13 Tiếng Việt...16 Wired (Ethernet) network connection (CP1025nw model only) Use a standard network cable. 1. Connect the network cable to the printer and to the network. Wait a few minutes for the printer to acquire a network address. 2. Print a Network Configuration Page to identify the printer IP address. On the control panel, press and hold the Cancel button until the ready light starts to blink, and then release the button. The test page prints. Note the IP address for use during software installation. Example IP address: To manually configure the IP address, see Manually configure the IP address. 3. Continue with 5. Locate or download the software installation files. NOTE: During software installation, select the option to Configure to print over the Network. Built-in wireless network connection (CP1025nw model only) 1. To connect the printer to a wireless (Wi-Fi) network, make sure that the printer, access point, and computer are all turned on, and that the computer is connected to the wireless network. 2. A USB cable will be required. 3. Disconnect any USB or Ethernet cable that is connected to the printer. 4. To print from a computer, continue to 5. Locate or download the software installation files. To print from a phone or tablet only, continue with 7. Mobile and wireless printing (optional). NOTE: During software installation, select the option to Configure to print over the Wireless Network. Manually configure the IP address For information on how to manually configure the IP address, see the printer User Guide www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series. 1

5. Locate or download the software installation files Method 1: Download from HP Easy Start 1. Go to 123.hp.com/laserjet, and click Download. 2. Follow the onscreen instructions and prompts to save the file to the computer. 3. Launch the software file from the folder where the file was saved, and continue with 6. Install the software. Method 2: Download from product support Web site 1. Go to www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series. 2. Select software and drivers. 3. Download the software for your printer model and operating system. 4. Launch the installation file by clicking on the.exe or.zip file as necessary. Method 3: Install from the printer CD For Windows, the software installation files are provided on the CD that came with the printer. For OS X, the installer file on the CD includes a link to download the files from the Web. 1. Insert the printer CD into the computer. 2. Continue with 6. Install the software. 6. Install the software Windows full solution 1. Insert the printer CD into the computer, or launch the software installation file downloaded from the Web. 2. The software installer detects the language of the operating system, and then it displays the main menu of the installation program in the same language. When installing from the CD, if the installer program does not start after 30 seconds, browse the CD drive on the computer and launch the file named SETUP.EXE. 3. When prompted to select a connection type, select the appropriate option for the type of connection: Configure to print using USB Configure to print over the Network Configure to print over the Wireless Network 4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software. OS X full solution 1. Launch the software installation.dmg file that you downloaded from the Web. 2. The software installer detects the language of the operating system, and then it displays the main menu of the installation program in the same language. 3. Select the software you would like to install. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software. OS X basic installation To install basic print drivers without running the HP full solution software from CD or hp.com download, follow these steps: 1. Connect the printer to the computer or network. 2. From System Preferences, click Printers and Scanners, then the plus button on the bottom left, and select CP1025 using the driver named either AirPrint or HP Printer. 7. Mobile and wireless printing (optional) 7.1 Connect the device to the wireless network To print from a phone or tablet, connect the device to the same wireless network as the printer. Apple ios devices (AirPrint): Open the item to print, and select the Action icon. Select Print, select the printer, and then select Print. Newer Android devices (4.4 or newer): Open the item to print, and select the Menu button. Select Print, select the printer, and select Print. Some devices require downloading the HP Print Service plugin app from the Google Play store. Older Android Devices (4.3 or older): Download the HP eprint app from the Google Play store. Windows Phone: Download the HP AiO Remote app from the Windows Store. Learn more about mobile printing To learn more about other mobile printing options, including additional eprint solutions, scan the QR code, or see the Mobile printing section of the User Guide. 7.2 HP Wireless Direct (CP1025nw model only) HP Wireless Direct enables close-proximity printing from a wireless mobile device directly to an HP Wireless Direct-enabled printer without requiring a connection to a network or the Internet. Enable HP Wireless Direct 1. Print a Network Configuration Page to identify the printer IP address. On the control panel, press and hold the Cancel button until the ready light starts to blink, and then release the button. The test page prints. 2. At the computer, open a Web browser and enter the printer IP address into the address line. The HP EWS opens. Example IP address: 3. Click the Networking tab. 4. Click Wireless Direct Setup. 5. Select the check box next to Wireless Direct Printing Name (SSID), and then enter the network name (SSID) in the field. NOTE: To find the network name (SSID), click the Wireless Configuration menu from the Networking tab. 6. Click Apply. The IP address of the mobile device displays on the Networking tab. For more information on wireless printing and wireless setup, go to www.hp.com/go/wirelessprinting. 2

8. Set up HP eprint via email (optional) Use HP eprint via email to print documents by sending them as an email attachment to the printer s email address from any email enabled device, even from devices that are not on the same network. To use HP eprint via email, the printer must meet these requirements: The printer must be connected to a wired or wireless network and have Internet access. HP Web Services must be enabled on the printer, and the printer must be registered with HP Connected. Enable HP Web Services 1. Print a Network Configuration Page to identify the printer IP address. On the control panel, press and hold the Cancel button until the ready light starts to blink, and then release the button. The test page prints. 2. At the computer, open a Web browser and enter the printer IP address into the address line. The HP EWS opens. Example IP address: 3. Click the HP Web Services tab. 4. Click the green Enable button to enable Web Services. 5. Go to www.hpconnected.com to create an HP eprint account and complete the setup process. Troubleshooting User Guide The User Guide includes printer usage and troubleshooting information. It is available on the printer CD and on the Web: 1. Go to www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series. 2. Select a printer or category from the list, and then click User guides. For Windows, the User Guide is copied to the computer during the recommended software installation. Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 Click Start, select Programs or All Programs, select HP, select the folder for the HP printer, and then select Help. Windows 8 On the Start screen, right-click an empty area on the screen, click All Apps on the app bar, click the icon with the printer s name, and then select Help. Additional support resources For HP s all-inclusive help for the printer, go to www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series. Solve problems Find advanced configuration instructions Download software updates Join support forums Find warranty and regulatory information Mobile printing resources Check for firmware updates 1. Go to www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series. 2. Select a printer or category from the list, and then click Drivers. 3. Select the operating system, and click the Next button. 4. Select Firmware, and click the Download button. Wired (Ethernet) network connection (CP1025nw model only) Verify that the printer is attached to the correct network port using a cable of the correct length. Verify the lights next to the network port are lit. Verify the print driver is installed on the computer. Test the network connection by pinging the network: Windows Click Start > Run. Type cmd, and press Enter. Type ping, type a space, type the printer IP address, and then press Enter. Example IP address: OS X Open the Network Utility, and type the IP address in the ping pane. Press Enter. Example IP address: If the window displays round-trip times, the network is working. If the ping does not work, try restarting the printer and recheck all of the connection steps. Wireless network connection (CP1025nw model only) Verify that the network cable is not connected. The printer cannot connect to a wireless network when a network cable is connected. Verify that the printer and wireless router are turned on and have power. Also make sure the wireless switch is turned on. Verify that the printer is within the range of the wireless network. For most networks, the printer must be within 30 m (100 ft) of the wireless access point (wireless router). Verify the print driver is installed on the computer. Verify that the computer and printer connect to the same wireless network. For Mac, verify that the wireless router supports Bonjour. Restart the wireless router. 3

English... 1 Bahasa Indonesia...4 한국어... 7 ไทย...10 Panduan Persiapan Color LaserJet Pro CP1020 Series 繁体中文...13 Tiếng Việt...16 PENTING: Ikuti Langkah 1-3 pada poster pengaturan perangkat keras printer, lalu lanjutkan dengan Langkah 4 di sebelah kanan. www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series 4. Memilih metode sambungan dan persiapan penginstalan perangkat lunak Sambungan USB secara langsung antara printer dan komputer Windows Gunakan kabel USB jenis A-ke-B. 1. Untuk Windows 7 atau versi yang lebih rendah, jangan sambungkan kabel USB sebelum menginstal perangkat lunak. Proses penginstalan meminta untuk menyambungkan kabel pada waktu yang tepat. Jika kabel telah tersambung, hidupkan ulang printer saat penginstalan meminta untuk menyambungkan kabel. 2. Lanjutkan dengan "5. Mencari atau men-download file instalan perangkat lunak". Mac www.register.hp.com CATATAN: Saat penginstalan perangkat lunak berlangsung, tetapkan pilihan ke Configure to print using USB (Konfigurasikan untuk mencetak menggunakan USB). 1. Sambungkan kabel USB antara komputer dan printer sebelum menginstal perangkat lunak. 2. Lanjutkan dengan "5. Mencari atau men-download file instalan perangkat lunak". Sambungan jaringan berkabel (Ethernet) (hanya model CP1025nw) Gunakan kabel jaringan standar. 1. Sambungkan kabel jaringan ke printer dan jaringan. Tunggu beberapa menit agar printer mendapatkan alamat jaringan. 2. Cetak Network Configuration Page (Halaman Konfigurasi Jaringan) untuk mengidentifikasi alamat IP printer. Di panel kontrol, tekan dan tahan tombol Cancel (Batal) hingga lampu siap mulai berkedip, lalu lepas tombol. Halaman pengujian dicetak. Catat alamat IP untuk digunakan selama penginstalan perangkat lunak. Contoh alamat IP: Untuk mengkonfigurasi alamat IP secara manual, lihat "Mengkonfigurasi alamat IP secara manual". 3. Lanjutkan dengan "5. Mencari atau men-download file instalan perangkat lunak". CATATAN: Saat penginstalan perangkat lunak berlangsung, tetapkan pilihan ke Configure to print over the Network (Konfigurasikan untuk mencetak melalui Jaringan). Sambungan jaringan nirkabel internal (hanya model CP1025nw) 1. Untuk menyambungkan printer ke jaringan nirkabel (Wi-Fi), pastikan printer, jalur akses, dan komputer telah dihidupkan, dan komputer tersambung ke jaringan nirkabel. 2. Kabel USB akan diperlukan. 3. Lepas setiap kabel USB atau Ethernet yang tersambung ke printer. 4. Untuk mencetak dari komputer, lanjutkan dengan "5. Mencari atau men-download file instalan perangkat lunak". Untuk mencetak dari telepon atau hanya tablet, lanjutkan dengan "7. Pencetakan seluler dan nirkabel (opsional)". CATATAN: Saat penginstalan perangkat lunak berlangsung, tetapkan pilihan ke Configure to print over the Wireless Network (Konfigurasikan untuk mencetak melalui Jaringan Nirkabel). Mengkonfigurasi alamat IP secara manual Untuk informasi tentang cara mengkonfigurasi alamat IP secara manual, lihat Panduan Pengguna printer www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series. 4

5. Mencari atau men-download file instalan perangkat lunak Metode 1: Download dari HP Easy Start 1. Kunjungi 123.hp.com/laserjet, lalu klik Download (Download). 2. Ikuti perintah di layar, lalu simpan file ke komputer. 3. Jalankan file perangkat lunak dari folder penyimpan file, lalu lanjutkan dengan "6. Menginstal perangkat lunak". Metode 2: Download dari situs web dukungan produk 1. Kunjungi www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series. 2. Pilih perangkat lunak dan driver. 3. Download perangkat lunak untuk model printer dan sistem operasi Anda. 4. Jalankan file instalan dengan mengklik file.exe atau.zip bila perlu. Metode 3: Menginstal dari CD printer Untuk Windows, file instalan perangkat lunak tersedia di CD yang disertakan bersama printer. Untuk OS X, file penginstal di CD berisi link untuk men-download file dari Web. 1. Masukkan CD printer ke komputer. 2. Lanjutkan dengan "6. Menginstal perangkat lunak". 6. Menginstal perangkat lunak Solusi lengkap Windows 1. Masukkan CD printer ke komputer, atau jalankan file instalan perangkat lunak yang telah di-download dari Web. 2. Penginstal perangkat lunak akan mendeteksi bahasa sistem operasi, lalu menampilkan menu utama program penginstalan dalam bahasa yang sama. Saat melakukan penginstalan dari CD, jika program penginstal tidak dimulai setelah 30 detik, telusuri drive CD pada komputer, lalu jalankan file SETUP.EXE. 3. Bila diminta untuk memilih jenis sambungan, tetapkan pilihan yang tepat untuk jenis sambungan: Configure to print using USB (Konfigurasikan untuk mencetak menggunakan USB) Configure to print over the Network (Konfigurasikan untuk mencetak melalui Jaringan) Configure to print over the Wireless Network (Konfigurasikan untuk mencetak melalui Jaringan Nirkabel) 4. Ikuti petunjuk di layar untuk menginstal perangkat lunak. Solusi lengkap OS X 1. Jalankan file instalan perangkat lunak.dmg yang di-download dari web. 2. Penginstal perangkat lunak akan mendeteksi bahasa sistem operasi, lalu menampilkan menu utama program penginstalan dalam bahasa yang sama. 3. Pilih perangkat lunak yang akan diinstal. 4. Ikuti petunjuk di layar untuk menginstal perangkat lunak. Penginstalan dasar OS X Untuk menginstal driver cetak dasar tanpa menjalankan perangkat lunak solusi lengkap HP dari CD atau melalui download hp.com, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut: 1. Sambungkan printer ke komputer atau jaringan. 2. Dari System Preferences (Preferensi Sistem), klik Printer and Scanners (Printer dan Pemindai), klik tombol plus pada bagian kiri bawah, lalu pilih CP1025 menggunakan driver AirPrint atau HP Printer. 7. Pencetakan seluler dan nirkabel (opsional) 7.1 Menyambungkan perangkat ke jaringan nirkabel Untuk mencetak dari telepon atau tablet, sambungkan perangkat tersebut ke jaringan nirkabel yang sama seperti printer. Perangkat Apple ios (AirPrint): Buka item yang akan dicetak, lalu pilih ikon Action (Tindakan). Pilih Print (Cetak), pilih printer, lalu pilih Print (Cetak). Perangkat Android versi lebih baru (4.4 atau versi yang lebih baru): Buka item yang akan dicetak, lalu pilih tombol Menu. Pilih Print (Cetak), pilih printer, lalu pilih Print (Cetak). Perangkat tertentu mengharuskan Anda men-download aplikasi plugin HP Print Service dari Google Play Store. Perangkat Android versi lebih lama (4.3 atau versi yang lebih lama): Download aplikasi HP eprint dari Google Play Store. Windows Phone: Download aplikasi HP AiO Remote dari Windows Store. Selengkapnya tentang pencetakan seluler Untuk mengetahui selengkapnya tentang pilihan pencetakan seluler lainnya, termasuk solusi tambahan eprint, pindai kode QR, atau lihat bagian "Pencetakan seluler" dalam Panduan Pengguna. 7.2 HP Wireless Direct (hanya model CP1025nw) HP Wireless Direct memungkinkan pencetakan jarak dekat secara langsung dari perangkat bergerak nirkabel ke printer yang mendukung HP Wireless Direct tanpa memerlukan sambungan ke jaringan atau Internet. Mengaktifkan HP Wireless Direct 1. Cetak Network Configuration Page (Halaman Konfigurasi Jaringan) untuk mengidentifikasi alamat IP printer. Di panel kontrol, tekan dan tahan tombol Cancel (Batal) hingga lampu siap mulai berkedip, lalu lepas tombol. Halaman pengujian dicetak. 2. Di komputer, buka browser web, lalu masukkan alamat IP printer dalam baris alamat. HP EWS akan terbuka. Contoh alamat IP: 3. Klik tab Networking (Jaringan). 4. Klik Wireless Direct Setup (Pengaturan Langsung Nirkabel). 5. Centang kotak di sebelah Wireless Direct Printing Name (Nama Pencetakan Langsung Nirkabel) (SSID), lalu masukkan nama jaringan (SSID) ke dalam kolom. CATATAN: Untuk menemukan nama jaringan (SSID), klik menu Wireless Configuration (Konfigurasi Nirkabel) dari tab Networking (Jaringan). 6. Klik Apply (Terapkan). Alamat IP perangkat bergerak akan ditampilkan pada tab Networking (Jaringan). Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang pencetakan nirkabel dan pengaturan nirkabel, kunjungi www.hp.com/go/wirelessprinting. 5

8. Mengatur HP eprint via email (opsional) Gunakan HP eprint via email untuk mencetak dokumen dengan mengirimnya sebagai lampiran ke alamat email printer dari perangkat apa pun yang mendukung email, bahkan dari perangkat di jaringan yang berbeda. Untuk menggunakan HP eprint via email, printer harus memenuhi persyaratan ini: Mengaktifkan HP Web Services Printer harus disambungkan ke jaringan berkabel atau nirkabel dan memiliki 1. Cetak Network Configuration Page (Halaman Konfigurasi Jaringan) untuk akses Internet. mengidentifikasi alamat IP printer. Di panel kontrol, tekan dan tahan tombol HP Web Services harus diaktifkan pada printer dan printer harus terdaftar Cancel (Batal) hingga lampu siap mulai berkedip, lalu lepas tombol. Halaman di HP Connected. pengujian dicetak. 2. Di komputer, buka browser web, lalu masukkan alamat IP printer dalam baris alamat. HP EWS akan terbuka. Contoh alamat IP: 3. Klik tab HP Web Services. 4. Klik tombol Enable (Aktifkan) hijau untuk mengaktifkan Web Services. 5. Kunjungi www.hpconnected.com untuk membuat akun HP eprint dan menyelesaikan proses pengaturan. Mengatasi Masalah Panduan Pengguna Panduan Pengguna mencakup informasi tentang penggunaan printer dan cara mengatasi masalah. Tersedia pada CD printer dan web: 1. Kunjungi www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series. 2. Pilih printer atau kategori dari daftar, lalu klik User guides (Panduan pengguna). Untuk Windows, Panduan Pengguna disalin ke komputer saat penginstalan perangkat lunak yang direkomendasikan berlangsung. Windows XP, Windows Vista, dan Windows 7 Klik Start (Mulai), pilih Programs (Program) atau All Programs (Semua Program), pilih HP, pilih folder untuk printer HP, lalu pilih Help (Bantuan). Windows 8 Pada layar Start (Mulai), klik kanan area kosong pada layar, klik All Apps (Semua Aplikasi) pada panel aplikasi, klik ikon dengan nama printer, lalu pilih Help (Bantuan). Sumber dukungan tambahan Untuk bantuan secara menyeluruh dari HP terkait printer, kunjungi www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series. Mengatasi masalah Menemukan petunjuk konfigurasi tingkat lanjut Men-download pembaruan perangkat lunak Mengikuti forum dukungan Mencari informasi jaminan dan peraturan Sumber pencetakan seluler Memeriksa pembaruan firmware 1. Kunjungi www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series. 2. Pilih printer atau kategori dari daftar, lalu klik Drivers (Driver). 3. Pilih sistem operasi, lalu klik tombol Next (Berikutnya). 4. Pilih Firmware, lalu klik tombol Download. Sambungan jaringan berkabel (Ethernet) (hanya model CP1025nw) Pastikan printer telah tersambung ke port jaringan yang benar menggunakan kabel dengan panjang yang benar. Pastikan lampu di sebelah port jaringan telah menyala. Pastikan driver cetak telah terinstal di komputer. Uji sambungan jaringan dengan melakukan ping jaringan: Windows Klik Start (Mulai) > Run (Jalankan). Ketik cmd, lalu tekan Enter. Ketik ping, ketik spasi, ketik alamat IP printer, lalu tekan Enter. Contoh alamat IP: OS X Buka Network Utility (Utilitas Jaringan), lalu ketik alamat IP di jendela ping. Tekan Enter. Contoh alamat IP: Jika jendela menampilkan waktu respons (round-trip time), jaringan bekerja. Jika ping tidak berjalan, coba hidupkan ulang printer, lalu periksa kembali semua langkah sambungan. Sambungan jaringan nirkabel (hanya model CP1025nw) Pastikan kabel jaringan tidak tersambung. Printer tidak dapat menyambung ke jaringan nirkabel jika kabel jaringan tersambung. Pastikan printer dan router nirkabel telah diaktifkan dan memiliki daya. Pastikan juga sakelar nirkabel telah diaktifkan. Pastikan printer telah berada dalam jangkauan jaringan nirkabel. Untuk sebagian besar jaringan, printer harus berada dalam jarak 30 m (100 kaki) dari jalur akses nirkabel (router nirkabel). Pastikan driver cetak telah terinstal di komputer. Pastikan komputer dan printer telah tersambung ke jaringan nirkabel yang sama. Untuk Mac, pastikan router nirkabel mendukung Bonjour. Hidupkan ulang router nirkabel. 6

Color LaserJet Pro CP1020 시리즈시작설명서 English... 1 Bahasa Indonesia... 4 한국어... 7 ไทย...10 중요 : 프린터하드웨어설치포스터의 1~3단계를수행한다음오른쪽의 4단계를진행하십시오. 4. 연결방법을선택하고소프트웨어설치를준비합니다. Windows 프린터와컴퓨터간직접 USB 연결 A-B 형 USB 케이블을사용합니다. 1. Windows 7 이하버전의경우, 소프트웨어를설치하기전에 USB 케이블을연결하지마십시오. 설치과정중에케이블을연결하라는메시지가표시됩니다. 케이블이이미연결된경우, 설치중케이블을연결하라는메시지가표시되면프린터를재시작합니다. 2. 5. 소프트웨어설치파일을찾거나다운로드 로진행합니다. 참고 : 소프트웨어를설치하는동안 USB를사용하여인쇄구성 옵션을선택합니다. Mac www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series 1. 소프트웨어를설치하기전에 USB 케이블을컴퓨터와프린터에연결합니다. 2. 5. 소프트웨어설치파일을찾거나다운로드 로진행합니다. www.register.hp.com 繁体中文...13 Tiếng Việt...16 유선 ( 이더넷 ) 네트워크연결 (CP1025nw 모델만해당 ) 표준네트워크케이블을사용합니다. 1. 네트워크케이블을프린터와네트워크에연결합니다. 프린터에서네트워크주소를받을때까지몇분대기합니다. 2. 네트워크구성페이지를인쇄하여프린터의 IP 주소를찾습니다. 제어판에서준비표시등이깜빡이기시작할때까지취소버튼을누르고있다가뗍니다. 테스트페이지가인쇄됩니다. 소프트웨어설치중사용할 IP 주소를메모합니다. IP 주소예 : IP 주소를수동으로구성하려면 IP 주소수동으로구성 을참조하십시오. 3. 5. 소프트웨어설치파일을찾거나다운로드 로진행합니다. 참고 : 소프트웨어를설치하는동안 네트워크를통해인쇄구성 옵션을선택합니다. 내장무선네트워크연결 (CP1025nw 모델만해당 ) 1. 프린터를무선 (Wi-Fi) 네트워크에연결하려면프린터, 액세스지점및컴퓨터가모두켜져있어야하며, 컴퓨터가무선네트워크에연결되어있어야합니다. 2. USB 케이블이필요합니다. 3. 프린터에연결되어있는모든 USB 또는이더넷케이블을분리합니다. 4. 컴퓨터에서인쇄하려면 5. 소프트웨어설치파일을찾거나다운로드 를진행합니다. 휴대전화나태블릿에서만인쇄하려면 7. 모바일및무선인쇄 ( 선택사항 ). 를진행합니다. 참고 : 소프트웨어를설치하는동안 무선네트워크를통해인쇄구성 옵션을선택합니다. IP 주소수동으로구성 수동으로 IP 주소를구성하는방법에대한자세한내용은프린터사용설명서 www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series 를참조하십시오. 7

5. 소프트웨어설치파일을찾거나다운로드 방법 1: HP Easy Start 에서다운로드 1. 123.hp.com/laserjet 으로이동한다음다운로드를클릭합니다. 2. 화면에표시되는알림에따라컴퓨터에파일을저장합니다. 3. 파일이저장된폴더에서소프트웨어파일을실행하고다음단계를진행합니다. 6. 소프트웨어설치. 방법 2: 제품지원웹사이트에서다운로드 1. www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series로이동합니다. 2. 소프트웨어및드라이버를선택합니다. 3. 프린터모델및운영체제에맞는소프트웨어를다운로드합니다. 4. 필요에따라.exe 또는.zip 파일을클릭하여설치파일을실행합니다. 방법 3: 프린터 CD 에서설치 Windows 의경우, 소프트웨어설치파일은프린터와함께제공된 CD 에있습니다. OS X 의경우, CD 의설치프로그램파일에는웹에서파일을다운로드할수있는링크가포함되어있습니다. 1. 컴퓨터에프린터 CD 를넣습니다. 2. 다음단계를진행합니다. 6. 소프트웨어설치. 6. 소프트웨어설치 Windows 전체솔루션 1. 컴퓨터에프린터 CD 를삽입하거나웹에서다운로드한소프트웨어설치파일을실행합니다. 2. 소프트웨어설치프로그램에서운영체제의언어를감지한후설치프로그램의기본메뉴를동일한언어로표시합니다. CD 에서설치하는경우 30 초후에도설치프로그램이시작되지않으면컴퓨터의 CD 드라이브를검색하여이름이 SETUP.EXE 인파일을실행합니다. 3. 연결유형을선택하라는메시지가표시되면, 다음중연결유형에적합한옵션을선택합니다. USB를사용하여인쇄구성 네트워크로인쇄구성 무선네트워크로인쇄구성 4. 화면의지시에따라소프트웨어를설치합니다. OS X 전체솔루션 1. 웹에서다운로드한소프트웨어설치.dmg 파일을실행합니다. 2. 소프트웨어설치프로그램에서운영체제의언어를감지한후설치 프로그램의기본메뉴를동일한언어로표시합니다. 3. 설치할소프트웨어를선택합니다. 4. 화면의지시에따라소프트웨어를설치합니다. OS X 기본설치 CD 또는 hp.com에서다운로드한 HP 전체솔루션소프트웨어를실행하지않고기본인쇄드라이버를설치하려면다음단계를수행합니다. 1. 컴퓨터또는네트워크에프린터를연결합니다. 2. 시스템환경설정에서프린터및스캐너를클릭한다음왼쪽하단에있는더하기 (+) 버튼을클릭하고이름이 AirPrint 또는 HP 프린터인드라이버를사용하여 CP1025을선택합니다. 7. 모바일및무선인쇄 ( 선택사항 ) 7.1 무선네트워크에장치연결휴대폰이나태블릿에서인쇄하려면장치를프린터와동일한무선네트워크에연결합니다. Apple ios 장치 (AirPrint): 인쇄할항목을열고작업아이콘을선택합니다. 인쇄를선택하고프린터를선택한다음인쇄를선택합니다. 신규 Android 장치 (4.4 이상버전 ): 인쇄할항목을열고메뉴버튼을선택합니다. 인쇄를선택하고프린터를선택한다음인쇄를선택합니다. 일부장치의경우 Google Play 스토어에서 HP 인쇄서비스플러그인앱을다운로드해야합니다. 이전 Android 장치 (4.3 이하버전 ): Google Play 스토어에서 HP eprint 앱을다운로드합니다. Windows 폰 : Windows Store에서 HP AiO Remote 앱을다운로드합니다. 모바일인쇄에대해자세히알아보기 추가적인 eprint 에솔루션을포함하여, 기타모바일인쇄옵션에대한자세한내용은 QR 코드를스캔하거나사용설명서의 모바일인쇄 섹션을참조하십시오. 7.2 HP Wireless Direct (CP1025nw 모델만해당 ) HP Wireless Direct 기능을사용하면, 설정된네트워크나인터넷으로연결할필요없이무선모바일장치에서 HP Wireless Direct 기능이활성화된제품으로직접인쇄가가능합니다. HP Wireless Direct 활성화 1. 네트워크구성페이지를인쇄하여프린터의 IP 주소를찾습니다. 제어판에서준비표시등이깜빡이기시작할때까지취소버튼을누르고있다가뗍니다. 테스트페이지가인쇄됩니다. 2. 컴퓨터에서웹브라우저를열고주소줄에프린터 IP 주소를입력합니다. HP EWS 가열립니다. IP 주소예 : 3. 네트워킹탭을클릭합니다. 4. Wireless Direct 설정을클릭합니다. 5. Wireless Direct 인쇄이름 (SSID) 옆에있는확인란을선택한다음, 필드에네트워크이름 (SSID) 을입력합니다. 참고 : 네트워크이름 (SSID) 을찾으려면, 네트워킹탭에서무선구성메뉴를클릭합니다. 6. Apply( 적용 ) 를클릭합니다. 모바일장치의 IP 주소가네트워킹탭에나타납니다. 무선인쇄및무선설정에대한자세한내용은 www.hp.com/go/wirelessprinting 에서확인하십시오. 8

8. 이메일을통한 HP eprint 설정 ( 선택사항 ) 이메일을통한 HP eprint 를사용하면장치가동일한네트워크상에없어도이메일을사용할수있는모든장치에서프린터의이메일주소로문서를첨부파일로전송하여인쇄할수있습니다. 이메일을통한 HP eprint를사용하려면프린터가다음요구사항을충족해야합니다. 프린터가유선또는무선네트워크에연결되어있고인터넷에접속되어야합니다. 프린터에 HP 웹서비스가활성화되어있어야하며, HP Connected에프린터가등록되어있어야합니다. HP 웹서비스활성화 1. 네트워크구성페이지를인쇄하여프린터의 IP 주소를찾습니다. 제어판에서준비표시등이깜빡이기시작할때까지취소버튼을누르고있다가뗍니다. 테스트페이지가인쇄됩니다. 2. 컴퓨터에서웹브라우저를열고주소줄에프린터 IP 주소를입력합니다. HP EWS가열립니다. IP 주소예 : 3. HP 웹서비스탭을클릭합니다. 4. 초록색활성화버튼을클릭하여웹서비스를활성화합니다. 5. www.hpconnected.com으로이동하여 HP eprint 계정을만들고설정과정을 완료합니다. 문제해결 사용설명서 사용설명서는프린터사용법및문제해결정보를포함합니다. 프린터 CD 및웹에서제공됩니다. 1. www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series로이동합니다. 2. 목록에서프린터또는카테고리를선택한다음사용설명서를클릭합니다. Windows의경우권장소프트웨어를설치하는동안사용설명서가컴퓨터에복사됩니다. Windows XP, Windows Vista 및 Windows 7 시작을클릭하고, 프로그램또는모든프로그램, HP를차례로선택하고, HP 프린터폴더를선택한후도움말을선택합니다. Windows 8 시작화면에서화면의빈공간을마우스오른쪽버튼으로클릭하고, 응용프로그램표시줄에서모든앱을클릭한후, 프린터이름이있는아이콘을클릭하고도움말을클릭합니다. 추가지원리소스 프린터에대한모든것을포함하는 HP 도움말은 www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series 에서확인하십시오. 문제해결 고급구성지침찾기 소프트웨어업데이트다운로드 지원포럼가입 보증및규정정보찾기 모바일인쇄리소스 펌웨어업데이트확인 1. www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series로이동합니다. 2. 목록에서프린터또는카테고리를선택한다음드라이버를클릭합니다. 3. 운영체제를선택하고 [ 다음 ] 버튼을클릭합니다. 4. 펌웨어를선택하고 [ 다운로드 ] 버튼을클릭합니다. 유선 ( 이더넷 ) 네트워크연결 (CP1025nw 모델만해당 ) 프린터가올바른길이의케이블을사용하여올바른네트워크포트에연결되어있는지확인합니다. 네트워크포트옆에있는표시등이켜져있는지확인합니다. 인쇄드라이버가컴퓨터에설치되어있는지확인합니다. 네트워크에 ping을수행하여네트워크통신을테스트합니다. Windows 시작 > 실행을클릭합니다. cmd를입력하고 Enter를누릅니다. ping, 공백, 프린터 IP 주소를차례로입력한다음 Enter를누릅니다. IP 주소예 : OS X 네트워크유틸리티를열고 ping 창에 IP 주소를입력합니다. Enter를누릅니다. IP 주소예 : 창에왕복시간이표시되면네트워크가작동중입니다. ping이작동하지않는경우, 프린터를재시작하고모든연결단계를다시확인합니다. 무선네트워크연결 (CP1025nw 모델만해당 ) 네트워크케이블이연결되어있지않은지확인합니다. 네트워크케이블이연결되어있는경우프린터가무선네트워크에연결할수없습니다. 프린터및무선라우터가켜져있고전원에이상이없는지확인합니다. 무선스위치가켜져있는지도확인합니다. 프린터가무선네트워크범위내에있는지확인합니다. 대부분의네트워크에서는프린터가무선액세스지점 ( 무선라우터 ) 의 30m(100ft) 이내에있어야합니다. 인쇄드라이버가컴퓨터에설치되어있는지확인합니다. 컴퓨터및프린터가동일한무선네트워크에연결되어있는지확인합니다. Mac의경우, 무선라우터에서 Bonjour를지원하는지확인합니다. 무선라우터를재시작합니다. 9

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5. 1. 2. 3. 123.hp.com/laserjet 1. 2. 3. 4. www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series 1. 2. 6. 7. 7.1 เช อมต ออ ปกรณก บเครอ ขา ยไรส าย ในการพ มพจากโทรศ พท หร อแท บเล ต ให เช อมต ออ ปกรณ ก บเคร อข ายไร สายเด ยวก บเครองพ มพ อ ปกรณ Apple ios (AirPrint): เป ดรายการท จะพ อกไอคอนด ำเน นการ เล อก พ มพ มพ และเล เล อก พ มพ เล อกเครองพ น มพ จากน อ ปกรณ Android เวอร ช นใหม (4.4 ข นไป): เป ดรายการท จะพ อกป ม เมน เล อก พ มพ มพ และเล เล อกเครองพ อก พ มพ มพ และเล น HP Print Service จาก Google Play อ ปกรณ บางชน ดอาจต องม การดาวน โหลดแอปปล กอ Store อ ปกรณ Android เวอร ช นเก า (4.3 หร อต ำกว า): ดาวน โหลดแอป HP eprint จาก Google Play Store Windows Phone: ดาวน โหลดแอป HP AiO Remote จาก Windows Store เรย อ นร เ พ มเต มเก ยวก บการพ มพทางม ถ อ มเก ยวก บต วเล อกการพ มพทางม มเต ในการเร ยนรเพ อถ ออ นๆ ม ให สแกนรห ส QR หร อด ทส วน รวมถ งโซล ชน eprint เพมเต การพ มพทางม อถ อ ของคม อผ ใช 11

8. 12

Color LaserJet Pro CP1020 系列入門指南 English... 1 Bahasa Indonesia... 4 한국어... 7 ไทย...10 www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series www.register.hp.com 繁体中文... 13 Tiếng Việt...16 重要事項 依照印表機硬體設定海報 的步驟 1-3 進行後 再繼續執行右側的 步驟 4 4. 選擇連線方法並準備進行軟體安裝 直接在印表機與電腦之間連接的 USB 連線 使用 A 對 B 型 USB 連接線 Windows 1. 對於 Windows 7 或以下版本 請勿在安裝軟體之前連接 USB 連接線 安裝程序會 在適當時間提示您接上連接線 如果連接線已經連接 請在安裝提示告訴您將連 接線接上時重新啟動印表機 2. 繼續執行 5. 找出或下載軟體安裝檔 註 進行軟體安裝時 選擇 Configure to print using USB 設定為使用 USB 列印 的選項 Mac 1. 先連接電腦與印表機之間的 USB 連接線 再進行軟體安裝 2. 繼續執行 5. 找出或下載軟體安裝檔 內建無線網路連線 僅限 CP1025nw 機 有線 乙太網路 網路連線 僅限 CP1025nw 機型 型 使用標準網路線 1. 2. 將網路線連接至印表機與網路 等待幾分鐘 讓印表機取得網路 位址 列印網路組態頁以找出印表機 IP 位址 在控制面板上 按住 取 消 按鈕直到就緒指示燈開始閃爍 然後放開按鈕 測試頁就 會開始列印 請記下 IP 位址以便在安裝軟體時使用 IP 位址範例 若要手動設定 IP 位址 請參閱 手動設定 IP 位址 3. 1. 若要將印表機連接至無線 (Wi-Fi) 網路 請確定印表機 存取點和電 腦都已開啟電源 而且電腦已連接至無線網路 2. 必須使用 USB 纜線 3. 拔掉任何已連接至印表機的 USB 或乙太網路纜線 4. 若要從電腦列印 請繼續執行 5. 找出或下載軟體安裝檔 若 要單純從電話或平板電腦列印 請繼續執行 7. 行動列印和無線列 印 選用 進行軟體安裝時 選擇 Configure to print over the Wireless 註 Network 設定為透過無線網路列印 的選項 繼續執行 5. 找出或下載軟體安裝檔 進行軟體安裝時 選擇 Configure to print over the 註 Network 設定為透過網路列印 的選項 手動設定 IP 位址 如需有關如何手動設定 IP 位址的詳細資訊 請參閱印表機使用指南 www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series 13

5. 找出或下載軟體安裝檔 方法 1: 從 HP Easy Start 下載 1. 前往 123.hp.com/laserjet, 然後按一下 下載 2. 依照螢幕上的指示和提示將檔案儲存至電腦 3. 從儲存軟體檔案的資料夾啟動軟體檔案, 然後繼續執行 6. 安裝軟體 方法 2: 從產品支援網站下載 1. 前往 www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series 2. 選擇 Software and Drivers( 軟體和驅動程式 ) 3. 下載適用於您的印表機型號和作業系統的軟體 4. 視需要按一下.exe 或.zip 檔案以啟動安裝檔 方法 3: 從印表機光碟安裝對於 Windows, 印表機隨附的光碟提供軟體安裝檔 對於 OS X, 光碟中的安裝程式檔案會包含可從網路下載檔案的連結 1. 將印表機光碟插入電腦中 2. 繼續執行 6. 安裝軟體 6. 安裝軟體 Windows 完整解決方案 1. 將印表機光碟插入電腦中, 或啟動從網路下載的軟體安裝檔 2. 軟體安裝程式會偵測作業系統的語言, 然後以相同的語言顯示安裝程式的主功能表 從光碟安裝時, 如果安裝程式未在 30 秒鐘之後啟動, 請瀏覽電腦上的 CD 光碟機, 並啟動名稱為 SETUP.EXE 的檔案 3. 出現選取連線類型的提示時, 選擇適合連線類型的選項 : Configure to print using USB( 設定為使用 USB 列印 ) Configure to print over the Wireless Network ( 設定為透過網路列印 ) Configure to print over the Wireless Network ( 設定為透過無線網路列印 ) 4. 依照螢幕上的指示安裝軟體 OS X 完整解決方案 1. 啟動您從網路下載的軟體安裝.dmg 檔案 2. 軟體安裝程式會偵測作業系統的語言, 然後以相同的語言顯示安裝 程式的主功能表 3. 選擇想要安裝的軟體 4. 依照螢幕上的指示安裝軟體 OS X 基本安裝 若要不執行來自光碟或 hp.com 下載的 HP 完整解決方案軟體, 即安裝基本列印驅動程式, 請依照下列步驟進行 : 1. 將印表機連接至電腦或網路 2. 在 系統偏好設定 中, 依序按一下 印表機與掃描器 和左下方的加號按鈕, 並選擇 CP1025 ( 使用名稱為 AirPrint 或 HP 印表機的驅動程式 ) 7. 行動列印和無線列印 ( 選用 ) 7.1 將裝置連接至無線網路若要從電話或平板電腦列印, 請將裝置連接至印表機所在的同一個無線網路 Apple ios 裝置 (AirPrint): 開啟要列印的項目, 並選擇動作圖示 選擇 列印, 選擇印表機, 然後選擇 列印 較新的 Android 裝置 (4.4 或更新版本 ): 開啟要列印的項目, 並選擇選單按鈕 選擇 列印, 選擇印表機, 然後選擇 列印 有些裝置需要從 Google Play 商店下載 HP Print Service 外掛程式應用程式 較舊的 Android 裝置 (4.3 或更舊版本 ): 從 Google Play 商店下載 HP eprint 應用程式 Windows Phone: 從 Windows 市集下載 HP AiO Remote 應用程式 進一步了解行動列印 若要進一步了解其他行動列印選項 ( 包括其他 eprint 解決方案 ), 請掃描 QR 碼, 或參閱使用指南的 行動列印 一節 7.2 HP Wireless Direct( 僅限 CP1025nw 機型 ) HP Wireless Direct 可讓您從無線行動裝置近距離直接列印到支援 HP Wireless Direct 的印表機, 不需要連線到網路或網際網路 啟用 HP Wireless Direct 1. 列印網路組態頁以找出印表機 IP 位址 在控制面板上, 按住 取消 按鈕直到就緒指示燈開始閃爍, 然後放開按鈕 測試頁就會開始列印 2. 開啟電腦上的網頁瀏覽器, 並在網址列中輸入印表機 IP 位址 HP EWS 隨即開啟 IP 位址範例 : 3. 按一下 網路 標籤 4. 按一下 Wireless Direct 設定 5. 選擇 Wireless Direct Printing Name (SSID) ( 無線直接列印名稱 (SSID)) 旁邊的核取方塊, 然後在欄位中輸入網路名稱 (SSID) 註 : 若要尋找網路名稱 (SSID), 請按一下 網路 標籤中的 Wireless Configuration ( 無線設定 ) 功能表 6. 按一下 套用 行動裝置的 IP 位址會顯示在 網路 標籤上 如需無線列印及無線設定的詳細資訊, 請前往 www.hp.com/go/wirelessprinting 14

8. 設定 HP eprint via email( 選用 ) 使用 HP eprint via email, 您只要在任何具備電子郵件功能的裝置上, 將文件當做電子郵件附件傳送至印表機的電子郵件地址即可列印該文件, 即使您使用的裝置不在同一個網路上也沒問題 若要使用 HP eprint via email, 印表機必須符合以下要求 : 印表機必須連接至有線或無線網路, 並且可以存取網際網路 印表機必須啟用 HP Web 服務, 而且您必須已向 HP Connected 註冊印表機 啟用 HP Web 服務 1. 列印網路組態頁以找出印表機 IP 位址 在控制面板上, 按住 取消 按鈕直到就緒指示燈開始閃爍, 然後放開按鈕 測試頁就會開始列印 2. 開啟電腦上的網頁瀏覽器, 並在網址列中輸入印表機 IP 位址 HP EWS 隨 即開啟 IP 位址範例 : 3. 按一下 HP Web 服務 標籤 4. 按一下綠色 啟用 按鈕以啟用 Web 服務 5. 請前往 www.hpconnected.com 建立 HP eprint 帳戶, 並完成設定程序 疑難排解 使用指南 使用指南包含印表機使用方式及疑難排解資訊 這可在印表機光碟或網路上取得 : 1. 前往 www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series 2. 從清單選擇印表機或類別, 然後按一下 User guides ( 使用指南 ) 對於 Windows, 使用指南會在進行建議的軟體安裝時複製到電腦 Windows XP Windows Vista 和 Windows 7 按一下 開始, 依序選擇 程式集 或 所有程式 HP HP 印表機的資料夾, 然後選擇 說明 Windows 8 在 開始 畫面中, 以滑鼠右鍵按一下畫面中的空白區域, 按一下應用程式列的 所有應用程式, 然後按一下顯示印表機名稱的圖示並選擇 說明 其他支援資源 如需包含印表機所有相關資訊的 HP 說明, 請前往 www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series 解決問題 尋找進階組態設定指示 下載軟體更新 加入支援論壇 尋找保固及法規資訊 行動列印資源 檢查韌體更新 1. 前往 www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series 2. 從清單選擇印表機或類別, 然後按一下 Drivers ( 驅動程式 ) 3. 選擇作業系統, 並按一下 Next ( 下一步 ) 按鈕 4. 選擇 Firmware ( 韌體 ), 並按一下 Download ( 下載 ) 按鈕 有線 ( 乙太網路 ) 網路連線 ( 僅限 CP1025nw 機型 ) 確認印表機使用長度適當的連接線連接至正確的網路 確認網路連接埠旁邊的指示燈已亮起 確認電腦已安裝列印驅動程式 使用 Ping 指令偵測網路以測試網路連線 : Windows 按一下 開始 > 執行 輸入 cmd, 並按下 Enter 依序輸入 ping 空格 印表機 IP 位址, 然後按下 Enter IP 位址範例 : OS X 開啟 網路工具程式, 並在 Ping 窗格中輸入 IP 位址 按下 Enter IP 位址範例 : 如果視窗顯示往返時間, 表示網路運作正常 如果 Ping 沒有作用, 嘗試重新啟動印表機, 再重新檢查所有的連線步驟 無線網路連線 ( 僅限 CP1025nw 機型 ) 確認未連接網路線 當網路線已連接時, 印表機無法連接至無線網路 確認印表機和無線路由器已開啟且接通電源 此外, 確定無線開關已開啟 確認印表機位於無線網路範圍內 對多數網路而言, 印表機必須是在距離無線存取點 ( 無線路由器 )30 公尺 (100 英呎 ) 以內的位置 確認電腦已安裝列印驅動程式 確認電腦和印表機連接至相同的無線網路 若是使用 Mac, 請確認無線路由器支援 Bonjour 重新啟動無線路由器 15

English... 1 Bahasa Indonesia... 4 한국어... 7 ไทย...10 繁体中文...13 www.hp.com/support/ljcp1020series Tiếng Việt...16 4. 16 www.register.hp.com

5. 6. 7. 7.1 Kết nối thiết bị với mạng không dây Để in từ điện thoại hoặc máy tính bảng, hãy kết nối thiết bị với cùng mạng không dây như máy in. Thiết bị ios của Apple (AirPrint): Mở mục cần in, rồi chọn biểu tượng Action (Hành động). Chọn Print (In), chọn máy in, rồi chọn Print (In). Thiết bị Android mới hơn (4.4 trở lên): Chọn mục cần in và chọn nút Menu. Chọn Print (In), chọn máy in và chọn Print (In). Một số thiết bị sẽ yêu cầu bạn tải xuống ứng dụng trình cắm HP Print Service (Dịch vụ in của HP) từ cửa hàng Google Play. Thiết bị Android cũ hơn (4.3 trở xuống): Tải xuống ứng dụng HP eprint từ cửa hàng Google Play. Windows Phone: Tải về ứng dụng HP AiO Remote từ Windows Store. Tìm hiểu thêm về tính năng in từ thiết bị di động Để tìm hiểu thêm về các tùy chọn in qua di động khác, kể cả các giải pháp eprint bổ sung, hãy quét mã QR hoặc xem phần In qua di động của Hướng dẫn sử dụng. 17

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Copyright 2015 HP Development Company, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Trademark Credits Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Trademark Credits Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. FCC Regulations This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy. If this equipment is not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase separation between equipment and receiver. Connect equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is located. Consult your dealer or an experienced radio/tv technician. Any changes or modifications to the product that are not expressly approved by HP could void the user s authority to operate this equipment. Use of a shielded interface cable is required to comply with the Class B limits of Part 15 of FCC rules. For more regulatory information, see the electronic user guide. HP shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or other damage alleged in connection with the furnishing or use of this information. Copyright 2015 HP Development Company, L.P.