LJ1200 Getting Started Guide - XL-EN, TC, KO, TH, ID, VI
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1 getting started guide petunjuk untuk memulai penggunaan hp LaserJet 1200
2 Copyright Information Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2002 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. Part number: C First Edition: March 2002 FCC Regulations This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If this equipment is not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase separation between equipment and receiver. Warranty The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with respect to this information. HEWLETT-PACKARD SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or other damage alleged in connection with the furnishing or use of this information. Trademark Credits Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other products mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Connect equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is located. Consult your dealer or an experienced radio/tv technician. Any changes or modifications to the printer that are not expressly approved by HP could void the user s authority to operate this equipment. Use of a shielded interface cable is required to comply with the Class B limits of Part 15 of FCC rules. For more regulatory information, see the HP LaserJet 1220 electronic user guide.
3 Preparation mm (10.0 in.) mm (19.1 in.) Review package contents. Make sure all parts are included. 1) HP LaserJet 1200 series printer. 2) Toner cartridge (in protective bag). 3) Getting Started Guide. 4) Software and electronic user guide (on CD-ROM). 5) Power cord. 6) Printer media input tray. 7) Printer priority media input tray. 포장내용물확인. 부품이모두들어있는지확인합니다. 1) HP LaserJet 1200 시리즈프린터. 2) 토너카트리지 ( 보호백에들어있음 ). 3) 입문설명서. 4) 소프트웨어및전자사용설명서 (CD-ROM). 5) 전원코드. 6) 프린터용지함. 7) 프린터우선용지함. Periksa isi kemasan. Pastikan semua bagian sudah lengkap. 1)Printer seri HP LaserJet ) Kartrid toner (dalam kantung pelindung). 3) Pedoman untuk Memulai Penggunaan. 4) Perangkat lunak dan petunjuk pengguna elektronis (pada CD-ROM). 5) Kabel daya. 6) Baki masukan untuk printer. 7) Baki masukan prioritas utama untuk printer. Prepare the location. Place on a sturdy, level surface. Allow space for ventilation. Allow space behind the printer for output from the straight-through media doors. 설치할장소를준비합니다. 견고하고평평한장소에프린터를놓습니다. 환기가잘될수있도록합니다. 고속출력배출구로부터용지가출력될수있도록프린터뒤쪽공간을비워둡니다. Siapkan lokasi penempatan. Tempatkan printer pada permukaan yang kuat dan datar. Sediakan cukup ruang untuk ventilasi. Sediakan juga cukup ruang di belakang printer untuk menampung hasil cetak dari pintu saluran-langsung media. English Bahasa Indonesia
4 3 English Regulate the environment. Do not place in direct sunlight. Ensure the environment is free from abrupt temperature or humidity changes. Temperature 10 to 32.5 C (50 to 91 F). Relative humidity 20% to 80%. 배치환경선택. 직사광선에노출되지않도록합니다. 습도또는온도의급격한변화가없는환경이어야합니다. 온도 10 ~ 32.5 C. 상대습도 20 ~ 80% Bahasa Indonesia Atur keadaan ruangan. Jangan menempatkan perangkat sehingga terkena sinar matahari secara langsung. Pastikan bahwa tidak ada perubahan mendadak dalam suhu atau kelembapan ruangan. Suhu 10 sampai 32.5 C. Kelembapan relatif 20% sampai 80%.
5 Assembly Open the toner door. Pull the sides of the door forward until the door locks in its open position. Leave the door open until step 7. Remove the left side panel. 1) Grasp the left side panel using the finger hole. 2) Pull out and remove the panel. 토너덮개열기. 덮개가열린위치에고정될때까지덮개양쪽을앞쪽으로당깁니다. 7 단계까지덮개를연채로둡니다. 왼쪽덮개를분리합니다. 1) 구멍을사용하여왼쪽덮개를잡습니다. 2) 덮개를당겨분리합니다. Buka pintu toner. Tarik ke depan bagian samping pintu sampai pintu tertahan pada posisi terbuka. Biarkan pintu terbuka sampai langkah 7. Lepaskan panel sebelah kiri. 1) Pegang panel dengan menggunakan lubang untuk jari. 2) Tarik ke arah keluar kemudian lepaskan panel.
6 English Connect USB or parallel cable to printer. The HP LaserJet 1200 printer includes USB and parallel ports. Connect one cable to the proper port and run the cable through the cable slot. Do not connect the cable to the computer until Step 11 (during software installation). Reattach the left side panel. 1) Insert the left side panel tabs behind the edge of the front panel. 2) Swing the panel shut. USB 또는병렬케이블을프린터에연결합니다. HP LaserJet 1200 프린터에는 USB 와병렬포트가포함되어있습니다. 케이블을알맞은포트에연결하고케이블슬롯을따라케이블을빼놓습니다. 단계 11 ( 소프트웨어를설치하는동안 ) 까지는케이블을컴퓨터에연결하지마십시오. 왼쪽덮개를다시부착합니다. 1) 왼쪽덮개탭을전면덮개가장자리뒤로밀어넣습니다. 2) 덮개를닫습니다. Bahasa Indonesia Hubungkan USB atau kabel paralel ke printer. Printer HP LaserJet 1200 dilengkapi dengan gerbang paralel dan gerbang USB. Sambungkan salah satu kabel ke gerbang yang sesuai dan tempatkan kabel melalui celah kabel. Dilarang menghubungkan kabel ini ke komputer sebelum langkah ke 11 (dalam instalasi perangkat lunak) dilaksanakan. Pasang kembali panel sebelah kiri. 1) Sisipkan tonjolan-tonjolan panel ke belakang ujung panel depan. 2) Ayunkan panel sampai tertutup dengan baik.
7 5 6 Prepare the toner cartridge. Remove the toner cartridge from the plastic bag. Remove the mylar tape by breaking the tab on the left and pulling the tape completely out. Install the toner cartridge. Insert the cartridge into the printer, making sure that the toner cartridge is in position. 토너카트리지준비. 토너카트리지를플라스틱백에서꺼내고, 오른쪽의탭을떼어마일라테이프를분리하여완전히꺼냅니다. 토너카트리지설치. 토너카트리지를프린터에삽입하고올바로장착되었는지확인합니다. Siapkan kartrid toner. Keluarkan kartrid toner dari kantung plastik, kemudian lepaskan pita mylar dengan cara mematahkan tonjolan di sebelah kanan kemudian tariklah pita sampai keluar seluruhnya. Pasang kartrid toner. Sisipkan kartrid ke dalam printer, pastikan kartrid toner terletak dengan baik di tempatnya.
8 English Close the toner door. The toner cartridge engages when the door is closed. Install the printer trays. 1) Leave the printer media input trays taped together. 2) Slide the complete assembly in at an angle and then down until it fits securely in the printer. 3) Remove the tape and lift off the printer priority media input tray (top tray). 4) Slide the media guides out and back to accommodate the media. 토너덮개를닫습니다. 덮개가닫히면토너카트리지가맞물립니다. 프린터용지함을설치합니다. 1) 프린터용지함은테이프로함께고정된채로두십시오. 2) 전체조립품을비스듬히밀어넣은다음프린터에단단히고정될때까지아래로내립니다. 3) 테이프를제거하고프린터우선용지함 ( 상단용지함 ) 을들어올립니다. 4) 용지에맞도록용지가이드를조절합니다. Bahasa Indonesia Tutup pintu toner. Kartrid toner akan terkunci jika pintu ditutup. Pasang baki printer. 1) Biarkan baki-baki masukan media (kertas) printer terisolasi menjadi satu. 2) Selipkan masuk rakitan yang lengkap dalam posisi menyudut dan kemudian tekan ke bawah hingga tepat pada posisinya di printer. 3) Lepaskan isolasi dan angkat baki masukan media (kertas) prioritas utama printer (baki atas). 4) Gerakkan pemandu media cetak ke arah luar dan belakang untuk menyiapkan tempat bagi media.
9 ) Place the media into the media input tray. Slide the guides until they are flush with the media. 2) Install the printer priority media input tray. 3) Connect the power cord. (220V models only: Turn on the switch.) Test the printer. Wait until the ready light is illuminated and press the Go button. A configuration page, showing the printer s current configuration, should print in 10 seconds. If a configuration page does not print, go to Step 15. Refer to the electronic user guide on the CD for more information. 1) 용지를용지함에넣습니다. 용지에맞도록가이드를조절합니다. 2) 프린터우선용지함을설치합니다. 3) 전원코드를연결합니다 (220V 모델은스위치를켭니다 ). 프린터테스트. 준비등이켜지기를기다렸다가진행단추를누릅니다. 프린터의현재구성을보여주는구성페이지가 10 초후에인쇄됩니다. 구성페이지가인쇄되지않으면단계 15로이동하십시오. 자세한정보를보려면 CD 의사용설명서를참조하십시오. 1) Tempatkan media pada baki masukan tersebut. Dorong kembali pemandu media sampai rata dengan media. 2) Pasang baki prioritas utama printer. 3) Sambungkan kabel daya. (Hanya untuk model 220V: Nyalakan saklarnya.) Lakukan pengujian printer. Tunggu sampai lampu siap (ready) menyala, kemudian tekan tombol Go. Satu halaman konfigurasi, yang menunjukkan konfigurasi yang berlaku pada printer, harus tercetak dalam waktu 10 detik. Apabila halaman konfigurasi tidak tercetak, lanjutkan ke langkah 15. Aculah pada Buku Panduan Pengguna yang terdapat pada CD untuk memperoleh keterangan lebih lanjut.
10 11 12 English Install the printer software. Insert the CD for your software installation or go to the Plug and Play section. Installing on Windows. 1) Select Software Installation from the autorun screen. If autorun does not occur, select Start, select Run, and type x:\setup (where x is the letter of your CD-ROM drive). 프린터소프트웨어설치. 소프트웨어설치 CD 를삽입하거나플러그앤플레이섹션으로이동합니다. Windows 상의설치 1) 자동실행화면에서소프트웨어설치를선택합니다. 자동실행이시작되지않으면시작, 실행을선택한다음 x:\setup (x 는 CD-ROM 드라이브문자 ) 을입력합니다. Bahasa Indonesia Instal perangkat lunak printer. Masukkan CD untuk instalasi perangkat lunak anda atau baca pada bab Plug and Play. Instalasi pada Windows. 1) Pilih Instalasi Perangkat Lunak dari layar yang diperintah secara otomatis. Jika layar autorun tidak muncul, pilih Start, pilih Run, kemudian ketikkan x:\setup (di mana x adalah huruf pengenal penggerak CD-ROM anda).
11 13 2) Follow the instructions on the screen. Click Finish to complete the installation 3) After the installation is complete, connect the I/O cable to the computer and reboot the computer. Installing on Macintosh (USB). 1) Run the installer, then restart. 2) Run the Apple Desktop Printer utility. 3) Select HP Printer (USB). 4) Click Change. 5) Select HP LaserJet. 6) Click Auto Setup, then Create. 2) 화면에나타나는지시사항을따릅니다. 종료를눌러설치를완료합니다. 3) 설치를완료한후 I/O 케이블을컴퓨터에연결하고컴퓨터를재부팅합니다. Macintosh (USB) 상에설치. 1) 설치프로그램을실행한후컴퓨터를다시시작합니다. 2) Apple Desktop Printer 유틸리티를실행합니다. 3) HP 프린터 (USB) 를선택합니다. 4) 변경을누릅니다. 5) HP LaserJet 을선택합니다. 6) 자동설치 > 작성을누릅니다. 2) Ikuti petunjuk pada layar. Klik Finish untuk menyelesaikan instalasi 3) Setelah instalasi selesai, sambungkan kabel I/O ke komputer dan boot ulang komputer. Melakukan Instalasi pada Macintosh (USB). 1) Jalankan program penginstal (installer) kemudian lakukan restart komputer. 2) Jalankan Apple Desktop Printer utility. 3) Pilih HP Printer (USB). 4) Klik Change. 5) Pilih HP LaserJet. 6) Klik Auto Setup kemudian klik Create.
12 14 15 No lights are on. English Congratulations! Your HP LaserJet 1200 product is ready to use. If you had any problems, refer to the electronic user guide for troubleshooting information as well as service and support information. Troubleshooting the printer. 1) If no lights are on, check the power cord; then press the Go button. 축하합니다! HP LaserJet 1200 을사용할준비가되었습니다. 문제가발생할경우서비스및지원정보는물론문제해결정보에관해온라인사용설명서를참조하십시오. 프린터문제해결. 1) 표시등이켜지지않으면전원코드를확인하고진행단추를누릅니다. Bahasa Indonesia Selamat! Product HP LaserJet 1200 anda kini sudah siap digunakan. Apabila anda mempunyai masalah apapun, aculah pada buku panduan pengguna elektronis untuk memperoleh keterangan tentang penelusuran masalah dan juga keterangan tentang servis dan dukungan. Jika printer tidak berfungsi baik. 1) Jika tidak ada lampu yang menyala, periksa kabel daya, kemudian tekan tombol Go.
13 All lights are blinking. Bottom light is blinking. All lights are on. 2) If the bottom light is blinking, check the toner cartridge for proper installation, put media in the input tray, make sure all doors are closed, or check for media jams. 3) If all lights are blinking, remove the DIMM and replace it with a new DIMM, if necessary. 4) If all lights are on, unplug the printer, wait 5 minutes, plug it back in, and retry. If errors still exist, call HP Customer Support. 2) 아래쪽표시등이깜빡이면토너카트리지가올바로설치되었는지확인하고, 용지를용지함에넣은다음, 모든덮개가닫혀있는지확인하고, 용지걸림을확인합니다. 3) 모든표시등이깜빡이면 DIMM 을분리하고필요한경우새로운 DIMM 으로교체합니다. 4) 모든표시등이켜지면프린터의코드를뽑고 5 분정도기다렸다가다시코드를꽂고재시도해봅니다. 오류가지속되면 HP 고객지원으로문의합니다. 2) Jika lampu bawah berkedip-kedip, periksa apakah kartrid toner sudah terpasang dengan baik, apakah media cetak sudah tersedia di baki masukan, apakah semua pintu sudah tertutup dengan baik, atau apakah ada kemacetan media cetak. 3) Jika semua lampu berkedip-kedip, lepaskan DIMM dan gantilah dengan DIMM yang baru jika perlu. 4) Jika semua lampu menyala, lepaskan kabel daya dari printer, tunggu 5 menit, pasang kembali kabel daya ke printer, kemudian ulangi pengujian. Jika masalah masih belum hilang, hubungi Layanan Bantuan HP.
14 Plug & Play 1 English Installing on Windows 98 and Millennium (USB). 1) Connect the I/O cable to the computer. 2) Reboot the computer. 3) In the Add New Hardware wizard, click Next. 4) Select Search for the best driver for your device (recommended), and click Next. 5) Select Specify a location, then type x:\98me_usb\ (where x is the letter of your CD-ROM drive). 6) Follow the instructions on your screen. Windows 98/Millennium 에설치 (USB). 1) I/O 케이블을컴퓨터에연결합니다. 2) 컴퓨터를재시동합니다. 3) 새하드웨어추가마법사에서다음을누릅니다. 4) 장치에가장알맞은드라이버검색 ( 권장 ) 을선택하고다음을누릅니다. 5) 검색할위치지정을선택하고 x:\98me_usb\ (x는 CD-ROM 드라이브문자 ) 를입력합니다. 6) 화면에나타나는지시사항을따릅니다. Bahasa Indonesia Melakukan Instalasi pada Windows 98 dan Millennium (USB). 1) Hubungkan kabel I/O ke komputer. 2) Reboot komputer anda. 3) Pada wizar Add New Hardware, klik Next. 4) Pilih Search for the best driver for your device (recommended) kemudian klik Next. 5) Beri tanda pada Specify a location, kemudian ketikkan x:\98me_usb\ (di mana x adalah penggerak CD-ROM anda). 6) Ikuti petunjuk pada layar.
15 2 Installing on Windows 2000 (USB). 1) Connect the I/O cable to the computer. 2) Reboot the computer. 3) In the Found New Hardware wizard, click Next. 4) Select Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended), and click Next. 5) Select Specify a location. 6) Under Copy manufacturer s files from, type x:\2000\ (where x is the letter of your CD-ROM drive), and click OK. 7) Click Next. 8) Follow the instructions on your screen. Windows 2000에설치 (USB). 1) I/O 케이블을컴퓨터에연결합니다. 2) 컴퓨터를재시동합니다. 3) 새하드웨어발견마법사에서다음을누릅니다. 4) 장치에적절한드라이버검색 ( 권장 ) 을선택하고다음을누릅니다. 5) 위치지정을선택합니다. 6) 복사할제조업체파일위치 : 에서 x:\2000\ (x 는 CD-ROM 드라이브문자 ) 를입력하고, 확인을누릅니다. 7) 다음을누릅니다. 8) 화면에나타나는지시사항을따릅니다. Melakukan Instalasi pada Windows 2000 (USB). 1) Hubungkan kabel I/O ke komputer. 2) Reboot komputer anda. 3) Pada wizar Found New Hardware, klik Next. 4) Pilih Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) kemudian klik Next. 5) Beri tanda pada Specify a location. 6) Di bawah Copy manufacturer s files from, ketikkan x:\2000\ (di mana x adalah penggerak CD-ROM anda) kemudian klik OK. 7) Klik Next. 8) Ikuti petunjuk pada layar.
16 3 English Installing on Windows 9X and Millennium (Parallel). 1) Connect the I/O cable to the computer. 2) Reboot the computer. 3) When the Installation Wizard appears, click Next. 4) Select Search for the best driver for your device (recommended), and click Next. 5) Select Specify a location, then type x:\9xme_lpt (where x is the letter of your CD-ROM drive). 6) Follow the instructions on your screen. Windows 9X/Millennium 에설치 ( 병렬 ). 1) I/O 케이블을컴퓨터에연결합니다. 2) 컴퓨터를재시동합니다. 3) 설치마법사가나타나면다음을누르십시오. 4) 장치에가장알맞은드라이버검색 ( 권장 ) 을선택하고다음을누릅니다. 5) 검색할위치지정을선택하고 x:\9xme_lpt\ (x 는 CD-ROM 드라이브문자 ) 를입력합니다. 6) 화면에나타나는지시사항을따릅니다. Bahasa Indonesia Melakukan Instalasi pada Windows 98 dan Millennium (Paralel). 1) Hubungkan kabel I/O ke komputer. 2) Reboot komputer anda. 3) Bilamana petunjuk Instalasi muncul, klik Next. 4) Pilih Search for the best driver for your device (recommended) kemudian klik Next. 5) Beri tanda pada Specify a location, kemudian ketikkan x:\9xme_lpt\ (di mana x adalah penggerak CD-ROM anda). 6) Ikuti petunjuk pada layar.
17 4 5 Installing on Windows NT (Parallel). (Note: You must have administrator privileges.) 1) When the Installation wizard appears, click Software Installation. 2) Follow the instructions on your screen. Installing on Windows 2000 (Parallel). 1) Connect the I/O cable to the computer. 2) Reboot the computer. 3) In the Found New Hardware wizard, click Next. 4) Select Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended), and click Next. Windows NT 에설치 ( 병렬 ). ( 참고 : 관리자권한이있어야합니다.) 1) 설치마법사가나타나면소프트웨어설치를누르십시오. 2) 화면에나타나는지시사항을따릅니다. Windows 2000에설치 ( 병렬 ). 1) I/O 케이블을컴퓨터에연결합니다. 2) 컴퓨터를재시동합니다. 3) 새하드웨어발견마법사에서다음을누릅니다. 4) 장치에적절한드라이버검색 ( 권장 ) 을선택하고다음을누릅니다. Melakukan Instalasi pada Windows NT (Paralel). (Perhatikan: Anda harus memiliki hak (privilege) sebagai administrator ) 1) Bilamana petunjuk Instalasi muncul, klik Software Installation. 2) Ikuti petunjuk pada layar. Melakukan Instalasi pada Windows 2000 (Paralel). 1) Hubungkan kabel I/O ke komputer. 2) Reboot komputer anda. 3) Pada wizar Found New Hardware, klik Next. 4) Pilih Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) kemudian klik Next.
18 English 5) Select Specify a location. 6) Under Copy manufacturer s files from, type x:\2000\ (where x is the letter of your CD-ROM drive), and click OK. 7) Click Next. 8) Follow the instructions on your screen. 5) 위치지정을선택합니다. 6) 복사할제조업체파일위치 : 에서 x:\2000\ (x 는 CD-ROM 드라이브문자 ) 를입력하고, 확인을누릅니다. 7) 다음을누릅니다.8) 화면에나타나는지시사항을따릅니다. Bahasa Indonesia 5) Beri tanda pada Specify a location. 6) Di bawah Copy manufacturer s files from, ketikkan x:\2000\ (di mana x adalah penggerak CD-ROM anda) kemudian klik OK. 7) Klik Next. 8) Ikuti petunjuk pada layar.
20 printed on recycled paper copyright 2002 Hewlett-Packard Co. printed in Singapore *C * *C * C
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Contents English Setup, 4 Features and troubleshooting, 8 繁 體 中 文 安 裝, 4 功 能 說 明 和 疑 難 排 解, 21 简 体 中 文 安 装, 4 功 能 和 故 障 排 除, 34 한국어 설치, 4 기능 및 문제 해결, 47 2 MK700 M705 3 1 4 2 Pull 繁 體 中 文 简 体 中 文 拉 出 拉
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Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh
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목차 1. 개요... 3 2. USB 드라이버 설치 (FTDI DRIVER)... 4 2-1. FTDI DRIVER 실행파일... 4 2-2. USB 드라이버 확인방법... 5 3. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER 설치... 7 3-1. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER
< Tool s Guide > 목차 1. 개요... 3 2. USB 드라이버 설치 (FTDI DRIVER)... 4 2-1. FTDI DRIVER 실행파일... 4 2-2. USB 드라이버 확인방법... 5 3. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER 설치... 7 3-1. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER 실행파일... 7 4. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER 사용하기...
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MF Driver Installation Guide
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English 1. Safety and General Issues 1) Use a standard USB charging cable (included), with or without a charging adaptor (5V, over 500mA). * Adapter N
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