일반품 Faucet Series 30 The others Series 31 해바라기 Series 33 악세사리 Series 35 INFO METAL 2 / 3

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본 카달로그는 플레이잼 의 새롭게 개발된 어린이 놀이시설 제품을 담고 있습니다.

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Contents Bathroom Accessorise Simplicity and functionality Design 아이콤 ICOM Series 7 빼어날水 Series 11 모닝 Morning Series 23 이 - 젠 E-Zen Series 27

일반품 Faucet Series 30 The others Series 31 해바라기 Series 33 악세사리 Series 35 INFO METAL 2 / 3

INNOVATION FOREVER METAL 인포메탈만의세련되고세분화된디자인컨셉으로 [ 수전제품의혁신적인트렌드를만들어갑니다. ]

COMPANY HISTORY 1986 s 04. 경성공업사설립 ( 영등포구양평동 ) 04. 가스벨브부품가공생산 1996 s 07. 건흥테크설립 ( 영등포구양평동 ) 1997 s 03. 수도꼭지온 / 냉수 40Ø 카크리지생산 1998 s 05. 90 카크리지생산 2002 s 08. 냉온급수배브카트리지실용신안등록 ( 제 0287730 호 ) 2002 s 07. 급수밸브카트리지용스핀들레버실용신안등록 ( 제 0328996 호 ) 08. 35 카트리지생산 09. 3 단조절형 ( 절수식 ) 카트리지생산 2004 s 04. 공장이전 ( 김포시통진읍귀전리 ) 11. ISO 9001 / KS A 9001(2000) 인증획득 2005 s 10. 인포메탈설립 2006 s 01. 정성공업사, 건흥테크합병 05. 수도꼭지 KS A 2331 KS 인증획득 2012 s 07. 수도꼭지 KS B 2331 KC 위생안전기준인증획득 2014 s 06. 환경표지인증서획득 INFO METAL 4 / 5

Top quality & design are the essential elements of all the collection.the classic and in style pieces of faucet up to the modern designed are widely represented in the production.

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 ICOM 아이콤 ICOM Series urniture is the one that design and with quality. Creating the most comfortable place in your house, yet enough to be proudly presented, Faucet could be the best choice you ever made. Have you experienced the love that is so powerful that it makes you feel like another person and fills your life with pleasure and satisfaction. This is the one that could make you fall in love with. IP-Y400 IP-Y600 IP-Y510 IP-Y410 INFO METAL 6 / 7

Your dream bathroom start here! In order to preserve the elegance and nobility, it is carefully manufactured with skill and made with the first material that gives you more comfort.

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 ICOM 아이콤 ICOM Series urniture is the one that design and with quality. Creating the most comfortable place in your house, yet enough to be proudly presented, Faucet could be the best choice you ever made. Have you experienced the love that is so powerful that it makes you feel like another person and fills your life with pleasure and satisfaction. This is the one that could make you fall in love with. IP-Y530 IP-Y620 IP-Y610 INFO METAL 8 / 9

Top quality & design are the essential elements of all the collection.the classic and in style pieces of faucet up to the modern designed are widely represented in the production.

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 빼어날水 빼어날水 Series 빼어날水는다양한핸들디자인을선택하실수있습니다. urniture is the one that design and with quality. Creating the most comfortable place in your house, yet enough to be proudly presented, Faucet could be the best choice you ever made. Have you experienced the love that is so powerful that it makes you feel like another person and fills your life with pleasure and satisfaction. This is the one that could make you fall in love with. IP-S410Ⅰ IP-S410Ⅱ IP-S410B IP-S410S INFO METAL 10 / 11

Natural & lifestyle we have grown to be a forerunner in this specialty field and a leading expert in molding and die casting industry.

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 빼어날水 빼어날水 Series 빼어날水는다양한핸들디자인을선택하실수있습니다. urniture is the one that design and with quality. Creating the most comfortable place in your house, yet enough to be proudly presented, Faucet could be the best choice you ever made. Have you experienced the love that is so powerful that it makes you feel like another person and fills your life with pleasure and satisfaction. This is the one that could make you fall in love with. IP-S510Ⅰ IP-S510Ⅱ IP-S510B IP-S510S INFO METAL 12 / 13

Top quality & design are the essential elements of all the collection.the classic and in style pieces of faucet up to the modern designed are widely represented in the production.

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 빼어날水 빼어날水 Series 빼어날水는다양한핸들디자인을선택하실수있습니다. urniture is the one that design and with quality. Creating the most comfortable place in your house, yet enough to be proudly presented, Faucet could be the best choice you ever made. Have you experienced the love that is so powerful that it makes you feel like another person and fills your life with pleasure and satisfaction. This is the one that could make you fall in love with. IP-S600Ⅰ IP-S600Ⅱ IP-S600B IP-S600S INFO METAL 14 / 15

All of our resources go into quality components and production techniques to make our faucet the best they can be. So you re getting better Fauct at a better price

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 빼어날水 빼어날水 Series 빼어날水는다양한핸들디자인을선택하실수있습니다. urniture is the one that design and with quality. Creating the most comfortable place in your house, yet enough to be proudly presented, Faucet could be the best choice you ever made. Have you experienced the love that is so powerful that it makes you feel like another person and fills your life with pleasure and satisfaction. This is the one that could make you fall in love with. IP-S400Ⅰ IP-S601 IP-S602 IP-S602B IP-S602S INFO METAL 16 / 17

You may feel the difference at first sight. The more you see, the better you feel. Come and try the difference of nobility.

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 빼어날水 빼어날水 Series 빼어날水는다양한핸들디자인을선택하실수있습니다. urniture is the one that design and with quality. Creating the most comfortable place in your house, yet enough to be proudly presented, Faucet could be the best choice you ever made. Have you experienced the love that is so powerful that it makes you feel like another person and fills your life with pleasure and satisfaction. This is the one that could make you fall in love with. IP-S603 IP-S603Ⅰ IP-S603B IP-S603S IP-S604 IP-S605 INFO METAL 18 / 19

Top quality & design are the essential elements of all the collection.the classic and in style pieces of faucet up to the modern designed are widely represented in the production.

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 빼어날水 빼어날水 Series 빼어날水는다양한핸들디자인을선택하실수있습니다. urniture is the one that design and with quality. Creating the most comfortable place in your house, yet enough to be proudly presented, Faucet could be the best choice you ever made. Have you experienced the love that is so powerful that it makes you feel like another person and fills your life with pleasure and satisfaction. This is the one that could make you fall in love with. IP-S530Ⅰ IP-S700 IP-S520Ⅰ The attractive Faucet for you... Enjoy, the time of meeting with value! Space will give you the best impression in your life. INFO METAL 20 / 21

Premium Quality & Design At first, uniqueness of style will catch on eye, but as time goes by, you will find the great value of premium quality and design inflencing your life more than you expected.

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 Morning 모닝 Morning Series urniture is the one that design and with quality. Creating the most comfortable place in your house, yet enough to be proudly presented, Faucet could be the best choice you ever made. Have you experienced the love that is so powerful that it makes you feel like another person and fills your life with pleasure and satisfaction. This is the one that could make you fall in love with. IP-M100 IP-M200 IP-M300 IP-M400 INFO METAL 22 / 23

Top quality & design are the essential elements of all the collection.the classic and in style pieces of faucet up to the modern designed are widely represented in the production.

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 Morning 모닝 Morning Series urniture is the one that design and with quality. Creating the most comfortable place in your house, yet enough to be proudly presented, Faucet could be the best choice you ever made. Have you experienced the love that is so powerful that it makes you feel like another person and fills your life with pleasure and satisfaction. This is the one that could make you fall in love with. IP-M500 IP-M600 IP-M700 INFO METAL 24 / 25

All of our resources go into quality components and production techniques to make our faucet the best they can be. So you re getting better Fauct at a better price

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 E-Zen 이 - 젠 E-Zen Series urniture is the one that design and with quality. Creating the most comfortable place in your house, yet enough to be proudly presented, Faucet could be the best choice you ever made. Have you experienced the love that is so powerful that it makes you feel like another person and fills your life with pleasure and satisfaction. This is the one that could make you fall in love with. IP-E100 IP-E200 IP-E300 INFO METAL 26 / 27

Natural & lifestyle we have grown to be a forerunner in this specialty field and a leading expert in molding and die casting industry.

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 E-Zen 이 - 젠 E-Zen Series urniture is the one that design and with quality. Creating the most comfortable place in your house, yet enough to be proudly presented, Faucet could be the best choice you ever made. Have you experienced the love that is so powerful that it makes you feel like another person and fills your life with pleasure and satisfaction. This is the one that could make you fall in love with. IP-E400 IP-E500 IP-E600 INFO METAL 28 / 29

Faucet / 수전 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 일반품 Faucet Series 두개핸들다용도가로꼭지 두갈래꼭지 긴몸통가로꼭지 십자가로꼭지 십자카프링가로꼭지 세로꼭지 일자가로꼭지 원스톱가로꼭지 원스톱카프링가로꼭지 원스톱목돌림가로꼭지

The others Series / 밸브 코브라 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 The others 관붙이앵글벨브분리형 관붙이앵글벨브일체형 교체형 I( 아이 ) 자코브라 교체형 L( 엘 ) 자코브라 교체형가로단수코브라 교체형세로단수코브라 대변기세척벨브 소변기세척벨브 INFO METAL 30 / 31

All of our resources go into quality components and production techniques to make our faucet the best they can be. So you re getting better Fauct at a better price

해바라기 해바라기 Series 공간을돋보이게하는심플하고세련된디자인의수전 파이프해바라기 ( 분리형 ) H750~1050mm 높이조절가능 파이프해바라기 ( 일체형 ) H980~1280mm 높이조절가능 프라임 P-300 해바라기 ( 실버 ) 프라임 P-1000 해바라기 ( 토수구유 ) ( 실버 ) 프라임 P-1000 해바라기 ( 토수구유 ) ( 레드 ) 프라임 P-300 해바라기 ( 레드 ) INFO METAL 32 / 33

Your dream bathroom start here! In order to preserve the elegance and nobility, it is carefully manufactured with skill and made with the first material that gives you more comfort.

Accessories / 악세사리 Accessories 2000 Series 2000 수건걸이 (Towel Bar) 2000 비누대 (Soap Dish) 2000 컵대 (Tumbler Holder) 2000 휴지걸이 (Paper Holder) 1000 Series 1000 컵대 (Tumbler Holder) 1000 휴지걸이 (Paper Holder) 1000 수건걸이 (Towel Bar) 1000 비누대 (Soap Dish) INFO METAL 34 / 35