Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): Signs, symptoms, and prevention methods Korean 환자교육 환자관리부 심정맥혈전증 (DVT) 징후, 증상, 그리고예방책 심정맥혈전증 (DVT) 은팔이나다리에혈액덩어리가있는것입니다. 원인, 증상과, 위험성그리고 DVT 치료에관하여더자세히알기위하여이설명서를읽으십시오. 심정맥혈전증이무엇입니까? 심정맥혈전증은몸속깊숙한정맥에혈액덩어리 ( 혈전 ) 가발생한질병입니다. 대부분의경우, DVT 는무릎위쪽이나무릎밑의다리에생깁니다. 다리근육의수축결핍이다리와발의정맥에피를모이게합니다. 이것이혈전형성을불러일으킬수있습니다. DVT 는누구든지거동하는데문제가있거나최근에수술을한분에게일어날수있습니다. DVT 발생의위험성을일으킬수있는상태는 : 노화, 호르몬, 암그리고그에따른치료, 대수술 ( 복부, 골반, 다리 ), 외상 ( 골반, 엉덩이또는다리의골절 ), 비만, 장기간움직이지못함, 뇌졸중 ( 중풍 ) 이나마비, 유치중심정맥도관, 정맥류, 심장기능장애, 만성호흡기능상실, 그리고이전의정맥혈전증등입니다. DVT 는오랫동안침대요양을한후나자동차또는비행기로장기간여행를했을떄발생할수있습니다. DVT 는보통다리나사타구니의혈관에생깁니다.
Page 2 환자관리부심정맥혈전증 (DVT): 징후, 증상, 그리고예방책 DVT 의징후와증상은어떤것입니까? DVT 의가장흔한징후와증상들은 : 부기. 피부가빨개지거나변색. 팔과다리의통증이나민감함. 어떤분들은다리에온기가느껴짐. 만약 DVT 가있다는의심이드시면담당의사선생님께전화를드리거나응급실로오십시오. DVT 의위험성은무엇입니까? 정맥에생긴혈액덩어리가떨어져나가폐를포함한다른기관으로이동할수있습니다. 폐안의혈액덩어리를폐색전증 (PE) 이라고부릅니다. 이런유형의혈액덩어리는생명을위협하므로즉시치료를받아야합니다. 폐색전증의징후와증상 : 호흡곤란 ( 숨가쁨 ). 가슴통증. 빠른심장박동또는졸도. 미열. 기침할때피가섞이거나안섞인가래. 만약이런증상들이있으면 9-1-1 에즉시전화하십시오. DVT 는어떻게방지할수있습니까? 정맥을통한혈액순환을제한할수도있는꼭끼는옷, 스타킹, 양말 ( 특별히꼭조이는윗도리와아니면피부에자국을남기는종류 ) 등은피하십시오. 혈액순환을돕고부기의감소를위해때때로다리를심장보다 6 인치정도위로올려놓으십시오. 만약고탄력스타킹 ( 압축스타킹이라고도함 ) 또한에이스탄력붕대를처방받았다면지시사항대로사용하십시오. 이것은혈액순환을향상시키기위해디자인되었으며꼭조이기는하지만혈액순환을차단하는위험성을지니고있지않습니다. 운동계획을실천하십시오.
환자관리부심정맥혈전증 (DVT): 징후, 증상, 그리고예방책 질문있으십니까? 귀하의질문은중요합니다. 질문이나걱정되는점이있으면담당의사선생님이나의료진께연락하십시오. 워싱턴대학종합병원직원들은어느때나도와드릴준비가되어있습니다. 재활클리닉 : 외과수술전문센터 : 206-598-4549 자세를자주바꾸십시오. 한번에 1 시간이상앉아있거나서있지마십시오. 염분 ( 소금 ) 은수분을몸에저장시키므로섭취를줄이십시오. 다리를부딛히거나상처입히는것을피하십시오. 다리를꼬고앉는것을피하십시오. 다리가비정상으로보이거나, 갑자기붓거나또는붉어지는지매일살펴보십시오. 무릎밑에베개고여놓는것을피하십시오. 벽돌이나책을가능하면침대다리쪽에넣어서 4 6 인치정도높이십시오. 만약담당의사선생님께서 DVT 의위험성을감소시키기위한약을처방하셨다면지시대로복용하십시오. 4 층남동쪽병동 : 206-598-4400 4 층남쪽병동 : 206-598-4670 Rehabilitation Nursing Box 356071 1959 N.E. Pacific St. Seattle, WA 98195 University of Washington Medical Center Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Korean 12/2003 Rev. 10/2004 Translation by UWMC Interpreter Services Reprints: Health Online
Patient Education Patient Care Services Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Signs, symptoms, and prevention methods Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot in your arm or leg. Read this handout to learn more about the causes, symptoms, risks, and treatment for DVTs. What is DVT? A deep vein thrombosis is a condition in which a blood clot (thrombus) develops in the deep veins of the body. Most often, DVTs develop in the legs, either above the knee or below it. Lack of muscle contractions in the legs can allow blood to collect in the veins of legs and feet. This can lead to thrombus formation. A DVT can happen to anyone who has mobility problems or has had recent surgery. Conditions that may put you at risk for developing a DVT are: increasing age, hormones, cancer and its treatment, major surgery (abdomen, pelvis, lower extremities), trauma (fracture of the pelvis, hip, or leg), obesity, prolonged immobility, stroke or paralysis, indwelling central venous catheter, varicose veins, cardiac dysfunction, chronic respiratory failure, and prior venous thrombus. DVTs can occur after prolonged bedrest or long trips in a car or plane. DVTs usually occur in leg or groin blood vessels.
Page 2 Patient Care Services Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) What are the signs and symptoms of DVT? The most common signs and symptoms of DVT: Swelling. Redness or discoloration. Tenderness or pain of the extremity. For some, the leg may feel warm. If you suspect that you have a DVT, call your doctor or come to the Emergency Room. What are the risks of DVT? Clots that form in the veins can break apart and travel to other parts of the body, including the lungs. A blood clot in the lungs is called a pulmonary embolism (PE). This type of clot can be life-threatening and must be treated right away. Signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism: Difficulty breathing (shortness of breath). Chest pain. Rapid heartbeat or fainting. Low-grade fever. Cough with or without bloody sputum. If you have these symptoms, call 9-1-1 right away. How can a DVT be prevented? Avoid tight clothing, nylons, or socks (especially the type that are too tight at the top and/or leave marks on your skin) that might restrict blood flow through veins. Elevate your legs 6 inches above your heart from time to time to help improve blood flow and reduce swelling. If elastic stockings (also called compression stockings) or Ace bandages have been prescribed for you, wear them as instructed. While these may feel tight, they are designed to promote circulation and do not pose a risk of cutting off circulation Follow your exercise plan.
Patient Care Services Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Questions? Your questions are important. Call your doctor or health care provider if you have questions or concerns. UWMC clinic staff are also available to help at any time. Rehabilitation Clinic: Change your position often. Do not sit or stand for over 1 hour at a time. Reduce sodium (salt) in your diet, as it causes fluid retention. Avoid bumping or injuring your legs. Avoid crossing your legs. Look for unusual or sudden swelling or redness of your legs every day. Avoid pillows under your knees. If possible, elevate the foot of your bed 4 to 6 inches on blocks or books. If your doctor prescribes medicine to decrease the risk of DVT, take it as directed. Surgical Specialties Center: 206-598-4549 4-Southeast: 206-598-4400 4-South: 206-598-4670 Rehabilitation Nursing Box 356071 1959 N.E. Pacific St. Seattle, WA 98195 University of Washington Medical Center 12/2003 Rev. 10/2004 Reprints: Health Online