WHISKY SPECIAL MENU T H E R E A S O N A B L E MOON SET NAMSAN SET BALVENIE 1BTL BALVENIE 2BTL 12-year 12-year SOFT DRINK 2EA coke/sprite/ sparkling water SOFT DRINK 4EA coke/sprite/ sparkling water SIDE DISH fruit platter or cheese platter SIDE DISH fruit platter or cheese platter or surf & turf platter W374,000 W7,000
Promotions Roasted Chicken Roasted Whole chicken with mega french fries 튀긴감자를곁들인통닭 ( 국내산 ) 43 Serendipity Chop Steak Wagyu tenderloin with mix vegetables & demi glaze 여러가지야채와데미소스를곁들인와규안심 ( 호주산 ) 볶음 89 Surf & Turf Platter Roasted beef, baked whole lobster, pan fried chicken leg with house salad 통으로구운소고기 ( 호주산 ), 오븐에구운바닷가재, 팬에구운닭다리살 ( 국내산 ), 샐러드 110 Fruit Platter 과일플래터 80 Cheese Platter 치즈플래터 80 MON ~ SUN (6:00pm ~ 9:00pm) Dry Bite 마른안주 40 Platter & Champagne Drappier / KRW 2,000 for two Platter & Glanffidich 12yr 500ml, Soft drink / KRW 3,000 for two
A La Carte Olives 여러가지올리브 Olives with prosciutto 올리브와프로슈토 ( 이탈리아 ) Smoked Salmon Avocado relish, capers, lemon, herbs 아보카도랠리쉬, 케이퍼, 레몬, 허브 Moon Salad Mix salad with avocado, tuna, turkey ham 아보카도, 참치, 터키햄 ( 미국산 ) 을곁들인샐러드 Calamari Fried calamari with basil tartare &Blood marry sauce 바질타르타르와블러드마리소스를곁들인튀긴칼라마리 ( 원양산 ) Seafood Stew Seasonal seafood with light spicy tomato broth & casarecce 계절해산물로만든매콤한토마토스튜와카사레차 Linguine Lobster Linguine with 1/2 lobster and spicy tomato Arrabiata sauce 신선한랍스터와매콤한아라비아따소스의링귀니파스타 Moon Burger Wagyu beef patty, gruyere cheese, fried egg, tomato, lettuce, French fries 수수번과 와규 소고기 ( 호주산 ) 패티로만든버거 15 38 28 35 36 38 35 Single Malt Whisky Speyside Fed by the snow melt of the Grampian mountains, Speyside is situated on the North East coast and is the heartland of whisky production. It is a region noted for producing elegant and subtle whiskies with a slightly peaty character. It is home to some of the most famous and prestigious whiskies in the world, such as Macallan, Glenfiddich and The Glenlivet to name a few. 스페이사이드 는스코틀랜드북동부해안에위치한지역으로서위스키생산의중심지로불립니다. 이지역은그램피언산맥에서녹아내린청정빙하수덕분에스코틀랜드지역중가장부드럽고순하고피트향이적은위스키가생산되는곳입니다. 전세계적으로알려진최상급의싱글몰트위스키인 Macallan, Glenfiddich, The Glenlivet 등이이지역의대표적인상품입니다. Balvenie years old Balvenie 21 years old Balvenie 17 years old Balvenie 14 years old Balvenie 12 years old Macallan years old Macallan 21 years old Macallan 15 years old Macallan 12 years old Glenfiddich years old Glenfiddich 26years old Glenfiddich 21 years old Glenfiddich years old Glenfiddich 15 years old Glenfiddich 12 years old The Glenlivet years old The Glenlivet Nadura The Glenlivet 15 years old The Glenlivet 12 years old Glenrothes 1978 Glenrothes 1988 Dalwhinnie 15 years old Cragganmore 12 years old 발베니 년 발베니 21 년 발베니 17 년 발베니 14 년 발베니 12 년 맥켈란 년 맥켈란 21 년 맥켈란 15 년 맥켈란 12 년 글렌피딕 년 글렌피딕 26 년 글렌피딕 21 년 글렌피딕 년 글렌피딕 15 년 글렌피딕 12 년 글렌리벳 년 글렌리벳나두라 글렌리벳 15 년 글렌리벳 12 년 글렌로더스 1978 글렌로더스 1988 달위니 15 년 크래간모어 12 년 65 46 35 1 55 36 55 42 45 40 34 0 73 2800 980 7 550 880 540 390 00 00 850 600 450 380 670 600 480 4 원산지표기 - 쌀 : 국내산, 소고기 : 한우 1+, 돼지고기 : 국내산, 닭고기 : 국내산, 초리죠 : 스페인산
Highland Premium Draft Beer By far the biggest region, covering such a wide area from Wick in the North East of Scotland, the Highlands inevitably embraces wide variations. Therefore, the Highland malts are tricky ones to characterize. These malts range from medium to light bodied with heather and some peatiness in Northern Highland whiskies and a sweeter floral flavor in the whiskies further South. Stella Artois Hoegaarden 스텔라아르투아 호가든 17 하이랜드지역은스코틀랜드의북동쪽 Wick 지역부터넓은지역을포함하고있기때문에다양한특성을보유한위스키를발견할수있습니다. 이다양한지역의위스키를특징짓는것은어려운일이지만, 일반적으로북부하이랜드위스키는삼나무향과맛, 이탄 (Peat) 의스모키한맛이특징으로 Light bodied 부터 Medium 까지맛볼수있고, 남부하이랜드위스키는달콤하며꽃향기의풍미를깊이느낄수있습니다. Glenmorangie years old Glenmorangie signet Glenmorangie years old Singleton years old Singleton 12 years old Oban 14 years old 글랜모랜지 년 글랜모랜지시그넷 글렌모랜지 년 싱글톤 년 싱글톤 12 년 오반 14 년 60 40 35 28 1700 900 650 580 450 Beer Edelweiss Samuel Adams Punk IPA Weinhenstephaner Hefe Guinness Draught 에델바이스 사무엘아담스 펑크 IPA 바이엔슈테판헤페 기네스드래프트 17 21 Coffee or Tea Americano (Hot or Ice) Tea (Assam Barie, Darjeeling, Sweet Berry) 아메리카노 아쌈바리, 다즐링, 스윗베리 12 12 Lowland The region embraces the mainland of Scotland south of the Central Belt (a line drawn between the Forth and Loch Lomond). The style of Lowland whisky is much lighter than Highland, with little or no peating. Therefore, its characteristics tend to be pale in colour and light bodied, the flavor tends towards dryness on the finish. Lowland whisky makes an excellent aperitif. 로우랜드 는스코틀랜드본토의남부지역으로 Forth 와 Loch Lomond 의남쪽을지칭하는표현입니다. 일반적으로하이랜드위스키가이탄 (Peat) 을사용하여독특한훈연향을내는데비하여, 이지역의위스키는이러한과정을거의거치지않기때문에매우부드러운맛을내는것이특징입니다. 색깔은엷은호박색을띄고맛과향이가벼우며끝맛은보통드라이하기때문에식후주뿐아니라식전주로서도매우훌륭합니다. Glenkinchie 12 years old Auchentoshan 12 years old 글렌킨치 12 년 오헨토샨 12 년 440 Water Still Evian 500ml Naked ml Sparkling Perrier 3ml San Pellegrino 500ml / 750ml 9 7 9 11 / 13
Cocktail Balloon Gin Tonic Bombay or Tanqueray no.10 or Hendrick s, Tonic wáter Singapore Sling Gin, Cherry Brandy, Pineapple Juice, Cointreau, Dom Benedictine Long Island Ice Tea Gin, Rum, Vodka, Tequila, Lemon Juice, Coke Caipirinha Rum, Sugar, Fresh Lime Margarita Tequila, Triple Sec, Lemon Juice Mojito (Lime/ Apple) Rum, Applemint, Fresh Fruit, Sugar, Soda Fresh Martini (Apple/ Orange/ Cosmopolitan/ Grapefruit/ Lychee/ Hpnotiq) Fresh fruit, Lemon Juice Classic Martini Tanqueray no.10 or Grey Goose, Noilly plat Navidad Lassi Baileys, Plain Yogurt, Strawberry, Apple, Banana Isle of Islay The Island of Islay lies on the western side of Scotland and is very largely composed of peat - the water on the island is brown with it. Islay whiskies generally reverse the characteristics of Speysides, tending to be dry and peaty; behind the smoke, however, can be gentle mossy scents. The southern Islay distilleries produce powerfully phenolic whiskies, with aromas redolent of tar, smoke, iodine and carbolic. Bowmore, in the middle of the island, shares these characteristics but is not quite so powerful, as does Caol Ila and Bunnahabhain, which is lighter and much less smoky. 아일레이 는스코틀랜드서쪽에위치한섬으로, 이지역의대부분이이탄 (Peat) 으로구성되어이탄향이스민물로위스키를제조합니다. 아일레이위스키의성격은스페사이드지역과는정반대로드라이하며, 이탄의강한훈연향과부드러운이끼향의독특한캐릭터덕분에몰트위스키중구분하기쉬운것이특징입니다. 그중섬의남쪽에위치한 Ardbeg, Lagavulin, Laphroaig 은강렬한개성을지녔으며, 중 북부에위치한 Bowmore, Caol Ila, Bunnahabhain 등은상대적으로가볍고덜스모키한성격을가졌습니다. Laphroaig years old Laphroaig 10 years old Laphroaig quarter cask Bowmore years old Bowmore 12 years old Ardbeg 10 years old 라프로익 년 라프로익 10 년 라프로익쿼터캐스크 보모어 년 보모어 12 년 아드벡 10 년 65 28 45 29 26 990 410 380 700 4 Non Alcohol Fresh Squash (Lime/ Orange/ Lemon/ Grapefruit/ Raspberry) Fresh fruit, Soda water Lychee Blossom Lychee, Apple, Plain Yogurt Islands As you might expect from such a broad area, the whiskies vary although all seem to have been influenced by their seaside locations - often salty, with a peaty, smoky character. Especially, Orkney malts tend to be delicate whiskies with complex aromas and a dryish finish, sometimes spicy, sometimes with a trace of salt. 기타섬지역에서생산되는위스키는해변지형의영향을받는다는공통점이있으면서도, 지역에따라다양한특징을지니기도합니다. 이들위스키는 Salty 한맛또는 Smoky 한훈연향을지니는특징이있습니다. 특히 Orkney 위스키는복합적인풍미를가진섬세한위스키로서드라이하고 Spicy 한끝맛이일품입니다. Highland park years old Highland park years old Highland park years old Talisker years old Glengoyne 17 years old 하이랜드파크 년하이랜드파크 년하이랜드파크 년탈리스커 년글렌고인 17년 110 36 80 33 00 1 600 1350
Blended Whisky Red Wine Royal Salute 38 years old Royal Salute 21 years old Cutty Sark years old 로얄살루트 38년로얄살루트 21년커티샥 년 0 45 750 1 France L'Ostal Cazes Estibals Languedoc Syrah Domaine Montirius Garrigues Vacqueyras Grenache Chateau Haut Cardinal Saint Emilong Merlot 13 14 10 1 1 Cutty Sark Malt Johnnie Walker King George Johnnie Walker Blue 커티샥몰트조니워커킹조지조니워커블루 23 47 00 850 Italy Le Orme DOC, Michele Chiarlo d Asti Barbera Querceto Chianti Classico Sangiovese 14 15 1 140 Johnnie Walker Platinum Ballantine s years old Ballantine s 21 years old Ballantine s 17 years old Chivas Regal years old 조니워커플래티넘발렌타인 년발렌타인 21년발렌타인 17년시바스리갈 년 110 45 33 36 450 2 700 500 550 Spain Dominio de Pingus, PSI Tempranillo Aalto Aalto Ribera Del Duero Tempranillo Austraila D-Arenberg Footbolt Shiraz Mollydooker The boxer McLaren Vale Shiraz 14 14 14 15 0 0 110 150 Dewars years old Woodford Reserve Jack Daniels Single Barrel 듀어스 년우드포드리저브잭다니엘싱글배럴 32 500 480 USA Silver Palm California Zinfandel Micheael Mondavi Family Spellbound Cabernet Sauvignon Text Book Napa Valley Melot 12 15 15 1 1 0 Grants 그란츠, 500ml 0 Chile Chilensis Special Selection Central Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Montgras Antu Limited Layda Vally Pinot Noir 13 150 Argentina Trapiche Fincas Mendoza Malbec 15 1
White Wine Brandy France Zind Humbrecht Alsace Pinot Blanc Domaine Servin Chablis Primie Cru 15 15 150 Cognac Cognac, named after the town of Cognac in France, is a brandy, which is produced in the region surrounding the town. It must be made from at least 90% Ugni Blanc, Folle Blanche or Colombard grapes; Distilled twice in copper pot stills and aged in French oak barrels. Italy Cesari Soave Classico Veneto Garganega 15 Donnafugata, Anthilia Sicilia Catarratto 15 1 Germany Schloss Vollads, Kabinett Rheingau Riesling 15 1 USA Duckhorn Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc 15 140 Chile Chilensis Special Selection Central Valley Sauvignon Blan 좋은품질의브랜디인꼬냑은프랑스서부지역의꼬냑지방에서그이름이기원되었습니다. 위니블랑, 폴블랑쉬혹은꼴롱바르포도품종으로만들어지며, 두번증류되어프랑스오크통에서숙성됩니다. Hennessy Richard Hennessy XO Remy Martin Louis XIII Remy Martin XO Martell XO Armagnac Calvados 헤네시리차드 헤네시 XO 레미마틴루이 13 세 레미마틴 XO 마텔 XO 42 3 40 37 5000 700 Chabot XO 샤보 xo 36 600 Calvados Fine A.O.C 칼바도스파인 A.O.C 0 Vodka 670 6 Australia D-Arenberg Hermit Crab Viognier-Marsanne 14 110 New Zealand Kim Crawford Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 110 Cloudy Bay Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 1 Absolut Elyx Reyka Belvedere Grey Goose (Le citron, L orange, La poire) Ciroc Absolut 앱솔루트엘릭스레이카벨베디어그레이구스 시록앱솔루트 (Pears, Citron, Vanilla, Apeach, Mandarin) 22 22 15 350 350 0 0
Rum Wine by the glass Brugal Extra Viejo Havana Club 7 anos Havana Club Especial 브루갈엑스트라비에호 하바나클럽 7 년 하바나클럽이스페셜 15 12 280 2 0 Sparkling Wine Domaine Ste. Michelle Chardonnay Columbia valley USA NV White Wine Gin The long dog Blanc Colombard Languedoc France 15 90 Red Wine The long dog rouge Grenache, Syrah Languedoc France 15 90 Hendrick s Bombay Saphire Gordon s 핸드릭스 봄베이사파이어 고든스 12 2 0 Sparkling Wine Tequila Silver Patron Herradura Agavero Jose Cuervo Anejo 00 Olmeca 실버패트론 에라두라 아가베로 호세쿠엘보아네호 00 올메카 33 15 500 0 Champagne Brut Moet & Chandon Imperial Brut Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label Brut Laurent Perrier Vintage Brut Dom Perignon Blanc Vintage Champagne rose NV NV 06 06 Brut Veuve Clicquot Rose NV 240 190 2 290 5 Liqueur Sparkling Domaine Ste. Michelle Chardonnay Columbia valley USA NV Benedictine D O M Hpnotiq Chambord Agwa Grand Marnier Drambuie Wurzel Peter Jagermeister Kahlua Cointreau 베네딕틴디오엠 힙노띠끄 샴보드 아그와 그랑마니에 드람뷰 버젤피터 예거마이스터 칼루아 코인트루 23 350 260 260 240 240 240 Rose Wine Brut Whispering Angel, Caves d Esclans provence Francec NV 1