5. Kapitel URE neu

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URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Standards: IEC 60 269-4 BS 88-4 Class: ar Voltage ratings: AC 240 V AC 700 V Current ratings: 5 A 900 A Features / Benefits High interrupting rating 100 ka Voltage ratings AC 240 V AC 700 V Protection of Power Semiconductors according to IEC 60269-4 Complies with BS 88 Standard available with striker for microswitch operation Class ar 5 A 900 A according to IEC 60269-4 URE 1

URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Selection Guide Fuses Rated Voltage Size Part No. Selector Techn. Guide Data [V] [Page] [Page] 240 8.4 x 38 50 076 06 URE 3 URE 12 240 17.5 x 41.8 50 053 06 URE 4 URE 13 240 35 x 59 50 054 06 URE 5 URE 14 240 2 x 35 x 59 50 071 06 URE 6 URE 15 690 8.4 x 64.3 50 077 06 URE 7 URE 16 690 17.5 x 63.5 50 073 06 URE 8 URE 17 690 35 x 85 50 074 06 URE 9 URE 18 690 2 x 35 x 85 50 075 06 URE 10 URE 19 690 000 DIN 85 20 561 20 URE 11 URE 22 690 000 DIN 85 20 561 22 URE 11 URE 22 690 000 DIN 85 20 563 20 URE 12 URE 23 690 000 DIN 85 20 563 22 URE 12 URE 23 690/700 000 20 559 20 URE 13 URE 24 690/700 000 20 559 21 URE 13 URE 24 Selection Guide Set of Mounting Clips for Indicator Fuse Size Part No. Techn. Data [mm] [Page] 17.5 58 053 04 URE 25 35 58 054 04 URE 25 Selection Guide Indicator Fuse Rated Voltage Part No. Techn. Data [V] [Page] 240 58 053 07 URE 25 690 58 073 07 URE 25 Selection Guide Microswitch Rated Voltage Part No. Techn. Data [V] [Page] 250 V 58 053 05.1 URE 25 URE 2

URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Size Rated Voltage Standard 8.4 x 38 mm AC 240 V BS 88-4 Rated Current Part No. Weight Pack [A] [kg/1] 5 50 076 06.5 0.005 50 6 50 076 06.6 0.005 50 10 50 076 06.10 0.005 50 12 50 076 06.12 0.005 50 16 50 076 06.16 0.005 50 20 50 076 06.20 0.005 50 UL Rec. A B C D E F G K L 1.06 (27 mm) 0.33 (8.4 mm) 0.16 (4 mm) 0.24 (6 mm) 1.50 (38 mm) 0.25 (6.4 mm) 0.35 (9 mm) 0.03 (0.8 mm) 1.80 (46 mm) URE 3

URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Size Rated Voltage Standard 17.5 x 41.8 mm AC 240 V BS 88-4 Rated Current Part No. Weight Pack [A] [kg/1] 25 50 053 06.25 0.032 10 32 50 053 06.32 0.032 10 35 50 053 06.35 0.032 10 40 50 053 06.40 0.032 10 50 50 053 06.50 0.032 10 63 50 053 06.63 0.032 10 80 50 053 06.80 0.032 10 100 50 053 06.100 0.032 10 125 50 053 06.125 0.032 10 160 50 053 06.160 0.032 10 180 50 053 06.180 0.032 10 UL Rec. A B C D E F G K L 1.02 (26 mm) 0.70 (17.5 mm) 0.25 (6.35 mm) 0.30 (8 mm) 1.57 (40 mm) 0.50 (13 mm) 0.73 (18.5 mm) 0.10 (2.5 mm) 2.17 (55 mm) URE 4

URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Size Rated Voltage Standard 35 x 59 mm AC 240 V BS 88-4 Rated Current Part No. Weight Pack [A] [kg/1] 160 50 054 06.160 0.15 2 200 50 054 06.200 0.15 2 250 50 054 06.250 0.15 2 315 50 054 06.315 0.15 2 355 50 054 06.355 0.15 2 400 50 054 06.400 0.15 2 450 50 054 06.450 0.15 2 UL Rec. A B C D E F G K L 1.22 (31 mm) 1.38 (35 mm) 0.40 (10.3 mm) 0.53 (13.5 mm) 2.32 (59 mm) 0.98 (25 mm) 1.54 (39 mm) 0.12 (3 mm) 3.30 (84 mm) URE 5

URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Size Rated Voltage Standard 2 x 35 x 59 mm AC 240 V BS 88-4 Rated Current Part No. Weight Pack [A] [kg/1] 300 50 071 06.300 0.29 1 350 50 071 06.350 0.29 1 400 50 071 06.400 0.29 1 450 50 071 06.450 0.29 1 500 50 071 06.500 0.29 1 630 50 071 06.630 0.29 1 710 50 071 06.710 0.29 1 800 50 071 06.800 0.29 1 900 50 071 06.900 0.29 1 UL Rec. A B C D E F G H K L 1.22 (31 mm) 1.38 (35 mm) 0.40 (10.3 mm) 0.53 (13.5 mm) 2.32 (59 mm) 1.0 (25 mm) 1.65 (42 mm) 1.65 (78 mm) 0.24 (6 mm) 3.30 (84 mm) URE 6

URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Size Rated Voltage Standard 8.4 x 64.3 mm AC 690 V BS 88-4 Rated Current Part No. Weight Pack [A] [kg/1] 5 50 077 06.5 0.008 50 6 50 077 06.6 0.008 50 10 50 077 06.10 0.008 50 12 50 077 06.12 0.008 50 16 50 077 06.16 0.008 50 20 50 077 06.20 0.008 50 UL Rec. A B C D E F G K L 2.13 (54 mm) 0.33 (8.4 mm) 0.16 (4 mm) 0.24 (6 mm) 2.52 (64 mm) 0.25 (6.4 mm) 0.35 (9 mm) 0.03 (0.8 mm) 2.87 (73 mm) URE 7

URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Size Rated Voltage Standard 17.5 x 63.5 mm AC 690 V BS 88-4 Rated Current Part No. Weight Pack [A] [kg/1] 25 50 073 06.25 0.042 10 32 50 073 06.32 0.042 10 40 50 073 06.40 0.042 10 50 50 073 06.50 0.042 10 63 50 073 06.63 0.042 10 80 50 073 06.80 0.042 10 100 50 073 06.100 0.042 10 UL Rec. A B C D E F G K L 1.90 (48 mm) 0.70 (17.5 mm) 0.25 (6.35 mm) 0.30 (8 mm) 2.48 (63 mm) 0.50 (13 mm) 0.73 (18.5 mm) 0.10 (2.5 mm) 3.03 (77 mm) URE 8

URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Size Rated Voltage Standard 35 x 85 mm AC 690 V BS 88-4 Rated Current Part No. Weight Pack [A] [kg/1] 100 50 074 06.100 0.19 3 125 50 074 06.125 0.19 3 160 50 074 06.160 0.19 3 200 50 074 06.200 0.19 3 250 50 074 06.250 0.19 3 315 50 074 06.315 0.19 3 355 50 074 06.355 0.19 3 UL Rec. A B C D E F G K L 2.05 (52 mm) 1.38 (35 mm) 0.40 (10.3 mm) 0.53 (13.5 mm) 3.15 (80 mm) 0.98 (25 mm) 1.54 (39 mm) 0.12 (3 mm) 4.13 (105 mm) URE 9

URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Size Rated Voltage Standard 2 x 35 x 85 mm AC 690 V BS 88-4 Rated Current Part No. Weight Pack [A] [kg/1] 315 50 075 06.315 0.37 1 355 50 075 06.355 0.37 1 400 50 075 06.400 0.37 1 450 50 075 06.450 0.37 1 500 50 075 06.500 0.37 1 630 50 075 06.630 0.37 1 710 50 075 06.710 0.37 1 UL Rec. A B C D E F G H K L 2.05 (52 mm) 1.38 (35 mm) 0.40 (10.3 mm) 0.53 (13.5 mm) 3.15 (80 mm) 0.98 (25 mm) 1.65 (42 mm) 3.07 (78 mm) 0.24 (6 mm) 4.12 (105 mm) URE 10

URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Size Rated Voltage Standard 000 DIN 85 AC 690 V IEC 60269-4 Rated Current Part No. Part No. Weight Pack without Indicator [A] [kg/1] 110 20 561 22.110 20 561 20.110 0.19 6 125 20 561 22.125 20 561 20.125 0.19 6 150 20 561 22.150 20 561 20.150 0.19 6 160 20 561 22.160 20 561 20.160 0.19 6 180 20 561 22.180 20 561 20180 0.19 6 200 20 561 22.200 20 561 20.200 0.19 6 250 20 561 22.250 20 561 20.250 0.19 6 315 20 561 22.315 20 561 20.315 0.19 6 350 20 561 22.350 20 561 20.350 0.19 6 400 20 561 22.400 20 561 20.400 0.19 6 UL Rec. Part No. 20 561 20 Part No. 20 561 22 URE 11

URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Size Rated Voltage Standard 000 DIN 85 AC 690 V IC 60269-4 Rated Current Part No. Part No. Weight Pack without Indicator [A] [kg/1] 400 20 563 22.400 20 563 20.400 0.38 3 500 20 563 22.500 20 563 20.500 0.38 3 630 20 563 22.630 20 563 20.630 0.38 3 700 20 563 22.700 20 563 20.700 0.38 3 800 20 563 22.800 20 563 20.800 0.38 3 UL Rec. Part no. 20 563 20 Part No. 20 563 22 URE 12

URE Fuses for Semiconductor Protection European-British Standard Size Rated Voltage Standard 000 AC 660/700 V BS 88-4 Rated current Part No. Part No. Weight Pack without Indicator [A] [kg/1] 32 20 559 20.32 20 559 21.32 0.17 6 35 20 559 20.35 20 559 21.35 0.17 6 40 20 559 20.40 20 559 21.40 0.17 6 50 20 559 20.50 20 559 21.50 0.17 6 63 20 559 20.63 20 559 21.63 0.17 6 80 20 559 20.80 20 559 21.80 0.17 6 100 20 559 20.100 20 559 21.100 0.17 6 160 20 559 20.160 20 559 21.160 0.17 6 200 20 559 20.200 20 559 21.200 0.17 6 250 20 559 20.250 20 559 21.250 0.17 6 315 20 559 20.315 20 559 21.315 0.17 6 UL Rec. Indicator A max. 2.13 (54 mm) B 1.42 (36 mm) C 0.35 (9 mm) D 0.47 (12 mm) E 2.76 (70 mm) F 1.26 (32 mm) G 0.93 (23.5 mm) K 0.08 (2 mm) L 3.70 (94 mm) URE 13

URE Electrical Characteristics Size Rated Voltage Operating Class Rated Breaking Capacity 8.4 x 38 mm AC 240 V ar 100 ka Rated Part No. Power Pre-arcing Total Current Loss l 2 t-value l 2 t-value @ 240 V [A] [W] [A 2 s] [A 2 s] 5 50 076 06.5 1.5 1.7 9.5 6 50 076 06.6 1.7 2.9 16.0 10 50 076 06.10 3.3 4.2 24.0 12 50 076 06.12 2.0 8.0 41.0 16 50 076 06.16 2.4 18.0 92.0 20 50 076 06.20 3.3 25.0 130.0 Cut-Off Characteristics Time-Current Characteristics Ic (ka) t(s) Cut-off Current Peak Prospective Short Circuit Current I(kA) Virtual Pre-arcing Time Arc voltage-diagram Reduction factor for total I 2 t-value Reduction factor for power loss U L K B K W I B (I N ) RMS Prospective Current I(A) URE 14

Electrical Characteristics URE Size Rated Voltage Operating Class Rated Breaking Capacity 17.5 x 41.8 mm AC 240 V ar 100 ka Rated Part No. Power Pre-arcing Total Current Loss l 2 t-value l 2 t-value @ 240 V [A] [W] [A 2 s] [A 2 s] 25 50 053 06.25 3.6 39 260 32 50 053 06.32 4.5 40 270 35 50 053 06.35 5.0 63 430 40 50 053 06.40 5.3 100 700 50 50 053 06.50 6.7 130 900 63 50 053 06.63 7.7 250 1 700 75 50 053 06.75 9.4 330 2 300 80 50 053 06.80 9.7 420 2 900 100 50 053 06.100 12.7 620 4 300 125 50 053 06.125 16.0 1 000 6 800 160 50 053 06.160 22.0 1 500 10 200 180 50 053 06.180 24.0 2 300 15 700 Cut-Off Characteristics Time-Current Characteristics Ic (ka) t(s) Cut-off Current Peak Virtual Pre-arcing Time Prospective Short Circuit Current I(kA) Arc voltage-diagram Reduction factor for total I 2 t-value Reduction factor for power loss U L K B K W I B (I N ) RMS Prospective Current I(A) URE 15

URE Electrical Characteristics Size Rated Voltage Operating Class Rated Breaking Capacity 35 x 59 mm AC 240 V ar 100 ka Rated Part No. Power Pre-arcing Total Current Loss l 2 t-value l 2 t-value @ 240 V [A] [W] [A 2 s] [A 2 s] 160 50 054 06.160 23 1 300 8 000 200 50 054 06.200 27 2 500 15 300 250 50 054 06.250 34 4 600 28 000 315 50 054 06.315 36 7 800 48 000 355 50 054 06.355 38 11 800 72 000 400 50 054 06.400 40 18 500 113 000 450 50 054 06.450 46 26 600 163 000 Cut-Off Characteristics Time-Current Characteristics Ic (ka) t(s) Cut-off Current Peak Virtual Pre-arcing Time Prospective Short Circuit Current I(kA) Arc voltage-diagram Reduction factor for total I 2 t-value Reduction factor for power loss U L K B K W I B (I N ) RMS Prospective Current I(A) URE 16

Electrical Characteristics URE Size Rated Voltage Operating Class Rated Breaking Capacity 2 x 35 x 59 mm AC 240 V ar 100 ka Rated Part No. Power Pre-arcing Total Current Loss l 2 t-value l 2 t-value @ 240 V [A] [W] [A 2 s] [A 2 s] 400 50 071 06.400 55 10 000 61 000 450 50 071 06.450 56 19 000 116 000 500 50 071 06.500 59 27 000 165 000 630 50 071 06.630 62 50 000 305 000 710 50 071 06.710 72 70 000 427 000 800 50 071 06.800 74 106 000 647 000 900 50 071 06.900 90 150 000 915 000 Cut-Off Characteristics Time-Current Characteristics Ic (ka) t(s) Cut-off Current Peak Virtual Pre-arcing Time Prospective Short Circuit Current I(kA) Arc voltage-diagram Reduction factor for total I 2 t-value Reduction factor for power loss U L K B K W I B (I N ) RMS Prospective Current I(A) URE 17

URE Electrical Characteristics Size Rated Voltage Operating Class Rated Breaking Capacity 8.4 x 64.3 mm AC 690 V ar 100 ka Rated Part No. Power Pre-arcing Total Current Loss l 2 t-value l 2 t-value @ 690 V [A] [W] [A 2 s] [A 2 s] 6 50 077 06.6 3.2 3 20 10 50 077 06.10 3.7 8 53 12 50 077 06.12 3.9 11 77 16 50 077 06.16 5.5 18 120 20 50 077 06.20 7.5 32 215 Cut-Off Characteristics Time-Current Characteristics Ic (ka) t(s) Cut-off Current Peak Prospective Short Circuit Current I(kA) Virtual Pre-arcing Time Arc voltage-diagram Reduction factor for total I 2 t-value Reduction factor for power loss U L K B K W I B (I N ) RMS Prospective Current I(A) URE 18

Electrical Characteristics URE Size Rated Voltage Operating Class Rated Breaking Capacity 17.5 x 63.5 mm AC 690 V ar 100 ka Rated Part No. Power Pre-arcing Total Current Loss l 2 t-value l 2 t-value @ 690 V [A] [W] [A 2 s] [A 2 s] 25 50 073 06.25 7 25 110 32 50 073 06.32 9 50 210 35 50 073 06.35 10 60 260 40 50 073 06.40 11 80 330 50 50 073 06.50 12 190 780 63 50 073 06.63 15 290 1 200 80 50 073 06.80 18 420 1 700 100 50 073 06.100 23 740 3 100 Cut-Off Characteristics Time-Current Characteristics Ic (ka) t(s) Cut-off Current Peak Virtual Pre-arcing Time Prospective Short Circuit Current I(kA) Arc voltage-diagram Reduction factor for total I 2 t-value Reduction factor for power loss U L K B K W I B (I N ) RMS Prospective Current I(A) URE 19

URE Electrical Characteristics Size Rated Voltage Operating Class Rated Breaking Capacity 35 x 85 mm AC 690 V ar 100 ka Rated Part No. Power Pre-arcing Total Current Loss l 2 t-value l 2 t-value @ 690 V [A] [W] [A 2 s] [A 2 s] 100 50 074 06.100 22 1 000 6 500 125 50 074 06.125 29 1 700 11 000 160 50 074 06.160 30 4 000 26 000 200 50 074 06.200 31 9 000 58 000 250 50 074 06.250 40 18 000 116 000 315 50 074 06.315 44 27 000 173 000 355 50 074 06.355 56 36 000 231 000 Cut-Off Characteristics Time-Current Characteristics Ic (ka) t(s) Cut-off Current Peak Virtual Pre-arcing Time Prospective Short Circuit Current I(kA) Arc voltage-diagram Reduction factor for total I 2 t-value Reduction factor for power loss U L K B K W I B (I N ) RMS Prospective Current I(A) URE 20

Electrical Characteristics URE Size Rated Voltage Operating Class Rated Breaking Capacity 2 x 35 x 85 mm AC 690 V ar 100 ka Rated Part No. Power Pre-arcing Total Current Loss l 2 t-value l 2 t-value @ 690 V [A] [W] [A 2 s] [A 2 s] 315 50 075 06.315 48 18 500 119 000 355 50 075 06.355 55 22 300 143 000 400 50 075 06.400 58 26 100 167 000 450 50 075 06.450 63 52 300 335 000 500 50 075 06.500 68 70 100 449 000 630 50 075 06.630 87 106 000 679 000 710 50 075 06.710 104 145 000 928 000 Cut-Off Characteristics Time-Current Characteristics Ic (ka) t(s) Cut-off Current Peak Virtual Pre-arcing Time Prospective Short Circuit Current I(kA) Arc voltage-diagram Reduction factor for total I 2 t-value Reduction factor for power loss U L K B K W I B (I N ) RMS Prospective Current I(A) URE 21

URE Electrical Characteristics Size Rated Voltage Operating Class Rated Breaking Capacity 000 DIN 85 AC 690 ar 120 ka Rated Part No. Part No. Power Pre-arcing Total Current without Indicator Loss l 2 t-value l 2 t-value [A] [W] [A 2 s] [A 2 s] 110 20 561 22.110 20 561 20.110 21 1 350 6 000 125 20 561 22.125 20 561 20.125 22 2 000 8 900 150 20 561 22.150 20 561 20.150 24 3 300 14 000 160 20 561 22.160 20 561 20.160 27 3 700 16 000 180 20 561 22.180 20 561 20.180 30 5 400 23 000 200 20 561 22.200 20 561 20.200 31 11 200 47 000 250 20 561 22.250 20 561 20.250 32 14 900 63 000 280 20 561 22.280 20 561 20.280 44 17 000 70 000 300 20 561 22.300 20 561 20.300 48 18 000 73 000 315 20 561 22.315 20 561 20.315 50 19 200 77 000 350 20 561 22.350 20 561 20.350 56 23 800 76 000 400 20 561 22.400 20 561 20.400 70 32 100 101 000 Cut-Off Characteristics Time-Current Characteristics Ic (ka) t(s) Cut-off Current Peak Virtual Pre-arcing Time Prospective Short Circuit Current I(kA) Arc voltage-diagram Reduction factor for total I 2 t-value Reduction factor for power loss U L K B K W I B (I N ) RMS Prospective Current I(A) URE 22

Electrical Characteristics URE Size Rated Voltage Operating Class Rated Breaking Capacity 000 DIN 85 AC 690 ar 120 ka Rated Part No. Part No. Power Pre-arcing Total Current without Indicator Loss l 2 t-value l 2 t-value [A] [W] [A 2 s] [A 2 s] 400 20 563 22.400 20 563 20.400 65 44 800 188 000 450 20 563 22.450 20 563 20.450 68 52 000 220 000 500 20 563 22.500 20 563 20.500 69 59 600 252 000 630 20 563 22.630 20 563 20.630 105 76 800 308 000 700 20 563 22.700 20 563 20.700 118 95 200 304 000 800 20 563 22.800 20 563 20.800 147 129 000 404 000 Cut-Off Characteristics Time-Current Characteristics Ic (ka) t(s) Cut-off Current Peak Virtual Pre-arcing Time Prospective Short Circuit Current I(kA) Arc voltage-diagram Reduction factor for total I 2 t-value Reduction factor for power loss U L K B K W I B (I N ) RMS Prospective Current I(A) URE 23

URE Electrical Characteristics Size Rated Voltage Operating Class Rated Breaking Capacity 000 AC 690/700 V ar 600 V/300 ka 700 V/200 ka Rated Part No. Part No. Power Pre-arcing Total Current without Indicator Loss l 2 t-value l 2 t-value [A] [W] [A 2 s] [A 2 s] 32 20 559 20.32 20 559 21.32 8 52 290 35 20 559 20.35 20 559 21.35 9 66 360 40 20 559 20.40 20 559 21.40 10 90 500 50 20 559 20.50 20 559 21.50 12 140 770 63 20 559 20.63 20 559 21.63 14 250 1 400 80 20 559 20.80 20 559 21.80 18 470 2 600 100 20 559 20.100 20 559 21.100 22 730 4 000 125 20 559 20.125 20 559 21.125 26 1 300 7 200 160 20 559 20.160 20 559 21.160 21 2 800 15 400 180 20 559 20.180 20 559 21.180 35 3 700 20 400 200 20 559 20.200 20 559 21.200 39 4 500 25 000 250 20 559 20.250 20 559 21.250 47 8 000 44 000 315 20 559 20.315 20 559 21.315 58 14 000 77 000 Cut-Off Characteristics Time-Current Characteristics Ic (ka) t(s) Cut-off Current Peak Virtual Pre-arcing Time Prospective Short Circuit Current I(kA) Arc voltage-diagram Reduction factor for total I 2 t-value Reduction factor for power loss U L K B K W I B (I N ) RMS Prospective Current I(A) URE 24

URE Sets for Indicator Fuses with Micro switch Part No. I II III H I J Fuse-links Set of Clips for Indicator Fuse Indicator Fuse Micro Switch 50 053 06 58 053 04 58 053 07 58 053 05.1 0.98 (25 mm) 0.87 (22 mm) 0.94 (24 mm) 50 054 06 58 054 04 58 053 07 58 053 05.1 1.60 (41 mm) 1.46 (37 mm) 1.54 (39 mm) 50 073 06 58 053 04 58 073 07 58 053 05.1 0.98 (25 mm) 0.87 (22 mm) 0.94 (24 mm) 50 074 06 58 054 04 58 073 07 58 053 05.1 1.60 (41 mm) 1.46 (37 mm) 1.54 (39 mm) 50 071 06 58 054 07 58 053 07 58 053 05.1 0.98 (25 mm) 0.87 (22 mm) 0.94 (24 mm) 50 075 06 58 054 07 58 073 07 58 053 05.1 1.60 (41 mm) 1.46 (37 mm) 1.54 (39 mm) URE 25

URE Notes URE 26