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Introduction GPS 위치기반증강현실 가속도 / 지자기센서 LBS( Location Based Service ) 2

Introduction AR and u-gis 융합의몇가지관점 Wonderful AR Applications! AR Applications supporting Map Data!! AR Applications as u-gis Contents Viewer!!! AR Applications as u-gis Contents Merger and Activator!!!! A Bridge between Real-world and Contents-World iphone Navigator Layar ScanSearch(url) 3

Introduction Current AR Applications AR Applications supporting Map Data!! with Bar-Code(QR code) Scanner Book Search, Music Search, Movie Search Sekai Camera 4

Breaking Points Breaking Points of Current ARs in u-gis View Bridging Real-world and Contents Worlds Augmented Reality Real World Virtual Reality 2D Map(Google Maps) 3D Map Reality(Google Earth) 5

Breaking Points Breaking Points of Current ARs in u-gis View Mapping into u-gis World of AR Events and Data Mapping into AR Apps of u-gis Contents Current Applications : Book Search Book Here! Book Here! Already Ready! Photo, Webcam, Movie, Wikipedia 6

Breaking Points Breaking Points of Current ARs in u-gis View Viewer and Activator for Sensor Web World Sink Node Sink Node Sensor Web World Sink Node Sink Node USN-Bridge Sink Node 캠퍼스 도심 외곽 가정 고속도로 7

Breaking Points Conceptual Overview SNS Service Public Service Apps World 일반시민 전문가 일반시민 전문가 개인화서비스 개인화서비스 개인화서비스 Enterprise Service 일반시민 일반시민 Convergence Apps of u-gis and AR Activation! GeoVision 2D Map VR Data Sensor Web Real World AR Events u-gis Contents World Movie Data Enterprise Data Book Data 포털 정부 General Contents World Library 정부 Public Sector Data 시민용 GIS 서비스 Safety Data 8

u-gis 컨텐츠개요 Map 데이터에서 u-gis 컨텐츠로의급속한진화 생산측면 : 공공생산자중심의 Data에서 User-Created Contents로소비측면 : Closed Market에서일반인중심의 Open Share로활용측면 : 공공중심의응용에서사용자밀착형서비스로 u-gis Spectrum 의확대 국토정보 국토정보컨텐츠 국토데이터 2D Vector RS Data Closed Box(Public Sector) Real 3D Data GeoPhoto 2.5D Data MultiSensor DEM Data GeoVideo Game,Edu, Web GIS GeoERP LBS/Telematics Phone U-Device Open Box(Enterpise Sector) Shared Box(People Sector) 9

u-gis 컨텐츠현황 : 서비스 GPS Photo GPS Camera 10

u-gis 컨텐츠현황 : 서비스 Google StreetView/Daum Roadview 11

u-gis 컨텐츠현황 : 서비스 Microsoft Live Local 12

u-gis 컨텐츠현황 : 서비스 EveryScape Naver PhotoStreet 13

u-gis 컨텐츠현황 : 서비스 Microsoft Photosynth 14

u-gis and AR 융합의발전방향 WHAT GeoMedia 컨텐츠개척융합형 GeoContents 개발 HOW -Sensor Web 과의연동 - 3D/VR 과의연동 WHO/WHEN 공공부문실용화와상용화민간서비스접목 국토정보생성기술의다양화 국토정보복합컨텐츠표현 국토정보서비스기술의진화 Panoramic LIDAR KML/KMZ StreetView/LiveLocal GeoSensor User-Contents GeoMedia+GPS EXIF Photosynth 15

u-gis and AR 융합의발전방향 Geo 컨텐츠 Geo 컨버전스기기 GPS linked GeoAR 컨텐츠 Geo 컨텐츠 Convergence Surround GeoAR 미디어 geosensor 컨텐츠 Interactive/ Cooperative 컨텐츠 Interactive GeoAR 융합컨텐츠 GeoAR Viewer 16

u-gis and AR 융합요구기술 u-gis Contents Framework for AR Apps u-gis Contents Query in AR u-gis Applications using AR 17

u-gis Contents Framework for AR 국토정보결합컨텐츠모델 ugcml 프레임워크 GeoAR 컨텐츠시스템 스타타워 Neo GeoContents POSCO Look At Right Angle Left Angle Heading 저장 Xml 보기 / 수정 GeoAR 제작관리시스템 Neo GeoPhoto Contents Panoramic GeoPhoto 프로토타입 Neo GeoPhoto Contents 현재온도 :37 도습도 : 65% 현재온도 :36 도습도 : 60% ugcml Panoramic GeoPhoto 매쉬업 Dynamic Composite GeoContents 18

ugcml for AR ugcml 의정의 ugcml : u-gis Contents Markup Language u-gis 컨텐츠에대한생성과표현을목적으로하는마크업언어 GML 3.2.1, XIMA, KML, SMIL 등과연동및참조 ugcml 이표현하고자하는컨텐츠 geophoto and GeoAR 컨텐츠일반사진및 Panorama Photo 의표현 StreetView Like 한 Road/Direction 복합표현 Hyper geophoto 기능 Dynamic Inner Photo/Contents 표현 복합컨텐츠일반 Photo 집합에대한 Geo Schema 표현 GPX 파일과일반 photo 의결합표현다양한 KML 파일과 GPX, Photo 파일에대한 geo schema 표현 19

ugcml for AR ugcml 의구성 ugcheader 와 Contents 부, Operation 부로구성 ugcml 내의모든 element 는최상위 element 인 AbstractObject 를상속하며, 이 element 는 AbstractGML 을상속하여, 모든 element 가 gml:id 를가짐모든 Contents 는 AbstractContents 를상속 기본국토정보 GML GPSPoint,Track Photo GeoPhoto Panoramic Photo Annotation Overlay Simple GeoVideo Sensored Contents Composite Contents 1 2 차년도 3 차년도 20

ugcml for AR Model 현대빌딩 삼성전자 신호등 distance angle http:-mcalab.kunsan.ac.kr 21

ugcml for AR GeoPhoto/GeoAR Annotation 분류 GeoPhoto/GeoAR Description ugctitle : GeoPhoto의제목 ugccopyright : GeoPhoto Copyright Information ugcexif : GeoPhoto의 EXIF 정보 GeoPhoto/GeoAR Contents Annotation ugcuri : Hyper Link http://, mailto:, ftp://, Extension : callphone://016-402-8040, SMS:016-402-8040 ugctext : 텍스트 Annotation ugchtml: HTML Annotation ugcdynamic : 센서정보와같이주기적인업데이트필요정보 ugcicon : Icon Annotation ugcoverlay<alternative or duplicate>: Photo on GeoPhoto 등 ugcanimate :html:-mcalab.kunsan.ac.kr/test.jpg ugcenlargement : 확대사진 html:-mcalab.kunsan.ac.kr/test.jpg ugcframexml : StreetView의도로정보표시 22

ugcml for AR : 주요기능 GPSPoint Track GPS 정보를표현하기위해사용되는 element 로서, NMEA 로부터획득될수있는정보들로구성되어있음 GPX : http://www.topografix.com/g px.asp GPS 를통해기록되는위치의로그기록과같이다수의 GPSPoint 또는 Point 들로구성 GPSPoint <ugcml xmlns="http://www.u-gis.net/ugcml/1.1" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance" xsi:schemalocation="http://www.u-gis.net/ugcml/1.1..\ugcml08.xsd" > Track <ugcheader> <AuthorInfo> <author> <ugcml <name> 군산대 </name> xmlns="http://www.u-gis.net/ugcml/1.1" </author> xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2" </AuthorInfo> xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" <creationtime>2001-09-11t09:30:47-05:00</creationtime> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance" <secureword>1234567</secureword> xsi:schemalocation="http://www.u-gis.net/ugcml/1.1..\ugcml08.xsd" > </ugcheader> <GPSPoint gml:id="gp01"> <Track gml:id="t01"> <name>string</name> <Position gml:id="ps01"> <AuthorInfo> <gml:point gml:id="p01" srsname="urn:epsg:geographiccrs:4326"> <author> <gml:pos>140.1-34.9</gml:pos> <name>string</name> </gml:point> </author> <gml:validtime> <address>string</address> <gml:timeinstant gml:id="ti01"> <AddressDetails>String</AddressDetails> <gml:timeposition>2005-11-28t14:00:00</gml:timeposition> <phonenumber>string</phonenumber> </gml:timeinstant> </AuthorInfo> </gml:validtime> <visibility>string</visibility> </Position> <creationtime>2001-09-11t09:30:47-05:00</creationtime> <Position gml:id="ps02"> <description>string</description> <gml:point gml:id="p02" srsname="urn:epsg:geographiccrs:4326"> <secureword>text</secureword> <gml:pos>140.1-34.9</gml:pos> <latitude>37.5</latitude> </gml:point> <longitude>127</longitude> <gml:validtime> <southnorth>n</southnorth> <gml:timeinstant gml:id="ti02"> <eastwest>e</eastwest> <gml:timeposition>2005-11-28t14:00:00</gml:timeposition> <trackangle>121.61</trackangle> </gml:timeinstant> </GPSPoint> </gml:validtime> </ugcml> </Position> </Track> </ugcml> 23

ugcml for AR : 주요기능 Annotation <ugcml > <GeoPhoto> <operation> <Annotation> <PointTo> <pointercurve/> </PointTo> <source> <ImageAnnotationContents> <imagereference xlink:href="file//./demo/buildinganno.jpg"/> </ImageAnnotationContents> </source> <target> <PointOfInterest> <gml:point gml:id="pt001"> <gml:pos>30 30</gml:pos> </gml:point> </PointOfInterest> </target> </Annotation> </operation> <Position> <GPSPoint gml:id="id01"> <latitude>37.5</latitude> <longitude>127</longitude> </GPSPoint> </Position> <gml:validtime> <gml:timeinstant gml:id="ti01"> <gml:timeposition>2005-11-28t14:00:00</gml:timeposition> </gml:timeinstant> </gml:validtime> <Photo> <photoreference xlink:href="file//./demo/building.jpg"/> </Photo> <ViewVolume> <leftfov>-60</leftfov> <rightfov>60</rightfov> <bottomfov>-60</bottomfov> <topfov>60</topfov> <near>1000</near> </ViewVolume> </GeoPhoto> </ugcml> 24

ugcml for AR : 주요기능 Overlay photo 화면의특정부분에 overlay 형태로표출되도록하는연산 예 ) http://nbc.blitzagency.com/ overlay 의지원종류 alternativeoverlay duplicateoverlay animateoverlay 현재온도 :37 도습도 : 65% 현재온도 :36 도습도 : 60% 25

ugcml for AR : 주요기능 26

ugcml for AR : Future GeoVideo Frame 31 ugcml Simple GeoVideo ugcml GeoVideo Annotation UPMap Applications Health ugcml GeoPhoto Extension UPMap Vector/Traffic ugcml Sensored GeoContents Enhanced GeoPhoto/Video 27

u-gis for AR : 데이터서비스 geophoto Viewer geovideo Viewer GeoContents Automation Tools ETRI u-gis Contents Server Platform ugcserver Other ETRI Platform Components Stream Analysis Manager GeoContents Scheme Manager Smart geosearch Service Manager geophoto/video Query Manager GeoContents Repository Manager (GeoClould on Hadoop) geophoto/video Query Manager geophoto/video Indexing (Index) 중점연구 geophoto DB (geophoto 정보 ) geospatial DB ( 지도정보 ) PostGIS/ Hadoop

u-gis for AR : 데이터서비스 Sight Line Searching iphone Navigator iphone Layar Sekai Camera 29

u-gis for AR : 데이터서비스 GeoAR Query Indexing p1 바라보는방향 사용자위치 p0 삼각형질의 p2 위치방향삼각형형태 R1 R3 데드스페이스발생검색효율저하 검색영역 질의영역 R2 30

u-gis for AR : 데이터서비스 Index for Sight Line Searching Look At Right Angle Left Angle -List 없음 - 파이낸스센터 - 한솔빌딩 - 버거킹 - 포스틸타워 Left Angle Right Angle Heading Look At Main Memory Cache R-Tree Extension? for Sight Line CPU Optimized R-tree Or GPU? Table Cache 31

GeoPhoto/GeoVideo Indexing GeoVideo Contents Indexing 기술의확장 GPS Trajectory Video+GPS 복합검색기술개발 급제동 차량정체 과속 실시간물류위치이동좌표모니터링 32

u-gis for AR : 컨텐츠서버 PostgreSQL/MCA Architecture GeoContents Server GeoContents Web Client GeoContents Aplication GeoContents DB API Apache/Tomcat Web Sever PostGIS JavaLib PostGIS JavaLib PostGIS JavaLib PostgreSQL/MCA Server(ugcServer) PostGIS PostTrajectory PostGeoPhoto PostGeoVideo Geometry Type Trajectory Type GeoPhoto Type GeoVideo Type R-Tree on GiST Trajectory Indexing GeoPhoto Indexing GeoVideo Indexing PostgreSQL DB Traj GeoPhoto GeoVideo 33

u-gis for AR : 컨텐츠서버 PostTrajectory 의필요성 GPS Track 데이터처리 GeoPhoto 및 GeoVideo 데이터의기반 기존개발 Moving Objects 시스템과의차별성 GeoPhoto/GeoVideo 컨텐츠의융합데이터처리 DBMS 등시스템 S/W 가아닌미들웨어형 Trajectory 성능향상 Trajectory 컨텐츠 Warehouse 34

GeoAR Query UX 화면터치질의 Single Touch 검색영역 화면터치질의 Multi Touch - 2 검색영역 화면터치질의 Multi Touch - 3 검색영역 화면터치질의 화면터치질의 화면터치질의 Touch Zoom 검색영역 Multi Touch - 4 검색영역 Touch Drag 검색영역 35

Conclusion Convergence Points of u-gis and AR u-gis Contents u-gis and Real-world Mash-up Tools AR as the Real-world Activator Uncovered Secrets! 36

Q&A 감사합니다. 37