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Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A.. Sun Microsystems, Inc... - Sun Microsystems, Inc. (FAR).. Berkeley BSD University of California. UNIX X/Open Company, Ltd.. Sun, Sun Microsystems, Sun, Solaris,StorageTek, Java Coffee Cup,, Java Solaris Sun Microsystems, Inc.. SPARC SPARC International, Inc.. SPARC Sun Microsystems Inc.. Intel Intel Corporation. Intel Inside Intel Corporation. Microsoft Microsoft Corporation. Windows Microsoft Corporation. OPEN LOOK Sun TM Graphical User Interface Sun Microsystems, Inc.. Sun Xerox. Sun Xerox Xerox Graphical User Interface. OPEN LOOK GUI Sun Sun..,,. ( ). " ",,.. 090621@22510

...5 1...7 Windows Server...7...7 Windows...8...9 Windows...9 2...11... 11... 11 3 (WindowsVista Ultimate )... 13... 13... 14 ( )... 14 4...17... 17... 18 Intel AHCI SATA RAID BIOS... 18 Intel AHCI SATA RAID BIOS... 18 Sun StorageTek PCIe SAS 4 HBA RAID... 20 RAID... 21... 21 3

5 WindowsVista Ultimate...23... 23... 23... 24 6 Windows Server 2008...29... 29... 29... 30 7... 35... 35... 36... 37... 39... 40... 40 StorageTek MegaRAID Storage Manager RAID... 41 Intel ASF... 41 8 WIM Sun Ultra 27... 43... 43 WIM... 44... 44...49 4 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

Sun Ultra TM 27 Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Server 2008. Sun Ultra 27.,,,... URL. Sun.,,. Sun,. 5

. P 1 AaBbCc123 AaBbCc123,.login. ls -a. machine_name%. machine_name% su Password: aabbcc123 : rm. AaBbCc123, 6. cache.. :. Sun. Sun. 6 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

1 Sun Ultra 27 Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Server 2008.. 7 Windows Server 7 8 Windows 9 9 Windows Windows Server Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Server 2008. Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Server 2008 32 64. Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Vista Ultimate. Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008. Sun Windows Server. Windows. 7

Windows Intel ICH10R AHCI SATA RAID, BIOS ( F2 ) SATA "RAID". Windows Intel Matrix Storage Manager ROM ( Ctrl-I ) RAID. Sun StorageTek TM PCIe SAS 4- HBA(SGXPCIE4SAS3- Z, LSI ) RAID, Windows BIOS ( Ctrl-C ) RAID.. BIOS.. Windows Vista Ultimate., USB CD/DVD. Sun Ultra 27 Windows.. Windows Sun Fire X 27 Microsoft Windows. Microsoft Windows Vista, Ultimate(32 64 ) Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Standard Edition(32 64 ) Sun Ultra 27. 8 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

Windows Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Server 2008. Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Server 2008 Windows Deployment Services 8, WIM Sun Ultra 27. Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Server 2008 CD. 1. (2, ). 2. Windows Vista Ultimate (3, (Windows Vista Ultimate ) ). 3. Windows (4, ) 4. Windows (5, Windows Vista Ultimate 6, Windows Server 2008 ). 5. (7, ). Windows. Windows Windows Deployment Services(WDS) Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Server 2008, WIM 8, WIM Sun Ultra 27. 1 9


2 2 Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Server 2008. DVD. DVD Sun. Sun Windows DVD. 1. View by Category( ) x64 Servers & Workstations(x64 ) Ultra 27. 2. Windows ISO. ISO CD/DVD DVD. 11

3.. WindowsVista Ultimate 3, (WindowsVista Ultimate ). Windows Server 2008 4,. 12 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

3 3 (WindowsVista Ultimate ) Windows Vista Ultimate. Windows Server 2008 Sun Ultra 27 Windows Windows. Windows Vista Ultimate.. 13 14 Windows Vista Ultimate 3 1.. Windows Server 2008 Sun Ultra 27 Windows Windows. Windows Vista Ultimate. 13

3 1 Windows Vista Ultimate Floppy Disk Local( ): USB USB... Non-Floppy Media( ): USB CD/DVD. "Designed for Windows"(Windows ) USB 1 Windows Marketplace ( ( marketplace/)) CD/DVD USB 1 Windows USB OS Windows. Floppy Disk Local( ) Non-Floppy Media( ) Windows Vista Ultimate.. Floppy Disk Local( ) USB Windows. Non-Floppy Media( ) Windows USB USB Windows CD/DVD. Sun ( 2, ) DVD( 2, ) ( ) Sun Windows Vista Ultimate. 14 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

1 Sun (2, )2. CD/DVD Windows DVD.CD. Exit.. a. Windows DVD. b. Drivers. c. 9. 2 3 4 5 6 MicrosoftWindows Windows.. File Extract All. Windows zip.. 7 8 9 10 ( ). Windows. windows. Sun StorageTek SAS PCIe 4 HBA SAS 11. ACHI10. a. Windows Start. b. Run. 3 (WindowsVista Ultimate ) 15

c. Open. drivename:\source_path\windows\sata\setup.exe -a -pc:\ destination_path -p. drivename, source_path, c:\destination_path. d... destination_path. -p c:\program Files\Intel\Intel Matrix Storage Manager. e. Windows. 11 12 Windows (32 64 Windows).. USB CD/DVD CD/DVD (CD/DVD ). USB USB. USB. 13 14. 4,. 16 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

4 4 Windows. Intel AHCI(Advanced Host Controller Interface) Sun StorageTek PCIe SAS 4 HBA... Solaris. 17. Intel AHCI AHCI RAID BIOS. RAID RAID. 18 Intel AHCI SATA RAID BIOS. Sun StorageTek PCIe SAS 4 (LSI ) RAID RAID. 20 Sun StorageTek PCIe SAS 4 HBA RAID. 21. ( ) DVD... Sun Ultra 27.. Sun Ultra 27 Workstation Service Manual. CD Create Diagnostic Partition( ). Sun Ultra 27 Workstation Service Manual. 17

Intel AHCI SATA RAID BIOS CD Erase Primary Boot Hard Disk( ). Erase Primary Boot Hard Disk( ).. 1 2 3 4 CD. DVD Erase Primary Boot Hard Disk( )..... Intel AHCI SATA RAID BIOS Intel AHCI Windows SATA AHCI Intel RAID.SATA Windows. 1 2 3 Intel AHCI SATA RAID BIOS. Sun F2 BIOS Setup. BIOS Utility Advanced -> IDE Configuration. IDE Configuration. 18 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

Intel AHCI SATA RAID BIOS 4 5 IDE Configuration Configure SATA as Enter. SATA. SATA Options. AHCI for a system using SATA disks (non-raid)(nraid SATA AHCI) RAID to create an Intel Matrix RAID(Intel Matrix RAID RAID) 6 F10 BIOS Utility.. RAID (5, WindowsVista Ultimate 6, Windows Server 2008 ). RAID. 7 8 9 RAID Ctrl-I Intel Matrix Storage Manager ROM. Intel Matrix Storage Manager. 1. Create RAID Volume. Create RAID Volume. Create RAIDVolume. a. RAID Enter ( Enter ). b. RAID (0, 1, 5, 10) Enter., RAID. RAID 0. c.. d. Enter ( Enter 128KB ). e. Enter ( Enter ). 4 19

Sun StorageTek PCIe SAS 4 HBA RAID f. Create Volume Enter.. Are you sure you want to create this volume? Y or N. g. Y. RAID. RAID ( : RAID ID,,, ). 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 EXIT Enter Intel Matrix Storage Manager. Intel Matrix Storage Manager. Y. RAID CD/DVD DVD.. DVD. 4. Exit to DOS. DOS. fdisk 0 ID Y.. WindowsVista Ultimate 5, WindowsVista Ultimate. Windows Server 2008 6, Windows Server 2008. Sun StorageTek PCIe SAS 4 HBA RAID Sun StorageTek PCIe SAS 4, RAID Windows BIOS. 20 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

1 2 3 4 5 6 RAID. POST LSI Configuration Ctrl-C. Adapter List Enter. Adapters properties. RAID properties. IM(Integrated Mirror RAID 1) IMe(Integrated Mirror Enhanced RAID 1E). RAID. RAID SAS SATA. 7. IM IME RAID. 8. WindowsVista Ultimate 5, WindowsVista Ultimate. Windows Server 2008 6, Windows Server 2008. Sun. Sun StorageTek PCIe SAS 4 HBA Sun LSI 106x BIOS RAID User's Guide(820-4933).. Intel ICH10R Sun Ultra 27 Workstation Service Manual(820-6776). 4 21

BIOS Sun Ultra 27 Workstation Service Manual(820-6776). 22 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

5 5 WindowsVista Ultimate Windows Vista Ultimate Sun Ultra 27... 2,.. 3, (Windows Vista Ultimate ). 4, BIOS. Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate. Sun Windows Vista Ultimate. Windows.. 23

1 2 3 23.. BIOS POST. BIOS POST Press F8 for BBS POPUP F8 ( 5 1 ). BBS POPUP. 5 1 F8 BBS POPUP 4 BIOS POST Boot Device ( 5 2 ). DVD Windows CD. 5 2 Boot Device 5 Boot Device DVD/CD-ROM CD Enter. Press any key to boot from CD. Windows. 24 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

6 InstallationType ( 5 3 ) Custom(advanced). 5 3 Select Installation Type 7 Where DoYouWant to InstallWindows 5 4 Load Driver. 5 4 Where to Install Windows Load Driver. 5 WindowsVista Ultimate 25

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5 8 a. Delete. b. New. c. Apply. d. Next. 14 15 16 Windows.. Windows Windows.OK. Windows Vista Ultimate. 7,. 28 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

6 6 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008... 2,. 4, BIOS. Microsoft Windows Server 2008. Windows Server 2008. Windows.. 29

1 2 3 29.. BIOS POST. BIOS POST Press F8 for BBS POPUP F8 ( 6 1 ). BBS POPUP. 6 1 F8 BBS POPUP 4 BIOS POST Boot Device ( 6 2 ). DVD Windows Server 2008 CD. 6 2 Boot Device 5 6 Boot Device CD/DVD Enter. Press any key to boot from CD. Windows. InstallationType Custom(advanced). 30 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

7 6 3 Select Installation Type Where to InstallWindows ( 6 4 ). 6 4 Where to Install Windows Windows Next 9. Windows Driver Options (advanced). 6 Windows Server 2008 31

. 8 Where DoYouWant to InstallWindows ( 6 5 ). 6 5 a. Delete. b. New. c. Apply. d. Next. 9 10 Windows.. Windows Windows.OK. Windows Server 2008 Windows.,,. Accessibility. Windows Server 2008. 32 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

11 7,. 6 Windows Server 2008 33


7 7 Windows Sun Ultra 27 Windows.. 35 39 40. Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Server 2008 DVD 3, (Windows Vista Ultimate ) Sun. DVD Sun 7 1 Sun Ultra 27 Chipset MBus, USB, PCI-Express LPC(Legacy PC). 35

7 1 Sun Ultra 27 ( ) Video Audio TPM Intel ME NVIDIA Quadro FX(FX5800, FX3800, FX1800 FX380). RealTek. Intel PRO/100, Intel PRO/1000 Intel PRO/10GbE. Infineon TPM(Trusted Platform Module). Trusted Platform Module. TPM. Intel Management Engine Interface. Intel ME Intel OS. Intel ASF(Alert Standard Format) Intel ME.ASF,,.,,.. 36. 37. 1 USB CD/DVD DVD.CD. ( 7 1). 36 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

7 1 2 Install/Update Drivers.. 1. CD/DVD DVD.DVD.Windows drivers\windows. Sun (2, ). 2. a. Windows windows\chipset. b..exe.. 7 37

3. Windows windows\nic..exe.. Windows Device Manager(Windows ). a. Device Manager( ). b. (!) NIC Update Driver( ). c. No, not this time(, ) Next( ). d. Install( ) Next( ). e. Browse( ). : windows\nic\pro1000 f.. 4 TPM. a. Windows windows\tpm\driver\app. c..exe. TPM. 5 Intel ME (Intel ASF ). a. Windows windows\me\driver. b..exe. Intel ME. 6 NVIDIA Quadro FX. a. Windows. 38 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

b. Update( ).. c. No, not this time(, ) Next( ). d. Install from a list( ) Next( ). e. Browse( ) windows\video\ os\version ( os Vista 2008, version 32 64 ). f..exe.. 7 RealTek HD. a. Windows windows\video\ os ( os Vista 2008). b..exe. RealTek HD. 8. Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Server 2008 Sun. Sun StorageTek MegaRAID Storage Manager StorageTek PCIe SAS 4-Port HBA Sun RAID,. 41 StorageTek MegaRAID Storage Manager RAID. Intel ASF Agent Intel ASF(Alert Standard Format) Intel ASF. 35 Intel ME. 7 39

1. CD/DVD DVD.DVD.Windows drivers\windows. Sun (2, ). 2 Sun StorageTek MegaRAID Storage Manager. a. Windows windows\sas\msm. b..exe.. 3 Intel ASF Intel ASF. a. Windows windows\me\asf\ version\agent ( version 32 64 Windows). b..exe.. 4. Sun.. 41 StorageTek MegaRAID Storage Manager RAID 41 Intel ASF 40 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

StorageTek MegaRAID Storage Manager RAID MegaRAID Storage Manager(MSM) LSI RAID,. MSM. MSM (OS) x64,. MSM GUI.,... MSM Sun Sun LSI 106x RAID User's Guide. Intel ASF Intel ASF(Alert Standard Format),,.ASF. CPU OS. ASF ASF ( CPU,,BIOS ),.ASF,. Intel ASF Intel. 7 41


8 8 WIM Sun Ultra 27 Windows (WIM). WIM Windows (WDS). WDS. WIM. 43 44 WIM WIM 8 1. 8 1 WIM / WindowsVista Ultimate Windows Server 2008 32 64 32 64 Intel Pro/1000 P Intel x58 Infineon Trusted Platform Module ( ): Intel ICH10R AHCI SATA 43

WIM 8 1 WIM ( ) / WindowsVista Ultimate Windows Server 2008 32 64 32 64 LSI Logic Fusion-MPT SAS RAID HBA RealTek WIM Sun Ultra 27 Windows WIM. WIM. Windows Automated Installation Kit(Windows AIK WAIK). Microsoft. WALK 2.0. Windows AIK. Windows Server Windows Remote Installation Services. Windows Deployment Services. DVD. 2,. 1 WIM DVD 32 64 Windows. a.. DVD. cdromdrive DVD CD/DVD. DVD Windows Vista Ultimate 32 : cdromdrive:\drivers\windows\chipset...\sas\driver\32bit...\sata\32bit...\tpm\driver\32bit...\audio\vista...\nic\pro1000\win32 44 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

WIM DVD Windows Vista Ultimate 64 : cdromdrive:\drivers\windows\chipset...\sas\driver\64bit...\sata\64bit...\tpm\driver\64bit...\audio\vista64...\nic\pro1000\winx64 DVD Windows Server 32 : cdromdrive:\drivers\windows\chipset...\sas\driver\32bit...\sata\32bit...\tpm\driver\32bit...\nic\pro1000\win32 DVD Windows Server 64 : cdromdrive:\drivers\windows\chipset...\sas\driver\64bit...\sata\64bit...\tpm\driver\64bit...\nic\pro1000\winx64 b.. \\yourshare\share, DriverPack\x64 64 Windows, DriverPack\x86 32 Windows. x64(442) x86 ( DVD ).. Windows Vista Ultimate 32 WIM : \\yourshare\share\driverpack\x86\chipset...\sas...\sata...\tpm...\audio...\nic Windows Vista Ultimate 64 WIM : \\yourshare\share\driverpack\x64\chipset...\sas...\sata...\tpm...\audio...\nic 8 WIM Sun Ultra 27 45

WIM Windows Server 2008 32 WIM : \\yourshare\share\driverpack\x86\chipset...\sas...\sata...\tpm...\nic Windows Server 2008 64 WIM : \\yourshare\share\driverpack\x64\chipset...\sas...\sata...\tpm...\nic 2. a. Start, AdministrativeTools,Windows Deployment Services. b.. Disable. c. Export Image.. 3 4 5 6 Windows. : imagex /mountrw C:\windows_distribution\sources\install.wim 1 C:\win_mount Install.wim Windows C:\wim_mount. Windows System Image Manager(Windows SIM,Windows AIK ).Windows SIM Windows Microsoft. offlineservicing Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsNonWinPE. Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsNonWinPE. DevicePaths Insert New PathAndCredentials. PathAndCredentials. 46 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

WIM 7 8 9 Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsNonWinPE DriverPack. 64. <Path>\\yourshare\share\DriverPack\x64</Path> <Credentials> <Domain>MyDomain</Domain> <Username>MyUserName</Username> <Password>MyPassword</Password> </Credentials> Windows SIM.. 64 (processorarchitecture ID, 32 Windows x86 64 Windows amd64). <?xml version="1.0"?> <unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3" xmlns:wcm= ""> <settings pass="offlineservicing"> <component name="microsoft-windows-pnpcustomizationsnonwinpe" processorarchitecture="amd64" publickeytoken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionscope="nonsxs"> <DriverPaths> <PathAndCredentials wcm:keyvalue="1"> <Path>\\yourshare\share\DriverPack\x64</Path> <Credentials> <Domain>MyDomain</Domain> <Username>MyUserName</Username> <Password>MyPassword</Password> </Credentials> </PathAndCredentials> </DriverPaths> </component> </settings> </unattend> Package Manager Windows.. Package Manager MicrosoftWindows AIK. : pkgmgr /o:"c:\wim_mount\;c:\wim_mount\windows" /n:"c:\unattend.xml" /l:"c:\pkgmgrlogs\logfile.txt".inf Windows. C:\Pkgmgrlogs\. 8 WIM Sun Ultra 27 47

WIM 10 11 12 Windows %WINDIR%\Inf\.inf.Windows oem*.inf.. MyDriver1.inf MyDriver2.inf oem0.inf oem1.inf..wim. : imagex /unmount /commit C:\wim_mount. a. Windows Deployment Services Start, Administrative Tools Windows Deployment Services. b.. Replace Image. Windows. c. Enable.. 48 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A

I Intel ASF,, 41, RAID, 8 RAID, 8 W WDS WIM,, 43-44 WIM, 44-48 Windows,, 8 Windows Server 2003, 23-28 Windows Server 2008,, 29-33 Windows Server 2008, 29-33 Windows Vista Ultimate,, 23-28 Windows, 29-33 Windows, 7 Windows, 14-16 Windows, 14-16, 13-14, 11-12, 11-12, 11-12,, 35-39, 7-8,, 35-39, 23, 29, 23-28, 29-33, 7-8, 7, 13-14, 23, 29, 23-28, 29-33, 7-8 49

Windows, 8 50 Sun Ultra 27 Windows 2009 4, A