Microsoft Word _Your_Recovery_After_Cesarean_Birth_ Korean_Edits Final.doc

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Your Recovery After Cesarean Birth After you give birth, a nurse will check you and answer any questions you may have. During your stay, the nurses will teach you how to care for yourself and your baby. Changes in Your Body A nurse will feel your abdomen to check your uterus while you are in the hospital. If your uterus is soft, your nurse will rub your abdomen to help the uterus become firm. You will have bleeding from your vagina for 2-4 weeks. During the first few days, the bleeding is like a heavy menstrual period. You may pass small blood clots. The bleeding will decrease and change to pink, dark brown, and then clear. Do not use tampons. Use sanitary pads. Your breasts will fill with milk in 3-5 days after you give birth and become firm and sore. They may leak at times. You may have constipation. A stool softener or laxative may be ordered. Tell your nurse if you have problems urinating. Activity Deep breathe and cough every two hours to prevent breathing problems. Hold a pillow or folded blanket over your incision when you cough to lessen the pain. Ask the staff for help the first few times you get out of bed. 1

제왕절개분만후회복 분만후에간호사는질문이있는지물어보고있으면답해줄것입니다. 입원해있는동안간호사는자신과아기를어떻게돌봐야하는지가르쳐드릴것입니다. 몸의변화 병원에있는동안간호사는자궁을검사하기위하여배를만져볼것입니다. 자궁이부드러우면, 자궁이단단해지도록배를문질러줄것입니다. 질에출혈이 2-4 주동안계속됩니다. 처음몇일은마치생리를심하게하는것같이피가나올것입니다. 약간의핏덩어리도있을수있습니다. 출혈이줄어들면서핑크색으로변하고, 짙은갈색으로변했다가, 투명해질것입니다. 탐폰을사용하지마십시오. 패드를사용하십시오. 분만후 3-5 일동안유방에젖이뭉치면서딱딱해지고아플것입니다. 젖이흐를수도있습니다. 변비를경험할수있습니다. 변을부드럽게해주는약을처방해줄수도있습니다. 소변보는데문제가있으면간호사에게알려주십시오. 활동 심호흡을하고매두시간마다기침을하면서호흡곤란을예방한다. 기침할때베개나담요를수술자국에대고하면통증을줄일수있다. 침대에서내려올때처음몇번은도움을받는다. Your Recovery After Cesarean Birth. Korean. 1

Sit up for a couple of minutes before you start to walk. If you feel light headed or dizzy while in the bathroom, pull the emergency call light on the bathroom wall for help. Walk in the hallways 3-4 times a day for 5-10 minutes. Diet You may feel tired and hungry. You will get fluids through an IV (intravenous) in your hand or arm until you are drinking well. The day of surgery, you will be able to have ice chips or clear fluids. As your bowel function returns, you will be given fluids, then solid food. Pain Control Pain is normal. It is the most intense the first 2-3 days after surgery. Your doctor will order pain medicine for you. Ask for pain medicine when you need it. Manage your pain so you can care for yourself, your baby and be active. The medicine may not get rid of the pain but it will make it better. Incision Your incision may be up and down (vertical) or across the lower part of your abdomen (horizontal). A dressing will be placed over the incision for about 24 hours. Your nurse will check the dressing and change it as needed. After the dressing is taken off, you may shower. Tapes called steri strips will be placed over the incision. They will fall off on their own. Do not pull them off. You may trim the edges as they curl. Your nurse will show you how to care for your incision before you go home. Watch your incision for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, pain, warmth and drainage. 2

걷기시작하기전에침대에허리를똑바로하고잠시앉아있는다. 욕실에있을때머리가멍하거나어지러우면, 욕실벽에붙어있는응급요청등을잡아당긴다. 매일복도를 5-10 분정도 3-4 회정도걷는다. 음식 피곤하고허기를느낄수있습니다. 음료수를충분히마실수있을때까지정맥주사 (IV) 로손이나팔에액을투입합니다. 수술하는날, 얼음조각이나물을마셔도됩니다. 대변기능을회복하면, 처음에는음료수만마시다가나중에고형식품을먹게됩니다. 통증관리 통증이있는것은정상입니다. 수술후처음 2-3 일이가장심합니다. 의사가진통제를처방해줄것입니다. 진통제가필요하면요청하십시오. 통증을잘관리해야자신뿐아니라아기도관리하고또한활동적인생활을할수있습니다. 약을먹는다고해서통증이완전히사라지지는않지만많이나아질것입니다. 수술절개 배의수직방향으로또는수평방향으로절개합니다. 수술후절개부분에붕대를 24 시간가량감아둘것입니다. 간호사가붕대를점검하고필요하면새로갈아줄것입니다. 붕대를제거하고샤워를할수도있습니다. 그럴때는살균반창고를절개부위에부착하고해야합니다. 그반창고는저절로떨어지게되어있습니다. 억지로잡아떼지마십시오. 끝이말리면그부분을잘라내도됩니다. 퇴원하기전에절개부분을어떻게관리하는지가르쳐줄것입니다. 절개부분이빨갛게되거나, 붓거나, 통증이있거나, 뜨끈해지거나, 또는분비물이흐르는등감염증상이있나잘살펴보십시오. Your Recovery After Cesarean Birth. Korean. 2

Peri Care Keep the area around your vagina and anus called the perineal area clean to prevent infection and stop odor. This is called peri care. You will be given a plastic bottle to fill with warm water. Each time you use the toilet, use the plastic bottle to squirt warm water over your perineal area. Change your sanitary pad each time you use the toilet. Wash your hands with soap and water. Showering After the dressing and the catheter in your bladder are removed, you may shower. A shower may feel good and help you relax. Have someone help you with your first shower. Do not take a tub bath because of the risk of infection for 4-6 weeks or until you see your doctor for your follow up visit. Going Home from the Hospital Your nurse will help you prepare to go home with your baby. Information will be given to you on how to care for yourself and your baby. Your care may include: Limit climbing stairs to 1-2 times each day. Lift nothing heavier than your baby. Get help doing housework for at least 2 weeks. Do not drive a car for at least 2 weeks. Do not have sexual relations until approved by your doctor. Talk to your doctor about birth control. Breastfeeding does not prevent you from becoming pregnant. Do not go back to work until approved by your doctor. 3

회음부관리 질과항문주위즉회음부라고부르는부위를청결하게하여감염과악취를방지하십시오. 이것을회음부관리라고부릅니다. 따뜻한물을담는플라스틱병을줄것입니다. 변기사용후에는플라스틱병안의따뜻한물을회음부에뿌리십시오. 변기사용후에패드를갈아끼우십시오. 비누와물로손을닦으십시오. 샤워하기 붕대와방광에끼운튜브를제거한후에샤워를해도됩니다. 샤워는기분을전환해주고긴장을풀어줍니다. 처음샤워할때도움을받으십시오. 목욕하다감염이될위험이있으므로수술후 4-6 주동안또는후속진찰을위해의사를방문할때까지는탕속에서목욕을하지마십시오. 병원에서퇴원하기 아기와함께퇴원하도록간호사가도와줄것입니다. 자신과아기를어떻게관리하는지안내서를줄것입니다. 자신관리방법 : 계단올라가는것을하루 1-2 회를제한한다. 아기보다더무거운물체를들어올리지않는다. 최소한 2 주동안은집안일도움을받는다. 최소한 2 주동안은자동차운전을하지않는다. 의사가승인할때까지성관계를금한다. 피임에관하여의사와상담한다. 모유를먹인다고해서임신이예방되지는않는다. 의사가승인할때까지직장으로복귀하지않는다. Your Recovery After Cesarean Birth. Korean. 3

Call your doctor right away if you have: A fever over 101 degrees F or 38 degrees C Signs of a breast infection such as fever, tenderness, redness, or a hot, hardened area, on one or both breasts Heavy vaginal bleeding where you soak one sanitary pad per hour for 2 hours or have large blood clots Foul smelling vaginal discharge a normal discharge smells like your menstrual period Problems urinating including trouble starting, burning or pain No bowel movements for 3 days A hot, hard spot in your leg or pain in your lower leg. Severe or constant pain A headache, blurred vision or spots before your eyes that will not go away Feelings of being very sad or feel you want to hurt yourself or your baby Call your doctor the first few days after your get home to schedule a follow up visit in 4-6 weeks. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. 8/2007. Developed through a partnership of Mount Carmel Health, Ohio State University Medical Center, and OhioHealth, Columbus, Ohio. Available for use as a public service without copyright restrictions at 4

다음과같은경우의사에게즉시전화하십시오 : 체온이화씨 101 도 ( 섭씨 38 도 ) 까지이상오른다 유방감염의증상이있다 : 예를들어, 유방한쪽이나양쪽에열이있거나, 만지면따끔거리거나, 빨갛게되었거나, 뜨겁거나, 딱딱해진부분이있다 1 시간마다패드를갈아끼워야할정도로그리고 2 회이상갈정도로질출혈이많았거나꽤큰핏덩어리가섞여나온다 질분비물에서악취 보통분비물은생리할때피냄새가난다 소변처음시작할때어렵거나, 소변중화끈거리거나통증이있다 3 일이상대변지못한다 다리에뜨겁거나딱딱한부분또는아래아래쪽에통증이있다 지속되는심한통증이있다 두통, 희미한시야, 시야에반점들이계속보인다 매우슬픈감정또는자신이나아기를해치고싶은충동이있다 퇴원후몇일후에의사에게전화걸어후속진단예약을 4-6 주일후로하십시오. 질문이나근심이있으면의사나간호사와상담하십시오. 8/2007. Developed through a partnership of Mount Carmel Health, Ohio State University Medical Center, and OhioHealth, Columbus, Ohio. Available for use as a public service without copyright restrictions at Your Recovery After Cesarean Birth. Korean. 4