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머릿니 Head Lice Head lice are tiny bugs about the size of a sesame seed. They live in the hair and bite the scalp to suck blood. They do not fly or jump, but they can move very fast. This makes it hard to find them in the hair. Nits are the eggs of the lice. They look like yellowish, white, or brown dandruff. Head lice attach their eggs to shafts of hair with a waterproof glue. The eggs are laid close to the scalp. Look for eggs at the back of the neck and behind the ears. These eggs cannot be washed out or brushed out of the hair. They must be picked out one at a time. 머릿니는깨알정도크기의작은벌레입니다. 이벌레들은머리카락사이에살며, 두피를물어사람의피를먹습니다. 날거나뛰지는못하지만, 매우빨리움직이는편입니다. 그래서머리카락사이에서머릿니를찾기가힘듭니다. 서캐는머릿니알입니다. 노르스름하거나흰색또는갈색을띠는비듬처럼보입니다. 머릿니는머리카락사이에방수성이있는 접착제 성분의물질로알을붙입니다. 알은대개두피에가까운곳에낳습니다. 목덜미와귀뒤쪽에서서캐를찾아보십시오. 이런알은물로씻어도없어지지않고빗으로빗어도떨어지지않습니다. 반드시한번에하나씩집어내야합니다. Causes Lice can spread quickly from one person to another if the persons: Share hats, scarves, combs, brushes, hair clips or barrettes, hair bands, helmets or clothing Lie on the same bed, couch, or carpet Play close together Use items stored in closets or lockers that have the lice or eggs on them 원인 머릿니는다음과같은경우쉽게옮습니다. 모자, 목도리 ( 스카프 ), 빗, 브러시, 실핀또는큰머리핀, 헤어밴드, 헬멧또는의류를함께쓰는경우 같은침대, 소파또는카펫에눕는경우 가까이붙어서놀때 머릿니나서캐가붙어있는옷장이나사물함에보관한물건을사용하는경우

2 healthinfotranslations.org Signs Itching or tickling feeling that something is moving around or tickling the head. Red marks or sores on the scalp sometimes with drainage and crusting. These are often found behind the ears or on the back of the neck. If the skin is scratched open, the sores can get infected and must be treated by your doctor. Scratching the head. Sometimes it takes weeks for a child to start scratching. 증상 머리위에서뭔가움직이거나간지럽히는것처럼가렵고간지러운느낌이듭니다. 두피에빨간자국이나거나상처가생기고때로는진물이나오거나딱지가생깁니다. 이러한상처는주로귀뒤나목덜미에서발견됩니다. 피부를자주긁으면상처가감염될수있으며, 이런경우꼭의사의치료를받아야합니다. 머리를긁습니다. 어린이가머릿니에감염된후몇주는지나서야머리를긁기시작하는경우도있습니다. Treatment Your child s doctor can suggest a medicated lice shampoo, cream or lotion. You can buy lice products at your local pharmacy without a prescription. Some of the products will have a special nit comb in the package or you can buy one separately. This special comb can help find and remove eggs. It is very important to remove all of the lice eggs and to treat all of your family members. 치료 담당의사가머릿니전용샴푸, 크림또는로션 ( 의약품 ) 을추천할수있습니다. 처방전없이도동네약국에서머릿니제거제품구입이가능합니다. 이런제품중에는패키지형태로서캐제거용빗이들어있는것도있고, 빗만별도로구입할수있습니다. 이런특수빗을사용하면서캐를찾아없애는데도움이됩니다. 서캐를모두찾아제거하고가족구성원전원이치료를받는것이매우중요합니다. Special Warnings about Lice Products If you or your child is allergic to ragweed or chrysanthemums, check with your doctor or pharmacist before using any brand of medicated rinse or shampoo. The active ingredient in some brands such as Rid, Pronto, and A-200 could cause a serious allergic reaction. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, check with your doctor before using lice products. House pets do not carry human lice and should not be treated. 머릿니제거제품에대한경고 본인또는자녀가돼지풀이나국화에알레르기반응을보이는경우, 약용린스또는샴푸 ( 브랜드무관 ) 를사용하기앞서의사나약사에게성분을확인해야합니다. Rid, Pronto 및 A-200 과같은일부브랜드의활성성분이심각한알레르기반응을일으킬수있습니다. 임신또는수유중에는머릿니제거제품을사용하기전에반드시의사와상의하시기바랍니다. 반려동물에게는사람의머릿니가옮지않습니다. 치료할필요가없습니다.

healthinfotranslations.org 3 How to Use Permethrin Brand names: Acticin, Elimite, Nix Crème Rinse, and others For adults and children 2 months old and older: 1. Wash the hair with regular shampoo. Do not use a conditioner. It can keep the lice medicine from working. Rinse with warm water and towel dry. Do not use this towel again until it has been laundered in hot soapy water then dried. Use the hot cycle of your dryer for at least 20 minutes.. 2. Shake the bottle of product well. 3. Protect the eyes with a towel and close eyes tightly. 4. Wet the hair and scalp completely. Be sure to wet the back of the neck and behind the ears. If the product gets in the eyes, rinse right away with cool water. 5. Leave the product on the hair for 10 minutes, but no longer. 6. Rinse the hair and skin around the scalp well with water. Rub with a fresh dry towel. Do not use a hair dryer some lice products use chemicals that could cause the hair to set on fire. 7. Comb the hair with a fine comb to find the eggs. It may help to divide the hair in sections. All eggs must be removed! It might take 2 or 3 hours or more, and you may have to pick out the eggs by hand if the comb does not work. 8. Put the eggs in a plastic bag, tie it closed and throw it away. Wash your hands well and scrub under your fingernails. 9. Dress your child in clean clothing. 퍼메트린사용법 브랜드명 : Acticin, Elimite, Nix Crème Rinse 및기타 성인및만 2 개월이상의어린이 : 1. 일반샴푸로머리를감습니다. 컨디셔너 ( 트리트먼트 ) 는사용하지마십시오. 이는머릿니용의약품의작용을방해할수있습니다. 따뜻한물로머리를헹궈내고, 수건으로물기를말립니다. 머리를닦은수건은뜨거운비눗물에세탁하고말린다음에만재사용해야합니다. 건조기를열건조모드로설정하여최소한 20 분이상건조합니다. 2. 제품이든병을잘흔들어줍니다. 3. 수건으로눈을덮고눈을꼭감아제품이눈에들어가지않도록주의하십시오. 4. 머리카락과두피를물로완전히적십니다. 목덜미와귀뒤에도충분히물을묻혀야합니다. 제품이눈에들어가는경우, 즉시찬물로씻어내십시오. 5. 머리카락에제품을바른채로 10 분간둡니다. 그이상오래두지는마십시오. 6. 머리카락과두피주변피부를물로잘헹굽니다. 새마른수건으로문질러물기를닦습니다. 헤어드라이어를사용하지마십시오. 일부머릿니제거제품에는화학성분이들어있어잘못하면머리카락에불이붙습니다. 7. 서캐제거용빗으로머리카락을빗어내려서캐를찾습니다. 머리카락을여러구역으로나누어찾으면도움이됩니다. 알을빠뜨리지말고철저히박멸하십시오! 이과정에는 2~3 시간이상이소요될수있으며, 빗으로잘안되면손으로서캐를집어내야할수있습니다. 8. 찾아낸서캐는비닐봉지에넣어잘묶어서버립니다. 손을잘씻되, 특히손톱밑을꼼꼼히문질러닦으십시오. 9. 자녀에게새로세탁해둔옷을입힙니다.

4 healthinfotranslations.org How to Use Piperonyl Butoxide Brand names: Rid and others For adults and children 2 years of age and older: Apply the product to dry hair. Follow the instructions for how to use permethrin, starting with Step 2. When you rinse the hair with Step 6, use a shampoo and no conditioner, then towel dry. After Treatment Do not wash the hair for 1 to 2 days after treatment. Repeat the treatment 9 to 10 days later to kill any lice before they can produce new eggs. Recheck for eggs or lice every 2 to 3 days for 2 to 3 weeks after treatment to be sure they are gone. Check the hair and scalp of all family members every day. If you find eggs or lice, treat their hair and clothing the same way. If you have used the same treatment 2 or 3 times, and it has not worked, check with your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. 피페로닐부톡사이드사용법 브랜드명 : Rid 및기타브랜드 성인및만 2 세이상의어린이 : 마른상태의머리카락에제품을바릅니다. 퍼메트린사용법지침을따릅니다. 2 단계부터시작하십시오. 6 단계에서머리카락을헹굴때에는샴푸만쓰고컨디셔너는생략한다음, 수건으로물기를말립니다. 치료후 치료후 1~2 일간은머리를감지마십시오. 약 9~10 일후다시치료과정을반복하여남은머릿니가새로알을낳기전에제거합니다. 치료후 2~3 주간 2~3 일에한번정도서캐나머릿니가있는지살펴보면서확실히박멸되었는지확인합니다. 가족구성원모두머리카락과두피를매일점검해야합니다. 서캐나머릿니가발견되면머리카락과의류를같은방식으로처리합니다. 같은치료법을 2~3 회사용하여도효과가없으면의사, 간호사또는약사와상의하십시오.

healthinfotranslations.org 5 To Clear Lice from the Home Pest control sprays can be harmful to children and should not be used in the home. Head lice can live away from the human body for only 1 to 2 days. Wash all washable clothing (including hats, scarves, and coats) and all bed linens, towels, and washcloths that have had contact with anyone with lice in the 2 days before treatment. Machine wash in hot, soapy water and dry. Use the hot cycle of a dryer for at least 20 minutes. Soak combs, brushes, hair barrettes, hair bands and sports helmets in very hot water (130ºF) for 10 minutes. Pillows, stuffed animals, clothing, and other things that cannot be washed may be dry cleaned or put in air tight plastic bags for 3 days. Vacuum all carpets and furniture. Put the vacuum cleaner s dust bag in a plastic bag, tie tightly, and throw away. 집안에서머릿니를퇴치하는법 스프레이형해충구제약은어린이에게해로울수있으므로집안에서는사용하지않는것이좋습니다. 머릿니는사람의몸에서떨어지면 1~2 일밖에살아남지못합니다. 머릿니가있는사람이만졌거나몸에닿은세탁가능한의류 ( 모자, 목도리및코트포함 ) 와침구, 수건및손수건등은모두치료 2 일전에세탁해야합니다. 뜨거운비눗물로세탁기에서세탁하여말리십시오. 건조기를열건조모드로놓고적어도 20 분이상건조합니다. 빗, 브러시, 머리핀, 헤어밴드및스포츠용헬멧등은아주뜨거운물 (130ºF, 54ºC) 에 10 분간담가놓습니다. 쿠션이나베개, 봉제인형, 의류등물에빨수없는품목은드라이클리닝하거나비닐봉지에넣고밀봉하여 3 일간둡니다. 카펫과가구는모두진공청소기로청소합니다. 진공청소기의먼지백을빼내비닐봉지에넣고단단히묶어버리십시오. School and Other Parents Tell your child s school that your child has lice. The other children will be checked and treated if needed. Check with your child s school. In some school systems, the child s hair must be free of all eggs before the child may go back to school. Tell the parents of your child s friends, so they can check their children. 학교및다른학부모 자녀가다니는학교에자녀에게서머릿니가나왔다고알려주십시오. 다른아이들도검진후, 필요하면치료할것입니다. 자녀의학교측에상황을확인하십시오. 일부학교시스템에서는자녀가학교에복귀하기위해서캐를완전히없애야만하는경우도있습니다. 자녀의친구부모님들에게도상황을알려각자아이들의상태를확인하도록하십시오.

6 healthinfotranslations.org Prevention Teach your child to Never share what touches the hair. Children should not let anyone else use their comb, brush, hats, scarves, pillows, hair accessories, or helmets. They should not borrow them from others either. Shampoo the hair 2 or 3 times a week. 예방 자녀에게 머리카락에닿는물건은남들과같이쓰지말라 고가르칩니다. 어린이들이자기소유의빗, 브러시, 모자, 목도리, 베개, 헤어액세서리또는헬멧을함께쓰지못하도록주의시키십시오. 물론이물건들을남들에게빌려써서도안됩니다. 머리를일주일에 2~3 번샴푸로감는것이좋습니다. Talk to your child s doctor or your local health department if you have any questions or concerns. 질문이나문제가있으면의사나보건소에문의하십시오. 2005 - September 13, 2017, Health Information Translations. Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain treatment.