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1 Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society, Volume 19, Number 5, October 2009 DOI: /JKMS Cd 1 x Mn x» Ÿw p y zá yá w w, û 29, ( , , y ) Bridgman Cd 1 x Mn x g Mn y»ÿw p w. X- z x l x < 0.82 w zinc-blende y w. Mn ƒ w x ƒw. Faraday z Ÿ ƒ ƒw š, Mn xƒ ƒw ƒw. Cd 0.62 w Ÿ p db. :, Bridgman, CdMn, q z, Ÿ p I. yw Mn, Fe Co y Eu Gd m ey k (semimagnetic semiconductor: SMSC y diluted magnetic semiconductor: DMS) w, 1979 Galazka w Cd 1 xmn x»- Ÿw š z II 1 xmn x VI w x, ƒ ¾ y w š [1-3]. SMSC ey ƒ š y y» w,» w 3d s-x y p-x ƒ v- v y y sp-d y y ƒ y š» wz k [4-6]. w z g- Zeeman ƒ f j Faraday z z ƒ ùkù [4]. Faraday z Ÿw rÿ Ÿ m jš, w w sww» ƒw Ÿ rÿ z w x [7-9] z w» Ÿ isolator, Ÿ e»ÿw ƒ š š [10, 11]. w, SMCS Faraday z jš, (nonmagnetic) II-VI yw z w, d v (band) v y y y w [12]. x ¾ Faraday y š As 2 S 2, *l: (052) , younghh@ulsan.ac.kr ZnSe, Bi 12 SiO 20 (BSO), FR-5 glass, Y 3 Fe 5 O 12 (Yttrium Iron Garnet, YIG) [13]. p, Cd 1 xmn x ƒ Ÿ ZnSe Faraday z z ƒ f,»ÿw y w» w w ƒ w š [14-16]. Cd Mn ey k Cd 1 xmn x Mn ƒ 0.0 x 0.82 zincblende ƒ, Mn ƒ w w, ƒw.» y, x <0.2 (paramagnetic), 0.2 x 0.65 v (spin glass), š x > 0.65 (antiferromagnetic) w [1]. Faraday y w» w» š v Cd 1 xmn x Bridgman g,, Ÿw,» p w š,»ÿw p w Ÿ isolator ƒ w y wš w. II. x Cd 1 xmn x Cd(5 N), Mn(4 N), (6 N) 5%-HNO 3 5%-HCl yv w z 1 x : x :1 mole yww k gqw x ~10 torr w œ w g 6 p w w 2», Bridgman [17] g. x X- z (X-ray diffraction) EPMA(electron probe microanalysis) x l w. y Ÿ UV-visible spectrometer 200~1200 nm d w,» p SQUID(Superconducting 186

2 Cd 1 x Mn x» Ÿw p y zá yá 187 Quantum Interference Device, Quantum design) w w.»ÿw p 9 mm, Ì 3mm w 0.05 µm ù» w k, m, š q w z Faraday z x ww. III. š θ-2θ XRD d l Cd 1 xmn x zincblende y w š[17], y Mn ƒ ƒw ƒ w. ƒ w Mn œ w (1.326 Å) Cd(1.405 Å)» ƒ ƒw w ƒ. Fig. 1 Cd 1 xmn x x y Ÿ rp š. α = O.D./d š,» O.D. optical density, d Ì. Ì d O.D. photon energy(hν) w 2 (α hν) (hν) w, w [18]. ƒ ƒw Fig. 2. The Verdet dispersion curves at 300 K for CdMn with Mn concentrations up to x = The various kinds of points are experimental data, and the solid lines are the best fits using the singleoscillator model. ƒw. ƒ w» q. wr ƒ -s y q z w ƒ ƒw w [19]. Fig. 2 Mn q y Verdet Fig. 1. Typical absorption spectra corresponding to samples with high and low Mn contents measured in the temperature range from 12 K to 300 K to 10 K intervals.

3 188 š. Faraday z ƒ θ F = VBl x.» V Verdet, ¼ (cm)» (G) w z ùküš w B»», l Ì. z ƒ y» w ww Ÿ w rÿ z w (+) w. x =0.0 Verdet ƒ, x > 0 ƒ. (nonmagnetic) Cd Mn ƒ» y w [5]. w Verdet q w ƒw ƒ. w Mn 2+ d v (conduction band)ù ƒ (valence band) v w v y y w». Fig. 2 (single-oscillator model) w (1) l (fitting)w ùkü [20]. ( ) = D E 0 ( 1 y 2 ) 3/2 V E y 2 F 0l» D D = M β α š M M = χb 2hc g Mn µ B ùkü, y =(E/E 0 ), χ» š, B»». l w E 0 D Mn x = 0.0, 0.11, 0.21, 0.4, 0.52, 0.65 w ƒƒ E 0 = 1.506, 1.738, 1.872, 2.059, 2.326, ev, D = 0.052, 15.69, 21.52, 35.45, 44.06, degá 3 ev/cm ƒwš. xƒ ƒw E 0 ƒ (absorption edge) q w, D ƒ (1) (1) w»wz 19«5y, Fig. 3. The Faraday rotations as a function of magnetic field of Cd 1 x Mn x with various Mn concentrations near the fundamental band gap at 300 K.» (magnetic susceptibility) Cd 1 xmn x Mn ƒ ƒw» f» [12]. Fig. 3 Cd 1 xmn x q š jš,»» Ì Faraday z š. Cd z y w w (+) š, Cd 1 xmn x ( ) ùkû, Mn ƒ ƒw z x =0.38¾ ƒ w ƒ, z wš.»» z ƒ z ƒ x w, w»» ƒ Verdet ùkü. Fig. 3 l w Verdet x = Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of optical isolator using a Cd 1 x Mn x single crystal in 0.4 T magnetic field.

4 Cd 1 x Mn x» Ÿw p y zá yá , 0.11, 0.21, 0.38, 0.52, 0.65 w 0.03(850 nm), 0.175(775 nm), 0.204(715 nm), 0.344(650 nm), (600 nm), 0.150(585 nm) deg/cm G.» 650 nm Ÿ w x = 0.38 Verdet ƒ j ƒ Ÿ ZnO(0.018, 404 nm), ZnSe(0.004, 463 nm), CdS(0.018, 536 nm), Hoya glass(0.0042, nm), GaAs(0.005, 777 nm) { f Ÿ isolator y ƒ w q w [13]. Fig. 4 Cd 0.62 w Ÿ isolator ùkü. Ÿ isolator w ƒ š, w w w Ÿ ( ), ww w Ÿ š ( w ) p ƒ w, Ÿ w n j Ÿ t ¼ Ÿ, Ÿ s» Ÿ t ƒ w w w. Ÿ p p (insertion loss) (isolation) ùkü. w Ÿ»(P 1 ) Ÿ»(P 2 ) w decibel(db) ùkü., = 10log[P 2 /P 1 ]. w Ÿ»(P4) Ÿ»(P3) w., (db) = 10log[P 4 /P 3 ]. 0.5 db ƒ w w Cd db. w, Cd db Ÿ l ƒ w p, š Ÿm 60 db [21], Ÿ Ÿ l w 40 db š w [22, 23]. wr, w Ÿ isolator» w 45 o - Faraday ƒ v w, Cd 1 xmn x ¼»» y j o 45 z ƒ w w. IV. Cd 1 xmn x Ÿ isolator y w» w Faraday z d w. 1. Bridgman k Cd 1 xmn x Mn ƒ 0 x 0.82 X- z x l zinc-blende y w š, w dw. 2. Ÿ d l x w ƒw š, ƒ w w. 3. Cd 1 xmn x Faraday z, Cd Verdet, x >0 ùkû. 4. Cd 1 xmn x Faraday z Ÿ ƒ w š, Mn ƒ ƒw ƒw ƒ x >0.4 w. 5. Cd 1 xmn x» y Faraday z x w» d w ZnSe w y w. 6. Ÿ isolator» w 45 o -Faraday ƒ v w, w Cd 1 xmn x ¼» y j o 45 z ƒ w w. w w ƒ (Grant # ) 2009 ( w» ) w w w ( ). š x [1] R. R. Galazka, S. Nagata, and P. H. Keesom, Phys. Rev. B, 22, 3344 (1980). [2] J. K. Furdyna, J. Appl. Phys., 53, 7637 (1982). [3] J. A. Gaj, R. R. Galazka, and M. Nawrocki, Solid State Commun., 25, 193 (1978). [4] B. B. Krichevtsov, R. V. Pisarev, A. A. Rzhevskil, and V. N. Gridnev, JEPT Lett., 67, 602 (1998). [5] L. Bryja, M. Ciorga, J. Misiewicz, A. Zaleski, P. Becla, and W. C. Chou, J. Cryst. Growth, 197, 694 (1997). [6] W. E. Hagston, T. Stirner, and J. Miao, J. Appl. Phys., 82, 5635 (1997). [7] S. Nudelman and S. S. Mitra, Optical Properties of Solid (Plenum press, New York, 1998). [8] A. Tsuzuki, H. Uchida, H. Takagi, P. B. Lim, and M. Inoue, J. Magnetics, 11, 143 (2006). [9] J. K. Cho, J. Magnetics, 12, 156 (2007). [10] E. Oh, A. K. Ramdas, and J. K. Furdyna, J. Lumin., 52, 183 (1992). [11] A. E. Turner, R. L. Gunshor, and S. Datta, Appl. Optics, 22, 3152 (1983). [12] S. V. Melnichuk, A. I. Savchuk, and D. N. Trifonenko, Phys. Solid State, 38, 731 (1996). [13] J. J. Dubowski, K. Lebecki, and M. Buchanan, IEEE Transac-

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