CHEF TAI S CHINESE HERBAL SOUP 主厨 Tai 中式养生保健汤세프타이의중식약초수프 淮山党参红枣鸽子汤말린중국참마, 더덕과대추와찐비둘기수프 Pigeon with dried Chinese yam, codonopsis and red dates 民间有 一鸽胜

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2 CHEF TAI S CHINESE HERBAL SOUP 主厨 Tai 中式养生保健汤세프타이의중식약초수프 淮山党参红枣鸽子汤말린중국참마, 더덕과대추와찐비둘기수프 Pigeon with dried Chinese yam, codonopsis and red dates 民间有 一鸽胜九鸡 的说法 可见鸽子的营养价值极高 中医认为, 鸽肉易于消化, 具有滋补益气 祛风解毒的功能, 对病后体弱 血虚闭经 头晕神疲 记忆衰退有很好的补益治疗作用 비둘기고기는소화하기쉬우며, 기를공급하고, 몸을해독시키며, 질병후, 혈액결핍, 무월경, 현기증, 기억상실에좋은치료효과를나타냅니다. Easy to digest, pigeon meat nourishes pneuma and aids in detoxification. This is an effective soup to treat postillness, blood deficiency, amenorrhea, dizziness and memory loss. 3,200 滋补老鸭汤구기자, 대추, 당귀, 더덕과찐오리수프 Duck with codonopsis, angelica root, red dates and wolfberry 鸭肉具有清热解毒 滋阴降火 止血痢和滋补之功效 鸭肉含蛋白质 脂肪 碳水化合物, 各种维生素及矿物质等, 还可祛除暑热 保健强身, 对身体虚弱多病者更为适宜 오리고기는열을제거하고해독을해주고또한오리고기는비타민과미네랄등을함유하고있으며건강과몸을강화시켜줍니다. The duck meat clears away heat, detoxifies and revitalizes complexion. It is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that strengthen the body and improve the immune system. 3,200 花旗参杞子山药鸽子汤미국산인삼, 참마, 구기자와찐비둘기수프 Pigeon with American ginseng, Chinese yam and wolfberry 补肝壮肾, 益气补血, 美容养颜, 强身健体适合康复进补, 营养丰富 能促进伤口愈合让身体恢复健康 기와혈액을보충하며, 몸의건강을유지해줍니다. 재활하고있는분들께권할수있으며, 건강을회복시키는데효과를볼수있습니다 This soup nourishes the liver, strengthens the kidney and the body. It also replenishes the pneuma, enriches blood, promotes wound healing and restores health to the body. 3,200 人参杞子花胶煲老鸡인삼, 생선부레, 구기자와찐닭고기수프 Chicken with ginseng, fish maw and wolfberry 人参可抗心肌缺血与心律失常 花胶含丰富的蛋白质及胶质, 具滋阴养颜, 补肾, 强壮机能 인삼은신장을보충하고면역계통과콩팥을보강해줍니다. 허리와무릎이아프신분들은효과를볼수있습니다. Ginseng can prevent myocardial ischemia and arrhythmia. Fish maw is rich in protein and gelatin, which nourishes the pneuma and the kidney, and strengthens the body. 3,200

3 CHEF TAI S CHINESE HERBAL SOUP 主厨 Tai 中式养生保健汤세프타이의중식약초수프 西花旗参虫草乌鸡汤미국산인삼, 동충하초꽃과찐오골계수프 Silkie chicken with American ginseng and cordyceps flower 乌鸡性平 味甘, 入肝, 肾经. 可补虚劳羸弱 制消渴 益产妇 治妇人崩中带下及一些虚损诸病有补气养阴, 清热生津之功, 增强体力, 精力, 提高大脑记忆力功效 오골계는위장, 간및콩팥을보충을해줍니다. 여성한테특별히더좋은효과를보이며면역력을향상하며, 기를주고, 몸에있는열을빼주며, 체력과기억력을향상합니다. Silkie chicken is good for the stomach, liver and kidneys. Aside from enhancing skin complexion, this soup can also boost the immune system and nourish the pneuma. 3,200 当归花胶人参乌鸡汤당귀, 생선부레, 인삼과찐오골계수프 Silkie chicken with angelica root, fish maw and ginseng 当归有补血活血, 润肠通便的功效 花胶有促进肠胃消化吸收, 美容养颜, 抗衰老的功效 人参有补气安神的功效 乌鸡富含丰富蛋白质和各种营养, 有助于补血补气, 安神, 抗衰老 당귀는혈액에영양을보충해주고순환을도와주는효과가있습니다. 생선부레는콜라겐, 종합비타민, 칼슘, 아연및철분이풍부합니다. 인삼은기를향상하고신경을진정시킵니다. 오골계는단백질과다양한영양소가풍부합니다. Angelica root helps regulate blood and improve blood circulation. Fish maw is rich in collagen, multivitamins and essential minerals, helping promote good digestion, revitalize beauty and slow down the aging process as well. 3,200 羊肚菌花旗参老鸡汤곰보버섯, 미국산인삼과찐닭고기수프 Chicken with morel mushroom and American ginseng 羊肚菌具有益肠胃 消化助食 化痰理气 补肾补脑 提神之功能 花旗参具有补气滋阴 清热生津 补肾润肺 治咳嗽肺萎 虚热烦倦 改善失眠 恢复精力的功效곰보버섯은음식을소화시키는데도움이되고, 혈액콩팥과뇌에영양을공급합니다. 소화불량, 호흡곤란, 현기증밑불면증을치료합니다. 미국산인삼은열과체액을제거하고기침과폐기능, 장애와피로를치료하고불면증에도움이됩니다. Morel mushroom benefits the intestines and stomach, tonifies the kidney and nourishes the brain. Meanwhile, American ginseng nourishes pneuma, improves skin complexion, soothes cough and restores energy. 3,200

4 红烧鲍翅상어지느러미 Braised superior shark s fin 蚝皇日本极品鲍굴소스에볶아낸일본요시하마산전복 Braised Japanese Yoshihama in superior oyster sauce 海参扒花胶건해삼, 부레와굴소스에볶은요리 Braised sun-dried sea cucumber and fish maw in oyster sauce

5 尚品推介 PREMIUM DISHES 프리미엄음식메뉴 鱼翅상어지느러미 Shark s Fin Per portion 红烧鲍翅상어지느러미찜 Braised superior shark s fin 3,300 蟹肉烩鱼翅 신선한게살과상어지느러미찜 Braised shark s fin with fresh crab meat 2,690 海鲜金瓜烩鱼翅해산물호박상어지느러미찜 Shark s fin with seafood and pumpkin 2,800 鲍翅烩虎虾球왕새우상어지느러미수프 Braised superior shark s fin soup with king prawns 2,580 干贝鱼翅烩金菇 말린관자와팽이버섯을넣어끓여낸상어지느러미수프 Braised shark s fin soup with dried scallops and enoki mushrooms 2,690 鲍鱼전복 Abalone Per portion 蚝皇日本极品鲍 原只迷你鲜鲍 굴소스에볶아낸일본요시하마산전복 채소, 버섯과함께굴소스에볶아낸미니전복 Braised Japanese Yoshihama in superior oyster sauce 14,390 Braised mini abalone with green vegetables and mushroom in oyster sauce 海参鲜鲍片해삼과미니전복요리 Braised mini abalone with sea cucumber 2,000 金银鲜鲍片생선부레와미니전복요리 Braised mini abalone with fish maw 1,900 1,520 原只蚝皇 2 头鲜鲍 채소와함께굴소스에볶아낸전복 Braised whole abalone with green vegetables and oyster sauce 10,390 招牌菜每份시그니처음식 Signature Dishes Per portion 原盅鲍鱼佛跳墙 불도장전복, 말린관자, 장어부레, 해삼을넣은인삼수프 Monk Jumps Over the Wall Double-boiled ginseng soup with abalone, dried scallops, sea cucumber, fish and eel maw 8,330 海参扒花胶 건해삼, 부레와굴소스에볶은요리 Braised sun-dried sea cucumber and fish maw in oyster sauce 3,200 海味一品煲 하우스오브조우 돌솥요리전복, 해삼, 버섯, 새우와가리비찜요리 Clay pot House of Zhou Braised superior seafood delicacies in clay pot with abalone, sea cucumber mushrooms, prawns and scallops 2,430

6 三峡烤鱼사천식싼샤생선요리 Sichuan Sanxia fish

7 三峡烤鱼 SICHUAN SANXIA FISH 사천식싼샤생선요리 Deep-fried fish of your choice served in a rich fish stock with Chinese cabbage and bean sprouts Please choose 2 (two) vegetables: 烤鱼含锅底 ( 大白菜和豆芽 ), 请另选两样蔬菜선택한튀긴생선을생선육수와배추 & 콩나물을넣어서조리해드립니다. 두가지의채소선택가능. 红斑每 100 克 레드그루퍼 100 그램당 Red garoupa/per 100grams 1,300 虎斑每 100 克 타이거그루퍼 100 그램당 Tiger garoupa/per 100grams 650 青斑每 100 克 그린그루퍼 100 그램당 Green garoupa/per 100grams 390 VEGETABLES 素菜 채소 Needle mushrooms 100 Kelp 100 Potatoes 100 金针菇 팽이버섯 海带 다시마 土豆 감자 Bamboo shoots 100 Broccoli 100 Black fungus 100 笋片 죽순 西兰花 브로콜리 黑木耳 검은버섯 Lotus root slices 155 Fried tofu 100 Dried tofu skin sticks 100 藕片 연근 炸豆腐 튀긴두부 腐竹 말린두부피스틱 Five spice dried tofu 135 Dried paper tofu 155 五香豆腐干 다섯가지맛두부 千张 말린두부피

8 麻辣香锅 마라샹궈 Ma La Xiang Guo

9 麻辣香锅 MA LA XIANG GUO AROMATIC SPICY HOT POT 마라샹궈핫팟 Ma La Xiang Guo ( 麻辣香锅 ) is a modern Chinese dish. It doesn t have hundreds of years of history but this dish is a legend in the making, both in craftsmanship and flavor. This hot pot differs from the usual soup-based hot pots. Here, all the ingredients are wok-fried with an assortment of spices, and stock is added only at the end. 麻辣香锅是一道现代中式美食 它没有几百年的历史, 但这道菜在工艺和风味上已成为中餐中的传奇 麻辣香锅和通常的汤类火锅不同 里面的每一道配菜都是用各种香料爆炒的, 最后集麻辣鲜香融于一锅 마라샹궈는 현대식중식 입니다. 수백년의역사를가지고있지는않지만, 맛자체와만드는방법은하나의전설입니다. 이음식은다른 핫팟보다색다른식으로조리를합니다, 모든재료를중화요리용웍으로여러가지향신료와양념을넣어볶은다음마지막에국물을 넣어만든핫팟입니다. 大虾香锅 왕새우 King prawns 980 蟹香锅 게 Green crab 1,800 麻辣香锅 마라샹궈 Ma La Xiang Guo 880 麻辣香锅 5 菜以上出锅, 可选香锅食材 :1 种海鲜,2 种肉类,2 种素菜 Create your own Ma La Xiang Guo in choosing 1 (one) seafood, 2 (two) meats, and 2 (two) vegetables. 1 가지의해산물과 2 가지의고기그리고 2 가지의채소를선택해서자신만은마라샹궈를만드실수있습니다.

10 MEATS, FISH AND SEAFOOD 肉类, 鱼和海鲜 고기류, 생선및해산물 Sliced USDA rib eye 435 Fish balls 150 Beef balls 350 美国肋眼牛肉片 미국산 鱼丸 어묵 牛丸 소고기미트볼 소고기 Fuzhou fish balls 150 Lapu-Lapu fish fillets 320 Crab sticks 155 福州鱼丸 푸저우어묵 鱼片 라푸라푸생선 蟹肉棒 게맛살 Pork spare ribs 150 Pork knuckles 150 Fried pork belly 150 排骨 돼지갈비 猪脚 족발 小酥肉 삼겹살튀김 Chicken breast slices 150 Luncheon meat 150 Sliced pork belly 150 鸡片 닭가슴살 午餐肉 런천미트 五花肉 삼겹살 Mussels 100 US beef brisket 150 青口 홍합 牛腩 차돌박이 VEGETABLES 素菜 채소 Needle mushrooms 100 Chinese cabbage 100 Sliced lotus root 155 金针菇 팽이버섯 大白菜 배추 藕片 연근 Cucumber 100 Kelp 100 Oyster mushrooms 100 黄瓜 오이 海带片 다시마 平菇 굴버섯 Sliced potatoes 100 Rice cake 100 Bamboo shoots 100 土豆 감자 年糕 떡 笋 죽순 Winter melon 100 Broccoli 100 Cauliflower 100 冬瓜 윈터멜론 西兰花 브로콜리 花菜 콜리플라워 White radish 100 Dried tofu skin sticks 100 Black fungus 100 白萝卜 무 腐竹 말린두부피스틱 黑木耳 검은버섯 Fresh tofu 100 Fried tofu 100 Deep-fried bean curd skin 100 白豆腐 두부 炸豆腐 튀긴두부 炸豆皮 튀긴두부피 Assorted mushrooms 100 蘑菇 버섯모듬

11 餐前小食 APPETIZERS 애피타이저 热盘스타터 Starters 芝麻虾참깨새우토스트 Sesame prawn toast 650 椒盐鸡丝소금과후추로볶아낸닭고기 Salt and pepper shredded chicken 椒盐排骨소금과후추로볶아낸갈비 Salt and pepper spare ribs 椒盐虾소금과후추로볶아낸새우 Salt and pepper prawns 椒盐鱿鱼소금과후추로볶아낸오징어 Salt and pepper squid 椒盐软壳蟹소금과후추로볶아낸게 Salt and pepper soft shell crab 冷盘차가운애피타이저 Cold Dishes and Appetizers 口水鸡데친닭고기와사천식소스 Poached chicken with Sichuan sauce 680 蒜泥白肉삼겹살과으깬마늘 Sliced pork belly with crushed garlic 300 海蜇鸡丝 椒麻螺片 닭고기, 고수와오이가들어간해파리샐러드 사천식후추와고추랑조리한조개요리 Jellyfish salad with shredded chicken coriander, cucumber Sliced sea whelk with Sichuan pepper and chili 山城牛肉사천식소고기 Sichuan-style cold beef 飘香海带丝 참기름과간장을버무린다시마 Shredded kelp with sesame oil and soy sauce 280

12 各式汤类 SOUPS 수프 是日老火例汤오늘의수프 Soup of the day 198 马来西亚风味肉骨茶 말레이시아식돼지갈비수프 바쿠테 Malaysian style Bah Kut Teh pork rib soup 800 鱼肉豆腐汤라푸라푸생선수프 Lapu-lapu fish fillets with tofu soup 380 番茄蛋花汤토마토계란수프 Tomato and egg drop soup 176 特色三文治及面包 SANDWICHES AND SNACKS 샌드위치와스낵 午餐肉鸡蛋三文治런천미트 & 에그샌드위치 Luncheon meat and egg sandwich 270 鲜油菠萝包버터와바삭한파인애플번 Crispy pineapple buns with butter 170 港式法兰西多士홍콩식프레치토스트 Hong Kong-style French toast 260 葱油饼중국식팬케이크 Northern Chinese scallion pancake 290

13 手工点心 HOMEMADE DIM SUM 딤섬 水晶鲜虾饺새우만두 Shrimp dumplings 356 杞子蒸烧卖찐돼지고기만두 Steamed pork dumplings 320 蚝皇叉烧包 鸡肉大包 꿀소스돼지고기바비큐 말레시아식닭고기찐빵 Honey-glazed barbecued pork buns 210 Malaysian-style chicken bun 253 红油抄手 데친새우와돼지고기를넣은만두 Poached prawn and pork dumplings in hot and sour chili sauce 410 鼓汁蒸凤爪 白菜猪肉饺 검은콩소스에찐닭발 돼지고기와배추를넣은만두 Steamed chicken feet in black bean sauce 187 Chinese cabbage and minced pork dumplings 380 斋春卷야채춘권 Vegetarian spring rolls 180 脆皮海鲜春卷해산물춘권 Crispy seafood spring rolls 300 蜜汁叉烧酥 돼지고기를넣고구운퍼프페이스트리 Baked barbecued pork in puff pastry 187 香煎鲜虾腐皮卷새우두부피튀김 Deep-fried bean curd roll with shrimp 320 黑椒牛仔骨 ( 蒸 ) 후추소스로재운 LA 갈비찜 Steamed beef ribs in black pepper sauce 430 猪肉锅贴튀긴돼지고기만두 Pan-fried pork dumplings 390 虾皇炒萝卜糕대하와볶음무 Fried raddish cake with king prawn 750

14 干锅藕片 중화요리웍연근요리 Sizzling wok sliced lotus root

15 中华美食 CHINESE SPECIALTIES 중식메뉴 锅底 : 青椒韭葱 干辣椒和辣椒酱 중화요리용웍 피망, 파, 건고추, 생강 매운콩소스볶음 Sizzling Wok Hot sizzling wok dishes served with bell pepper, leek, dry chili, ginger and hot bean paste. 干锅牛腩소고기 Beef flank 890 干锅大虾새우 King prawns 880 干锅土豆片감자 Sliced potatoes 480 干锅包菜배추 White cabbage 480 干锅藕片연근 Sliced lotus root 780 干锅鱿鱼丝오징어 Shredded squid 880

16 歌乐山辣子鸡영계와건고추를함께볶아낸요리 Wok-fried spring chicken with dry chili

17 中华美食 CHINESE SPECIALTIES 중식메뉴 孜然牛肉 커민, 양파, 고수와미국산소고기볶음 Stir-fried USDA beef with cumin, onion and coriander 820 尖椒炒土豆丝 감자와고추볶음요리 Stir-fried green chili with potatoes 350 三峡小炒肉 싼샤스타일삼겹살볶음 Sanxia-style stir-fried pork belly 690 水煮鱼 고추기름에삶아낸사천식민어요리 Sichuan-style poached fish fillets in hot chili oil 1,560 水煮牛肉 고추기름에삶아낸사천식소고기요리 Sichuan-style poached beef in hot chili oil 990 歌乐山辣子鸡 영계와건고추를함께볶아낸요리 Wok-fried spring chicken with dry chili 520 鱼香肉丝어향육사 Stir-fried shredded pork with chili and salted fish 720 麻婆豆腐마파두부 Braised minced beef with bean curd in chili sauce 390 地三鲜 피망, 감자와가지볶음 Fried aubergine, potatoes and green peppers 480 锅包肉 중국식탕수육꿔바로우 Northern Chinese-style stir-fried pork belly in sweet and sour sauce 720 青椒炒土豆培根 감자, 피망과베이컨볶음 Stir-fried shredded potatoes with green pepper and bacon 450

18 砂锅海鲜豆腐해산물과두부돌솥요리 Mixed seafood and tofu in clay pot

19 砂锅系列돌솥요리 Clay Pot 砂锅系列和烧腊 CLAYPOT AND CANTONESE BARBECUE 돌솥요리와광둥식바비큐 砂锅海鲜豆腐 해산물과두부돌솥요리 Mixed seafood and tofu in clay pot 1,200 咸鱼鸡粒豆腐煲 생선, 닭고기와두부돌솥요리 Stewed salted fish, diced chicken and tofu in clay pot 630 支竹牛腩煲 미국산소고기와두부찜 Stewed US beef brisket and tofu skin in clay pot 600 番茄牛腩煲 미국산소고기와토마토돌솥요리 US beef brisket and tomato in clay pot 600 鱼香茄子煲 黑椒牛肋骨煲 가지와다진돼지고기찜 후추소스소갈비찜 Stewed eggplant and minced meat in clay pot 410 Braised US beef short ribs with black pepper sauce in clay pot 1,300 台式三杯鸡煲 대만식해삼과닭고기돌솥볶음 Taiwanese-style stir-fried sea cucumbers and chicken in clay pot 1,060 花生煲猪手 돌솥에땅콩과함께쪄낸돼지족발 Braised pork knuckles with peanut in clay pot 880 烧腊광둥식바비큐 Cantonese Barbecue 蜜汁叉烧돼지고기바비큐 Barbecued pork 400 脆皮金方 바삭하게구운 Crispy roasted pork belly 460 돼지고기 白切肥鸡 삶은닭고기요리 Steamed chicken 450 明炉烧鸭오리화로구이 Roasted duck 630 烧味双拼 두가지광둥식 바비큐선택모둠 Selection of any 2 Cantonese barbecued items above 920

20 港澳美食 HONG KONG AND MACAU SPECIALTIES 홍콩 & 마카오특선 辣椒肉碎炒四季豆 上汤牛油焗虎虾 껍질콩과다진돼지고기를매운소스에볶아낸요리 버터를넣은육수에쪄낸대하 Stir-fried string beans with minced pork in spicy sauce 462 Tiger prawns with superior stock and butter 850 菘茸菇黑椒炒牛柳粒 후추소스를재운송이버섯소고기와 Sauteed beef with shimeji mushroom in black pepper sauce 880 酸甜菠萝肉 신선한파인애플이들어간탕수육 Sweet and sour pork with Davao pineapple 430 红烧火腩豆腐 돼지고기버섯두부찜 Braised bean curd with pork belly and mushrooms 400 澳门咖喱牛腩煲 마카오식카레타돌박이돌솥 Macanese-style curry beef brisket in clay pot 580 西冷牛扒, 培根, 煎 蛋, 黑椒 미국산스테이크 베이컨, 계란, 후추소스 US sirloin steak with bacon, fried egg and black pepper sauce 820 海南炸猪扒 채소와토마토소스를곁 들인하이난식돈까스 Pork cutlet with vegetables in tomato sauce 420 香港鸡扒 치킨찹과햄 베이컨마늘소스 Pan-fried chicken, ham and bacon with rustic garlic sauce 430 鱼柳, 煎蛋, 香肠, 酱烧 피시앤칩, 계란 베이컨과스페셜소스 Fish and chips, fried egg, sausage and special sauce 430

21 蔬菜 VEGETABLES 채소 大白菜 배추 Chinese cabbage 350 糖醋 / 醋溜 달콤하고신맛 / 식초 Sweet and sour / cooked with vinegar 西兰花 브로콜리 Broccoli 385 清炒 / 蒜蓉 / 姜汁 볶음 / 마늘 / 생강소스 Sautéed / stir-fried with garlic or ginger juice 芥兰 가이란 Kai lan 495 清炒 / 蒜蓉 / 上汤 볶음 / 마늘 / 생강소스 Sautéed / stir-fried with garlic / braised in broth 小白菜 청경채 Pak choi 418 蒜蓉 / 炝炒 마늘 / 고추와사천식후추 Stir-fried with garlic / chili and Sichuan peppercorn 苦瓜 비터멜론 Bitter melon 380 蒜蓉 / 炝炒 마늘 / 고추와사천식후추 Stir-fried with garlic / chili and Sichuan peppercorn 上汤娃娃菜수프와찐배추 Braised baby cabbage in superior soup 450 冬瓜 윈터멜론 Winter melon 350 清炒 / 红烧 볶음 / 찜 Stir-fried / braised

22 石锅拌饭비빔밥 Bibimbap

23 韩国美食 KOREAN SPECIALTIES 한식메뉴 紫菜包飯 김밥 Kimbap Korean-style rice roll 540 石锅拌饭 비빔밥 Bibimbap Rice in hot stone bowl 572 泡菜炒饭 김치볶음밥 Kimchi Bokkeumbap Fried rice with kimchi and pork 495 牛肉泡饭 소고기국밥 Kukbap Beef soup with rice 517 韩式牛尾汤 꼬리곰탕 Kori Gomtang Beef oxtail soup 1,067 海鲜泡菜汤伴饭 짬뽕밥 Jampongbap Spicy seafood soup with rice 770 猪肉泡菜锅 김치찌게 Kimchi Jigae Spicy kimchi soup with pork 522 黄豆芽鱼干汤 콩나물북어국 Kongnamul Buk Uh Kuk Dried pollack with bean sprouts clear soup 522 海鲜大酱汤 해물된장찌개 Haemul Doenjang Jigae Soy bean paste stew with seafood and tofu with rice 670 海鲜煎蛋饼 해물파전 Hae Mul Pajeon Korean-style pancake with seafood and leek. 715 韩式辣炒猪肉 제육볶음 3인분 Jeyuk Bokeum Good for 3 persons Stir-fried spicy pork with vegetables 1,045

24 韩式牛肋骨汤갈비탕 Galbi tang

25 韩国美食 KOREAN SPECIALTIES 한식메뉴 韩式牛肋骨汤 갈비탕 Galbi Tang Clear beef short ribs soup with radish 韩式冷猪肘 돼지족발 3인분 Daeji Jokbal Good for 3 persons Boiled pig s feet braised in soy sauce and ginger Gelatinous in texture, served cold 韩国煎肉饼 떡갈비 Tteok Kalbi Meat patty made with chopped beef ribs and vegetables 烟熏三文鱼沙拉 훈제연어샐러드 Smoked Salmon Salad Capers, horseradish with smoked salmon and iceberg lettuce 角瓜疙瘩湯 수제비 Sujebi Flour dough boiled with vegetables and anchovy soup 泡菜炒肉配豆腐 두부김치 Tofu Kimchi Stir-fried pork with kimchi served with boiled tofu 泡菜白肉 보쌈 Bossam Slow-cooked pork belly with coffee and soy bean served with radish kimchi, fresh lettuce, sweet bean sauce. 韩式蔬菜海鲜沙拉 해물겉절이샐러드 Haemul Geotjori Salad Fresh vegetable and seafood salad with spicy sauce dressing 韩式紫菜汤 미역국 Miyeok Guk Korean seaweed soup served with rice 韩式炖牛肋骨 갈비찜 Galbi Jjim Braised beef short ribs in soy sauce 1,330 1, , ,580

26 烤牛肋骨갈비구이 Galbi Gui

27 韩国美食 KOREAN SPECIALTIES 한식메뉴 韩式特色面면요리 Korean Noodles 韩式辛拉面 라면 Ramyun Korean instant noodle 韩式炸酱面 짜장면 Jjajang Myeon Korean-style noodles with black bean sauce 朝鲜冷面 쫄면 Jjol Myeon Spicy cold chewy noodles 韩国烧烤 한식바비큐 Korean Barbecue 烤牛肋骨 갈비구이 Galbi Gui Korean-style barbecue beef ribs 烤五花肉 삼겹살 Samgyubsal Korean-style barbecue pork belly 1, 配菜반찬 Side dish 泡菜三款반찬세트 Banchan Set Three kinds of side dish 253 甜点디저트 Desserts 南瓜粥 호박죽 Hobak Juk Pumpkin porridge 甜米汁 식혜 Sik Hye Sweet rice drink

28 豉汁排骨煲仔饭검은콩소스양념돼지고기돌솥밥 Steamed rice with pork ribs and black bean sauce in clay pot 鲍鱼肉碎粥돼지고기전복죽 Abalone and minced pork congee

29 饭类밥 Rice 米饭 / 粥 RICE AND CONGEE 밥과죽 豉汁排骨煲仔饭 검은콩소스양념돼지고기돌솥밥 Steamed rice with pork ribs and black bean sauce in clay pot 440 梅菜扣肉煲仔饭 절인배추와돼지고기돌솥밥 Steamed rice with pork and preserved cabbage in clay pot 626 咸鱼滑鸡煲仔饭 소금으로간한생선과닭고기돌솥밥 Steamed rice with chicken and salted fish in clay pot 627 葡式焗海鲜饭 포르투갈식해산물구이밥 Portuguese-style baked seafood rice 480 周之家蛋炒饭 하우스오브조우계란밥 HOZ signature egg fried rice 580 粥类죽 Congee 鲍鱼肉碎粥돼지고기전복죽 Abalone and minced pork congee 737 菌菇干贝粥표고버섯과가리비죽 Morel shiitake and conpoy congee 275 南瓜咸鸡粥 소금으로간한닭고기호박죽 Salted chicken and pumpkin congee 286 北菇滑鸡粥버섯과닭고기죽 Mushroom and chicken fillet congee 242

30 大虾脆面왕새우와바삭한면 King prawns with crispy noodles

31 可选配河粉, 米粉, 鸡蛋面 호펀, 버미첼리또는계란면중선택 面类 NOODLES 면 Selection of hor fun, vermicelli, or egg noodles 鲜虾云吞面 ( 干 / 汤 ) 특선새우완탕면 ( 건 / 탕 ) Specialty shrimp wonton noodles (dry or soup) 380 台湾牛肉面 대만식소고기국수 Taiwanese-style noodles soup with sliced beef brisket 520 雪菜火鸭丝米粉汤 절인채소와오리를버미첼리육수에넣어끓인탕요리 Duck and preserved vegetables in vermicelli broth 咖喱鸡面 ( 干 / 汤 ) 말레시아닭고기카레국수 ( 건 / 탕 ) Malaysian-style curry chicken with noodles (dry or soup) 澳门咖喱牛腩面 ( 干 / 汤 ) 마카오식소고기커리국수 ( 건 / 탕 ) Macanese-style curry beef brisket noodles (dry or soup) 大虾脆面왕새우와바삭한면 King prawns with crispy noodles 880 星洲炒米粉 滑蛋海鲜炒河粉 싱가포르식쌀버미첼리볶음 계란소스에볶은해산물쌀국수 Singaporean-style fried vermicelli 530 Rice noodles with seafood and egg sauce 540 板面반미안 Ban mee - flavored flat noodle soup 540 面粉粿미훈퀘 Mee hoon kueh - flavored hand-torn noodle soup 540 川味酸辣粉시고얼큰한사천식버미첼리 Sichuan-style hot and sour vermicelli 550 特色公仔面 Instant Noodles 인스턴트라면 公仔面可选择以下任意两种免费配料 : Instant noodle soup with a choice of two free add-ons 210 라면이랑같이두가지재료를추가하실수있습니다 Add on 另加추가 Luncheon meat 午餐肉 런천미트 120 Egg 鸡蛋 계란 45 Sausage 小香肠 소시지 120 Spicy pork cubes 五香肉丁 매콤한돼지고기 100 Bacon 培根 베이컨 90 Ham 火腿 햄 120

32 南瓜饼중국식튀긴호박떡 Chinese golden pumpkin cake 红莲炖官燕 ( 热 / 冷 ) 중탕으로끓인제비집과대추 ( 따뜻하게 / 차갑게 ) Double-boiled bird s nest and red dates (served hot or chilled)

33 甜品 DESSERTS 디저트 红莲炖官燕 중탕으로끓인제비 Double-boiled bird s nest and red dates 3,590 ( 热 / 冷 ) 집과대추 (served hot or chilled) ( 따뜻하게 / 차갑게 ) 燕窝杏仁茶아몬드크림제비집 Bird s nest with almond cream 3,450 法式芒果千层蛋糕 망고밀크레페 케이크 Mango mille crêpe cake 300 椰汁黑糯米 찹쌀밥과코코넛 Black glutinous rice with coconut juice 320 주스 香芒布丁망고푸딩 Mango pudding 236 杨枝甘露 포멜로를얹은 차가운망고사고 Chilled pomelo and mango sago 210 炸豆沙芝麻球깨찰도넛 Deep-fried sesame ball 250 南瓜饼중국식튀긴호박떡 Chinese golden pumpkin cake 330 红枣杏仁银耳炖雪梨 중탕으로끓인 Double-boiled pear, white fungus and red dates 230 ( 热 / 冷 ) 배, 버섯과대추 (served hot or chilled) 鲜切水果계절과일모둠 Assorted seasonal fruits 200



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14. 우동 Udon Udon noodle soup with fish cakes and vegetables 15. 김치 볶음밥 Kim-chi Fried Rice Fried rice with Kim-chi, bacon and vegetables with a fried e 식사류 Rich Dishes * 기호에 따라 매운맛을 더하거나 빼고 싶으시면 주문시 말씀해 주세요. * Let us know if you like to make your dish more or less spicy than regular. Pork Bone Soup 1. 비지 찌개 Kim-chi Pork Bean-Curd Stew A casserole of bean-curd

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B WAGYU & ANGUS BEEF SET Wagyu Oyster Blade 150g 와규 부채살 150g Angus Beef Scotch Fillet 180g 앵거스 등심 180g Wagyu Beef Short Rib 150g 와규 갈비살 150g C M CHARCOAL BBQ SET MENU PREMIUM SET Marinated Beef Rib 250g 양념소갈비 250g Wagyu Beef Brisket 150g 와규 우삼겹 150g Chili Chicken Fillet 200g 고추장 치킨 200g Plain Pork Belly 180g 삼겹살 180g Wagyu Beef Short Rib 150g 갈비살

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