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1 대한피부미용학회지제6권제2호 75 미국미용사면허제도에관한연구 이한웅 충청대학피부미용학부 Abstract A Study on the Cosmetologist Licensure System in the USA Lee, Han-Woong Faculty of Aesthetics & Beauty Arts, Chung Cheong University The purpose of this study is to compare the cosmetologist licensure system of Korea and that of U.S. Licensure refers to work in a particular profession or to obtain a privilege. Many privileges and professions require a license from the government in order to ensure that the public will not be harmed by the incompetence of the practitioners. All States require cosmetologist and other personal appearance workers to be licensed. Qualifications for a license vary by State, but generally a person must have a high school diploma or GED, be at least 16 years old, and have graduated from a State-licensed cosmetology school. The cosmetologist licensure system in all states of America differ from that of Korea significantly, and therefore, we need to refer to their system. First, only those who finished 1,000-2,100 hours or 2 years of training are qualified to apply for the license test. Second, besides cosmetologist license, there are esthetician and manicurist licenses as specialty branches. Some states have hair stylist's license. Third, cosmetology school curriculum includes safety and health, and business practice. On the other hand, cosmetologist licensure system is not stable yet. Therefore, we should continue to study other countries' well established systems. Key Words : cosmetologist licensure system, cosmetologist, esthetician, manicurist

2 Ⅰ. 서론 외국의법제도를비교하여연구하는데에는대 체적으로두가지큰경향이있다. 그하나는정책 수립을위한실용적접근경향이고또다른하나는 이론적인접근경향이다. 전자는다른나라의법과 비교대비함으로서더나은제도나입법상이득을 얻으려하는것이고, 후자는각법제도내에내포 되어있는법의일반적인원리를알아내려는데에 목적을둔다. 우리나라의미용사면허제도가미국을비롯한 선진국과비교해볼때매우불안정한상태에머 물러있음은여러선행연구에서이미지적된바 있다. 심지어일각에서면허제도의폐지론까지언 급되고있는혼란한상황은, 결과적으로미용사면 허제도의존재가치를흔들어놓는결과를낳고있 다. 이러한상황의원인중하나로면허제도존치 의정당성에관한이론적근거를제시하는학문활 동이대체적으로미약했다는점을꼽을수있다. 나아가입법자들과정책입안자들이참고해야할 외국의미용사면허제도에관한연구활동이미진 했었다는점도그이이유가되기에충분하다. 물론한국가의법은지리적 민족적 문화적산 물이다. 그러나미용사면허제도의생성과변천은 한국가의고유한문화에의해영향받기도하지 만, 그보다는일반적공통적 진화과정을거치는 특성을지닌다. 즉, 미용사면허제도가갖는보편성 은우리나라뿐만아니라미국과일본등선진국 모두에공통되는것이다. 그때문에미용사면허제 도에관한외국법제도연구는우리나라의법제도 개선에나름대로의미있는기여가될것으로본다. 이논문은미국각주( ) 에서시행되고있는 미용사면허제도에관하여연구함으로써우리나라 미용사면허제도개선을위한입법방향의시사점 을제시함을목적으로하였다. 연구의방법으로는 각주의미용사제도에관한법전을비교검토하 고, 아울러기존의선행연구문헌을검토하는방 법을사용하였으며, 연구의범위는미국각주( ) 의미용사면허제도에관한관련법령의존재형식, 그리고그법령에나타나있는주별면허의종류 및면허의종류별업무범위로하였다. Ⅱ. 미용사명칭에관한규정 미용( ) 을영어로는 cosmetology ( 카즈머탈 러지) 라고표현한다. 이단어는전문적인영역의 넓은범위를포괄하며, 헤어스타일링 (hairstyling), 네일기술(nail technology), 그리고피부미용 (esthetics) 을포함하는개념이다. 카즈머탈러지는 피부(skin), 네일(nails), 그리고헤어(hair) 를아름 답게하거나개선하는기술(art) 및과학(science) 으로, 그리고화장품과그사용에관한연구라고 정의된다. 카즈머탈러지 (cosmetology) 라는단어는그리스 어 코스메치코스 (kosmetickos)' 에서유래되었으 며, ' 화장품사용에있어서의숙련된 (skilled in the use of cosmetics) 이라는의미를담고있다(Alpert, 2008). 미용사라는단어로는보편적으로 cosmetologist ( 카즈미탈러지스트 ) 를사용한다. 일부주에서는 beautician( 뷰티션 ) 이사용되기도한다. Georgia 주 Title 43. Professions and Businesses' Chapter 10 용어의 정의(Definitions) 에서는 "'Beautician' means 'Cosmetologist' as such term is defined in this Code section." 이라고정의하고있다. 일부주에서는 cosmetologist 라는단어대신에다 른용어를사용하기도한다. Alaska 주 Connecticut

3 대한피부미용학회지제6권제2호 77 주 Rhode Island 주에서는 hair dresser 를사용하고 있으며, Oregon 주에서는 hair designer 를사용한다. cosmetologist 의하위영역으로이른바 hair 미용 사분야를별도로두고있는곳도있다. hair stylist(colorado 주 Wyoming 주), hair designer (Georgia 주 Nevada 주 Ohio 주), hair dresser (Hawaii 주), natural hair styling(new York 주), natural hair stylist (Tennessee 주 ) 등의명칭이사용되고있다( 이한웅, 2008). 피부미용사는대부분의주에서 esthetician 이라 는명칭을사용한다. 그러나 Arizona 주 Arkansas 주 Delaware주 Maine주 Massachusetts주 Nevada 주 Tennessee 주 West Virginia 주 Wisconsin 주등 9개 주에서는 aesthetician 이라는단어를사용한다. 한 편, Colorado 주에서는 cosmetician 을 esthetician 과함께사용하고있으며, Oklahoma 주에서도 facialist 를 esthetician 과함께사용하고있다. 그 리고 Florida 주에서는 facial specialist 를, New Jersey 주에서는 skin care specialist 를, Pennsylvania 주 에서는 cosmetician 을, Texas 주에서는 facialist 를 피부미용사의명칭으로사용한다. 우리나라에서흔히 ' 네일아티스트 '(nail artist) 라고호칭하는 manicurist 라는명칭은우리말로는 ' 미조술사 ( )' 라고번역될수있다( 서희원, 2003). 일부에서는이를 ' 손톱미용사 ' 혹은 손톱관 리사 로번역하고있고, pedicurist 를 ' 발톱미용사 ' 혹은 발톱관리사 라고번역하기도한다. 그러나 우리말의이명칭들은생경할뿐만아니라, 그업 무의범위에대한표현이라는측면에서도적절하 지않다. manicure 와 pedicure 를행할수있는직 업에대한명칭으로미국각주의법에서는대체 적으로 manicurist 라고규정하고있지만, 이역시 다른명칭의단어도사용되고있다. Arizona 주 Connecticut 주 Delaware 주 Georgia 주 Hawaii 주 Idaho 주 Illinois주 Kentucky주 Maryland주 Missouri주 Nebraska 주 New Hampshire 주 Oregon 주 South Carolina 주 Utah 주 Vermont 주 Virginia 주등 17개주 에서는 nail technician 을사용하고, Florida 주 New York 주등 2개주에서는 nail specialist 를사용한다. 미용분야의다양한직업명중 electrologist 는우 리나라에서는생소한직업명에속한다. 흔히 ' 전 기분해요법가 ' 로번역되는경향이있으나, 엄밀히 말하면 ' 제모술사 ( )' 가옳다( 서희원, 2003). 대부분의주에서이직업의면허에관한규정을 따로두고있지만, 일부주에서는아예배제되어 있는경우도있다. 한편, 미국직업전망서 (occupational outlook handbook) 에서는 theatrical and performance makeup artist 와아울러 shampooer 라는직업명칭을소개하 고있다. 그리고이두직업에대해서는면허가요 구되지않는것으로설명되고있다 1). 다만, Tennessee 주에서는 Shampoo Technician 이되기위해 서는 300 시간의교육을이수해야한다. Ⅲ. 미용사면허의자격요건 모든주에서미용사와기타미용관련종사자는 자신이근무하고있는주에서주( ) 의면허를받 아야한다. 그러나면허를받기위한자격요건은 주마다다양하다. 일반적으로미용사는고등학교 1) 미국과는다르게이탈리아에는주정부가인증하는메이크업자격이있다는연구결과가있다( 이숙연, 미용사자격및면허제도에관한연구 -자격세분과메이크업자격분리 -, 한국미용학회지제13 권, p.939, 2007). 이연구에따르면, 이탈리아 Lazio 주의경우 500 시간교육과정인 연극- 영화, TV 분장코스 를마친자에게, Campania 주에서는 600시간교육과정인 메이크업코스 를마친자에게메이크업아티스트자격증을부여한다는것이다. 나아가자격증취득자가수년의경력이쌓여서일정한자격요건을갖추면면허를신청할수있다고한다.

4 를졸업증서 (diploma) 가있거나검정고시 (GED) 에 합격하여야하며, 적어도 16세이상의나이이어야 하고, 주정부로부터인가받은미용학교를졸업하 여야한다. 주정부로부터인가된훈련과정 (training program) 을졸업한후에, 주정부면허시 험에응시하여야한다. 1. 면허의종류별훈련요구시간 미용학교에서이수해야하는시간의수는주마 다, 그리고면허의종류별로다르다. cosmetologist 면허의경우는대체적으로 1,500 시 간이상을이수할것을요구한다. 이수시간수가 가장적은주는 New York 주로서 1,000 시간에불과 하지만, Idaho 주 Montana 주 Utah 주 West Virginia 주 Wyoming 주등 5개주는 2,000 시간을이수할것 을요구하고있으며, Iowa 주와 Nebraska 주, South Dakota 주등 3개주는 2,100 시간에달하고있다. 또한 Massachusetts 주에서는 2년의과정을이수 하여야한다. esthetician 면허의경우는대체적으로 600시간 안팎이요구되지만, Alabama 주에서는 1,500 시간, Georgia 주와 Kentucky 주에서는 1,000 시간을이수 하여야한다. 또한 Massachusetts 주는 2년의훈련 을이수할것을요구하고있으며, Utah 주에서는 Master Esthetician 이라는면허를취득하기위해 서 1,200 시간을이수하여야한다. manicurist 면허의경우는대체적으로 400시간 안팎의훈련을이수하여야한다. 한편, 8개주에서 hair stylist 등의명칭으로시 행되고있는이른바 hair 미용사면허를취득하기 위한훈련이수시간은 cosmetologist 보다는적은 시간이요구된다. 대체적으로 1,200시간정도가 요구된다. 이상에관한상세한내용은표 1. 주별면허의 종류및훈련요구시간을참조하기바란다. 표 1. 주별면허의종류및훈련요구시간 2) State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Available Licenses Hours of Training Required Esthetician 1,500 Manicurist 750 Hairdresser 1,650 Esthetician 350 Advanced Manicurist 250 Manicurist 12 Cosmetologist 1,600 Aesthetician 600 Nail technician 600 Manicurist 600 Aesthetician 600 Electrologist 600 Cosmetologist 1,600 Manicurist 400 Electrologist 600 Cosmetologist 1,450 Cosmetician/Esthetician 550 Manicurist 350 Hairstylist 1,140 Hairdresser 1,500 Esthetician - Nail technician - Nail Technician 125 Aesthetician 300 Electrologist 300 Esthetician 650 Manicurist 300 Electrologist 500 2) 이표는미국각주(State) 의미용관련법령을조사하여만들었다. 이자료중에는 3개의주가포함되지아니하였다. 즉, Indiana 주, North Dakota 주, South Dakota 주가그곳이다.

5 대한피부미용학회지제6권제2호 79 State Available Licenses Hours of Training Required State Available Licenses Hours of Training Required Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Cosmetologist 1,200 Nail Specialist 240 Facial Specialist 260 Electrologist 320 Master Esthetician 1,000 Nail Technician 525 Hair designer 1,325 Cosmetologist 1,800 Hairdresser 1,250 Nail Technician 350 Cosmetologist 2,000 Nail Technician 400 Electrologist 800 Esthetician 750 Nail Technician 350 Cosmetologist 2,100 Manicurist 325 Electrologist 325 Cosmetologist Technician Esthetician 650 Manicurist 350 Electrologist 500 Cosmetologist 1,800 Nail Technician 600 Esthetician 1,000 Esthetician 750 Manicurist 500 Electrologist 600 Aesthetician 600 Manicurist 200 Nail Technician 250 Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico Hairdresser/Cosmetologist (Type 1) 2 yrs. Operator (Type 2) 1,000 Aesthetician (Type 6) 2 yrs. Aesthetician (Type 7) 300 Manicurist (Type 3) 100 Esthetician 400 Manicurist 400 Electrologist 300 Cosmetologist 1,550 Manicurist 350 Manicurist 350 Wigologist 300 Esthetician 750 Nail Technician 400 Cosmetologist 2,000 Esthetician 650 Manicurist 350 Electrologist 600 Cosmetologist 2,100 Nail Technician 300 Electrologist 600 Cosmetologist 1,800 Hairdesigner 1,200 Aesthetician 600 Manicurist 500 Electrologist 500 Nail Technician 300 Cosmetologist 1,200 Skin care specialist 600 Manicurist 300 Cosmetologist 1,600 Manicurist 350 Electrologist 600

6 State New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Available Licenses Hours of Training Required Cosmetologist 1,000 Nail specialist 250 Natural hair styling 300 Waxing 75 Manicurist 300 Hair Designer 1,200 Manicurist 200 Cosmetician 600 Esthetician/Facialist 600 Hairbraiding Technician 600 Manicurist 600 Hair Designer 1,450 Esthetician 250 Nail Technician 350 Cosmetologist 1,250 Cosmetician 300 Manicurist 200 Hairdresser 1,500 Manicurist 300 Electrologist 650 Esthetician 450 Nail technician 300 Natural Hair Stylist 300 Shampoo Technician 300 Aesthetician 750 Manicurist 600 Facialist 750 Manicurist 600 Cosmetologist 2,000 Master Esthetician 1,200 Nail Technician 300 Electrologist 600 State Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 2. 면허시험응시를위한일반적조건 주마다미용학교에서이수해야하는시간의수 가다르듯이면허시험응시를위한일반적조건에 도차이가있다. 면허에관한사항은모두법령에정하고있는 데, California 주의미용에관한법률은 The Business and Profession Code( 상업과직업에관 한법률) 로규정하고있다. Available Licenses 이법률은모두 13개의 Division 으로구성되어 있으며, Divison 3의 Chapter 10에 Barbering and Cosmetology 라는명칭으로 이용과미용 에관한 사항을모두 13 개의조항(Article) 으로담고있다. Chapter 10. 은머리(hair), 피부(skin), 손톱관리 (nail care), 그리고전기요법제모(electrolysis) 에 관하여규정하고있으며, 이 Chapter 가 The Barbering and Cosmetology Act( 이용및미용법 ) 으로알려지거나인용될수있다고 Hours of Training Required Nail Technician 400 Nail Technician 150 Cosmetologist 1,600 Manicurist 600 Cosmetologist 2,000 Aesthetician 600 Manicurist 400 Cosmetologist 1,800 Aesthetician 450 Manicurist 300 Electrologist 450 Cosmetologist 2,000 Hair stylist 1,250 Manicurist 항에규정

7 대한피부미용학회지제6권제2호 81 하고있다 3). California 주의미용사시험응시자는첫째로 17 세이상이어야하고, 둘째로이주의공립학교또 는이와동등의학교에서 10학년을마쳤어야하 며, 셋째로 The Business and Professions Code 의제480 절에의한면허의거부에해당하지아니 하여야한다. 그리고넷째로주이미용위원회 (board) 로부터인가된미용학교에서미용에관한 과정을이수하는등의과정을마쳐야한다. 미용 사(cosmetologist) 에관한사항은 7321 항에, 피부 미용사 (esthetician) 에관한사항은 7324 항에, 매니 큐리스트 (manicurist) 에관한사항은 7326 항에규 정하고있다. 일정기간의훈련에대한증명서는다음의사항 이포함되어야한다. (1) 과정명, (2) 학생의성명, 주소, 생년월일, (3) 학교교명, 주소, 학교code, (4) 훈련이시작된날짜와과정을마친날짜, (5) 학생 이이수한총훈련시간, (6) 만일응시자가다른방 식으로훈련을이수하였거나, 학점을받은경우 그에관한정보를상세히기술하여야한다. (7) 학 생이규정에기술된요구교육과정을충족하였음 에관한진술문 (8) 이서류에있는정보가진실하 고정확하며, 학교와학생이위증하였다면벌을 받는다는조건으로날짜와서명의기록, (9) 학교 를위하여서명한담당자의성명과직위가반드시 포함되어야하며, 분명하게인쇄하거나타이핑되 어야한다. 한편, New York 주의경우는 General Business Law( 일반상법 ) 으로미용사면허제도에관한사항 을규정하고있다. 3. 이수하여야하는훈련과정 미용학교에서이수해야하는시간의수는주마 다, 그리고면허의종류별로다르다. 여기에서는뉴욕주의사례를살펴보고자한다. 1) Cosmetologist 의교육과정범위및과목내용 (1) 교육과정범위 : 뉴욕주에서 cosmetologist 를위한교육적요구조건은다음표 2 와같다. 모 두 13개과목에 1,000 시간으로구성되어있다4). 표 2. Scope of curriculum Subjects Hours (1) Professional Requirements 24 (2) Safety and Health 26 (3) Anatomy and Physiology 15 (4) Hair Analysis 10 (5) Hair and Scalp Disorders and Diseases (6) Chemistry as Applied to Cosmetology (7) Shampoos, Rinses, Conditioners and Treatments (8) Hair Cutting and Shaping 175 (9) Hair Styling 245 (10) Chemical Restructuring 180 (11) Hair Coloring and Lightening 180 (12) Nail Care and Procedures 40 (13) Skin Care and Procedures 60 Total 1,000 3) This chapter constitutes the chapter on hair, skin, nail care, and electrolysis and may be known and cited as the Barbering and Cosmetology Act. 4) Title 19. NYCRR, Part 162, APPEARANCE ENHANCEMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS Cosmetology

8 (2) 과목내용 : 각과목은다음의내용이포함된다. 1 PROFESSIONAL REQUIREMENTS 24 Hours New York State License Requirements State and Federal Payroll Requirements New York State Sales Tax Requirements Career Opportunities and Placement Professional Ethics, Conduct and Attitude Professional Organizations, Trade Shows and Publications 2 SAFETY AND HEALTH 26 Hours New York State Laws, Rules and Regulations OSHA Regulations Concerning Hazardous Materials Communications Types and Classification of Infectious Organisms Bacteria Viruses Molds Fungus Growth and Reproduction of Infectious Organisms Infections and Their Prevention Immunity and Body Defenses Decontamination and Infection Control Physical and Chemical Agents 3 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 15 Hours Cells, Tissues and Organs Body Systems Basic Principles of Nutrition Overview of Bones and Muscles of the Head, Arms, Hands, Legs and Feet 4 HAIR ANALYSIS 10 Hours Structure Growth Patterns Texture Porosity Elasticity 5 HAIR AND SCALP DISORDERS AND DISEASES 10 Hours Dandruff Alopecia Fungal Infections Infestations Infections 6 CHEMISTRY AS APPLIED TO COSMETOLOGY 5 Hours Forms and Properties of Matter Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Chemical Reactions and Solutions The ph Scale FDA Laws Governing Hair Care Products Product Safety 7 SHAMPOOS, RINSES, CONDITIONERS AND TREATMENTS 30 Hours Client Preparation, Analysis and Consultation Hair Analysis Instruments and Equipment Shampooing Products, Composition and Procedures Rinsing Products, Composition and Procedures Conditioning Products, Composition and Procedures Procedures for Hair and Scalp Disorders

9 대한피부미용학회지제6권제2호 83 Scalp Manipulations 8 HAIR CUTTING AND SHAPING 175 Hours Fundamentals, Principles and Concepts of Design Scissor Haircutting Nomenclature and Care of Scissors Techniques and Procedures Razor Haircutting Nomenclature and Care of Razor Techniques and Procedures Clipper Haircutting Nomenclature and Care of Tools Techniques and Procedures Removal/Trim of Superfluous Hair Contemporary and Specialized Haircutting Female Styles Male Styles Children Styles Mustache and Beard Shaping Shaving Dexterity of the Hands and Razor Preparation and Procedures 9 HAIR STYLING 245 Hours Fingerwaving Pincurling Skipwaving Roller Styling Patterns in Hairstyling Waves, Pin Curls, Rollers and Combinations Finishing Techniques Twisting, Wrapping, Weaving, Extending, Locking and Braiding Traditional Weaving and Styling Services in Hairstyling Tools and Implements Blowdrying Thermal Curling Hair Pressing Hair Pieces 10 CHEMICAL RESTRUCTURING 180 Hours Chemistry Chemical Restructuring Products Client Consultation Preliminary Procedure of Chemical Restructuring Procedure of Chemical Restructuring Corrective Chemical Restructuring 11 HAIR COLORING AND LIGHTENING 180 Hours Color Theory Chemistry Preliminary Procedures of Hair Coloring Client Consultation Hair Coloring Procedures Hair Lightening Special Effects Corrective Procedures 12 NAIL CARE AND PROCEDURES 40 Hours Nail Structure Nail Disorders and Diseases Nail Shape and Color Analysis Basic Manicuring and Pedicuring Manipulations of the Hand, Arm, Leg and Foot

10 Nail Tip Application Adhesives Fitting, Design and Application Nail Wrap Application Silk, Fiberglass and Linen Procedures Surface Wrapping Natural Nail and Mending Tip Overlay Wrapping Repair, Maintenance and Removal Liquid and Powder Nail Extensions Application Procedures for Tips With Overlays, Natural Nails and Sculptured Nails Repair, Maintenance and Removal Chemical Reactions to Liquid and Powder 13 SKIN CARE AND PROCEDURES 60 Hours Structure and Function of the Skin Skin Conditions and Disorders Facial and Body Procedures Client Preparation Skin Analysis and Consultation Wet and Dry Exfoliations and Applications Use of Various Products to Enhance the Appearance of the Skin Seaweed, salt, paraffin, mud, ampules, creams, etc. Discussion for Further Training Required for Advanced Techniques Such as Aromatherapy and Water Therapies Temporary Methods of Hair Removal Manual Tweezing Depilatory Lotion Waxing Bleaching Make-Up Application Color Analysis Morphology of the Face Product Knowledge, Chemistry and Related Composition Eyebrow Contouring Corrections and Contouring False Eyelashes Further Training Required for Advanced Techniques 2) Esthetician 의교육과정범위및과목내용 (1) 교육과정범위 : 뉴욕주에서 esthetician 을위 한교육적요구조건은다음표 3 과같다. 모두 14개과목에 600시간으로구성되어있다5). 표 3. Scope of curriculum Scope of Curriculum 5) Title 19. NYCRR, Part 162, APPEARANCE ENHANCEMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS Esthetics Hours Orientation 4 (1) Safety and Health 8 (2) Bacteriology 18 (3) Anatomy, Physiology, and Nutrition (4) Structure and Functions of the Skin (5) Superfluous Hair 24 (6) Chemistry 3 (7) Chemistry as Applied to Cosmetics 21 (8) Electricity and Machines 18 (9) Facial Treatments 225

11 대한피부미용학회지제6권제2호 85 (10) Body Procedures (No Machines) (2) 과목내용 : 각과목은다음의내용이포함된 다. ORIENTATION 4 HOURS School Rules and Regulations History of Esthetics The Role of the Esthetician Qualities of the Professional Esthetician Code of Ethics 1 SAFETY AND HEALTH 8 HOURS Local, State, Federal Safety Codes Salon/Clinic Rules and Regulations General Salon/Clinic Safety First Aid Hazardous Materials Communications (HAZMAT) 2 BACTERIOLOGY 18 HOURS Types and Classification Bacterial Growth and Reproduction Bacterial Infections and Their Prevention Immunity and Body Defenses Methods of Infection Control Physical and Chemical Agents 3 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY AND NUTRITION 25 HOURS Cells, Tissues, and Organs 48 (11) Make-Up Techniques 84 (12) Business Practices 50 (13) Job Skills 6 (14) Introduction to Paramedical Esthetics 18 Unassigned 36 Total 600 Body Systems Importance of Water Nutrition for Healthy Skin and Longevity 4 STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SKIN 12 HOURS Physiology and Histology of the Skin Structure and Functions of the Skin Appendages Hair Structure and Functions With Relation to Esthetics (Nails, Sebaceous Glands, and Sweat Glands) 5 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR 24 HOURS Theoretical Overview of Permanent Methods (Electrolysis, Thermolysis, Blend) Temporary Methods of Hair Removal: Manual Tweezing, Depilatory Lotion, and Waxing (Strip and Non-strip) Bleaching of the Hair 6 CHEMISTRY 3 HOURS Chemistry and Matter As Related to Esthetics; Chemical Reactions and Solutions/Elements, Compounds and Mixtures/Biochemistry The ph Scale 7 CHEMISTRY AS APPLIED TO COSMETICS 21 HOURS Cosmetics Skin Care Products Massage Creams and Oils, Ampoules, and Scrubs New Technologies FDA Laws Governing Cosmetics and Cosmetic Safety

12 8 ELECTRICITY AND MACHINES 18 HOURS Electricity and Its Effects on the Skin Galvanic Current for Iontophoresis or Disincrustation High Frequency Current Use of: Magnifying Lamp and Wood's Lamp, Brushing Machine, Spray Machine and Suction Machine, Vaporizer and Pulverizador, Hot Towel Cabinet Paraffin Unit Electric Mittens, Booties, and Face Mask 9 FACIAL TREATMENTS 225 HOURS Client Preparation Skin Analysis and Consultation Skin Types Skin Conditions and Disorders Facial Procedures Facial Treatments With or Without Machines Overview of Aromatherapy and Manual Lymphatic Drainage for the Face and Neck Product Recommendation 10 BODY PROCEDURES (NO MACHINES) 48 HOURS Body Exfoliation (Wet and Dry) Back Treatments Use of Various Products to Enhance the Appearance of the Skin: Seaweed, Salt, Paraffin, Mud, Ampoules, Creams, etc. Discussion for Further Training Required for Advanced Body Techniques Such as Aromatherapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Water Therapies 11 MAKE-UP TECHNIQUES 84 HOURS Color Analysis Morphology of the Face Product Knowledge, Chemistry, and Related Composition Eyebrow Contouring Make-Up Application Corrections and Contouring False Eyelashes Eyelash and Eyebrow Tinting Further Training Required for Advanced Techniques 12 BUSINESS PRACTICES 50 HOURS Business Operation Site Planning and Design Accounting, Inventory, and Sales Tax Payroll Regulations Ethics and Professional Conduct Communication Skills Retailing Techniques Marketing (Advertising, Retailing, and Promotion) Customer Relations 13 JOB SKILLS 6 HOURS Resume Interviews Letter Writing Licensing Regulations Job Attitudes Professional Organizations Continuing Education Industry Trade Shows, Magazines, etc. Career Opportunities

13 대한피부미용학회지제6권제2호 INTRODUCTION TO PARAMEDICAL ESTHETICS 18 HOURS Overview of Dermatologic Procedures Topical and Oral Medications Insight Into Plastic Surgery Pre- and Post-Operative Care Camouflage Therapy 3) Natural hair styling 의교육과정범위및과목내용 (1) 교육과정범위 : 뉴욕주에서 natural hair styling 을위한교육적요구조건은다음표 4 와같다. 모두 8개과목에 300시간으로구성되어있다6). 표 4. Scope of curriculum Scope of Curriculum (2) 과목내용 : 각과목은다음의내용이포함된 다. 1 PROFESSIONAL REQUIREMENTS 10 Hours Hours (1) Professional Requirements 10 (2) Safety and Health 20 (3) Anatomy and Physiology 5 (4) Hair Analysis 10 (5) Hair and Scalp Disorders and Diseases (6) Chemistry as Applied to Natural Hair Styling (7) Shampoos, Rinses, Conditioners and Treatments (8) Hair Braiding, Locking, Weaving and Styling New York State License Requirements 6) Title 19. NYCRR, Part 162, APPEARANCE ENHANCEMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS Natural hair styling Total 300 State and Federal Payroll Requirements New York State Sales Tax Requirements Career Opportunities and Placement Professional Ethics, Conduct and Attitude Professional Organizations, Trade Shows and Publications 2 SAFETY AND HEALTH 20 Hours New York State Laws, Rules and Regulations OSHA Regulations Concerning Hazardous Materials Communications Types and Classification of Infectious Organisms Bacteria Viruses Mold and Fungus Growth and Reproduction of Infectious Organisms Infections and Their Prevention Immunity and Body Defenses Decontamination and Infection Control Physical and Chemical Agents 3 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 5 Hours Cells, Tissues, and Organs Body Systems Basic Principles of Nutrition 4 HAIR ANALYSIS 10 Hours Structure Types of Hair and Curl Structure Growth Patterns Texture Porosity Elasticity

14 5 HAIR AND SCALP DISORDERS AND DISEASES 10 Hours Dandruff Alopecia Fungal Infections Infestations Infections 6 CHEMISTRY AS APPLIED TO NATURAL HAIR STYLING 5 Hours Forms and Properties of Matter Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Chemical Reactions and Solutions The ph Scale FDA Laws Governing Hair Care Products and Product Safety 7 SHAMPOOS, RINSES, CONDITIONERS AND TREATMENTS 20 Hours Client Preparation, Analysis and Consultation Hair Analysis Instruments and Equipment Shampooing Products, Composition and Procedures Rinsing Products, Composition and Procedures Conditioning Products, Composition and Procedures Procedures for Hair and Scalp Disorders Scalp Manipulations 8 HAIR BRAIDING, LOCKING, WEAVING AND STYLING 220 Hours Tools Materials for Extensions Single Braids With and Without Extensions Cornrows With and Without Extensions Double Strand Twisting Thread Wrapping Lock Theory Palm Roll Comb Twisting Two-Strand Twisting Traditional Weaving and Styling Roller Styling Finishing Techniques Hair Styling Services Tools and Implements Blowdrying Thermal Curling Hair Pressing Hair Pieces 4) Nail specialty 의교육과정범위및과목내용 (1) 교육과정범위 : 뉴욕주에서 nail specialist 가되 기위한교육적요구조건은다음표 5 와같다. 모두 8개과목에 250시간으로구성되어있다7). 표 5. Scope of curriculum Scope of Curriculum 7) Title 19. NYCRR, Part 162, APPEARANCE ENHANCEMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS Nail specialty Hours Orientation 4 (1) Safety and Health 8 (2) Anatomy and Physiology of the Nail, (3) Bacteria and Infectious Diseases; Nail, (4) Methods of Infection Control 10 (5) Client Consultation 4 (6) Manicuring and Hand/Arm Massage 20

15 대한피부미용학회지제6권제2호 89 (2) 과목내용 : 각과목은다음의내용이포함된 다. ORIENTATION 4 HOURS School Rules and Regulations Qualities of the Professional Nail Specialist Code of Ethics Familiarization of School Facilities and Supplies 1 SAFETY AND HEALTH 8 HOURS Local, State, Federal Safety Codes General Salon/Clinic Safety First Aid Hazardous Materials Communications 2 (7) Pedicuring 15 (8) Tip Application and Design 12 (9) Nail Wraps 25 (10) Liquid and Powder Nail Extensions (HAZMAT) ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NAIL, HAND, ARM, FOOT AND LEG 10 HOURS Cell Metabolism and Structure Tissues and Organs Systems of the Body and Their Relationship Histology of the Skin and Its Function 50 (11) Gel Nails 20 (12) Nail Art 4 (13) Retailing Techniques 6 (14) Business Practices 8 (15) Job Skills 6 Unassigned Hours 38 Total 250 Bones, Muscles, Nerves of the Hand, Arm, Leg and Foot Nail Structure 3 BACTERIA AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES; NAIL, FOOT, SKIN DISORDERS AND DISEASES 10 HOURS Bacterial Infections Immunity AIDS Awareness Hepatitis Viruses Mold and Fungus Disorders of the Nails and Skin Foot Disease 4 METHODS OF INFECTION CONTROL 10 HOURS Chemical Methods of Sanitation Physical Methods of Sanitation Sanitary Rules and Regulations Bloodborne Pathogen Infection Control 5 CLIENT CONSULTATION 4 HOURS Client Lifestyle Profile Diagnosis of Skin Type and Nail Plate Type and Shape Nail Services Nail Service and Product Usage 6 MANICURING AND HAND/ARM MASSAGE 20 HOURS Basic Manicure Men's Manicure Conditioning Manicures Nail Shape and Color Analysis Types of Massage Massage of the Hand/Arm

16 7 PEDICURING 15 HOURS Pedicuring Procedures Procedure for Paraffin Treatment Massage and Manipulation Massage of the Foot/Leg 8 TIP APPLICATION AND DESIGN 12 HOURS Technology of Nail Tips Tip Adhesives Tip Fitting and Design Procedure for Tip Application Nail Tipping on Problem Nails Tip Removal 9 NAIL WRAPS 25 HOURS Silk, Fiberglass, and Linen Procedures Surface Wrapping Natural Nail and Mending Tip Overlay Wrapping Liquid Nail Wrap Maintenance 10 LIQUID AND POWDER NAIL EXTENSIONS 50 HOURS Application Procedures for: Tip and Overlay Natural Nail Sculptured Nail Mending and Repair Re-Balance and Repairs Problem Nails Chemical Reactions to Liquid and Powder 11 GEL NAILS 20 HOURS Gel Procedure Natural Nails Tip and Overlay Sculptured Gel Nails Repair and Maintenance 12 NAIL ART 4 HOURS Nail Art Procedures 13 RETAILING TECHNIQUES 6 HOURS Sales Ethics Advertising Campaign Design a Retail Center for Nail Care Products Selling Techniques 14 BUSINESS PRACTICES 8 HOURS Business Operation Site Planning and Design Accounting and Inventory Payroll Regulations 15 JOB SKILLS 6 HOURS Basic Job Skills 5) Waxing 의교육과정범위및과목내용 (1) 교육과정범위 : 뉴욕주에서 Waxing 을위한 교육적요구조건은다음표 6 과같다. 모두 4개 과목에 75시간으로구성되어있다8). 표 5. Scope of curriculum Scope of Curriculum 8) Title 19. NYCRR, Part 162, APPEARANCE ENHANCEMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS Waxing Hours (1) Professional Requirements 10 (2) Safety and Health 20 (3) Skin Structure, Disorders and Diseases 10 (4) Removal of Superfluous Hair 35 Total 75

17 대한피부미용학회지제6권제2호 91 (2) 과목내용 : 각과목은다음의내용이포함된다. 1 PROFESSIONAL REQUIREMENTS 10 Hours New York State License Requirements State and Federal Payroll Requirements New York State Sales Tax Requirements Career Opportunities and Placement Professional Ethics, Conduct and Attitude Professional Organizations, Trade Shows and Publications 2 SAFETY AND HEALTH 20 Hours New York State Laws, Rules and Regulations OSHA Regulations Concerning Hazardous Materials Communications Types and Classification of Infectious Organisms Bacteria Viruses Mold and Fungus Growth and Reproduction of Infectious Organisms Infections and Their Prevention Immunity and Body Defenses Decontamination and Infection Control Physical and Chemical Agents 3 SKIN STRUCTURE, DISORDERS AND DISEASES 10 Hours Histology of the Skin and its Functions Skin Disorders and Diseases Hair Structure and Functions With Relation to Waxing 4 REMOVAL OF SUPERFLUOUS HAIR 35 Hours Theoretical Overview of Permanent Methods (Electrolysis, Thermolysis, Blend) Temporary Methods of Hair Removal Manual tweezing Depilatory lotion Waxing (strip and non-strip) Hand, Arm, Foot and Leg Foot, Skin Disorders and Diseases Ⅳ. 면허종류별업무범위 면허의종류별로규정되어있는업무범위는그 면허에대한권능이라는점에서매우중요한의미 를갖는다. 대체적으로 cosmetologist 의업무범위 를종합적으로정해놓으면서, 이에대한전문분 야(specialty branch) 의면허는그업무범위의일 부에대한권능만을부여하는형식을취하고있 다. 즉, 전문분야의면허는 cosmetologist 의업무 범위와중복(overlap) 되어있는것이다. 여기에서는 New York 주와 California 주의법 령에서정하고있는 cosmetology, esthetics(skin care), nail specialty(nail care) 의업무범위에관하 여살펴보고자한다. 1. 미용(Cosmetology) 의업무 1) New York 주의규정 New York 주에서는미용(cosmetology) 의업무 범위를다음과같이규정하고있다 9). 미용의업무범위는, nail specialty, natural hair 9) Article 27 General Business Law of New York State, 400 Definitions 7.

18 styling, esthetics 서비스제공을모두포함하며, 인체의두발(hair), 머리(head), 얼굴(face), 목 (neck) 또는두피(scalp) 에서비스를제공하는것 을의미한다. 그러나두발(hair) 또는수염(beard) 을손으로또는기계적인장치로행하는면도 (shaving) 다듬기(trimming) 자르기(cutting) 에 제한이없으며, 방부제 (antiseptics) 분(powder s) 오일(oils) 점토(clays) 로션(lotions) 바르 기, 또는모발머리또는 두피에양모제 (tonics) 바르기, 게다가요금보수교환 등을목적으로 직접적이든간접적으로염색약반응이 있는화 학약품또는 기타조제품 (preparation) 등을사용 하여색을바꾸거나인체의모발의구조를바꾸거 나, 곧게하거나 (straighten), 컬(curl) 을하기위한 서비스의제공을포함한다. 2) California 주의규정 California 주에서는미용(cosmetology) 의업무 범위를다음과같이규정하고있다 10). (1) Arranging, dressing, curling, waving, machineless permanent waving, permanent waving, cleansing, cutting, shampooing, relaxing, singeing, bleaching, tinting, coloring, straightening, dyeing, applying hair tonics to, beautifying, or otherwise treating by any means, the hair of any person. (2) Massaging, cleaning, or stimulating the scalp, face, neck, arms, or upper part of the human body, by means of the hands, devices, apparatus or appliances, with or without the use of cosmetic preparations, antiseptics, tonics, lotions, or creams. (3) Beautifying the face, neck, arms, or upper part of the human body, by use of cosmetic preparations, antiseptics, tonics, lotions, or creams. (4) Removing superfluous hair from the body of any person by the use of depilatories or by the use of tweezers, chemicals, or preparations or by the use of devices or appliances of any kind or description, except by the use of light waves, commonly known as rays. (5) Cutting, trimming, polishing, tinting, coloring, cleansing, or manicuring the nails of any person. (6) Massaging, cleansing, treating, or beautifying the hands or feet of any person. 2. 피부미용 (Esthetics) 의업무 1) New York 주의규정 New York 주에서는피부미용 (esthetics) 의업 무범위를다음과같이규정하고있다 11). 피부미용 (esthetics) 의업무는영리를목적으로 직접적이든간접적으로인체의얼굴, 목, 팔, 다리, 어깨의외모를향상시키기위한서비스를말한다. 그리고이서비스는메이컵 (makeup), 속눈썹, 탈 모제(depilatories), 토닉(tonics), 로션(lotions), 왁 스(waxes), 샌딩(sanding) 과핀셋으로뽑기 (tweezing) 를포함하며이를복합적또는절차적 으로사용할수있다. 나아가이러한서비스는수 기의방법(manual), 기계적방법(mechanical), 화 학적방법(chemical), 또는전기적방법(electrical means) 과기구에의하여행할수있지만, 전자침 에의한제모는제외된다. 2) California 주의규정 California 주에서는피부미용 (skin care) 의업 무를미용(cosmetology) 업무범위안에서의전문 10) The barbering and cosmetology act of California State, (b) 11) Article 27 General Business Law of New York State, 400 Definitions 6.

19 대한피부미용학회지제6권제2호 93 분야(specialty branch) 로정하고있으며, 그업무 범위를다음과같이규정하고있다 12). 피부미용 (skin care) 은다음업무의어느하나 또는그이상이다. (1) Giving facials, applying makeup, giving skin care, removing superfluous hair from the body of any person by the use of depilatories, tweezers or waxing, or applying eyelashes to any person. (2) Beautifying the face, neck, arms, or upper part of the human body, by use of cosmetic preparations, antiseptics, tonics, lotions, or creams. (3) Massaging, cleaning, or stimulating the face, neck, arms, or upper part of the human body, by means of the hands, devices, apparatus, or appliances, with the use of cosmetic preparations, antiseptics, tonics, lotions, or creams. 3. 손톱전문분야 (Nail specialty) 의업무 1) New York 주의규정 New York 주에서는손톱전문분야 (nail specialty) 의 업무범위를다음과같이규정하고있다 13). 손톱전문분야 (nail specialty) 의업무는영리를 목적으로손과발의손톱발톱의 외모를증진시 키기거나, 모양을만들거나, 자르기위한서비스를 말한다. 손톱전문분야 (nail specialty) 는인조손톱 (artificial nails) 또는조각장식 (sculpture) 손톱을 붙이거나제거하는것이포함된다. 2) California 주의규정 California 주에서는네일관리 (nail care) 의업무 12) The barbering and cosmetology act of California State, (c)(1) 13) Article 27 General Business Law of New York State, 400 Definitions 4. 를미용(cosmetology) 업무범위안에서의전문분 야(specialty branch) 로정하고있으며, 그업무범 위를다음과같이규정하고있다 14). 네일관리 (nail care) 는어떤사람의손톱을 cutting, trimming, polishing, coloring, tinting, cleansing, 또 는 manicuring 하거나, 어떤사람의손과발을마사 지(massaging), 클렌징 (cleansing), 또는아름답게 (beautifying) 하는업무를말한다. Ⅴ. 결론및제언 미국의미용사면허제도는면허의종류체계, 응 시조건, 교육이수요건등에관하여우리에게시사 하는바가크다하겠다. 특히다음과같은점은우 리나라미용사면허제도연구및개선과정에적극 검토되어야하리라고본다. 첫째, 면허시험에응시하기위한요건으로일정 한교육과정을이수하도록하고있다는점이다. 적게는 1,000 시간부터많게는 2,100 시간또는 2 년의기간동안의교육과정을이수한자만이면허 시험에응시할자격이주어진다. 둘째, 면허의분야를전문화하고있다는점이다. 통합미용사라고할수있는 cosmetologist 를두 고있고, 이에대한전문분야 (specialty branch) 로 서 esthetician 과 manicurist 를두는형태를취하 고있다. 물론일부주에서는 cosmetologist 와는 별도로 허로 hair분야만을전문적으로다룰수있는면 hair stylist 등의면허를둔곳도있다. 셋째, 교육과정 (curriculum) 에안전과건강, 경 영분야를포함하고있다는점이다. 교육과정에는미용실무에관한기술분야와더 14) The barbering and cosmetology act of California State, (c)(2)

20 불어미용사가반드시알아야하는법령및경영 에관한실무적지식, 안전과건강, 해부학및생 리학등기초과학분야가포함되어있다. 넷째, 업무범위를구체적으로체계화하고있다 는점이다. 업무범위에대한입법방식은우리나라에서는 negative 방식을취하고있는반면에, 미국각주의 법령은 positive 방식을취하고있다. 즉, 미용사면 허를받은자들이할수있는업무(practice) 의범 위를비교적상세하게규정하는형태를띠고있는 것이다. 특히, cosmetologist 는종합적인업무를 수행할수있는권능을부여받도록하고있는반 면에, esthetician, manicurist, hair stylist 등은 cosmetologist 가수행할수있는업무의일부를 중첩적으로행할수있도록하는등비배타적인 형태로규정함으로써면허를받은자들이영업현 장에서의업무수행에불편함이없게하는방식을 취하고있다. 다섯째, 면허를받을수있는자들의연령과학 력을제한하고있다는점이다. 대체적으로 16세이상의나이와고등학교를졸 업할것을요구하고있는미국의제도는, 미용사 의업무가그만큼전문성이요구되는분야라는점 을시사해준다하겠다. 우리나라의경우는국가 기술자격을취득하여미용사면허를받는경우와, 고등기술학교에서미용에관한과정을이수하여 미용사면허를받는경우에대하여는나이와학력 의제한을두지않고있다. 우리나라의미용사면허에관한제도는아직도 안정되지않은상태에머물러있다. 이미오랜시 간에걸쳐안정적으로정착되어있는선진국의미 용사면허제도를앞으로도꾸준히연구해야할이 유가여기에있는것이다. 참고문헌 1. ARLENE ALPERT, Milady's Standard Cosmetology, Thomson Delmar Learning, 이한웅, Cosmetologist 와그에따른전문분야의 명칭들, Beauty Life 월호, p , 3. 서희원, 한국미용사면허제도의개선방안에관한 연구, 한성대학교예술대학원석사학위논문, 이숙연, 미용사자격및면허제도에관한연구 -자 격세분과메이크업자격분리 -, 제13권 p , 미국각주미용관련법령 한국미용학회지

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