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1 < 2015 년 1/4 분기 > NPEs 동향분기보고서 년 월

2 목차 Ⅰ. 서론 1 1. NPEs 분석배경및목적 3 1) NPEs 분석배경및목적 3 2) NPE 의특성 3 2. NPEs 선정기준 5 1) 국내 외기관별선정기준 5 2) 지식재산보호협회 NPEs 선정기준 9 3) 지식재산보호협회 NPE DB 구축 10 4) NPEs 분석기대효과 10 Ⅱ. NPEs 정책동향자료 년 1/4분기국외 NPEs 관련정책동향 12 1) 미국 12 2) 중국 13 3) 한국 15 Ⅲ. NPEs 통계자료 년 1/4분기 NPEs 소송통계 18 1) NPEs 분쟁현황 18 2) 산업별구성현황 19 3) 기술별구성현황 21 4) 관할법원소송현황 31 5) 국내기업피소현황 33

3 목차 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 Wetro Lan, LLC Data Carriers, LLC Adaptive Data, LLC Thermolife International, LLC Adaptix, Inc Olivistar, LLC Azure Networks, LLC Catanzaro Avioniqs, LLC E.Digital Corporation Qommerce Systems, LLC Eclipse IP, LLC Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations, LLC Tessera, Inc Novelpoint Tracking LLC Sycamore IP Holdings, LLC Advanced Media Networks LLC Rothschild Location Technologies, LLC Script Security Solutions, LLC Orostream, LLC 120 ( 참고자료 ) 주요 NPEs 소송특성 124

4 표목차 < 표-1> NPE 판단기준 9 < 표-2> /4분기지식재산권출원 등록현황 14 < 표-3> 출원인국적별출원현황 15 < 표-4> 산업 기술별소송건수 (2015년 1/4분기 ) 20 < 표-5> 산업세부기술별소송현황 (2015년 1/4분기 ) 21 < 표-6> 산업세부기술별소송현황 (2015년 1/4분기 ) 23 < 표-7> 기타산업세부기술별소송동향 (2015년 1/4분기 ) 25 < 표-8> 장치산업세부기술별소송현황 (2015년 1/4분기 ) 27 < 표-9> 화학 바이오산업세부기술별소송현황 (2015년 1/4분기 ) 29 < 표-10> 국내기업피소산업 기술분야별소송건수 (2015년 1/4분기 ) 33 < 표-11> 국내기업의 NPEs 피소건수 34 < 표-12> 국내기업을제소한 NPEs* (2015년 1/4분기 ) 34 < 표-13> 특허침해소송상위 20개 NPEs (2015년 1/4분기 ) 37

5 그림목차 [ 그림-1] Patent troll (image via idownloadblog) 4 [ 그림-2] RPX 운영방식 7 [ 그림-3] NPEs 소송발생추이 18 [ 그림-4] 산업 기술별소송현황 19 [ 그림-5] 산업 기술별소송비중 19 [ 그림-6] 전기 전자산업세부기술별소송동향 ( 14.4/4Q~ 15.1/4Q) 22 [ 그림-7] 전기 전자산업內상위 10대 NPEs 기업점유율 22 [ 그림-8] 산업세부기술별소송동향 ( 14.4/4Q~ 15.1/4Q) 24 [ 그림-9] 산업內 NPEs 기업별점유율 24 [ 그림-10] 기타산업세부기술별소송동향 ( 14.4/4Q~ 15.1/4Q) 25 [ 그림-11] 기타산업內 NPEs 기업별점유율 26 [ 그림-12] 장치산업세부기술별소송동향 ( 14.4/4Q~ 15.1/4Q) 27 [ 그림-13] 장치산업 NPEs별소송비중 ( 고빈도상위 10개업체 ) 28 [ 그림-14] 화학 바이오산업세부기술별소송동향 ( 14.4/4Q ~ 15.1/4Q) 29 [ 그림-15] 화학 바이오산업 NPEs별소송비중 30 [ 그림-16] 미국內관할법원별소송현황 31 [ 그림-17] 미국주 ( 州 ) 별특허분쟁발생지도 32

6 2015 NPEs 동향분기보고서 Ⅰ. 서론 1. NPEs 분석배경및목적 2. NPEs 선정기준 NPEs Trend Quarterly Report 2015


8 Ⅰ. 서론 1 NPEs 분석배경및목적 1) NPEs 분석배경및목적 NPEs 분석배경 1450년대이탈리아의베니스에서차별화된유리공예품의보호를위해시행된특허제도는점차다른국가로퍼져나가 2000년대에는특허그자체가시장에서상품화되어판매 / 이전등의거래가진행되고있다. NPEs 분석목적미국교수의연구에따르면 2011년기준 NPE로발생하는직접비용은 21만 $ 로예상되었음. 1) NPEs로발생하는불필요한사회적비용및분쟁을줄이고특허와같은지식재산권의보호를위해 NPEs로인한분쟁을사전에대응할필요가있음 2) NPE 의특성 NPE (Non-practicing Entity) 의정의 아직까지 NPE 에대해서는명확한사전적정의가확립되지않았고논쟁의 여지가있으며 2), 따라서이를지칭하는용어도다양하게활용되고있다. 해외 에서 NPE(Non-practicing Entity) 는 Non-Practicing Entites (NPEs), Patent Monetization Entites (PMEs) 3) Patent Assertion Entites(PAEs) 4), James Bessen, Jennifer Ford & Michael J. Meurer, The Private and Social Costs of Patent Trolls, REGULATION, Winter , at 26, 26, available at DO NPEs MATTER? NON-PRACTICING ENTITIES AND PATENT LITIGATION OUTCOMES, Michael J. Mazzeo, Jonathan H. Ashtor and Samantha Zyontz, Journal of Competition Law & Economics,Volume 9, issue 4, pages Sara Jeruss, Robin Feldman & Joshua Walker, The America Invents Act 500: Effects of Patent Monetization Entities on US Litigation, 11 DUKE L.& TECH. REV. 357, 361 (2012) Colleen V. Chien, From Arms Race to Marketplace: The New Complex Patent Ecosystem and Its Implications for the Patent System, 62 HASTINGS L.J.297, 300 (2010). 3

9 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 Non-competing Entites(NCEs) Patent troll 등으로불리며우리나라에서는 NPE가특허관리회사, 특허전문회사, 특허서비스전문기업, 비실시기업등으로번역되고있다.( 본보고서에서는 NPEs로통칭한다.) NPEs는특허시스템과신규기술개발그리고시장에광범위한위협이되고있으며개인기술개발자들에게는이윤을창출을위한수단이되기도한다. [ 그림 -1] Patent troll (image via idownloadblog) 본고에서는 NPEs 관련통계작성을위해기업의정당한특허사용과상품개발을저해하는 NPEs를특정하기위한기준으로다음사항을참고하였다. NPE기업은그들의특허를거의또는전혀사용하지않고라이센스수수료 (licensing fee) 을획득하는데집중한다. 또한 NPEs는그들이소유하였거나다른발명가들로부터구입한발명품들에대한특허권을갖는다. 5) 미국연방거래위원회 (FTC, Federal Trade Commission), To Promote Innovation: The Proper Balance of Competition and Patent Law and Policy, ch. 2, at 31 (2003), mote-innovation -proper-balance-competition-and-patent-law-and-policy/innovationrpt.pdf ( [NPEs] may be design firms that patent their inventions but do not practice them or patent assertion firms that buy patents from other companies.... ). 4

10 Ⅰ. 서론 2 NPEs 선정기준 1) 국내 외기관별선정기준 [ 국내 ] 공정거래위원회 공정거래위원회 ( 이하 공정위 ) 는 지식재산권의부당한행사에대한심사지침 을개정하여 부터시행중주요개정내용은최근지식재산권 ( 이하지재권 ) 분야에서부각되고있는특허관리전문 (NPE) 와표준필수특허권자의특허권남용행위등에대한심사기준수립임. 공정위의해당지침은외국사업자가국내외에서행한계약 결의나그밖의행위를통해국내시장에영향을미치는경우에도적용하며이는외국사업자가국내에영업거점을두고있는지또는그의거래상대방이국내사업자혹은소비자인지여부와관계없이적용할수있음. 본지침은원칙적으로지식재산권의행사가시장지배적사업자의남용행위및복수사업자사이의부당한공동행위에해당하는지여부에대한판단기준을제시하기위한것임. 따라서이지침은원칙적으로사업자가단독으로지식재산권을행사하는경우에는그사업자가시장지배력을보유한경우에한하여적용함. 특히사업자가지식재산권을행사하면서단독으로행하는거래거절, 차별취급, 현저히과도한실시료부과는원칙적으로이를행하는사업자가압도적인시장지배력을보유한경우에적용 5

11 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 공정위는 NPE의정의를지침에추가하면서 NPE의특허권남용행위를 5가지유형으로구체화하여제시하였으며, 세부내용은다음과같음. 1 과도한수수료부과통상적인거래관행에비추어볼때현저히불합리한수준의실시료를부과하는행위 2 FRAND 조건의적용부인제3자로부터취득한특허권에대해불합리한수준의실시료를부과하면서종전특허권자에게적용되던 FRAND FRAND (Fair, Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory): 표준필수특허는공정하고합리적이며비차별적인조건으로제3자에게실시허락되어야한다는원칙조건의적용을부인하는행위 3 부당한합의컨소시움을통해특허관리전문사업자를설립한복수의사업자들과함께컨소시움에참여하지않은사업자들에게특허의실시허락을부당하게거절하거나차별적인조건으로실시계약을체결하기로합의하는행위 4 부당한특허소송제기및소송제기위협상대방이특허관리전문사업자의특허권행사에대응하는데필요한중요한정보를은폐또는누락하거나오인을유발하는등의기만적인방법을사용하여특허소송을제기하거나특허침해경고장을발송하는등의행위 5 사나포선 6) 행위특허권자가특허관리전문사업자에게특허권을이전하고특허관리전문사업자로하여금다른사업자에대하여 1, 2 등의행위를하도록하는행위 사나포선 (Privateering) 이란, 16,17 세기유럽에서성행한무장사유선박으로서승무원은해적등과같은민간인이지만교전국의정부로부터적선을공격하고나포할권리를인정받은상선을뜻함. 6

12 Ⅰ. 서론 [ 국외 ] RPX Corporation 대표적인방어형특허펀드의하나로서 2008년 Intellectual Ventures 책임자였던 John Amster가미국에서설립한영리목적의주식회사 RPX는특허권을취득하고통합하여관리하는특허방어협회 (Defensive Patent Aggregation) 를조성하여가입한기업들이잠재적인 NPE의소송과라이센스분쟁에대비할수있도록함. [ 그림 -2] RPX 운영방식 2009 년 NASDAQ 에상장되었으며가입한기업으로는전세계적으로 204 개 기업 Adobe, Dell, E-bay, Google, HP, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, Starbucks 과함께우리나라기업은삼성전자 LG 전자, SK 하이닉스등임. RPX에참여한기업은특허권분쟁에따른비용과위험을분산 (leverage) 하게되어보다능동적인제품개발과특허권보호가가능함. 또한 RPX는특허권분쟁보험상품을 2014년출시하였고재보험사는 Lloyd's 임. 7

13 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 RPX는분쟁대비활동의하나로 NPE를찾아내어특허권분쟁에예방적대응기반마련. 8

14 Ⅰ. 서론 2) 지식재산보호협회 NPEs 판단 선정기준 NPEs 선정기준 앞서논의한바와같이현재 NPEs 여부를판단하는사전적기준이나원칙은명확하기논의되지않고있기때문에국내 외기관의 NPEs 판단기준및협회자체연구조사결과를종합하여 NPEs 기업을선정함. NPE 의기본적인특성은보유한지식재산권이나특허를사업에활용한다는 것임. 지식재산권및특허를어떠한방향으로활용하느냐에따라 NPE 기업 특성은다양하게나누어질수있음. < 표 -1> NPE 판단기준 7) 9

15 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 3) 지식재산보호협회 NPE DB 구축 NPEs 선정및 DB 구축 상기기준에따라소송및분쟁정보, 특허정보의주기적인모니터링을통해지속적인 NPE 기업을업데이트하고있으며, 협회내부에서추정하는 NPEs는 2009년이후부터 2015년 3월현재까지총 2,688개로조사되었음. 자료수집 source Lexis-Nexis, Courtlink Data Base시스템을활용하여미국내특허침해소송사건전수조사 Total Patent, Focust Data Base시스템을활용하여미국내특허침해소송사건에활용된특허정보전수조사 USPTO( 미국특허청 ) 에서제공하는 Assignment자료를활용하여 Assignee 조회 Justia, Wikipedia Online, Intellectual Property Magazine, Google 등활용 4) NPEs 분석기대효과 지식재산의창출과활용모두가중요한시대적변화에대비하여 NPEs 동향통계를통해세계지식재산시장에서 NPEs의전체적인동향을파악하고향후대응체계를구축하는데활용주요 NPEs 분석을통해 NPEs 기업특성을파악함으로써향후발생가능한특허분쟁을예측하고대비할수있도록하는한편협상의 leverage로활용가능 10

16 Ⅱ. NPEs 정책동향자료 년 1/4분기국내 외 NPEs 관련동향 1) 미국 2) 중국 3) 한국 NPEs Trend Quarterly Report 2015

17 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 Ⅱ. NPEs 동향자료 년 1 분기국외 NPEs 관련동향 1) 미국 12 특허청 (USPTO), 특허적합성심사위한신규가이드라인발표 미특허청은최근미대법원판결두건을고려해특허심사위원들의특허 적합성심사결정에도움을주는신규가이드라인을발표 ( 배경 ) 신규가이드라인에영향을미친판결 2 건은 2012 년 Mayo v. Prometheus 과 2013 년 Molecular Pathology v. Myriad 이며생명공학 (Biotechnology) 산업의특허등록에영향을줄것으로예상 ( 주요내용 ) 신규가이드라인은기존의 natural products 대신 nature-based products ( 자연기반제품 ) 을언급하며발명이천연물이아니라는것을보여 줄수있는범위를확대하여특허권조건을보다쉽게충족할수있도록함. 신규가이드라인에서제시된분석은심사위원이발명의구조뿐만아니라기능 도고려할수있게함. 기존가이드라인은발명의기능을중요시하지않았음 Source: Andrew Chung, Does USPTO Guidance Leave Uncertainty on What's Patent-Eligible, Reuters Legal, Dec. 17, 특허청, 특허심판절차개선계획발표 2015 년 3 월 27 일, 미국특허상표청 (USPTO) 은특허심판위원회 (Patent Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB) 의심판절차개선을위한계획을발표함 ( 배경 ) 2011 년미국특허법이전면개정됨에따라, USPTO 는 2012 년미국 발명법 (AIA) 에따른규칙및지침을발표 AIA 시행후일정기간이경과함에따라특허절차재정비의필요성이대두 되자, USPTO 는 2014 년 6 월, 특허심판절차개선을위하여대중에게의견 개진을요청함 ( 주요내용 ) USPTO 는 AIA 절차개선에관하여접수된대중의의견을상세 하게검토하여규칙제정계획을수립하였으며, 그첫번째조치로써올해 2 분기에심판절차에대한즉각적인개선방안을포함하는 임시조치 (Quick Fixes) 를발표할예정

18 Ⅱ. NPEs 동향자료 2) 중국中, 최고인민법원특허분쟁사건규정개정 ( 배경 ) 지난 1월 29일중국최고인민법원은 특허분쟁사건심리의적용법률문제에관한약간의규정 ( 关于审理专利纠纷案件适用法律问题的若干规定 ) ( 이하규정 ) 의개정판을발표, 2월 1일부터시행하였음. ( 주요내용 ) 년에제3차개정한중국특허법의법조문순서, 설명용어관련적용, 2 특허평가보고서, 배상금산정등에대해개정함. 3 기존특허법의디자인특허침해행위의규정에판매의청약 ( 许诺销售 ) 행위를추가함. 4 특허권리의유형, 침해행위성격및상황등의요소에따라특허법제65조제2항 [1] 의규정에따라배상금을확정함 으로수정 5 디자인특허침해시평가보고서제출가능 6 권리자의손실 침해자가얻은이익및특허허가실시료모두확정하기곤란한경우, 인민법원은특허권의종류 침해행위의성질및상황등의요인에따라 1만위안이상 100만위안이하의배상을확정할수있음. 13

19 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 3) 2015 년 1 분기국내 NPEs 관련동향 특허청, 의약품허가특허연계제도관련사건의우선심판실시 ( 배경 ) 3월 13일 약사법 은개정을거쳐의약품에관한특허권의등재및판매금지등의규정을신설하여의약품의허가특허연계제도가본격적으로시행되었음. 이에특허청은 3월 15일의약품허가특허연계제도관련심판사건이우선심판대상에포함되도록심판사무취급규정을개정하였다고밝힘의약품허가특허연계제도는지난 2007년한 미 FTA의체결로도입되었으며, 2012년식약청의 제네릭허가신청사실통지제도 로시행 ( 기대효과 ) KIPO의심판사무취급규정의개정은의약품허가특허연계제도 8) 실시로인해발생할수있는분쟁을신속히해결하고위함임 ( 주요내용 ) 개정약사법에따르면, 신약특허권자는특허등록일로부터 30일이내관련특허를의약품특허목록에등재신청할수있음. 또한제네릭제약사는등재의약품목록에등재된특허권자에게제네릭허가신청사실을통지해야하며, 특허권자는제네릭제약사를상대로특허무효심판등을제기하거나, 판매금지를할수있음. 한편제네릭제약사가심판원으로부터승소심결을받을경우, 해당제네릭제약사는최대 9개월동안의독점권을부여받음 의약품허가특허연계제도란, 오리지널의약품에대한특허의존속기간만료전에해당의약품의안전성 유효성에관한자료를근거로제네릭의약품허가를신청하는경우, 오리지널의약품의특허권자등에게해당신청사실및관련사항들을통지하도록하고, 특허권자등은그제네릭의약품에대한허가절차의중지를요청할수있도록하는제도를말함. 14

20 Ⅱ. NPEs 동향자료 ( 참고자료 ) 국내특허및지식재산출원동향특허청은 2015년 1/4분기지식재산권출원이전년대비 9% 증가하였다고발표함. 15년 1/4분기특허청에출원된지식재산권은총 110,888건으로지난해같은기간보다비교적큰폭 (9%, 9,118건 ) 으로증가한것으로나타남지난해같은기간보다특허, 디자인, 상표가각각 2.5%(1,178건 ), 2.3%(374 건 ), 20.7%(7,660건 ) 증가하였으나, 실용신안은 4.4%(94건 ) 감소특히, 상표출원의급증은 14년신설법인이증가 (8.5만개, 중소기업청발표 ) 함에따라개인및창업기업이상표권에대한중요성을인식한결과로보임 * 신설법인수 : ( 12) 74,162 ( 13) 75,574 ( 14) 84,697 < 표-2> /4분기지식재산권출원 등록현황 15

21 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 < 표 -3> 출원인국적별출원현황 ( 단위 : 건 ) 16

22 2015 NPEs 동향분기보고서 Ⅲ. NPEs 통계자료 년 1 분기 NPEs 소송통계 NPEs Trend Quarterly Report 2015 동보고서의통계수치는잠정치이므로향후변동이있을수있습니다.

23 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 년 1/4 분기 NPEs 소송통계 1) NPEs 분쟁현황 15년 NPEs가제기한소송건수 9) 는전년동기 755건대비 32.2% 증가한 1,114건으로월평균 371건발생이러한소송의급격한증가배경으로는지난 2월미국버지니아주연방하원에서재발의된 특허법개정안 (Innovation Act) 이오바마정부지원을받으며어느때보다통과가능성이높은것으로예상됨에따라 NPEs 기업들은법률개정전에소송을미리제기하는것으로분석됨. 미국의특허법개정 ( 안 ) 은막대한특허소송비용을대부분패소자가승소자에게지불하도록의무화하였음. 또한특허소송비용의큰부분을차지하는증거개시 10) 규정에도제한을둬특허권자의소송비용을줄일수있도록함. [ 그림 -3] NPEs 소송발생추이 18

24 Ⅲ. NPEs 통계자료 2) 산업별 11) 구성현황 기술발달및특허분쟁의중심축은전기 전자산업의컴퓨터기술, 산업의이동통신기술과 AV(Audio-Video) 기술로지속적인분쟁이발생함. 산업별분쟁발생현황을보면전기 전자산업이 417 건으로가장많은비중을 차지하고있으며, 다음으로산업 (400 건 ), 장치산업 (159 건 ), 화학 바이오산업 (67 건 ), 기타산업 (55 건 ), 기계 소재산업 (8 건 ), 의순임. [ 그림 -4] 산업 기술별소송현황 [ 그림 -5] 산업 기술별소송비중 19

25 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 < 표-4> 산업 기술별소송건수 (2015년 1/4분기 ) 20

26 Ⅲ. NPEs 통계자료 3) 기술별 12) 구성현황 전기 전자산업 전기 전자산업내에는 3 개의세부기술이포함되며동분기에는주로반도체 기술과컴퓨터기술및광학조절기술관련소송이발생하였음. 이중컴퓨터기술관련특허에의한소송건이산업내전체의 89.2% 로가 장높은비중을차지하고있으며, 뒤를이어반도체기술 (12.1%), 광학조절 기술순으로나타남. [ 그림 -5] 에서와같이컴퓨터기술은 NPEs 기업관련소송에서항상상위에 차지하고있는반면광학조절과반도체기술은시기별로편차가존재함. [ 그림 -6] 에서는전기 전자산업내에서가장소송을많이제기한 10 대기업 을알수있으며, Data Carriers 와 Wetro Lan 사가각각 20%(54 개 ) 기업 에소송을제기한것으로나타남. < 표-5> 산업세부기술별소송현황 (2015년 1/4분기 ) 21

27 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 [ 그림 -6] 전기 전자산업세부기술별소송동향 ( 14.4/4Q~ 15.1/4Q) [ 그림 -7] 전기 전자산업內상위 10 대 NPEs 기업점유율 22

28 Ⅲ. NPEs 통계자료 산업산업내에는 5개의세부기술이포함되며동분기에는전기대비전반적으로고른소송분포를보임 ( 미국특허법개정에대비한것으로판단됨 ) 이중이동통신기술이가장상위를차지하고있으며, 이어서 AV 기술과디지털 통신기술이존재. [ 그림 -7] 에서와같이이동통신기술은 NPEs 기업관련소송에서항상상위에 차지하고있는반면 AV 와디지털통신기술은시기별로편차가존재함. [ 그림 -89] 에서는산업내에서가장소송을많이제기한기업을알수 있으며, Adaptix 와 Azure networks 사가전체소송의 37% 를차지하고있 는것으로나타남. < 표-6> 산업세부기술별소송현황 (2015년 1/4분기 ) 23

29 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 [ 그림 -8] 산업세부기술별소송동향 ( 14.4/4Q~ 15.1/4Q) [ 그림 -9] 산업內 NPEs 기업별점유율 24

30 Ⅲ. NPEs 통계자료 기타산업기타산업은전체소송에서는 4.9% 을비율을차지하고 4개의세부기술이포함되며, 전기에는 NPEs 관련소송이전혀발생하지않았음, 하지만동기에는 4개의세부기술분야모두관련소송이청구되었으며이또한특허법개정에대비한것으로판단됨 분기에는기타소비재관련특허소송이전체의 67.3% 를차지함. < 표-7> 기타산업세부기술별소송동향 (2015년 1/4분기 ) [ 그림 -10] 기타산업세부기술별소송동향 ( 14.4/4Q~ 15.1/4Q) 25

31 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 원고별소제기현황을살펴보면 Catanzaro가총 33건의소송을제기하여산업내발생한특허침해소송의 60% 를차지하고있으며, 다음으로 Promethean Insulation Technology와 Uretek Holdings가각각 4건의소송을제기하여 7.3% 의점유율을보여줌. [ 그림 -11] 기타산업內 NPEs 기업별점유율 26

32 Ⅲ. NPEs 통계자료 장치산업전체소송중 14.3% 의비율을차지하는장치산업내에는 4개의세부기술이포함되며, 15년 1/4분기에는진단측정기술관련특허에관한소송이총70건으로산업내전체소송발생량의 70.7% 로가장높은비중을차지하고있음다음으로조정기술 (29.6%), 전자 에너지장치기술 (15.1%), 의료장치기술 (11.3%) 의순으로점유 < 표-8> 장치산업세부기술별소송현황 (2015년 1/4분기 ) [ 그림 -12] 장치산업세부기술별소송동향 ( 14.4/4Q~ 15.1/4Q) [ 그림 -12] 에서전기대비추이를살펴보면진단측정및조정기술은지속적 으로특허관련분쟁이발생하는분야이며, 의료장치 / 전자 에너지기술은꾸준 히분쟁이발생하지도않으며발생하였다하더라도매달그편차가큰편임. 27

33 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 [ 그림-13] 은장치산업에서특허관련분쟁을가장많이제기한원고기업을살펴본것으로 Avioniqs가총32건으로 (21.8%), Eclipse IP(14.3%), Adaptive Data(12.9%) 순임. 특히장치산업은경우상위10개업체가전체소송의 92.4% 를선점하는것으로나타나특정기업에의한특허관련분쟁비율이높은편임. [ 그림 -13] 장치산업 NPEs 별소송비중 ( 고빈도상위 10 개업체 ) 28

34 Ⅲ. NPEs 통계자료 화학 바이오화학 바이오산업내에는 7개의세부기술이포함되며, 이중의약품기술관련특허에의한소송은 15년1/4분기동안총56건으로산업내전체소송발생량의 83.6% 로가장높은비중을차지하고있음 < 표-9> 화학 바이오산업세부기술별소송현황 (2015년 1/4분기 ) [ 그림 -14] 화학 바이오산업세부기술별소송동향 ( 14.4/4Q ~ 15.1/4Q) [ 그림 -14] 에서살펴보는바와같이화학 바이오산업은 14 년 11~12 월에는 NPEs 분쟁이 발생하지않은것으로조사되었으나 15 년 1/4 분기에는전반 적인 NPEs 소송증가경향과함께소송이증가하는경향을보임. 29

35 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 의약품 (83.6%), 표면코팅기술 (6.0%), 기초재료화학기술 (4.5%) 등의순으로나타남. 원고별소제기현황을살펴보면 Thermolife International 社가총 32건의소송을제기하여산업내발생한특허침해소송의 67% 를차지하고있으며, 다음으로 Adaptive Data(6%), Adaptive Data와 Cosmo Technologies 등은각 4건으로소송의6% 를차지함. [ 그림 -15] 화학 바이오산업 NPEs 별소송비중 30

36 Ⅲ. NPEs 통계자료 4) 관할법원소송현황관할법원별로살펴보면美텍사스州동부지방법원이전체지방법원의 57.5%(640건 ) 로압도적인비중을차지하고있으며, 캘리포니아州지방법원 14.1%(157건 ), 델라웨어州북부지방법원 7.5%(84건 ) 순으로나타남. [ 그림 -16] 미국內관할법원별소송현황 31

37 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 2015 년 1/4 분기특허침해소송의 65% 가동부텍사스와델라웨어법원에제 출된배경은이지역들이원고에게우호적인판결이나올확률이높기때문임. 특허법의개정을앞두고 15 년 1/4 분기에텍사스에제출된소송은전년동기 (404 건 ) 대비 58.4% 이상증가하였음. [ 그림 -17] 미국주 ( 州 ) 별특허분쟁발생지도 32

38 Ⅲ. NPEs 통계자료 5) 국내기업 13) 피소현황 2015 년 1/4 분기동안 NPE 에의한국내기업의피소건수는총 45 건으로전기 전자 자동차완성차 항공업체등총 6 개社가피소되었음. 전분기대비소송건수는 53 건에서 45 건으로감소하였으며, 국내기업을피소한 NPEs 업체수는 18 개기업에서 16 개로감소 전분기에는,, 장치산업에한정된분쟁이진행되었으나 해당동기에는기존산업뿐만아니라기계소재산업이포함되었음. < 표-10> 국내기업피소산업 기술분야별소송건수 다음 < 표 -11> 에서는전분기 ( 14.4/4Q) 와해당분기 ( 15.1/4Q) 동안 NPEs 에게피소를당한국내기업현황을나타냄. 기술이전산업에서활용되고있는추세로인해기계소재나제조기업 임에도불구하고관련특허분쟁이발생하기도하므로기업들의전 방위적인특허분쟁대응체계구축이필요 33

39 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 해당분기에는, 기계 소재, 산업분야가 NPEs 분쟁의중심 이되었음. < 표-11> 국내기업의 NPEs 피소건수 < 표 -12> 국내기업을제소한 NPEs * (2015 년 1/4 분기 ) 34

40 Ⅲ. NPEs 통계자료 참고 1 산업 (6 대 ) 기술 (35 대 ) WIPO-IPC 연계표 WIPO( 세계지식재산권기구 )-IPC( 특허분류체계 ) Concordance 테이블제품단위의표준화된분류설정이어려운점을고려하여특허문헌마다부여되는 IPC 코드를기준으로 WIPO( 세계지식재산권기구 ) 에서 6대산업, 35대기술분야를매칭한테이블공개현재보호협회의산업 기술별분쟁사건분류는 WIPO 매칭테이블에의거개별소송사건에포함된특허분류코드를기준으로분류 < 표 -13>WIPO( 세계지식재산권기구 )-IPC( 특허분류체계 ) Concordance Other consumer goods 기타소비재 Civil engineering 토목공학기술 Games & Furnitures 게임및생활가구 Engines, pumps, turbines 엔진 펌프 터빈기술 Machine tools 공작기계 Mechanical elements 기계소재기술 mechanical handling 기계조작기술 Other Mechanical machines 기타기계장치 Textile manufacturing 직물 방직장치기술 Thermal process 열공정 열장치기술 Vehicle Machinary 운송기계 Analysis of biological materials 생체물질모니터링기술 Control Technology 조정기술 Diagnostic & Measurement 진단측정기술 Electrical & Energy machinary 전자 에너지장치기술 Medical Devices 의료장치기술 Audio-Video technology AV(Audio-Video) 기술 Basic communication processes 기초통신프로세스기술 Digital communication 디지털통신기술 IT managing method 매니징을위한 IT기술 Mobile telecommunication 이동통신기술 Computer technology 컴퓨터기술 Optical technology 광학조절기술 Semiconductors 반도체 Basic chemical materials 화학물질및가공기술 Basic materials chemistry 기초재료화학기술 Biotechnology 생명공학기술 Chemical engineering 화학공학기술 Environmental technology 환경공학기술 Food chemistry 식품화학기술 Macromolecular & Polymer 고분자제조기술 Microstructural & nano technology 미세나노기술 Organic fine chemistry 유기화학기술 Pharmaceuticals 의약품 Surface Coating technology 표면코팅기술 35

41 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향보고서 Ⅲ. 주요 NPEs 분석 2015 년 1 분기주요 NPEs TOP Wetro Lan, LLC 2. Data Carriers, LLC 3. Adaptive Data, LLC 4. Thermolife International, LLC 5. Adaptix, Inc. 6. Olivistar, LLC 7. Azure Networks, LLC 8. Catanzaro 9. Avioniqs, LLC 10. E.DigitalCorporation 11. QommerceSystems,, LLC 12. EclipseIP, LLC 13. RothschildConnectedDevicesInnovations, LLC 14. Tessera,Inc. 15. NovelpointTracking, LLC 16. SycamoreIPHoldings, LLC 17. AdvancedMediaNetworks, LLC 18. RothschildLocationTechnologies, LLC 19. ScriptSecuritySolutions,, LLC 20. Orostream,, LLC NPEs Trend Quarterly Report 2015 동보고서의특허자산수치는향후특허권양수 / 양도에의한변동가능성을내포하고있습니다.

42 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 2015 년 1 분기주요 NPEs Top20 NPEs 별소송현황 2015년 1/4분기동안특허소송을제기한 NPEs 는총 126개社로이중상위 20개기업은다음과같음. 상위 20개기업중가장많이특허소송을제기한기업은 Wetro Lan 社이며, 이들이제소한기업수는 56개기업임. 상위 20개기업이평균적으로제기한소송기업수는 31.1개로조사되었음. 이들기업이속한산업은전기 전자 (8), (6), 장치산업 (3), 기타산업 (2), 화학 바이오 (1) 로구성되었음 < 표-14> 특허침해소송상위 20개 NPEs (2015년 1/4분기 ) 37

43 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 1 Wetro Lan, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 Wetro Lan, LLC 는기업홈페이지가개설되어있지않아상세정보파악은어려우나소장에기재된당사자정보에의하면텍사스州에기반을두고활동하고있는 NPE 로파악됨 동사의주요소송활동분야는네트워킹분야인것으로조사됨 주소 : 3400 Silverstone Drive STE 191-D, Plano Texas 주요피소기업동사는 15년 1분기 56개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요피소기업리스트는아래와같음기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 Asustek Computer Inc. 1 Uniform Industrial Corporation (U.S.A.) 1 Belkin International, Inc. 1 Untangle, Inc. 1 Digital Data Communications GMBH 1 Vizio, Inc. 1 Emerson Electric Co. 1 Top Global USA, Inc. 1 Huawei Technologies USA, Inc. 1 Watchguard Technologies, Inc. 1 SMC Networks, Inc. 1 Western Digital Technologies, Inc. 1 S 사 1 Zoom Telephonics, Inc. 1 38

44 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 (1) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US US US

45 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 3건이며, 산업및기계소재, 장치산업관련기술임소송활용특허 3건중동사보유특허는 1건이며, 다른 2건의특허는각각 BESTWAY INFLATABLES & MATERIAL CORP, RESONANT SYSTEMS INC이최종소유권자인것으로조사됨 ➊ US 명칭 Service level computer security 발명자 Trolan; Steven T. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 WETRO LAN LLC 산업 / 컴퓨터기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 Novel apparatus and methods for filtering data packets by providing non-user configurable authorization data. The invention provides an efficient, quick, secure, and simple to implement technique for computer communication security, in part, by utilizing service level filtering of data packets. 대표도 40

46 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➋ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Air purge valve and filter pump cover employing same Kai; Yao BESTWAY INFLATABLES & MATERIAL CORP 기계소재 / 기계조작기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A filter pump cover according to the invention comprises a filter cap, an air purge valve, and a filter cap retainer. An air purge valve according to the invention is comprised of a valve cap, a screw-threaded portion, and a valve stem having one or more outward-facing inverse hooks at the bottom. The inverse hooks are located at the bottom of the air purge valve stem and hook onto the bottom lip of the hollow central portion of the filter cap retainer to prevent complete removal of the valve stem from the filter cap retainer. The valve screw-threaded portion is interrupted by a valve opening slot on one side that permits the release of air from the pump when the valve is opened. The hollow part of the filter cap retainer mates with and holds the air purge valve by means of the screw threads when the valve is closed. The valve stem has an upper width that is smaller than the inner diameter of the retainer cap hollow part and a lower width at the inverse hooks that is smaller than the diameter of the retainer cap hollow part. Optional fixing slots for capturing the inverse hooks may be present at the bottom of the retainer cap hollow part. Spaces between the inverse hooks enable initial installation and/or complete removal of the valve stem when desired. When in use in a typical system, the filter cap retainer holding the air purge valve is inserted into the top of a filter container. The filter cap retainer is then held in place on the filter container by the filter cap to form the complete filter pump cover, leaving the air purge valve cap accessible through a hole in the top of the filter cap. 41

47 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 ➌ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Linear vibration modules and linear-resonant vibration modules Elenga; Robin Pepin; Brian Marc Tompkins; Glen RESONANT SYSTEMS INC 장치산업 / 전자 에너지장치기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 대표도 The current application is directed to various types of linear vibrational modules, including linear-resonant vibration modules, that can be incorporated in a wide variety of appliances, devices, and systems to provide vibrational forces. The vibrational forces are produced by linear oscillation of a weight or member, in turn produced by rapidly alternating the polarity of one or more driving electromagnets. Feedback control is used to maintain the vibrational frequency of linear-resonant vibration module at or near the resonant frequency for the linear-resonant vibration module. Both linear vibration modules and linear-resonant vibration modules can be designed to produce vibrational amplitude/frequency combinations throughout a large region of amplitude/frequency space. 42

48 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 2 Data Carriers, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 델러에웨어州기반이유한책임회사로주요소송활동분야는가전제품및 PCs, 소비재, 전자상거래및소프트웨어, 에너지, 재정서비스, 미디어콘텐츠및유통, 이동통신 장치등광범위한것으로조사됨 미국텍사스州달라스에본사를둔 IP 위탁및관리전문업체 IPNav * 의자회사인것으로추정됨 주소 : 4023 Kennett Pike, Suite 531, Wilmington, Delaware 주요피소기업 동사는 15 년 1 분기 55 개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 Alliant Energy Corporation 1 Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Inc. 1 Baxter International Inc. 1 EMD Millipore Corporation 1 Biomarin Pharmaceutical Inc. 1 Galderma S.A. 1 Chesapeake Energy Corporation 1 Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1 Chevron Corporation 1 Spectra Energy Corp 1 Cimarex Energy Co. 1 Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. 1 Dominion Resources, Inc. 1 Western Refining Inc. 1 43

49 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 0 52(0) 52(0) 17(0) 55(3) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US US US

50 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 3건이며, 산업에속하는컴퓨터 광학조절기술및기타산업의기타소비재기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭 Proactive presentation of automating features to a computer user 발명자 Layman; Andrew J. Berkovec; David C. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 DATA CARRIERS LLC 산업 / 컴퓨터기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A system for proactively automating the use of a computer comprises a central processing unit (CPU), an input device, a display device and memory including a set of feature templates, context monitoring unit, input monitoring unit, feature presentation routines and feature implementation routines. The CPU is coupled to the display device and input devices for displaying information and receiving information, respectively. The CPU is also coupled to the input monitoring unit and the context monitoring unit to detect and record user manipulations of the input device and its context. The CPU is also coupled to a section of memory containing feature templates. Each template is a set of input manipulation steps and program contexts. The CPU compares the recorded user manipulations of the input and their corresponding program context with the feature templates stored in memory. If a match is found, the CPU uses the feature presentation routines to present different features on the display to the user and implements the features with the feature implementation routines according to user selection. 45

51 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 ➋ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Coated optical fibers Bulters; Markus J. H. Rekers; Gerrit Bleiman; Philippe W. P. V. Linsen; Jozef M. H. Stroeks; Alexander A. M. Van Eekelen; Johannes A. Abel; Adrianus G. M. Dorschu; Marko Steeman; Paulus A. M. DSM IP ASSETS BV / 광학조절기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 A system for proactively automating the use of a computer comprises a central processing unit (CPU), an input device, a display device and memory including a set of feature templates, context monitoring unit, input monitoring unit, feature presentation routines and feature implementation routines. The CPU is coupled to the display device and input devices for displaying information and receiving information, respectively. The CPU is also coupled to the input monitoring unit and the context monitoring unit to detect and record user manipulations of the input device and its context. The CPU is also coupled to a section of memory containing feature templates. Each template is a set of input manipulation steps and program contexts. The CPU compares the recorded user manipulations of the input and their corresponding program context with the feature templates stored in memory. If a match is found, the CPU uses the feature presentation routines to present different features on the display to the user and implements the features with the feature implementation routines according to user selection. 대표도 46

52 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➌ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Golf club head cover with snap closure Gaffney; Travis ARIZONA MANUFACTURING & EMBROIDERY INC 기타산업 / 게임및생활가구 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 대표도 There is provided a golf club cover with a magnetized snap closure that provides a functional but convenient and attractive method for affixing and removing a cover from the head of a golf club, particularly a putter. A golfer need only align the golf club, such as by pointing the tip of a putter head toward the opening in the cover, and then quickly push the club head right through the opening and into an internal cavity of the cover. Two matching arm fasteners are disposed in opposing flaps of the cover. The arm fastener includes a flange portion and a magnet with the magnets serving to maintain the arm fasteners in a generally engaged position. Movement of the club shaft toward the interior of the cover will cause the magnetic snap closure to briefly open so as to allow the shaft to pass through the closure. Then, once the shaft has passed the closure, meaning that the head of the club has reached its resting place in the cover cavity, the snap closure then automatically (magnetically) closes so as to secure the golf club cover around the club head. In order to remove the club from the cover, the user quickly pulls the club away, which sufficiently opens the snap closure and allows the club to be extricated from the cover. 47

53 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 3 Adaptive Data, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 기업홈페이지가개설되어있지않아상세정보파악은어려우나, 소장에기재된당사자정보에의하면네바다州에기반을두고활동하고있는것으로추정됨 동사의주요소송활동분야는소비재, 네트워킹분야인것으로파악됨 주요피소기업동사는 15년 1분기 52개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요피소기업리스트는아래와같음기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 Panasonic Corporation of North America et al 1 Sharp Electronics Corporation et al 1 Apotex Corp. 1 Sony Corporation of America et al 1 Apple Inc. 1 Skye Associates, LLC 1 Beauty Union Global Ltd 1 T-Mobile USA Inc 1 Dropbox, Inc. 1 Toshiba America Medical Systems Inc 3 Google Inc. 1 Toshiba America Inc 1 Hitachi Medical Systems America, Inc. 1 Qualcomm Inc 1 48

54 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 ( 단위 : 건 ) /4분기 (2) 52(0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US US US US US US US US US US US US US

55 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 13건 * 이며, 산업에속하는컴퓨터기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭 Non-polled dynamic slot time allocation protocol 발명자 Holmquist; Kurt E. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 ADAPTIVE DATA LLC / 디지털통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 A protocol allows a device connected to a common channel to communicate directly with another device on that channel during a predetermined slot time. The protocol is particularly suited to a communications network where all communications devices are able to communicate directly with each other. In architecture, the protocol can be implemented in hardware, software or a combination thereof, and is more particularly implemented as follows. A central communications device for processing slot time sequence information and communicating it to tributary communications devices is connected via any number of communications channels to a plurality of tributary communications devices. The configuration of the system is such that the communications devices can directly transmit and receive information from each other. The central communications device optimizes system bandwidth usage by dynamically allocating a sequence of slot times for use in the protocol. The communication devices then communicate with each other during their assigned slot times under the control of the protocol. 대표도 50

56 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➋ US 명칭 Image neurography and diffusion anisotropy imaging 발명자 Filler; Aaron G. Tsurda; Jay S. Richards; Todd L. Howe; Franklyn A. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 WASHINGTON RESEARCH FOUNDATION 장치산업 / 의료장치기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A neurography system (10) is disclosed for generating diagnostically useful images of neural tissue (i.e., neurograms) employing a modified magnetic resonance imaging system (14). In one embodiment, the neurography system selectively images neural tissue by employing one or more gradients to discriminate diffusion anisotropy in the tissue and further enhances the image by suppressing the contribution of fat to the image. The neurography system is part of a broader medical system (12), which may include an auxiliary data collection system (22), diagnostic system (24), therapeutic system (26), surgical system (28), and training system (30). These various systems are all constructed to take advantage of the information provided by the neurography system regarding neural networks, which information was heretofore unavailable. 51

57 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 ➌ US 명칭 발명자 Layout based method for map navigation Peschke;George 최종권리자 N/A 산업 / 기술분류 장치산업 / 진단측정기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 대표도 A map navigation and display system which emphasizes the use of physical layout and location to identify and select areas to zoom in on. Preferably used to assist users in locating stores and businesses, a central concept is the visual presentation of a shopping center showing the layout of the buildings and stores within the center. Each store is then linked to its own page with details about the business. Higher level maps may also show the layout and location of the shopping centers within a neighborhood or district and within a region. Optional density indicators at the regional level assist users in locating areas with a large number of stores. Optional text search capability supplements the visual methods. 52

58 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➍ US 명칭 System and method for synchronizing data between a plurality of databases 발명자 Fino; Timothy A. Hall; Stephan E. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 HALL DATA SYNC TECHNOLOGIES LLC / 컴퓨터기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A system for facilitating the information transfer and processing associated with home construction and home sales. Various discrete software modules are disclosed each handling a specific task associated with home construction and sales. Also, a system for communicating between separate data bases is disclosed wherein separate and distinct sales offices, each having their own data base, may communicate with a parent, market office having its own data base wherein the data bases of the sales offices and the market office are synchronized according to the method of the present invention so that any data updates in any of the sales offices would be automatically updated in the associated market offices. This aspect of the present invention allows a corporation responsible for home construction and sales amongst various regional, market, and sales offices to coordinate a plurality of discretely separate data bases in a way such that they are all synchronized with one another at a predetermined time. 53

59 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 ➎ US 명칭 Secure notification messaging systems and methods using authentication indicia 발명자 Horstemeyer; Scott A. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 ECLIPSE IP LLC 장치산업조정기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 Systems and methods are disclosed for notification or messaging systems that give confidence to the notification-receiving party that a notification concerning the travel status of a mobile thing is from a proper authorized source. One representative method, among others, comprises the following steps: monitoring travel data associated with a mobile thing; communicating a notification involving a delivery or pickup task associated with the mobile thing to a personal communications device associated with a party; and providing authentication information to the personal communications device that indicates to the party that the notification is from an authorized source. A representative system, among others, comprises a computer system that is programmed to perform each of the foregoing steps. 54

60 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 4 Thermolife International, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 Thermolife linternational, LLC 는기업사이트에서다수의운동보조제 (sports nutrition) 를판매하는등표면적으로는제조기업으로보이나, 특허권을매입하여다수의운동보충제공급업체를상대로소송을제기함으로써라이선싱또는로열티계약을맺는방법으로수익을창출하는 NPE 비즈니스모델을표방하고있으므로 NPE 로분류할수있음 동사의주요소송활동분야는바이오테크및제약, 소비재, 제조업등인것으로조사됨 주소 : 3941 E Chandler Blvd # Phoenix, AZ 홈페이지 : 주요피소기업 동사는 15 년 1 분기 50 개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 Jared Wheat 32 Supplement Central 2 A1 Supplements, Inc. 2 World Class Nutrition 2 DPS Nutrition 2 I-Supplements.com 1 Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2 John's Lone Star Distribution, Inc. 1 I-Supplements.com 2 Nutrition Jungle 1 All Star Health 2 Suppz Inc. 2 Netrition, Inc. 2 Vitamin Shoppe, Inc. 1 55

61 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 화학 바이오 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 국내 ) ( 단위 : 건 ) /4분기 2(0) 5(0) 123(0) 3(0) 50(0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US US US

62 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 3건이며, 화학 바이오및산업에속하는기술임 ➊ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Amino acid compositions Kramer; Ronald Nikolaidis; Alexander THERMOLIFE INTERNATIONAL LLC 화학 바이오 / 의약품 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 대표도 Methods for increasing athletic performance, distribution of various Amino Acids to muscles, and solubility of various Amino Acids in a human or animal by administering an amino acid composition that includes: at least one constituent selected from the group consisting of a nitrate, a nitrite, and both; and at least one constituent amino acid selected from the group consisting of Arginine, Agmatine, Beta Alanine, Citrulline, Creatine, Glutamine, L-Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Norvaline, Ornithine, Valine, Aspartic Acid, Cysteine, Glycine, Lysine, Methionine, Proline, Tyrosine, and Phenylalanine. 57

63 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 ➋ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Betaine compounds Kramer; Ronald Nikolaidis; Alexander THERMOLIFE INTERNATIONAL LLC 화학 바이오 / 의약품 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 대표도 A Nitrate or Nitrite of a Betaine Compound disclosed. Also disclosed are a composition and a supplement formulation comprising at least one constituent selected from the group consisting of a Nitrate, a Nitrite, and both; and a Betaine Compound. The composition and supplement formulation may be formulated to deliver an effective amount of the constituents to prevent the development of nitrate tolerances, to increase bioabsorption of amino acids, or to increase the vasodilative characteristics of amino acids in a human or animal. 58

64 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➌ US 명칭 Generation of enlarged participatory broadcast audience 발명자 Kohorn; Henry V. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 QUEST NETTECH CORP AV(Audio-Video) 기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A system and method for wagering and for evaluating responses to broadcast programs, such as television programs, includes an instructional signal modulated onto a signal transmitted concurrently with the television program, or time-multiplexed with a television. At each of a plurality of remote receiving stations, one or more members of a remote audience has the opportunity to respond to a situation presented in the television program by entering a response on a keyboard. The system includes, at each remote receiving station, a response unit having a memory responsive to the instructional signal for storing acceptable responses, a comparison circuit for comparing responses entered at the keyboard with those stored in the memory, circuitry for scoring responses in accordance with commands from the instructional signal, and a recording device for providing a permanent record of the audience score at the remote station. For conducting a sweepstakes, numbers or other responses are entered at the remote stations and are stored at a central facility for verification. Evaluation of a response may be performed at a central location or by a player's response unit. The program may be presented live conducted by a host at a central station, or by a prerecorded message accessible by telephone from a remote station with regulation from a central station, and may be transmitted via satellite simultaneously to numerous central stations for rebroadcast to an enlarged participatory audience. 59

65 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 5 Adaptix, Inc 업체정보 일반현황 2012 년 1 월미국의대표적 NPE 인 Acacia Research Group 이동사를 1 억 6,000 만달러에인수하면서, Adaptix 소유의미국등록특허 230 여개를함께매입한것으로알려져있음 동사는 2000 년초반 4G 무선통신기술인직교주파수분할다중접속기술을초기개발한선두기업으로알려져있으며, OFDMA MIMO 등다수의 4G 이통통신기술관련특허포트폴리오를구축하고있음 초기제조기업이었으나, NPE 로전향하여특허자산을활용한수익화전략 ( 소송 매각 라이선스등 ) 을강화하고있는것으로추정됨 동사의주요소송활동분야는가전제품및 PC, 이동통신기술및장치, 네트워킹등인것으로조사됨 주소 : 4100 Midway Road, Suite 2010, Carrollton, Texas 주요피소기업 동사는 15 년 1 분기 47 개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 ZTE Solutions, Inc. 4 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson ZTE Corporation 4 Dell, Inc. 1 ZTE USA, Inc. 4 Cellco Partnership D/B/A Verizon Wireless U.S. Cellular Corporation d/b/a U.S. Cellular 3 Boost Mobile, LLC 1 AT&T Mobility, LLC 3 Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc. 1 Sprint Spectrum, L.P. 3 MetroPCS Communications, Inc. Cellco Partnership 3 T-Mobile USA Inc 1 Apple Inc. 2 Metropcs Wireless Inc 1 AT&T Mobility 2 AT&T Mobility LLC 1 HTC Corporation 2 Sony Mobile Communications (USA), Inc. AT&T, Inc. 2 Ericsson, Inc. 1 HTC America, Inc. 2 Sprint Spectrum L.P

66 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 0 13(3) 126(4) 55(0) 47(0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US US US US

67 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 4건이며, 모두 Adaptix, Inc 가최종권리자인산업기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 OFDMA with adaptive subcarrier-cluster configuration and selective loading Li; Xiaodong Liu; Hui Li; Kemin Zhang; Wenzhong ADAPTIX INC / 이동통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A method and apparatus for subcarrier selection for systems is described. In one embodiment, the system employs orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA). In one embodiment, a method for subcarrier selection comprises each of multiple subscribers measuring channel and interference information for subcarriers based on pilot symbols received from a base station, at least one of subscribers selecting a set of candidate subcarriers, providing feedback information on the set of candidate subcarriers to the base station, and the one subscriber receiving an indication of subcarriers of the set of subcarriers selected by the base station for use by the one subscriber. 62

68 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➋ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Multi-carrier communications with adaptive cluster configuration and switching Li; Xiaodong Liu; Hui Zhang; Wenzhong Li; Kemin ADAPTIX INC / 디지털통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A method and apparatus for allocating subcarriers in an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) system is described. In one embodiment, the method comprises allocating at least one diversity cluster of subcarriers to a first subscriber and allocating at least one coherence cluster to a second subscriber. 63

69 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 ➌ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 OFDMA with adaptive subcarrier-cluster configuration and selective loading Li; Xiaodong Liu; Hui Li; Kemin Zhang; Wenzhong ADAPTIX INC / 이동통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A method and apparatus for subcarrier selection for systems is described. In one embodiment, the system employs orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA). In one embodiment, a method for subcarrier selection comprises each of multiple subscribers measuring channel and interference information for subcarriers based on pilot symbols received from a base station, at least one of subscribers selecting a set of candidate subcarriers, providing feedback information on the set of candidate subcarriers to the base station, and the one subscriber receiving an indication of subcarriers of the set of subcarriers selected by the base station for use by the one subscriber. 64

70 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➍ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 OFDMA with adaptive subcarrier-cluster configuration and selective loading Li; Xiaodong Liu; Hui Li; Kemin Zhang; Wenzhong ADAPTIX INC / 디지털통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A method and apparatus for allocating subcarriers in an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) system is described. In one embodiment, the method comprises allocating at least one diversity cluster of subcarriers to a first subscriber and allocating at least one coherence cluster to a second subscriber. 65

71 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 6 Olivistar, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 Olivister, LLC 는 2014 년 3 월설립된 Texas 기반의유한책임회사로, 설립직후인 2014 년 4 월 8 개의특허권을실시하여 62 건의소송을제기한이력이있음 동사는 2014 년국내 S 社및 L 社를상대로 2 건의소송을제기한바있음 주요소송제기분야는네트워킹, 전자상거래및소프트웨어, 가전제품및 PC, 이동통신기술및장치, 소비재분야인것으로파악됨 주소 : 2150 S. Central Expressway, Suite 200, McKinney, Texas 주요피소기업동사는 15년 1분기 40개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요피소기업리스트는아래와같음기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 Southwestern Energy Company 1 Exxon Mobil Corporation 1 HSBC USA Inc. 1 JP Morgan Chase & Co. 1 Woodforest National Bank 1 Phillips 66 Company 1 Amegy Bank National Association 1 Cimarex Energy Co. 1 Occidental Petroleum Corporation 1 City Bank 1 American Bank of Texas 1 Bank of America Corporation 1 The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation 1 Plainscapital Bank 1 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation 1 Chevron Corporation 1 First United Bank and Trust Company 1 Wells Fargo Bank, National Association 1 Apache Corporation 1 Energy Transfer Equity, LP 1 Kinder Morgan, Inc. 1 Ally Financial Inc. 1 Atmos Energy Corporation 1 Exelon Corporation 1 66

72 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 (2) 40 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US US US US US

73 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 5건이며, 대부분산업에속하는기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 System and method for customizing the storage and management of device data in a networked environment Alexander; Bruce Antal; David OLIVISTAR LLC / 컴퓨터기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A system and method for customizing the storage of data according to data attributes are provided. A user is provided with a graphical user interface for generating data archive profiles. The data archive profiles can include information regarding the attributes of the device data, specifications regarding the storage of the data, specifications regarding the retrieval of the archived data, and management of the archived data during storage. The execution of the data archive profiles facilitates the individual processing of specific data types or individual pieces of identifiable data. 68

74 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➋ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 System and method for implementing open-control remote device control Alexander; Bruce Bahneman; Liem OLIVISTAR LLC / 컴퓨터기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A system and method for implementing open-protocol remote device control are provided. A user accesses a common user interface for controlling one or more networked devices. Utilizing the interface, the user selects one or more actions. The selection is encoded in a standard protocol and transmitted to a premises server. The premises server obtains the selection, accesses a device interface database and translates the selection into a device-specific protocol. The translated instruction is transmitted to the selected device for implementation. The user interface then obtains any device return data for display on the user interface. 69

75 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 ➌ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Method and system for underwater light display Longoria; Jose Taylor; Loren T. Feldman; Traci Heather LONGORIA DESIGN LLC 장치산업전자 에너지장치기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 대표도 An underwater light display system for providing a decorative light display on the surface of a container holding a body of water and/or objects located within a body of water is provided. An exemplary system comprises a shell and a light assembly. The shell comprises a bottom and a top portion. In accordance with an exemplary embodiment, the light assembly is preprogrammed to produce variable light patterns and is secured to the interior surface of the top portion so as to direct light downward. In accordance with an exemplary embodiment, the light assembly may further comprise a plurality of lenses configured to direct light. In accordance with an exemplary embodiment, the light assembly further comprises a weight having a lens configured to direct light. 70

76 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➍ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Heel unit for alpine touring binding Shute; Cameron Allan McCrank; Ernest Dawson Moore; Robert Erik Palfreyman; Paul Matthew Rogers; James William G3 GENUINE GUIDE GEAR INC 기타산업 / 게임및생활가구 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 대표도 An alpine touring heel unit is provided which comprises a base for mounting the heel unit and an upper portion with a heel connector. The upper portion is slidably engageable with the base for movement by a user into a downhill position and a touring position spaced rearwardly from the downhill position for disconnection of the heel connector. Complete movement in at least one direction between the downhill and touring positions may be actuated by a single motion by the user. Also provided is a heel unit movable between downhill and touring positions which comprises a heel support pivotally coupled to the heel unit. Also provided is a heel unit comprising a post and a body with a heel connector, the body being coaxially mounted on the post and rotatable between opposing lateral release positions and further containing a biasing device mounted outside of the body. Also provided are kits comprising a heel unit of this invention and a toe unit which functions independently from the heel unit. 71

77 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 ➎ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 System and method for processing information via networked computers including request handlers, process handlers, and task handlers Hinni; Aaron Louis Semones; Guerry Anderson Groner; Michael Scott Lozano; Roberto Raul APPISTRY INC / 컴퓨터기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 대표도 Systems and methods for processing information via networked computers leverage request handlers, process handlers, and task handlers to provide efficient distributed processing of processing jobs, the processing jobs comprising a process flow, each process flow including (1) a plurality of processing tasks to be performed by task handlers and (2) state information associated with the processing tasks. 72

78 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 7 Azure Networks, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 동사는텍사스주 Longview 에위치한회사로서 2008 년부터본격적인소송활동을시작 2015 년 1/4 분기에는국내전자회사에소송을제기하여주의가요구됨 자회사로는 Tri-County Excelsior Foundation 가있으며이기업또한 2010 년부터 NPE 로서전자제품및 PC, 반도체, 네트워킹, 휴대전화기기등에소송을제기함 상기두회사가공동원고로특허침해소송을제기하기도함 주요피소기업 동사는 15년 1분기 38개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명 피소건수 기업명 피소건수 Dell Inc 2 국내 S사 1 Acer, Inc. 1 Broadcom Corporation 1 Asus Computer International 1 Toshiba Corporation 1 Panasonic Corporation of North America 1 Cambridge Silicon Radio International LLC 1 Amazon.com Inc. 1 Acer America Corporation 1 Texas Instruments Inc 1 국내 L 사해외법인 1 ZTE Corporation 1 MediaTek Inc. 1 Marvell Semiconductor Inc 1 국내 S 사해외법인 1 Intel Corporation 1 Panasonic Corporation 1 Asustek Computer Inc 1 ZTE USA, Inc. 1 Qualcomm Incorporated 1 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. 1 Asustek Computer, Inc. 1 Garmin International, Inc. 1 73

79 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 1 25(8) (8) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US US US

80 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 3건이며, 산업에속하는디지털통신기술, 기타산업의기타소비재관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭 Personal area network with automatic attachment and detachment 발명자 Donaghey; Robert J. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 AZURE NETWORKS LLC / 디지털통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 A network (100) includes a hub device (110) and at least one unattached peripheral device (120). The unattached peripheral device (120) transmits an attach request to the hub device (110) with a selected address, receives a new address from the hub device to identify the unattached peripheral device (120), and communicates with the hub device (110) using the new address. 대표도 75

81 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 ➋ US 명칭 Fitness bag and methods of use 발명자 Silverman; Frank B. Metzger; Michael J. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 CAGE FITNESS INC 기타산업 / 게임및생활가구 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 대표도 A fitness bag of the invention includes a body that is elongated along an axis and has a generally circumferential surface, a first axial end surface, and a second axial end surface opposite the first axial end surface. The generally circumferential surface preferably has a radially constricted section between first and second radially enlarged sections. The first radially enlarged section is located between the radially constricted section and the first axial end surface while the second radially enlarged section is located between the first radially constricted section and the second axial end surface. A plurality of side handles may be arranged in radially opposed pairs along the body and oriented such that the ends of each handle extend towards the first and second axial end surfaces. The fitness bag is adapted to be placed both horizontally and vertically on the ground and struck by an appendage of the user. 76

82 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➌ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Personal area network apparatus Donaghey; Robert J TRI COUNTY EXCELSIOR FOUNDATION / 디지털통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 대표도 A peripheral device comprises a first entity and a second entity. In operation, the first/second entities are configured to respectively: receive a first/second entity-related message from at least one other device to indicate the availability of the at least one other device for attachment, send, to the at least one other device, a first/second entity-related message indicating the availability for communication with the at least one other device, receive, from the at least one other device, a first/second entity-related signal including a first/second entity-related peripheral device identifier, send a first/second entity-related response to the at least one other device, receive, from the at least one other device, a first/second entity-related device response, and send, to the at least one other device, a first/second entity-related second peripheral response including the first/second entity-related peripheral device identifier. 77

83 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 8 Catanzaro 업체정보 일반현황 Catanzaro 는기업이아닌개인발명가로서 full name 은 David Catanzaro 임 Article Assembly 와 Toothbrush Assembly 기술관련특허를보유하고있으며, 소송을제기한주요업체기업들은소매및장남감제조업에속하는기업인것으로조사됨 주요피소기업 동사는 15 년 1 분기 33 개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 Does 1 Through 50 6 Dollar General Corporation 1 Kmart Corporation 2 Kohl's Department Stores, Inc. 1 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 2 Spin Master, Ltd 1 Toys "R" Us, Inc. 2 Pinnacle Promotions, Inc. 1 Target Corporation 2 Ben Loeb Inc. 1 Garrett Specialties Company 1 CVS Caremark Corporation 1 Mattel, Inc. 1 Benjamin Goldstein 1 CandyRific, LLC 1 Dollar Tree, Inc. 1 Does 1 Through Walgreens, Co. 1 Rite Aid Corporation, Inc. 1 Family Dollar Stores, Inc. 1 Bandai America Inc. 1 Amazon.com Inc. 1 Greenbrier International, Inc. 1 Five Below, Inc. 1 78

84 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 화학 바이오 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 0 0 4(0) 0 33(0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US

85 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 1건이며, 기타산업에속하는기타소비재기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Article assembly Catanzaro; David N/A 기타산업 / 기타소비재 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 대표도 An assembly comprising a toothbrush having a first and second end. A stand in the shape of a pair of feet retains the brush in a vertical position when the stand is placed on a horizontal surface. For additional support, a base may be incorporated with the stand. 80

86 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 9 Avioniqs, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 동사는텍사스州에기반을두고있는엔지지어링전문업체로서네트워크및공업용기기분야가주요소송활동분야인것으로파악됨 최근피소된기업중국내 A 사가포함되어있어향후동향을주시할필요가있음 주소 : 719 W. Front Street, Suite 211, Tyler, Texas 주요피소기업 동사는 15년 1분기 32개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명 피소건수 기업명 피소건수 WestJet Airlines Ltd. 1 US Airways, Inc. 1 Qantas Airways Limited 1 British Airways PLC 1 국내 K사 1 Frontier Airlines, Inc. 1 Air Canada 1 Cargolux Airlines International, S.A. 1 United Airlines, Inc. 1 Fedex Corporation 1 Air China Cargo Company Limited 1 China Cargo Airlines Ltd. 1 Jetblue Airways Corporation 1 Lufthansa Cargo A.G. 1 Alaska Airlines, Inc. 1 Delta Air Lines, Inc. 1 MN Airlines, LLC d/b/a Sun Country Airlines 1 Nippon Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd. 1 American Airlines, Inc. 1 Deutsche Lufthansa A.G. 1 Singapore Airlines Cargo PTE Ltd. 1 Qatar Airways Q.C.S.C. 1 국내 A 사 1 DHL Express (USA), Inc. 1 81

87 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 장치산업 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 국내 ) ( 단위 : 건 ) /4분기 (2) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US

88 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 1건이며, 장치산업에속하는진단측정기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭 Weather warning system and method 발명자 Karamanian; Ara A. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 AVIONIQS LLC 장치산업 / 진단측정기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 A device for detecting a weather condition, particularly a tornado. The device includes a receiver module configured to receive electromagnetic signal from an atmosphere, particularly electromagnetic signal in the range of 1 MHz to 100 MHz. The device also includes a processing module coupled to the receiver module and configured to generate frequency spectrum data corresponding to the received electromagnetic signal, such as by performing a Fast Fourier Transform operation. Frequency spectrum data corresponding to the weather condition desired to be detected is stored in a stored data module. The device also includes a comparison module for comparing, such as by performing a cross-correlation operation, the generated frequency spectrum data and the stored frequency spectrum data in order to determine whether the weather condition is present in the atmosphere. An alarm module coupled to the comparison module generates an alarm condition when the comparison module determines that the weather condition is present in the atmosphere. 대표도 83

89 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 10 E.Digital Corporation 업체정보 일반현황 동사는 1988 년샌디에고에서설립된공개기업 (Public Company) 으로서 Flash-R patent portfolio 관련특허를보유하고있음 반도체, 전자제품등에중점을두고이동전화기기및기타소비재, 전자상거래등에도소송을제기하는특성을보임 주소 : West Bernardo Drive, Suite 120, San Diego, California 홈페이지 : 주요피소기업 동사는 15년 1분기 31개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명 피소건수 기업명 피소건수 Mouser Electronics, Inc. 3 Acer America Corporation 1 Logic Supply Inc. 1 First Commercial Technologies Inc. 1 SMART Modular Technologies, Inc. 1 Lenovo (United States) Inc. 1 Norcomp, Incorporated 1 Foremay Inc. 1 Apacer Technology Inc. 1 MemoRight Corporation 1 Kingfast SSD 1 Global Innovations, Inc. 1 Arcsoft, Inc. 1 Microsemi Corporation 1 Apacer Memory America, Inc. 1 Greenliant Systems, Inc. 1 MemoRight International Inc. 1 New Sight Devices Corp. 1 Cactus Technologies Limited 1 RunCore USA Corp. 1 Hagiwara Sys-Com US CO., LTD. RunCore Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. 1 1 Cactus USA 1 Hewlett-Packard Company 1 84

90 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 0 67(3) 96(4) 8(0) 31(0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US US

91 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 2건이며, 산업에속하는 AV(Audio-Video) 및이동통신기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭 Flash memory file system in a handheld record and playback device 발명자 Daberko; Norbert P. Davis; Richard K. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 EDIGITAL CORP / AV(Audio-Video) 기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 N/A 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A 기술요약 대표도 A record/playback device for use with a removable, interchangeable, flash memory recording medium which enables noise dampened recording of voice data and CD quality stereo recording of music data. The device includes a port for receiving a flash memory module which can record data according to industry standard formats to enable the transfer of data to and from personal computers through swapping of flash memory media. Alternative forms of data input and output also include implementation of a barcode reader and an infra-red transceiver for the transfer of data to and from the device. 86

92 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➋ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 System and method for managing mobile communications Nunally; Patrick EDIGITAL CORP / 이동통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 A device to automatically provide differing information levels according to a predetermined social hierarchy includes a memory and a processor. The memory stores social templates corresponding to unique social signatures and being selectable to provide, for each level of the predetermined social hierarchy, a corresponding differing amount of information to each member of the predetermined social hierarchy and/or a social networking service. The processor receives sensor data from a sensor set which detects sensor data related to an environment of a communication device, creates a detected social signature from the received sensor data, determines which of the social signatures of the social templates has the greatest correspondence with the created social signature, retrieves from the memory the determined one social template having the greatest correspondence, and provides only as much information as allowed in the retrieved social template. 대표도 87

93 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 11 Qommerce Systems, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 동사는전자상거래및소프트웨어분야에특화된회사로서 2014 년이후본격적인분쟁을시작하였음 전자상거래에중심을두고자동차및이동전화기기관련소송도진행중임 주소 : 719 West Front Street, Suite 211 Tyler, Texas 주요피소기업 동사는 15 년 1 분기 30 개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 Gander Direct Marketing Services, LLC 3 Zazzle Inc. 1 OmahaSteaks.com, Inc. 1 Build.com Inc. 1 JP Boden USA LLC 1 Hayneedle Inc. 1 Art.Com Inc. 1 CafePress Inc. 1 U.S. Auto Parts Network, Inc. B & H Foto & Electronics Corp. 1 JP Boden Services Inc. 1 1 CDW Corporation 1 JP Boden & Co. Ltd. 1 Karmaloop, Inc. 1 Beachbody, LLC 1 Colony Brands, Inc. 1 Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. 1 Nasty Gal Inc. 1 Bluestem Brands, Inc. 1 Disney Store USA, LLC 1 O'Reilly Automotive, Inc. 1 One Kings Lane Inc. 1 Brown Shoe Company, Inc. 1 Ebags, Inc. 1 88

94 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 (0) 30(0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US

95 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 1건이며, 산업에속하는컴퓨터기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭 Dynamic web storefront technology 발명자 Choate; Eric P. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 QOMMERCE SYSTEMS LLC / 컴퓨터기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A computer implemented method of conducting commerce over the Internet wherein a customer uses a client machine to request a web page through the Internet and a web server receives the request and sends a web page in hypertext mark up language (HTML) format that presents the customer with a form. The customer then enters information regarding a transaction at a web store. The form is set up so that the form values, i.e., the name of each variable, implies a way to store the variable's data in a database located in a web server. The forms data is processed into extensible markup language (XML) objects. By using XML path information in the HTML form variable names, the server is able to convert the HTML input into XML objects. This methodology allows the addition of any input fields without having to modify the code or programs residing on the server to accommodate these changes. 90

96 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 12 Eclipse IP, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 동사는플로리다에위치한유한회사로서 2011 년이후분쟁을제기하고있으며, 전자상거래 자동차및이동전화관련기술특허를활용하여분쟁을제기함 활발한활동을벌이고있는 NPEs 로서 UPS, FeDex 와의소송도진행중에있음 주소 : 711 SW 24th St., Boynton Beach, FL 주요피소기업 동사는 15 년 1 분기 21 개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 L'Occitane, Inc. 1 Kingsgate Transportation Services, LLC 1 Kewill, Inc. 1 Fred Perry USA, Inc. 1 Puma North America, Inc. 1 Lenox Corporation 1 American Fitness Wholesalers, LLC Laufer Group International, Ltd. 1 Giftports, Inc. 1 1 Moddeals LLC 1 Destination XL Group, Inc. 1 Hammer Nutrition, Ltd 1 Pen Chalet LLC 1 Pro-Source Performance Products, Inc. 1 Dick Blick Holdings, Inc. 1 Hasbro, Inc. 1 Alfa Vitamin Laboratories, Inc. 1 Swanson Health Products, Inc. 1 esupplements LLC 1 Hugo Boss, Inc. 1 91

97 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 장치산업 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 3(0) 16(0) 59(0) 24(0) 21(0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US US US

98 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 3건이며, 장치산업에속하는조정기술및산업의컴퓨터기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭 Secure notification messaging systems and methods using authentication indicia 발명자 Horstemeyer; Scott A. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 ECLIPSE IP LLC 장치산업 / 조정기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 Systems and methods are disclosed for notification or messaging systems that give confidence to the notification-receiving party that a notification concerning the travel status of a mobile thing is from a proper authorized source. One representative method, among others, comprises the following steps: monitoring travel data associated with a mobile thing; communicating a notification involving a delivery or pickup task associated with the mobile thing to a personal communications device associated with a party; and providing authentication information to the personal communications device that indicates to the party that the notification is from an authorized source. A representative system, among others, comprises a computer system that is programmed to perform each of the foregoing steps. 대표도 93

99 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 ➋ US 명칭 Secure notification messaging systems and methods using authentication indicia 발명자 Horstemeyer; Scott A. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 ECLIPSE IP LLC 산업 / 컴퓨터기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 Systems and methods are disclosed for notification or messaging systems that give confidence to the notification-receiving party that a notification concerning the travel status of a mobile thing is from a proper authorized source. One representative method, among others, comprises the following steps: monitoring travel data associated with a mobile thing; communicating a notification involving a delivery or pickup task associated with the mobile thing to a personal communications device associated with a party; and providing authentication information to the personal communications device that indicates to the party that the notification is from an authorized source. A representative system, among others, comprises a computer system that is programmed to perform each of the foregoing steps. 대표도 94

100 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➌ US 명칭 Notification systems and methods enabling a response to cause connection between a notified PCD and a delivery or pickup representative 발명자 Horstemeyer; Scott A. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 ECLIPSE IP LLC 장치산업 / 조정기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 Systems and methods are disclosed for automated notification systems. A representative method, among others, can be summarized by the following steps: monitoring travel data in connection with a mobile thing that is destined to pickup or deliver an item at a stop location; causing initiation of a notification communication to a personal communications device based upon the travel data; and during the notification communication, enabling a party associated with the personal communications device to select whether or not to communicate with a party having access to particulars of the pickup or delivery of items or services. A representative system, among others, comprises a computer or other automated system that is programmed or designed to perform the foregoing steps. 대표도 95

101 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 13 Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 동회사는개인발명가 Leigh M. Rothschild 가특허수익화를위해설립한자회사중하나로텍사스州에기반을둔유한책임회사임 기업홈페이지가개설되어있지않아상세정보파악은어려우나, 소송이력에따르면 2015 년상반기에본격적인활동을시작한 NPE 로파악됨 주소 : 1400 Preston Road, Suite 400, Plano, Texas 주요피소기업동사는 15년 1분기 20개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요피소기업리스트는아래와같음기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 Adt LLc 1 Onstar, LLC 1 Belkin International, Inc. 1 Sharp Electronics Corporation 1 Brickhouse Electronics, LLC 1 Trane U.S. Inc. 1 CPI Security, Inc. 1 Tyco Integrated Security LLC 1 Cisco Systems, Inc. 1 Uniden America Corporation 1 General Electric Company 1 Vivint, Inc. 1 Honeywell International, Inc. 1 Westec Intelligent Surveillance, Inc. 1 Panasonic Corporation of North America 1 Phillips Electronics North America Corporation 1 Rain Bird Corporation 1 Netgear, Inc. 1 Philips Electronics North America Corporation Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc

102 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 (0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US

103 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 1건이며, 산업에속하는컴퓨터기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭 System and method for creating a personalized consumer product 발명자 Rothschild; Leigh M. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 ROTHSCHILD CONNECTED DEVICES INNOVATIONS LLC / 컴퓨터기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A system and method for creating a personalized consumer product are provided. The system and method of the present disclosure enables a user, e.g., a consumer, to customize products containing solids and/or fluids by allowing a server communicating over the global computer network, e.g., the Internet, to provide product preferences of a user to a product or a mixing device, e.g., a product or beverage dispenser. The method for creating a product according to a user's preferences over a network includes the steps identifying a product to a server over the network; identifying a user to the server over the network; retrieving the user's product preferences from a database at the server based on the product's identity and user's identity; transmitting the user's product preferences to the product over the network; and mixing at least one element contained within the product based on the user's product preferences. 98

104 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 14 Tessera, Inc. 업체정보 일반현황 Tessera Technologies, Inc 의지식재산권보호및분쟁대응을위한자회사로서반도체관련소송을진행하고있음 Tessera 는 1990 년도에설립된반도체포장기술의선도기업으로서국내에도지사를가지고있으나, 최근 N P E 로전향하여특허자산을활용한수익화전략 ( 소송 매각 라이선스등 ) 을강화하고있는것으로추정됨 주소 : 3099 Orchard Drive, San Jose, California 주요피소기업동사는 15년 1분기 18개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요피소기업리스트는아래와같음기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 A-DATA Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Nanya Technology Corp. 1 A-DATA Technology (U.S.A.) Co., Ltd. 1 Nanya Technology Corp. U.S.A. 1 Acer, Inc. 1 Acer America Corp. 1 Peripheral Devices & Products Systems, Inc. Powerchip Technology Corporation 1 1 Centon Electronics, Inc. 1 Promos Technologies Inc. 1 Elipida Memory, Inc. 1 Ramaxel Technology Ltd. 1 Elpida Memory (USA) Inc. 1 Smart Modular Technologies Inc 1 International Products Sourcing Group, Inc. 1 TwinMOS Technologies Inc. 1 Kingston Technology Company, Inc. 1 TwinMOS Technologies USA Inc. 1 99

105 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 0 1(0) (0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US

106 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 1건이며, 산업에속하는반도체기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Method for providing void free layer for semiconductor assemblies DiStefano;Thomas H. Fjelstad;Joseph TESSERA INC / 반도체 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 대표도 A method of providing a substantially void free layer for one or more flip chip assemblies, or one or more microelectronic components, utilizing a curable encapsulant. Also disclosed is a method of injecting an encapsulant into an assembly and a method of treating a microelectronic component to form a void free layer. 101

107 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 15 Novelpoint Tracking LLC 업체정보일반현황 NPT는 Novelpoint Holdings의자회사로서텍사스州에위치한유한책임회사임 Novelpoint의자회사로는 Novelpoint security LLC, Novelpoint learning LLc가있음 자동차, 전자상거래, 휴대전화기기, 전자제품등다양한분야의특허를보유함 2012년이후 Apple, DELL 등다양한회사에특허분쟁소송을제기한이력이있음 주소 : 3400 Silverstone Drive, Suite 191C, Plano, Texas 주요피소기업 동사는 15 년 1 분기 18 개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 Chili's, Inc. 1 Uber USA, LLC 1 International Coffee & Tea, LLC 1 7-Eleven International, Inc. 1 Hilton Worldwide, Inc. 1 BBVA Compass Bancshares, Inc. 1 Hyatt Hotels Corporation 1 Burger King Holdings, Inc. 1 Kfc USA, Inc. 1 Hotels.com 1 Mastercard Incorporated 1 McDonald's Corporation 1 Opentable, Inc. 1 Starbucks Corporation 1 Redbox Automated Retail, LLC Doctor's Associates, Inc. d/b/a Subway 1 1 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Management Company 1 United Parcel Service of America, Inc

108 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 0 20(3) 41(1) 22(0) 18(0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US

109 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 1건이며, 산업에속하는디지털통신기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭 Method and apparatus for an automatic vehicle location, collision notification, and synthetic voice 발명자 Evans;Wayne W. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 NOVELPOINT TRACKING LLC / 디지털통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 An automatic system for vehicle location, collision notification, and synthetic voice communication. A program stored in a controller's memory has a plurality of data structures formulated into instruction modules and at least one navigational location record. A Global Positioning Module receives data from an associated Global Positioning System and translates the received data into the vehicle's present navigational position. An Automatic Speed Controlled Location Detection Module in communication with the Global Positioning Module dynamically searches the memory for a match between the vehicle's present navigational position and the navigational location record. The Automatic Speed Controlled Collision Detection Module in communication with the Automatic Speed Controlled Location Detection Module formulates the match between the vehicle's navigational position and the navigational location record into a collision event. A Data to Speech Translation Module in communication with the Automatic Speed Controlled Collision Detection Module translates the collision event into a synthetic voice. 대표도 104

110 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 16 Sycamore IP Holdings, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 Sycamore IP Holdings 는 Sycamore 社가자사의지식재산권보호및분쟁대응을위해설립한회사인것으로파악됨 주요소송활동분야는네트워킹분야인것으로조사되며, 동분기자사보유특허 1 건을활용하여다수의업체를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였음 주소 : 2700 Plumas Street #120, Reno, Nevada 주요피소기업 동사는 15 년 1 분기 17 개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 ABB, Inc. 1 Hitachi Communications Technologies America, Inc. 1 ABB, Ltd. 1 Hitachi America, Ltd. 1 ADVA Optical Networking North America, Inc. ADVA Optical Networking, Inc. ADVA Optical Networking SE 1 1 Hitachi, Ltd. 1 1 Ericsson Inc., 1 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Anritsu Co. 1 Menara Networks, Inc. 1 Anritsu U.S. Holdings Inc. 1 Transmode Systems Inc. 1 Anritsu Instruments Co. 1 Transmode Systems AB

111 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 (0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US 분석대상이되는기술용어가없거나부족하여키워드맵분석불가 ( 키워드맵은 2 개이상의기술용어필요 ) 106

112 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 1건이며, 산업에속하는디지털통신기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Coding scheme using a transition indicator for signal transmission in optical communications networks Tsang; Danny Hin-Kwok Azizoglu; Murat SYCAMORE IP HOLDINGS LLC / 디지털통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A coding scheme is provided transporting encoded information over an optical communications link to a network. Multi-word information groups are analyzed to determine whether each of the information groups includes control characters. If the information group does not include any control characters, an encoded information stream including a set data indicator and data words is generated. If the information group includes one or more control characters, an encoded information stream is generated which includes control code counters, a transition indicator, location pointers, control codes that are encoded from the control characters, and any data. Accordingly, the necessary bandwidth for transporting the information is reduced by using this encoded information stream without sacrificing any control information. 107

113 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 17 Advanced Media Networks LLC 업체정보일반현황 Advanced Media Networks는 visual communications 관련특허를보유하고있고이를활용하는회사및상품에소송을제기하는특성을보임 주소 : 5900 Wilshire Boulevard, Suit 2600, Los Angeles, California 주요피소기업 동사는 15 년 1 분기 17 개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 KVH Industries, Inc. 1 Clearwire Communications LLC 1 United States Cellular Corporation 1 Viasat, Inc. 1 Sprint Corporation 1 Livetv, LLC 1 Sprint Communications, Inc. 1 JetBlue Airlines Corp. 1 Boost Worldwide Inc. 1 Harris CapRock Communications, Inc. 1 Virgin Mobile USA Inc. 1 Harris Corporation 1 Virgin Mobile USA LP 1 Transocean Inc. 1 Clearwire Corporation 1 Royal Caribbean Ltd

114 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 1(0) 2(0) 0 6(0) 17(0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US US US

115 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 3건이며, 모두산업에속하는이동통신기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Mobile tele-computer network for motion picture, television and tv advertising production Clark; Curtis ADVANCED MEDIA NETWORKS LLC / 이동통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A telecomputer network is described. The network comprises a redundant digital microwave communication system, at least one mobile vehicle, and a wireless local area network (LAN). In one embodiment, the microwave communication system transfers information using ethernet packet switching. In one embodiment, the wireless LAN transfers information using the TCP/IP protocol. The mobile vehicle is configured to transfer information as a single nomadic transmission/reception point between the microwave communication system and the wireless LAN. 110

116 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➋ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Alignment jig assembly Ehrenberg;Robert G. Sorensen;Michael ADVANCED MEDIA NETWORKS LLC / 이동통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 An alignment jig 220 aids in the positioning of a horn assembly 180. The alignment jig 220 includes an upper jig arm 222, a right side jig arm 224, a left side jig arm 226, and a reference ring 240. The jig arms are positioned at the top, right side, and left side of an antenna dish assembly 100, and each contain a telescoping jig arm 228, 230, and 232. These telescoping jig arms of the alignment jig dramatically decrease the unexpanded size of the alignment jig, thereby increasing the portability of the alignment jig. The ends of the telescoping jig arms attach to the dish assembly through the use of screw clamps 234, 236, and 238. The reference ring 240 suspending from the intersecting point of the jig arms and is positioned and oriented so that it correspondingly mates with the horn assembly when the horn assembly has been properly positioned and oriented. A horn mount assembly 160 and a feed legs assembly 120 are adjusted until the horn assembly 180 is brought into proper alignment with the reference ring 240 of the alignment jig. This device greatly simplifies the procedure of aligning the horn assembly 180 with the dish assembly, which is usually a complicated and time-consuming task. 111

117 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 ➌ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Mobile tele-computer network Clark;Curtis ADVANCED MEDIA NETWORKS LLC / 이동통신기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A telecomputer network is described. The network comprises a satellite communication system, at least one mobile vehicle, and a wireless local area network (LAN). In one embodiment, the satellite communication system transfers information using ethernet packet switching. In one embodiment, the wireless LAN transfers information using the TCP/IP protocol. The mobile vehicle or portable field unit is configured to transfer information as a single nomadic transmission/reception point between the satellite communication system and the wireless LAN. 112

118 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 18 Rothschild Location Technologies, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 Rothschild Location Technologies, LLC 는 2014 년부터본격적으로활동을시작한 NPEs 로서 GPS 위치추적기술을이용한소프트웨어개발업체와물류 유통 운송업체, 완성차업체, 통신업체를상대로특허침해소송을제기한것으로나타남 동회사는개인발명가 Leigh M. Rothschild 가특허수익화를위해설립한자회사중하나로텍사스州에기반을둔유한책임회사임 주소 : 1108 Kane Concourse, Suite 310, Bay Harbor Islands, FL 인것으로파악됨 주요피소기업 동사는 15 년 1 분기 16 개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 Jaguar Land Rover North America LLC 1 Global Tracking Communications, Inc. 1 AT&T Mobility LLC 1 InTouch GPS, LLC 1 Sprint Spectrum L.P. 1 Leica Geosystems Inc. 1 T-Mobile USA, Inc. 1 Navman Wireless North America Ltd. 1 Cellco Partnership D/B/A Verizon Wireless 1 Raven Industries, Inc. 1 Motorola Solutions, Inc. 1 Spireon, Inc. 1 Redtail Telematics Corporation 1 Glympse Inc. 1 Webtech Wireless (USA) Inc. 1 Lyft, Inc

119 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 장치산업 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 (1) 16(0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US US US

120 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 3건이며, 장치산업에속하는진단측정기술및기타산업의기타소비재기술과관련된특허임 ➊ US 명칭 Device, system and method for remotely entering, storing and sharing addresses for a positional information device 발명자 Rothschild; Leigh M. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 ROTHSCHILD LOCATION TECHNOLOGIES LLC 장치산업 / 진단측정기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 Devices, systems and methods for remotely entering, storing and sharing location addresses for a positional information device, e.g., a global positioning system (GPS) device, are provided. The present disclosure allows a user to easily and safely enter an address into a GPS device by giving that address to a remote communications link and to have that link automatically program the user's GPS device for usage. The device, system and method of the present disclosure further allows the user to use this stored address(es) on multiple GPS devices without having to manually enter the address(es). 115

121 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 ➋ US 명칭 Shoulder pads 발명자 Kraemer; Nelson Bologna; Vittorio Infusino; Ralph Ide; Thad M. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 RIDDELL INC 기타산업 / 기타소비재 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 N/A N/A 기술요약 A shoulder pad for use in a contact sport, such as football, hockey or lacrosse is provided. The shoulder pad includes a pair of curvilinear, continuous arch members joined together to define a central opening that receives the player's head. A side pad assembly, including an epaulet and a shoulder cap, is operably connected to each arch member by a flexible band that provides a common connection point on the arch member. The band provides a single pivot point for the epaulet and the shoulder cap about the common connection point. A curvilinear internal padding assembly is removably connected to each arch member. 대표도 116

122 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 ➌ US 명칭 Device, system and method for remotely entering, storing and sharing addresses for a positional information device 발명자 Rothschild; Leigh M. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 ROTHSCHILD LOCATION TECHNOLOGIES LLC 장치산업 / 진단측정기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 Devices, systems and methods for remotely entering, storing and sharing location addresses for a positional information device, e.g., a global positioning system (GPS) device, are provided. The present disclosure allows a user to easily and safely enter an address into a GPS device by giving that address to a remote communications link and to have that link automatically program the user's GPS device for usage. The device, system and method of the present disclosure further allows the user to use this stored address(es) on multiple GPS devices without having to manually enter the address(es). 117

123 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 19 Script Security Solutions, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 Script Security Solutions 는 Texas, Austin 에위치한회사로서기업홈페이지가개설되어있지않아상세정보파악이어려움 미국 NPE 인 Empire IP, LLC 가특허수익화를위해설립한다수의자회사중하나인것으로파악됨 2015 년소송활동을시작한것으로추정되며주요소송활동분야는소비재및네트워킹분야인것으로조사됨 주요피소기업 동사는 15 년 1 분기 16 개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 Adt Llc 1 FrontPoint Security Solutions, LLC 1 AT&T Digital Life, Inc. 1 Lifeshield Security LLC 1 AT&T Inc. 1 LifeShield LLC 1 Centurylink, Inc. 1 Directv, LLC 1 Comcast Corporation 1 DIRECTV Group, Inc., The 1 Comcast Broadband Security, LLC 1 Monitronics International, Inc. 1 DEI Holdings, Inc. 1 Protection One Alarm Monitoring, Inc. 1 DEI Sales, Inc. 1 SimpliSafe, Inc

124 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 보유특허없음 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오장치산업기계소재기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 (0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US

125 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 1건이며, 장치산업에속하는조정기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭 Portable motion detector and alarm system and method 발명자 Script; Michael H. Script; Henry J. 최종권리자 산업 / 기술분류 EMPIRE IP LLC 장치산업 / 조정기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A portable security alarm system which can be installed on a temporary basis and removed from an object whose movement is to be detected including a motion detecting and radio signal transmitting member for mounting proximate the object whose movement is to be detected, a member for selectively coupling and decoupling the motion detecting and radio signal transmitting member relative to the object whose movement is to be detected, a combined radio signal receiving and alarm generating member for receiving a signal from the combined motion detecting and radio signal transmitting member and producing an alarm, a remote control for actuating and deactuating the radio signal receiving and alarm generating member, and components for providing object identification information identifying the object whose movement is to be detected and distance measurement information for measuring the distance moved by the object. 120

126 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 20 Orostream, LLC 업체정보 일반현황 동사는텍사스州가반의유한책임회사로기업홈페이지가개설되어있지않아상세정보파악이어려움 주요소송활동분야는미디어콘텐츠유통분야인것으로조사됨 주소 : 3401 Custer Road, Suite 125-B, Plano, Texas 주요피소기업 동사는 15 년 1 분기 15 개社를상대로특허침해소송을제기하였으며, 주요 피소기업리스트는아래와같음 기업명피소건수기업명피소건수 AOL Inc. 1 MLB Advanced Media, L.P. 1 Barnesandnoble.com LLC 1 NFL Enterprises LLC 1 ABS-CBN International 1 Popcornflix.com, LLC 1 Fox News Network, LLC 1 Target Corporation 1 NHL Interactive Cyberenterprises, LLC 1 Vevo LLC 1 Gaiam, Inc. 1 RLJ Entertainment, Inc. 1 MediaNaviCo LLC 1 WWE Inc

127 2015 년 1 분기 NPEs 동향분기보고서 보유특허현황 특허자산주력분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 소송현황 15 년 1/4 분기산업별소송제기분야 ( 단위 : 건 ) 화학 바이오 장치산업 기계소재 기타산업 연도별소송제기건수 * ( 단위 : 건 ) /4 분기 (0) 소송특허기술키워드맵 15 년 1 분기소송활용특허의기술키워드맵 ( 인용특허포함 ) 특허번호 : US

128 Ⅳ. 주요 NPEs 분석 주요소송활용특허정보동분기원고에의해소송에활용된특허는총 1건이며, 산업에속하는컴퓨터기술관련특허임 ➊ US 명칭발명자최종권리자산업 / 기술분류 Computer network system and method for efficient information transfer Eikeland; Martin OROSTREAM LLC / 컴퓨터기술 출원일 / 등록일 / 소유권최종양도일 양도이후최초소제기일 기술요약 대표도 A computer network connects information providers and end-users of network services, facilitates direct information to users, and gathers user responses. The computer network is designed to use otherwise idle bandwidth of the network transmission medium to transfer targeted commercial and non-commercial information to users while minimizing the delay of normal network traffic. User reports containing demographics and user responses is generated ensuring user privacy. Information providers can access the user report without violating user anonymity. 123

129 124

130 [ 참고자료 ] 주요 NPEs 소송사건요약 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Wetro Lan 2:15cv100 US Texas IC Intracom USA Wetro Lan 2:15cv101 US Texas Digital Data Communicatio ns GMBH Wetro Lan 2:15cv102 US Texas Netgear Wetro Lan 2:15cv103 US Texas 삼성전자 Wetro Lan 2:15cv104 US Texas SMC Networks Wetro Lan 2:15cv105 US Texas TP Link USA Wetro Lan 2:15cv106 US Texas TRENDnet Wetro Lan 2:15cv107 US Texas Watchguard Technologies Wetro Lan 2:15cv109 US Texas Zoom Telephonics Wetro Lan 2:15cv211 US Texas Aerohive Networks Wetro Lan 2:15cv212 US Texas Allied Telesis Wetro Lan 2:15cv213 US Texas Uniform Industrial (USA) Wetro Lan 2:15cv214 US Texas Telefonaktiebol aget LM Ericsson Wetro Lan 2:15cv214 US Texas Ericsson Wetro Lan 2:15cv215 US Texas Belden Wetro Lan 2:15cv216 US Texas Moxa Americas Wetro Lan 2:15cv217 US Texas Multi Tech Systems Wetro Lan 2:15cv218 US Texas Peplink International Wetro Lan 2:15cv220 US Texas Sierra Wireless America Wetro Lan 2:15cv221 US Texas Telular Wetro Lan 2:15cv222 US Texas Top Global USA Wetro Lan 2:15cv223 US Texas Vizio Wetro Lan 2:15cv224 US Texas Western Digital Technologies Wetro Lan 2:15cv40 US Texas Actiontec Electronics Wetro Lan 2:15cv41 US Texas ADTRAN Wetro Lan 2:15cv414 US Texas Emerson Electric Co 기계소재 Wetro Lan 2:15cv415 US Texas Extreme Networks Wetro Lan 2:15cv416 US Texas Hacom Wetro Lan 2:15cv417 US Texas Hitron Technologies

131 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Americas Wetro Lan 2:15cv419 US Texas Mitel Networks Wetro Lan 2:15cv42 US Texas Airlink 101 Wetro Lan 2:15cv42 US Texas Phoebe Micro Wetro Lan 2:15cv420 US Texas Novatel Wireless Wetro Lan 2:15cv421 US Texas Phoenix Contact USA Wetro Lan 2:15cv422 US Texas Siemens Wetro Lan 2:15cv423 US Texas SmartRG Wetro Lan 2:15cv424 US Texas Untangle Wetro Lan 2:15cv425 US Texas Sophos Wetro Lan 2:15cv426 US Texas McAfee Wetro Lan 2:15cv428 US Texas Edgewater Networks Wetro Lan 2:15cv429 US Texas Huawei Technologies USA Wetro Lan 2:15cv43 US Texas Newo d/b/a Amped Wireless Wetro Lan 2:15cv430 US Texas Juniper Networks Wetro Lan 2:15cv431 US Texas Proxicast Wetro Lan 2:15cv44 US Texas Wetro Lan 2:15cv44 US Texas Asustek Computer Asus Computer International Wetro Lan 2:15cv45 US Texas Avaya Wetro Lan 2:15cv46 US Texas Wetro Lan 2:15cv47 US Texas Barracuda Networks Belkin International Wetro Lan 2:15cv48 US Texas Comtrend Wetro Lan 2:15cv49 US Texas Cradlepoint Wetro Lan 2:15cv50 US Texas Wetro Lan 2:15cv52 US Texas Wetro Lan 2:15cv54 US Texas D Link Systemsorpora ted Encore Electronics EnGenius Technologies 장치산업 Wetro Lan 2:15cv97 US Texas Fortinet Wetro Lan 2:15cv99 US Texas Hiro Data Carriers 2:15cv111 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv112 US Texas Integrys Energy Group Marathon Petroleum Data Carriers 2:15cv113 US Texas Murphy Oil

132 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Data Carriers 2:15cv114 US Texas OGE Energy Data Carriers 2:15cv115 US Texas Pg&e Data Carriers 2:15cv116 US Texas The Southern Company Data Carriers 2:15cv117 US Texas Spectra Energy Data Carriers 2:15cv118 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv119 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv120 US Texas TC Pipelines GP Western Refining The Williams Companies Data Carriers 2:15cv121 US Texas Allergan Data Carriers 2:15cv122 US Texas Amgen Data Carriers 2:15cv123 US Texas Baxter International Data Carriers 2:15cv124 US Texas Bayer AG Data Carriers 2:15cv124 US Texas Bayer Data Carriers 2:15cv125 US Texas Biogen Idec Data Carriers 2:15cv175 US Texas Biomarin Pharmaceutical Data Carriers 2:15cv176 US Texas Cipla Data Carriers 2:15cv176 US Texas Cipla USA Data Carriers 2:15cv177 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv177 US Texas Dr Reddy's Laboratories Dr Reddy's Laboratories Data Carriers 2:15cv178 US Texas Eisai Data Carriers 2:15cv179 US Texas Galderma SA Data Carriers 2:15cv179 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv180 US Texas Galderma Laboratories LP Gilead Sciences Data Carriers 2:15cv181 US Texas Merck Kgaa Data Carriers 2:15cv181 US Texas EMD Millipore Data Carriers 2:15cv182 US Texas Merzorporated Data Carriers 2:15cv184 US Texas Novartis Data Carriers 2:15cv185 US Texas Pfizer Data Carriers 2:15cv186 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv187 US Texas Regeneron Pharmaceutical s Hoffmann La Roche Data Carriers 2:15cv188 US Texas Shionogi Data Carriers 2:15cv189 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv190 US Texas Sigma Tau Pharmaceuticals Takeda Pharmaceutical

133 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Data Carriers 2:15cv190 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv191 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv192 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv193 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv194 US Texas Company Takeda Pharmaceutical s USA Teva Pharmaceutical s USA The Medicines Company United Therapeutics Valeant Pharmaceutical s International Data Carriers 2:15cv67 US Texas The Aes Data Carriers 2:15cv68 US Texas Agl Resources Data Carriers 2:15cv69 US Texas Alliant Energy Data Carriers 2:15cv70 US Texas Chesapeake Energy Data Carriers 2:15cv71 US Texas Chevron Data Carriers 2:15cv72 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv73 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv74 US Texas Data Carriers 2:15cv75 US Texas Cimarex Energy Co Dominion Resources DTE Energy Company Edison International 기타산업 Data Carriers 2:15cv76 US Texas Enbridge Data Carriers 2:15cv77 US Texas Eog Resources Data Carriers 2:15cv78 US Texas Exelon Data Carriers 2:15cv79 US Texas Firstenergy Data Carriers 2:15cv80 US Texas Hess Data Carriers 2:15cv81 US Texas Hollyfrontier Adaptive Data 1:15cv1 US Delaware Adaptive Data 1:15cv10 US Delaware Adaptive Data 1:15cv11 US Delaware Nec Corporation of America Sprint Corporation Texas Instruments Adaptive Data 1:15cv12 US Delaware T-Mobile USA Adaptive Data 1:15cv13 US Delaware Toshiba America Adaptive Data 1:15cv14 US Delaware 0 Adaptive Data 1:15cv15 US Delaware 0 Adaptive Data 1:15cv16 US Delaware 0 Adaptive Data 1:15cv18 US Delaware Apotex 화학 바이오 Adaptive Data 1:15cv18 US Delaware Apotex 화학 바이오

134 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Adaptive Data 1:15cv18 US Delaware Sandoz 화학 바이오 Adaptive Data 1:15cv2 US Delaware P a n a s o n i c Corporation NorthAmerica Adaptive Data 1:15cv20 US New York Changer & Dresser of Adaptive Data 1:15cv20 US Delaware Spectorsoft Adaptive Data 1:15cv3 US Delaware Adaptive Data 1:15cv32 US Colorado Adaptive Data 1:15cv33 US Illinois Adaptive Data 1:15cv33 US Illinois Adaptive Data 1:15cv33 US Illinois Performance Designed Products RoofmastersRo ofing& SheetMetalCo Toshiba America Medical Systems Toshiba Medical Systems Smart Scan MRI 기타산업 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 Adaptive Data 1:15cv4 US Delaware Plantronics Adaptive Data 1:15cv5 US Delaware Polycom Adaptive Data 1:15cv6 US Delaware Qualcomm Adaptive Data 1:15cv7 US Delaware Adaptive Data 1:15cv8 US Delaware Adaptive Data 1:15cv9 US Delaware Adaptive Data 2:15cv10028 US Michigan Redpine Signals Sharp Electronics Corporation Sony Corporation of America Beauty Union Global 기계소재 Adaptive Data 2:15cv2 US Texas Box Adaptive Data 2:15cv3 US Texas Dropbox Adaptive Data 2:15cv4 US Texas Google Adaptive Data 2:15cv5 US Texas SugarSync Adaptive Data 2:15cv6 US Texas Apple Adaptive Data 2:15cv6 US Utah Adaptive Data 2:15cv7 US Texas Adaptive Data 2:15cv7 US Utah Adaptive Data 2:15cv8 US Texas Wilson Electronics Kuehne + Nagel Iron Mountain Products Skye Associates 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 Adaptive Data 2:15cv9 US Texas Stila Styles 장치산업

135 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Adaptive Data 3:15cv2 US Georgia Adaptive Data 3:15cv2 US Georgia Adaptive Data 3:15cv2 US Georgia Adaptive Data 3:15cv2 US Georgia Adaptive Data 3:15cv2 US Georgia Adaptive Data 3:15cv21 US California Adaptive Data 3:15cv23 US California Toshiba America Medical Systems Toshiba Medical Systems St Mary's Health Care System St Mary's Medical Group Athens Radiology Associates PC Genmark Diagnostics Fremont Bancorporation 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 화학 바이오 Adaptive Data 3:15cv23 US California Fremont Bank Adaptive Data 4:15cv6 US Adaptive Data 4:15cv6 US Adaptive Data 4:15cv6 US Adaptive Data 4:15cv6 US Adaptive Data 4:15cv6 US Adaptive Data 5:15cv26 US Ohio Adaptive Data 5:15cv26 US Ohio N o r t h California N o r t h California N o r t h California N o r t h California N o r t h California Toshiba America Medical Systems Toshiba Medical Systems Seashore Imaging Coastal Radiology Associates PLLC Eastern Radiologists Hitachi Medical Systems America Hitachi Medical 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 Adaptive Data 6:15cv4 US Texas Zillow Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International 1:15cv892 US Georgia Hi Tech Pharmaceutical s 화학 바이오 1:15cv892 US Georgia Jared Wheat 화학 바이오 1:15cv892 US Georgia A1 Supplements 화학 바이오 1:15cv892 US Georgia DPS Nutrition 화학 바이오 1:15cv892 US Georgia Supplement Central 화학 바이오

136 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International 1:15cv892 US Georgia I Supplementscom 화학 바이오 1:15cv892 US Georgia Evitamins 화학 바이오 1:15cv892 US Georgia Suppz 화학 바이오 1:15cv892 US Georgia 1:15cv892 US Georgia Supplementwa rehousecom Island Supplements 화학 바이오 화학 바이오 1:15cv892 US Georgia Netnutri 화학 바이오 1:15cv892 US Georgia 1:15cv892 US Georgia 1:15cv892 US Georgia Muscle Foods USA Black Diamond Supplements Nutrition Jungle 화학 바이오 화학 바이오 화학 바이오 1:15cv893 US Georgia APS Nutrition 화학 바이오 1:15cv893 US Georgia Jared Wheat 화학 바이오 1:15cv893 US Georgia World Class Nutrition 화학 바이오 1:15cv893 US Georgia All Star Health 화학 바이오 1:15cv893 US Georgia Lockout Supplements 화학 바이오 1:15cv893 US Georgia Netrition 화학 바이오 1:15cv894 US Georgia Hi Tech Pharmaceutical s 화학 바이오 1:15cv894 US Georgia Jared Wheat 화학 바이오 1:15cv894 US Georgia I'llpumpyouup com 화학 바이오 2:15cv273 US Arizona DPS Nutrition 2:15cv273 US California 2:15cv273 US California 2:15cv273 US California 2:15cv273 US California 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey Tribravus Enterprises Get Ripped Nutrition Supplementwa rehousecom John'sLoneStar Distribution LoneStarDistrib ution Prosource Performance Products 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey Vitamin Shoppe 화학 바이오 화학 바이오

137 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International Thermolife International 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey Netrition 화학 바이오 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey DPS Nutrition 화학 바이오 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey Supplement Central 화학 바이오 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey Purus Labs 화학 바이오 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey John's Lone Star Distribution 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey IllpumpyouupC om 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey A1 Supplements 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey World Class Nutrition 화학 바이오 화학 바이오 화학 바이오 화학 바이오 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey All Star Health 화학 바이오 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey Muscle Strength & 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey I Supplementsco m 화학 바이오 화학 바이오 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey E Vitamins 화학 바이오 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey Suppz 화학 바이오 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey Lockout Supplements 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey SupplementWa rehousecom 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey TF Supplements 화학 바이오 화학 바이오 화학 바이오 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey FitrxCom 화학 바이오 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey Vitacostcom 화학 바이오 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey Nutra Health Supply 3:15cv2037 US New Jersey Planetary Nutrition 화학 바이오 화학 바이오 Adaptix 3:15cv165 US California ZTE Adaptix 3:15cv165 US California ZTE USA Adaptix 3:15cv165 US California ZTE Solutions Adaptix 3:15cv165 US California Boost Mobile Adaptix 3:15cv166 US California ZTE Adaptix 3:15cv166 US California ZTE USA Adaptix 3:15cv166 US California ZTE Solutions Adaptix 3:15cv166 US California Sprint Spectrum LP Adaptix 3:15cv168 US California ZTE

138 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Adaptix 3:15cv168 US California ZTE USA Adaptix 3:15cv168 US California ZTE Solutions Adaptix 3:15cv168 US California US Cellular d/b/a US Cellular Adaptix 3:15cv366 US California HTC Adaptix 3:15cv366 US California HTC America Adaptix 3:15cv366 US California AT&T Mobility Adaptix 3:15cv367 US California HTC Adaptix 3:15cv367 US California HTC America Adaptix 3:15cv367 US California Cellco Partnership Adaptix 3:15cv962 US California Amazoncom Adaptix 3:15cv962 US California AT&T Mobility Adaptix 3:15cv971 US California Dell Adaptix 3:15cv971 US California Adaptix 3:15cv972 US California Cellco Partnership SonyMobileCo mmunications (USA) Adaptix 3:15cv972 US California AT&T Mobility Adaptix 4:15cv364 US California Apple Adaptix 4:15cv364 US California AT&T Mobility Adaptix 4:15cv365 US California Apple Adaptix 4:15cv365 US California Cellco Partnership Adaptix 5:15cv167 US California ZTE Adaptix 5:15cv167 US California ZTE USA Adaptix 5:15cv167 US California ZTE Solutions Adaptix 5:15cv167 US California T Mobile USA Adaptix 5:15cv167 US California Adaptix 5:15cv167 US California Adaptix 6:15cv41 US Texas MetroPCS Communicatio ns Metropcs Wireless Alcatel Lucent USA Adaptix 6:15cv41 US Texas AT&T Adaptix 6:15cv41 US Texas AT&T Mobility Adaptix 6:15cv41 US Texas Adaptix 6:15cv41 US Texas CellcoPartners hipd/b/averiz on Wireless Sprint Spectrum LP Adaptix 6:15cv42 US Texas Ericsson Adaptix 6:15cv42 US Texas Telefonaktiebol

139 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Adaptix 6:15cv42 US Texas Adaptix 6:15cv42 US Texas aget LM Ericsson CellcoPartners hipd/b/averiz on Wireless Sprint Spectrum LP Adaptix 6:15cv43 US Texas AT&T Adaptix 6:15cv43 US Texas AT&T Mobility Adaptix 6:15cv44 US Texas Adaptix 6:15cv45 US Texas Sprint Spectrum LP Cellco Partnership D/B/A Verizon Wireless Olivistar 2:15cv310 US Texas Ally Financial Olivistar 2:15cv311 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv313 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv314 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv315 US Texas Amegy Bank National Association American Bank of Texas Bank of America Woodforest National Bank Olivistar 2:15cv316 US Texas Bok Financial Olivistar 2:15cv318 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv319 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv320 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv321 US Texas WellsFargoBan knational Association BBVA Compass Bancshares The Bank of New York Mellon Capital One National Association Olivistar 2:15cv322 US Texas Citicorp Olivistar 2:15cv323 US Texas City Bank Olivistar 2:15cv324 US Texas FirstUnitedBan kandtrust Company Olivistar 2:15cv325 US Texas HSBC USA Olivistar 2:15cv326 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv327 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv328 US Texas JP Morgan Chase & Co TD Bank US Holding Company Plainscapital Bank Olivistar 2:15cv329 US Texas Regions Bank

140 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Olivistar 2:15cv330 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv331 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv390 US Texas The PNC Financial Services Group Legacytexas Bank Anadarko Petroleum Olivistar 2:15cv391 US Texas Valero Energy 기타산업 Olivistar 2:15cv392 US Texas Apache Olivistar 2:15cv393 US Texas Tesoro Olivistar 2:15cv394 US Texas Atmos Energy Olivistar 2:15cv395 US Texas Spectra Energy Olivistar 2:15cv396 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv397 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv398 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv399 US Texas Centerpoint Energy Southwestern Energy Company Chesapeake Energy Phillips 66 Company 장치산업 Olivistar 2:15cv400 US Texas Chevron Olivistar 2:15cv401 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv402 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv403 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv404 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv405 US Texas Olivistar 2:15cv406 US Texas Cimarex Energy Co Conocophillips Company DTE Energy Company Occidental Petroleum Energy Transfer Equity Kinder Morgan Olivistar 2:15cv407 US Texas Exelon Olivistar 2:15cv408 US Texas Hollyfrontier Olivistar 2:15cv410 US Texas Exxon Mobil Azure Networks 6:15cv18 US Texas Acer America Azure Networks 6:15cv18 US Texas Acer Azure Networks 6:15cv19 US Texas 삼성전자 Azure Networks 6:15cv19 US Texas 삼성전자 Azure Networks 6:15cv19 US Texas 삼성전자 Azure Networks 6:15cv19 US Texas 삼성전자 Azure Networks 6:15cv19 US Texas 삼성전자 Azure Networks 6:15cv20 US Texas Amazoncom Azure Networks 6:15cv21 US Texas Asus Computer International

141 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Azure Networks 6:15cv21 US Texas Asustek Computer Azure Networks 6:15cv22 US Texas Dell Azure Networks 6:15cv23 US Texas Hewlett Packard Company Azure Networks 6:15cv24 US Texas HTC Azure Networks 6:15cv24 US Texas HTC America Azure Networks 6:15cv25 US Texas LG 전자 Azure Networks 6:15cv25 US Texas LG 전자 Azure Networks 6:15cv25 US Texas LG 전자 Azure Networks 6:15cv26 US Texas Panasonic 기타산업 Azure Networks 6:15cv26 US Texas Azure Networks 6:15cv28 US Texas Panasonic of North America ToshibaAmeric ainformation Systems 기타산업 Azure Networks 6:15cv28 US Texas Toshiba Azure Networks 6:15cv29 US Texas ZTE Azure Networks 6:15cv29 US Texas ZTE USA Azure Networks 6:15cv30 US Texas Garmin International Azure Networks 6:15cv31 US Texas Intel Azure Networks 6:15cv32 US Texas Texas Instruments Azure Networks 6:15cv33 US Texas Broadcom Azure Networks 6:15cv34 US Texas Qualcomm Azure Networks 6:15cv34 US Texas Qualcomm Atheros Azure Networks 6:15cv35 US Texas Marvell Semiconductor Azure Networks 6:15cv36 US Texas Csr Plc Azure Networks 6:15cv36 US Texas Cambridge Silicon Radio International Azure Networks 6:15cv37 US Texas MediaTek Azure Networks 6:15cv37 US Texas MediaTek USA Azure Networks 6:15cv39 US Texas Asus Computer International Azure Networks 6:15cv39 US Texas Asustek Computer Azure Networks 6:15cv40 US Texas Dell Azure Networks 6:15cv48 US Texas Vizio Catanzaro 3:15cv524 US Pennsylvani a Rite Aid 기타산업

142 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Catanzaro 3:15cv524 US Pennsylvani a Does 1 Through 50 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv527 US Pennsylvani a Catanzaro 3:15cv527 US Pennsylvani a Mattel Wal Mart Stores 기타산업 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv527 US Pennsylvani a Target 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv527 US Pennsylvani a Catanzaro 3:15cv527 US Pennsylvani a Toys "R" Us Kohl's Department Stores 기타산업 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv527 US Pennsylvani a Amazoncom 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv527 US Pennsylvani a Catanzaro 3:15cv527 US Pennsylvani a Catanzaro 3:15cv528 US Pennsylvani a Catanzaro 3:15cv528 US Pennsylvani a Catanzaro 3:15cv529 US Pennsylvani a Kmart Does 1 Through 50 Bandai America Does 1 Through 50 Benjamin Goldstein 기타산업기타산업기타산업기타산업기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv529 US Pennsylvani a Ben Loeb 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv529 US Pennsylvani Garrett Specialties 기타산업 a Company Catanzaro 3:15cv529 US Pinnacle 기타산업

143 원고명 사건번호 특허번호 관할법원 피고 산업분류 Pennsylvani a Promotions Catanzaro 3:15cv529 US Pennsylvani a Does 1 Through 200 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv554 US Pennsylvani a Catanzaro 3:15cv554 US Pennsylvani a CandyRific Wal Mart Stores 기타산업 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv554 US Pennsylvani a Target 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv554 US Pennsylvani a Toys "R" Us 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv554 US Pennsylvani a Kmart 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv554 US Pennsylvani a Catanzaro 3:15cv554 US Pennsylvani a Catanzaro 3:15cv555 US Pennsylvani a Walgreens Co Does 1 Through 50 Greenbrier International 기타산업 기타산업 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv555 US Pennsylvani a Catanzaro 3:15cv555 US Pennsylvani a Dollar Tree Family Dollar Stores 기타산업 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv555 US Pennsylvani a Dollar General 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv555 US Pennsylvani a CVS Caremark 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv555 US Pennsylvani Five Below 기타산업

144 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 a Catanzaro 3:15cv555 US Pennsylvani a Does 1 Through 50 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv556 US Pennsylvani a Spin Master 기타산업 Catanzaro 3:15cv556 US Pennsylvani Avioniqs 3:15cv368 US Texas a Does 1 Through 50 AeroviasdeMex icosade CV a/k/a AeroMexico 기타산업 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv369 US Texas Air Canada 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv370 US Texas Alaska Airlines 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv371 US Texas American Airlines 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv371 US Texas US Airways 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv372 US Texas British Airways PLC 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv374 US Texas Delta Air Lines 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv375 US Texas Emirates a/k/a Emirates Airlines 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv376 US Texas Etihad Airways 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv377 US Texas Avioniqs 3:15cv378 US Texas Avioniqs 3:15cv380 US Texas Frontier Airlines Jetblue Airways KoninklijkeLuc htvaartmaatsch appij NVa/k/aKLMRo yaldutchairline s 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv381 US Texas 대한항공장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv382 US Texas Avioniqs 3:15cv382 US Texas Avioniqs 3:15cv383 US Texas Avioniqs 3:15cv384 US Texas Deutsche Lufthansa AG Lufthansa Cargo AG Qantas Airways Qatar Airways QCSC 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv385 US Texas Spirit Airlines 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv386 US Texas MNAirlinesd/b /asuncountry Airlines 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv387 US Texas United Airlines 장치산업

145 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Avioniqs 3:15cv388 US Texas Avioniqs 3:15cv390 US Texas Avioniqs 3:15cv391 US Texas VirginAmericaa /k/avirgin AmericaAirline s WestJet Airlines Air China Cargo Company 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv392 US Texas 아시아나항공장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv393 US Texas Avioniqs 3:15cv394 US Texas Avioniqs 3:15cv395 US Texas Cargolux Airlines International SA China Cargo Airlines DHL Express (USA) 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv396 US Texas Eva Airways 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv397 US Texas Fedex 장치산업 Avioniqs 3:15cv398 US Texas Avioniqs 3:15cv399 US Texas Avioniqs 3:15cv400 US Texas EDigital 3:15cv135 US California EDigital 3:15cv136 US California EDigital 3:15cv136 US California EDigital 3:15cv136 US California EDigital 3:15cv136 US California EDigital 3:15cv137 US California EDigital 3:15cv137 US California EDigital 3:15cv140 US California Nippon Cargo Airlines Co Singapore Airlines Cargo PTE United Parcel Service Lenovo (United States) Apacer Technology Apacer Memory America Mouser Electronics Norcomporpor ated Greenliant Systems Mouser Electronics Cactus Technologies 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 EDigital 3:15cv140 US California Cactus USA EDigital 3:15cv140 US California Harper and Two EDigital 3:15cv141 US California Spansion EDigital 3:15cv141 US California Mouser Electronics EDigital 3:15cv144 US California Acer America EDigital 3:15cv314 US California SMART Modular

146 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Technologies EDigital 3:15cv315 US California MemoRight EDigital 3:15cv315 US California EDigital 3:15cv315 US California MemoRight International First Commercial Technologies EDigital 3:15cv319 US California Microsemi EDigital 3:15cv320 US California RunCoreInnova tiontechnolog y Co EDigital 3:15cv320 US California RunCore USA EDigital 3:15cv322 US California Foremay EDigital 3:15cv324 US California Logic Supply EDigital 3:15cv329 US California Kingfast SSD EDigital 3:15cv329 US California EDigital 3:15cv331 US California EDigital 3:15cv333 US California henzhennewki ngfaststorage TechnologyCo Hagiwara Sys Com US CO Hewlett Packard Company EDigital 3:15cv56 US California Arcsoft EDigital 3:15cv691 US California ShenZhenGosp ellsmarthome ElectronicCo EDigital 3:15cv691 US California Ivideon EDigital 3:15cv691 US California EDigital 3:15cv691 US California Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems 6:15cv169 US Texas 6:15cv170 US Texas Global Innovations New Sight Devices Contacts Bluestem Brands 6:15cv171 US Texas Buildcom 6:15cv172 US Texas CafePress 6:15cv174 US Texas CDW 6:15cv175 US Texas ArtCom 6:15cv177 US Texas Colony Brands 6:15cv178 US Texas Beachbody 6:15cv179 US Texas 6:15cv180 US Texas Disney Store USA Edible Arrangements

147 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems Qommerce Systems 6:15cv181 US Texas The Gap 6:15cv182 US Texas Brown Shoe Company 6:15cv183 US Texas Hayneedle 6:15cv184 US Texas Karmaloop 6:15cv185 US Texas 6:15cv186 US Texas 6:15cv187 US Texas Keurig Green Mountain One Kings Lane US Auto Parts Network 6:15cv188 US Texas WW Grainger 6:15cv189 US Texas Ebags 6:15cv190 US Texas Gamefly 6:15cv191 US Texas Nasty Gal 6:15cv192 US Texas OmahaSteaksc om 6:15cv193 US Texas Zazzle 6:15cv194 US Texas 6:15cv195 US Texas 6:15cv195 US Texas B & H Foto & Electronics JP Boden Services JP Boden & Co 6:15cv195 US Texas JP Boden USA 6:15cv196 US Texas 6:15cv198 US Texas 6:15cv199 US Texas Gander Direct Marketing Services O'Reilly Automotive Ellison Systems d/b/a Shopletcom EclipseIP 2:15cv129 US Texas Hasbro 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv130 US Texas Lenox 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv131 US Texas L'Occitane 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv263 US Texas Destination XL Group 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv264 US Texas Giftports 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv265 US Texas Kewill 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv266 US Texas EclipseIP 2:15cv282 US Virginia Puma North America Laufer Group International 장치산업 장치산업

148 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 EclipseIP 2:15cv353 US Texas EclipseIP 2:15cv354 US Texas EclipseIP 2:15cv355 US Texas Alfa Vitamin Laboratories American Fitness Wholesalers Dick Blick Holdings 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv356 US Texas esupplements 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv357 US Texas EclipseIP 2:15cv358 US Texas Fred Perry USA Hammer Nutrition 장치산업 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv359 US Texas Hugo Boss 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv360 US Texas IT Cosmetics 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv361 US Texas Moddeals 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv362 US Texas Pen Chalet 장치산업 EclipseIP 2:15cv363 US Texas EclipseIP 2:15cv364 US Texas EclipseIP 2:15cv411 US Texas Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC Pro Source Performance Products Swanson Health Products Kingsgate Transportation Services 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 2:15cv156 US Texas Adt Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv157 US Texas Belkin International Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv158 US Texas Brickhouse Electronics Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv159 US Texas Cisco Systems 2:15cv160 US Texas CPI Security Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv161 US Texas General Electric Company

149 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv162 US Texas Honeywell International Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv163 US Texas Netgear 2:15cv164 US Texas Onstar Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv165 US Texas Panasonic of North America Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv166 US Texas Philips Electronics North America Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv167 US Texas Rain Bird Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv168 US Texas Sharp Electronics Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv169 US Texas Trane US Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv170 US Texas Toshiba America Electronic Components Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv171 US Texas Tyco Integrated Security Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv172 US Texas Uniden America Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv173 US Texas Vivint

150 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv174 US Texas Westec Intelligent Surveillance Rothschild Connected Devices Innovations LLC 2:15cv434 US Texas Phillips Electronics North America Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California A DATA Technology Co A DATA Technology (USA) Co Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Acer Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Acer America Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Tessera 3:15cv999 US California Novel point Tracking Centon Electronics Elipida Memory Elpida Memory (USA) InternationalPr oductssourcin g Group Kingston Technology Company Nanya Technology Nanya Technology USA PeripheralDevi ces&products Systems Powerchip Technology Promos Technologies Ramaxel Technology Smart Modular Technologies TwinMOS Technologies TwinMOS Technologies USA 6:15cv213 US Texas Chili's

151 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Novel point Tracking Novelpoint Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking Novel point Tracking SycamoreIPHoldi ngs SycamoreIPHoldi ngs SycamoreIPHoldi ngs SycamoreIPHoldi ngs Sycamore IP Holdings Sycamore IP Holdings Sycamore IP Holdings 6:15cv214 US Texas 6:15cv215 US Texas International Coffee & Tea Hilton Worldwide 6:15cv216 US Texas Hyatt Hotels 6:15cv217 US Texas Kfc USA 6:15cv218 US Texas Mastercard 6:15cv219 US Texas Opentable 6:15cv221 US Texas Starbucks 6:15cv222 US Texas StarwoodHotel s&resorts ManagementC ompany 6:15cv223 US Texas Uber USA 6:15cv224 US Texas 6:15cv262 US Texas 6:15cv263 US Texas 7 Eleven International BBVA Compass Bancshares Burger King Holdings 6:15cv264 US Texas Hotelscom 6:15cv265 US Texas McDonald's 6:15cv266 US Texas 6:15cv267 US Texas 6:15cv268 US Texas Redbox Automated Retail Doctor's Associates d/b/a Subway United Parcel Service of America 2:15cv238 US Texas ABB 2:15cv238 US Texas ABB 2:15cv240 US Texas 2:15cv240 US Texas 2:15cv240 US Texas ADVAOpticalN etworkingnort h America ADVA Optical Networking ADVA Optical Networking SE 2:15cv241 US Texas Anritsu Co 2:15cv241 US Texas Anritsu US Holdings

152 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Sycamore IP Holdings Sycamore IP Holdings Sycamore IP Holdings Sycamore IP Holdings Sycamore IP Holdings Sycamore IP Holdings Sycamore IP Holdings Sycamore IP Holdings Sycamore IP Holdings Sycamore IP Holdings Advanced Media Networks Advanced Media Networks Advanced Media Networks Advanced Media Networks AdvancedMedia Networks Advanced Media Networks Advanced Media Networks Advanced Media Networks Advanced Media Networks Advanced Media Networks Advanced Media Networks Advanced Media Networks Advanced Media Networks 2:15cv241 US Texas 2:15cv244 US Texas 2:15cv244 US Texas Anritsu Instruments Co HitachiCommu nications TechnologiesA merica Hitachi America 2:15cv244 US Texas Hitachi 2:15cv332 US Texas Ericsson 2:15cv332 US Texas 2:15cv333 US Texas 2:15cv334 US Texas 2:15cv334 US Texas 2:15cv335 US Texas 1:15cv131 US Delaware Telefonaktiebol aget LM Ericsson Menara Networks Transmode Systems Transmode Systems AB Xtera Communicatio ns United States Cellular 1:15cv142 US Delaware Sprint 1:15cv142 US Delaware 1:15cv142 US Delaware 1:15cv142 US Delaware 1:15cv142 US Delaware Sprint Communicatio ns Boost Worldwide Virgin Mobile USA Virgin Mobile USA LP 1:15cv142 US Delaware Clearwire 1:15cv142 US Delaware 1:15cv84 US R h o d e Island Clearwire Communicatio ns KVH Industries 3:15cv143 US California Viasat 3:15cv143 US California Livetv 3:15cv143 US California 8:15cv408 US Kansas JetBlue Airlines Harris CapRock Communicatio ns

153 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Advanced Media Networks 8:15cv408 US Massachuse tts Harris Advanced Media Networks 8:15cv408 US Massachuse tts Transocean Advanced Media Networks 8:15cv408 US Massachuse tts Royal Caribbean AdvancedMedia Networks Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies 8:15cv408 US Massachuse tts 1:15cv71 US Delaware Carnival Jaguar Land Rover North America 기타산업 6:15cv239 US Texas AT&T Mobility 장치산업 6:15cv240 US Texas Sprint Spectrum LP 장치산업 6:15cv241 US Texas T Mobile USA 장치산업 6:15cv242 US Texas 6:15cv244 US Texas 6:15cv245 US Texas 6:15cv246 US Texas 6:15cv247 US Texas CellcoPartners hipd/b/averiz on Wireless Motorola Solutions Redtail Telematics Webtech Wireless (USA) Global Tracking Communicatio ns 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 6:15cv253 US Texas InTouch GPS 장치산업 6:15cv256 US Texas 6:15cv257 US Texas 6:15cv258 US Texas Leica Geosystems Navman Wireless North America Raven Industries 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업

154 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Rothschild Location Technologies Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC 6:15cv259 US Texas Spireon 장치산업 6:15cv260 US Texas Glympse 장치산업 6:15cv261 US Texas Lyft 장치산업 2:15cv369 US Texas Adt 장치산업 2:15cv370 US Texas AT&T Digital Life 장치산업 2:15cv370 US Texas AT&T 장치산업 Script Security Solutions LLC 2:15cv371 US Texas Centurylink 장치산업 Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC Script Security Solutions LLC 2:15cv372 US Texas Comcast 장치산업 2:15cv372 US Texas Comcast Broadband Security 장치산업 2:15cv373 US Texas DEI Holdings 장치산업 2:15cv373 US Texas DEI Sales 장치산업 2:15cv374 US Texas 2:15cv375 US Texas FrontPoint Security Solutions Lifeshield Security 장치산업 장치산업 2:15cv375 US Texas LifeShield 장치산업 2:15cv375 US Texas Directv 장치산업 2:15cv375 US Texas 2:15cv376 US Texas 2:15cv377 US Texas DIRECTV Group The Monitronics International Protection One Alarm Monitoring 장치산업 장치산업 장치산업 2:15cv378 US Texas SimpliSafe 장치산업 Orostream 2:15cv248 US Texas ABS CBN International Orostream 2:15cv249 US Texas AOL Orostream 2:15cv250 US Texas Barnesandnobl ecom Orostream 2:15cv251 US Texas Fox News

155 원고명사건번호특허번호관할법원피고산업분류 Network Orostream 2:15cv252 US Texas Gaiam Orostream 2:15cv253 US Texas MediaNaviCo Orostream 2:15cv254 US Texas Orostream 2:15cv255 US Texas Orostream 2:15cv256 US Texas Orostream 2:15cv257 US Texas Orostream 2:15cv258 US Texas MLB Advanced Media LP NFL Enterprises NHL Interactive Cyberenterpris es Popcornflixco m RLJ Entertainment Orostream 2:15cv259 US Texas Target Orostream 2:15cv260 US Texas Vevo Orostream 2:15cv261 US Texas WWE Orostream 2:15cv262 US Texas Zuffa


157 참여인력 편찬기관 I 특허청 서을수과장산업재산보호정책과 강현지사무관산업재산보호정책과 이미옥주무관산업재산보호정책과 주관기관 I 한국지식재산보호협회 조국현 본부장 경영기획본부 박경진 팀장 연구기반팀 추여진 주임 연구기반팀 전은지 사원 연구기반팀

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